I BEGINNING Friday Morning, May 7th at 9 a. m. I And Continuing During the MONTH OF MAY j| GOLDSTEIN Says come. Hurl the News. Come the Opening Day and every day. There will be some unusual bargains to select from. Read, Redd and Save Money || Oiw lot of ledim' hau at Me And la addition they will chow all Cm bow thing) for mld-mmnar wear la edUlnary, don't wail and cry hard tfcam for yoo earn hay hau al prince yen aotwr boaght tLam before. Coat Suits Coat Suita IS mat write former prim wao ap to fM.OO I year chelae for flkJg. Clothing Clothing Thia Mock of (lathing met ha cold aad w« waai ta beetle It oat aad CM prime arc cat to th> hat m her* gem one let at mm nia an aiiee worth ap to I10.M, year choim far CJt One lot of nun suite worth op to poor choice, $744. Ono lot of non write, former price MUO aad np, now bargain dope prlea 1144, $1444 aad «P to HUI, m coaaa aad lot aa ahow pou how Oao lot of Baa ahirta all the aowaot atptaa a regular $144 ehlrt oa tala aB ataaa far Me. Ono lot of ahirta, all ataaa, far 44c. One lot of EarHngtoa $1.00 ahirta, poor fwrrirt Tie. Slippers Slippers Thooaanda at pairs of Baa and hfile* aad chil dren alippen that we hora decided to sell ra pordlaae of former coot. One table of 104100* alippara, broken ataaa, aeM op to IS .00, poor choice 71c. One tabU at ladieo* alippara that eold ap to |LM pour choice of the lot far $14$. Oao tabU of lodioo* alippara that »o!d op to $440 pour cholna $144. Than we obeli offer all tho aaoaan'a Utaot foot woor for ladloa, mlaaoa, bopa aad children at onuanallp cut prieaa. Men’s patent leather, tan aad gmaataJ aatfardi worth 18-50, your choice $UL | He rat In batata* t*dW and chfldwo L*S* ^>4%hOdrMtVi|U hoaa Jer lie. Bilk hoaa la all caltca'itar t> aad 44a. Ladla* root* at Be. ’ I Parasols - ' Parasols Oaa lot of 96a poxapoU tor 4k. Oaa lot BUBO paraaata tar BBa. Oaa lot at ttM) para dpi f joy BUS. Big Una of cUUndi yaiaitli at bargain prloaa. Embroideries BIO LOT Qf“ EMBROIDERIES Oaa lot worth op to Ua, tar ha. Oaa lot worth op to tta, fart 10*. Floaiiriag worth *p to Ma far ZB*. WOOLEN SHIRT OpOSS AT BARGAIN PRICES Oaa lot of wool wi good* Worth 16*. for 26*. On* lot of woolen goods worth up to 76c, for 89c. Sergos in ell colors st 44c. Waists Waists Om lot of Middy sod Waist* sold for 76c, bor Corsets Corsets Th* gnat special at 44c, extra long and dovdde supporters, easily worth 76c. Warner’s Rust Proof during this sale only, st 89c aad this Is the beet corset made. .big bargains ijT HEN H*ii— One lot of 11.50 hats for 96c. Oao lot of $2.00 hate for |1.23. *2-60 hats for $1,69. Extra Special On* lot of Man’s Regular 26c bose. high spliced heels at 13c per peir. Towels Towels This is towel time and we are going to offer 100 dotea towels at great reductions On* lot of towel* at 7c, worth 16c. On* lot of towel* at lie, worth 20 . On# lot of towels at 17e, worth 26e. Counterpanes $1.00 Counterpane* St 18c. |l-*0 Counterpanes at Me. 12.00 Counterpanes st 31-8*. And better grad— la psportice. ! s Underwear*'-’ j Men's short underwear, the regular Me wt-H for 23c. Men's Elastic Seam underwear, for 80c. Men’s B. V. D. underwear for 44c. B. V. D. Union Bolt* for 80c. — ■ Special Linen in blue end tan worth 20c, special yalne, 86 inches wide, at 12c. Dresses Dresses 600 dresses for children girls end la rltre , One lot of children dresses specially priced st 26c. One lot of children dresses worth up to $1.00 specially priced for 48c. One lot of ladles', misses and children's dresses worth up to 32-00 specially priced st 88c. We Know You Want to Get Stylish NEW MERCHANDISE and Get Them at BARGAIN' PRICES and that is why we inaugurate this Sale. We want to Sell them and Sell them quick. All GoodsMarked in PLAIN FIGURES no trouble to show them. One price to all and that is the lowest. I Yours for bargains, | •V I