COATS LOCALS The D. A 8. By. Co. ha» at last reeognucd un« k. our greatest need* For eoiue (iiuc the depot freight room hue been too email to accom modate the great bulk of business carried on in our thriving town, mkI la mponeo to the great demand for more apace the railroad company Has recently built a forty loot ad diUon to our depot, and in addition lo thla they are also equipping the depot with electric light*. Mr. Aide R. Byrd, one of our mo*t popular and thriving young! men. has retired from the mercantile, business end enrolled as a student ia the graded school. Mr. C. S. Krild, opotinetrieL re-, porta that, sine* the nights have grown longer end the people are reading more, beeineea in much bet ter. Mr. J. H. Penny, one of our moat prominent end wcll-Lo*de farmers. wde in town Tuesday evening. Meagre. F. Hunter Creech and Os car 8. Young mad* a quirk buammvj trip ta the county scat Monday. Mr. G. I. Smith, e representative of lh* large fertiliser con cerns of Oarleeton, 6. C„ content plates eatabiiihing a branch office in Benson. Mioeea Ingram and Humphrey, tddehere in the graded school, spent | Tuesday night at th« home of Mr. W. H. Turlington. Our business men . anticipate ob^ •erring Thanksgiving. Mitins Mary Stewart, Mary Jd gram and Daisy Proctor spent Sun day in Fayetteville. Messrs. B. F. Parrish and Oscar 8 .Young war., teen walking over a large farm near Coats this weak, with two prospective buyers. . Mr. P. F. pope and hie nines. Miss Lola Pope, spent Sunday at Godwin.1 Messrs F. Hunter Cruech and P. E. Papa weot to Benson and Four paks Tuesday Prof. W. F. Snoddy of Buie's Croak, spent Saturday in town on bnainaas. '■'» "Messrs. Victor Cola and Houter| Strickland spent the weak end in ■ «*a Mi.-Wf.-at Kaon. * ’• -| GOOD VENTILATION GUARAN TEED Drawing Card for Churches sod Pubbc Meetings. "GOOD VENTILATION GUAK TEED would be a drawing card for any church, school, lecture hall, the atre, or moving picture house," said a frequent church-goer recently. "Where people congregate, there is sure to congr te also all aorta of foul air iniBcitun*. ranging froVn the common cold germ to that of pneu monia and tuberculosis. There is no bettor plaeo." said ha’ “for taking cold than in a church. First, be cause it it usually badly ventilated; and second, because there is some one who it aura to have a fit of coughing which Alla the air with, this Ana germ-laden spray for oth ers to breathe. “What wa need,” said the speaker. "i» swrt education on the value of trash air and the necessity for ven tilating. Whan people come to real ly love fresh abr and want it, they! will demand it both at homo and in I public places. Wa have already! rotten to the place where the beet' email a ted moving picture show is the most popular, and the next stop is to demand that churches, theatres and all public places have plenty of frreh air. Overhead ventilation cer tainly Can’t be objected to by the meat sensitive ‘draft crank.’" Daath of Mr*. Hauls Bcthonr. Last Bight the death of Mrs. Hai ti* Bathuns. wif* of Mr. L. O. Bo thau* of Bannltvsi, oceurrad at HighaiaKh Hot pi La], aftar a abort lllnaaa. Mr* Bothuns waa a daugh tar of Mr. K. R. Byrd, of lbs north orn aarUon of Cumbarland county. Bh* waa bant April 7. 1*7#, and waa Utarafor* 37 years of ags. She worn a lady highly astownsd In bar com m unity, and moch beloved by all ae qaalntaacas, and bar domis* la mournad by a largo numbs.' of rslo thraa and frtenda. Her body waa eonwayad by aarly morning train •aday to Bannlrrsl, wbors tka fans ral will taka plat*—Paysttevll], Obosrror, lltb. PRRT7UZRRS Will, hr HIGH All along w* wa srldoncs* that farUMaam win b* rary high naat Spring and Ruawnor rattan aaed maal. nitrate of soda and acid pbaa photo bars all mods * Mg advowee*. Potash la ant of sf«M almost Mo rtal* * potash which baa frequently aoU at forty dollan par ton and aamotiaM* soon tea*, la now fowr htia drod dollar* par tan and bat Httla could ha had at that prte*.- -RmMh Md HmWhL JUHKMTUN CtILKTr KILLING '®«»U UMke Adame, mi Four f>.L. ( barged With Killing bo,. Uleke Adams, iho 17 year old son uf |. 11. Adame, of Korn- Oaks, John won luenly, was not given the pro iimumi) hearing thin morning on the charge uf killing b, i uckicat driving a little nagru bo, named Hinton. Tho arc-id,...t occurred during the atata fair. The charge waa brought against young Adams while his fa ther waa compelled. to be a way from horns sad ths rase la continued on account of that absence Mr. Ad ams, senior, is one of Aha very prom inent caliens of Johnston.- Raleigh Correspondent Gioenabcro News, ,3. PUtform Adopted at Durham Hr N. C R4ate Farmers' L'nion. Regarding Agnealterr. bo it resolved, by the North Caro lina Slate Farmers’ I'^oa: 1. That we rejoice that our farm ora art learning the lesson of diver sirnauen and living at home aad not ■ *1; inn Ling North Carolina a many eiop Stata. We especially rummend the increasing attention to live stock and te the establishment of creameries and cream routes and of cheese factories iB suitable imun tain Mrtioua. W. warn our pco|j|r again*', the danger of incrcaaud cotton arra nge neat year and urge our state of ft rials to ro-oporsta with other Slate unions In taking steps against this • iw.miww** win uc u»c nijrveei in hie tor wo urge farmers every-| where to make a special study of the soil needs of each suction and step one* and forever the wasteful prec-| tic* of using couiplote fertilisers in | lections where one ef these three elemente may bo dispensed with. Marketing. 3. We thr-k the state and Na-| irons! Departments of Agriculture for the increasing attention they' are giving not only to crop produc tion but to crop marketing, and wo urge farmers everywhere 10 famih associations for cftcially grading and cooperatively1 "mmrteCng aTTstapis' products with a State ware-house system with nationally' licensed and supervised graders aad inspectors, j A Ws also command the Federal | Trade Commission for investigating the cotton buyer’s trust. Country Life. 5. W* recognise the value of or ganisation for all good purposes aad urgo the establishment of form wo men's cub* in every neighborhood to work as allies of the loeol unions, und we further urgo the establish ment of community leagues whereby all the people of each community will meet in mass moating once each acter or oftaner to proeecute through special committees and oth erwias all the forward movements affecting community welfare. 6. We appeal to the Legislature to make provision for incorporating rural • s well as urban communities 7. Wo favor increasing attention to the social and recreation side of country life and urga local unions to rive this matter attention. 8. Wo also commend the work of the Slate Committee on Community Sorvieo and urge the State Depart ment* of Agriculture and Educa tion to^ranlinue their support of it. • Co-op* ratio*. 9. W* urge every loeol union to • ok* step* to form not only a mar keting association and other forma of n«tght>ortioo'1 co operation, b\it tl »o local end it unions according to (ha plans anactad by tha laat Legts latura at our request. 10. We also urga farmers la every county to establish a mutu al firs Insurance company, sod fsar moTS in every fecal to take advan tage of this noceaaary form df Insur ance Wa also ask the State presi dent to name a rommittoa to invaa tigato the wisdom of establishing noma form of sick or daetb benefit. North Carolina Public A fairs. tl. In public alfalra are urga far "*«rt to give aapacinl attention to the character ef candidate* who are brought eat next year, and Wa fav or putting more farmed In ear State Legtetoturee end regaining gl torueye ef publie service corpora tion* to erver each cenneetiene be fore enuring the LegMetgn. If. We fhvor having the withe* of the organised farmers pot square ly before the platform committee* of the rartoea parties bp providing the* e committee be seated to ap pear before each platform commit tee end remind theta ef the eight approved by the Farmer.’ Union M felloe*! (t) Repeal ef the merrheata’ crop lien. ft) TVovlelon for race aegvogn tfen In land ownership. (I) A )eat and equitable eyston of taxation, lightening the bond**, upon Wbar by potting a larger pro rate an reddest kadlarto than ah THE PECAN N»yb* the reader baa obcervod something sforsln in this paper aboat t" advisability of setting ool paraa tree*, but the Observer ba Itavas it is a good thing to harp on. Tbs business of paean grov^g in Narth Carol.OS has Hot yet passed what might be tenped tha eraoman tal stage, but in Georgia and Alabo ioduatry. 1 he tmvumah News tells el a shipment of the Paper-shell ye eaat from Albany—a whole earload —that U expected to retain 116.000 to tha grower. Speaking for tha Slate of Georgia, The New* says that althr'igti tha Industry dr pacta growing is compare Oeely resent there, it has bean highly successful »hh seary reaeon to belters that pa ean colters win ba mere and mars t»hen up as a money making ran ters and for home kaaesmptten. Ths net it highly natarttteea and saequal sd la flavor by any of the Imported nida. A vary flae Arinty la aow ta ha found in tha Wool markets at thras pounds for $l.‘ with prsctic.l ly no wnata to the pound and tha ax tra large, thin shotted ante frees Bryns county sad test whirs start/ samstimes bring flfl oaata g paosd. hove pot the iH.tlmi Imported pa eans which tra sory maan ami dUB cail to shall, she eat out of tha mar ket. although they SHU farm a part •f "hat sis kit tort as “mlrad ants." ' I Korivsl Meeting. (Contributed) Re*. X. A. McLeod concluded a re rival meeting In the Bluff church el Wede last week that will long bt cherished in the heart* of the pew pie. The congregations Increased el every oorviee. Last night all avail abls space in the pews, vestibule aisles, and around the pulpit was oe eapiacL Thera wart JS additions u the membership of the Bluff chord and others win Join the Methodist and Baptist churches. It eras l beautiful scene to see old men, yean| men end maddens, father* end mo [1 (rating their Uvea to usd being baptised. The scene wai help, as you looked eat end saw poo pie weeping ell over the church There were ISO or 140 of Cod’s poo pe who cense forward, aad rwcon secreted theme* 1 vet to the service o God. God bo praised 1 Heheea Vindicated. ’Hsere la no truer saying than the le the effect that etc* vie stances alt* >aaaa. • few yours ago era reman hared that aae Richmond Poerao Rohan* had a* Idea that this tear try needed to be prepared for wsi At that time the dove of peace he •witled ever praetMally all of th • world and Hob so* was given llttl encouragement. Today there )( wi se aR side# and save- --five per ret ef th* newspapers and thousands < dtineas are agreeing that Jh>be< tontee landlords and a' larger rate on anoood lands. (4) frsvidSH far Incorporating rural eomsaunitia*. (4) The initiative and referendum <•> Aa aotlssury Uw and! laws regulating hanks aa public aarrlee corporation^ t?) Giving soma official rales to rugulala insurance rates. (4) A State warehouse system. II. la national affaire wa ergs concentrating all aur energies • aa I farmers just near upon a rural erud ! Its Mil with government aid as llb •ral aa that European governments leva given European rural credit systems and seedling a Psdaral warehouse law. At the same liras *re feel as etUasas that United States will prove rerreast to the at humanity if K new centers attention spun tfs subject ef mill prapnrmtlaaa while neglecting tbe suprsma appartonity to taka the load among the nations of the earth In securing peace by binding ae ttoaa to plans far eettliag dlspulaa without rsaeittoi to war. Wa ap ! peal to the President and Con grass •at only to prefaes peeaifel in tan 1 ttona bat to head all the energies ad i statesmanship to accomplish this re sult. ’ JaullAsUe Ptrraasy. little Edna "Why waoldnl H do , to pray for ear bread anas a wash. Ier once • month? Why must wa ash fr. mar dally bread ?" Older Stator—1"So aa to bare It Show Kindness \ lile You May ♦ If down in youT heart yog era t _■ about anything, will you ‘ •how th« (undiinu to everybody con with you and your own per sonality by giving an honeat, tinea re* —‘on of your gratitude’ Tba man who diet with all the thankful ne* _it at deterring of pity at the one who ttiilee all the mutic- Dob afraid to tay "Thank you,” and tay It loud. , I havo In mind a family Chat all I tht mother of the largo circle to wear herwelf out with uacoaeing Wgffc. She worked eo hard and long that »he never hod time for oontider njgA rest. The mem ben of her family regarded mother'! work aa a h*Mt_ They accepted her working ( and never thooght that the needed relation or a change from the mo notnnwut grind of keeping a home. Tie* added to War berdant by bring ing other* home with them, (father itgl^l and worked a little harder. Then one day mother did not come down to tkeke the An and prepare 1 the breakfaet. She had cloood her ryAand they wore eo tired that mho wjwiira mem. ^ i I wish you could have heard the hte)l gratitude at the funeral I wleh you could have naan the donah.-niton and despair whan the chil :vn and father looked at each other ul said: "What are ws going to <lo without her?" They west flUad a* regret The ears could not hear the thank* they poured out ThejBbould have shown their grati tude eiory day of tha year and to tiaflt Look ever your own life. Are you speaking and acting In tin., f H ' Yoo ere living in e great country &d ere indeed fortunate In hav ing freedom, the right to thiak aild to A*> opportunity, countless chances U> forge to the lop if you have It la y£ You have libraries, play giYiunds, mheols. You have your —\M gmr dear aympathotic soul* in relatives or friends and tha idoalw *£h are necessary to aay human heing’a happiner Do you fully appriJhhe tha good fortune that *—»' . your lot over beic? Ana you taking Of* trouble to axproas your t^nka every once in n while? You ought toMo this. It is good to get it out of your system. ? I Have you health? Be . .onkful inJUe right way. Do not threw to tha Winds of indiscretion your prastouag hart tags. Do not insult your good health by eating, drinking, .breading tha wrung things. Cut out dissipation and lead a sane, baler.cad elXs, normal life. Priaa that good health. Sometimes it leaves m high dudgeon and never returns. And all I he poulticing ami nursing may net brjg back to yoo that which aboald be appiecoited every hour of Lbs day. 1 be way to thank your good health ia to be kind to it- * • 1 T*Btko“*d ideal* a aiinnt* *gov ’ |ni year ideal* tuffcred from *wha— are year -ideal* 1 AriBuj stowed away In camphor to Ju^°U|flwl °f1 ” XPC^jjjfc church T Why are they not Jdy mfluenc^on^'otwth^JxandSP^riJ^ham into thalighTof day and make (hem important con. tnbutkm /actant of year kappiaeaa a;ul tureen Bt a human Yotf many not be'getting to much money •t your next-door neighbor or your hat may not hart th* la bel of of an exclusive maker in itx crown, but at a human being fillin’ a riche in the grent tchetuc, your ideals should be tbanktd every hour Thanking them t* really shaking hands with than. S’ If you ar* a woman who rides In a street car. da you thank th* en lightened gentlemen who rise to girt you a seat? Or do you atakt them vary roomful of the weaker sax by taking it as your due? I have tt-n many men converted to the pap?.- gaxers and th* seated macculin* row by the neglect of women to thank th* man. Bay It graciously and a* if you meant It. Good heaven*! the cause for a thank you of this kind It growing more retnot*. Let ut . Wi.-ldh It. A stranger it entitled to a thank you when he hae rendered you s Service. Do not he an t rum ?t i* snob and accept help silently Lm-imm* yoo hare not been introduced or hecauae his fathers might not havo rome over in the Mayflower. Say thank you smilingly and be humar’ Do not forgot to thank in the '.ght way the children U is only Ij the reapertful uae of a courUey of this kind that children will ndm re and emulate. f Indeed, the thank you of everv day ia that which makes thanks go smoothly. It ia such a little thing that it should never be forgotten. Try saying thank you one* every day- Look around. You will And ! something which should elicit your gratitude. And thank you for listening. —BARBARA I KK S * MACHINE WAM NEXT Ediimu 8**e tha Slaughter at MU iow bcWntiilcedy. “I used to thiug that nmakuu’ wit getuug prwu> wall along toward a atala of though-ful forclxnrUtg hu inanity.” Iharoit A. EUiaor. laid re cwntly shortly after hi* arrival far a briaf stay in Denver, Colo, ado, “lot this war, 1 mu at coufesv, haa •nakan up my opinions. Men arunt ei improved since the old Soman days as 1 thought them Just, look «sat those poor hoys over there in ho rope are doing to each other. 81s eghter by Pressing Button. "Scienci ia going to make war e terrible thing. It's going to be too terrible to contemplate. Pretty loon ■sen wre can be mowing men down by the thousands—or even million* —al most by pressing a button. Tha 'laughter will be so terrible that the ■ try .Itself will be so that the machinery itself will virtu ally have to do the lighting. "I don't look for electricity to play euch an Important part io this new er slaughter. Jt'e going to be a •tiuggie of explosives. They are going to be the all-important ele ment. "Now that briagi me dawn to something I wont above all to talk -bout. That Is the question of A malice's prepared oeas for war. I • «n'i want war—understand that. — mao «nn any when war wil tie forced upon us. So wc must be props rad. uh* Insurance. Uc Say*. "It‘» juu like a man insuring hill !>ou*« before there's a lire; it dual do him any good to try tr get in surance altar Ike pumi baa burned U) the gr ound. Tbie country roort be ready to go re war if war ocmes. And ammual uau ia our oae great need. Wei “•** be capable of torniag out -*ice as much ammunition erery day as all the other nations com oiaed. We must make twice as much aa all the belligerents in Bn r*f » burning up every day. ”1 dost raeah that we eiunki make1 this ammunition today and store* it" There'* eo neceaaity for that. But *"• should build the plants fee mak ing ammunition anil have eo many of them and such big ones that no body could hope to equal os.” BoHd Plant.; bhut Km Lp. “What would you do with these, factories in timet of peace?” was asked. I “Simply shut ’em and keep 'em in firet-ciats order,” eras Edison'* reply “But let me explain something ihere," ho went oa. “eo my proposi tion won't sound foolish'to people. These factories wouldn't coct s great I daa] and there "rould be virtually no I machinery in them to- rust or spoil "There ar* other things wo need Our coasts should be so fortified that they would ho Impregnable. Wej need invisible periscopes for sab marines and lighter, yet more *ub-| stands! motor* for aeroplanes. And bettor so) 'marine engines. And Sj proceee for preventm.- erosion of big guns. “We have the inventors und the' engineers to do all w* noed. The thing ie. to uee 'em. That's what the new Naval Academy Board i ought to accomplirh. For Instance on* inventor on that hoard already has perfected a machine that wlP dig 226 feat of trench six feet deep and three feet wide In sixty minutes | W# could Intrench an army along our roast fn quick time with a thing [ I Iks that. ’ To Withdraw tho Nome of Jeetlce BinW Lincoln, Nob., Nov. St.—Secretory of State Poo) of Nebraska today an noanead that ha would grant tho re quest of Justice Hughes of tho Sa prome Court and withdraw tho let ter's name from the Nebraska pri mary ballot as a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination. Justice Hughes’ request waa re cshred by Mr. Pool today, and ho im modiotoly notified tho signors of thr i petition of Ms decision. Mr. Pool . In Ms communication to tho signors Mid ho "had decided to fallow tho wishes of J ustoo 1, .rhea, believing lhat ho, as a member of the highest !• court of tho land, would ant request him la do that which was centenary In the aviating lews." H* added that should tfca signors foal ho had erred tn this ruling, they could take l the matter before tho State rear! r for Ana) adjudication. i "Rafale RUT and the flee la. ’•I Buffalo Bill Is more than a hrote i rha heater and a circus mis. Ma it ■ s philanthropist. last year, lead hi a. Buffalo Bin himself tha husteaev 0 r hie Itttla - town of Cody. Wyoming t; screed to um a Red C-o«v R#«t M <| every pises of mill that |ef» hi n { town. Thor purchased tl MO seats or nearly M par sopite. DUKE NEWS ! Duke, Nov. IX—The Trash ■< at Duke wee crowded with wiaa-a | ike Fiddler*’ Cue notion which is | ulways attractive nai Bm at the idcetui under the anaagamaaf ed Mr. C. M. Autry, of AutryviUe. The iui*)msj.«e was large aad the music I ip»d. When an opportunity far dug dancing was given uaay volan | teem! from the audience and eaette I rival ran high. krjuey night local talent from IUrnett :.»d LiMiagtaa yrsuaniari a Kentucky Bade at the auditorium. The abow waa good aad afforded r.plvodif tauMBtot aad pestUaw, bat tha audience was waa II. Tha presentation waa a creditable ana fm any comm unity. These taking part in the play motored near from Haraatt and UlUngtoc Friday after noon aad bank that night altar tha ahaw. Kev. 8. W. Oldham preached a special sermon to tha young awn Suitably night upon apodal invitation bom the Boy Seoota. Oa accent of this service JUv. K. C. Duncan, who is scout maatar, called off hia aarviea at tha Eyhwpal church aad accompanied tha bay seoota to tha llaptiat church. Owing to tha sacaadva rain Thurs day night. Rev. j. j. Taylor, the re turned missionary ftuaa Brash could rot deliver his illustrated lecture, bat promised to cams on soma other date. Rev. Taylor la located thla year at Boies’ Creak. All the churches in the caaunuaUy win hold a special Thanksgiving eervice Thursday night. A celiac tlon will be taken at each church fur the respective orphanages ef tha VaU Quit* ■ number of Fill mens will at tend the Virginia-Cerohna feat tel) game at Rink mood m Thanksgiving day. ArrangoaoBts bare teas mate with the Atlantic Ceaat Liao otoriais to have their tost train stop at Duaa the previous night to tote aa passan gen for Richianad «*>o *■ H- Tho^TDrug in honor of the proposed Jarvis county which waald taka 'to Date, h&c had a special brand of cigar mads and calls K the "Jarvis Spe <-ial." Tbv cigars am on sale at the H. K. Thomas Drug Company »«* hato proven vuty popular with too smokwo. CfeUen Lower, Despite Franc Just when it saams as though cot ton prices should advenes, they i-t the opposite count. ThU. at Isaac was the experience early this wash, when the action of the market was disappointing to the buIUeh oteaaaC U for no other mason, R appeared no though an upturn was la otter because of killing frost over a con siderable ama at the bah, and though quotations fid rise 7 or f l*ninto at the outset, they fluctuated sllghly and finally cloned at a toodw ■to not gain. rreeling tampans turns worn very gonorsl to the south west early in the week ate similar conditions were noted elsewhere, in cluding Mississippi, Alabama, Geor gia and North Caroline But, aa already intimated, the market failed to show the nap axpaetod utear the drcunteancoa. Aa a matter of tost it largely ignored the ipp serenes of frost hi several States, ate It to quite clear that, tor the moment at loost, speculative sentiment leans toward the bearish tote. At the ss panse of rcpatlthm, K may ha said (hat many people am skeptical of any sustained advenes at tola juaetur* because of the existing situation in regard, to supply ate dentate. In other words, than those who fell to •ee how prices can go materially higher and stay there in the fee* ed U*e large stoeka, the meditate « porta and tho aloggWl spot demand. Then, too. the crop it Hkely to prove larger than anticipated a short dm ago. Bat there an srpofionoad rat io" "" "dm are of tho opinion that eriatiag conditions do not warrant say further decline af importance. Trrroered intoroot la manifested ta ths praapset of a very small po&sh supply for the coming season, which might mesht a assail stop. Usee over, general trada and iadua^y in j this toantry shows dear tlgas of re turning prisperlty, with a Ml dle I tributien of dry goods at rising sal* | era, whits reports wore law* this buying e streets freely. Bat la spite of all buHiab esatanttena and ■rymusit. prices have fsDea to low er level*, although temporary raOtea ate not infrequent. Dee's Bo view. --■-h Totten Ginned la Kaeamhar 14 Weahlnyrion, Jfov. U.—Cotton gta to running hotel btetedteg MJiM round bates and 44-4TI hates i of (tea Island, (ho Osnaas Bsroaa no natmnnJ - ^t- -S. ... Btai^ ™ ™ * i itwfl a^W^^^o ^BB^BBAA •w. Komi CataBao BUH> Bosth Carolina BMUTB. B • 's’ #

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