L O C AL A. C. L. PAKSKNGER TBAIN { SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 8A 9:16 A. M. No. 98. 8:81 A. M. No. 3 :A8 F. M. No. *». 11:27 P. M. Northbound. No. 14. 8:11 A. M. No. •#. 12:62 P. M. Na 9*. 7:41 P. M. thanksgiving Tho yellow hoi gone from the maples The birds fly away to the south, I hear lh» great blast of the north •rind, A trumpet with utorrou In ita mouth. Ere long an ’ the snow wiil be falling The twilight cr—e early and cold. And tha bcauiifui runes of the sum mer Shall be but as tales that are told. Yet now is the time for Thankagiv !■*. For music and greeting and mirth; A aong for the old folk we honor, A aong for the little one's birth In the home nr we joyfully gather, Aa gayly we ait at the board. Wa lift ap our praise to the Father; Accept our thanksgiving O Lord! —Margaret E. Songster Harmett Superior court adjourned Wednesday night. Mr* 1. F. Hicks and. Mrs. Annie Harper Young spent Monday In Kay etUvtll* Mr. Claudo Felton, of Savannah. Go., is spending Thanksgtvirg here with his mother. Mr. Joeeph J. Cook, of Raleigh, is spending the week here with ha mother Mrs. Anmo Cook. Mr. Henry Herring and sister, Mrs. Butler, spent Sunday at their old home In Sampson county. Mr. and Mr* Z. V. Snipe* aro among those who are taking 1.1 the football game at Kirhmor..; today. Several of tlw boys end girls from tbs various colleges in the State are spending Thanksgiving ui thu city. Mr. Arthur Pope has accepted a position with the postoffies here and will serve ss dork until after the holiday* Mr* D. A- Blue, after spunding Sevarsi days h*:e with relative*, re turned yesterday to her home near RockHth. Mrs. J. It. Hodges. Mr* I.. B Pope aad L. B. Jr., are spending a few days with Mr* W. H. Stalling* at Clayton. Mr* Elizabeth Jerome, of Rose Hill, arrived yesterday to sjiend the wees-ond with Mr. and Mrs. D. <1 Pussell. Mr* Douglas Bmith hat returned to hsr homo at Fayette*die, after spending several days here and at Duke with relative*. Mr. Will Hood, of Kinston, and Mrs. T. R. Ilood, of Smilhlield, are spending the day here with In. and Mr*. W. E. Coin-one. Mr* W. 11. Crawford has returned to her home at Williamston after spending sevei-.il day* here with Mr and Mr* J. Gus Goddr-rd. Mr. L W. Wade and daughter* Misses Maggie and Irene, of John ■ton count.V. 8Mnt <«rv#»rnl ileus kora this week with latives. Miss Aline le*tll, of Fayette vllle, and Mr. Wilson Maisengilt, of Four Oaks, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L Newberry. Mrs. Horace Freeman, who hat been critically 111 for the past few daye euffsring from pneumonia, U not reported any better today. Mr. J. T. Morgan, who bolds a po sition with the Standard Oil Co., with head quarter* at Greencboro, spent the week here with relatives. The stores, the banks, pcstoflce, and moat of tha other public places and business bourns of Dunn, will be closed tomorrow, it being Thanks giving Day. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Highamiht have returned from a visit to Fay ettovtlle and Rad Springs where they attended the Jobnson-Klgh imlth wedding. Rev. J. H. Shore, who for the peat four years ha* served as pastor el the Methodist church, will preach hit last sermon to hie congregation hers Sunday night Meaara. B. O. Townsend and P. ft Cooper spent several days in South Carolina last wsok. They wen there in the interest of the South land Farm A Real 8etata Exchange "Topsy Turroy Girls'- in Musical Tabloid, presenting clean and re ined remedy, will be at the Metro potftan Opera House all this week. Their (bet performance took place last night and was presented to i fair-sitad oudienre. Popular pries. previa Thanksgiving services will be hold tomorrow at tho following churches At 11 a. m.. at the Meth odist and Presbyterian; In the even Ing at the First Baptist- Rev. Mr Shore will conduct tho aervVee al tho Methodist, Rev. A. R. MrQueer at tho Freohyteriaa. and Rev. Bay, tea Code at the Beptiet church Tht public la hrvtted to attend. Aii wight-pound girl war burn tc Mr. ami Mra. W. F. Strickland, 01 Falcon, on Tuesday, loth. Leva* Toni bhow. will open hcri Saluixlry and wi.l cmiunuj thiougr an next week, owing to i blow down i tha tom ui Mi. Olive, whore they played loo, week, tl.uy did mil reach hero Monday hrat ;_dvjrt.o ed. being dolcyeu to make repair*, i ho show comoo wail recommamied Hov. A. K. Mcvfuoon held a meat dig at mult chuicn, near Wado, urn Wuc-k. lie wao aakUicd by hov. K A. McLeod, ot Fayetteville. Tki meeting wan a muit interesting om anrt a* a roauli of tho excellr -| I pccacliu.g urveral now name* won ! ndded to the church rollt of that community. Mr. 1. 1. Wallace, for many yean a citiacn of Uuun, who Ik now meat od at North Emporia, Va., apeni acv eral dayo here tiiia week. Mr. Wal lace i> manager of tho Empom Mantel A Fixture Company, which will be boon from an ad appearing In thi* i*kue, and la in ihc name liukinaoa pureuud hurs. ilia knowl ! edge of thu particular lino of work aaaurek hil suc-ccaa and hid progrcai will lie watched with mlercat by hu numoroua Lhinn frienda. Church 1 alia I'aatar. Uev. U. W. Arnold, paxtor of th< Christian church at Goldsboro. filled the pulpit of tho Christian church horo laat Sunday morning end even ing- and pleached two forceful ter moiu tw good-sixed appreciative au i-icncok. Ret. Arnold wma extended a call to the paituiatc of the church i ■: a. aid haa accepted. He will preach heie each aecond Sunday for the coming year. For tho pdtt yeai Ihe Chriatian church hero baa beer without a paktor, and tha oongrega | linn cor.atdari itself fortunate in ae curing tho aervicoo of Rev. Mr. Ar i nold. - LrGrange Sentinel. /unammea Cluh MmIi Notwithstanding th* ncleroenc,, oi th# weather, lha Zumurjotn Booh Club held Ita regular meet'ng Thurs day evening, November 16th, at th« home of Mr. ar.d Mr*. Mel). Holl> day with Miaaea Turlington and -Moseley After a short basins* l poiiod the gueeti enjoyed an inter | citifif ronURt thf untangling oi several group* of letUra. th* out. come being girls' names. D«|igbb fal refreshments were served by Little Misses Jessie sod Klorenct Holliday The guests of the clot Were Mr. snd Mrs. Holliday. j CLieera U. IX C. Elects Officers. At a •-ailed meeting with Mrs. I K. Ilirks oi, WodneeUay dn |7th the following iaili** war# inode officer of this chapter for the year I'Jlit; Mr*. P, S. Cooper, piosidcnl. Mr*. |. k. Hick*, 1st Vice-pro&l der.L Mr*. 1* J Beal, 2nd vice prciidncl Mri. R. M. l'carsall, Recording •set retary. i Mr*. N. A. Townsend, Correspond K .Secretary, • * haiim Pu.die, Treasurer Mrs. T. L. K. Young. Historian. Mrs. P. H. Lynch, Registrar. With a Credential Committee com posed of Mrs. J. J. Wad*. Hr. P J. Jeffrey*, Hr* Annie H. Yoong i and Mrs. W. H. Newberry. iHark-TboMpem. The following announcement wil be rend with interest by many of ooi readers: Mr. David Thompson announces the marriage of his daughter Nannie Victoria to Mr. John Manning Blurk on Wednesday, November 2«th nineteen hundred and fifteen. High Point N. C. Will be at home, after the first a December, at Anderson. 8. C. New Enterprise for liana. 'I ho is test addition to the Indus trial Id* of the city is the Dum Chrieto-Coia Bottling Work! whicl was organised last week with a pak in capital of (G.00U.00 Mr. Herbert 8. McKay is Presd dent; Mr. A. D. Wilson is vies-preei dent; W. H. Herring, secretary six treasurer and Mr. it W Hope, man sgsr. The board of directors con ttst of the following gentlemen H. 8. McKay, W. I>. Holland, R. A ltowlsnd, H. L. Morgan, R. W. Pope ! M. C. Bailer end Goo. M. Ployd • The company will bottle s re riot; 1 of soft drinks but will sucks n epoci elty of Christo-Cole. They will b ready for businooe about Jeuusr 1st. Tho machinery has been order ed already and as soon aa It arrive work trill begin on tho installation The new organisation has behirt It capable -end progressive ymrai men end It will prove to be a groe asset to the boainoee l.fo o fthe ritj Baldwin—Felton last night at Ike homo of th brkle nn North WUaon (treat. Ml W. K Baldwin and Mias Carrie Pol ton scare married In the precor.ee « a few in tints te Mends. The wM ding came aa a surprise to the pec si* of the tewn ah the young eotrpl had managed to keep ;* a secret. Immediately after the caramon they left far WhltavOTe, Mr. Bnk * \ win's old hums, whom they wk s|W>id u law days with relatives. Thin young couple h: vo uumerou iiiemls throughout the stain Wh will be .titercetrd in the as'iaunci muut and will wish for them mucl I happiness. w Ml lea ton—Pkmuents Mr. Oros Whiuentan and Mm Bo tmrta FImudu were mat rind Son ..ion at t o'clerk at Ik home of Squire J. R. Godwin, in Us pretence of a large number o frlcn-U and relatives. Mr. tiodwii performed the ceremony. Mr. W lutur. ton mu»| other things, a foil compilation ol tha North Carolina game laws, con. pieU tala as to the departments uix! personnel of the State govermneni and the State institutions at Raleigi and elsewhere; a chapter devoted u information about the work of thi ] h«n«iv« agricultural and educations statistics; complete calendars of Ihi Federal and Stats courts, and. U make the measure run over, eighi pages tn a rartfully edited record oj evenU within North Carolina tron Jannary 1 to September JO. Inelusivl The Almanac which is publish** by The Raleigh Times, ia, in short up to th* standard of lWltt, as com ple ely as that of 1*2* fit the tiraw of our grandfather* and groat gram fathers. As an inexpensive yw inclusive sod tollable took of cur rent reference It ia hard to soe box it • ould bo batterod. Report ef the ( uodiUon of THE BANK OP CAPE FEAR at !>saa in the State ml North Cara • Una, at the ctaaa ml hwaaeae November It, 1*14, RESOURCES loans end discounts ....8104.5*3.4: Ovc/drafla cecurad . .91 Fnrntlure and Fixtures . 3_.150.0i All other real estate owned' IH.V0.0I Demand loan* . 556.01 Due from National Banks 16,7202 t a*h Items . 96.2 Cold Coin . 202.6 Silver coin, including all minor com currency .. 1,217.9 National bank notes and other U. S. Note* .... 7.4M.O Total .$134238.3 1.1 ABIUT1ES: Capital stock pa hi In_$ 20,760.0 Surplus fund . 2,500 01 Undivided profits, less cur rent expense* and taxes P«k1 . 812.01 Bill* payable . 27.500.0i Deposit* subject to chock 71,122.6 Time Certificate* of De posit . 2,802.® Saving* Deposit* . 8,202.2 Cathlar's Check* out standing . 2,443.2 United Slates Postal funds 206.® Twai .Iiaoffl.a ' Slat* of North Carolina, County o Harnett, as: I, T. V. Smith. Caihitr of tb above named Bank, do solemn); * Twaar that tha above aUUmant i (true to the hast of my knowledir lend tieiief. T. V. SMITH, Cashier. Subscribed and rworn to tie/ora m ,'thia 23rd day of November. 191b. C B. AYCOCK. N. P. My rommitsion cxpiraa October 21 I 1>X7. Correct—A ttaat: D. C. rUBSEI.L, MARVIN WADE. O. K. GRANTHAM. . Director Character ia tXn> power of endui once among men. I have aeen me > atari oat with brilliant prospects 'an I fail, and I have never yet known • real failure in politics which was ni i 'rateable ta a breakdown in tha m«i . ala of tha man. Not, I mean, in hi I habits necessarily, for that la not tl [ only Indication of morals, but ia h L concept Ion of Ufa. in the fundamei . tats which control him.—WIlMa: •tannings Bryan. In the doeoeth ntpht of ltv*e’1 > r *d rivea ua so mm • to ha thankful for that we need no • ar cease oar slnr'ng. Coleridge f To work, to help and to be heine - t« I seen sympathy through aulferti » •« ’'em faith by pmplaxlt trath through wonder; hehold’ t» r Is what It la to proapsr; this Is wh • It ia to lira—Philips Brooks. i*' l! J. W. DUAUGHON h R THE MOS1 complete 1 of Cdit Snita to l> i found la Dunn, goo him bafan • you buy. THE MlLUNBkf DEPARTMEN1 at Goldetoia'a .1 » bowing ail tlx now etylaa. LISTEN, BOYS! J. W. >RAIJGH on U giving away a knife wttl , every- Loy ouil he valla Hoy yoai , euit from him and got thia nice > preeoct fro*. COAT SLITS. CLOAKS. MILLIN' cry, ihoca, dry go ode, ate. in tkle week to bo elanghtorad at the Ooldon llarvaat b-le by R. G. Tay lor in the yellow front etore. THE MOORS ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Co. will open for boai w» in Dunn about November 16, It will bo modem In every reaped. Save your ordora. 81II dr TED—BIG POINTER DOG weighing near 40 pound*, white wi h liver colored epote, bob-tailed ba* a email knot Ilka Wan on left Left about laot day of Sop teinber# WUl give W.OO for hia ! return to mo. W. B. Millar, Dunn Route 6. mr. HEST THERE IS IN CLOTH kig for man and boya at Geld etcin'a. CY GULF SHOES. A COMFOUT to the feat, at Cold stein's. A KMFI WILL BE GIVEN ABSO luitly f-a* with every boy wit of clot hot void during November. I We will Mil you a euit cheap and give you a kaife to boot. J. W. braughon CLOTHING FOE TH* HOYSAT right prices at Goldstein's. THE BEST SHOES IN THE world arc sold at 'HUatein'i. THE LATKHT STYLES AND DE vtgna in coat auila can be fouoil •I J. W. braughon’*. And hie prices are reasonable, quality o siiiered. PRICKS AND QUALITY TALK— Thal'a why m many are buying men's clothing, ladiaa’ coat suite, rloaka. millinery, shoaa, dry goadi and other finery of R. G. Taylor during hU Itolden Harvest Sale In the yellow front store. EVERY BODY TRADES AT GOLD Ptein’s. They have the goods al right prices. MOKE COAl ULlrjj^bfffttRrr ad. Come t once and let ua show , yon the beet line in boon. J. W j braughon. J 10fl COAT SLITS. ALL THE NEW I styles, just received. Coma let us show you- Goldstein's. , WARNER'S BUST PROOF COR swts. a gtyle and tixo for every hguro. at Goldstein's. , FtIR SALE—SEED PEANUTS— Thr Spanish Peanut, the truckarT . favorite. Apply to Carl R. Hodg os. bunn, N. C-, R. P. D. No, A DR. W. H. WAKEKIBI.LL OF CHAi lotto, will bo in bunn or Tuesday 1 December 7th; Duke on Wednee. 1 day, December 8th; Itanson or Thonday, December 9th; for thr purpose of treating dloea'es ol eye. ear, new and thront and fit ting classes. On this visit, ovrtnc to the herd ttmos, the doctor wil test eyes for glasses at one hall bis usual feet. AKLIX ANT SBL7I SHOES. ALT style*, the beet far ladias. AL sites at Goldstein's. ' Mim Emilia Gertrude Jackaea Uacher at Piano, liar man 7 and Tlx ary Teieptien* 1M. CAROLINA PHOTO COMPANY Photographer*. * W A. CASQUE, Manager. AH Style* enlarged portrait*. .. Raal Mala St., Dean. N. C... T. R DA ROHM Veterinary Phy adeem. Surgeon and Danila*. PHONE*: - DAY, NO. W. (tight. No. 214 Dunn, N. C. 11 FRANKLIN T. DUPREE. ATTORNEY- AT- LAW Office in Cr*r«nr BMf, ANGIE*. H. C. t I. C. Cliffard N. A. TmtaM , CLIFFORD * TOWNSEND ATTO R NEYBi AT-LA W p NRc* on tad floor at Firat Nation Rank. Prompt attention glean to at) buainaaa. ' P. R VT*R BERJtCR Three Doara Mo Bank. COATS. K. a • -gu£lJ 9 *2* >; v A* « carlTUI Wrwt I, Attorney and Coanaaltaa at L*« ,t Firat National Saak Botldtng vLf,' jj * I1 OF HARNETT, JOHNSTON, SAMPSON, AND CUMBERLAND COUNTIES ',o cnal.ie those farmer* of tba coo i :cn abet mc.i to. <4. ate iltaire to market their cotton crop praJeaJy we w.U lend a rca>onnUe .moeei r* cotton pro pa. !y alo-ed in 'euirt waichnotar r.*troticl»l« warr ho.ac -.-tea;[It*, therefor as collateral "o «j Oh. th* wasted hem eg fife That have drifted, by| • Tb. the good we eiight ha** daw*, » treat without a sight < Lev* that w* might am have saved By a single wwi; • Thoughts imulvsd bud never panaed Perishing aahsard. Tab* the preverb b* thtee bmt • Tehet Oh . h*W It BsU