Trey G’Hearts BY L OXU IS JOSEPH VANCE* I Om Episode Eack Week I - aetfttaf to m by—accept (to ban poaalbUtty tot tla ito to •< aay to Mortoa'a. it timrt bat wa aay bam aato aotoblm b ttot mm tbro mllcc aC tto aato tom to tto acUbborhood to tr»a« lata ad. a Uttla, rocky, 1m> •ttojoan tojranb. takaMtcd —‘-»y . Tto tilt ■ I BBC bar baton "tod tow aoald Jtottk fat tkcn «ad wtto tor am aad aawaaltloBr “Doat “» to*. (Mac tm wt mam Ptoaaa w»U tto tody. I d ba wtntaa to tod ttot ato waa pdokad a» by toa »ldir ttonaa down, ato an j—tod to nato a price at K—or by 'to Obb tktafb ——- —, tom tod cr atoto a boat bon ■cadbndy; (hay aoaMal tom ato Morton** mat by *—*-*•*■ Mb baa Yankad Him Off to HI* Coll tar. That* tba aaawar; tha? vara Hahad rp, Mods a boat, aad gOad H So alowty tbo canwat bora tbo Ufa boat toward tbo baaeh aad ao attu tba tlda that Bum aorsr appractatad tba? wora within toacb of aay load aati) tba bowa groaadad wttb a aUght lar aad a grating sowad. With a cry of tacradultty ho laapad to his foot — "land, by all that's lucky!"—aad stooping, loot a hand la tba girl aiding bar to rise t Hardly had Ross bad Una to eoca prahaad what bad liigait wtw Barcoa wag orar tba aids aad wrag «Uag wttb tbo bowa. dragging tha bool forth or upon tba aboota. atem bad biUaa a llttla Boro doopty hi to tbo aaada. Barcoa garo orar tba attempt aad. IttUag Rosa down, aad bar aa dry land, than tllabsd back Into tba rasas! rammagrd oat bar aacbor and cabk, and aarrtad Ibrm ashora, plaatlag tba fbrarr wall up towards tbo fact of tha atlC. Aad aa bo roaa treat thta load labor bo war half bUadad by tba (bn of tha woatartag aaa aa it broka thrnaall tha tag. la lasa than Bra mlaataa tba mtraaw Iona aoBBcoplaoa was aa aoowt pBahad fact; tbo wind bad rotted tba tag back Ilka a aereO aad aaat k spda atag far out to aaa, white tba agora oa which tba two bad laadad waa dahigad wttb aaaJtehd. bright and baaaUfally nna. Ha ahowad a tboacfetml aad maato ant* naalnia to too (M “Toa’ra about all tor ■to aoddad aoatraattoa ef thto. which waa aa Bora thaa atapto track. "Whor* ara war aka add ad. Ha Bad* bar party to hu aw* par Ptortty. "Too>« mot aM* to traral." to par •at "Da yaa wtad beta* loft a log* who* t taka a tan mp tko haairh aad hare a look roaad? W* aaat ha tor tram aaa aart ot etrlltoaUea: ora* * hr* *a toiaad than an aa da* art m ante, ta ha had aw boncrtty oat oa hah aav wholly of Ua abroad, aM op to tho term, whoao aopphlra hn tt ahnmd, os tete and swaat of aoam as tboaah * had asrar waited a boartteao trayady. ■lowly k liitwit aa tho oapphiro aboro crow darter, u«»fc| tmsa dbty teto rara attraaartaa wttb tte tew teollaa of tte taa. by wbooo sl uts As a boro tte bortaea tte day bad ad man ttea nteoty mlaauo to iwa. Aad ate tteacht drowsily that If that mb oaok wttboat ter teaming that bar teoar ted, It woald not Ha* by Born Ha bad urted a load cat ooor oos •te. bat shallow, apoa which blood had drted. toy* bar with a brotesd and swonsB chssh that waa badly scrstufesd to boat. And what ateplo artlolss at rsaoateod la hla. aftot hla stroBBom srpartaaoaa of tte teat forty-sight boars, had ham ro tecsd to ma croatsi BapHcity: hte ahkrt. tar rrsiapt^ bow lachad a atasrs that had haaa altos othar ton away ■Mol* ha told W. on aoca oa be new har wtta war* awaha caoa more— “*»t waau daa pitying aa raall Tight aad aa 4a Alan! TtolT tha ante thing tor yea to aadarataad; he'o atm alhra aad aoaad—* "Bat whara la hat Taha mm to Mar toa daaoM, (Waa with a ■VI era My. tot down. aad 1H tail yoa an ahaat tt, had warn try to ton oat what'a beat to ha doao. Maybe wa aight**1*"**1 * ****** aorar at Aad whan tha sill had satllad bar aad ham da kta ha laantoad la to a datrllid (apart. Ith Kntaam totaad. aU right* be aaooaaced, “hat a change baa ooma over tha plaaa atoea I rtattad tt mm year* ago. Tbaa tt waa a community of dmpta-hMltad-TUlagafa and Baher aaa; bow. aalaaa aU Mger ait tt'a a dca at pmuggtora. I noticed a Bom ber at Cbloaaa about: aad that takaa to oooaactloa with tha toot that whae I rratured to tatredaoa myaelf to tha Tillage glnmin aad aak a law toao caat qoaattoaa. tha Mtlra popolatioa. to a child, landed mmiBtta tbaa •«»d brick—the two elreamMaaoeo me think wa*d Mumbled on a eotOament at aaraaat werkara at tha gaatla art at helping poor Chinaman •Tad* the errlaaloa lawa * With a wry cmOn. ha pa (an ad: -*» for me, 1 landed oat hack af tha tout oa tha napa of my neck, and took the eoant. eorromuud hy a lot of oaaym pathatlc boiM aad hanale that had asaa totter darn. Aad whm I came to aad rtarted to erawt aaootaotatloaily away, I waa pm a Use to wttoeea tha landing of yoar amiable rlatar, that n»l of catthrnata aha keep* oa the pay roll, and AOa In aompuy with a* choice a craw of oeeaadrato a you'd (Mr« tO SSto. I ---Nmm a lam W«f* that laakad oat of tha hack door of tha barroom, that It waa aa I had thought—Judith had atalaa a boat from tha ship that plehad bar op. aad rauad It oa Norton', mat; aad altar aha ga tharad Alaa to tha achooaar of thaa* aaogglan happaaad along, aad •ha halted It aad atrwk a btrph with tha aaatoto aad atgaad aapartaarahlp attlelaa. or .omathlag ilka that. Aay way, bar tad aad tha tolaadar* vara •aaa aa thiak aa thterau, aad taaktog •P P* aoetaMy that I actually got a rbunco to Whiapar a word to Alaa aad toU him yoa vara all right, aad that b*d lad a* hdth down hara aa tha haaah. H took aarrad Mm with aa ta> “H That waa ah 1 got a ohuaaa lo ■w. muwhad n pu um. ** ■■Mill*. He waa onitom In a taiakUag, u< had hla face ground bra tally Mo tha eand while hla handn warn made taat with atoat rope behind bin herb. And whan ba roaa, K vaa *• >04, aa ba bad anticipated, that Heart reslMaaee bad baas aa faille a* hla owe; aha, tea, waa aaptlva, hat baada boand Hka hla, tha hnga and un alaaa paw of ooa of Jadlthl craw cru ally damped apoa bar shoulders. nay ware granted time to exchange an mors than oae daapalrlag glanc* when a oort laagh fairly chiliad the blood ha Ur. Buna and ba awang abarpty between bln two guards to ocatfoat Judith Trim a. The woman fee taw at drat gtanoe. waa in ana of her moat daaguroua mooda—If, Barcas mac tally gaaHflod, 'here waa n pin to choose between bee mooda Bat now. beyond dispute, she exhibited a ooanteaanoa new ta bis experience with her. end one well eal enisled to appall. Her teen waa btoodlaaa, eraa aa bet Bps wen while wMh the earb aha put apoa her paadon. Bar ayea wars lurid w*h tha flora of rage approaching mania. Her haada trembled, her Ups qdraied. all her actions ware abrupt with aarrouanaae. Ha area by ao means poorwptrlted. but be shrank openly from the look •be gars kirn, and waa raUared when ■he. with a anisr, passed him by sad Planted herself egaaraty bet or. bar •later. "W«nr she demanded brusquely "How much laager do you think I'm going to tolerate your laterfarencw— yon poor Utils fool I How many morn laaeoae will yea require before rootle tog that I mean ta have my way. and that yoaV ernes me only to sudor tor ttr Uto aaatlotad admiration of Mr. Bar ms, Far from criaptsp, aha seemed to ted freak heart fa bar etetefe ckal toape. Her bead waa hlpb. bar fiance total with flUmlfable contempt u >ks readied: "to We’re tried splint" aha la palrad obliquely, with a toaa of pity. "Tou'tu oterad him yoor lore yet an other ttaaa. hate year ■•Oaaoat- Judith cried Is fury. ~Oaly to Iran ocee more that ha woald rather death than your Rose par elate 4. untlaoMaa 'had so yoa some to taka year eptte out oa ate, da yonf Taa pitiful tklapt Do yoa thtak I lalad—knowtnr aa I do bow l 1 k«MU mm3 W toIm av ▼alooiKje Toa ertll see." aba aald la era and flipld aecenta. Aad the Upkt of kar anaala leaped and leaped apato ta bar eyes Hka a Ur lap karoe. "1 hare pi* parad a way to make yea undentaad what oppoaltloa to mm means . . .» tea waved a bead toward the nearer potat of rooks Taka them sloop.” aha anaaiaaBdad. The aadarataadtap between her and waa apparwatly oomplete: rat these last, without beattattoa or fur tber tastrwettoua. marched Rosa and Barwaa dowa ta the end of tka spit aad oa. Into the water. It waa aaarty knee deep before Bar' caa waa halted with a sarapa Jerk, bached up ta a rock, toroad daaptta hie treated resistance to alt dowa la the water, aad swiftly. with half a doean ra'nty with bin bmk A* for Res* •be warned do et>un*th Id etrw**ttB«— porbapo hod none to waste. Whoa be looked hor way ho aw hor OTpatePa prodlo nnmarred by aay ttae of toar at doubt, sharply reUered neatest tbs darkooae of tbo rtefac dood. Bor leral !*'• without a tremor treroraad tho fMnfag flood to Ms df Ha noted that already tho water* bad risen more thaa an Inch. Humbled area In hie terror by IWt radiant calm that dwelt npoa hor. bo roatorod dUBdonttyi "Asee — Km Trine—* She tamed her head aad found tho boort to emito. "Room* eho corrected reotly. "I'm eorry." bo said—which was not at all what ho had meant to aay. Tea *»• my beet. I euppoee tt'e wroaf to (lea »P—but they're made A loo much far me. thle Hm» - *1 know,* ebo sold really. "Tan"—ha etemiaerad—-yaaVe Dot afraid r “Thera le nothin* to tsar * oho Mid, "hut death. . . .* Thou," bo said taoro bra rely, after a time—the water mow war near bte chin—"rood-by—good lack I* "Not yet. dear friend." aha relumed, “not yet." Rat the tun wee perilomdy clean upon the rtm of the world. Bat n Rule time, and It .would be Bit be He cloned hie eyes to abut out tho Hsiao of Itt slow. Implacable toeroml Tho water wee sow almost torsi with hit Ups; It eeetaed etraa*e that They FoufM Like Mitow Ui throat oould to *0 dry. m pdrrhed . . . He opened hie eyas, slisiHsilm It* food-by uow.“ to taMared. “Hot yeti* her roles mac tutli him, vibrant. “Look—op tkarp^kat the rum * He Uited hla cam . . . Two sea wet* maniac alone tto cliff—ead the man la tto Had wa ▲lea. Bat hla load waa vary scant, aad tha man who pnmasd mmol Judith's, aad stoek to the ball Ilka a Mood-hound trash from the leash. Aad bow the water wan at his Ups; Barwaa coaid an mom apeak without fttllB|UOf. Of a sadden to groaned la his heart; though there was ao ps see hie way down the slur, still the sight of hla friend ahra end aahamsad tod hroaght with It a thrill of hops; bow that tops dlad aa be saw Alaa at urn Ms aad aa to hla knees Before he oould rise the ether waa apon him. with the fury of a wolf seek l»t the throat at a stac. For an Instant they fought Uto me* ■Mdt; then, la a trios, the sky has of the eU* waa empty; sae or the other had tripped aad taSaa erar tto bflnk. and |a4 ritifiil koM of hla enemy aad carried him dawn aa wall By ao ahaaee. Barone tail himself, •oold sdther escape ualajured. Tet, to bis emaeemaat, he aaw sae **“ hraeh from the other* —^-irr end rtae. Aad to who lay stfll, a trampled. Inhuman heap apea the seeds, tree Judith* mea. With a violent effort Baiaas ke^ hla ssonth shore water ead shrieked: “AimI Alan! Help) Hsra^t the aad of the point—to the water—help I * A precious minute was lost totem Alan discovered tbatr two beeto. aa fcarety ahem that swiftly rlatac *00* Then to rua toward them aa to tad sarar rua tafarn. aad aa to same whipped out a )ant half aad freed Ms WATCH THU COLUMN FOB MISSION ABT ITEMS 'What mw tka BU« tka world U raadtagl Yost dally Ufa aatedae. What in tka eenaoae tka world U Y(V‘“ istU* Your dally Ufa aad alas What aia tka oread* tka world U Traa Bom yoon aad Uae. °a what, tkaa, thould our Mala ha Oa Chrlet, tha Ufa dtoiaa." J’* to * • T Doat forgot tha MlwiouBry Ere aiag at tka Chriatiaa Chunk Fobrw ary 14th, Hlata Stady arete* ad gram which will TWra U la Caaada a daddad marw maat toward uaUaa af tka Praaby. tarfaal CfcwgrogaSonal aad Matka <Uat ChtvckM af Bntiah North A atarlaa. Aodoa aagatiatiaaa haoa baaa la prwgroM far twaloa yaara A baaia of oniaa baa baaa arraagad aad paaaod ao to tka aaoaral chiwck Dr. Hariat F. Looa, laloit addttiao to tka nodical faculty at Macy Bloch HoapitaL Soochaw, Chios, orrttM: “Soockow itaolf baa more canal thaa Yanieo, aad wa aaa gw aaywkwM la ar ootaida tha city lo ■oat attract! to aad comfortable and ■lew ChlnaM kouao koata. If ww chooaa to got to tho railroad itatioa la I mo thaa ana aad a half to two houro, wo aao taka a aadaa choir aar rlad ao tha ahaaldwa af aarfhOaw haiaaa bataga, or wa cm ride a daw hay. Tha atraata ora Tory aanow, ao wo cannot »m JanHMibai. M la daoa ia mm other eitloo. Beaida* batag aiaat pictarMOM aad «atqwe b«cane* of tka roooia aad tha old waU, aaoM thirtaaw or f owrtaoa bOm loog. eoetrdehag tha city with Ua ■ix gatM, tha city to Bated far Ua •oahh, pagoda* .aad ttMptee. Ooa af Chiaa *1 lor goat ngidaa eight •b»*es high, ii hare aad ia a Saa •tab af prMorri Uu. TW than are aha tha *— i n jah aad |m pa godas. n**ty and ton ana awb to ton tlMn ad tha Tmth. tha LKa, to* Way. U ana tompla wa aaw taa bmadrad ktota at arary nrilubli fatoy, aU mad* at cnachHay cUy. *»J tn aa adjataiay raa aoma Adty thiak it pacaftli that thaaa pcopto bahaaa la aad almavaly waaahlp thaaa aaad aad waadaa liaaysct Taa, I aaa. bacauaai I kara aaaa r«-« aad tatoUysBt Aaartaaaa kalian ta and wwnhip ktota. thsayh at dif faraat Mb. Tbain ara atada ad ■■tab aB baa* ontoca th«y ton paaaad thrwwyh tha radatay In ad Hla pardootay grass aad ton.'Mto ctoaary BaBstfe. MANY KNBOLL IN TUB BOMB-MADE MKAT CLUB Mata thaa Ow Thaaaaad Paapto aaw B—bwr ad Oab Baring Far Ito Farpaaa tha Batolay at Mara Hoot. Waat Katolyh. Jam *7—Oaa thorn aad laccnbcta harm aorallad aa Mam bar* «d tha Sanaa Mada Mast Mob, aa srmalaatian which haa ac Ito par pen tha argaatoattoa aad ■ — mini af ehiba tor tha pcawctln ad tha ratolny ad aura Man* la tha bnaato of North GaroUon. Tha calami boebaadry daportamal “f tha axpartomat sUUaa at Wato Satolyb to saodactiay tha dabs. TU fact that tha arymatoatlaa to aaly a year aid aad haa at p.. caraOad I.*®* amton la arldmra that tha •Barts ad tha prcMctcic ara Mast b with caceaaa. 8taea tha drat id Jaawary 100 od thaaa Maatbars ban ^ Dti T. Gray, la tears* at tea aafa* tedaatry dlteaion. atataa teat a dtenlta apstam te trap ratatlaa wOl ba pltaaid te tea Want aae Goaa te tea atata. la tea-lm part te tea State a* a rata tea giaw Inc te paaaata will ba taadarwte. OA* laataaaa ba* baaa aatad la Bdgaamtet maty wbara a fbnatr ralate M.7M pnuada te park an lte aeraa te paaaat tead aftar tea bar rate had baaa gatbarad. Tbda war*, ly daaimutrataa taring tea waata. »t I* bgarad teat aara tea ante* trap allawad te ba aaad hr tea nriaa, a math largar gala aaaU ba mad*. Far tea teaatara part te tea atata tea I—ral wab litet la te mate p*» graatera te aU *a Santbar* Stataa —*d wa aaitatt tea paal te tea tat I ■ ..t> .ifcaa. nil . ten ._i n_

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