THE DUN V0L‘ 1____ Dunn, *• c ZEPPELIN AIRSHIP FLEET IN VADES ENGLAND Tireulk BaaririmKham, K Lai's Ljauv Croat! sad Bharrlaghasa ■e^ve Night Visit Press Gar ■»» Air BsWsra. London, Jan. 20.—2:25 a. m.—Gor man aircraft made their long threat mod raid on England last night and attempted to blow up with bombs, the King's royal raaidenco In San dringbam, county Norfolk. King Georgs and Queen Mery who haws stayed st Bandringham with their families, only yesterday re turned to London. It ia not definitely known whether the raiders were Zeppelins or aero planes. bat Zeppel ins ware reported yesterday as pairing over the North Boa In n weaterly direction, and some believe these were the raiders. The night was dark and cloudy, which mod# it possible for the peo ple In the town over which they passed to distinguish seen the out lines of the raiders, though the whirr of their propellers and the drou of their motora could be heard. A Zeppelin Is reported to have h«n hran#Kt flown tiv ■ ararahin al Haaetantoe, a few mllea north of Habjatka. ^ Bomba won dropped In Yarmouth. King's Lgrsa, Sandringham, Cromer, sberruif ham and B see ton. Every where, except ml Beaaton, casualties and damage t* property resulted. The first place visited was the widely known seaside resort and Ash ing town of Yarmouth. A man and a woman were killed, a number of persons were Injured, sad much damage to property was done to raiders. Their visit lasted Isas than ten minute*. Four or five bombs ware dropped in Yarmouth. When the attack be gan, the authorities hare instructions ghat all lights bo aztiaguishad and lgit precautionary measures taken. Few signs of peak ware ssen during Ike laid. Apparently the raider*, after vts ttfeur Yarmouth, flew over Cromer, where they dropped bombs, and then west to iIsghais gad Beaaton. Twe hawses wars dseti'njsd. The damage at Sandringham has not bean reported- It it known how ever. that the royal, palace was not harmed. A bomb penetrated a boom but did not azplsda. Only yesterday Scotland Yard au thorities issued tnetructhmi concern - lag measures to be taken by the po lice and other officials h the event of aa air raid. The police and special constable* wars ordered to hold themarlres In readiness for a possible raid on Lon Sep and fire brigade* also wire seal sad to be in readiness. The report of the attack on Nor folk county caused considerable com asotion In London, Searchlights througout the evening scoured the sky with their rays to pick up any aircraft flut might approach. Up to a lata hour, however, there was no sign of aa aerial visitor. Jteporta reaching London said a - .sgaadKon of Hz Zeppelin* crossed over (he North sag and on raehing the coact line separated, some tak ing a southerly direction and others an eppecita course. Them reporta have not been con firmed—News and Observer. MILITIA INSPECTED Captain Russell G. Langdon was here Monday night for the annual bsepaetion of "M" company of tha asasnii regiment North Carolina Natiasisl Guard and found the or ganisation In fairly good order, though tt ia not known Just yat what hie report to tha War Department recommended. In a short address to tha oompany ha toothed on the prob lem of health, gtetng pointers on how to keep well and recommending tha' oaah member ha vaccinated against tyghajl Bp ashing of Dunn’s sanitary con dition. CnpL langdon said that If la summer sanitation was no better than ha found it while hare, ha would rather take ehaneeo ia the PhaHpbiei or In tke canal sons than hors. Ha ■old there wae an open sewer within *# fast of Mo sleeping quarters at a local hotel, that tha streets wars , badly drained, back lata littered with W* sad tha town, generally, la Just dm condition required to bread pes Theee are hard things to hoar a bout tha town of whose greatness wa never tire of tailing—and tha thing that hurts moat ia that sshat \ the captain says la true. No douht the tame things era noticed by ev ery visitor to the city, and H la cer tain (hat Derm la much tha loser ft sail those ahearvatiena of folks err •booId try to Impress moat favorr Mf A DAT IN RECORDER'S COURT Smith Has an Unnaually Busy With a large crowd present Thors day morning BoconlsrV coart was called to order promptly at 1U o’ clock. None of the usual offenders were present; this bring a kind of off eaaeon for that pleasing di version known as gittin ginned up. M. C. Ivey was tho first to claim the court’s attention. His offense was that he had nuned up the par son of a friend in a manner contrary to tho poacc and dignity of the com monwealth; but the provocation ap pealed to the Judge’s liniont na tur* and was eased off with the costs which, in this instance amounted to *7 AO. Joe Riley Jackson, a youngster hailing from over about Duke way, ! occupied the star role in the day’s ! proceedings. He was charged with having bombarded the house of res of hi* naighbors; a shot gun being the artillery said to have hern used. Many witnesses were present to tes tify for or against Jo* and his rase consumed several hours Finally though it was proven that he did not do it - so be went his way rejoicing and with his bank-mil intact; rt cept, of count, the little amount re quired by the lawyers. For real criminality, Cha-lie Brown, a sporty coon with the fare of a gargoyle, was easily the claea of the occasion, Charles has an a rernon to work and had adopted for hia vocation the art of dlsno-irr of cocaine to lb* negm** of thin local I lly. For that he wti permitted to sire* on th* rood* for a period of 30 day*; and for another me diary iny for vagrancy he waa given an ml -nuonal 30 day* and rvqumtort to pay the emit* in th* tern action*-- the *um of $14 50. WUli* Bam**, a negro fanner, wai th* next to face th* Judge, and he waa charged with diapoeing with a crop grown upon the Unde of 1-Ge nt* Sorrell in on* cane, and with da (troying fence belonging to Mr. Sor rell in another. Willi* put up a Itrong define* and waa permitted to go fra* wHheut tfc* stigma of guilt William fUnfcia, another farmer, waa preoent t* aaawcr to a charge taxing him with cruelty to animal*. 1 Speclflcally, WUli* 1* aaid to here unmercifully beaten a nick mule. Ed. i B. Werror wax th* proaecutlng wit nee* and proved to hie boner that i man deeerved punishment Rankin waa fined $T>, hut appealed to a high er court and waa liberated upon pi o ducing bond for hi* appearance at at I-fllington. For injurixg another'* property, Jo* Bisxell we* told to pay *5 to the proaeeuting wilnae*, and the court adjourned to roconveno tomorrow morning. SAMPSON WOMAN Aftl) LITTLE CHILD DROWNED Mr*. Emer*oa Davie and Nephew Deed —Two Daughter* Eaca >* Death—Aalmal and Muggy Last. Clinton, N. C., Jut. 18.—Mra. Mary Hope and two daughter*, Mra. Eu ereon Darla and Ml** Mary Hope, and a grandaon, agod three years, eon of W. H. Heps, wot* returning from a vinit te Mrs. Oecar Byrd, at Elliott, on Sunday afternoon, when the mol* they were driving took fright at aome object while croealng the bridge over Six Bane near Moul tonvilla and hacked off tka bridge. MIW 1IV)PC UWJ M,U the mole were drpwnsd instantly. Mr*. Hope and her daughter, Mary managed to get hold of him limbs of a tree and polled themaalvea a ahor*. The water wae some ton foat deep where the boggy tack and the mole wai prevented from radar rntng ashore by the wheels of the ve hicle becoming locked with a sup port of the bridge. HAD NO 81 DE RAIMNO Clinton. N. c, Jen. 18.—The bod ies ofMrt. Emerson Devi* and little nephew, Wfllte Hope, were recover ed from SU Ruaa Creek, two mile* from here, late today. Late yesterday a mule bached a buggy, containing four people, from a bridge ever the creek. A little daughter of Mr*. Doric rescued her deter, Mrs. Mary Hop*, by Bshlng her from the stream with a pale after Boating to the bank and elimh leg «mt. The mute became frighten ed while creasing the bridge, which Is sold to have so aid* ratings. Mr. C. C GITIlard, a former popu lar cttitan * of Dll* city passed through town last woek enroot* from Fayetteville to hia horns at flmithflsld. Ha had been a patient In Hightmlth Hospital for several week* aad K waa from that Institu tion he was bound when her*. Hia friend* win he glad to know that ho Mamed to ho in the best of health end spirit*. ROSCOE W. JACKSON DIBS SUDDENLY Duna Ye sag Man Soccamba to Heart Failure (la Board Skip at 1‘ortsaMuth. Hoaroc W. Jackaon, aon of Mr. W. Sampson Jackaon, of thi* city, died suddenly on board the collier Vulcan lying Hampton Road* Friday aftar uuou. He wts 31 years old, a na tive of thia city and had many friends here who are grieved by hi* untiaiely passing. With tha exception of one year spent upon a farm near Fuqaay e Roscoe had followed tha sea for the better part of the leal dscade. With a singular love for li-avol, Ufa aboard ship offered kim opportunities peculiarly In keeping with that nomadic spirit which un fitted him for the exacting existence of the landsmen, lie had harved ax Stewart for the largeet coastwise steamers plying the Atlantic sea Uoard and hud served in other capa cities for companies whose boats touch every quarter of the earth. Of a studious torn of mind, a close observer, a good talker, he was one of the mnst entertaining of men when in the company of thoaa he cared to talk to. Considerate of aTL kind to I he unfortunate, loyal to hm fronds ha tree remarkably in different to .those with whom ha lot nothing In Common. Them >»u* much about Roeeoi*to | admire; his-good were ma ny. as ons who counted him a friend in this life and who knew kiwi par. hap* better than any other outside Wit imata/Waia r»lln wa -• 1 ■lent (hat thosa good qualltlaa era being rewarded. IIU body was brought is this city Saturday night, nod 8unday after noon in the preeenee of a large gath ering of sorrowing fnonda, was laid to rest 'nasth tha peaceful greena twu of beautiful Greerw ood. after a most faaprsaiva ceremony by the ! Rev. Hayiaa Cede. Surviving Koeroe are hi a father and step-mother; one brother, Wil lard. three slaters, Mrs. Harhart Mc Kay, Misses Gertruda and.. Janie HERS FOR STEWART rotate settlement Mr. and Mrs. William J-. Cory, of Petersburg, arrived last week te ba peasant at tha flog] yeulement of that pardon of the William Ander son Stewart shuts in which Mr*. Core U concerned. She is tha old est child of the late Mr. Stewart who aa will ever ba well remembered by the people of Dunn, eras killed under the wheels of a freight ear at the broad street crossing in 190*. and for whose death tha railway compa ny was made to pay one of tha •orgaat claims over allowed for a aim liar accident by a North Carolina court. BOY SWALLOWS PIN Saturday afternoon tha parents of little John Oatea Harris wars given an awful scare whan he informed them that a pin had become lodged in his throat and that he was chok ing. Several efforts ware mads U dislodge the*pin hut it was novsral I hours before a physician was mbit to gat hi* fingers upon R. In tha meantime the poor little fellow plead edwith doctors to km him and re lieve the agony. However, he ia fl ight new sad the experience seem* not to bare affected his lively de position - he’s )u»t as noisy aa ever. | MONEY FOR FIRST BAPTIRT WINDOWS In their efforts to raise funds for, windows to bo pieced in tho First Bsptlst ehorch, tho Senday School daises hive drawn a liberal peepo wtioe froth Mr. V. L. Stephens, and it Is this: To ooch class ralalftt se much as $8 be srfU give an addition al W. There are about a dosen daaaae and each of thorn is eoafl dvnt that the repaired sum can be raised la a vary abort tins. Already a good start baa been made by every elaae end it le thoeght that try Sen day Mr. Stephen's libera) donation will be claimed by all. -1-— nuNN term and furl co. Stockholders of the Puna lee and Fuel Company bald their Srat annual mneting lest Friday night. A re view of tho yeer*a bsminoee ehewed tho company to bo in excellent shape and that the qeantity of its prodact eonsaaaod by this and sw rnending towns was even greater ban bad haen expected. Its sens ings for its A ret season netted a profit of 18 par cent. * OAeem elected for the ensuing year are: Clarence J. Smith, presi dent; F. S. Cooper, vice president; 0. T. Noel, secretary sad tareaserer. ( hahkHeul letter Chapel Hn«T"l9^ -Baaolved Thai Nor* (Kina should adopt a State-wtda IdA Ur the 'bsne«l oi pu6!ic aehool^Htaa the query die cussed by thfl(*gtfe Carolina Club Bt tu recant A*«4pnthly marine The debate iemented by the aodiaaas'Afij^pn the enbjact which favorabV^fetdi) for e State wide levy on ff lie deciaion stand Inr 22 to H -»*/ The debate^BHbe Insistent, erer rernrHoA^heq^HVoaiviced in etT#ctjv« array of fartBId fl curse on both sides of the *jfi*Mnt. The enact ment of inch ■B&te-wida law would yearly rsin'orefM* coffefi of the ad ucutiona) fual(j>h0OO—levyinc only 60 cents on (MB on each do*. The estimate suppofif daft tn the Stale was placed at®h),000. The affect I v^Treranue- derivlt* doc law of Vfe* was the bams around which Ap of the affirmative argument Va^Kprea. Vlrrfata re pudiated t^a Ay tu of imimmtnt ™u”tJ by cvdfjjr, aftar repeated failures, and iKtcd the State-wide system, the aev us from thta tax neu ennaally B the school system of the State jAoo. after an allow, anee for all ^Abo killed and cost of enllertinc B>r. Similar laws in South CaroA aad Rhode Island, nets each StatAeepeethrely, $00,000 and $80,000. ^Hana derives $104, ooo from a tuJAr tax. ^inr»» tsb^ktd from tssauty North Carolin^Hountiss impoalnc a doc tax exhibit® Urn fact that Wake county receive®** blcbeet revenue —$615. yearly, jaalow county, lery ioc 11. reeelvsAhe lews lowest re me HnMMo, vmca assumed r proportion*. rel ative to tb* dog Us enacted by ruprooeai Georg* Pickard, of Or*ngo brought forth th* (tartiing t that the county at a afegte m**Ung, -slain mot b* to $176-50 The rat* of IS00 a tar »h*gp H11 ing dogs by a raring, to *ay Th* wid* tag, cate that (fee proportionately tfe leriml an __ nan. Tha fattier whS own a Wl en fox, opossum, rabbit and coon dogr would shgrs the burdpo of th* $7&0M ootWted for the public school system—banc* the inequity Of S lory. The opposition wa* ceric ced that th* bmm* (Unfavored so. a law. and that th* wishes of tb* — jority should prevail. The report at Sheriff B. D. Bain of Orange county, after the an serpent at rack a law! showed a falling off of >U dog* lim ed on the book* Id comparison wkh the p rev ions -yearf-thu* testifying to th* tendencey of Bsrvgardfng the requirement to lint actual number owned. debate wee conducted by *tu lente of th* University, g. Hours, of Halifax ymsaty, and Mar rlon Pawls af Durham county, np heid lb* aBnaadva; C. 8- Harris of Montgomery aeenty, had B . C. Bed gin, of Randolph county, defended tb* negative rid* at the eontroverey. * & i. WINTERS OIBL I.OBFS FINGERS THROUGH EXPLOSION DaeCkter af Mra O R_ Tarhagtoa Pote Ugh ted Match to Dynamite Cap. PmtI. th. ten-year old dough tar of Mr*. O. R. Tviidgton. I oat tkr*c fln«*r* of her HR hgnrt Saturday Iftamooa through th* —ylrtlm of n dynamite r*p *« fed found, mu Where (hoot bar mother'* ferm a •hart diataar* fr*m this aity, It U net known why th* axpkw It. w»« thorn, and H t. cortatn that tko girl know nothing of It* power ful nature. Holdfcg H between th* tkaieb and for*flltg*r of har left hand, tk* struek » match with har right tod hold tk* Mom under th* cap. Th* remit wm terrible, meng Hng th* hand awfully. Two local physician* were cnSod In tamadtau ly and they impfeotod th* Anger* which wore than mntoly hanging by shred* of flash. ‘ \ At thi* tin,* the tphowd girl t* getting along rory aieaiy and it hr said there inlitti* danger of blood poisoning. _ _ DURR MILLS WOttStNO nvi DATS TO wm Receee* of Ha l of flnlskad cloth, fl Milt* Company at _ . It* mill on' Am deyot Thi* nrhndul* hoa |U aareral weak* and fl tiro* for aa title* of th* , •torod ta ftg _ dtrttood that M la , ly to gle* Ha /* PRESBYTERIANS TO MEET A1 FAYETTEVILLE Ohje*t Batter Utilisation ml th) Faroe# Good aad Bpfeitaal Awakening. Fayetteville, Jaa* 17*-—la issuing a call for tka Eider’s and tha Doa con'a Evangelistic InatituU for Fay etteville Presbytery to moot hero January £I-U. Inclusive, tha cOm alttea appointed by the Evangelistic Conference held at Mon treat laat Summer and by tho North Carolina Synod at its roceot tension at Hick ory, call* attention to tha fact that nearly 1,400 diarrhea of the South ern Presbyterian General Assembly did not add a single member to their roDt laat year. Tho call is foe a gathqytnf tha object of which la to bring about a better utiliiatiea of the force* for good and to sot la sao t'oai the beet means for a general spiritual awakening in all drarchm. The object to be obtained by tha institute aa atnkiagly oat forth la tho Synod’s resolutions, is qooted, as follows: “To das pea tho spiritual life of ourselves and tha ms Ribera of our churches To obtain for our selves end to asrist otksra in every way possible to obtain a better knowledge of tha Bible. To learn hew to be soul winners and use all prop er means to help others aa wall aa ourselves engage in this great work. To Inara more of oar official and other duties and by God's grace en deavor more faithfully to perform thorn. To co-operate more heartily with our pasters In ovary good wort to which wo are called aad far which wo should bo qualified." ‘■Lot us call attention,” says tha committee. " to the aad fort that UM ytmr, aaarly 1.400 Church*, to the Southern General A nimbly did r»t raport a aiagW addition to their •ramberaWp, aad further. that tha Syaad af North Caroline aad yaur »" Traebyury of Fayetteville, fur eUhad a full quota af thaao seem ingly frultlaaa Churches." Tha (hurahaa are asked to taka imme diate action aa thU matter and eead at Uaat two aid era aad ia addttioa t* tha f A. D. Me CHra. See. E. L. 8fler, W. H. Balk, and T. B. Bailey makes aa aaniaart appeal for » fun ry-usMlV tion at the instttyt* sad sake that tho Call bo raa4 In rrory church aad that prayar ba offered for ft* auo cesa. The laaUtuta will bo hold to tho Flrat Prashyto-Un Church af Bay rttrHUa and Be*. Watson H Bair Uy. pastor of the FI rat Church, is chairman of the local committee. Dr. A. 8. Boa* 1* chairman of tha •nUrtaiamstn committee. Anyone who tnUndi to attend U asked to write to Doctor Booe. signifying their ietention. A note of old fash ionad religion ia struck by the Synodical committee when it aapa dally request* that there be oq traveling an the train oa Sunday by those atteac'ing the taetituto, GIRLS' ATHLETIC CLUB Espeneoto of out-door exorelae for children AM much encourage ment ia the manner in which tho GM»' Athletic Club of this eily ba* takan up thoaa oporto eo eondudva to good health. The club baa an ex cellent basket ball court over to tha southwestern part of town and Mar ly retry day its member* gather out there to play that whelasetM gams. Besides that thvy are given much to I Wlllrfn* nflam - - « a— .* ybnieinjr point* aamral mite* from town. A tom day* ago wo MW tha wlMb tribe hiking Into Duke lookny M ro«y *rd freth u if thay had ■>ar*ly wfted down to th* fraetra, and ■ trapped over th* ahouldor af ■aeh wa« * pair of roller okataa. Thay had walked four mil** to an joy Ikatlay for an hour In tha Duka rink. HONOR ROLL Loat tVan»k PubUr 8cha*L Honor roil for month aadiny Fri day, January l*th, If)lb. Pint Grade.— Parria Ammons AHra Stowart, Felton Stawart, Mary Faya, Ooorya Jarniyan. William Pay* Clayton Tart. Saeoad Orado,- Floyd Pop. and Jonni* Haas Advanew) Baeoad (trade,— Floonia Norris TTitrd Orado,—Claud* Pop*. Bee tha Pop*. Darn Pope, Lynn Aamm. fladlo Waaka, Tahaaga Tart Fmerth Grade,—Thaddaoa H. Papa Gladya A. Warren. Mary L. Jarni. yaa, Haetor U WaaL SUth Grade,—Jaa. H. Jarniyan and Balll* W. Jarniyan. Approved; poblbhad for Informa tion. .. ANSON JACKSON, Prla. Th* Grom Supply Company, of Coat*, b in th* midot H Ha annual radaetioa ealo thU waak and daairn all it* matamare to hoar in mind Wat H b earn If LKE-JACXBON DAT OBSKRVE1 Odeara Daeghter* Hmr Mamet? Of Cwhkmy chief ulu Coame worm tore at the birth of thi Confederacy* groat chieftains ant in honor at their minted memory tbs Chkera Dauchten at (he Col) fedaracy observed LaaJaekson Da) to a moat dttlug manner at th* bom. Tit L F. Hicks Thursday after noon. To rasirk upon th* groo'. *nd goodness at thssstwo mat liars upon whoa* 1—nm real do faat never rested, would bo a work of supor-erocatiea. end to spook of the wonderful loirs we bar* far their memory is unnecessary. Lo* ani Jack sen dU a alehe to the hearts of all Bon there people unlike the he reae of aay other people; to a* end those who follow, their memory will over bo erseo, their deeds In peace end war win ever serve to keep alive to our breast that loyalty to Booth otw ideals which sets a* apart from the dwellers of aay other section of nor great country. The proctam observed was as fol lows; Lord's Prayer in Concert. Instrumental Trio—Cavalry Ad vance March,—Mi**** Cortona Jack eon, IUrhael Clifford and Roby Ced wia. Lae's Farewell Address to His Sol diers,-Mrs. MeD HeiHday. Instrumental Bole Love's Plead toge,—Miss Bach act Clifford. Foem—Blasts wall Jackson’s Way, —Mrs Joel G. Ley ten. Inktruaiental Bole Grande Polka D* Concert— Mice Cortona Jackson. Boom Historical FacUr-Mrs. T. L. H Ysoag. Instrumental Dust -Grande Gal lop d* Cenesrt,—Mires* Corine* Jackson and Baby Godwin. A Eulogy on the Hvae of Loo and Jaclcsoo,—Mrs. Bra sot F. Young. . Instrumental Sola- II Travatora. -Mka Barhaal CUfferd. Lord Woleoy’a Estimate of Loo and Jackson,—Mrs. J. C Clifford. MBi. ERNEST F. YOUNG. Osr. Secretary. A SILVER TEA AT BAPTIST ** Auxiliary M* « aOvar tea; tha object bs tag to rake fade to pU« a Chinese girt to aChrtstien school. It was the Intention of the yowvg woaeaa to hold (Be tea several days ago, hot they won advised that, in viaw of tha large tarns required for boil ding and other purposes, it would hardly be advisable to uadrtako this added responsibility. However, they Went to work, paid shoot $40 into Um building fond and proceeded to Prepare far this tea. New they are expecting their friends and woil wtabon to cmac to their aid with Uharal patronage aad wo hope they wiH not bo disegipoieted. the CAFE FEAE FAIR DIRECTORS CHOSEN Beard Caaspaesd of ■ -sdlag Men Frew Seven Case tire Comprising The Asa iris tie pl Fayetteville, Jan. 17—A farther expansion of the Cape Fear Fair A» soeiatiesi waa Inaugurated at the an nual stockholder’s meeting here, this being indicated by the increase of the beard of dbwetors from sixteen ■Miaberg to t'u'sonj -seven. Twenty •vp of these was* elected by the making, $ha two others to be ehae m by tha directors themselves. The director* wen chosen without re gard to ewatto. The new beard eewatota of Btoa H. Butler, of Seeth «ra Pfaea, Moore county; L. A. Be thaae, Itogw county; S. H. Davie, Btafen county; J. Worth JMraaon. Baoford, Hoke county; Angut I>. MclanMa, Rowland. Rabaaaa eeunty; J. W. Johnaon, Red Bpringa. Rebe aoa county; J. B. McCormick. Park ton. Xebeaaa county; McD. Holliday, Dnaa, Harnett county; J. R. Bag gett, LilMngton, Harnett county; F. U Holcombe, Dr. 1. V. MeCeugan. John W. Judge, C. D. Hatodf. Them aa Badger, A. R. McMillan. Dr. H. W. Lilly. W. t Ktodley, N. M Mc Arthur, T. J. Fnrdta, W. D. Ballard. Thewae H. Button. R. J. Lamb, Mm H. Andersen, John O. Ellington, and A. B. >uiu Cumberland county. AR the executive nilcurm ware re | •****. them being T. a McAUstar. prnldwil; g. H. Strange, vie*, prea M*ltl Waltor Wataon, treasurer, C. W. Rankin, anietaet ti muni. and R. M. Jaekam eeerutary. Tha toc '•kttT'a aad treasurer** riper U khuw the 1*14 fair wae the Mg «um aad beat ever held and the d*. termination was expressed by all them present to raaks tha tm Capa Faar Fair ever bigger aad bettor. The aaaiiLlatJm coven aarou cuua Ue* Cumberland. Rohe , Ret men. Modea, limpeen, Harnett, aad **• A .0. Bemra toft yeetorday for a abort visit * Rhptotovflto 1 fuix national vrocKiiouh Tha Firs* National regular annual auatiae ara in tha Institutions « ley. At tha toeetb^ waa requested to set aa and ha sppaictod Maaera. 3. U ar and P. V. Covpsr to act as tollers, who reported 11 par aaet ad tha ata«h repress* ted either ia paraan ar by proxy. After thie the regular routine baeineee wee takes tap. Praaldtot P. S. Cooper of the bank read Ms annual report aa to the business ef the beak far the year 1M4. which toowad the affairs of tha hash to be ia assailant shops: am ana dollar hariag beast charged aff an acaaaat of bad leans or otherwise. While of coarse the business ef the beak for the year 1»1« was net al together as good as tha .imlsii year, which waa caused p-ioeipally on account at the low prices pre sto* for cotton, itM tha report showed a vary good peart work with fair returns for the stockholders. A 7 per cent dividend waa declared far the year and wethtng over «M*. ad count. Vhe following ware elected far the year 1»1S as directors: fee. A. Me Kay. president of the fee. A- McKay -far. Co.; W. B. Cooper, chsinaaa . of the board ef directors ef the A merlcan National Baak of Wlltol^ “»! J. C. Gifford attorney far tlto A. C L. 1L R. Co, of Dana; Thee. X. Cooper, prssidant «f tha North Qm ■hlegton; N. 'A. T—rrmd. city te tcrmy, of Dunn; C. 8. tmWnt usd cuter 0f tte teak •nd P. 8. Ceopur, ymitetaf tte 1IU: " P* S. Coapar, i w ml & a tor. Taller. .The first Natfaoul tea a af mw fTOjteOA* aad la tte banking institution la I non* Hamate or Jc it ta alaa a naatear af tea Pe kaaarve Bank, of Richmond. ate tte, ftma it quite an advmataga In tte wag of handling - imini. Mna trial and agricultural loans for *H» customer*. The bank officials haps to bo abla to mav* into liter near fmu atop bank building, which la teteg amt* ed on tea comer of Broad ate Wl aoa streets, about April 1st. Tte naw building will |hc than ante mora room and will butter aaabla them ta taka cam of titer -traai COLORED TBAODB8 »—t ' AT LC.LINGTOX SATURDAY Professor J. G. Smite. yrtarRial of the local colored eebaols. aad Ind rr In the movement through WWte R it hoped that tea young rionflsya ate girts of tea ematty wW ba tteM com dnba Cor tha bays and ta —U dob* Cor tha glria am ta ba launched and Prof. Smith ta am **“• 10 ho to a taisa wand praam. , blljf doaa ha won* para— la hr— tW childran ta ha aarallad m “•*«» •* *haaa cfubo; Cm, thro—i U—t, ha oxpaeta ta awahaa a haoaor Intarat In ag—oltaml pmoa— aad ta toaeh tha boyo aad stria aaaa thtac oC tha aa— —Hi at (m*. NSW COUNTY MOVSMKNTB Th* Donn Dfa—wMch ta hope ful that a nw ciaaty «S ha ge—• Uohad oat of pert* of Harnett, John, •too. Cambrrland aad 8—paon, fhala rHad baeaaoa Tha Ttmoa ‘takaa a A— at tha —a -tilth haa pm ducad so amity aaw count— la North Carol Inn," and maay of tham 'at tha paapar variety. Of man* wa did not have Jar— county hi ariad. Oar raamriu ba— praraptad by a eaaaal glance at tha amp aad a Might an qiao Intan co with tha tax fl(ma. art far ahead at older rooitlao.*— aa a hrrinaaa prop— tha ml Ammably oaght to ha q— rara —t ‘he creation at a Mr ooaaty w0 — hnpoerrleh tham matin of wh— tha naw tarrthory — a part. Tha tagUlatrra will net MTar an* a— fhrt ta aaw h— adrara— at Mo