U» tWirUIAT Of BIS UNOMlNAl'lij Mum WUI Via h Ut Di» trite By a Vary Sab taatial Majority. Washington, Jan. «.—Represents tive Godwin/ who returned to Wash inctoo yesterday U confidant thal ho will bo ranosolnated end elected to Congraaa from the sixth congroo teoaal district by a vary sabatanlial majority. Mr. Godwin was prevented fro* being In Waahlagton Tuesday when Congress opened because of illness in bia family. Hs reports that tbs tech folks are much better and that he la hare to stay until Congress ad journs anises prevented by sickness Asked about the political situa tion la bis district, he said; "1 am confident of bciag renomi aatod In the primary by a larger majority than over before. 1 am receiving many encouraging lot tori from conservative friends of wide information and experience who have made thorough inveotigetid&s hi their various counties and I am satisfied I will carry every county In the district. 1 will win In the conation having local Candida ten by nod* major!tits and in tha counties having bo local candidates. I will via by everwhslateag majorities There la not the slightest doubt ghriag m from ninety to nlnety-Avs pm amt of bar faU Democratic vote. If then la aaybody, anywhere who doubts this (tatowMot, I Invito thorn to visit Harnett ceonty and be con vinced by the information they will rmbi at firot band. *1 am much engaged at thie time With work Mil to the diacharge ad the duties at my adkce in which the people at the tilth diatrict have a vital Interact and | shall net threw my time away cooking rtnomination At tha proper time, however. I win WMttt candidacy and leave toy Internet la the bends o, my frtoado. I shall bees my claims far rsanmlnsHno open my racorda of pubtie servico for the beet interest tt tha district sad will run on my umwsd and nnt from it”—Groans *’*'* firm to maXb no committo Mi «d TMa TW*d th. Kg Place t» the Caro ha, Msmkr. Woohiagton. January 19.—An ether largo committee assignment U to pm to North Caro lint February 1. At that time Congressman Ed ward W. Fern, at the foirth district will bwrmf the hand at the house rules committed, SM of the largest and most important fpmmitteoa of the House. The pr asset chairman, Hobart Hen ry. at Texas, notified Mr. Pou today that ha trill leave Washington the first of asxt month for Texas whore ha will conduct his eenatorial cam paign. Ha asked Mr. Pea to act and Inridontally told him ho did not ex pect to return. Should Mr. Hoary be elected to the Boosts Mr. Pan will certainly be made permanent chairman at tha rolaa aaaomltton to succeed Man Anyhow, Pan will be chairman far {ha balance of this oseeiea and will Mt'e charge at tha important lagis lattvo matter* which moot coma be fore n rule can be obtained for de bate an tha floor. One of thaaa matters which Mr. Pou will have a treat deal to say about will be the resolution nrovid lag far aaUao-wWa piohibUtea. Ba tata tU* rooolnUm taa tom* te a vote dorteg tha |rMM aoarioi t grill bo aocoooaary for tha rates eam aafciso te groat a apodal ralo te gat #M Mr*-boforo tha Hooaa. WMa Congrosuaaa Poo voted against tha wooanra last roar, aad atjr do ao agate this tfaaa, It ia not aapasted that ho dU odor oar oh Jaottea te tha raaolotioft taming ba ton tha lloova for o V«t«. fm aa ateberltatWa aonreo, it am# tea road today tha* format Boos ter Jaooph Waldo* Bailor- of Tax** la aodaoalr no*altering tha qaoatla* .of soiarteg tho oooatodal light ia hi* : Ate to tMa tell. Brteada of tha for poor ooaotor say ho rroald bavo ■ goad thanes to wbl ahaald ho otter tho M BoH tha aano tettel h A* **■< ♦i— u a rant boanvor abate yurnfn and raactionary Paati into boo aolngoot « olwaga Today tho Fr.grooateao |o Iho Ualted flteteo aaoote tan a vary Httlo port te national logtahttea nor daoo b« ho VO mth to oar at tho WblU llonaa_P. B. A. te Oraoaoborr How, Oa teot Tfcuroday aMrnlag a girt woo bora te lb. ad Bn 0sorgo W THK NEWS PROM DUX Duka, Jan, 8.— Thursday niyht a the auditorium Waabinytuu Co unci No- «» J- O. U. A- M. held a publn initauation of officers and pnuwaUi lha sntded echool with a flay and. ■ Bible. Rev. S. W. Oldham prcid •d. The proyram waa openod b) ainymy America, the echool childrer taklny the Icediny part. After • Prayer by Ka*. 8. W. Oldham, KUu councillor W. A. Coopar of Raleiyti metalled the fotlowtny officers. Jr Peel Councilor, W. K. Blake; Conn ci I or, N. C, Duncan; Vice Councilor, B. A. Johneon; Recording Secretary Jaroee 8mlth; Aaautant Recording Secretary. J»iw, Snipe.; Pinaaciel Secretary, W. M. Crawford, Trea.u rar, U E. Stencil; Chaplin, J. w. Leckaaeoo; Warden D. J. Porter; Coouuetor, J. A. Clark; loner Guard, W. J. Wuet; Outer Guard, L. W, SV iLllams, Tru.tee, N. C. Duncan; Kcpreeenlativc to State Council, J. W. Lockamoo, Alternate, £. U Crawford. Her. N. C. Duncan in troduced Mr. John A. Oatee of Fey .Iterille who precanted the flay and Bible to the (choel. Mr. Oaten' •peach waa full of wit end truth. HU subject was "The Symbolism of tlis Flay." In an eleyant and force ful style ho presented those lofty American ideals upon which the na lion ws. founded end upon which its safely io the fuluru rests. Us paid cue re.pect to hyphenated American and declared that ws want true American*. Mr. Cooper fol lowed with e short talk outliniay the work llut '.he J. O. U. A. M. it doing in lh« state and elsewhere. Wednesday afternoon the Rubens Book Club bald its regular moating with Mrs. V. W. McKay. Only the mambera were present and the regu lar business was attended to. The Club is consKisruig taking up bum elaaa of welfare work or organising a civic league. Mrs. McKay serrsd ginger cream and coffee. Wednesday evening Mrs. E. S. Yarbrough entertained a few friend* in honor of her birthday. The guests were seated in the hall and sitting room and enjoyed story tailing and music. Mra. Yarbrough served a salad course ind coffee. Those in vited wars Dr%p it Ruff. Mias Isa bel Smith. Mr. sod Mrs. E. L Hl> ••U. Bo. end*Mr*.*-W.-r. Ho* Hr*. Mrs. S. W. Holeman, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. T. H Wabb, Dr. f, Smith. Mr. ai^ Mrs. P Smith. Jr, Mr. and Mra V W. McKay. Rov. and Mrs. N. C. Duncan. Priday Prof. B F. Lalton received a telegram from hie people at Cil key stating that his father was at tbs point ot death. Mr. Dalton left Immediately for hie home. Farmers' lasiltatee to he Held. A Farmer*' Institute, held under the auspices of the State Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Formers’ Institute Committee of Harnett county, will be held at Tur lingosi echoolhouea, Friday, January flat, and at Angicr Saturday, ZM. The Institute* will be conducted by A. L. Praoeb and will open at 10:00 o'clock. A. M. Disciusipna on fans operations, soflt, crops, lira ftpek, marketing, ate., by A. U Prsfieh, B. B. Flows, and others. There will be held at the asms tig* ami place a Woman’s Institute, . conducted by Mrs. John W. Robuiton. of Catawba county, to which woman are Invited to com# aad join In the discussions Every one it invited to bring luncr and come prepared to spend the day. T h* Geraldlae Farrar Concert. An event of more then ordinary Internet in social and metical circles through North Carolina will bs the Geraldine Farrar Concert which takas place In Raleigh at the Audi torium on tha avaning of January 14th. Hie Rotary Chib of Raleigh, whgee reputation for doing big thing* baa already epreed far and near, stands sponsor far Mlaa Farrar's appear ance. It will be tha only concert by thle great artist given in North Car olina, and an her a*tire tour of only one month throughout tha lgrgeet citlae of the United States, Raleigh is the amalleet city in point sf pop latlon that aha wid vtett. It was tha splendid saeeeae of the Helfaa-Kobellk concert In Raleigh during February tail, that attract ed the attention of noted booking agendas to the capital dty. Hie enterprising member* of Rslslgh'l live Rotary Club recognised thW splendid opportunity of affording an on ostial traet to tha peopla of the Old North Slate and Mias Farrar, with seriating artists, wars engaged fee an appearance at a price beyond anything hitherto guaranteed an) artist far an appearance In thii State. Indications point to quite • large attendance frets title vicinity. UAH THE DUNK T tFATCH LcJsSON MAN'S GB1P ALARMS OFFICIAL! Richmond. Va., Jan. 10—Harber mg tha delusion that ha is a Unit*) States secret terries opera 11 re, And , U. Manning. ihirly-aavan, of Barms* nf. C., occupied a call ia tha city Jail tonight awaiting examination by I ci.ucy commission. Manning, it develops, cams hen a few day* ago end called at tha sf Aca uf United States Marshal Sana dart, snnonneing that ha knew tha whereabouts of an escaped convict from tha Federal prism at I as van worth, Kansas, lie expressed h da 1 sira to co-operate with the Federal ■ lotartiva in Uie man's capture. Those who talped. with him were impre^Mcd particularly by ft ■»*n dark Lag which ha gingerly handled and never allowed out of his light. The district attorney's office prom ise, t to investigate hi* tip and told him to call next day. Mseeing cam* back carrying tha bag as us ual and when he started to go ft was noticed that be was minus the bag. | Assistant District Attorney Smith , noticed this and grew auspicious Ha searched the room and could fled the I grip nowhars, Anally, ha lose tod it under a sofa. FaarfiA last it might contain a. LomL. Mr. Smith rushed Into the j marshal's office, placing ft gently on the floor. Ho confided his suspicions 1 to Saunders and for > wb.L. u. i» were afraid to lay band* oc tha bag. Finally, Hanning ahowad up say ing that bt bad cams back to gat i hit bag which be bad fo. gotten. He I readily agreed to open it sad to tha surprise of the Federal authorities it contained nothing but a few ar ticlsa of clothing. It was then doomed boat to detain | the Carolinian. Today a secret ear vice man came down to eao him and quickly reached tha conclaaioa that he knew nothing of an eaeapsd eoa vict, being evidently clear oat of his wits Hanning says he is a sob of the late Richard Manning of Johe 1 non county. Ha has sevaral broth ers and atitora in that section. MUT0RIOT8 HAT NOW "PAY A8 YOU KIDS' "ounces a New Deferred Pay* eeeat Plan. Acting on the sound principle that automobiles can and will eventually bs generally sold an the asms hg-if as pianos, real estate end other com modules of value, Hr. J. W. Thorn ton, the local Maxwell represeota il's announces in this iasoe a tinea pay maut plan by which the prospec tive motorists of this dtp and vicin ity can secure Maxwell tars without any appreciable encroachment OB their financial resources and invoot manta. “Pay as you Rida" la tha concise way in which Mr. Thornton summa rises tha details of the plan. "Modem condition a often demand that a man ntako use of his satire capital in his business or in hia pro fessional equipment," declares Mr. 1 Thornton. Often, even the relative ly smell amount rcoded to pay the cash-down prise of even ft Maxwell automobile is large enough tg keep him from taking bit money f.«n the channels is which it is gt work. “Ths sotomobils business must recognise this condition. I have worked out a plan which I am put ting into effect hare, for tha benefit | of my customers who may be so sit us lea. “ThU plan enables the man of av erage meant to buy a ear and enjoy it while he it paying for It, aad ea ablee him, as well, to pay for it out of hie regular income. Thie plea I | am putting at work today. It wfl) | be oligible In the ease of every ear I I can secure from the Detroit fee tory, and my schedule calls for mere Seawall can than bane ever bee I delivered here In any coM-weather | month. At present I can make im i mediate deb very wader thlg “Pay ae yen Ride' pain." The experiment la being explained to buyers frankly and without re curve. end the local Maxwell ae lee room was crowded today with bitar ; **ed me««rigta. .TOf 1-gi-n) SSh* Wa gathered from an Interview la . the last week's Issue of The Bledea Journal, which has bean mislaid, that Hon. Oscar Clark win nan for Can *reea In the Sixth District If the people desire him. We have before stated that he is the logical cam date aad wa think ha should gtvu hi* friend* e chance to remember Mm in the primary, If the way la open for him te enter. AH deaeea would have a faithful aad Intelligent Representative In Oeear Clark— Marten Scottish Chief. ' Mr. Peal Cash well, after spending e few day* at Hopewell, Va., has re turned te the etty. IV .to Mi ll rt| Coat bar* on Ml« at 1030 tJodwln. Tha te J. J. Cook tba Waahio*. about fl*o poatoAco, hl*h tmd. . Mr. Godwin *r« torn* af tka ynillau tkat war* naked aad *till remain* nnanewsi ail In tka darfcaaaa af human reason tka yawn* Ufa of Mn. W. T. Ovormaa took IU Sl«kt to tk* etar nal world. Ska waa bora at fUckAaid. N. C May 11 tk, IBM, we* married to W-] T. Orannao at Ckina Groro, N. G Daeambor trd, 1*14. aad died at Ifcmn. M. G December ljtk, 1*16. A* tk* early a«* of twalvo > •b* jeaaad tka Lotkaraa Cknrck and after her marrto#*, tka united with the Methodiet Episcopal Churtk Booth ad which her husband wa* a masher. The Baton at their Uvea waa in deed made in Unarm aad tka angola war# tka attendant* that day when Cod coaled their marriage rows af Malrty to each other. Silent forces are said to he the atrancaat, aad tka sweat gratia Ufa of tkU wojn*a radiated tka my non thine ad Heaven is her tone, hart church and tn UN entire oenuautty m wblcfc afca bred. Prom Use time Use tret came to Dona, to hra, tfca remark waa made * erery band, did you erer meat a more beautiful character and did roa avar aaa a couple bettor Kited far ends other? The divine lithe ate of human Ufa ia not meaiurod by length ef mere axiateaBe but by Christ inoemated and tfca Impraae made far goad in tfca eerriee rendind to tfca world. Thank Qed hr a Palth that nn beyond the Hood* and brrestc Itaalf upon the boaam ef Gad. May that «raca that narar fall. be given In all Ita fallaaae to the grlaf-atrleken ymag hsubaad aM to aU lorrewing loved onee and Busy they at laet meat to part a* more boyeand tfca •tart. JOHN H. SHORE. A Pet Saaa la be Sat A-ROfci’. The Mi a tan SeattUfc Chief mm time age andarteak ta withdraw ana the race hi the noble Stall, bat It <«d not work. Tbo Obaarvar baara tbo A roe that have boon banked an ta tfco peUttaol pot during tfco bell ley truce am going ta bo idrrod op within the neat leapla ef weaka, •ban printers Ink will run and aan graeeional oratory will tar. Tillage peHtleal are fcs a fair way to baaanm "bet op- long before the earning of ■emmar. There wfll be nmewkit ef a itir la tfca Tenth, but k la fas the Stats that tfca mala tent and aU tfco Ndeahowa wlS bo Wcntad-4e toy ■atblng of tfca yroae kKdi.—Cbar Mk Obaarvar. To the Honorable Bo— of Count; Comal—ion— of Harnett County Whirta*, That oa and after th thud day of January, ltl«, my dti ■whip wfll ba ramarad from thl county, I daam It ay eOcUl jut; to taadar ay rategn—Ian — ml—loner af Harnatt Coua.y .,„i raapac tfuily a— that you -cap aama. Thia third day of January, It IS H. N. BUgPl On motioa rnignation (a accept— with ragrat by tha board, January < i»ic ' D. H. 8ENTBE, Oiatmian Wa baliere that tha paopla af the eauaty win teal a aansa of ragrat art—n thay loam of tha resignation of Mr. BiaseU and his dapartara from our county. -pacisUy thorn who know him personally. Bin— Ant becoming . dtisaa mt aur coun ty. Mr. Bis—II baa always baas ana of oh? beat broad-minded, «oUo spirited rMrraa Ha aarrad a term as miml ai af tha Board of County Ceaamiaaioasr* prior te his Mat a lection. Than aa wall as daring this last yaw’s am Via niama -* _»_ qoeetioae Mon Um bond mi which h« wma • moW wn al wmya Mod. aato and at volaa. Wa uutentaad !-• M«a to Caabokad to cart for a facta balancing to bia aon. Wa aid kin mack happiwaaa and auecoaa tbora with Baton and invite him to rotor* to Hnraott wban bo will, for bo will always bo roman band with appradation bp tba poo pte of Hamott far bia faltbfalnaoa to kU public dot tea.—Hamott Poot Jurom for Fahroory Tana of Bape rter Coart Tba Haraatt Baporior Coart W01 .non ram Fahroory 7th far a two **» far tba trial at atoll caaaa only. Tba fallow** an tba Janra drawn tor that term: Pint Waab. HI oak Rlvar—D. L. Ada— Anraabon—W. D. Turaago. bte tea Taate. J. U. Matrio, M. J. Jemi Duke—W. B Baste, Arabia Anight Jr. • UUington— P. P. Johaatoa, P. J. Cox. Buckboro—a A- Dowar. :™r Llttlo Btoar—L. C. Patter aoa, J. R. Daria. grova J. B. Strickland. A. M. JohMML 8mp^| WmIu Buckboro—D. T. Murray. Crovo—W. A. Denning, H. A. Vor ilngtaa, C. A. McLeod, 0.5.1. Ida. *«t)0euo—R. A. Cameron, L. H. Coo. HoUl'a Crook—B. V. Qraon, T. J. Howingtoa. Upper Llttlo River—T. B. MePhail M. J. A. Pottoraon. Avaroaboro—Joaaa Tart.. S. 8 Jeraigon. Ullington—W. P, Hockaday. Dik—C. W. Ultea, W. H- Worn aek. • Andamoa'a Cnak- W. O. Woat Black Rhror—Q. W. Partin. Nature U aalcep in the wood*. The brilliant color schema of Oriobw baa baan replaced by on. of drab draari aaaa. Tba ertuter wind walls through tba naked trees. Bummer ia drad. TW yaw U dying. AH aoundg are Md ia bleak rani pracincta. Tall treaa. gaunt and gray, aoem rad re mindera of what tba whole repr* Mated only a few brief weeka ago Great oaka teas their barren braachee aad eeera to anna far the dear, dead leaene they hare lest. Starn Winter, ruler ef the inverted pear, reigaa aapreme. It la the fa esarebla law ef the onWerao. Hide lie in ovoriapping ledge*. r»y gaant, again.t long ribbon, of wea light. The field. are nothing b«t • seething track of dark brown wanda end graaera. The *y ream., blra the flapping cloak of poverty blown bach fran hrrtaibH abealder* Only lonely erhoee tea. from the frothy gloom of ahadawe. Ike alt ■•arae pregg—« with an mBrareM inaraee gretaful parka pa. be* be wiiderUg| kaceaea af the blur an. h ia a pitflara. penetrating aaaeer these days of Winter la the weodr It le a thus ef early deaha end late dnwne. Darkaeee eemee quickly b the wood, in Winter. Darkaeee m wrape the traed earreptitkraaly KV a thief planning a crime Paata lift, braiding wtaga art! the (brake, and gaaat atalVa alonj wnyelde fancae, but the wwide Mem la .amber grandeur, awaiting th •wakening eaU of Spring. CreaUoi wlH la • few weak, touch e triumph ••t ehord and aatara will oaraa laV • ft fta Compact Orgaalsatlna r Duke, Jul 10.—One of tie leada> : ia charge of tha praparatfras fa i the Wesley Bible Out Federatio - to ho held at FayatteviB*, Januar > iM#, aald today that ia many n r apacta this particular meeting wa • attracting mere attention through i eut South era Methodism than an; . ether Ceofertae*. This ia da* t> the fact that theca clarombaThm mach to contend arith in makini themselves clearly understood Book ha .a miajedgad their purpose, no v. lowing their true aim. Boats ai •oe interdenominational movement! aen. coecMarad it an attack upoi them. But the leaders of the Math od'*t organisation hare let it hi clearly u mi era teed that they hare nc doeire to hamper or interfere with may other organisation which is do ing goad. The fact it that many ai the Waeioy Bible Classes throughout 8outhen» Methodism have alec af filiated arith other organixatioat. However the emoting at Kayatta •Ule is primarily for tha Claaem of th* North Cardin* Conference, mid •♦die other* will be welcomed at any of tha ssaoina. ft U being die Uadly Mated that the four hundred I BibU CIumr in to —rttf for tho purpose of forming Unn la to a compact organisation ■nova a* ths Wesley BibU Claaa Federation. Kara than three bun d«d delegates are expected to be yreemtt to hear each speaker ■ as Biakip Bilge. Bee. Chan. D. Balia. Kr. J. M. Way apd Hits Elisabeth Kilpatrick. Hotels, bearding honem a-d prt vate home* will grant late rates far lmigWa. end the railroad* Hsve as *<>««»red reduced aatei on the car tKcate plan. The Kaiser sad the War. The Parii newspaper* are insist ing that the kaiser has — of the threat, the disease that killed his father, sad they are predicting Us death at any time. All the in glial •arid is watching, Uke the belUgwr att, with aa interest that seems to tura of kings sad kaisers, hat a straggle of eeaflkting ideas The ■if* of tbs German emperor U in& tdtely less Important to the triumph of ths Garmon idea than the Ufa of a good carps commander. Even if it ware true that the kai ser and the kaiser alone conceived and festered ths idee of German wcltpohtik, it would be true that ha had created a Frankenstein's mon. star that long age escaped from his eratrel. Aa a metier of fact the German system was created by and depends upon no one man. The kai ser is nominally head of It, bet in no governmental system does ths head necessarily contain the brain. William may be gathered to his bikers, and the crown prince sit on Ms throne, or Leopold of Bavaria, or Wi I lam of Wiad, for that matter and :h* Carmen eraaisa will fight just ns hard. There la a terrible democra cy l> vat- U calls for manhood, and is totally indifferent whether it comae from the palace or the hovel. Buif vi vimi omtiQ ana Ireland, Defender of the PaKh, em ptier of India, might bo aaeaeeinat ed tomorrow and England would nev er quiver; bet If the equire'i eon who holde the Wanders line, or the erheehneater's boy who arms the king's men, were struck deem there wauld be eosutaimatien indeed. If Bindaoburg had cancer of the threat tha world alight be agag with ranana. Bat the emperor—pshaw!— Oreaasbono News. What Happened Under BeeaeveH. The crowning outrage has buna committed by the Turks on the A* mseiiane. It is dreadful to think that thia Nation nevertheless remain ■ ■•aautrmr not only In deed, bat |i thought" between right and tin awjd^Hdaaaa wrung. — Ttiaadari In IMS the Baers loot their tad* In ISOS was the massacre at Kish iaev. Many years after IMS Mace deeda ran red with bleed. In ISM the horrors of the Cangi were aMelally published. la ISM Karen, loot its indepand ease. In ISOS Hereto wae pa reeled aw by the Powers. In ISM the Russian Oevseaman •hat, hanged and massacred thous ends ad her people. In ISM MOM Armenians war I slaughtered at Adana. I Between lMt and ISM Theodor * Roosevelt waa President and tbs Me tiea remained at pence, i - - READ THK DONN DISPATCH | ttBULKT ^_ TO I ACT CmU r cmm h«m* U* > Mlebmnded IT rj . Claim-iTiml ij Washington, Jan. 10.—Tha Shirley -1 amendment °* UH I* the Fadaral r I pare food law dadarlag drag* la be ► mlabrmndod if the r*-u-r~ «* ltM llbrnra or romaiaa 1 dv« or tbarapautic effects tha eaf. **• aphald a* constitutional today ' by the Supreme Court. Tha decision which «U rnode ed . by Juetice Hugha*, follow*. 1« ywr> I of Wcialatioa and litigation la an at tempt to regulate etatemaati a* to tha cmrmtlv* effect *f —-fifri, in ' interstate commerce. Numeraae ** Uteta against drug coocarn. are #u , Peeted to follow. For a time K wa« urged by Ow | warned official, that tha lMo yam food law covered the point, but th* I Supreme Court decided that th* IMS ' tew applied only to mtabmodteg a. ta the IdMlity *r eoapoettion of drug*. In response ta a resulting -|T—rgr from 'President Tbit, freigiisi tn UK Bltraf |*HM mcnt which the £apres*e Court held I today arrack precisely at' —wwtc I menta either eu (ha label or |b print ed circular* accompanying nedi cinaa. • “Wa find no ground.” aaid fustic? Hughes, “for ■eying that Cangro** -may not B—do— interstate tnos Port***°» of swindling preparations « iTccocapanted by falsa and (nataWT-1 statements a* wall „ to lotterytk2 eta." • The dadaioB was announced la the cue at a Chicago dn* earnam which shipped medicine from Chics. *e lo Omaha, described In an acrom- * panying circular m • cetapound which H knew had, cared and would | iurwtu nr »«awwtAqg 1 ^ "owapapwe in the country hare ••ero in this ddhaa^ a rTTlfgi theme for discussion. There ! to be a mttied acceptance ad the proposition advanced by The Phila delphia Record that “conturns! in , terferenc* by a mao with his wife, I and by a woman with her u~s—« ia a variety .of nagging that .la the cooroo of the years becomes exceed Ingly irritating.” U is ondoWsUdly true tbit the happiest couples are those who recognito the fact stated by The'Record that “the merger cf ! farted at (ha altar is not afcsohrtr. The husband and wtTe rotate their | individuality, aad they hare their own Individual whims aad tdstea I and interact*." la ’ proportion aa : (haaa are mutuaRy r**p*ct*d |* do | mostie iteaea and happteoss promo* | Wattenoci have not tot each other | alone when they could help each oth or aad they have helped each other I la the way they ought to have help ed. The Wattereuu plan should cer Uialy provt eneceeeful whore tem poraaeontaUy applicable, bat the trouble to that moot M think they kaww It nil aad tho wife ia not men talljr equipped to airs him advice. Then ho may hove a wife who holds exactly the contrary opts ton, and. in that caee. tbe plan become ante maticaUy inoperative Bat, ftor all. lova holde-the key that aale*e the : **rrec. to hapyhteoe. Tho man aad ' wife who Hva in each other's daily love need no guide no pinna. They find tho way as smooth and bloated no have the couple wheat golden wedding has boaa the meant oeea ' uion at newspaper eeaswtolatloa | the country over^-Chaclotto Otmer ver. met a Pretty Mali Can Do >* •*" * —1 • A pretty aaid can make a urine man a fool. Me eaa moke a eane awn dippy. !. She mm tarn sunshine Into gloom, > or miemy late Jay. Rba eaa havd a train at young btead* pad bald, headed old baehv Ut« .trotting after bar like n pack : <>f hungry dogt. haling a beam. She eta relee am ehaaa pure . X ns dot tore led Ml ia a man’s heart . ia a minute than ho caa tirpili |a a Ufotfano of otWt. i the to en objoet at envy and a thlac at >y, and theca to aa ead te i bar eisihimin. Bor all the uali lialm a pretty meti. Bcleeted. MAD TBS DUNK DISPATCH