THE DUNN T0L> 1 , _Dunn, N. CM Mi CHAMBER or COM MERCK MEETS The local Chamber of Commerce seat last Friday, March l»th, In the law ofllcaa of it* secretary. Attorney C. J. Smith. The president, McD. Holliday, called the meeting to order aad announced that ho eras read, to commence business. Four additional vice-presidents wara elected aa follow-1 P. 8. Coop er, J. P. Pittman. W. II. Newberry and N. A. Townsend. Each of these men was made chairman of a com mittee which would have aa its duties sore* specific pait in the upbuilding of the town and community, and it was left to the chairman to name the awn who would compose the dif ferent committees. They are as fol Iowa: Jeeae P. Wilson, first vlee-presi dent, Jno. A. McKay, J. D. Barnet, J. C. Clifford, K. A. Stewart, to form a-eeenmittae to indite* manufacturing enterprises to locate In Dnnn and to te *dTurtle* this section to capital ists aB over the world. P. 8. Cooper, second vice-presi dent, B. 0. Townsend, J. P. Johnson, M. Fleishman, A. L. Newberry, to keep an *y« on all cotton mill men aad aaak to bring to their eyes the ad rents gas of Dunn as a manufac turing sen ter. J. P. Pittman, third vie*-president, l. D. El a* II. V. L. Stephens, G. F. . Pope, Ed 8milh to Improve the school facilities and fo. look after public building*. . W. H. Newberry, fourth vleo-preai dent, K. L. Howard, R. L, Godwin, T. C. Young, J. Lloyd Wads, to act ■anger and- freight elation* and oth er railroad facilities and to secure batter freight rates. N. A. Townsend, fifth vice-prea* daat, X. T. Lee. E. Goldstein. 0. M. Tilghman. C. 8. Hicks, to secure bet ter streets In the town end better reads in tbe country. A membership committee «■■ ap pelated at follows; T. A. Thornton, chairman; W. JL Howard, X. Gold atom, M. A. Lea. L M. Cohn. A resolution -was adopted to abolish the Initiation fee and to make Me par awmrk tbe fee for each member. An - y~te*e C L. ter. and Marvin Wade. C. 8. Hicks and C. M. Tilghman were appointed aa a committee to take chsi re of and arrange for tbe annual Fourth of July Celebration. Among other things discussed was a srsoker to take place Tuesday. April fith. Further announcement concerning thii affair will be made later. HALL-PARKER Four Oaks, March 23. -Saturday afternoon, March 20, about five o’ clock at the borne of Rev. 8. J. Ma» aeagill, three miles south of here, Mr. Charts* FeaUie Ha!l and Min Lily May Parker spoke tbe vow* that made them one, Mr. M assert gill say ing tbe rites, immediately after the ceremony'tha couple together with a brother of Mr. Hall, and Mr. William Moon, of Benamt, chartered an au tomobile and drove to Benton, at which piece they will reside—the boats of Mr. Hall. Mrs. Hall It the daughter of Mr. ’ J. lie Parker, who lives In tha Par ker eehool house section, and ic boun tiful and charming. Mr- Mall III public eehool tsar her of good repute, end. had joet closed a term of eehool at the Parker eehool house In which district the bride waa a resident. It waa while teaching there that they became infatuated with each ether and their friendship grew late q more eartoue relation ■hip iwhich terminated in the above cuimmacion. DKATH OF DAN H. McLKAN, JA. Nrwa reached Dunn latt Friday •waning of tha daath of Dan H * I loan, Jr, of Iillington. Ho m th* youngoot aon of Colonai D. H. Me Laon, a prominent attorney of Ul Angtan and at ona time a citiien of Dun*. Ha w*» a young man who had barely attained hi a majority and hla Ufa gaea premia* of being a use ful one Jo hta cemmontty. He had boon in dec!inlag health for aavr maortla and hod been e patient at HI them,iV Hospital, at Fayetteville, a abort ttmo bpfr i i bla death The funeral aarvtoadrtreya eondueted at IdlUagton 8 end ay aftahhooa In tha praaanoe of a Urrgo eoneouraa ol frMnda and Mativas. Mr. Melnaa bad numerous frienda and aagwriafaneea (n -Dunit who war* aaado aueeodingly tad at the now* of hie so timely pasting. The body of H. H. Riddle, age M waa fdood by an A. C. L. eondoetm ■onday morning about on* aad one half arilm aooth of FayuttavilU. He w beab beeper for tha MrMlUar Tradtag Company of Aobaaon county mU tha earanar’a jmy randarad the uurdlet that ha waa klllad by i THE WAR DOE8NT HALT MARRIAGE IN GERMANY Berlin, March 19.—The Berliner*, notwithstanding the war, era (till marrying end giving in marriage at almost their usual rate. In Decem ber the number of marriage Means* Issued was 1,421, which was only 112 lass than for December, 1913. The number of babies bom in December wsa also about the seme a* for the previous year. On the other hand, the deaths numbered 306 more than in December 1913, which was proba bly doe to the mortality in the num erous military hoepitnla locate I here Traffic on \ptm street cart ahowed only a modsiat* redaction. At the sav ings-bank s still mors satisfactory showing is mads Deposits amount ed to $1,420,004, which exceeded those of Decsrajper 1911, some *30,000 The activity of the police in watch ing over the people appear* to have been leas marked than in the pre vious year; for there was no police supervision at all over the 32 public meetings held in Berlin in December, whereas the polios attended eight of tha 42 meetings held in December, 1913. A BILLION DOLLARS This la the Ameaat ef Gee da tfar United States Has Said to the Warring Nalien* Sines the War One bilion dollar* U a conservative •atimate of the value of the trade* in artaa, ammunition eqd war sop piles between tha allies ef Europ* and the manufacturer* of the United platan during tha first year of the war. It has not been possible foi tha manufacturer* to furnish wai • upjnes co UMmioy Decaust or u* interruption of trade relation* with that country Daring the peel hi months the el lies here bought from the Unite1 States I4M.M0.M0 worth of wii supplies. Many of the manafectu rer* in the United States hold con tracts with the British, French and Roast*n gocsraraaat* which bars at _ “"""aS the -us# af the allies is' now shipped by tha American manu facturer or producer to Canada where It is transhipped in British bottoms to England. Bren war sup piles for Fraoce and Russia art d# )leered in Canada, shipped to Eng land and distributed from there. Of the four hundred, and odd mil Han dollars already spent or contract cd for, tha following Industries have accrued tha balk: Arose, ammunition and ex plosives . H 07 *00,000 Iron and steal . 86.000*00 Textiles, hosiery, rwaatsrs, Ac. . 82*M,000 Automobile* . 22*00,000 Chemicals, medicine* and hospital supplies .... 6*24,000 Leather, Including shoes, harness, Ac. . 18*00,000 Miscellaneous. including beef, -some flour, sugar and provisions . 161,000 *00 Total to Fob. 1 . *412*80*00 —Sow York World. GREATEST COTTON CROP EVER Washington, Mach 20.—Tha great est cotton crop aver produced In tha United States was grown in 1914. Tha Census Bureau statistics issued today, giving final ginning figures, officially placed the 1914 crop aa a record breaker, with 16,102,148 bales af 6M pounds each. That 1*409,412 600-pound bales, or 904,721*00 pouaaa more Ota w*« proea-xj in the great crop at 1*11. Id running bales enraging 807 8-10 pound*, the erup aggregated 16371.002 bale*. Included la tha figure* are 121451 he lea estimated U he tamed out al ter the Merck convey*. Produ"T 1 bi North and Booth OnioU.ii ant \ir g*nla Id 600 pooad balaa was: North Carolina, *26384; South Carotin i, 13*4396; Vlrgiula, 28.142. MR. J. 0. BAIRD LECTURES led Sunday afternoon a large number of Pythian* and their frlande gathered et the Baptist chereh to hour Mr. J. O. Baird, of Charlotte. Grand Chancellor Commander of the Grand Ledge of Knight* of Pythias, I actor* on tli* boast!** of Pythian torn. Hi* talk was thoroughly *n Juyed by ill who assembled to bear him. He explained what this order etoed for; whet R doe* and why It 4*e* good things far the betterment of manhood and womanhood. The teeel lodge attended la a body and the aaembora were load In theii prala* of this flaant speaker Special manic was rendered by a raterU« eheir and thte. toe, wm enjoyed hj alL Mr. Harman Ben, of GoidAora wm tare s day er ee thte week je eer Mi people. NEW CORPORATION IN DUNN The Southland Farm and Rani Ea tate Exchange, Incorporated, it th style of a now business concern b Dunn. Its principal stockholders ar P. S. Cooper, president of the Fir* National Rank of Dunn; H. O. Town send, of the Duun Insurance am Really Company; and J. Lloyd Wade of Dunn. Its authorised capital stock i* *f>0.000 and, iU principal office will be ia the new First Nations Rank lluddin*, corner of Main am Wilson streets. The meorporatiet pui poses to deal in farm lands, U buy and adl and develup this class ol i cal estate. It will handle securities stocks, bonds and building auppiia* It will negotiata leant, construe! buildings and. operate storage ware house*. This Ann will advertise Harnett Cumberland, Johneton, and Satnpeor rountie* to all Die world, and then Mr. Townsend nays they ar* in hattei position to do this than any othei concern In thts ttata, or country foi that matter. They announce that U there ia anyone who withes to buy or sell farm lands that they can put the transaction before more peoph and aorur* better resell* than any. body. The firm is composed of soma el th* best business men in this 8tate man who have made a success In everything they undertook end whose names mean something in th* busi ness world. They are going t* put all the hustle and energy into the possible and, tf their past i word means anything, success ia as sured. CAROLINE IN EAR DELIRIOUS S»an«c Accident ta Tnaf Man While Ftxixg an AatomoUto Granville Keogh. lP-yoor-old eon oi 8uprame Coart J antic* Martin J Keogh, met with a peculiar Trident when be returned from an automo bile ride with hit friend. William Ford. There wee water in tha gasoline *nd he crawled under tha oar in hii tahsr’a geragp to let the water oat an* of hit tart hour* before he recovered.—Now Ro chollo, N. Y. Dispatch. SQUIRK NATHAN AND III* F01 R SONS In Sqolre Nathan Barefoot, of Min go Township, Sampson County, Jar vi* County he* it* moot a*meet eup. porter. From th* time when the now county movement was a more csiual topic and the thome of dr jtl era to the preient which too* ur^an iaa<l force* laboring for it, Sqmrt Nathan has always been willing and anxious to throw his hat into ’he ring and take a dotorminad nti-J for Jarvi*. I{* it always present at mass meeting* and comrniUee hir ing* to offer hi* aid and money. A-.i he doee not go unrewarded for he i* given duties to perform which In doe* thoroughly and epeadily. Along with Squire Nathan Is hit four eons, Jasper Barefoot, Krneel G. Barefoot, W. T. Barefoot and Ray mond C. Barefoot. All have had their name* enrolled as members oi th* Jarvis Couaty Club and haaea forth win be heart and soul behind their father in his effort* to put Jar vi* on th* map. They show the right *ort of spirit and U a few more of the etaonch families of Min go will com* to th* front aa Squire Nathan's has dona, thara wH] be ne position a* to the establishment el the narw coon ty. BLOTTING OUT TYPHOID • . - \ The preient war b remarkable foi ila lew death rata from disease, par tbularljr typhoid. To March Um drat there were only four hundred and twenty-one cam of typhoid b the HritUh army, and of thorn oal) thirty-flea wer« fatal. In tlbi Boat war, tha Brltlih loot eight thoaaanc men from typhoid, and there wen fifty-eight thooaand ratal The cam parlaon, aa th* Philadelphia PuhH, Lodger well observes, "ahmre the vnat program of prarantlra medicine - It should bo noted furthermore thot the great mojority of 'caaai which have developed among the Rrltlah forcee wane men who had no boen Inoculated. Thta record b ii .keeping with thot of the Unite, Rtotaa army. Before antl typhU, eacrinetlon eras made rampalaory Ii our army, is Jane MU, the aeerag anna si number of deothe was 20 and fourteen among aonae aiaty-aigh thouaand anllatad man. A yaar Uta tha aambar of cases had decrease, U thirty-four, although In tha mean time the enlistment had advance more than twenty thousand, and h 1»U la caly fonr. Today typhoid 1 virtually unknown la tha America army,—Atlanta' JoamaL Mrs. Gee. T. Mod and ehlidran via Had Meads la lelma lad week. NEWS LETTER fWOU DUKE A mam moating tba internet « I baa* ball was bald Frfday night in Km i auditorium and ths organisation ioi , with cha following s^lr ■ si"" D* Yarbrough, manager?!. a Ajiisnu I .captain; E. K. n hbj. trStonisi Savaral anr mm am/trying far th< tanm and after suiMaat practice ths team wPI be selected. An pat nt nsmas bate baan mumd In ths saaaon. It ia UbaM«MKrpb gum will ba with Buia’i tDAnfe- . Tba Rabana Boo* Ch* Bat wtth Mrs. Tboa. H. WabS Wedtasday af Umoon. It sru reported that the sanitary drinking Eonliliii which tba club is going to Inara 11 fsr ths school had arrtrad in| voted bn tn i tailed at once. It teas farther e graed that tha books hKoogfav to ths club sboald be plsssn ^.eesrresdent public place for flteStohf (bo pmblis. After fto i suttee <^%gslnooo, to— Webb eerred 0 llllMan with eag les end mlnta. ***iof|n«iiialliiiLi and souranim warn oil «n (Non test in boner of St Patrick Uny. TVeebai meotteg of the «h* (fcfcrodth Era. E. «• Yarbrough, f *» ■ Thoaa in ehnrga EKo psotaBti were busy BatuiSag4 nseci^ Me 8. Yarbrough, Dfcbtet D^aty for tha Fourth Dtetrict * On Friday Bight TTaahhm. 1 U>d«* Mo.WL at P. laaMlolad to te to* Myatariow Maak at Faya. Mr. E. Harpar Norria, pad. at to* aaata tint ractorad tka ayyllaattoa at 1. W. Lynch far tka nab a* Kaigbt bood. \ Saturday nicfct at tea a’eteefc Mrs. E. a Bolton dted. *d «** tehoa to I’arkor't Groan Saadty afternoon far barial. Mrv Batted teft * Bute gtr\ 3“*t oa* «aak old had kar hatband. Sha had not baa* wall ataa* tka child *u born and tka cad ana « t say tbna. Ska was Mb* Ami* Nano ban fladyana ’nnaaij ««t kaan marriad shoot ftftaan naatti* At to* raaaat aknbh mIoou followed by too caaitnlj eoofaaetK* of tka Method!* akerth, Mr. B. W. Bard aid, a laynaa* wa* granted h eanaa to axhort. Mr. BorfaM kta often felt that ka ana -waited to tka nttniatry, bat hi* teak af adoeattea ha* bald ton away ban a yablk avowal of hla tadtoattem. MINQO-tmu Brtfrtt and Udoa'tL D*th" al h||*1 apent KM—day nfebt with th. faarfl, of Mr. W\ O. OIMt Mdeo# Let* Baatned DaaQa Jack ■on (pent Saaday whh Mlaa Karma Mr. AtdlU MeLamb and aiatera MUaaa StaUa aad Lett**, apart Sew day with their oacl*, Mr. Harimrl Wane*. Mr. aad Mra. Marrta Jaekaon wan tba rwu of Mr. Haabert Warm* the father of Mas. Jaefcaaa, am Bun ' *a« m.i waak-and with baa father, Mr. Law 1 att Warroo. Mlaa Maypte Warrea. apart lee 1 Sunday with her grand-father, Mr Burardl Warn* Mr. Arab BoyaA af lilmt.,fc k Hauthter, Mra. Lawobt War I ran. thta weak. Mr. Kata! Ihilrtlm! won la thk ' Metloe lent lathy aft mat an ta m > -—r-|‘i • Everybody ta tU> mctlaa la leak i th! *** P>MMM * •" at Mna Poraak rtrt Srtardej I Mank *7. A-yaaQpm of ^-Mpm i and drill* win be tendered, aad thar > will be eharmta* mad. lae. Tba mi i aitodoa fa* la aety a dime. Th door* arfU epoa'at TiSO •’atoek. ■MOWN STBS itnnaun to rat mbpatci «■ *. ' ROM CHAPEL WILL Chap*! HID, Maid. 23r<L—The da H of farmer Proaidant WUUaai How •rd Taft to tha >tata University lai weak aided to tha already Ions liat « celebrities that have boon guests ad tha institution daring tha 1*0 yean of Ita existence. Coupled with tlx dait of Mr. Taft, ia tha nataworth) .fact that lva occupants of the White House addressed Chapel Hill eudi ■■■ from tha platform bi Garrard Hall aad all within Urn lifetime o< Ex-President Kamp Plummer Battle Thasa Chief Executives ware An drew Johnson, Jamaa JL Polk, Jamaa Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson and Wil liam U_ Taft. It waa 47 year* ago, in 1*47, that Aadrow Johnson, thon president of tha United States, mads his mem orable dait to hie alma mater His graduation from tha University many rears praniittag that daft made Ms retwm-engagement all tha mors Dat able. ' Oh die night of hie arirval on tha “BH," tha stud ante farmed a proaamdenal march areund the •/ tha UMetnKy proaidaat ia honor 4f the dUtingalsbed del tor. Whan tha »arenn«ag musk was ever. President Jehnaea was called an for • speech: Prom tha recollection of tha oldest cMiatt. la essence ha aaM: "Whan I trot earns to Chapa) HIH ■»»y rmn ago. I came trudgiag alaag this road that Isads by «M Pi'iilliaPa heats. I area a barefoot bay. aoaatily attired ia clothing, and with a budget of old teeth as on my bock. Today I eoma back to you as ptoe*daat of tha United States." fcw aad wall the.ea bet the •naltk of wee a lag whisk they (in dad wae-hsond op la tha Joetecr af this North Carolina hay from UnJ oonftgr eta Mat to the highest tehee wfthht Oka gift of the Imudaan pom yia-—a. *, W lntera. me. war week m wall mm tha a wag, raad company. Mr. M. A- La* as Ja«k Dtmning aad Mias hrm Peanoa a*. Dorothy Dunn mg, Jack's wife, wars excellent la tha *—-J--g nioa Dr. J. B. Bailor, as Parry Ogdon, /aefc*a IMaad, sod J. Lloyd Wads a* A^lay Drayton, a man of the world, wars completely at hocae in their pnxta aad their work brought forth repeated applause. Miss MoUta Mee olay Pearsall at Allca .Grsndoa, Mia. I. P. Pittman ae Melinda Jane Boggi, Mr* J. U Hiaea as PoOy Flinders and Mias Margarat MeQmaan as Sarah Boggs captivated tha andiancc with eary daw work. Tha part of Hi na Boggt was successfully play ed by Mr. V. B. Morgan. Tha play fnratehed asms intensely dramatic ■»a»soU aad‘was thoroughly enjoy ed by one of the largest erowda that aw attended a home talent produc tion The proceeds arson a ted to over $•0 aad will go to tha organ fond, at th« Baptist Church. This pUy was each a great success that it ie hoped jhat^t will ha rapaatad in tha near Balwaaa sets Mieses Margarat Pape and Emma Yatmg aad Mrs. Jae. Pitagarald res dared vocal solos, ethkfb wars thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Robert Jordan also entertained ti>> eadiaaee with a violin solo between Urn fourth and ftfth acta. Tha local orchestra, augmented by a law out-eftswa musicians, daiight ad the crowd daring tha evening with the latest rag-time. • GROUP COMMENCEMENT '"■* will be held at Pine? Grove tohaol. djatriet No. *, at Pleaeanl Orovo township, John (ton county. on ted. 1*1*. o group eommonee ,»™ti for tho purpeoo of Mtectini do legs tm from Ploosent Grove town •hip to be sent to SatitoMd Field °«T. Apr* *A. Tho huger port e1 tho dop wfll bo devoted to tho tow* thip preliminary contest end too lit Ue ones of Pinop Orovo. Wo an also expecting on addrooo bp Mr Noble of Chapel Hill The oxeirie. oo of too Plnop Grova student* ortT ko pot off onttl night. The town , "AlP oowtoat work wfl] consist of atb lotlea, roMtathmn aad daelamatiena The poblle U sordtollp Invited to at toad. CARL PARRISH, Benson, N. C i A Joint mooting of too Miseioi ■ Btodp Chelae of too various church* . win be held some tone daring to i And weak hi April. Thao aad ptar i will ha announced later. AD ladle - who are totseeotod In hem* mission* I la making aad hooping A meric Gad’s eoositrp, should at toad the* ■saaaaaetanaaaaamMm i iubbcrur to trr dispato THE SPIRIT OP IFAHTAQKAN "Thao conquer wa mist, for oui CMM is jaat,” ta probably aa clow aa ooa might coma to • trarwiottati ad (ha thought that tba ladi. v4**“l |J*^t*r* awanr army of Eu worka aat in various ways, accord' teg to tha national characteristics af the particular Aghtar. Oa all aldaa w# hare eaaaplee of extraordinary daring, but performed naw with tba ■tardy feartaapiaoa of tha Tauten, now with tha cold Impudence at tha Briton, lb. Aery rarideaaaaas of tha Star, or tha amuaing impertinence of tha Gaol. In tha London .Dally Chronicle a writer at tha French Uaaa glow aa la hit am words, a proof that "tha spirit af d'Artagnaa la not dead." ft i, certainly good aowo to hear that the apirit at “mm for all aad all for ana" aad of gay «haUsage ta tha fataa haa ate euSar ad a dantiaa In any eonatry la tba ••rid. And so, with oar neutrality carefully displayed wo road: In spite of all tha horrors of mod apn wertere, with lip nrmteUating ahaO Are aPd tha -iratlrnip ruthUsa *••• °f «raat gusts, tha Preach aat dlar at Ida hast rotates that qoahty of youth which soars rren above tha mack aad Binary of tho tranchoa. Tha character of a young Hasten, not af artflla^ who a flaw weeks ago came to fill tha plasm of a poor follow Ulod at the aid. af t.»— -u tyg_ leal af tensmamhla aoldiars of Pmnco. Ho prsooatad himaalf with Jaunty goad hamor, mads a MtUi ■poach te his battery which aat an man iai bands with day ha haew tha fahtlly "Don’t chock any ■art,’’ lhat was hit wny of ordering the caaaa Ira But a few days ago Lifuteaaat Maaeot Jumped on to th. top of a hayrick I# direct the marknnanship of hia battery, and shortly a Gar man ahel) buret aitore him aad scat Ured part at tha riek in all direction. It waa a moment of aagalah far tke on looker*. The eapuin became at pala aa death, end the gunnart want <m plugging out ahella in an automat ic way with grtof-atrickaa faces. The telephone man put hia heed oat of the dugout. Ha etarud at tha brok en riek. Beyond doubt M. tfronit was as dead aa mutton. Suddenly with the rocneeoe r.t hie oar, and transfigured, ho began to doit, “Don’t chuck any morel" It waa the lieutenant who had soot htan the ueu al order. Ton minutes later tLe lieu tenant earn* back toughing gaily, aad after ahakiag soma straw out of hia muddy uniform guru a eareastng touch to old “Bumps," who had got the enemy's range to perfection. thoo the captain embraced him.—Lit erary Digest. G ENT* T-PITTA RD Friends Id this Motion u< rtoerir 1st the following -rreddiag tuvtta tiona: Mr. and Mrs. Jamas G. Pittard Invite yon to attend ths me iris re of their daughter. Elisabeth Taylor to Mr. Byrd Pleasant Gentry on Tuesday morning. April Urn sfarth. so* thousand nine hundred fifteen at ten oVleck Belloc It, North Carolina At Hem, after the twentieth ad April Dannistoe, Virginia. Mr. Oentry was a reaUsat ef Dean for several yams and daring the time was superintendent ad the town's graded and Ugh school aye tom. Afterwards he arse emaciate editor of toe Weekly Guide, one at the local papers. Upon severing Ida ooesection with tots paper, be moved to Parson County whore ha it now engaged in farming an an sstonslvs scale. Hie fiancee, Miaa Pittard, laamv.e bar of om ef the lending tamMtot oi Granville eounty and bar father U i *• rite mesh pinamful far.oer. i U that section of the Mato, i ... Last Friday Secretary ef Stott i WPllam J. Bryaa aalaWatad Ms fifty. , fifth birthday srmhrermry. Oa that i day ha ssrhangid ratification el > >•••• traaty with Italy, aad alas m I tars and lamahttma. ——HM———MM——— m V. ■ • ■mfliny tarn; aKhoojrb bar dd "Mfbt bava baao troubtod by a to ad llttto worriaa. no aea waatba wia ar. At law aad abroad to ayraad pod cbaar and miabbn to all too caaM Into har Ufa. aad arm failad aharebto waa mwt f^dutol’to’to rrar roody to aid hi yaad daada. Tha book yrtoadyla of har Ufa waa tow tor ararybody, yooay aad aid. (to and poor. Har daily wato prwrad that to waa fah of ktadaaaa' and tboaybtfulnaaa far otbara. “Granny” ttayham waa SI yaaaa of * The poI14- . W. *■ Howard, J. A. Taylor, L a T»y )or. 3. a Clifford, J. a Bated, 3. P. Pittman, H. C. KdWU oad Bar. oca Proa man. After the the church building tho homo to a final reotinp plate at Greoawood Cama« ary. wfauro a short tenrlco was hold. In the death of this ootimablo lady ■any Monde sympathize with Mr. Stephens and fate children. Hn. a *• Freemen, Mias Mayate Stephens and LearU Stephana, WCBBT cmr IN TU WOKL*) Now York te just cemplatad the revaluation of mioolili paoportUo ocmI fixed Urn tax rate, or, rather, tho tax rates, sa there to a diffortep one is each tioroaph Tho thiap that strikes attention is tho atea of tho UXibli buU. ft if I tefilte f«r ate fe yenr f«,10fi.7d44S7 fa. real estate rai aotlona alone. In the Manhattan borooph tho tax rate for this year ie 9131, b. Brooklyn 91M, fa. the Bronx JI M, in Quoooa BUM sod in Kirhmand $SJU. Now York will oai loct cuor 9199300300 from reel o» iota taxes thia year, not to mo*too ■ad athaa aaarcaa, and wfll bar* a oa* far all (ha amnay paid lata it* municipal troamry. Ta pay the to Wraat an bar banded debt alone wifi call far aboat mjmjm. •few York ia beyond a raat enable doatt. the ricbaat etty la tbo world. It ta diflcaK ta draw eaayamaa batwaaa Maw York aad * —ilrn ta matter* of flnaaee, baaaaea real ae (ate ratnattona aaaai to ba aa a dif ferent theory at m tan i'uIi Tbta tan aa ». h . Thia ta abend UnfiHjm laaa thaa tba dabt beta* carried by Maw York. Tko etay'a onpaadltaraa for all paryii** ta ton BrltUh far tha teat year aaaai ta aaarctdy —are (ba ana third tha tab <m kvik atrd ta (be New York sad rfft alaUsaiat.—Bel tba mo lawrtaaa ta M> % rory

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