LOCAL A. C L. 1'ASSU.NQEK litAiN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 83. C:|fi A. M. No. in. 8:32 A. M. No. tt». 5:48 P. M. No. 88. 11:27 P. M. Northbound. No. 34. 0:13 A. M. No. 8U. 12:52 P. M. No. 94. 7:41 P. M. Mr. (itoiyi E. Print# Is at koicon today. Mrs. Ellis OoldritoiM returned Tuesday fioui Goldsboro. Mr. K. U. Pearnail is on a busi ness Ixip to Duplin county this wees. Miss Eugenia Her nog, of Sinitit liald. spent Sunday here with roia tivos. Mrs. John Moore lot* returned to her l.onia si Hotky Mount Tuusiiay night. Mr. U. W. Stallings is spending several ilays this work in Kotky Mount. An informal dance was given in the Janre hall over Parker's stoic Tuesday evening. Mia. Fur.them, of Greensboro, ar rived Tuesday afternoon to spend a few ilaya in the city with relatives. Mr. V. B. Morgan returned Mon day morning from South Carolina, where he spent Sunday with friend* Mr. Jesse Denning, an old Duun boy who has mode good in Naif oik, spending » few u«r> here with rela tives. -Ler nr. a u reo niun who not ilk a position wit!'. t'_i Grantham Drug Go., at Si .ot Sunday her* w li i*f:u Mr. Jonsa and Mr. Godfrey and s.i. 1‘atiUou and Lucy. Herring, uf Juneabcro, spent Sunday here w.ih Mias Vara Herring. After kpending a few dayi here with her rr.oilier, Mr«. M. W Harper Mrt. J. A. McLean reurued yeate day to her home at Kenton. Mila Lou ike William*, of Wake Koreat, r**tn v~( home Monday af lar «per> * days here the gua*t of el Young. Prof. Byrd f. Gentry, county »up ■r in tendon t ef school*, was in town yesterday. Mr. Gentry 1* enthusi astic over hi* work end i* filling thu place very creditably. Mr. Herman Smith haa accepted a goytiqp Willy .fa Weakly Guido. _He u an experienced job printer and ^retype op. rat* " afar comai - to Dunn highly recomntandad. Mr. C. T. Noel has move into the residence recently purchased by Mr T. V. Smith. Tho building ha* been wonderfully improved and equipped with modern conveniences. Mlaa Kurile Roau, of Rocky Mount and Miss Bessie Covington, of Leu rtnburg, have returned to their re spective home* after upending a few fay* here the guests of Mr*. W. E. Coltntne. Mr. Charlie liavl* died at hi* borne in South Dunn last Kridey and was luried Saturday at Green wood cemetery- He waa «6 yuan of age and leaver a mih*. a wiuow and one daughter. Rev. J. M. Wallara, tf Wtiuon, who ha* accepted the pastorate of the Christian church will preach hi* first sermon next Sunday morning. Everybody invitod to both rooming and evening services. Me**r*. Ilcry Herring, Walter Strict land, Jurk I ce, Walter How ard, F.ogvue Lea, Bright Morgan and iicruce rnwnuin were among Uiom who attcndof) tho Barnum anil Bai ley cirrus at Raleigh Frtday. The llijou Theatre continues U put on un rsro|lont run of picture* The people of the town are begin ning to appreciate more the iforii of m.'iragcr dale to give thorn the beat ami the patronage ia increaa uig steadily. Mr. I). C. Farad), of Tabor, ha* airived in Dunn ami will make tkii hie home. He had accepted a poti non with the Bank of Cape Kcv end will eeive th.r strong bankini institution sa v' r-president. Jdn. Fuasell wul jom mm here tomorrow The Dana <Chapter of - the Unite, Daughters of - the Confederacy wil meet Wednesday afternoon, Novetn l.ar 10th, at S o'clock, with lilt I F. Hick* It ia earnestly rsqusktw that all the membert be present ei the anneal election of officers mil take place. A banket hall game ia being play ed Is Smlthflcld this afternoon be tween tho teams of that town am Dunn. The young ladies who com pose the Bonn team and many root era left an 80 today and are de termirvsd to srtn th* honors is th. contest this afternoon. Mr. Ceorg* Warren, of Sampson one of the moat aucreaafnl farmer of that county, i* ni<* Republics wb* has mads so much money grow tng cotton under a Democratic ed ministration that he has parches* on* of th* handsomest touring ear in this section of ike State. Mi Warren say* he will maka a prod of |10,M0 on hi* eottaa crop thi year and his grain crop end hog era so numerous that they srlll sup Ply Mm tndafinitaly. Mr. and Aura, hotel l ulbreth ar» riv*d in Dunn Monday morning ani. will muke Una their home. i Ucy **ro married at Newbetry, S. C. on iuceday, November ftilh. Mr. iHiWbon, ui Coats, wna in town J,*iWuy. tiie is ih-j principal owner of the Lvex-lasti j* Window •bade Company, of Uml tAwn, and ia one of Coats’ mu*t pvg 'oiuvy citizens, Seata will be placed on sale Sat wrday at McKay a i’haimacy for the “Smart Set," the attraction at the IVK-Ij oj/o}ilai. Thualie Monday night. Admiaaion In the show will be M), 76 and *!.(*>. The ItapliMt Association conveoef here tomorrow, (Thursday) with the First Haptint cliuirh. A |argo number of visitor* aie oiprrtod to b# tn-c*»ciit tuul Dunn it* ready to ea ten.I to them 14 hearty welcome. Mr. Stem, *»f Fayettevi i*, iu;u.*,r ol* tlic LaKayetie incut.d)>M wur hem tirmy, mi i. r < jraput;!’ tier.* to put .n “The <i .art Sot," the rruaiuit musical runirly in yrar*. which will U b. mi me l ion at '.he Metnijv:liUn .v*.i Monday u uhL Scats will l«c on mmJc hi Mc Kay** 1 hannocy. Mr. R. G. Taylor opened thh n>rn ing one of the giou»*#t rrt»:cti.n >ulee ever pat on in Dunn. It will "'►nUni’e through tin re lim ing winch time tbepeoplc can gd real bargaina In dry goods mdoua, lotii.:ig, shoe a. «Ua Hi* prurs arc unusually low and him stock ia the Lost. See hit large pugv ad in this issue. Hy the first of December Dunn will enjoy fur the drat time tho ad vnctage» of a day ejoctne current. Tne machinery baa arrived ami mo«t of tho wiring hao been deno gad af ter u few more detail* arc attend*! I to the day runert will bv a reality. Dunn has needed this ctm-at lor a number of year* and 1 ’ a**). _i i _ i > Mrs. M. V. Young, wbo ucc! * total ly bioke her leg v. hen in t fell in*.* | u ditch on Writ Broad .1 e*t Mon I uay night, ia getting along a> well a* rouid be cxpecleJ. hbt I au’fer ing a great deal, bu: i* gradually ■ arovering from the Mock. liar many friend* deeply eympaLh.se with her and hope that iter recovery ‘ will be a* rapid at possible Mr. G. U W. Jack i JusL east of Dunn, the champion corn growc.. .. cuut. | ty. From 4 acre* he ha* just ga<-h cied 390 buehele *t..i eaye ho will get about 600 bushels from the re maining 7 acre* This has not hocn a good year for cony, the seasons j jwiBg unusually bad. and the racoH proud of. Thar* were 7,830 bales of cotton ginned in Harnett county pr''*r to October 18th. according to a pre liminary report issued by 8am. L. j Hogers, Director of the Census, Do ; paritnctil nf Commerce, Prior to the same dale In 1914 there had been ginned 12.428 bales. Accord ing to this, Harriett county, was short 4,.»UR baivs on the shore men tioned data. | l"he “Smart Set” will be presented at the Metropolitan Theatre hero next Monday night. 8th. The man ugere of the LaFajetle Theatre at Fayetteville, who leased the opera house here for thin show, and will ! giv** it their personal mtu-nuon, say 1 it i* one 01 the bent «r. its kind on I the rood. The attraction is an on ■ OMially good one for a town Lhe nise of Dunn, and ns the opera bouse here lian bee dark for revoral I months the company will likely be I greeted by a large house. i With Lhl* imu« r>cjma i ?wi*icj of 1 which *f will run for the .State llunk Ac Trurt Company, of Dunn. | Evs.y one will be prt-pa.w;. by an expert end will nuke in.m.:u<> ■ ending. Since mo*, ing into mv (|jui terH til Lx institution I nincreasing 1U business daily and is in s p si don to take care of all it. customer: at a'iy timo. If you wid res I the “da which »il| appcst weiuy in thii paper they will keep you on wh«t ie what m banking and will prove highly beneficial If yyt will ponder o7er the truths ets'c I. Don ! overlook the first of the eerie, on ih. iCcol page of the issue. WKIl Mrs. N. A. Towmsead. The Thursday Afternoon boot C’.ub met last week with Mrs. N. A Townsend at her heauUfo) home or West Broad Stioet. After the buai nesa and social features of the clut I had been dispense.) with doltcioui refreshment, were served, consist 1 big of salad and sn iee course. Thi following program had hern smug *d for tho meeting and was csrrlec ! out by the members: Topic—Russian Music. Roll Call Responses—Name of I Hussion Composer. Plano—••Rubinstein’'- Mrs R. L ' Godwin. Psprr—"Sketch of ONn|ca and Ru , Wnstcin,"—Mra N. A. Townsend, i Vocal Holo- Mrs. J. W Whitehead ' History of "The Maccabees" Rubinstein—Mrs. Chta lllrh.mlth Reading- "The Organ,—Mra J I a Clifford. 1 The Invited ruerts were Mrs E • 0. Townsend and Mrs. Ed. Smiti I The re*t meeting mill bo bold Than « If? r?*.r-e«o. Novrmhe* llth who: i Mrs. R. L. Godwin »ill be hortaaa. ' . READ THE DUNN DISPATCH W email'* Work—boclal berries -:— The ''i. phobic," or Youtha of Ath <-*>». when 18 years of age, were re <iuiied lo lake an oath to Improve and Uofcml their city, lb 1818, tbs Collage of the City of New York hail ita graduating class take an •phobic oath, from which we quote auluc extracts: “We will Tight for the ideals ami tho sacred things of; iho city, both alone and with many. We will strive ever to do our whole1 duty as iitison* and thus transmit >im» vily not only not leas, hot great er, better and more beautiful than it waa transmitted to ua." hi vary city er town should have its Meals; g.t them before ile nli >en* and organise so aa bo concen trate effort* toward* their attain* meat, various organisations are nec essary. Konlising this and ramtm oonng the good that was accom plished b> both Betterment Asaocla* Iumi and 14vie Laagua, lha lades in Ui-estou along this line are trying w resuscitate nil the good designs of ),nlh and organise a Woman * t-luu or Mother's Club, which will consoliuste all their uplifting efforts end add many features of social service. We have been fortunate in nrm mg Mrs. Hull of Kaletgh-a woman uf Slam wide isputelion—to assist us ui furmulatuig plans, etc. tjhe will bo with us on Friday, November l^th nod deliver an address on tho aork of Woman's Clubs. On Friday, then, at S:SO o’clock, in tho auditorium of tho graded school, lot all ladies, but moot espe cially the mothers and teachers, hear what hlra. Bolt, with bar wids #* pnsncf, can toil us. Aflac the od •irsss, some wouailt dub will be organised, name to be decided upon. A’a hope, in the near future, to hove many plan* to lay beforo our "City lathtis," fully realising from past experience that our Chaoihv of' Commerce will aid and suM i: mjr every effort tu c/vsung an.. . tv attain our highest Ideals. HiUtst'n At Godwin. Godwin, Nov. H- One of the moot enjoyable affairs ever given in Oed. Wln wee the Hallowe'en party given Saturday night by Hr. end Mrs. C. W.* Spell el their beautiful new bun galow on Fayetteville (treat, in hen or at Mias Boise Connelly, their giaeat, who la Mrs. Sped • it «. Tha reoeptioa and dlrui g wort beautifully derorated with au tumn bought. Pine, cedar, gum and ga/tinted dogwood Vioering crimson berries wreathed the tables and man tel, with candles end Waded lamps giving n wetrd effect to the scan*. Pumpkins cut am Stghued ta ghost, like fashion were much in evideoou. The guests wars mat by witches and ghosts who conducted then! in. A carefully thought out plaa of en tertainment followed. Questions as to the nature and work of ghosts,' witebes and “spook'* wore to bo ans wered. “Boldilng" for app1 — fortune-tailing was enjoyed by ev ery one. The couples drew their fortunes written in verse from a pot Ruarded by a witch. l unch and re freshment* consisting of coffee, sandwiches and little pumpkins eus torri* wars served Music waafur riishod by tho phonograph plying weird tune* from the bay window at the dinmg room. One aimiBomafit follow ad quickly that of anochsr un til the hour to depart had unexpect edly arrived. The following out of town gossti wore present; Miss Elolee Connelly ; Mrs. J. B. Connelly, end little Mia: Wilmer Connelly Miller, Statesville; ' Miss Ella Munson, Ksnbrtdge, Vs.; Mis* Elisabeth Tsyloc, Aulsi Jer Miss Maymr MrKaithan, Stanford; Mr. J. n. Oliva, Apex; Messrs. 1 Ian nis McDonald and "Dink * McN'aill *ml Misses Sallie and Manr It. Null, Waite; Miss Josephine Evans, 8t. Paul; Mr. W. P. Moore, Morgantoo; Mi*a Avsh Parker, Dunn. , Srhrdek for Closing Malls pf Post office. Recant chargee in the schedules of trains make different hours aec esaery for the dispatch of several "’“•In, The postmaster haa issued tho following chedule for doting all mails at thin oflke'. Train 84—A. Cj L.—Mai] closed at S:46 a. m. *8—D. A S—closed at 8:10 a. m. (Lator dispatch will protmbly be granted soon. 80—A. C. I»—Closed at 1X:S0 pm 84—Duke—1 p m. 80 A. C* 1*—3:80 p is. •4—A. C L—7:15 p m. 88—A. C. L.—7:15 p m. Rora] Routes—7:65 a. m. Falcon, N. Cm 7:66 a m. Newton Orava N. C.—1-Jk a as. Registered mail will be handled ' only by trains 84, 88. 80. 88, 88. The State daily papers will here . after be delivered by A. C. L. tfaie 83 which is due to arrive at 8:88 a • m. Fkasoat Social Entertainment A decidedly pleasant party was held at the residence on Mason street Mr. and Mrs. g. J>. Bridge on Sun . day night, given by Mr*. Bridge fet . the entertainment of n number ei . friend*. Th* evenin'* was spent do i HghtfnUy with social converts, veea and Instrumental music, at a, ant deilcieoa rafraahments wort served Th* guasti present were: Mr. att j.w.draughonhSthk mosi compute lino of cH goto to bi found in Dunn. aH him bofori rou buy. ■ lobt—life insuiAcb poll cy No. 4.M0.M4 M Now York life Insurance Oo. ■ Finder wlL ptaaaa return to lM^tcb o no. THE MILLINERY PKPAETMBN1 at Coldateta’a la (bowing nU the aaw nylon. LISTEN. BOYS! J. 4. DKAUGH oo la giving away a kaife wtU every boy milt be Mila. Bay youi ault from him and gat thla nice present free. THE MOOBB ELECTRIC SHOl Repairing Co. will open for boei neee in Dann about November lb, It will be modem in every reaped. Save your order*. THK BEST THEBE If IN CLOTH ing for man and boy* at Goid rtein’a. LOST! LOST!1—BETWEEN DUES and Dunn. ladWt' gold bracelet. Finder will bo rewarded by re turning to Mine Anna Powell. Duke, N. C, At Haee«ll-J<fiPaoe Co.’a CT GOLF SHOES, t COMFORT to the feet, at Goldttaia’a A KNIFE WILL BE RIVEN ABBO luuly free wttb every bey nit of clothes sold darlfg Nuvember. We win eell you * aft cheep aad give you a knife la boot. J. w Dreughoo. CLOTHING FOB THE BOTH AT right prion at G« dateln'o. BEND YOCB oftDEBS FOB printing to lb* Pop* Printing Company and gat I u boot rooulU. TBB BEST 8H0 8 IN THE world or* oold at foldaUia'a. TUB LATEST STY KB AND DB olgno in coat nit can bo found at J. W. Draagb J’a. And hi. prieoa aro raaaaaa la, quhty oon oidarad. EVERYBODY KB ATGOLD atoia'a. Tbay. tbo good* at rigid prieoa. FOB SALE—8EB0 ,PEANITS— Tbo 8 pan lob PpMidl. the trucoeri farorito. Apply 4 Carl B. Hodr at. Dunn, N. C, 8^ F. D. No. 6. SAW MILL FOB BALE—ThaVI lor aal* on* compute taw mill •outfit, 40-bor»« pofror angina, 60 horoo powar boGai If you want to buy o law mill ft a bargain tec me at one*. J. H. Strickland, Dunn H. No. 4, Box 47. i 2i AFIXX ANT SElxJ SHOES, ALL •tylao, tbo boat %r ladle*. AH Oiaao at Ooiditoio'a - i -ft“ CAROLINA PHOTO COMPANY Photographer*.' W. A. GA8QUE, Manager. All Stylos oalaigad portraits. .. Bast Maia St, Ban. N. C... _J_ T. R r^EDKN V Marina ry Phyaicaa. Iv|w a to DanttaC. PHONES: DAT. NO. BO. Nlfkt, No. Ill Dunn, N. C FRANKLIN T. DUPREE. ATTORNEY- AT- LAW Offloa fca Qrafnry Bttf. ANGTXE, X. C L C. atlToH X. A Taaruaato CLIFFORD A TOWNSEND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offlea an tad Saar af Pint Nation* Bank. Prompt attatotaa gtaaa ta R CARLYLE WERT Aitamay and Can* kin at Lap Pint National Bank BalWln* Dan, M. C F. HUNTER CBXECE Attorney-at-Law Tfcma Damn Frnm Bank. COATS, X. C. Mra. S. Sykaa. Mr. J. Tina ad Don, Mra. Clara Banjaai^a, af Pkllada pMa; Mtaa Liaata Harr; Mr. J. L tab: Mr. and Mm J. Ooldatatm; M I- Manta) Mlaa Pan all Slocum, < Baltimore; Mr. and Mra. Em: a, FayattortOa abaanR, ■( .Mr -aseeassssssmmi0j.* I m 10F HARNETT, JOHNSTON, SAMPSON, j AND CUMBERLAND COUNTIES. ;; To enable those f-uiM of the countiaj abovo uttauA wha desire to market thoir otton crop fiauunlly. we will lead a raaagoabta amount On cotton properly rio-ml l,. tombnl ua.nhouass with aagotiabia ware hoes* receipts therefor as collateral to such loans, at the rate of • par cent pat annum. There aio tv.o bonded wsiebouscs in the town of Duan N. C. whore you can store your cut-ton far a charge of *Be par bale par month. w. will make suejj loans to (atmri wbatbor tkajr ara ciss to mars of Ibia bank or not. X ___jji ; First National Bank, F , N. C. J P. S. COOPER, PRESIDENT.' I MIMIIHO&MOI litir THE BEST WAY TOOWH A HOUSE OF YOUR OWN IS TO HAVE EMOUOH MONEY TO BUY A HOME OUTRIOHT. I THE BEST w‘hY TO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY IS TO REGULARLY BANK APART OF WHAT YOU EARN. SAVING YOUR MONEY WILL ENCOURAGE YOU, DEBT j WILL DISCOURAGE YOU. , WE PAY A PER CENT INTEREST STATE BANK & TRUST CO., GOOD HOAD CAMPAIGNERS UP GROVE TOWNSHIP Other IUw W Local htcna. Oo Friday afternoon, October the 2Hh. there waa a ritisoaa’ meeting hold ia the Coats Graded School Building, far the perpoae of baring the ISIS road law road and discuss ed. After hearing the law read and diacuaaed an organisation was per fected to be known si tke Good Road Campaigners of Grove Township. Ths following oflesn ora elected: F. Hunter Creech, prerident; W. H. , Toriiagton, rice-president; Oscar 8. Young, secretary. It was decided to hold a good roads campaign. Thar* * wilt b* speaking at ths following place*-. On Wedaeeday night, *t 7:30. November 3rd, Parker’* school house; Friday night, November 6th. it Ennis School bouse; Monday night, November 8th, at Sorrell school house; Wednesday night, No , ember 10th, si Gregory school bouse. Ths program will consist of otto I rational talks, sgricoltural talks end talks along ths lir.o of good roads. The law uadrr which the . coming election for Grove tewashii ie ordered will he read and discussed This will be fer the goaeral on light, enment ef the people. Ladies srK children have a special Invltatien t< be present. The program will In filed with something of general In - tar** to the community at largo. 1 wfll be helpful and Slavs Hag so that ■oae that go will lose ttmo. TV goad roads spirit aaams to be grow lag. The people are rapidly beeom lag In fever of the bond lease aft* learning something of It. Take you _ family out l« these meetings. Tot will find H worth while '» Wn Charity Messer, of ante I** jaar's s«rieot teacher of Pali i Heg* School, near her*, arrived It f- Cento loot Saturday to reenme he ■f duties at teacher for the comlnt _a ij ————-t Ur C'mtci mad* a barinoaa trip to l'ute'a Crack Monday. Hr. J. Wiloy Stephenson, of Wake County, vai the week-end guest at his daughter, Mrs. Oscar 8- Young. Quito a number of ike Coats pom pis ha-.a lean attending the revival it Buie's Creek. Air. V. F. Mops, Mj* Mattie Bate ami Mi a* Loir fop* want to Raleigh - onday. P. V. Pupa and T. Marvin Johnson went to Poor Oaks Sunday. Mr. J. B. Kuquay, of Richmond. Va., is a visitor In town. Elder MacMillan prsachad In the Primitive Church on Monday night and Tuesday morning. A largo au ditors was out to boar Mb. Mr. & T. Gowper. of ".uigW Htato Ags.it for tbs Maryland Ufa Insurance Company, was ia town for a fan days last wsek. REPORTER STRAIGHT LINES IN^KE NEW BOX COAT Variety la Sleeves With •--*■—-n , of Esaggsratsd Mas. Now York, November !.— Thft wealth of a-tlatte and smart ideal in *f tar noon and • tract frocks thii tsaton, whllo fascinating, is sasno what be will it: ring, too. Of eoturve the chief foaturus art the same, this ia out of respect it Fashion's dictate^, but tears an] number of ways that one may nr] tbont dstails sffscttvMy to Moot Uu demands of on*‘s own personality Fashion shows arc becoming os pop ular with women in general as on; •roort social svtnt. Tbs dainty man >•")■><»>» wear the elsthss as If ti i "Tho Manor Dorn." and perhaps i U» mors irr ace fully. Thf Pcpslarlty of the Ban Gant 31*cs the Aral Uxvwfag of foil am i winter fashions lb*r8 ha* boon mud ' d'wmajimn a* to wWtbsr tbs rugrula I Won tailored suit with normal wols Hno. snugly fitted, would V-1i at first It Monad at if It ntuC W I 'Inca thaa tkaaa has baaa a dachfed ckaofa tawart tha loaaar, bakad modaia. aabaUsd coats with a halt auccaatsaa of waietlina, or' atiaagol sUU, no waist at all. a ratara hi abort U tha boa east. Tkaaa baa modaia sra sow wr •mart indeed; they agyaar la tan- • mad a aorta, asperate aoata and i. . coats. Heat of the far aoata, hi . fact, shew tha baa back, orsn if tha froat cf tha eoat k holtad A I r Ttm Modiah Baa Cate. 'Ihe effect at these unffoed mb U • hU mere youthfoi them the M> ‘ MU luma, whma demand beauty aad •' of agar*, the Krgahe woman . appreciates the Uae that is meet be coming is ber Agure, aad ta m macaacee thu ia the straight Uae. Amoag the uaw frocks aad suits f there are, too, bolsrae aad Etnas that are isaBy qoite charming. These aise are bscosdag to the average ■ ilgurs. One earn at a recast fashion shew wo* of raid lace, —Man n with black ckanaeaes; it waa ea an aftor ooon frock, aad waa aimpie a i to grea, bat aaaaaally attnetiva. Aa ether of dark Mac serge waa made with square cat yoke, tech aad frost “ which the lower portion et the »oa waa gathered, forming a soft full line scree* the boat, being draws, •“ugly hi at the waist, when tt waa sfHck ad <• a two-lac* belt of tha writ Um skirt also teawad tha y was ra brstdesite wick a *. V •V. .-f •>/ .**, •

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