THE DUNN i DISPATCH vol. 11 ^ » Ouatt, Jf. c., Fob. IMh, 1V16 ~ -;-- - i_ ' fl(fc $q Whaa Revenue OOiccra Arrive Mrh lard Sander* Hun* and Jump* In to Hlark Creek. Fof more than a year saver*) ne groes have been operating whiskey •till* in th* neighborhood of tha old Hole Mill place in Ingram* tuwuahip. Th# Revenue ugjoeiw 1,*<1 made «i • •ral etloria to raich them, but we.a unauccessfui. Lust week tiiay we e localed with tliiyr mil*. Saturd-vy afternoun, February l*th, Meesra. J. I*. Stell, II. t*. Gulley, Georg* K Moor* unu Robert L. Flower* made thoir way to where throe of thctc man were operating two alitla about one and on* half miles from Four Oaka, on Ih* north aid* of Black Creek. They wera on » little ridge near the creek at a place where there U a wide marshy plana and a thick growth in trie*. They captur ed Will Smith and brought him to SmithAald where he waa lodged in jail. Millard Sanders, a negro about Ourty-Ave year* old, who waa pa-., ly drunk and waa wearing a heavy sweater and a stout pair of boot*, rushed away from the revenue men and jumped into the creek to awlm and was drowned. The men search ed for his body about three hours before Anding It It was turned ov er to his family eflrr being fished out of the creek. Another negro ran and csropod from the officers. They' tore up a 1GU gallon still and B 60 gallon still and poured out a thiee thou* and gallons of beer. Twenty-four barrels, som* of which were empty, were destroyed. Before this re d rbc revenue men destroyed throe stills !a%t wuek in Bentonville township. — Southfield! Herald. FI'Ql AY SPRINGS SOCIAL Bachelor Boy* Entertain at the Home of Mra. T. R. Harrteoa. J’uqaay Springe. Feb. Ill_What w as considered by many to be the meat highly aayoyed and «Uhs»tn*ai of tbs many festtrlttee given hare in the Iasi tercrai months was the ''Bachelor's Fete." arranged and, given by the Bachelor boys at the beautiful bom* of Mrs T. R. Har rison, on North Main street last ev ening from 8 to 11 o'clock. .. In to jnv.tations there gathered quite a number of tba town's social set. The guecla ware received at the door by Messrs. D. - M. Spence and F. H. Howard. The home was beautifully decor*.cd for the urcaaiori. After all guests had arrived, souvenir rigwra were pissed around by Mesdamet Harrison and Lee. by which means the bachelors found their mules. Various game* including prngiossive whirl and took were played until 10:30 o'clock, af-| tar which punch and cream were nerved. Music was rendered dur-j ing the evening by a locei siring band. Those enjoying the evening were:' Dan. M. Spence wiib Miss Pearl Eflsnd; Eugene H. Howard with! Mlb* Mildred Bradrher; Howard M Im with Misa Mildred Anuers; Ar thur S. Bade mi ne with Mm Chria tin# Roscmond; William M. Puckett with Misa Chloo McDaniel; ChicHard C. Aiken with Min* Maybcllc How ard; Roland A. Strickland with Miaa nesa u>mcu; narvcy I). r.iiiol with Mi>a Katie Maynard; Lee B Jones with Miu Ncllio Ragsdale; John T. Ferguson with Min Allan# Thornburgh; Harry leaaceon with Mis* Annie Lee Ragadale; Milton R. Apple with Mlse Annie May Aik en; Allen A. Aiken with MU* Anna Rigsher; Dr. J. R. Edward* with Miss Millie Jonea. PRESIDENT GIVES FORMAL CONSENT Washington. Feb. 14.—President Wilson today formally contented to lei his name be need, an a candidate for renomination. In a letter to tfaa SecraUry of State of Ohio, the President stated that ha was unwill ing to enter the contest for the nomination, hat was ready to permit the use of hie name in the coming primary in order that the Ohio Dam. Derate might evpraes their prefer ence, in their firet and second choice before February MS. The law re quire* that candidates or delegates have the consent of Utdir choices to maka use of their names The Praa id ant was formally notified of the requirement* of the law last waek Cotton uaad during January amounted to &42.0M running bale*, compared wfth 407 AM bales used during January last year, the Cen sus Bureau announce,) Monday. Ctot toej spindle* active daring Jsnoery nsmbqr »1,7*1*10 against M.1MJ10 In January, 1*1*. rr \p ti n dv-vk dispatch UUAJS HEWS Duke, Feb. 10.- Blcvart’e Crash township adjoining Duke at the Capa Post river, voted raad bond* soma time ago, began work Monday morn ; “>« surveying and laying off the new road*. Ibe Oral road, will be built from the Duke bridge L> Bunnlevel, then from Duke bridge to Linden. | Ai aoon as the wrothcr will permit end the roads have been located work on building the roads will com mence. Mr. William T. Smith ia In charge of tho survey. Friendly Wesley Bible Claaa No. 2&S3 at tba Methodist church Joe id | cd Sunday morning that they needed a Sunday School room In which to meet and immediately took steps to , wards isising necessary fundi for building one. Their first efforts were a boa party given Tuesday night at the Lyceum at which they realised a neat little sum to begin with. The Friendly class is composed entirely of girls in the teen age and their ef forts will be upheld by tho other members of the school. Wednesday night at the auditor ium the Woodmen of the World hold a special service dedicating their hall. Mr. M. J. Pate Council Com mander was in charge of the service. The Woodmen aro quit* strong hare and ere active in many line*. Mr. W. A. Erwin. Seerotary and Treasurer of the Erwin Cotton Mills Company, of Wait Durham, spent several days this waak bars looking after the interest of the mills her*. The night school opened the Spring terns Wedaeedey night with e large attendance, requiring three tearhera mu onnp u> miod that tha Duka Night School haa bean la continuous operation for the past savan year* and to far aa wo are able to ascer tain was the first eight school to br| •tartod la tha county, in fact the first in this section of the 8tate. Duke carries the honor of establish ing the ftnt graded school In the county and Immediately following the graded school esmo the night school. At the time of organisation the night school only required one I teacher and had a email enrollment, but now It has grown ta raise to those who s SI sad aad.iha attawi has reached the point where three teachers and the work being done is wonderful. The night schools were not originated ae a part of the pub-. 11c school eyetam, neither are they! now connected with the public school' but are run and operated exclusively I l.y those Interested in the welfare of tbe people who work bere end are not able to attend the public schools in the day time. There is no charge made against tbosa who attend. Duke, krb, 16.- Tursd.y night -j» (ba auditorium tha Board of Lady Visitors of Good Hops Hospital gave a lucky Party, offering a prise for the tackiest person present Thoae dressed especially for the occasion lemmncd in tbe back rooms until the auditorium wxs full then form ing a double line march ad m the au uiionum down the middle aisle the single file around the room end formed a line go tbe stage. Tbc:r costumes and notions brought great r-pplauac from tbe audience. All, “gee took part In the parade from live to fifty years old, and the eom ..uUce decided that Mrs. W. II. Wo mack. tha oldest person in the par ly was the moat tacky. Dre. F. H. Ruff. H -L. Williamson and Prof. B. K. Dalton formed the committer. I ) V itf ft B n rl AfKhP Mfrsakmaala were served end the proceeds given to Good Hope Hospital. Miss Eliza Green's raueta class totals a number of twenty-one, which apeak* well for her as a ma lic teacher, especially la a small community. She is now preparing to give a recital, in which the major ity of her class will take part. The date has not been act. Mlia Mary Lucy Dupree end Mia* Bettis Pearl Plemming spent Satur day and Sunday la Raleigh with the brother of Mias Dupres, Mr. William Dupree, who is connected with the office of the secretary of state. Mr. i. B. Mason, cashier of th> Citizens National Bank of Durham; waa here a few hours Tuesday look ing after some farming interest scrota the Cape Pear river. Made Boose far Svtf Mr. J. Marshal) Rich, of Sampson county was brought here Wednesday night and placed In the county Jail foe trial fat Federal Court on Um charge of "moonshtnlng." after hav ing been committed yesterday In Fayetteville by Commissioner W. 8. Cook. Mr. Rich I* rather Inellaed to thialr the government made a mis take In arresting Mm; for he ex plains. he was In bod health and needed whiskey; that the liqoer law became too stringent fo, Mm to as fore as much whiskey as hs needed, therefor* h* - f— Minn*lf_.l T/ilmlrg on Dhqratch. WARREN ASKS H1C RALLY ON MARCH UcaocrmUc Comal ItM. Meeting T U* Mode thee leu of Great l*nrtjf Interest. Newtern. Feb. U.- Democrat SUte v ban man thorns* D. Warrv desires that Uie meeting of the Dggn ocrutic Stale Executive Commute! , vai.-d for Ks»i ,gh on Wedncedaj March 8, at 8 o'clock at night, bo i greut meeting of Democrat*. No alone the member* of th. State committee arr invited, but ala the member* of the aclvieory rommi tcc and likewise Democrats from al paru of the State. It in to be mart a gathering of Democrat* to tall over raatlcix of parly inteiete;. A vtatement covering thme fueti was made in an interview given oul today hy Chairman Warren, whe said: "it it a masting of the greataal importance which ia to be held bj the Democratic State Committee ii Itaieigh on Wednesday, March 8. J am anxious that it be attended bj Democrats from all part* af th< Slate. At It 1 hope to aoc not onl) the member* of the State rommlttaa and the members of the adviser} committee, but alto Democrats from all section of the State. "On behalf of the committee I ax - — vvi MI«I IIKUIUVU W i/TBDg cr»U generally to attend the meet lag of the State committee to be held IK llaleigh on the 8th of March Besides the matter of time and place, of the .State convention there it to be considered the matter of a common time for »portal primaries and convention* and the patter of State wide primary law which far the 11 ret time go** into effect In the State. Then, too, there u the mat ter of determining upon plan* for tha election of delegatee end alter nates to the Democratic National Convention and th* election of a Democratic national Committeemen, the Democratic national platform calling for the election of thee* by th* primary method. 1 hope *h»» tha meeting will be attended by Democrat* from ell part* of the Mala* • • - - - - TV ■ HOW A MOTOR CAR I* A ID FOR ITSELF Pittsburg Photagrapher Credit! HU Or.m Happy Home Restored. An element which the prospective motorist seldom take* into account in hi* C.limat* of the benefit* which hi* car will bring, in the Inspiring influence which .s* ca, brings to tha health and strength uf himself and bu family. Many * III* has been p-olonged by a doc. or a prescription tuat consist ed solely of „a* motor car, taken In regular uu frequent doses t often ll on not, so doctor* say. the ear's advent marks the loss of many a remunerative patient who, givei. this addedl incentive to regu Ur, pleasant outings In th* open air, ha* been entirely cored of some real or imaginary eilment. Especially U this benefit noted among persona of advancing age, to, who a daily outing or two in th* op en air often proves a restorer and an agent of prolonged life and good health. “Fay as you Ride" Thornton, th* local Maxwell dmtrttrator la fond of tailing in this connection of a ease that recently came vr.itr ' hie own notice. “1 happen to know a commercial photographer,' Mr. Thornton mya, "whoec wegee are probably about $125 of $150 a month. Ha ie mid dled-aged and hae nobody dependent on him but hie wife, who hae for 7 yean boon an Invalid. "After trying all aorta of treat ment to raatore her to health, he bought a light, medium priced aa tomobile. The care wwa of no uaa In hie bueinoM, except aa a meant of transportation to and from work but ho told me the other day that It Nad already paid for itself h both happiness and in cold caeh. “Every pleasant craning this man and hie wife have motored the etreote and boulevards of their home city, livery holiday when weather hat permitted, they have enjoyed a short tour In the country. Ho spends hie annual vacation In the ear and taken hie wife with him. "Since he haa had the ear, ha haa not incurred one cent of doctor's hill. Hia wile ti, for the tret time In yuan, absolutely wall and radiantly happy. Aa for the maintenance ex pense. he declares that It la aaaily covered by the reduction in ear fern, thaatrae and other amuaaaaanta which the car hae displaced "The last time | saw him. this man told me that If hit car couldn't be replaced. Ha wouldn’t sell It for any prleo. It haa transformed the '■ ' a rxp h re of It'.! LrmV | REAL ESTATE ^TRANSFERS 11 y Tho followiag * ed for registration . of Deeds' John A. Douglass, 44 : township. 1 G. 8. Day and ■ 11 bis, 84£80 aqu , Kieor township; ' and oth«r * hus. M. r. CM, to J. M. ' K. township; ' W. J. Mason. 1 ■ Spears, 60 tens : 'i township; 1 H. M. spaa, to. '; acres la AodaraoB' oousidsratloa, J. D. Phillips i M. Riley and wife LoU No. 14. IT. 18 J. A. Cook loads lion, |1 MO. .fir | Buckhorn Land t Mrs. W. J. Salma U I Ly R. township; || and othar oalaafaia | H. W. Jsralgaa M Ryals and 8. O. j, I Block “M" Dane; « coasldoraUea, 860. John D. Arm g Ryals, 4 acres p consideration, 8 Horry Pops g Byala, oaa lot la n lion, 8800. _ M. D. Da ; Danatap, 1 acres tn Black tide ration $178. Backhorn Load A. M. Shaw. 84 township; J. W. WUaoa oe—lMl—i Let m ADa consideration. J. A. Ms _ Mercantile Oo„ Black Bivar 82.400. Jaa. McU J. E. Butlar, tawa^p; J. J. Jm Id acraa tide ralum, J. 6. nald, 217 •kip; W H. C» Barber, 1-4 township; K- A. St> wife, 18 acraa _ --— w>a •kip; rounds radea, $2,000 Martha Araoid to Atlas Jottaao oac acre in Honor's Ctask township eooaidoration. $18. Martha Arnold to Atlas Johnson 2 acres in Hector's Oeok township; consideration, $32. . S. A. Wade to Lsalia Hodaaai and wila, 91^ acraa in Aransboro township; oanatdarntion, $428. bstaford Bock Branch Develop meat Co., to Graver C. Childress. 19 acraa la JohasonriUo towaabip; con eideration, $286, r. N. Brldpsra trustee, to G. T. tlallk ltd -_le to_S-_a_ ship; consideration, *M0. W. Barefoot, j. L. llodgsm, p*r titioa proceeding*, to Garmon Leo. subject to Ilf* aetata of Catherine E. Loo, Lot No. 1- acreo valued at *1,000; to Lemon Lao, subject to life aotate of Cathstiuo K. Loo, Lot No. I- aeraa rained *1,000, to Catherine K. Lao Lot No. *, U •««*. valaad at 91,M0l An tract* in Avaraahora townahip. Franklin T. Dupre*, commie*inn er, t* W. H. Gregory, lote No*. S and S to town of Angler; constdera tion, ***L Oocar 8. Young and wife U B. F. Parrlah, M aeraa la Grov* townahip eonaldaratloa; «100 aad other valu abla could ermtlea*. W. H. Gregory and wtf* to J. El Winiam*, Lota Noo. I aad * la An gler. Con. Idem that *2«0. Johnato Sngg* and wtfo to Mattl* Sugg*. *0 acres |a Avaraaboro town ship; consideration, **00. W. D. Turneys aad wif. to J. W Thornton. Lot N. M, If. W. Harpai Mod. Dana; consideration, *700 J. F. Gregory aad wtfo to Hiran Baggett, 2frl-S aeraa la NaOI’i Crash townahip; eonaktoraUon. *&•< and other valuable eonaidoration*. M. W. Harp*r and wtfo to J. B lock*my aad wtf*. rn aeraa fa U. L R. township; esaatdaratlan, *BS4. B. C. Neighbor* d alt to C. H Tripp, lota tt aad Ufa Hodge, Chapel mamtumr. In Avsraohor, townahip; awiaUwali** U. J W. Wilson and 0. H. Tripp nomrulraioaaia, •» N. A. Towaa*nd fear aeraa la Avaraahor* township N. A. Townsend and wife loC.I1 Tripp. 4 arm* to Avaraaboro town shin- con •id'ration, *100. WilMe Pop* yad wtf* to J. M Moor*, on* tot to Beer Barhaea township; ronaMaretfon. *7«0. Mary A. Tart to L**adar Hoar ft, *1*. 13-KO vra* In AvrrtAhor i t®wn»hi*>; conaiiUiatie(i, gift of bar ial grounds. 1- Mary Harvell and son. Buy Har r »«U. to 11. R Ragan, 00 aorta m liar baena township; vousidaialiens, f,bO f. Willie Pops and wife to J. id a Monroe, Lou 40 and 47 in town oj Swan, Barbecue township; consider. U ation, k R. V. Landgon and wifa to T. L 0 Rsardoo and wife, o£ acres us Mssll'i Crash township; tonsiueru..** g.,. r: soo. > Nathan Douglas and Silas J IXi flat, 200 aciTi In U. L. k. tuwnhii i - eoasidci ation, love and aiisr.iou. k Board of Rdaeation of Harnett county to Trustees «f Leaflet Pus ) byterian Church, one acre charm ; lot In U. L. R. township; eonsWv u Gso. li 1 Catherine E. Lae and M. G. Lee to J. 1). Phillips. Ik acre* in /tveras* , bor* township; consideration $1,02,,. J; W. Kitigenld and wifi ct als to hula K. Crantliam, 1.1 Jt-A acres; i coiu Ida ration, gL*J0. J. U. Phillips and wife to Mrs. G. I K. Orantbsm, * acres in Avcrashvro •••■ship; consideration, 1*5. A. O. Coals st als to D. D. Mad* i •»«, tp» lots in Costs; consideration . $170. Civil A. Avery and husband to Arthsr D. Avery, 1* 1-4 acre* la Grove township; consideration, love and affection. Civil A. Avery and husband ta Ira . C. Avery, 1$ acre* in Avers*boro township; consideration, low and i affaction. K'atknn VfaHkuwu aad L#. a. T. K. Green. 84 seres to Kefll’e Creek township; coo side-ration. |700 S. A. Weds to Leeeie Hudson end Alma Hudson. #16 acre* la A seres bora township; consideration, (486. Board of Education, ef Harnett County, to The Dixie Land Co, 2 acme in Black'Riser township, con sideration, $16. Nancy E. Leekemy to J. a Brown M 1-2 acres hi Buckhorn township; consideration. MOO. T. E. Green and wife to Flossie Johnson, M acres la Neill's Creek towaekip; consideration, lore sad af fection. * .Hiram Barrett to ^ O. Beater, eiders tion, (1800. Louisa I. Morgan to Matthew Williams, 1 14-2$ acres in Bockborr township; consideration, 117.—Her nett Poet. COLO CREED Imparl eat Facta Every b-dy ShaoM Knew A boat C« : Dt. W, A. Evans. fan ous health men of Chicago, gives in tabulated form the latest imprt jd methods of avoiding the most cc moo infection, the common co J. To these are added suggestions for the treatment of colds In case you fail to follow the doctor'', advice about avoiding the dues e. Colds are atcsli. ftirm others, therefore avoid F- P<-' * ho have colds Avoid peoplr mho bc-v recently had pneumonia (within ti o; years). Avoid crowds, .wvcid b place*. Avoid badly venial • i place*. Colds can be bought fror self therefore— Keep the mouth, nose, i ells clean. Avoid gargir food or drink. AvoiJ aloo' The germ is a factor, bo C man body in also, thervfu, Avoid getting overwarm or cold in the entire body or er., thereof. Colds cannot be caught when ra sistaac* is high, therefore— Build op heat making powers by »l roping out, taking cold baths and eating moderately. Bxerriss daily in the open air. If you have contracted a cold do not spit cmrvlsesly. Do not sneeze or cough carelessly. Destroy all rose and moth serrations. If the sttsrk Is accompanied by aches and fever, avoid pneumonia by going to bed. decreasing sating and by taking a purge. Take medi cal counsel. Mia. t W. Myers, who has been visiting her parents at Daim spent 1 the latter part of last week hers. . Dr. Myers who has been with hi* ! parents. Rev. and. Mrs. T. C. Myers, at YadUaville met Mrs. Myers bore and together they will return ta YadkinvilU for a short visit to Dr. Myers' parents before locating per. maneatly. Dr. and Mr*, ltd. W. Myers leave the last of this week for Georgia. , where Dr. Myers baa accepted work , —Yadkin Valley Pilot. I - Mr. O. L. Gennady left Mondry for Savannah Georgia, whfii he t* ’ attending this work * in ring of . the Southern agents of ne. K< v • , Rnglsnd Mutual Vtn Insurance Ci >j Mr. Cannady has represent d Oils j company in this territory for a nee . *, bar ef years and has built for the • ’ p lore* hnataeaa. DIVES STATEMENT ON OBA1NAOE WO« ilr presents tire Mih Talk « Headway Mad* la Nacth Waahuigum, Feb. IA—Kapreean ad»e H. L. (ledwio, of tha Sixtl •orth Carolina District, has first ut a stats merit or. drainage. Liar ! K I" leiviee in Coagreae Mr. Ud • • in has been much interested in re ■ aiming tha swamp land* of tha .at*.. Ilia efforts hav* mat with .ccoas. "Since 1M7," said he. "the United Llato* Department of Agriculture as been much Interested ia tha . eiiutge of North Carolina's wet . .I'd*. Surveys have been mads '• Pl**i prepared la detail for ty drainage districts, totaling n ire than 700.00* sera*, while per - -nl inspection* have bean — • ■ advice given regarding tha re rmstion of approximately 1,1*0, ’0 more, Fo, four years that de part sort and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture have Lw*n co-operating ia advisory and demonstration work, two drainage engineers being continually engag ed in aiding farmers pad cosnmuni Dee In the Btata. **A drainage law was snorted la IDO* which prescribes methods at procedure by which the owiisss of a body oi wot land may organise a •’raiinage district, coos tract tbe eee tsrary improvement works, Isaac bonds to finance the project uid dis tribute the coct against the l»~U brnefittad la proportion to the berw fit* conferred. This removed tbe principal impediment to the way of drainage reclamation, for the met lends occur in nreas so large that co-eperation « |imejd| amj^m d the lad here T5napptuv'HT>y-ftf Supreme Ooait of the Stale. "Under this law more than a hun dred drainage districts have been organised, or are In process of or ganisation. comprising more .bee 750.000 acres of swamp and over flowed. lend. Work has been com pleted in nlnrtece districts that re •■leim 225,000 acres of swamp, and in twelve (dstnets draining ri.eoc aero* of bottom land, subject to In undatW i by floods. About a desen more l.avv work under eonstructiea. "Practically all of North Chre ina's fourteen million acres of the ■oastsl plain requires drainage to each a astisfetory condition ter arming. Krery stream in tha Ptod non section floods to s creater or 'W degree the bottom lands along, .s course. Probably six mUlien rrve of farm land new under cuM' ation ere suffering from too ma.-i ■ter. Much of this could be dra‘*v I with Ule at a profit.’’—H. E. C -y»nt In News A Observer. 8AMPSON MEN BADLT CUT Ha a ad dande Mam Badly la |«red By Nagy* at Twkty. Cl in to, Feb. IS.—Maaar*. John and Jla jda Moore, taro prominent eiti u-n and farmers of Rare peon county, were aerioualy cot by a ne gro. Dave Faison, at Turkey, near Clinton, this afternoon. The two men were In convene ties with ooe negro and when R grow heated the negro Faison took an active in terest in making net use of hit knife that the two injured aodlcnea than war* IUW •nan. Whan Sunday aakod how many of than would premia* t* vat* to clone the saloons at the B .ct - opporumity, svory mao In the place rot on hi* (bat Tba terries* was mad* op of «1 - »*m». Billy yrabbod a imt Amarlcaa Hay and jumping to tba •«p of th* pulpit shoots 1. How how maay will gtvs mo thoir hand for God and nation land?** Bo had hardly made tho suqpast whoa tho ponrad down tho aisle and up wmd of Ml hit tha trail Tanly* »« mam want dawn Mwdnot srnHt tho streets to the toaa-tasn V tha drams ysdl, ‘Billy Sunday stiU livaa and yives to tho liqoor traflir tho boat run for than- money they ever had!’ * “Why," bs said, “we are the bjy ysst lot of fade ' » aids of hall. ’ Upon the proposition to reu-v tha aaloont by hiyh licenses Sun-1 - said, “Ton might aa well try to me nial* a powder plaat in hoiL” Stopptoy suddenly, Sunday sany at tha top of his vole* a versa of "Homs, Street Home.” The yreit audience rase to its foet and cheered for fl\* minutes. Sonde/ said that In polities ha eras aa anti-saloon Republican, "but a an aati-ealooa Republican, “bet biy enough man to back the man trtw was nerviay the country’s host in terests and that is why I am for Pruaidwd Wilson and his prspar ni nes* program to the last ditch.” There ware delegations present tonight from Lambartville, Psnelcp ton, Borden town. PlainsboTO, M bovKene joNMoy In Richmond thi*. ww* Ni»- Henry Pore wpmt wwl | dnya (Ida weak with roj* *♦