JARVIS COUNTY MAM MEETING SATURDAY Uft Saturday afternoon at throe o’tlocfc a good crowd of tha Jarvis county auppertara mat in mats mast ing at tha Metropolitan Theatre taj Dana to disease tha formation of tha now county and to lay plana to car ry tha fight into the next campaign aad legislature. While the attend ance was not as large aa it could hare bean a vary enthusiastic meet ing waa the result. It was represen tative; there were people from near ly ovary part of (ho proposed county. 8uggastiva speeches from several of tha loading men ware made along tha line of keeping the new cornty be fore the people and a committee was appointed to select mb-oommittees to carry on the work. Judge C. J. Smith, of Dunn, called the malting to order and announced Ha purpose. After making a few re marks ha called on Attorney J. C Chgord far a talk. Mr. CliHord r » kearned the history of Jarvis coon )-; recounted tha fight that had ben made before tha recent Igialatnre and proved to the crowd that tha new county advocates had every raaaon to ha encouraged. He advaaeed sev eral suggestions as to how tha fight should be carried on. Among ether things he said that the new count) •mdd be made an jp.de in the next! leinpafcn and legislative aspirants would have n platform favoring the new county. Ha eaggeatod that all kept intact; that prospectuses and other 1 asattar ba printed J tha pub he; that naoeaaary ha tp pointed aad eat to work. His apaach brought forth hearty appiauaa. Hr. T. H. Webb, of Duka, waa call ed upon aad asada a short apaach. Ha aaid that ha arms proud of tha ra ces* fight bates tha iegMataso aad tha* ha fait greatly encouraged near the prospects. Ha Made a suggee - Man that whan any advocate wrote a latter ha aught by all manna to ■anttoa Jarvis Beauty, and that av — thoald talk the near Ba ha waa rather disappointed at tha ■MMifiOi. Qt § good point by Matiag that this waa significant • and thni ja waa aaaaaadry to gat buy an this moveasant and without delay. Ha 1" stated that everybody war m taraaud aad that ail that waa aac aaaary was to preareCa anthaalaam and Start a subserlptfea fund. He eaggaMad that everybody called on •ahteHbe a dollar for tha promotion at the work. The payment of thia ■■"«nt weald net ba mads eampul aery, bat that it should ba a vp art ad Mr. A. T. Surlaa was tha next called an for a few remarks. Ha stated that arm gusto within tha pre scribed territory would not hasitaU at paying tl.OO, and, aa Judge Smith ■WCWtad. would aava that amount ia axle giwaaa after tha new county waa established. Mr. Surlaa eras vary sathaaiastle over tha new coun ty and his apaach area heartily re - -i--a . Mr. K. Las commented on tha fight that had base started and said that tha aaw county was coming aad all that waa necessary eras steady, can si work In tta favor. Tha next laglalatare, ba aaid. would establish Jarvia oounty If ovurybody gat be hind the movement. haven! of tha Duka supporters ware called upon for speechea. All signified that they ware heart and teal behind tha mavasnant bet that Omv vara nat fiDanrK.rnairnrw and did not aiako talks. Baa Park®, ono of Dunn's natmr aBaad (Miras, mods a ringing specsh f® Jarvis county. Thor* was a great daal of logic in bio short talk aad bis wtt oaegh? tbo crowd. Nathan Barefoot, tbo Jervis coun ty war heron, was called upon aad M* remarks war* ttsaaiy aad anthu Na®ir. He is one of tho baartieot supporters of Jarvis. His speech be fore tho legislative committee a few weeks age ie sew historic, aad modi. him a celebrity overnight. He advoca ted tho plan of asking every soombor of the Jarvis County Chib to pay $1 aad (tools rod that h« would pay a doB® f® everyone of Ms sons. Ha *1® stated that hawauld give a prise O# a suit of «lathee to the ran se curing the- largest number of men bra of the Jarvis County dab Be was generously appUodod. A Mersey N. A. Townsend made a ad to select mb-commute** to carry •• active week of the new eoanty ■mvemssiL Ho said that this com mittee should aee care and discretion ’ la the seisrtisa of thorn nA isaimll oes; that man should net be appoint ed who wore not willing and aax Ispa.to work; that it mattorod llttho wbtoh® a ran bad tho ability or not; hut that (ha principal raqolsite Wai wtOtegneas to aaertAes Us ttow aad JJJN far tho now eounty. Judge HARNETT IN 1915 LEGISLATURE Following an the titlu ot bill* introduced by Repreeasttatlvs FoMx U. McKay, of Harnett County, is the rocont Legislator*: 1- A bill to allow tho commission er! of town of Dunn to convoy cor* tain real ••tale. 1 A bill validating an election held in Barbecue township voting bonds for road*. S. A bill to incorporate Olivia High School district. 4. A bill amending dog tax law* so that the bead of sacb household be allowed to own one dog exempt from tax. I A bill to establish Big Branch School District. 4. A bill amending law In regard to Recorder'! court of Harnett coun ty. 7- A bill placing office! ■ at Har nett county on salary. I A bill to allow Mra Ann Me food a pansies'. 9. A bill to amend law in regard to cotton weigher for town at Dunn. 10. A bill te allaw LilUngton High School District to vote addi tional bands. 11. A bill to prevent dumping of ■* dost into certain streams. 12. A bill amending chapter 72. Public Laws of 1919, changing the line ef Morris Graded School Dis trict. 1*. A bill ahollahiag Treasurer's office In Harnett ceunty. 14. A bill to prohibit the killing ef fish with dynamite fat ce streams. tt a mii ■ >l. tioo of Recorder’. Coart of Iowa of Dan. 1*. A bill relative to the leaaanc* of bonds by Ndl'i Creek township to aid in conatractioa of A. L. By. All at tee above tails were peaeed •ad ratified except teoee two rela tive te securing a pension far Hn Aar McLood sad awarding law In regard to tbo cotton weigher of Doan- These two bills received ad verse reports bom nrmwiltteso sad, tt coarse, received • speedy death at law in regard to Recerdn’a Coart*J the scanty; the dag tax law; the tea placing of eoaaty oAesn oa sal ary; and the MQ -K^ll.oi^ Trees arer’c office of the county FROM HATNK GRADED BCBOOL The members of the Bayne Lite rary Society will give a public debate at the school building on Friday evening, March 18, J»lk The public ia cordially invited te attend. Th* daara will apaa at 7:M o’clock. The management promises that goad or der win be maintained. The honor roll for lbs month of Ftbroary ia as fbUswi: First Grade—BHI Bollard, Arthur Seasons, Phrunie Seasons, Eddie Sen •otae, Nellie Seasons, Thedie Lucas, Ellx Toner. fioeond Grade— Euniee Tanner, Ma ry Bollard, Collie Ball, Betti. Fair. doth, Lewie geeeows. Mattie Turner. Third Grade, Jack VamUrgrtP Anon Lucas. Fourth Grade—Florence Better, Alice Aitier, Mayo Hawley, Jease Martin, Edith Turner, Luther Fifth Grad* — Nanai* Goodrich, Pearl Brock, Thomaa Parlcsr, Jam** Pul lard. June Lucas. Birth Grade George flutflis* Roy Venderrift- Beulah tMahnn a—,1 1 Owe®. Sorwith Grade—Laura Parker, Mary Caine, Beelah Owan. Eighth grade—Nellie Bullard, gar ah Parker, Bennett Hawley, Herbert Hawley, Alton Btahop. M. C.WIST, Principal Sunday'* papers carried dispatch** announcing the death of Gaunt Sor giaa Juleriteh Witte, Burnt*'* Amt prim, aainietar, which ooeunad Fri day night. Ha waa known to the people of the United State* on ac count of the fact that ho waa oa« Of the Bueaten plenipetantiariee at the Portsmouth conference In IPO* te negotiate peace between Japan end Baaola. He waa ene ef Bomieii graataat stetoameo and waa deeply interacted in the country’* mgaufac hiring inter**t* and railroad*. eorried without n dloee*ith»g vet* PoOowtng Mr. Trwaiua'e *uggeat*d Uat, ha aimhunced that the following mtm would nnuipio* the Bald oemmit too: Meeer*. A. P. Buries. J. C. Cl if ferd, Thome* H. Webh, end Jadgi C J. Smith. TMo eeemnHtee‘1 datie* were to select the eommMteea on pub lieatioa, A nance, boundary and Uw logMotioa oommfttoa, and any othoi After rreryouo had boon gkrna a* opportunity to talk and all baalnaoi had been conducted, a metiou wai made to adjaurn, and the crowd 41a pmued—to^att Jarrta until H bo STATE NEWS The State Board of Education ap portioned the school equalising fund last Friday. Nearly one-half million dollar* was distributed te the differ ent counties tn the State. The .coun ty of Harnett trill receive WJMPJ1. Dr. Charles Wesley Baht, Prefessor of Creak at the Univarsity of North Carolina, died nddenly of Imart fail ure Monday morning early at his home at Chapel Mil. He eras con sidered one of the most able teachers in the country. The big Ho It-Morgen cotton mills at Fayetteville have dosed down on account of ecareity of dyestuff ft Whetber the mills arill begin opera tion In the near future depends on the arrival of the proper colon from Germany. If the colors fail to show up in aa expected shipment, the aSh will remain inactive until German porta era opened. Mr. Charles W. Gold, of tbo Jef ferson Standard Life Insurance Com pany, of Greensboro, has recently re turned from s business trip through tha Sooth. Ha states that the bust ness conditions show a mat had Is provament hi Georgia. Ha attributes it largely te the optimistic view tak es by the farmers of that State. Ha mya teat they have gone on with their preparations with a hopeful view and that they ere well up with Governor Crel* bos recently on ■winced tho names of thooo who will oempora tho 8tnU Hi*bway Commi. »*oo, ao provided for by an wet a# the recant lactalatore. The fallow img rfpOM Um pwiooil Qqjij nor Cratf and Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, cx-oOmo member*; Pief. If. H. Ktaey, of tho on *ta eerie* department of '• of North Carolina;' Pro foooor W. C Klddkk, of tho sh*U •win* deportment of th* A*Wt» •1 tad Mechanical CoRs*s at X*l •*«*; K. Maters' Lsat Saturday, Merab Itth. was tho ot*fcty-Afth Mrthdey annireraery of Dr. John A. McKay, who Ifteh near Buie's Creek, la the rkahia tion of this day a bounteous dinner ■as served at the home of Dr. Joe P. McKay, the oldest son, who Usee near the home of the a*ad physician. Present at this dtaaar ware all the ehildrae hrtar and several <jf the trend shidran. Tkt names follow: Dr. Joe F. McKay, wife and twe chil dren ; Mr. Jno. A. McKay, wife aad two children. Lory and John, of Dunn; Mrs. M. B. Williams and ton, Michael, of Dean; Mrs. J. H. Craw ford. of Daka; Mr. D. McN. McKay, of AahaviDe; Rev. B. J. McKay, of Kentucky. John A. McKay is the or’ vorviei** member at a very disttw ruithed family. His sister. Miss Isa bella McKay, passed away only a '« month o*o. He lives to see all hia children dohi* well aad tonkin* their mark In the world's activities. Up until a few months **o Mo health was excellent, but 1Mb winter ho saf fwed a rather severe attack of la frippe sod, at a result. Mu health Hat not boon what it wet formerly COATS LOCALS Mr. W. C. Hunt, of Clayton, pint Saturday here. Mr. H. T. Peterson spent Saturday in BaMgh on business Dr. C. ft. Young, of AngW, spent Sunday afternoon boro. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Danabue spent Sunday in PayottoeUte. Mr. P. T. Pops la preparing to make brick oa an enlarged seals this MUms CatUe and Vada Stewart •paat Sunday la LiHIngton visiting fries its Messrs P. p. and J. D. Pops and C. D. Stewart motored over to Allot CMy Friday returning tbo saasa day Taur corroapoadont Mama that a knitting mill will soon bo ootahHobatf bore. It is expected U bo In opera thm wttbin s abort time A ftUei account will bo giren next week. Mr. C O. Stewart and Mianta Lull Ingress an dXxie Stewart spent Sire day at Newton Orare. Tbo German erdteer, Dresden, a sistsr ship to tbs fated Sextan, hm tone to Its wetary grace too reldae Ha rotoed somparaa vary far orebty to that of the leaden. NomsT ouo merchant rasaals hare been tool by this war rams! and different iMpi of tbo allios bare chased it hr seen] •ana. Its end was only a quantise of time and It seme a few days at* The Germane del* that tbs Dread* was sunk to neutral water*, bn* thii fact has net been dadUdtaly ulahltoh ad. NEWS LETTER FROM DUES ' Duto. N. C, Mm* 18.—Monday Right la the BHrin -IJhll a -Boat of Montoya” Ml prandMl to tto Doha aodlanct aad was hj*dy entertain ing. Thin WW >WMI Mtod rottan op by teal tatol la Qn aad ths paopla tto* waaa' to thoroughly plaaaad with H that Ray decided to gira It haro. lto rpdidpta war* di vided with tto Whatt'library faad bars and tha Mathafbt Char* in Dona. 8b* aa waa a cradH to nay 1 tto Doha audinncs dpto ed and kept la a aa to* nar of la ugh tar. ', Jx '• Tba Right tor-1. Ms bop at this tosMtdf 8 tap baas Episcopal' night sad lto tto in tha *sr* Tbs rector of St I Duncan, arai Mean Saaday aa ( but was abia to Mj Dr. J. C GRto,. told tha a with tto night aad also : hour. Tto pert far tto tribute to tto log that It wm | ia all to i tto standard skt chart* was Bar. S. W. Baptist char*, toa ed a raligioto and will dMdftfe tarn ever to the tto naans uf to any char* that tha crap Uao waa a webalty bi tha daya of load party add to. boo-paaary Joat^Mar tha war; hot contondad that tha aiwtdt af thoaa days had bow beam, a eraaa. fit* tba crap ban added pararty, oM thh aflrmobra. It hapt tha victim poor by aioattag Icng pradte aad Ugh b> tareat rataa far aadooditba It On couragad extravagaaca, waatafulnaaa aad liraapoMdUbty; ft diatom agod tha raWag af haaaa aoppHaa aad tba development of thrift. 11 U the Umfawetay af tha aoa trap, farm-tenancy, mpglyoaerchaat aya taai af faming, which aim tha fanner to manta wtoltft yaar by yaar la cotton aad tabdaaa bat makae it unpoalbla for him to catafai It. It oror white tenant*; aa art dented by tha fart that mom than half th. farm rwt Napro tmak In upon a lowarlanl. Stand(hahardship*hotter and riaa oat of tiaanr) into farm ownmalilp often*. than white tan ant*. Th# nofatJra apaakara eentandad that aboHahinc tka nap Uaa aftoeted ■nor* than half tko ftrani of tko State, all the tenant faraaan and moat of tko maan farm owner*; that H meant ckaoo aad icirfadan hi th* knalnaaa of 41 oountio*. mainly tho cotton and tahaata -.mill* of «aat ora North CaroHna, whwr* aaprn pop ulation! aad teaaamy famine are mala foataroa ht apriealter*; that th* kuidferd* war* aai aklo to dnaao* tkair teaatea dfaraetty and Vhkoat th* afap ■’tenant* aaald not Nr*. Form labor weald Ikaiafai* WWW TO JMM mPATQ I GENERAL NEWS Tha Bn attain Xnllm| dbocten.da «riod Why to liiyarf payment af djvidaods ea pcefsrred stack which U O. unaj Jy payable In April Caltoea Cat af tha Paaama sanal la spate clear after saa af thoaa aaw famous slidaa. whieh took plana aa Maiah A Thors wan M ships await it was declared spaa far trade. William 0. MaAdoo, Secretary af tha Tcaaeary. was eparatad ate tal loot Friday. Tha epenttal'Zla , aaoaaaafal aad tha patient win ha aa tha aaad to na»ai to a few daps. Co—ar Yates, of Varment, dye :ad too prtateltla rafmnailam toot fSrtday, tori w*l tea— it to. tha —ton .of that State to dadds to Match, LPlt Wto ^aTto^l Siftoala* la April the ha ads of ov ary alack to Geraaay wM be adraat ad aaa hear. It Is aattomtod that ami hear af aaritar ridaf darter tha A late dfapateh from Barite say* aapked theCanaan pcs pa ml far ths asnhaaja af aaldlrn who art phyai mtoy adt tor'farther adUtarp aar rirn. Tha Canaan made this so* «At*ea lad Ihimlir, hat oatO ra Daria* tha latter part of last wash hhat.te cap trill te he the M**aat batter af tea (real Tar name war ha Mm. Jaha D. Rockefeller diad at bar km In Tarrytown. N. Y, Fri day mortdng. flit X. Formal eo Prbotiea, k daughter, wag tha only immediate relathre praaaaL Mr. ParkatdUr aad hit aaa wars at Or Stead, Florida, whsa tha death oc carrsd aad engaged a apodal train ta raah them to Now York. Mr*. Rockefeller was N josm oM aad bar whoia life was wiappod op la bar hadbaad aad children. She was net Lincoln Peachy, probably the moot fnaaki ariakor. plunged to Us death Soaday whfla oagaglng la aa 'exhi bition flight at the Panama-PaelAe Trpidlloa The arista* was at testing a perpendicular drop aad bat whaa ha |rup« c*tha control lov ars to adjust tha planaa of Ws bom plana tha wlnga cram plod and tha aaachina and tha aviator fall to kia death fat Ian Francisco Bap. MU lioaa of paaglo had aeaai Baarhp par term, among than tha—adi of Tar MABCH AN CNMKALTHY MONTH la 1st* wiatar aad early (priap at* calhy littlmaM The 4m th ra> mttUa mmmm, *• It is at this urns Mhsmladi iui Mr sf ihMr victims S"£*d#*Mm tary systems. OM psoyis Sad it hardsr tx> roaist Aaaaaa saw aad laak with ii sad ts Lha sm spa's approach. Why ia thist Is it a maatal. or a physical coodWoo? What is Its sf - factt MsaUlc irrveetigntt— shews which is heih a aasatal aad a physical cwJittaa is a matter of ae little im port oa aMsiiasy aad health. Pref aaeer Huntington of Tala Ualversity has rscanUy ssada a aatafal atody af tho affects of U» waathar aad aso aaas oo Urn aaniiags of 100 spsra tirta, mpapod. ia pissa sat io the fhcteriM of Coeeecttest. 11m caaalts shewed thair aaralaps MHewad a February aad Marsh, whsa thay"be *>■ te rim until lues. Ia hat wsoth they feu again bwt raadmd thair Mpham point ts November. The sarafal ilusraihs was amds af MOO stadeoU at Waal Point and AaaapsHs aad tbe. ffpatas shewed the nm thing, that the Mata sf MMaaty wars hs flail takSnf ap th. Batter wi« atbar gor LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOL Honor roll for b north cedla* Fri day. March It, m*. Pint Grade — Gaorpa larajpaw, Hanry Waako. Mary Papa and WU Uaao Papa. lacond Qrada—Ployd Papa and Edith Papa. dAaaaeed Baeond Prado Edward Warren, Planaia Norrio and Vim • Third Grade—Bartha Papa. Joatta Pope, Claude Pope, Camara Norris. Lytw Aan— and Sadia Weak*. Eaarth Qrada Thnddaaa K. Papa, Oadya A. Warren and Cnriao A ■util Grad*—Jo*. H. Jamifaa. AjfMrb; polillakai far kifanaa ♦km ANaON JACTBON. Mad pal. Tka pot ttaia-into-port of tka Gar aiaa eaovartad craUar Pita* BHai fiMlIA Me tka Uttar part at Via*-Practical Mentail kaa atraak tka KayaaU U aepWp tka* tkaaa aka \ *■*' *• 'UtiBii ta aa 1 Hat U tka army aat pat tata (ka Uaa > Uaat raak U tka «Mt hatUa. Tkaaa i U aa Uttar at? ta-rU tka aaaatl) * a* tkaaa oka oaaM Mac aa on ^tbcwwt club ^b% •Vak, Mp: J. L. Wada, 0. A Aontoa, Ha* Steak, Y. L. ftapt aaa. J. W. Ihnnphaa, Jaa. Nariaa, a t. Wk. XcD. SaOMar, Mta. XcD. HadWajr. Mia. B. A McXajr, Mn. /. & Orackatt, J. A Craakatt, OXXka Mter. ha Faakar, Dr. kL Warran, 3. A WDaaa, T. A. Tbdmtaa, A L. A Pia—haa, data riaiaall. Aaaaa Jiwkaaa. L. A Itertaa, A A. Nat tkawa, P. X. BaaaM. J. 1. Laaa. P. P. Papa, A P. Jarnigaa, J. W. Taawapa. X. P. Bedpaa, A ft Taw, X. A. Tamaaad. a P. Shall, P. T. Xaaaaa «tR A T. Laa, Nathan Mat, T. C Yana*. Bd Saatth, W. D. HaBaad. 1. U Hlaaa, A P. PfcUSpa. J. C. to iteplaa, T. C (Stoat. 3. A WBaaa. A A. Paplia. J. C. Sad, J. A. Waaka. 3. A Waaka, T. A Want, Jaatak Papa, ■ W. W. Waaka, M. A Laa, 3. W. Laap lar. X A Godwin. Balph Dawd, to Cala, c X. teaphiaaaa. W. A Baariap. J- A CUaaad, T. A Wafcb, A A Thoaan, h»k Btearit. 3. D.. Papa, W. A Pan-tab, A A Onto *wn. A W. Strickland, L. C. Dapaaa. 3. U Alphia. auon.r.c Papa, W. p. Pawaaa, W. P. Parian, A A Oar, Sab Car. A C Laa, A. P. Sartaa. A U Bawatd, Mrttoa P. Yha want irate fbank la apaa. ta ad ta It •• fe m at ■ fe ll aa4 W. M • Ml I MV itfcfea ,WT* life Cfea ife la m f W w i V»«, fei V fe fea • feat n at

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