FROCK* AND WRAPS FOR XTB-f KING. VMM sad Fur-Trijnnwd of Satin, Taffeta msd Nat. New York. Nev. U.-Mew that wimor ia open ns and tha season of gaitjee has begun, w* And ourselves uvqrug about, here and there, hearts m a Harry and brimming over with happy expectation of tbs corn lag festivities where w* may danoa away the marry hours, oblivious of I time and the many perplexities of' this Uttls world of oars, except fori tha ever present question of dross. silks end sheer fabrics, such as tsdfsfl. groa de bond res, soft satins, chiffon* nets, and aovslty brocades which are charmingly seltsd to daace and din ner frock*. Gros dc Londres couiv* 'daio ard striped, combining often two of the most deleeata pastel shade*. The' soft satins end taffeta* are particularly affective, under the web-lUce tonic* now modish. Al though many preftr tha effective simple frock, others delight In tha swaying of tiny ruffle* and frills, and tha swishing of crispy failles and taffetas, panniars of Almy fab rics. puffed, shirred, sad pleated, quaintly mimicking creations of dec ades ago. These ars carelessly > /.^ \ Wrap of Throw Ccarf. caught op and hold in placo by tiny cnatarm of rooebods or perhaps a aingk flower of laco. void or silver. Metallic ornamanu have supplanted trimmings of silk, bu ‘a and flowers, ) to a certain extent, and when uscu sparingly make most effect.v« A tush es. The 8carf of ChUfoa. As the frame is to the pictoro, so is the dainty, filmy scarf to tha frock for evening wear; endless ideas may ha carried out with thaso. They era beaded, embroideried, fring ad and haad-coiorsd; developed in tha sheerest of nets, chiffons, ^uics and wonderfully patterned Oriental fabrics, designed with visions of Hour is mad dreamy harem beauties 1b mind. One of the away off active uses of the scarf is with the sleeve leas gown; it may be draped in most becoming ways. A charming ex ample of this was brought to my attention the other evening. The ' dress was of eaaarjr colored taffeta made with aa eight gored akirt, in whinh alternating gores were of the canary taffeta and sating of a dala cate bine. Each gore was rounded at the lower edge and finished with a narrow quilling of chiffon match ing the taffeta bOdice. Over this striking skirt hung n tunic of ca nary colored chiffon, while a wonder felly tinted scarf, with blended tons* ef canary color and bins, was drap ed aroend the shoulders in a wing llke erase gam sst giving the affect of sleeves whan the grata were raised. The ends were wound loosely around the neck, quite aa ooe would eae the regalsr throw ererf of heev iar materiel- It was exceedingly practical end planned the eyee ef ef these who appreciate daintiness aad grace. TREATMENT FOR BURMA Prscceti— is Beet Treatment. The beet advice shout bums la tq prevent them. They are the meet pahtfo) ef ram men injuries, dew to heal aad often result In Ufc lang dleahOMy er eaters . disfigurement. *—*-s-»- .k^. mrfi a# »kfi Kata mf m g LAND ,s5ji) U The Jason M. Williford honsse place || JJ Five Miles South of DUN H P near Spring Branch Baptist church cut into || N 20 and 30 Acre Farms, )j N Will be sold AT AUCTION on the premesis, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1030 A. M. SHINE OR RAIN. There are good dwellings on four of the farms and this land is nearly all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Now is the time to get a good farm at your own price as we sell to the highest bidder. 1*4 Cash, balance 1, 2, and 3 Years Brass Band music; Free dinner to all Ladies Invited. Greenback Money . given away at time of sale. If it rains bp sure to come as you may get a better bargain. Remem ber the date: Thursday, December 2nd, 10:30 A. M. ir i Don't let this opportunity slip. Get busy and look over this M land before day of sale. II Murphy Bros. Land Auction Co., S C C. MURPHY, Manager, ' Greensboro, N. C. |J P. S. If you have land to sell see these men or write the Company^^^ In ar • *t*v* with a lira in it. A fandgr =» a wira aeraaa hafnra an apan tra ramovaa thla danger, prrhapa tha aaaat aarieoa hums a-o thoaa reauKing from tha aaa of oil la atartiag a In. 00poctally a Mnold arfng Ira. A lIMla forathoaght oaaaaa all that ta aaeaaaary to avoid what la aftaa a fatal raanlt. Oil dran fraqaaatly ham thalr hand* and Igalto thair daikbif by playing with matrhaa. Malrha* ar* dangar mm plaything* far tha polaon (hay aaaaBy aontoin kaaidaa thrir dangar a# Igniting. aad ahaald ha kopt not af thUraa’a waah Btota Baard af i V ' da f « Kortb Carols* Coming. La* yaar North Carolina mad* a rory good «Sowing („ bar Interest la tho Rod Crow ChHotma* 8a*I moYomcnt. Of tho sarawtasw otetoa la bor .<•!»»*, th* Notional Amort* lloa for th* Study and Proportion at Tabortulaol* giro* North Carolina Sfth plaro in th* nambor of mail •etd. It is mora than probaMa that this yoar oar rank will ha rtilt high •r, oi wa ar* loginning to apyrosi at* th* rala* of thorn Mute slumps nat only la oapramlwg mm Christ mao mnthnonta, bat la th* mar* practical way* of helping stamp oat **»ba*»ate*** by ^raotdlag teds far twbarrwtoMs IMaratara. nomas, or yy*** mmm **» t* th* Hog ranted Fa rttHsor Fornulaa far Kortft Carolina. On amount of Um high prim of potaah and to cdapa Um total l*«fc of It In auActanl rjuantltira for fcrtilljor forma In* Kara baon aug gaatad by LHraator Kilgora aa auit ■bla for aondltiona la tka State. Than# formula* gfra )k» rorract pro portiannaant of giant food and will *<*• food raoulto , at • low root. Tfcoy am adrlooblo to ua* for tbc yorpooa of th* abnormal farUHaor rltuadtOn nrtplng from On naraaalty at oortMng potaah ahnoa* •ottroly from f«wmoOi> during Um maoiag aoaaon. for Canada! Main or Bantam Cam- 1 . I « Per cant photphorir acid. 4 par cent ammonia. Knr Com. Grain*. Onuai, etc.: # par cent phoaptiorie acid. 4 to 5 par cant ammonia, Por Peanut* i X to 10 par pant phoephnrlr »d* I to 2 par cant ammonia. l*or Paaa, Boy Raanr. Clover*, ate.: Straight arid pheephata an food and. >n poor land: ■ n to 10 par rant phoaphorir add. 1 to 2 par aaat ammonia. Par PWdmoat North CaraCaa. 'or Com, Grain*, Graaaaa, rta. 10 par amt phoapfcedc add. 2 to 4 par cant ammonia. 'or Paaa. Soy Bean*. Oarer*, ata.: Strpiaht add pheephata an faad and. Statement of the condlion of the STATE BANK & TRUST CO. At the close of hutiness November 17, 1915 Resources Loans and Investments $30, 676. 69 Furniture and Fixtures 2.427 74 Expense. ' ^ 77 Cash on hand and in Banks 30, 242. 88 63. 481. 08 Liabilities CaP'tal $13, 700. 00 Due Bank* 7( 765 jg DeP°*iu 42, 015, 92 63,481.08 We are in the market for short time commer cial paper. vice-Pres^’ Pr2S' B* °* Town8€nd> Active H. HERRING, Cashier. On Poor U«d: t 12 to 14 por cent phosphoric acid. 1 per cent ammonia. Par the MosmUtna. For Corn, Grains, Grates*, «u.; 10 par cant phosphoric acid. S to 4 par rent ammonia. For Pea*. Soy Beans, Clovers, etc.: 9 per cent phosphoric 4rid on good land. On poor land: 12 to 14 per cant phosphoric acid. 1 per rent ammonia--Catenates Fame— News. A Bay's Mother. Uy mother she's so good to me. It I was good aa I could he, couldn't bo as goodr— no, air!— San't any |wy be goad aa bar! She lore* me when I'm glad er «»d; She krree top when I’m good er bed; _A«', whet’e the funnleet thing, ehe «*n She levee me when ehe peniehee. t I don't like her te ptutieh pie— TW. don’t hurt—bet it hurU te eee Mor rrjrtn'—Men I cry; en’ nen | We beth cry end be goed egein f!he levee me when My little t|e4k en' An' when nry p Sbr lovee him I She leogha en’ telle hhu ill I eeld. An* grphe me ap en' pate my Heed; An’ 1 hug her, en’ hog my pe A*' lw»e him put’ nigh ae merit an We- —Jemee WhMremb Riley. UAD TU DOWN DISPATCH / * Twa Hundred and Fifty Stork*. I And ovary etory a good one. They »re entertaining, bat that la not all you can any about them. You know time i* hardly a periodical publiah ie not full of time-waating •toriea. but not a single atory in tho Youth'a Companion la a time waator. Take the atoriea gf C. A. Stephen*. I It would bo h*rd to pick out on# from which you cannot k*m him. thing useful and yet entertaining. Bom* 0f Ue Companion rofruah your knowledge of geography and 1*11 yoo the myuteriea of eharaiatry; •omc reveal the aecreta of forestry, •nd of general farming. They cov er a Wide range. They are chosen with an eye to tho potaibie likings “f every member of a Companion family- atoriea of vigorous action Ond attiring adventure for boy*, atoriee 0f college life end daaqpetio rongo all tho way from sheer droll ery to deep asriouaneee for -irr and women. There are no stories quite like thorn in The Companies* U you are not fxnlllqr with Up Companion aq It iq to-day. lot IP «md you «*mple copies qad the dere caat fop l»l«. New subscribers who so«>d fg OS fop 191« will reoelvs free a copy if Tho Companion Hants Calendar for Hid. in addition to all tho remaining lpu«s from tho time the sub •rHption is received. TH* YOUTHS COMPANION Soeton, Mas* New Subscriptions Received at thin OMee - ■ m l Speech Is a mirror ef the eeui; “ • than speaks, ae la ha. Inqi. . * 1