Mr * UWUtfW Of /ML Hi. HKVOI M t tMkSir im worker fuuilw him to ba th* right mu iw lau subject. " a t'iiamry Utu," by Aibi Irvin* Uoyster. hu> itoystec is teeming is uts ixliuigtoa r>m Uis brbeol sod wui ut a stsss ot Bar pupa* to ac present sad will U Mtstnus Mr methods. au work wilt im siacuMd kau it u desired iMt thou who »ia la lurn mora atfoai teaching tmali . ckudran willj kitgraaaat wad itu part in th* di» cusaioo. J it ia oar purpea* that thou who •ttsad th* mooting dirid* them atovu ibid thru or mar* groups for thia program. This put of th* prw l'«a wui Utk* plot* ia the aaw scboot ouilkliog ia iiiimgton. I'M;I ivihjacte being discussed in the dif ferent roooms will be designated u that um teach*rs tan go where they tJunk they can get Ik* moat good, U is lOtptaawc that ail schools 01 th* eotatjr clou Friday. November lnh eau ihat th* tear Mr*, commit teeman sod patrons coma to Lilling * um tor tM day. Teacher* who at tend tha muting wvli receive their pay for IM day. Thau who 4* not attend win not raceiv* pay rim **•7 c»n give an acceptable urua uu at the prominent men 0( Ik* ***te M* been invited to make an ■■ otidress. Notice for the program in full oast waak—B. K Gantry. The esteemed Lumbertoo Hsbt uoian is an optimist, it sights tha rift In tM clouds. n denies that rite sixth congressional district, which has staged many thrllisre, in cluding a scrim of fake cooventiucw. is longer Mows as tM "Moody 6th." it hails it u tM "botany sixth." Bat why not the palmy sixth, estimated by tha incessant sad rigorous hand riishs T—Wilmington Disutsh. V*ry Good, lot's call k the 'palmy' sixth until aftsr tM n«xt primary whto at least four good man ami1 true are going to got kicked down , **ai*a; and than TM Dispatch may rename <*-—Lumbertoo ttobeaosdxn. A SutcstiM U Puhh D***' Ut the Immediate high price at cotton divert your attention from *°*5« grain, wheat, oats, rye •ad cloven. For the past two yuan OUT section has raised good wheat, ®*ny farmer* as moch a* 49 bo. par acre. Now \*« have three goon flour mills fat the oenununity and no , trouhtato get the wheat thresher sad ground, so no excuse along that , Tfc*" it pays to rotate the ; 11 •••'tag grain god following it With pans, insures brand at home Of improving the land without do P«ndln* or baying at so msch com . »«i*I fertiUxer. Then aside frmu i *** theoe Udngs it diversifies out , cr*Ps and helps to make tbs farmer bum* independent and keep the price I •* «>«*on up. The meet iadepeoderu i **ra»«r* in this section are men wbo I k*T* *>•■* raising their com, wheat, , °*ta. making their meat, e*d no. i buying feed stuff. They come to , “•**•* ■“* kave some kind of pro j duc* U> sell all the year around, and t ■“* d*P*nd alone on cottton aad the t mo-ey one lima a year and that id i month* of the fall. Many oi B OUJ’ bermors are paying their atta~ ! tu>n -» improved stock, thoro am lots »l nice hogs Sod fine cows ell a *"*. but wo can learn e, beep teem ch r - - md even bav k ****• 00tiSI fee mete pm • 1,1,1 gnui, «, feed them on. r 1,-£n* raised corn, wheat and oeis f »*ii keep horses latter then the r 0,-u*ht k***B T. Gray, Chief of tha Animal induatry DiviMoa. "la taa ax part •nant damaged paanuta were fad to oetarmln* their value in a ration far nogs. The work waa inaugurated oe (ha lint of last March and cloaad an dm first mi October, the pigs being ia the taat for 199 days. Two lot* wore mad*, on# af which waa fad aa a ration made op of two-thrkU con and one-third damaged paanuta, th* other was fad on a ration of tav third* corn end one-third wheat ahorta At th* and of IK* teat it era* found that tha dfinti . . v i had provan to b* more valuable than th* wheat ahorta On* hundred pounds of gain waa mods by 196 i pounds of corn and 96 pound* of peanuts, while 246 pound* of earn und 122 pounds of wheat ahorta were ' required to make equal gain. Whan corn ia valued at mot dollar par bushel wheat ahorta at |32 par taa, and peannts at 26 cents par bushel, it cost 64.46 to make 140 pounds of poik whan peanuts war* oaad and 96.73 to make th* an namber of pounds when whert short* ware oaad “Id th* east ora section of th* State there is aach year a large e mount of paanuta that is unfit for utarket, and this taat showa that thoso nuta can bo profitably used with hog*. The hog* fattened in this test told for 1216 cents par pound dr—id This ia to—hat ubovo th* market price, hut even '.ilmn hogs aoU at sight cent* par pound, three damaged peanuts aan be used with profit" Extension Karin New*. Jmt tha Rlfbt PnaM. Uni Uka chaaear la tka nattar of CbriaUaaa praaaata. Taa daat •aat yourm. Ilka aa maay athara, to ba raaataad with tadtforaaaa ar worm, aad taa daya aftaa Chrlatmaa la ba aaat aatda aad lapakah Yoo uka na aadt ehaaaa la plater tha Yovth'e Caaitalaa far a par, DM yaa roar team af a boaaa Id •blah It tama amt a., ar af aaa la arhlch It w*a aat eamplaaaaa aa tha library labia ar la aoato rash haada aU threaph tha yaarT It la warlh whoa to ante a ptfl af that aact, aad It la warlh white to taaatea It, taa, far lha Cia^aalto D •torin*. 1 If you do not bw I th* Companion m it ia today, lat oa mod you on# or two currant laaoaa (ro*t that you may thoroughly t It.-tha papar'a quality. Wa will a* 4 you alao tha Foraeaat for 1911 Brory naw aubaa bar who aaau*s If-00 for th* fifty twa w**kly ta ao*a of 1911 will rw It* fra* all tha l»u«i for tha r*ot c I ltll and Th* Companion Horn* O iandar far ltll. THE YOUTHS companion Naw SuhacripUoaa tUodrad at thia MH --"TT BLANCHE THOMPSON Prtma Doat Smart Sat Co. Opara Haoaa, Maa8ay, Not. 8. mu VALUABLE LAND FOB SALS On December let, 1916, at two o’clock p. m. the Isabella McKay tract at land will be offered tor tale at public auction. Tbe tract con tain* 611 acres, about 160 acres rise rod. and in bleb state of cultiva tion, throe pood tenant buildings, part at wood land wall timbered; lo cation two and one-half milea North of Dnk* on old Raleigh and Fayette ville State Read about M aula from famous Smiley's Palls on Capa Fear Rrvar. Sale* will be on the premi ses. Tana* of sal* u-o-third cash, balaaoa in on* and two years, de ferred payments secured by mort gage or retention title. For further Information apply to tha undersigned. JOfiN A. McKAY DR. C. H. SEXTON _ Ezra. M. I. McKar — A Townsend, Attorneys. nuiive ur uuriu isijh,iiujv North Carolina, Hameu County; Before the Board of County Com mi •Doner*, tn Btssion. In ro bond issue for tha improve ment of the public roada of Stow art's Crook Township. ORDER WHEREAS, a petition signed bv one-fifth or mors of the qualified voters of Stewart's desk Township Harnett County, has this day bear ■lad with this hoard, asking and re quest iag the Board of Count y Com mlaaionara to submit te tha quail d«4 voters of told township a propo H*ioo of issuing bond* is tha Suit •f Fifteen Thousand (115,000) Dot Lara for the improvement of - the vsrio-i« pobbc rood! of said tiwo ship, in aooordanoe with che. tar 42' of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina. Session 1*18; and whores laid petition Appears to compi" ’Tith the conditions sot forth in aalif y’laptar 4*7 of tho Public-Loco' Laws of North Caroline, Beetle) i»a __ NOW, THEREFORE It- le order od by tile beard that an election tx hold la Stewart's Crook Township aa Tuesday the 14th day of Nov •nabar, 1818. la eecerdenoe twin Chapter 4*7 of the PubUr-Lecri Law* of North Corollas, Beerier 1818, tha —is being entitled "AN ACT TO IMPROVE* THE ROADS IN HARNETT COUNTY AND pT. THE ISSUING OP BONDS B7 THE COUNTY AND THE SEVER AL TOWNSHIPS THEREIN," foi tha |ary ns at rabmltting ts tlx qaaliled voters of said township th» qmition tl imhif bunds in tin ror of Ptflaaa Thousand (114.000) Dol lata la beads far tha objects se forth in said act: mid election to V Mid an the above date, at tha rags Hr poflinr placet la Mid towaiMp It M also order'd that there be r l BOW registration ef the voters k ■ •aid tawu«hlpi that H. D. Byrd ba ' tad ha la hereby apcelated reflates' sad H. 8. Byrd and W. J. Bathww < srsaLr I J I Advance Winter for street, informal afternoon affair* or church, easily repro duc«4 at homo with little aaponso from Now December McCALL PATTERNS The ne r fashion fot f Wintar beutifolly uusttstsd Ona hun dred pages of avth antic fashion infor ■nation- advance fashion news what l* correct far all occasions in tha New Winter McCALL BOOK OF FASHIONS FALL QUARTELY NOW ON SALE B. FLEISHMAN & BROS. DUNN, . N. C tHipatch, a weekly nawapeper prh Kahed In UaraaU Coo. tr. Thla October 4U, l»lj O. a. SKNTKS, IOHN MciJton. CUrk tones unor Ft virtue at tka paw a and aa Why contalaad la a eartala Mar* (**• Daad, exerutad by Ain. Bar >aH and wife, Late Barnett, to the ■cvlerrienad. reeardod la Saak IB* Mga MS, Rectory ad Haraatt WHy, the foil erring lead* vfil b aid at Public Auction, totot: Situated la Avaraabera Touuably STS MbtS ASH ha aab- ■' *Maa ad the i. HHc “rjarwtwvvss tfca told aab-dtvi.Ue and , Mr HmkW Mag duly ft lad in tba Hag. tocry ad karnatt anek* *xU totafraaUng M faat and ruT ■toe back 1U feat Trn fertfcw daacrlntloa, aaa Mo« aaM nb-dhrUdoo h. tba at*,. • MMd aflfea. alaa tba daada of J. I* HiOmiI and «Ut Carrta M. Hal tot'd, ta Juaatta Ball, and tba daad od W. C. Bail and artfa to tba lia-t "f"Jto raeavdad to tba Ragtr tor*t Ofllaa ad Karnatt Coantr. w'TufiS'b^aa^’* _ **•..*_**. ^ c L Dir*. ft. V. Tbratt ad aala Oaab TV* «ba Mb da* ad Oat .bar, If:* THB DU KM COM. A iUFFLT CC. Mr.-t—gar WAP TO WJMM DWATCJ! ~