THE DUNN V0L- 11 _ Dunii, 5. C.,3 YOUNG CAROLINIAN SPENT MANY DAYS IN TRENCHES Jmu Gray, of Broadway, N. C, Tails Story of Ftgktlag to Army Of Eng la ad — Wa» la Batfl* of lam, Wkm Many Fell. James K. Gray, twenty yaart old. born North Carolina, has just re turned from France and England where he eervod 298 daye in a Brit ish regiment end participated in eav-i eral of the greatest battles so far fought in the European war. Gray talla an tatarasting aad perhaps the A ret authentic story of the fighting in Europe, so far brought to this country, says the Norfolk Vlrginiao Pilst. Ha was a member of the Third Brigade Aral division Gloucestershire regiment daring the battle of Loosi Ha returned to America against bis' own will, having been forced to come back by the American consul, who discovered that he was an American minor and had enlisted against the I wishes of his relatives. He was| ■hot in the foot during a fight at Loos and. spent two months in the Epsom hospital. His discharge, which Is an excel-1 lent one, bears the signature of Lieu! tenant Colonel G. H. Burges, com manding the Third Gloucestershire regiment- His home it at Broad way, N. C.. a small village about five milae from Sanford. N. U. he left the United, b la tee on March 8, 1911, on the steamer ALmore. which cleared from New Orleans'for Avon mouth. It required 26 day* to make, tha voyage on account ofstorras.The steamer waa chased by submarines' and was obliged to go 300 miles off its course to escape. British Outnumbered Germans “The battle of Loos began on Sep tember 26 and continued for three days.” Gray declared. “The British, forces were larger than tha Germans but the German outnumbered us in machine guna. They had about tea guna to our one. "Among the British regiments participating In this battle, ware the Pint, Second sad Third Gloucester - shire regiments. TVs King's Royal Rifles, Tha Eighth Lincoln Tsrrttor lrs..l*l lead hhe-iav—-UK< “Our brigade ~wae radii nunded by Colonel Pagan, whom ws called “Patsy.” We were In the trenches seventeen days before the fighting began. Our brigade waa put to work digging ditches, while other regiments marched on. Ws ware told that we would not be called up on te go into this particular battle, but we were among the first to be called upon. "After digging trenches In the rear of oar main force all day, we were ordered to tho front at night. It was 4 o'clock in tho morning be fore wo reached the trench from which we were to fight end we were ordered, to He down end rest. “We had hardly done so, when the Germane, who were not more than 600 yard* away began firing on ua They opened with big guna and we were all called, upon ter fight. Tha battle wae along a front of 26 miles, and the fighting waa terrific. "We scat our gas brigade after the Germans the first thing, but they did not appear to mind this much and a number of our men dud not re turn. Regimeai Slaughtered. “The First Welsh Regiment w»s sent into the fray and more than 600 seen failed to return. The slaughter wee terrifle. Then the King's Roy al Rifles came up from behind am! we followed. We bed bees expect ing reinforce menu which did net ar rive In time. “We loot ell but 253 of our regi ment. which originally numbered POO, We succeeded in talcing the first, second and third trenches from the Germans, who had also suffered big looses. Expecting reinforcements we wore ordered to skirmish over the open country after the Garment and we began to advance protected by a rapid Are from our machine guns. “We were alee protected by smoke bombs whieh our forces used to sor er our advance end if possible fool the Germans. The enemy opened Are on th# spot from where the smoko bombs were fired while *| were advancing in another direction We reached a railroad and begun digging another trench. The Oer. mane thought we were in the wood/ nearby and directed their Are to that psdsit, “It was raining an*, we worked under great difficulties. The Oer mans Anally located os and at 4 o’#lock In the afternoon, began nr attack from the front end rear, *fhti battle rontlnoed until dark, withoo either side making any ooticeebli headway. “Oar machine guns drove the Owr mane back several times when the sets ■ ipied to retake the leetgreoa. Vv dates s*tsdi *A* 5 d'-'r-V — *V-1-- - DR. J. ALU SON HOCKS HONORED BY DOCTORS Fat Second Tima Richmond Maa U Preeideat of Trl-gtste Medical Society. Dr. J. Allison Hodges, of Rich mond, was ejected president of tha Tn-8taln Medical Society at the dosing of tha businoae session oJ the Jefferson Hotel yestaiday after-1 noon. This is the • econo time he has held that honor, having been elected the first president of the so-1 ciely St the time of its organisation at Virginia Beach in August. UM8. Other officers elected yesterday afternoon for tha coming year ware: Vice president from South Carolina' Dr. H. E McConnell, of Cheeter. j Vice-president from Virginia, Dr.| W. Y. Drewry, of Petersburg. \ ice-president from North Caro lina, Dr. Charles O. Lsughinghoose, of Greenville. To vacancies on the executive council, Dr. J. Howell Way, at WsyneevUle, N. C.; Dr. Julius H Taylor, of Columbia, 8. C., and Dr Julian Upshur, of Richmond. Dr. Ralph B. Hughes, of Laurens S. C„ was re. el sc ted secretary treasurer. He has held that posi tion almost ever since the society was organised, except during the year liM>7. whea ha was president over the society when it met in Jsmestown. Dr. John R. Gilder alcove, of Rich mom*, waa elected an honorary mem ber, which relieves him of all duliea I hut gives him full membership. Ha it one of the five or six physicians in the three states to bold this hon or. Durham waa selected as the next' place of meeting, the society to bo railed to order In that city on the third Wednesday in Fabruary, 1917. The election of officers was unani mous. There waa no physician pla cad In nomination against Dr. Hodg es for the presidency. Be waa the universal choice of the aoHye socie ty.—Riehmon Virginian. Feb. 18. oeytaxoiMr M white tew wegt raaaiag com* gnus drove them hade Fir* on Each other. “It waa at thia point that wa wore lirao on from tha rear, by what we thought waa another force of tha en emy, hut which turned out to be our own people. The Eighth Territorial raglmeut waa coming to eur assis tance and advancing through a wood Ihey discovered uj firing on tha Gar mans from a trench and they thought wa wart part of the many forces. They opened fire on oa, and a num ber of men were killed before the mistake waa discovarad. Wa were ralievsd, by the Lincoln Territorials and were ordered beck to a village which waa used as aup ply station, where we had ammuni tion and uuktar itfirW Wa hast ran 1 v 243 men left La our regiment and wa war* all fagged out. Wa wera juxt ready to eot breakfast when we were ordered back to the firing lin*.| W* were obliged to fight at] day and at night wo buried the dead. "The number of dead wee flight ful. Some of the bodies were badly mutilated aad they ehone like pho | phorea. The next day wa were or dered to Bethune to secure reinforce ment*. W* marched about 16 mile* The reinforcement* expected on Sat urday did sot com* until Sunday Had they come when expected, wo might have won a great battle. Got Loot la rag. “When w* returned with rein force men ta we got loot to a fag. Tha guide*, many of whom are employed to lead the British troops oxer *trang* lend, got lost and. we hunted around for taro hour* before w found the trenches. The firing had ceased *n both aide* Neither tide could eee the trenches of the other. “After marching all sight, we were again pot to work digging Hitches. W* worked on trench** for lexer*] day* and by October 6 xre had tone good one* ready. Th* German* were only 600 yard* away "At 1 :S0 o'clock on the afternoon of October g the Germans cam* at a* strong** than ex or. They tried to captors DOT trench# * by storm and they poured out of trench** and ever the open ground like big droxot of cattl*. "Whel# regiments war* mawad down by our gunner*. In sne eem pany extry German except on* ma» wa* killed. H* cam* toward* ui wKh hi* hand* ever hi* baad. Hi tarried no gar and he •hooted ''Com radar" Wa made aprtaoaw of Mr aad ear officara secured tome xahi able Information “After the battle xre advanced t r trenches formerly nre-rW bv '1 I Oe*mn-i. Wa found their trench' batter arranged than onr own The • >r — »—* -- UKSSIE WOOD OF WILSON TRIES TO KILL HIMSELF Fuquay Spring*, Fab. 27—New* was brought hare yesterday telling of the attempted suicide of Daesi* Wood at the home of A. J. Wood, iHier Wilboo, Friday. For several months peat Wood, who is also known as Spain, has been trying to marry 16-yaer-old Annie Walker, and disappointment altar disappointment killed hie hope and at the same time kindled his desire lor self-destruction. After learning that the mother of the girl had noti fied the authorities in the adjoining| counties not to Issue license to the, pair, he grabbed his gun and tried j to shoot himself, but the timely ar rival of tome of his friends prevent ed his carrying out his intention. Tha Baptist church at Fuquay is | Sliding some Sunday school rooms ,o its church building on Main street! fhe work is progressing nicely and; the rooms will h* ready for us* with- ^ In a short while. Dr. Baymen A. Saiith Elected Pre*l. deal ef Atlantic Christian Col lage. 1 At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of Atlantic Chriatian College, President Raymond A. Smith, of Berkley. W. Va., Was nun iraously sleeted President of Allan tie Christian College. Wilson, N. C to succeed President J. C. Caldwell, the newly elected dean of the College of the Bible of Drake University Des Moines, Iowa. This action baa met with the due and formal accep tance of Praaidoni Smith. Dr. Smith has creditably filled po siliont of distinction both In the ministry sod Educational Institu lions of the d staples of Christ. Ha cocoes so highly recommended, and with such evident qualifications that the trustees, faculty, students and friends of Atlantic College am high ly gratifiad in hie acceptance. President Smith first graduated at Vfascisms# University IBM; re ceived his A. B. from Butler Collage! in 1900; his'A. M. from'lbs U elver-1 slty oC IssdlaoapJlli, lnd., Me I D. from T of Philosophy^Is University syuvania in 1902 and 1903, and grad oats student la Education In the University of W. Virginia Summer School 1914. Ho was minister of Kensington Chriatian Church. Phils-j detphie. Pa„ 1900 to 1903. and at the same tune taught in Bbanaa, Institute of that city. In 1904 ha I ministered to the Hillside Christian Church of Indianapolis, lnd., re turning to this pastorale m 1907. In 1900 he was associated with Presi dent J. J. Harper as Professor in Atlantic Christian Coliegs, Wilson N. C-, thus acquiring personal knowl edge of the Institution to which ho la now called as President. Prom 1909 to 1913 he was pastor of Cen tenary Christian Church, Indianape-: lie, lnd. During his residence In In-| dianapolia he waa active members of VilWJ 1 LVMIIIKIUII VIUW WIU I 1VM dent of the Christian Ministers As sociation of that city. From 1913 to 1916 he has been i'reaidsnt of Beckley Institute Beckley, W. Va., during which time he hai also served as the regularly appointed State In structor of teacher* In Institute work, Mrs. Smith hau been active In the women's organizations of the Chris tian Charrh. During her residence in Indlanapollt, eh* wue an active memb*r of the Semper Fidelia Wo man's Club, and nt Berkley. W. Va a prominent member of the loea federated Women'* dub. President Smith is expected to as sume administration In hie new pool tion In June. SAMPSON REPUBLICANS MEET County Convention Selects Dei*gales sad Adopts Stroag Resolution*. Clinton, Fab. 27,—Thu Republican convention for Sampson county con vened in tho courthouse ia Clinton, Saturday, February 26. Thu con vention waa called to order by W. F Soeuome, county chairmen. Richard L. Herring was elected secretary ol the convention. Tho courthouse waa almost filled Delegatee war* elected to tho state and district convention! Eloquent aad Interesting speeches worn modi by MaJ. Geo. E Butler. Jno. K. Fow lev, Tho*. F- Owen, Mai. C. M. Fair doth, Sonatqr W. H Fisher. J. T Kennedy, E L. Oevin and B H Cram pier. The fishing boat Thomas F. A os l tin, of Philadalphla, was dashed » • places off the Cape Fear bar TVirv day night about 11 oV'ck. Du > trees signal*) wore sent out, ead ti> i eklpper and crew of twelve ml • wove rescued by Hf# eavere. Th rl love Is r-tlmn'ed at (19,000 with n ‘ -rir*. Eau-rtsi singly the lU-elecdon' son U Best far Republican tivlty of tfu malarial Nswa Davi Raleigh, N. t,' 1.—Tha pa Itucal atmo it bocoming • ur charged ar in "tha poa aibla avanU wh tp'rasult from the Oovtlopim important y»ar in tha polltl £ pirs* lament •I life of tha 1 and State. N< eiaction year i ha War between the Bute* hat _ I fraught with ac much inUraat arrataportanca to tha body politic and ofMcra to tha indi vidual citaaan; been no campaign in forty j in this coun try on wUch r-1 and the accompany and poasibilitlas, « as to tho af fect* on our i with foreign powers acroi ' With tho tn tha whit* house, tha i may saa th Uaitod Btates in war, will all th* attendant tehieh aue> a conflict wonl^ Importance of J tea Who doubts of Roosevelt, or I and I_hllo i__II_ presidential elected this hits t>» biff whipped the unmercifully be allowed the —if the a desperate (who, of at St. If Wilaon wtt avoid an la the European to i But Ha weald wo would be callad something i and oat • nation and aa emerge not only bat over whelmed mad shatter ed The Republican State Raleigh this waoh. March 1st, marks tha State po litical of which will br hold in year. Chair man frank of Wautaugm ii here to preside over the convention r htch be exports folly n thousand State Republicans to attend. foi reason* not very apparent to Demo cats, tha Republican* are maklnf assertions that thev will show mars than their normal strength hi the North Carolina primaries in Jena Under the new law tha primaries will be held on the first Saturday in June in all tha oouaties, far all poli tical parties, and the candidates for nomination by their respec tire par ties far the various State offices aril be voted for at that time, those poll ing tha highest votes becoming th candidates to be voted for at th< election in November. \ Gubernatorial Candidates. It la stated hers today that th ReoUblican convention may ‘endorse certain men and recommend that they be voted, far far certain office* in the primaries. One report has 1 that E. Carl Duncan, national com mitteeraan and at present presiden of a national bank In Raleigh, wtl be "endorsed" for governor by thi Republicans. Thera is some senti '■ mart favoring Hr. Unnay sad Di ' Cy Thompson of Onslow for th sams honor. Activity tasst fitata Democrats i Among tha Democrats the Daaght ridge people are first in the field sc lively far their favorite for govei nor, and they seam to be makin considers bis headway. Their tend data has mad* a fine impression a I. icutanant-Governor and ha la ver popular personally in this count and section where ha la widely know and admired. The managers of hia camps'i hove epened headquarters hero wR J. E Oarrasrey ad Wayneeville. 1 R .Cspelle add J. a Deughtrldge < Rocky Haunt fas charge and thai - g an Usman appear ta ha non Meat < the soccers of (hair “farmer er business men’s candidate." If tl » rr-al mas* of letters which ye » correspondent saw pflad upon the » -'eska ora day this weak Is an tn« ’ cation, the people are ondoebtod •ntoreried In V\ Dsayktridga Ho WORK ON TADS IN ROAD WOOD, HATH McPATDK> Mr. John MeFayden, county com •Ucionor of Harnett county, «u tr Fayetteville yesterday and reportec that tha week being done toy the eoa victa os the Yadkia road waa pro *raaaia« rapidly and favorably. Tha road baa bean built about hail way to Longatreot church, or about cistern miles from Fayetteville. Jit declared that tha convict caerpe were well kept and that the convicts erne well ires ted and agpeared conten'*d •f a convict can he contented- -Qape Fear News. • DUKE NEWS ♦ Duke, Fab. 24.—Tuesday evening Mta. t. M. Chapin entertained at a Le*P Year Party. The home deco rations. refreshments end games were all comawmorktivt at Waahiag ten's birthday. The ' chief amuse ntent waa tha ceotept ia writing a tetageam making sti* word bagia aing with Mch Uttar in tha word Washington and using them * the order ‘in which they come. Mias Edith McKay was tha mo* - rfrfil <me had took the box ef cajftr a* e Pris^ A happy Rttte verse aoeapse ed the tavitatteah, stating that ft was a leap, year "party aed that the girl* weald bring the boy*. Theoa preeeat wore MW Susan Bawling* with Dr. H. N. Wmianeee; Mae Mary Lucy Dupree with 8. T. Daniel Mia* 9*tti* Pearl with B. 8. KeOyi MIh Nelli* Broome with Bebia Hand MU* * Nincy KM* Laag with W k BTUa., Mi.. Van. tew_a _mam Prat B. r. DlksafeMiaa Edith *«. Z*r with M. L. Brain; MM* EUoa Grant with E C. Weiocar; Horn .I»*M Barth with Dr. MmM-, Mr. and Mn. N. c. Dmm. The Doha Graded School Mlabrat ad Washlagtra', birthday f W&m afternoon in t ^asinl chap^ axer «t»o- Prof. & P. Gentry, euparta taadwrt of public instruction of Har jiott county waa the principal sprak Each grad* m school took part ta tha exerclaaa. Bara. S. W. OM kaa, M. C. Duncan sad W.t* Man AM i »Mi. i <■ I to tk* call of Prof. Oakeo mat rack **ka o' Ik* Ladies' Aid Baeiatr of the Methodist church held a special mooting at Mrs. L. E. Standi* Thursday night. Thu ii the Brut of a aeries of special meetings sad ■taps were taken to increase the ' membership. Named for Annapolis Mr. Alexander Eugene Cook, so* f Judge and Mrs. II. L. Cook >■ been named bp Congressman God win for Annapolis. Mr. Cook Is a votmg man of bright mind and much energy of purpose. He comes from a sterling stock, too, that usually improves every opportunity. We wish kirn success A Washington dispatch ays that Mr. Cook “gets Mt. Godwin’s third pace—the new on* created by a recent hill.”—Pay * devil]* Observer The safe in the Waat Durh u.i oostoflice was blown by yeggnim Monday for the fifth time in \ year. It is reported that all the moo ry sit' stamps wars taken, which, ho sever <*1d not amount to vary much. or too letter*, I waa told wart from iarmori, mechanic* and the working cl**•** “who are dose to nature' and went to *ee another farmer gov ernor. after over 20 yearn of Inter uiaka The other candidate* have not op ined headquarter* here yet. bat pro bably will do *o mob. There 1* no oth er point in the State that furaiahei the advantage* of Raleigh fo, meet ing visitor* from all quarter* el North Carolina. For More Draetlc Prohibition Law. At a meeting at the board ei > tmtee* of the Nerth Carolina Anti Saloon League, just held her*. It wai decided te ask the seat legislator for more drastic prohibition law* What that organisation now want is, la part, as follow*: Legislation to prevent storing o - liquor in dob houses and by othe - social organisations; te make it [I t legal te have mare than half-gallo " of whiskey In any ana's pomaestu • for any purpose; te prevent menu r factors of wine far mala; to proven f the shipment of any liquor int it Nerth Carsllae for beverage purpm m; stricter laws for confiscation < n vehicle* need for transporting I h qoera Cor rent Capital New* Notes, if Beth Governor Craig and hi* pr * vat* secretary, Col J. H. Kerr ha lf hern confined te their rooms for no d oral days by lllnsM. Col Kerr hi i# been rritieelly fll and is still sick, ir Another North Carolinian has to* I", choarn president of a college In a <- other State. This Urn* R I* Dr. ly W. Hlkoe of Wake Forest who go >* te Other («. C.) Cetlaga HKNSON BOOK CLUB MEATS Bomon, Feb. ffl. TLe John Ox McMdO Booh Cl oh met with Mm. W. 0. Rudder on Thuraday after, noow the 24th X 3 o'clock. The aub >ct ter this meeting *u “Southern Liter*lure." A paper, “The Sooth * Literary Pragma*" waa rand by Mm O. A. Harbour. Mm. J. A Bait tar and Mr* M. T. Britt oang "Down by the See,” with Mite Myrtle Aah araft accompanying |t| piano "Southern Paata" a paper, waa rood by Mm. T. T. Lanier, and “Currant Eeptru" bir Mr*. J. A Barbour. After adjouraapah the hnttam *• aietad by Mut Cook, aerrad deli «*eua refresh ment*. The fanrited gueeto were: Mist Mary Gordon, of Hamlet; Mm. A. T. Lassiter, Mm. J. G. Stanford, Hr*. J. M. Duncan. Miaa Myrtle Ashcraft and Mint Mary Cook*. . To Held lMid«ti h. Now Beneon. Feb. M.—An latomatMg program will be rendered ia the aew | aeboal auditorium, Friday rtoateg, | March the third, before beginning , work the following Monday. | The program wU*. eon wet ef itn I uhy aad MtUons of the tawa and The chief address of the i lateg wffl be firm by Dr. Chariee A Brow or, of Balelgh. on* of the State's loading educatom. Hi* aabjoct will ha "Education a* a Oeaetructhrs Fore*." MIm Kelly end Prof. BoyaB ere expected to be pisne t and make •hart talks. Everybody to aot eaty tori ted torn srgad to be prasent ea tkto uttoa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The BHtowtog deeds hem beta bl ed W rsgtetraUoa la tbs office of Register of Deeds: to. L. Smith to K. F. Young, tota Godwin. 1st No. If Stock **B" J. A. Cook property la Dunn; ceasadsra Uon, ISAfL N. M Leugfalia and wife to Mar dock McNeill, ooo tot in town of | Ulllfigtoo; consideration, (60. J. W. Whitehead and wife to D. I H. Hood, part of Block “O-A" m | town at Dana; cons sir ratios. (160. J K. E. Barefoot and wife to R. M. Barefoot, 71 acre* in A verms be no township; consideration, (1 £00. L k. Barefoot and wife to S. M. Barefoot. 41 t-4 acres in Averasboro township; consideration, $2,400. William K. McLean and wife to Viney Covington, I 1-2 acres la An dersen's Creek township; considera tion. (60. C. Hodges and. wife to Florence L Bodges, 37 1-2 acres in Qrere ; township; consideration, (94260. C. Hodges and wife to Fanis Kuggs, 12 1-2 scree in Grove town 1 ship; consideration, (392.60 O. D. Matthews et ala. to T. J. Matthews, 2-6 interest in lots Nos I 1, 2. A 8 In town of Buia'a Crook. I Boon? of Education of Harnett! county to Henry H. Stewart, 24-100 acres Is Neill’s Crook township; con nderstkm, $6. Hector McLean et sis to H. M. Stewart, 41-4 aeraa in Neill's Creak township; consideration. 276. J. T. Costs and wife to T. J. Mat thews, two lota In town of Costa; consideration, $250. N. B. Lambert and wife to T. J. Matthews, lots Noe. 12 A 11 in town of Costs; consideration. $220. 0*0. H. Long to Needham Vann, , 123 1-2 sens la Neill's Crook town ship; consideration, 22,700. W. D. Patterson and wife, 7PJ2 seres in U. L R. township; eoaoid i erstion, 1821.76. E. D. McNeill and wife to Louie . McNeill, 1-11 interest in loads of I Malcom McNeill, deceased; eoneki | rrstion, 160. r Bank ef Broadway, asartgagae, to r Anna Byrd, Southern, 1-6 of Block • No. 41 la LUUngton; consideration I IS. 100. i Richard Byrd and wife to 2 f •1 Parrish, IS acres la Grom township: t const deration. 2)00 sad other rales » bis coo tide rations. - township; consideration. 21AM. f Tilghmaa Loiabor Co. to J. E Jar - nlgan. IT 7-12 acres in Arerasbott township; consideration, 2612 22. Backhorn Land and Timber Co. t> I- A, B. Kolloy. 46 acres is U. L R e township; eon aid ere toon. $200 W. O. Holmes and wtf* to Jerwii it B Smith, 12 1-4 acres Is U. L R township; consideration, *2* w Sarah E. Stewart to Jesse Cols i- man Strwart, 22 ecros In Orwte 1 townsMp; consideration. 21.606. It M. W Barefoot and wife to R M Barefoot, I 14 scran la Atsraaker SMXT WUK Mamj wok Dtotm Id Kim to TUI Mathaca Man Aba* TMt Babtaa. Wait tog (Mr Boh, DCaaaaa to Mat Waatbar. Keu waak hagtoatog with Batar <tor. March 4, aad aaattoU^ lor ■avail da,i la Dm tea aal apart for fivlng tha baMaa^aara ad a agaaia 4aaL A fellatio Hxmt tha Mato Baord af Baalth aa,i chat Mg ana aad littla town*, rural fciaa aad daba af *U tha aat> tha ara thto kft tha /MaMCfa cmgT£ long tiam be was deputy dark of Superior Court of Airspace county and for the laat aeverel year* mas agar of tha large livestock bu» aaaa of the J. R. Hiatt Company. Correction Al I* J. C and B. F. William*. The report from Dpnn which ap peared la the Newe aad Observer in regard to tha failure of J. C. aad B. F. wuiiamt at Angler vaa raia Iending. B. F. WiUmoa. tredlag a* J- C. aad B. F. Wflllanm at Angler, waat into valantary bankruptcy a faw days age. While J. C. William■ name waa connected with the boat nasa be bad nothing to do with It aa ha had. beta dead tine* July ft, 1812 and be died not oaring a dollar to anyone and leaving an estate worth about BOJOt.—Kcn and Observer. The Woman's Cl ah is offering prises to tha bap or ffiri under four teen who makaa tba prattUst bad of flowtrs this summer. All tbeaa de siring to enter this eon teat will Please be at tbs school house Friday afternoon at t:90. Full infansotien and will be given by rsmmittse. MM. J. t. WADE, Chairmen The Senate Friday confirmed .he nomination of Henry P. Fletcher la be amhaasodor to the Carranza Oor nrnment of Mezieo. township; consideration, «M0. B. M. Holmes and. srtfo to W. U. Hobson, M acres in Aesrmsbaro township; cobs id* ration, $109. Be Thee Wood ond wife to E M Henley, bt Ns. 4, BteOk *r~ In town I of Coats; cons>deration, $499. 1 B. P. Toni and wife to Mm Op poses, 111 T9-190 aeree Is Barbecue township; ceseidoration, H909. | Mm Matthews and wife lo I len der Parrish, 14 1-t acres 'a Neill's Crook township; consideration, *U and ether valuable conoidcrati w-. John M. Barefoot and wife to Nlaay F, Barefoot, 19 9-4 acres la Grors township; mnsliaratisa, 9969 J. W. Strickland and wife to Georgia Ansa Wood, 19 1-t acres Is Grove tewndh’p; cossldsrsrisn. 9399. James H- Stewart and wlfa to Wmiarn Dudley, 9 acres la (teeter's > Crash town ship; eonsidsrmtion, 919. D. W. Turner to MOoe B Bitot, U acres in It. L. B. tswnsMp; ssn - sbieratlon. 99999. J. D. Phillips ami wife to Tkoa. O. Snead IIS BP-100 eerOk in Dnk» township! consideration, 910990.—

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