VOL. 11 abstract uk ritbMuEAT-a »iEsb.tGK TO CONUKBSS Head hy Mr. Wilson Today Belorr a Joint Session of the Two Uouaoo. 1.1 the CRa.nocr oi the House—Na iteaai IX'in.se Peiauiuunt—Pen AmeiUa..iam and Mcrchaul sis rial Ably Presented—Interns, Taxation la Advocated. Washington, Dec. 7.—A doctrine of Pan-Americanism—of full parl nsrship between the notions of the| Western Hemisphere in world af fairs—was pro- -aimed by ihxsxidcot Wilson lodny In bit third annual ad dress to Congress, the theme ol which wns preparedness by the United State* to dof«nd Dot only ita own independence but the rights of those with whom it has mode com mon cause. Tbs message was read by the Provident to the Senate and House assembled in joint session in the thamber of the House. Every recommendation embodied in the document hud to do with com prehensive plena for strengthening the national defanaea. The pro gramme raeJu-vU the army and navy plana already made public by Secre tarta* Uarrtaon and Daniels; legiala tion for government owned merchant ships; a rural credit low; the Philli pines and Porto Klco hills which failed of final passage at tha last session; conservation legislation; ■ law giving federal aid to industrial and vocational education; and the creation of a commission to inquire Into the transportation problem. Naturalised and native bom baillgsienta abroad, haw plotted and conspired to violate than own toun try'i neutrality wart scathingly da nounrad by tba President, and Con grata was urged to provide adequate federal laws to deal with tuch of fenders. Internal taxation was proposed at the meant of providing the money necessary to add to the naval and military establishments Sources of taxation suggest: W war* in coma gaaolWe, cqpQv- oosobiles and ‘in , temal nxplsetea eugines, fabrloatad '>on ansi seel and a stamp tax on * ' ^MbtT * i II in - st«war’ x» revenue bill and conlinuanre of the present tariff on sugar were retom mended, and the sale of bonds op posed. This message was the longest Mr Wilton haa ever delivered to Con grats. He began with a statement that tinea he laat addressed Coo grata: "The European war hat extended Its threatening and sinister scops until it has swept into its Same some porion of every quarter of the globe, not excepting our own hemisphere, has altered the whole face of inter national affairs, and now presents a prospect of reorganisation and ru eobstruction such aa statesmen and peoples have never been called upon to atteSnyt before” The United States hat ramtined neutral, be laid, because it bad no interest in the causes and because it war tba duty >-f tha nations of the western hetnispnera to pieveot col lective economic ruin. The President pointed to the stti tad* of the United States toward* Mexico aa proving that this country hat no selfish motive* in its interest in countries in Central and. South America. Thor* was a time, in raid, whan the United State* looked upon itself as a sort of guardian of tha republics to the south a* against the encroachment or effort* of polit ical control from Europe. “But," he adlod. “it was always difficult to me. .ain such a rdo with out offense to tha pnde of the pao plea whoa* freedom of action wa sought to protect, and every man of thoughtful affairs must welcome the altered circumstance* of the new day In whose light we now stand, when there ia no claim of guardian ship or thought of wards, but, in stead, a full and honorable associa tion of partners between ourselves and our neighbor*, in the interest of all America. North and South. “Onr concern for tha independents and tha prosperity of tha State* of Cenrtal sad. South America is not al tered. Wa regain unabated tha splr it that has inspired as throughout tha whale Ufa of oar government end which was so frankly put into words by President Monroe W* stiU mean always to make a fommos causa of national independence and of polities] liberty in America. Boi that purpose |, now better order stood so far as it -mcerne ourselves It Is kn«-- bo a salftsh pur pose. It la known ,o have k k « thought of taking advantage of an] government in this hemisphere or playing it* political fortunes for aoi awn benefit AH tha govern manti of America stand, so far as wa an concerned, upon a footing of genuliM •quality and unquestioned bide pen Hence" “We have Wot pid t* the task h the ease of Mexico, and wa havr •Wad tha Wat," daetarsd tha Prea dent. He added that it temainoj tc be seen whether Mexico bad been neneiiuod by the coots* taken by the Administration. but that "we bare ut least prosed the. we will not take sti vantage of her in Uoj dutreen and uniicitake to impose upon her u*i a. #la may bear the inscription. "Not to be opened, until Christmas" or soma other similar taacnptior. without rendering th* subject to Arat class rates. As most poopl* already do theu Christmas shopping •wrly—they could wisely add to th* custom of mailing their packages early. Attention la also called to th* fact that for l hr** cents e par col may be bfWd for It* valise up to Are dol Thla bow feature adds to th* saewrlty of the pend In transit and ' - - |. I , , ‘ fa.tion to the patrons Whan a par-1 cal is proses tod for acceptance it muet be securely wrapped and plains ly addressed- The Insurance tag must be Ailed out and attached to th* parcel by the tfnder. The em ployee accepting parcel muet in each instance aeoertafi what article* th* parcel contain*. Thla is not curios ity on th* pan of the employee for he la simply following the specific instructions of the Poatoflloe Depart ment. Thla year th* volumo of mail will greatly exceed anything heretofore known and only a thoughtful consid eration on th* part of th* public will prevent congestion and consequent delay which is equally annoying to l>Oth the patrons and employees. "September Morn." Seats for th* engagement of the whirlwind musical success "Septem l*r Morn" will go on sale at Souder* Pharmacy. Friday, December 10th. There is * widespread deair* to sac Lhie most talked of musical whirl from tba I^Sallr Opera nous*. Chi cago. where thousands (locked for moths ton witness this splendid «oc ces*. An exceptional east of pnrln -•Ipals and the famous LsiSell* chorus will be engagod In presenting “Sep tember Morn" when it Is seen *1 the ^ -eFayet t« Theatre, Fayetteville W»hCK ON COAST LINK j Derailment of Freight Can Blacks Mala Una Three Hears. koehy Mount, N. C, Dee. ft.— Again thU morning tho through tmr . *1 on the Atlantic Coaat Line was I blocked for three hour* when four I cnie of e southbound extra train left the track at a point near Four Oaks end blocked both north and ' southbound tracks of the double , tracking. No one waa Injured in the crash. The wrecking craw of the company at this point waa suro j tnonod and at 8:90 a. m. the trackage , "•* cleared. The cauee of the wrack ( he. net yet been aaeerUiaad, though r it la thought to hare been ceased by ! ■ broken journal. t . Wsaaa'i Oak to Meat. • The Woman’s Club of Drum will ■ meat Friday aftaroooa at 1:90 Is the s Graded School Auditorium. Tho pro i gram will be In charge of the Edo - rational and Health Department el b the Club and it la most eameetly re t, (proofed that eregy woman in towr a be prenint. a - y " Mias Ana Smith left Monday foi v Washington She has accepted i 7 posiUoa with Con gr see men Oodwh K aa etanegrspher and will spend tk winter In the National Capital MBMUEBd ALL \\h AhED Represents-no (lead, faro* W«U at Hast ttitshin. Godwin ' ltij« Prafiuk Washington, Doc. cento of North Cgr lhair' committee asaig aad arc veil pleased4 The lino-up follows; * Representative Smafij Harbors; Kitchin, W. .< Hood, tho Census, and' Ground*, and Naturalisation; l*ou. Claims, and second p| S ted man. Foreign Af dlan Affairs; i age Appropriations; Gods of Ref sms in tho CiyO \ a rnember of Alcoholhj, He end Expenditures in* partroeot; Houghton, Fxpendlturse in the Is Agriculture, and i Uen and Roads; Webb.1 the Jodieiary. Those arr ’.rscticalig. the assign monte predicted in thsrMgfcand 06 trrser several days afNifi’ Hr. Hood, the new;'bglgsher. was well cared for by Ifk-Jfifcehin and the other members oft »J?aya and Means Committee urhgf'hWS the ap Representative day. Ha is m fa dent'* national dafi “I ana in favor prvpervdnsse," "and 1 tliilik that u dent desires I do sand, tha detail* of I believe now that I believe any people . idol str* lion. •'My constituents credits, cotton war roads. “I think that we duty on sugar.* Mis* Sue Smith, Harnett County next weak' to 6* oograpber. Tha Tha News and aigh •rill rebuild. paper Will be printed la a neighbor ing office. Thera aC no interrup tion In the publication of the paper, and then hna been qp doubt that a now r.rvl better office of tta tv.-n would ue constructed for Mr. Dan iels's newspaper. Hero it a situation which natural ly suggest* reflection and comment. Never a mu of wealth and hiving suffered a similar lea* by Are within the past throe year*, than has yet been no thought that Josephus Den tals would fail to build another plant, bigger aad batter than the ones destroyed. Herein is a mine]* that character haa wrought. Many people on many oeeaslo s hart found, •hrmsehv** squarely . osed to po litical aod other views expressed by Mr. Daniels In hla oewspaper. There never hat bean, however, a qaastlon in anybody'* mind a* to tha in'- -ri ty of hit character, llera la as. il lustration of tsu. acatlmaot so clear, ly and somewhat startlingly at a tod by the late J. Pterpont Morgan Mor gan when ho declared to a Congres sional committee In Washington: "Character is the foundation of all r-odiL There *•"• some men I would loan a *1,0*0.000 to on their mere note while others could not get a *1,000.000 from me with Gov ernment b-'.-la as a security.''— Manufacturer* Record. Why We Need the Stack Law. The stock law, or the law of en actment or custom which controls tho live stock of any state or cuts munity is th* outgrowth of educa tion which leads to hotter farming und better living. Th* control of live stock does not necessarily mean the loss of th* feud grown on the raagoa, but tt does oi necessity protect »h* livestock from «!<•<•«* and th* crop* of the Indus trious and intelligent farmer frorr duett action by worthl*** scrub ftoeli which the owner allows to run a! largo to consume food which darn not belong to him Th* *<> called stock law sboult not moan less fences, but it shook and does rooas more and hotter live stock. It also means forest prer.c.r ration and reforesting of our cut over ranges which produce onlj enottgh gras* to support mlaerabl] » few scrubs, bat aright if protects) grow • prof table crop of timber^ The Prognosis* Farmer. Some think War* are more sacra than smiles, ft* baghjftfc la as dl ! vine gs crying, Sad Joy will remol , after team ha*e baoa swept set < the uoivsrsa^Jtg. •ihtlKAK i DEMANDS WHY KDQ(E8T WAS MADE Vtei Bernatreff Today Sought From U.a Stale bepahaut the **-—-■ fir the Desire (a Have Boy-Ed and in I'spaa itecalicd T. aah.ngton. Dec. 0.—Count Vnt) Oai natoiff today promoted to the State Department a communication asking for the reasons for the re uuast for $a withdrawal of Captain Ltoy-Ed and Captain Von I'apen. It wa* stated authoritatively, though not m tha communication, that the Ambassador would under no rousio rra'uon oak tha United States to get »af« conduct for tho attaches. The German Government waa represent ed as considering it Incumbent on tha United States to return tha at taches in safety to German territory and bring Uterr suceeeaara here. Should it develop from tha State Do pariment’* answer that other ind ent* in Ihe Archibald cam and the Ter'.rnony in the Hamburg Amcrii-ac tr-al were considered in asking with diawad, Germany odll contest the withdrawal*. Fhauld the llcpnrl •nent ropiy that these two Incident* were raspaasibie. the withdrawal will take place at enea. The Embassy era* rrpresented a* considering that it and the attaches stand before the bar of public opin ion. Tha understanding is thni the Embassy will deny that the attaches have beer corner-led with anything under the attach other than the Archibald incident end the testimony in the Federal court in New York. Ail this notion is considered by American officials to be contrary to the presidents of diplomatic proeed ure. While the conferences w In prog roes tha two attaches will remain within the United States They were both in Wartfagton today. The German Ambassador's ac.ion today was a distinct surprise to official* hare. TW Great Quest. There zauat be a gulden mean KMnewbere and we must fled M. »ai have healed, all the world will' be seeking this golden mean. The social democrat of Gansu, who U silent new in hi* apian did paOaaal devotion, will be seeking it, the tsa star, peasant, inarlleulatc, mgsttc, reflective; the Frenchman ‘with Mf clear brain and forward-looking soul the Englishman wrapped in his aeat tradition. Perhaps in our un touched and uodrsamed vigor, we -hall become the champions of the great quest There would be fitness in such a result Haro continental democracy was born; here it has grown gTenl upon an onoemperabla soil and with enormous waste. Let us prepare for our roloseat moral and practical re sponsibilities In the world-life, there fore, not alone by preparing common sens* establishments of force on lend and sea until such time as hu man reason shall deem them r.jt heeded, but by the greater prepared nets of self-restraint, self-analysis, and self-discipline. bet us not sur render our age-long dream of good, just self-government te any me chanical ideal of quickly obtaining material results created Into a eruda dogma of eClctency. Democracy must know how to get material re sults economically and quickly. De mc racy must and ran he organized to that end, and this organisation •dll undoubtedly Involve certain aur renders, certain social and poit;cal wlf-abneg»Uons In the interest of collectivism. But I hold the faith that all this ran be done, yet retain ing in the faavlly of freedom that shining Jewel of individual Mbertj which has gkneed in our life since 'he beginning.—Edwin A. Alderman Henry Word Beecher went Into ■ Bowery raatauruit and board tlx waiter give each order* to Cm cool n "etnken end cow" etc. "Watch me give that waiter ai order which h* want abbreviate, re marked Beecher at lei eth, aa tb waiter approached. Tb.. he amid "Civ* me two poached egg* on toea for iww, with the yolka broken." Bat the wetter, equal to the ocea aton, walked to the aod of the reoei and yelled: "Adam and Bve an a raft. Wrac 'em." It la related that Dr. Beecher near ly fainted. I --- Prevident T# Wed on Dee*.her l«t Waaklngton, Dae. I— Prealder I Wllaon and Mm. Norman Oalt wi • ha married on Saturday, Docomb i IBth, at Mr*. Oah'i hom* hero, w f cording to a formal anaouacrmac made today at tb* White Hooao. | T UI. COMUOVEU8Y HAS BREA 8KTTLXD .Senator W. R. Cooper and C. C. 0» rugtee Have bruW Their Differences. Wilmington, N. C., Doc. 0—Ihe coiitj u. eray that haa aarated botweon Haaa-tt B. Cooper aad Mr. C. C. Covington for some time, reaching a more acute utage in reecut month*, haa boon adjiurtod through tha ef fort* at Biahop Kilgo and ethers aod it would appear that their peraouol Miid biniueae relations will bo mors pleasant. The adjustment at ta* rl (Terence* we* brought about Sat urday afternoon, both signing an agreement, which is given below: “We, the undersigned, W. B. Coop er and C. C. Covington, hereby state and agree of follows: “Thai 1, W. B. Cooper, publicly ta unt sr.d retract any charge made, ■That C. C. Caving too buncoed "»«•' This charge should never have l ean made. "That 1, C. C Covington, regret the unpleasantness existing between W. It. Cooper and a,, .If, and in view of hi> public ret Inchon, I here by agioe to withdraw and nonsuit nay and all actionr taken at law re •porting tht • charge uf buncoing. '•That cupiea of this statement be rent to Kev. J. IX Bandy, to aacli ■ .c uter of the official board of Cisco *• hurch, and to tha landing news t*i ik ri rtf Jm Rut*. "As witness our hands and stall, this 4lh day uf Uccuihsr ttli. "This agreement is mads |r dupli cats, one lor Hr. Cooper and ore (or Mr. Covington. “W. B. Cooper, (Seel) “C. C. Covington, (ftaal). "Witness: C. R. Pugh, "Wituess: W. P. Stacy." The Latest coo trovers y between lha two man developed In regard to !h« fight concerning the appoint ment of a member at the Board at Education of this county. Ssnstse Cooper being a member of the Inst Legislators. At the hearing on the matter before the Stele Board of Klocatioo Hr. Covington inferred to Methodist' __ Covington by Senator Cooper and In cluded In n letter rant to the poster. Bov. J. D. Bundy, end nil members of the board vf stewards was a state ment to the affect that Ur. Coving ton had, soma yea's ago, buncoed Senator oat of (500 in a business doal. Following the disposition of I the case in the she nth. which verdict i was never officially made public. Hr. Covington, two or three weeks ago. Instituted libel suit in Superior Court against Senator Cooper on the "bunco" charge. It is this suit which comas off the docket ss a rs •ult of the adjustment of the differ uncus as made Saturday afternoon. OK “KETCHIK' COLD Essential Farts A ho at Avoiding the Meet Common Infection. We've all got had colds at our house" is the common expression. The reason for the "we*vu all” aad "at our house" i» because colds are uifc-eUon*. It la generally conceded that wild* are of bacterial origin hat w-e don't know enough about oold hactaria as y«t to make a serum treatment for oolds or enough to Liake a vary satisfactory vaccine to prevent them. We do however, certain other def inite facto at oondderabla practical the ewsntisli: Cold* frequently re. •alt where there i* a deformed or diseased nose or 1 osisils or whers here are adenoid*. Frequently the bacteria get ■ better or easier hold there than In tho case of peep's with good noses and throats. Liv ing and sleeping In the fresh air fat creases one’s resistance agahtai colds, making a cold apenfa ball about the seek, arm and shoulden ■\ieh morning also helps fanmeaatly Constipation is very frequently at I mi tract cause of colds and shook ha strenuously guarded against ’ Over eating, over beating, ospociall] dry sIssb or stave heat fat winter ’ end under oxorctstag are poten ■ cauoe* of eolda Last of all. eae should avoid clew ' association with other people bar 1 big eolda, roughs, or "grippe," o thoee who rough er eneene wtthou I holding a handkerchief before that face. Keep a good bench of freel air between yourself end the cel victim and you will he mock safer. Slate Beard of Hmlth. k Country Jurtkso—"111 have to As ya a dollar. Jeff. t Jeff.—“I’M have to borrow It of 1 II Judge. r Countv Justice—"Great ftnakoi h ft waa only to git a dollar I waa fh ‘ tng ye flit out) Ye aia*t gei* anyway.” CO.XCUKM FACS* IMUS or vaiit impobtancx Caagnaa Co— In Hxty hwdi to—km Qarictiy ui Vary Odnty; Majority Loader Kiukia Favored Wit* Groat Oratiaoi liiliiaa ('noodle WU1 Predominate to De (Idlag Ike Maura. . Waakingtoo, Doe. C.—Coogreea aa eembled. today at aooa. It b the tilth reraicn of that body. The Demociata only bora a working Ma jority of tt ia the bouaa, but tka party ia moro piaaiantly aituatod in tto aaaata, with a majority incraaa ad to 14. With aay aort of team • •rk at all tt will require rare dee tarrty, and uncommon geoiaa Far miaehlaf to make Double far the par ty in power on tka aaaata atda. A faw daya ainca then won theee wke Who entertained the dear tkatCoa grtea wooid break ap b> a row aoaai after tka chaplha offend paayar. Such an unhappy denouement hard ly aoema to prospect today. Than are wars and rumor* of parllaiwad tery wan, but it ia too early da prophaay what ia da comm at thaae . enterprises. Mon aay be known about thia aa aocn a* tka FtreHart meaaage ahall have t—a received. It wae remarked by some Mem ber* at they began te arrive at the :ipito) that the country today fared no criala. Qoertiooj of vert im port must be dealt with, however, and than ie oat the part at majority .. Dus -— Diet latttt ale to arias which will go far toward shaping ami determining the fstore at the democracy. Some faal that net «l»»i UU tea Lha Congress faced pnUau so Im portant aad iaaaas to vital. It la noteworthy that as these issues of ~orld import are to bo ward, taulbarn council• will inata. At to the bourn, the feet of Carotin to no is that wU ba led called tha party- The certain to racy, if, piopoul iBUl ooratlc platform. »Bd tUt call properly adjoatad It will bo found that the North Carotiao mom tier will meaeore up to all tha re-' inurements of a *p'«*t*ld, not to aay ■pectacular, leadership. Whan raeaauros are proposed which be does not approve, Mr. KJtehin will ba found Mending and. (a rtetaebed dignity. A* lingular aa tht* may seem, Mr. Kitehia must ft ret under •tend a measure before loading a light for it, aad it most harmonise with hit intellectaal aad cnnaeUa tiout comclueloM. Tbo Pretld—t Mr. Kit chin under stand tat another be caste Mr. Kltchia baa to«e«r at any time left room fur aay uadar r ten ding at his mortal habits. If there la, or tvsr baa beau, aay oppssUion to Mr. KJtchtn aa major itj leader at the hooee bocauea of bis failure to support tbo President's national defense prograa*. or beeuaso of toms of Mr. Khehin’t Mat am sate wit* reference to warn he re at the lower breach of Congress who are rupporting the President, there woe no evidence of it today. worn Hr. rikuh erase in 2U* seat to oSar • raaotatfcm notifying tha senate that tha hooaa had baaa organised, ha recti rad aa aeattoa aqnal to that of tha President Ha Mtf the laet time ha appeared to that body to dshrar aa addriaa to Congraaa aaaatohlaf la Joint ****>*■■ Under the enthoatoatte and acro batic leadership af ItapraaantaHea Hcjln. of AUbama, Mr( Kitekta'l consaguas fare red ' thing closely reeemhMng It yell;" Indian war (Vera onetrstl one of tion. Spectacular tlont war# not antch to members gathered to tha I i ” l . • in thetx aaata, ha rtun it to la tha lint raO call. la tha two North Gerelhdana.—Msaara. i Britt ax* Hoad. IKCRASH BOR OCTOBMH r i ■ Soot hem Railway ghawa Ocean Boa awa* Ineraaa* af MM AM * Xaw Yack. Nor. to.—The gewth arn Railway today rayortad a grans * reranu* totriaai far 0otto at af MMAOA with a gala to agitating I lacoH* *f $*80,000. Tha rayart to >- la haaytag with tha Ihaaamhto to r, taraa raataHy rayaatif by other