THE DUNN DISPATCH » * _ LHTNN, N.C. WednmUay.jUjr «lh, l»U >0< 0 til Ji ATlON IO HK ABOUT * LAO i.'M.V—i AKKANZAS RKFUSAl. I'r AN XltMSUl L tax felrt XI Kli b.liiN HIT U.NK IN’TRRKSI. • • ur-hingimi. May 4. Ow.fral Car mi - ami '.hr Loiialliulionaliata lo. •I.*, !.••»»• piMi’lii ally eliminated from ' if- |*,'insf mgr »n (l.c three South Air v. inn* envoy ft who have under lakvi to *<i|\c Ihi Mexican problem l*> %l |ih MMi-y. Jn a telegram t » .1*1 al Tuuanr.-.* the moduilm* »i«-iaiii n| that, in view of his lefu*ul o 4|’iiff lo mi uimsUt-e vjih ii(!n* el.i Tnvri.1, they withdic* 'heir m. kUi.tiiiu to him to M«ivd 4 jrviaonal ep.x'Nvntatlve to participate in the iii»*«|i«iii*>i* pro. eediny ’J he :uc.lmLirfc in Id ih* Coualitu Uiiimlii*t li-io'cr that as 'on^ a* h« 11..untamed h)rf present altitude ihev ••»‘1M ilrrlitii* 10 tirur with him. tivi.viai t •ii'iuuv had inquired in .1 note In |h* envoys what subject* a * pec hi J representative might be i«quitsni to Jimruh*., nut that 1! ihi x;eiferal problem of pacifying N.exico Wei* L* In* approached he t «>i;ln Uni uulhuii/.r any one lo |M*r. lb quin* in the orgdlialiunM. lie ieiu>ruti«l Unit hi* would cor UKi«i tu nitr I'lation widy mi the incidenta which had orouynt ;i v«*n'loveray ’*!■*! wcott the Unileii Stale* and Mexico” Hold mg shat hv wa* Ihr Toiiftiuitionall) | rhoiiM leader lo whom complaint about the .nwuit at Tampico an.) •ii Her ntfenars originally should have been made. No . AltliANKA UKI'ICKSKNT*. TTVfc In their tcibriain tonight the med uilur* .{uuu-d i ttfimiu’* bal not* lo them un Maying that a* tong as hr j maintained that tiilude they must de elm* to receive a rcpriM*ntutive from j h»n* they I'uuU l.ot separate th« • r.itde'il* Ml TunipKO und elsewhere which had Li ought about friction 1 *el ween thr I f jilted Stales and Vlex iixi unr* the from lhv subject | of |i&cif)*i»ig Mexico. ka*l»er ••• ihr day «l tfecuuic known that, m \.cw» of the unyielding at titud* i»f Lhr ( onatitutionahstM mid. iniiou vuluuly would be limited lo lhr arrant of American marines at I ampicu and oilier offense* which had hi >ught the liiirna Gocvrnment unj lha I riled States to the \i-rge wnr. Suggestions that General f'arranta »i igl- . hu.igr ms altitude after he look Saltillo brought no comment from liM’ul representatives of the t «»iislilulienalixlu. Th»* language of Urn telegram sent In iJK • i.ilot.i lea?** open Ut Gar ran xa, hwi vi* . tti4. privilege of sending u k|u .-uil representative to purtiri. pate in pware negotiations whenever lie is willing U» arrange an armxtiic with Huerta. 'Ihis now turn in event*, ended, in the view of many oiliviala, the chance of -olving the entire Mexican prob •em immeliulrly, though it did not iesaeti ihr **i,lhu>uxn\ of the med iator-*, who will continue their uf foil s to nol\i the difference* between lion in and I lie United States, which i'irartly brought about the present c» isU, Mexican developments moved to day with un evident lenaene** in the diplomatic and the military situa tion. The South American media lots held ihicv aciaione, stating th-ru Secretary Itryan that General Hu erta hud named L>e Millo Rabaxa, an eminent Mexican jurist, and Augus tin Giinta, under secretary of justico ua two of hia dolcgntaa to confer with the medmtur*. Mry Bryan did •i.d confer with th* mediator* at to the uppolntmcnt of American dele The length of the envoy'll confer ence wiili Secretary Rryan led to l he l*1irf that something madr was • w<l thun the mere matter of • anus of delegates and that tonus of the crucial question* won* being approach**!. While no ofRcial nn iirtunireorit was mad*, it was gen et ally understood that m a result of I hr unyielding altitude of the Con stitutlomilist*. mediation for the time being would l> limited to the flag oi Tampico, on which I •resident Wll muiV couisc was Jiuiiflid by the joint resolution of (!ongrr"&. IMJERTAS UEtiPERATF CONDI TION Reports of the desperate condition •»| Huerta at Mexico City continued to circulate and with such cirrum atanlial detail Com authentic ftourc on !•“ to leave no doubt on that floor*. At the nine time the military as pect of the situation *g*m became increasingly prominent. Cenerat Purislon reported renewed demand* by Mexican Federal outpost" for the mui render of the waterworks supply ing Vera i’ru*. No shote were Ared ami the Mexicans fell beck, hut flen rral Funaton voiced the prevailing spirit In military quarters In inquir ing us to the stepa the United States contemplated In view of th* threat ••ping "bastion Secretary Oarrlaon conferred with hi- military chief*, hut "aid no fur ther orders had l*een give* for the movement of troops and none are contemplated during the noedi klHil., !'he fourth o« sixth l>r>uude «m me SumihI th\ laion of Ihv Annj with headquarter* ut Tfiiu t. ity. i» j iviah and kuultl IimiiiJ the four hum* | |*"i\ due Lack ul Galveston i.hJii) I if ’M.>re luni|iN arc lu-cJr'I. MhMt'u 1 | | \ MttSSAGk Mind llial Huerta i<* in 'Jcepmil* ^Iruila cam* f:«*iu many ••uniters. '*ne c’-i»|M»uh .loin u r»»rciK . Minis Ivr at Mcxr.xi City Mud bnerty «»r [In. ri la: “IhnUtislli JVspeiuCu, hid i.\. „ •k'lMila." A out her :!•»..u*h diplom.iii .-han uel- Mrxiio l i*.y •• *t ly i|Uh i tiaduy. Still unol'im nTail ed tt. ihv doubtful uid'.bJv vj i!k 11 l.eietoforc b.>ui l.. Huerta. Iiil'utmotion a!i?.< came (hnl tin- i|«iai rels between General blu/njiivt, Min i-ivi ol War, and H.ivitu, miyiit bun* blan«|uit to th- I rout in .-u»« of Hu. vMu*a fall, math in Hunt* rue al tar the Mod.-r.. kcciflic and the Iia Iji*< movement. The Kritiah Minister at Mexico City notified ihv State iK-purlmerit that Ana-nuin* thetv wvie •». no way hmusred ur in dongri, hut ihut hr advised them to iTiram in clone quti trrx mid avoid demount nation* until lliey ruukl leave. The aituation at Mexico t ity *a\« added of of Jo*, train I ioku from Caiiiahati. It was l**lieved that hi* teal post wan to be Mmotler of t*or«i|(ii Affairs i* in di rect line for J'rvffcJriit under the Mexian constitution, so that this vri.uld hi in* to suirrsviuii a mjii ra- ! yarded U« |Miticularly .Ironir in | ‘nw Hue* la diss|*|esri<<i fmm ihr scene. Caaaua wo* JorincHy Mexi «*an AriiDAnhstiur ul Ws.thiiirlun and truow wnu Know him well, inrlading some nf the medial or*, spoke m high j Icnil* of hi* f*Ujvi> ti»l the foreign Minisli y and lhe pre*i«l***»t»al rur. cession at this Juncture. NO KKCOONITIOV The understanding that the media, tor* would limit their rtf oil* for the time beinr to tfw* settlement of ihr Tampico uicidenl which i» le^mtilili* for the American* being in \'ei.« t’ru* have practically given up hope I •»f interesting lhe < on*tilulionall*ts < • the first rluges, hut also hast «it ur. mil cu iu postpone cu** *id*;fj,»s*i . of any definite plana for the wu Ming ik' dispute hetwecii Muarta 1 and the United states. Ry (h,n p;a erriure tho mediators would avoid the problems of n «iua*i-recognition of liueila or of the elimination of the Mexican die tutor ar.d condition* precedent lo mudlutton whiih diplo matic skeptic* were curlier mire would sioik the n«gv»luiUOn* at the very outset. A simpler pioblem, that of Ih*. dc grer and nature of amend* lo !w offered U|* Hurt la for the miwiiict of his gencial* and sul-ordinal** at Tampico und Vera Crux, would tie for madialor* to solve and tuma in thiA preliminary effort would n»n tvibute greatly lo the ehuneen of working out a general settlement of the Mexican imbroglio. The mediator« etpreesed wtlisfac lion with the da s'*. of men chosen by llurrta as his delegate* to confer with them. The appointment of the Rubaxu brings a big man into the proceeding*. He is one of the* clos •*l advisers of (General llucrlu mi! It hx* l»een *a»d in Memo that he was in the combination with Ilaeitu und Felix Duz which disposed of the Madcro Government. The other Huerla delegate, Senor Garza, i« a young lawyer, secretary to the vicr president under Porfirio (>io2. The mediator* will continue In complete charge of ih« plan* of set tlement and will not take the del egnte* from the different potties in to any genera) council with Ihcni. TU. .UU^.,4. 'll V _ I 1. • era, while lb* three South Ameri can envoy* will contribute (he inter national tribunal trying to work out the problem. Secretary Bryan cxpreaaeii aatia. faction today with the Mediation proceeding*. He went to lh« White lloune for a confvrvnc* with Prcal deni Wilnon during which the atata* uf the mediation end the Moxlcnn aituation generally wa* gone over. Tho only word from I'arranxa dar ing the day wa* an iwiuiry from him to the mediatora aa to juft what function- the delcrata, which they had naked farranxn lo name, would luive. He d**ired to know Iwfoiv ■turning »och u delegate Ju«t what power* he would axetrlrv oiul that they would not be extended to deal Inga between Huerta and Carran** which, according to the (Vjnrtitution allat leader** poailion, *ro entirely outride the *eopc of the mediator-' work. PRESIDENT TO BROOKLYN rluring the dny H w** »nnouncrd that |Veeelrnt Wilaun planned to go to Brooklyn on Monday nod meet the Montana, which la bringing Imrk the bodie* of the American marine* killed at Vera ('rut aral deliver an addrea*. Should publlr lierinr** rv quire Ihe continued prenerr* of the (Continned on ta«l page) [ (IFt'KIt TO I- II.H I' HMTKll I HT.l I KS KKIKI'I Kll HI t ILL.V I - | lv CfRrril Vlaan' Kr^ii' ». Krbrl I .coder s9h>»* < )|jpuwil but imiivii. i'Uvxico. May I. (via El j l*u. o, l« \i« •, Muy ft)—T he imxwvr | «»f Iiki, I iohomo Villa to u i«i|Ov«l , l 1*0111 I V«Jv> wl 1 *rl*Vl III MjHi ||| «viu* muml of (lie SuUillo uai i i/Miu, that \ dla jai* '.I'*- Knlmli, uvctiyini' th«* \ine: ii-rtn in i C|i;aioii of YVru i I- • i*, *n:l ui*liv«* »• I ivi thr l**iticraI Hi «/*<r*ei» v«Mjuy Iipiu'imI t lb refused ubmlulcly l*» ally h»i m r or Ini toon with the ► nl«*itiIs mnl that the Hu vtli-lua had inni'itol foreign ml«r veiitoni lor l h« u own cnil* <,kd> %»i;d M..un" l» llv» said that in addition occupying Vki j Ci iu tiic p**rl of .Salma i ur had been seized by the Unite I Slius form Apiil 28. UKMKIIAL MAAS* REgUjiffT » It** MnaV letter suiij in p*it: •*l have revivn1 It.di uclituts to notify the • nulalionwiy chief* ihit American • i.UTWiitmn in Mexico it. an lutviuplnlwi! fftet. The Unite J sutci by thc Norta have committed i a gruv* uifeu*e uyair.ct >Jexl< u by1 dlMemlmrWiiii: lioopa m Vera Crux on April 21 i.inl uy Liking similar oetior at So'ina Crux two day* later. 1 h:x action itm«btulni the mlention of war And thin ie lha aupicmv mom cnl hi call on tlir pulrioliniti of nil Mexican* Ut piesenl a united front “nil for tret our difference* in the :i.ien*e love of a country of which We oie poaaaaaaU We • an emmrier ih* enemy © an u foreigner, who >n the moat unjust and iirnotlc man. • »ei tills *tcp|irii |i|*tt. fh,. hi |y noi| o; uur la*hell:.nd. **MV therefore cull upon vour bioihet* lit ruily to lha common uuw fo« thv defense of the National in you* posit mu than in lh* uu>c ali Mc.\ko, tl.ul we can march to. r.rtlwr ofi the iiivailiiiv \ ankefr .** VILLA S REPLY i»eccr;.l Vtliu’s mutwrr in part, fj. lows: **l know (hat the ceDtirtraa, hy I v»r,„us up to this time. ' hove nought to bring uU til North ! American intervention In Mexico It i% known without dohut that the I loming of the American* wa« deaired I ’* £*!**« •«k#ad 1.J Oli . TLv T*Jui '•«*' 1 In whirh j uj -finVC c xciunl intei I trouble*, i* clear In oil th*. wodd. “Genera Huerta a ml you did not show mai< h wiadont when you Were converted into instruments of the and brought about the n%. on of l*re«idr».l Miidcro. vire-prciufsnt Sam at and olhrf | lil**ml Idemocrat*, bccouae you did nc.t itvitlire that the blood of the hrroes who Htartrd Ihc democratic movement in 1910 would rauac a rivil war thul would bail in y.»ur um. “Now you ilrsire lo protok* u f. I'iifit war to save yoursrlvue from the di*»NUr coming from the civil •XHlflicl. "The CuratitutiunaluU dcair# to do all jy>Hail»lr compatible with (ho National digoily t». ovoid h foreign war, but if we aie not aide to avoid it, w# will fare two rtictiiiea, the powerful Htrui.bcr and the depraved com pat riots." OTHERS JOIN IN UKKUSAL Chihuahua, Mexico, May Jt—(#e«. o»“ul Obiegrm. commanding lhr di vision of the Noilhweat of the rebel ui my; lien. I'al.lo Gnnxnlc*. com inutaiing lhr Noi thrust division: Gen *»ml Pmifibi No-ena, commanding the Gentml division: General Pubcllem •■omrrandtng the besieging force* at Tampico atid others, I lave refuted l>l op«'H*l* that they untie with I be Nwieuilft to re|>el an Aroeiican imdU | nlon. • \|*T|I|»M» STII.l, AND anti UAI. LONX () KBKKK IVputy Collector* H. (I. (Iulley (tf the lotnl revenue nfliiv, and llepuly K. W. Edward*, of Ucndecaon, have returncsl frum HariK'tl county whar* Satuiday mmntny Ihey raptured a big topper still ami tight hundred gullotia of beer. Along with the Mg haul they secured a large nomlicr of atensils and implements used in the manufacture rrf blockade whiskey. In lh<- lot werc two copper worms uml ten fermenUri*. .rial 10 hurdielx of meal. The still was is the Spoat Bpiing* "ectioil of llarnctt county. In the ■ome Ideality whero llaputy Marshal Hr ore wmr shot nod serbrosly wound, cd several year* ago. The men were on duty forty-eight Honrs from the time when they started on the hunt until Ihey letnrr.ed to th0 Hty aial Iny ii wort news the still for sivtern Ilnur a. The still was ready to be (•printed, hut the owner never did return to rnmplrt, hi* day's work. Mondoy's News smt Observer. The Huns llanrl furnished moale for th0 commencement .t four Oaks Tuesday. 'PHo annunl address was delivered by llov. J A. Campbell, of Bute's Creek, who made aa inter, eating talk to the larg, crowd of spec Is tors The r kiting taereisea attcoclvd a large number of people front all sections of the romity. | <'OMM KMKM KNT EXMKLSES AT IHJkB L>dku, N. C., May 4.—T>w coro 1 iiM'uivmciH vwrcikui of TTc” fhjka I dialled rtcbool arete hold Fruity tf. I tarnonn in lilt Erwin Hall and con sisted in ■ program of nmg, ■wrvh r«. rarknUoiiB, rlc., in eskleh all the ttradoe look |iart. Mr. E. S. Yar brough was Matter of ftira— and Ik* exercise. werr»w td with piuyer by Krv. K. jBtcjldham. l«*U)r of the Kiipljat church. Im mediately ofin tha e»en inw the lirixee fur aiu-ia'anca, of vblclfthai, were I wanly awarded. Fnarcmem lieis of one family had not mvaad a day sinre -chool star ted. TSi%rhol. aisnip nrcalal offered by Hi Thus H. Webb for the highest avc Tge made during the yeai uU wort. Wgc Wun by Kabor. Womack ItadT /rank t ulbreth pn-aenlrd the dm dal. AH l”t « nt were melted to .MK the mini ami inspect iJm work done Ity the dHTorcnt pnob* This work would do rredil to any nr bool in the stale. The school under the lud> principal, Mian Jeui* Smith, bus had u eery prosperous yAr. and the utU'ifdunro has lioen exaellent Several months during the term the attendance was Vi per cant, of the enrollment. Saturday night tha night school hold Iheir evrrciaes. This night school ia among the beet in the State und ia doing a wonderful work. Mairied iryen and aosaen who havn i-onie to Lhikc to seek a liveli hood and were unable to read and write, here have attended the night School and are now able te enjoy the newspapers and trooka and write led let a, etc. And the moa are m. abletl to cost votes. The school • lasted ail years a|ro with hut one teacher und a very small attendance This year the enrollment was past on, hundred and two l car he re were re nil re.1 to do the work. ihkikii I MKKTINC OF U. I). C HKI.II at i>r.\N, x. c. 'I he . nstnet Meeting of *he United Ihirg -ten of the I oufrdensey. inelod ■"If chuptci* from IHtUliorn, Ulting. tun. I-ouslburtr, Raleigh, iadthfleld. Selma and Dunn, was *ntc<tainod by ‘ hni.. Chapter of Hum. N. C„ <Apri| amh Chapter* h. • tag some i..-. L r - !i—•— - eiLt - boro. l>r legates chapter' uswmblol at the opera 1 foil* at 4 I’. >1. fill business and tie.* /uUewing program was i nub-red: I. America. J. In vocal mu, by Rer J. H. In .rr. ", Aililreao of Welcome from liie Toi.ii, by Mtv G. K Grantham. I. Addrr** of Welcome from Chi rum t lie pier, by Mr*. I. F. Hicks f». Response, by Mrs |*o I). Hurt •i. Addre*« by KtaU Preaidcnt, Alls. Mai shell Williams. c. Song: "lore's Surrender," by Mr*, r. I.. II. Young. A. Reading of Report* from the Chapters. Paper on Fraternal Relations, yb Mr*. J. C. Layton. 10. lilxle. Meeting adjourned to assemble at Selma in I91A. In Mr. tirunlham's address inter eating historical data ess brought out—lhe Hmithvill* Memorial Aten eist ion, a mother of Ch icons Chapter, was organized in 1M7 and a monu. men I. wus erected by them at Chico r* Cemetery (Aserushoro H tile field j in IA72. Memorll services being hel.l there every year line* I8«i. A reeejdinn was tendered the vis itors by Chieera Chapter at the spa cious home of Mrs N. A. Townsend which lent itself beautifully for lha occasion. Much interest was added to the occasion by the presence of our bril liant .State Preaidcnt. BRINGING DEAD HOME Vera Our, May S.—Tha bodiei of seventeen American bluejacket# and marine* killed In the It reel lighting during the operation! accompanying the occupation of Vera frn by the United Stale* fleet ttartad on their way to New York today, on board the rrui«er Montana, Solemn honor! were paid by the great aatemblapc of United State* and foreign war ve**ol* a* the Montana departed. The rmn of the warahipa in full uniform lined the tide* of the war *hip* a* the Montana reachad each one. the men ataod. at attention, the marina guard* praaented arm* and the ship'* lland* played. On# by one the color* of the Aghtlng craft sank b» half maat. On abort daring tha Montana'* paaang# out of th. harbor, the flag over Brigadier Genera) Frederick Kunaton'* headquarter* wa* half masted and wa* only rained again when the re*eel had Jiaappeared on the horiaon. The ho*(d«al «hip Solace. with •bout 100 airk and wounded, might anil northward later thi* week. All the men under treatment on lieard are ilolag well Envy li like the mat of Iron; it wear* away the envloua. Arabic ! WILMON NAM KM MEN ON HE. SERVE UOAKO—K1V E MU1 KtUIS TO SKKV'K I NDK.K THE NEW CUKKKNCV I.AW, Al*. I'OINTEU. Washington, May 4,—president 1 Wllion tonight luiJ a'ltdrd lb- five - men whs, ImjMi.iv vnlh the Meciv lary of IVvusuiy, W. G. McAiiou, um) rhs Com pi ioiUt of lbs furrenry, iohn Fkeiiou William*, arc to rum. po-<e the IrAisl IUn*ivc lUiu'd. All of Ihows ackvled had not yet iirrupted, mo formal unnnimcement will not be made for another day or l wo. Tlie men to whom the P«e*u Jvot huk otTem1. places air: KUrhaud (Mm*y of BusUm, Main , former He< rotary of HluU under President Cleveland, to be Governor «f the Hoard. Paul Moritx Wart>urg) of New I Yuri, momljet o/ the (tanking lirm ! of Kuhn, IsOeb A Co. Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago, view, preside lit of the Union Trust ; t o in pan y of Chicago, and former President and of tha Unit ed giatea Caamiirr of ('uNunrl-rv, W. F. G. Harding, of Birmingham, Ala., president of the First National Hank oi Itir mingtiam, sod one of tbv leading bankers of the Mouth. TUB FIFTH MEMBEi: Ih, Adolph Caspar Miller of Han Francisco, now aaaistar.i to ro tary Lane of lhe Interior Ikpart ment. is an economist ami authority i on Rmuce. The no;nu alK>r will In went to the Banal# in a few days. As yet Messrs Olncy and Harding have not ind» | rated whether or not they will accept Upon the new board will develop the Lank of setting in motion the hanking *yalem of the country thru I the 12 regional bank* already select TWjr ala# con*tllut«r u icru'emln* l*oan1, whirh in yi\eti vt idc powrr to refukl# the 12 lnuiks uiul iwuc cur- , rwtvrJT. The l^nrmdetii had told hin frmtlft that he re^aiUed Uic menv bertkip of live board e*ioally irnport ant a» that of the Supreme Court of the United State*. Thr lYtlidenl 1* very muivii lh*t Olney accept, and bad a (tomonal tepiearnlalive in Boston today urjr 1n* him to do ao i'he Iwproaaion ..riN»nf many paraon* bore, however, <\(n that Mr fVvv would drrluw, ** *• idt • • J • -*n utioi^jniI i,» Great Britain, on account ofnis old | »K« Should Mr. Olney decline, it is be lieved Mr. Harding or Mr, Warburg will I nr rhoscr U> hear) Ihr board, but this will not lie determined until dell idler word roner from the first choice SBIJClTlON OK MEMBERS While the White House dHl not make any aniiuuiireiiient*, |u.tiumi* cluae b> the President ronhnned the names of the first four men alovr mentioned, and discussed freely the principle* which had guided the I‘maiden t in making h» choice. lie wterted men from New England, Now York, the Middle WenL, Sooth und Pacific Coast, they said, so as In con form with the provisions of the new law, which specify that no two mem tiers of the new bourd shall come from the same regional reserve ilia. trlrL The I Test dent, secluding tu tho*, who we.e in his confidence when he made his selections, was guided by no political considerations, seeking to gel the beat bankers und business men available. White llouac nlliciala did not know the names of | th, men mentioned exept that Messrs Olney snd Harding were Democrats and thoy believed Mr, Wsrburg we* a Republican. Mr. Wheeler is a Re publican and close friend »f former President Taft. An apparently authentic report wa* in circulation let* in the day that Willim Denman, of San Fran cisco, a close friend of 8ecreotry lane, was the Pacific Coast member hut this was denied by While House officials. WHO THEY ARK Mr. IMney w«« particularly lenird f for I ha poaition of Governor of the lmartl becaune of hie legal training and Ma familiarity with the hunlnew* world. He in 7R year* old and wua Attorney (irnoral of I hr United Slate* front IRflU to IHR6 and Ilian Secretary of State until 18S7. Mr. Whaoler I* to yearn oUl, 11* I ha* l<een a hanker ntoni of hi* life. I He hn* heon general eecrvtary of lha I Chicago Association of Commerce, wa* appointed hy l*re*kfent Taft in 1*11 a member of the rommleaion on aeeond dans mail matter and ha* haen president of the Credit Clear ing lloue* of Chb-ago. Mr. Harding ■* Ml year* old and i* looked upon a* one of the trading banker* of the South. He la a man of large income and wtmc of hi* friend* hare d.Ailitcd whether he would *e\>r connection with hi* bank Ike FI rat Mutional of Ob-mtagham, which I* nerweeory under iho law. in onler to accept I he H z.fKin post Paul Morlta Warburg la U year, old, waa bora in Hwmlmrg, Germany and after graduating from the Uni varsity there, received a homines* training with a llamhurg commis sion Arm. In ISM he entered hi* father** banking Arm M M War burg A Co., founded in 17!#l by life gieat graudfalher, to study the ru ui incuts ol banking. In Juul be be came a uiemlsrr of the municipal council of Hamburg, taking an arliie part in in, ctcation of the Longt* of Hanks and Rankers. He nuitisi to Xea York in IPHi to l<r r.nnc partner hi the linn, of Kuhn, • —C-b A t U. II Art NOT HKKN UPHilAU-Y NOTIFIED A . I*. G. Harding, of llirnxng hum, site i> announced as an ap pointee to Hie Prderal Reserve Board loss not yet received formal notice of his appointment. Mr. Harding .tilted tonight that in sis.etur of definite advice on the subject he woubl prefer 1U with bold c niintehl. Doctor Millet's svicilKm veils in', eon Ur mail until late tonight although the name* of the other Tour won known throughout the day. Dr. Miller, woo is 4b years ohi, hold. .. professorship m finance in Ui, Uni. v entity of California. Since voicing •« Washington he bus been at- inti mate adviser of Secretarin McAdOo and Houston, of the organization 1 oiinuittee of ihc Federal Reserve Ussnl, Secretary Houston was enc of the men ihr President wanted to ;i!a.s on the board. but he aid not wish to make any change. in hie Cabinet. OI.NEY MAY tCOT ACCEPT Hoatoo, May 4. Ka stnlensenl was furthcoming from Richard Olney to. nigh: irgarding his appoiii'.insic. nr govcinot of the Vedeial Reserve Hoard, but an intimata frirr.d stated thai there was Utile doubt that lit ney would decline Advanced yean ami buainea* interests were believed to he far Lor. entering Into this de lusion. REX RATH A TENT PRESIDENT WILiMJK RESTS THIS SI MMER Waukitigvon, ll. C.. May #.-A large lent hat lawn erected in the flower garden, aouth of the While Houat, and it in expected Uiat Prami dent Wilton will trannact much of hit Undue** during hot day* beneath ita cool that'e. Th# long executive program map. ped out for Congre**, together with the Meairun problem, make i| prob tbl* that the President will be un able tu go away few a real vacation Ul.i‘1 late In the *ni<wner. BENhtlN HIGH SCHOOL COM. MENCEMF.NT program Thee hieing exercise* of Benor.. High School begin* Sunday morning. May loth, with the burcalaurcalr :-cm.nn, which will be preached by Rev ■ H. K. Ellinwood, pautor nf Hamlet prcKbyterian church, in the rcltooi auditorium at 11 o’clock. Wedneeday night, the primary grade*, uialcr Uta direrlinn* of Mm. 1 Aina Toler and Mim Eldridge. will render an iiiiercating program. Th intermediate grade*, with UUaea Canaday and Jone* and Mr*. .1. R. McLoimb, in charge, arid give their exerriae* Thuruday avealng. The titulary addrexe* and graduating t-xerchae* will take place Friday morning und nr Friday afternoon n game of Nill will bf played und th* l>M<la»m#r » contest. The exorcists will dose Friday m*ht with an In* (trrftlinfr program Uy the lilemry iu. I t ime* and th# music and expression rlsmes. Me VMTHUR KUTK Rl'IT UK El. Y TO EM Ik TODAY Payettevllle, May 4.—The Keuton McArthur trial I* still dragging in It* slow length along, all of today ho. Ing i-nnsumed in the continuation of argument, which will be concluded tomorrow, when Judge Rountree will charge the jury and they will tike the cane. The speeches on Imth side* have been able and the courtroom crowded, a large part of the aadt rnre being ladies. The city election was held here to lly unit the entire Democratic liek I et, headed by J. II. M.-Neill, for Mayor, wu* rlertad without opposi ' tlon. PtWCHT HI.4tOlil.Ef4S OH El. Paris, May 1.—Joseph Cadleux. ex minister of finance, end Fernand |l*. Aillierei. hia opponent la the runrnt elect ion to the chamber of deputies, fought a idoodleae duel Inday with pistol*. M. li’Ailliert* IIred twice at his adversary, but neither shot found it* mark. M OoilliioX fired in the air. The duelist* stood 2f» pace* apart. The encxmntcr look place in the Pnri* de Prinreaa. WAMNIKO HI IHRUEIi AOAINHT AI.I.HOED (.'Hit*H of I’EU.AORa Washington, It. r.. May I.- The puhlir health service today Issued u ' warning against «v*alled "pellagra rare*." Thi* service teports that epeeimana of cures advertised throughout the Southern At ale* bare been analysed and nothing In the preparations has any value In the treatment of pellagra. j Y. *i V. V. RAILWAY ; v nr miration ( MiuiuoM h«iwrn la Aliura*) Criwral bnOvit—.\v rinding* liivra. Uaiviyti, May 1,-llg lixjM.tV.iva * inian-olon iiar.*milivtt to Ar.vr: vy (Itnrrul I. Vk\ lU(M'.t Inlay fur «vu j d» ik» Uuivn I) lit cvii.fl.iak.oii a* to | ilw imi>n*Lp, no..- nod parlitiot. of th* t at* i M.r aid Vadki.'i V alloy j Huilruud. ! I ho ooimi iurlun tail ova ov*. that the loo. o'.not of th* tail IxyikiatoV* on.ioi ivhlcn .hi- itivtotiyutUn. m. na*« v, lliv.el* din*. L* :ho taking of vud.-n.-c »itlio.ii n^u:rb|i ar.y «a. in enroot of opinion .vnim.r oi 'I. Tto n«ix now «':ll I* in* ilv,1 nn. 01 *1# I'li'i.t)- (ivurrftl a* • io a hot ho; tL* evict lot* a ill atit* ' nun taking tlto inoitor ic In* !tr.ii*g Sint** .*1-1 ui Attomrjr f*r him to ; ir.-tkote Keueml prOi**di:.y* fix -Jv* i uut.u!tn*nl of th* mi!* a:.d partition | u» in violation of ih. Shot rvan anti, irun art. h ir italwrvtoml that At* lorn*) tiitx'ral Ifo-kwl. a.11 go 1« j for* th* Ait-.iney l.*n*ru' of lh* Yllltm S ulin Old auk for ilk fcdor -I pi o coding and thui AUurixy A. I.. h:ook.. of Ur**n*hori., aha Inin . . Ion arlivr (o Ih* nrvjring of ir.* rrooiutMMi uod in ih* h.-arn.p vtrfvt* the rvniii.ii!..o', ».|| ko with >1«. [ Bivkrti to Vi .i.liinyvon to pivo* lh« iiCi-ooni-.y ■*.:■ the |UC«M| 'jrig to !io iiiriuiivr.. 'I Ilv too-'. import u;-t wiliurMi tkabi j inoti by thv rorpoialilO ivni when* ciidorco in detail i« titiVinum to I the At'.oiooy (li .ivral l**i: Hairy LSaltvin o[ th* ovalnl of director* of tlx A'lar.tL- Court Lint. Capl. J. " Yry, woo war l*r*«id«i.i and iiii.nayvr of thr oiii Cup* Poor urjf 1 Volli-y Railroad, nd V. I.. Ky *, fumoily traffic r of ■ hut like. me irvuu w tv M)ir»cv in a i iiuirht'l!, wax tm.; prior to iIm r«~ | i-rivcrvhip thvrr wax uu utmranl led wren the Cap* Fear A Yadkin | Valley ami th, Norfolk A WmIwi for connection* aid extcuwor.a for i it ter alula tralli, xc.arpiy run'.petitttr* I with l-oth the Seuiuen. and Atlantic i Coart line; that thi# war allowed 10 dapxe after Uia Norfolk A Western pjnJtnaed tar Roanoke Win aum Sa lem lino and that there waa the re rrlverahip Mile of the Cap* Fear A . Yadk-ni ""w and pwMaa Harder I n mu,stance# claims,, u. Jlu-'K on . luvior. la-tween the two U'Ht to rw itrain competition. The evidence taken rhowa that aoon ofUr the Cap* Krar A Yadkin Val ley defaulted in INkl ^he Atlantic Court I ex urd th, Southern Rail way. or their predecem-orx appoint**1 .-..niuilUrt* la Baltimore ami Near York to lay up ftrrt mor-timy* bond* • of I be C. I', k V. V.. neither, it wu« raid. iH-iny pwar* that lit* other I war lai> mu. Findir.y tha; lV>a war the care. Chaim u> Curry Walter* for the Coaxl Tim* ui.b President Spencer for the SujiherT. formed an uyivcmei.t to co-op, rate In the bond ! purckaxe* and to briny alnu; ilie rat* of the road in t»" divisions. Thi* Federal Judye Simonmn re furrd to ullvw. There were ryt*la j live acta prorurcil. »x]n-clall>. Iiy the ! Atlantic Cua>i lane to permit in an Indirect way the nl-ta'mlny of the i control; and thei tfc, iei-civ»r*hip I pjrcham; of the entile, Wiltmr.y i ton to Mount Airr. wax n.aiie arid th* Iiwmlisi: 1.1-cjrht ubujt Inter amler ctrctimctamcx detailed in th* evl | deuce. i nr mninnt-Hior. rtriter tout utt *v J klrftf «howcd that had th* pr*-r* reivrralitp plana of the Cap* F*ar ft I Yndkir. Vallry ui.d Norfolk ft W«at I am for uHtan.e l-**n prrfrr IcJ th* : Vlruir.ia KMltWuy rat** would hove Urn put Into effect at Walf.ut O.w* ar.J Winatnn-HaWts. and that th* pur* for uljiunee. either thlnukh cx tvnaioi. front Mount Aliy or thro-iph I tit* »** of th* lloanokr ft Smnhrrn diviainn purrhan*' l*y th* Noifalk I ft We-ntero, Wlnnon-Salcni to Mua ' tick*. V*.. it would have r*»tilt*d la •lionjf r-ienpeiitlo? with th* Soot hem Rmlwuy nnd th* Atlantic Court Mr* In r*»p*ct to tralUe to and from tha W*«t and u Frau l«tx-llt to North Carnllna from 111* rxtrnatve roal ininr* nerved hy the- Norfolk ft ' Wvutern. A«F.I» WOMAN CARI'BNTKR Kitndan. Muy 2. A mouin r*. re-iveil helv »»V» that Mr*. Kliaa Cor don, oik- of th* U-.-t known women of WoMtl-iptoo, N. C., in • raps'll* m»p*n’cr at (V< ymra old. .Mm. Ciuelon. who han eiutttverd all hut *i.* of li*r rhlhlrer.. *lk> include* th* 1*1* S*th Cordon, oi<w of th* moot inti*, filial InMlnnu men tnd polltlrlaru uf Oklahoma. rllml**d upon lh* roof 1 I of h*t two Merry home, in which eh* > | live* alone, and nailed on ehlnpl** With which to stop * leak, Th* re ' i pair wa* rhomotrhly mad*, after i which th* ntlght. yray.hatred woman I patiently deeewnied to th* proond. Paemtehy who Mopped to wttaeia th* I *c*n* upptni.ded Mr* Cottton ha* ' for half a century b**n an honored citizen of the town. She It on* of It* mint iidi.Mrinu* r**ij*nt* at h*r rl|w apt-.

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