DUNN GRADED SCHOOLS FLOURISHING progressiva la other thingi, Daaa was a leap U»e atrtk M* » bride la providing adequate irhssli far the instruction of 1U hags and girts. Be far aa tha Dis pokah kaewa there were no public eckcsta worthy the name until the praeaat haadanan school building was aracted a few year* ago. Up te that tinea tha eoaaaeuaity eras depen dant span aaoaU private achoele, al ways jaadaqaaia aad asooaaarily un dlahitery. Sevaral efforts had bean aadt threagh nwaanairy coopera tion te aatehUah adoeatiooal faslh Mas la keeping with the team's grew teg daaaaada, hat these never mat with a dagtea ad rarraaa anywhere ■as* the astebiltkjeeni at the Dm Public Graded Brhaala. hosrev ptetet aa to adacatteaai fariUtte*. Back feel tha atheels have grown in aaifklaiaa aad tha pood accomplish od la iaacMnebia. During this u> Raw MP pupiia have haaa aaroUed apam the rogiatar aad tha avenge daffy atteadaare has haaa 43d. In tha dlatrirt aarrod by tha achoda thaw are pnhabiy leea then 100 white ahildroa at achoal age srhe era eat aarottad aa atadaata, aad at that aaahar many are la tha higher nhiili at this aad other ate ton. Thar* are twelve tea chare eaa piayad aad Bnperintindiat J. B. MarGa toils tha DUpatch that ha has ■near had better aaaietaace thaa is being glean by then. Ha nym, tee, that tha apirit at tha achaola la bat tor thaa ha has ever seen it, aad that la this fast ha ffada nach ancoor to high atoael and all of thorn tail the nart two a* tor roily only a am* ad naator Ml 4a that; and right i is who* tha swat dto ar Ike. A child ia takaa throngh ali •a fr .te nte* ted* ^ and to aad. 1 Wo fa Wo onto ad tha tine aad axpenae daratod la toad training te wasted. "A little adaottsa ia a iaagmr totarf* nnd ton hat toad ant ad an Dnnn Fill Graded 8choole will ittew only tona to graduate this •W* «ly tores te graduate this pan* ia an iadlatoant ad a plan which alliwi parents U taka child rao out ad school at a tino whan tkdr train ing la hi •* way template. Boawr, to got back U tbs mala paint, tha aahaata ara louriehtng. With tha alagla exception ad sani taken. they an tha aqaal ad nay ia ton Onto. Hatha da aanptoyod la ven llaHaa and hearing an ad tha ary hard. Fraah air la always being adnltaed te the building and before H And* Ha way bate tha rooms, all air paasos through radtetora to be heated to tha right temperature. In ObAe and ovary encouragement ia be tag given te henkbdal exercise. The ■trie na bn abet bail anthateests and bane a vary Ana court; baya taka ■an readily la tanais aad base ball gnd have bean provided with alt thing* aaeaaaary Is tha fan anjoy Oawt ad tom ■balinoa p—rr tpoblag ad aaaetettea, tkeugb. Wad at tha eshaala ia astrasnaiy bad, nnd sntil raaantiy than waa no way la tetpaera te. However, tha com ■aaaadty haa anpaaaded a large sum ‘4 • U BANK OP CAPE PEAK STRONG Ahaual Meslhig Shows a Year »f Prosperity. Coating in ths wake of those glow ing reports from all other financial institutions of this section the cash tar's report to the Bonk of Cope Foar stockholders In annual meeting at the bank's offices Thursday evening rounds out ths ysar ae oca in which the community's financial resources show Uttls depletion—and that In the face of the most disastrous crop yoor in recent history. In June of last year the bank declared a divi <idod of •%. Since that time its earnings hove bean sufficient to war rant the payment of another dlvi dods equally as Urge, but in view of ths fact that the institution's cueto ■sn will need much money to tide them over until soother harvest see ■on, none waa paid—all oarnhago Be ing put into the surplus fund. It is the proud boast of ths •f Chpa Pear that all of Ita stock la held by mb directly to teres tad io ths immediate territory of its Ope rations, and it is to this fact that ite liein attribute its remarkable pop. ularity and rapid growth. It has rendered-aid to many of those enter - prioeo which moon so muck to the industrialjrelfere of the commsnlty, and as it grows in ago Its usefulness Officers elected for the present year ore: G. U. Tilgbman, presi dent; C. J. Smith, active-vW-pcesl dsnt; T. V. Smith. Cashier; W. T. Owarman, assistant cashier, N. A. Townsend, attorney. Directors: G. M. Tilghaan. U I- Wade, Jr, 0. K. Grantham, die Goldstein, J. D. Barnes, T. V. Smith, a J. Smith. B. a BOYS' AND GIKLS' A. C. HAVE A BUCUS There are two atheistic orgenina *^A made up from tha yeungor boyo aad giria af this city, tanned Urn Buffalo BUI Boys aad GUIs' Ath letic Club, ruepectivaiy. Members «* ene are always striving to sor pass thaae at the other ta ^providing facilities tar sport. The girts have a ba^mt ball court over (Boro ta jjglifl ItlllNW"* » I I MIIIH OMtari, and ever oa the let adjoin ing the boom of C. Leslie Wilson tha beys bars a tennis ooort la which they tabs much pride. One night last weak tha basket ball court was badly tern ap aad mutilated by per aaaA though unknown, supposed by tha .girts ta best bean of the rival Hub. lo retaliation tha girls visited the tennis court Sod did things ta It that aay self-respecting tcaais court would recent. The beys investigated, found who did it aad why. Then they explained that they had had nothing to do with the mu tUstlec of the basket ball court. Af ter explanations, ths girts war* vary sorry that thay bad given any to thair tampan aad, lo a body, want ovw to ths tennis field to put it in better shape then it bed been before —now they are all as friendly and contested as Uttle boys aad girls should be. TILGHMAN MILLS OPEN NEXT MONTH One bright spat in the future's hertseu is tha ussuraaes that tha Tllghmaa Lumbar Company’s plant boro will resume 0 pc ratio a about March 1. Already a email fores la engaged at tha mOU h, preparing for a foil time schedule to begin St that time. More than two hundred seen wfll find employment in the mills. RAIDEK8 AGAIN, WJTH U8 After enjoying eeveral week* of •mming aoruritp, dietitian of aupar —re* who** plant* are altnatad in tknt dietriot preeided over bp Depo tp Marahal Georp* Moore were ptv *a evidence that that anarpacie offi. clel la atld o* the Job. D B Beat Up and Harvey Stewart pUaanot Uokiap poaap fallow* who raalde nniwbni near Banaon, are the eef ferere. They, ao Mr. Moor* and hla t*M<rw officer, L L. Flo war*, my bad a very nice IIUU dlctlllinp plaat a boet aix mflaa from Banaon, and bad boon ranatnp it at a profit for mm Ubm. Daapite tho fact that the {*• fiaatrp boinp followed bp the pomp maa la about tho oalp thrivtnp m te then* environ*, tba offictela rloaad °t> tba plant aad bronpbt tba allapod over to am CotaralaaioBor T««ap. Ha found aoffieUnt ovidanco to toad tho rota ap to a blpber court aad tba bopi pave band for oppoa< WTWXKT IMPItOVKMENT ChUf Baaa ha* Keen buoy thia woab dfeocMap o form tnpnpod In •tr**t UaproveamrA ftVUwa&a have bam repaired, pettr* cleared, mod hole* filed ap and la many other **n ho and hU mea have worked *• maba the ataeota Urn of an opo aara aad a aaoret of aaaeh dUeoaa fart to all who have trod them MRS. CORA WILSON STEWART'S ADDRESS Two hundred aioety-ose thaoeend of them la North Carolina “who heiet never hud »o chance.’* was ths sppaal that stirred ths hearts of tbs great audience at the First Baptist church Friday night. Whose fault is ItT Superintendent Joyner asks’. Not theirs. a The audlenoe had Just listansd to ana of ths most glowing addresses the most thriUingty interesting storisa that have aver been told la this city, ft aa told by Mr*. Core Wilson Stewart, chairman of the Kentucky commission ea UJIUrmcy of Frankfort. Ky. The audience set on the edges of their seats to catch •very ward of that wonderful story. They listened because the had a story to tall that was different from the ones they bed been hearing. Moonlight schools to many had little more meaning than same of the a tv)using Impressions Mrs. Stewart de clared ths had heard given ad these How UHtorery is being stamped out in Rowan county, Ky, reads mors wonderful then any fairy »-'t Whae ths call want out far ths adult whits lllitoiato to eotns to echoed on a certain moonlight night in the fell of 1911 they came 1200 strong, the youngest 18, the oldest 82. They came "Just to have a chance like other folks” to tineys the -Snt of hatdng Ut 'make their Inark." to learn to writs to thair own seas and daughters and read their Utters with their own ayes. Two postmasters foar Baptist preachers ware sirn^ thoa* who 1-J lA veml L. moonlight schools of Rowan canty. Tho movement In Kaatacky has takgn on grant fores and strength tb* K notary Illiteracy 1—i— has boon c ran tad. practlonlly ovary public spirited oiptoth* has boon enlist ad la the campaign to stamp OM Oliloracy 1st Kentucky by mo. And tb* only state that yrn tricky faara, dodarod Un. Stewart, la North Catalina, far whan she gats started there is no stepping her. Superintendent Joyaar dodarod «mt far once ha had laid mMs hia eootb aad neck. Ha dadsrad North Caro Un* ju*t aboot ready to spriag for bar Mg campalga which woold —-l aso of all the goad Mens atartod by Msa. Stewart In Kaatacky and ‘than Tba movamant haa already caagfct lira and broken oat her* and thara In tba SUta. Thor* are already SO schools In Colombo* const*. It has started In far-away dtsaslm* comity and all that tb* movement needs is a little direction. Tho first school was began la Bar. noU county last March and Sept. J. D. Resell of Dunn told how the spark had sought tbara from tho fir* that has swept tho state of Kentucky. Whatever the triumphs of North Carolina, whether the boats the Kan tacky racers to the final goal to stamp out illiteracy, the glory moat go to that bright lKtl* woman from tb* eiator stats whose Idas H first was and who at thought of tho **!, ooo illiterates to North Carolina cam* to tho state to land encaoraga a«nt to the campaign kero. Mrs. 8tewart need want no mar* grateful tribute than came from one of tho men of Harnatt county to s letter to the ruperinUndent of that county, repressed than “We feel grateful to Mrs. Stewart to be an thoughtful about as old boyat‘—Katoigk Timas. ULUNGTON U. D. C. KNTEB TAIH1 IcIUngton, Jan. 10.—On Janaary lMii, tha Haraatt Chapter U. D. Ci, delightfully antartataad tha old. mt araaa In banar af Laa-Jackaon birth day. A aica program waa arrancad. Col. D. H. Brian waa apaatar of tha oeeaiion. Buie waa furniahad hy tha Daughter*—with Mm L. J. Arnold—at tha piaaa. After all baaiaaaa waa omr tha Totemna wara aaharad ta tha Curiama Hotel whara a aumptoena dinnar waa anrmd than* by tha ladiaa. la apita of tha bad. waathar, quite a nombar wara praa ant. On tha amniag af tha Mth at ■ o’clock. Miaaaa Baaala and Ploranaa JVrrlhaiaaaa, af Charlotte, gam a ra dial for tha baaadt af tha U. D. C**, TUa prorad ta ba a par fact annaa m. Tha youag ladiaa akrwal graa« tel ant, and gam a dalightfal entertain ment. A naat IHtte ram waa raal laad from tela, which h ta la naad fat com plating a Pan fad am ta-1 rial hall now Mag moated by tha Daughter! of tha Hamate Chapter. Wa foot mry grateful to thorn young ladiaa far aiding aa In raMng tela oMnuy. White In tha aity they warn tha gnaata of Mm A- P. MaPharaon. By tha raquaat af Mm Brwte. they want from ham to Durham ta gfm a play far tea bin i at af (ha Bpimopal church af that piaea. BRYAN ADDREMBS CONFER XNCB rot SOCIAL SERVICE Nr* ORaon EkM. H~ Jaa. SA-Tfc. North Caraltaa Oaftnoct far Sa sUl Sarvtea rmilfSirl tta trd ' bar*; 3rd The Pt rati raj. Hr. W, U. Swift. Greaaaberoj ■-rnlirf Tin, •nr, Mr. Wam*L H. Ban tat. Bai r * -W* ThW mmmUm mi |b> Oa^anwaaMl P aa raaard u Bial^ aad prapa Bating raaatatiam for tha Statah aU Unaa ad aacU thaupht H waa hia laat aarataa bafara Waring a iharga aa which ha waa BIHag aot Ms thkd jraar. No wantdaa waa anda ad tha fact and aa raaaptwtetleo ad what ha bad asoniaplWhal waa ma4a, bat true ta tha bob ha la, ha j- ■ , j a •pita of Ua efforts not ta radar U tha looting ha waa aaUad iata a taw re mark*, aa toe uni ad Baa. Mr. Old ham aad Baa. Mr. »•—n~ asking ft a faw warda aad thaa ■ ind tha •mthneota af tha athar rhnrehia la regard ta tha week daaa ban bp Mr. Culbrath. It la Bhaly tha* Mr. Oah brath win laaao early ta tha waak far Baaafert aa ha la lnymail ta preach than next Sunday and Mr. Pnttt Anil U oxpectd ta praaah ban asst Soaday. 8QUIKB GODWIN HAS A NHW CANS Throse all tbaas jim *84 air* John Robert Oodwi. haa paraded ap and dew. oar streets ha had haaa content to plod «loag with Jest a plain old Mekory can* eat from th* 6m Unbar land W hia gaad aid farm o«rt hara a lHti* way from tew. «a Ul ha visited JadtaowriOe laat year “d caeght tome af them ridded art af the Florida dedaa. From that Uma dated hia hankeriag far a atyt tab cam and now ha haa am HI* •aa breaght K oat I* Mm laat Christ, mas bat he haa hapt It Md from aa. h la a dmly carrad piece af araaga weed a prodaet af dm haada af a Florida Swamp bdm, and glees ta the 'gpalce A dailah Irish wa had FSCSHTTBOAN OMAN SHCI TAL Mr. *. H. Mtnaaa, af WBmlagtm. haabaaa t-dooed to am ta this city ha b ta ass la badag tastal Ud new ami la am wham riehmas •f ha* la reaaafhghia. Ikon wl ba. af AmonUTIONI 70* itat* mtrmrnoxi Cow|0 jin* with Om raquaat ter a llat af tha various appripriahtt ta ‘—hr ite us » — latta far tbs pasra 1»U and lflA w* quota from Aaptaf 106 af tha P«Ma Laws aa fiBawai •ahasl far Dosf aaA DoaU>—Htr U6 aaaaaBp far aapport aal atb twwMa aa6 *7.7*0 far paiahasa ai af haflar aaA t jpaastUaq-‘-■-t Jaatitstioa ter Daaf aaf Daa* and tha BUaA—1%000 nuoalljr far aap por» aA wait ana ara sad *66,000 fat OMiM KmmI grkofj Httl fil«n) IM^Ot om*- hmtt for lv> prirorata mm4 wm kotf for pv> cWk of proporty. •ANK or COATS raosrg rno sint la tka raaaat uml atackkaldan kaM at Caata It «n akawa tkat tka Saak af OaaU kad mada aa bkvjLysjsa M. T. httwat, caaklar. bstusm non militia hect. Cast. «. U Htea aad Uaataaaata i..». HaUkat aad W. D. Baited kara rataraad Iraaa O.tteaw wkara 4 MU STOCKHOLDERS MBST “TSl Ukkm Tfcou«h littla baa boon baud it Haem Uat Aaaaat tba ! memmy at tba rwa of « par ooat aad papa ka atockboldara Aa mmt rata at Mar act. “*ba CMlIiai Friday atytit araa at> Uadad by a lane crowd and tba kaaa iotaraat fait in tba iaatitattaa at tba tWo af Ha ^ !■! waa, b, b larva waaatoa, rrrirad. Hard tfaaaa bare haadkappad ill afforta ka • BMfead dafiaa, bat wfafa tba p» “ W aarroa aa a tova ** Mractan cbaaaa for tho ptaaoat yaar arai W. R. Howard. C. 3. badtb, A. L. NawWrry, 3. CL Cttf fard, 3. W. Whitabaad, McD. Halit day, J. D. Barwaa, K. L. Howard. T. A. Tborwtoo, B. L. Godwin, M. U Wodojr, 3. f, PtttnwLa. OOean aro: J. C. ClidTord, peart daad; X X. Howard, ofaa priddial; C 3. laid . ■aa who w01 raah tba tba amaa at fcUad pat. QUAXAX1INX OmciALX BTXIKB A CM AG busolar ncrrs WILSON A LXB XacMM «rtbt«o (wn—« atalu bwa^wuM* A •n to NW*7 IMT Mto tMr trm*. Saar. Tfca lack farwarly la law la twn k toe M lAtoca aUA mn tfaara far Ito Uk> | umxo bids or • hat bn a* r |ha 4 baa MB 4 ><«*** Vtfto Mate ■7 «•* it. far 4 «M 4 a4 4 bib! 4|» *a aa U.tha r«4> mk • I'M* rgli ft*. lto**i I mm to . tI«M • «p • t to • *• to* 3 Wkaf to w • toll • A* ■•to* m tog In* to • toap a M 14 yn I ton m n • to** ss I ton toOto i *Mi » tar* ta» 2ri5 SLS I taw a* ». to* wt*

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