THE DUNN U ■ .. . . , -1 ■- ■ -*• " - --■ — ■■■■■-■■- ■■ ■■ ■■ * V0L> 11 _ Dunn, N. C., April 6th, IVlu RESERVE BANKS REPOKT MUCH TRADE ACTIVITY Declare Thai With Openiag of Spriag American Buaineea ia at High TUa. Washington, April ».—OfTlciaia of the federal resolve banks, in their monthly report* to tb« federal re serve board on commercial condition* declare with the opening of spring American business is at a high tide. Each of the Ik banks report* unpre cedented trade activities. One of the aigniAcant Indications of the permanent return of prosper ity comes from Philadelphia. This district has been a "bear” on proe* povlty. For its February report th* Philadelphia reserve bank oOtials took a poll of the leading business concerns within its territory. This poll shows that *01 business concerns report business normal against only JO adverse report*. In answer to the question "What la the outlookV k44 reported "Good;” 67 reported “fair;" and 20 reported “uncertain.* The federal reserve bank at Rich mond, rrpolling the state* of Vir ginia, Maryland, West Virginia North and South Carolina submit the following very favorable report: “State legislation in South Caro lina by tnacteraent of the Isutey # Odom hill ha* created a condition in the matter of Inaurnnco sufficiently serious to cause the withdrawal from the atale of practically all outside Are Insurance companies. Until the sitaation is more dvAnite end a more tangible remedy la apparent, it i> probable that ihu public will And n • iOcult to And adequate protection. "A relative diAcully in affecting loans against stored merchandise and products may be reasonably ex pected and a cuitailmont of volume in commodity paper firould appear very probable. 'West Virginia reports con tinned heavy shipments of coal and better volume of baatnaa* at highar price! in hardware supplies and jobbing business generally better than laat year. “Cotton mill operations ars report od most satisfactory - “hoWj t* aaay, ssosyt for leag terms, and borrowers hove no difli colty in obtaining sufficient for their legitimate business needs. "Unfavorable weather condition* hav* delayed work on farma through out the district. The lorn of tobac co plants in South Carol ins by frees ing indicates that the 1816 crop will he considerably below normal ia that State. Grains are more or leas backward by reason of cold weather. Cotton acreage In the Carolines will be slightly increased over laat year "Fertiliser costs are higher than last year and it is questionable ii fanners will use up to their last year's standard, cither in quantity or quality. Many farmers intend tc raise the bulk of their food supplier at bom*. There are more hogs and cattle on tht farms this year. Trucki farmers anticipate a good mason or smaller operations owing lo report ed shortage of the potato crop in Uh north and northwest. The lumber market is hampered by reason of congested terminal* and apparently by some disc rim In* tlon as regard* rail transportation ia favor of higher freight tariff goods and products. "TVs cotton oil Industry ha* suf fered somewhat by reason of high coat of seed, but corroapondingiy better price* for oil and meal indi cate a fair margin of profit for ths season's operation* " RAILROADS SHOW MUCH PROSPERITY Washington, April 2.—TVs pros parity of tho railroads throughout tho country continues without abate merit, according to preliminary re ports for February mads public to day by tho Interstate Commerc* Commission. Returns from ftfi largr roads show S not revonua inerta** from $25,000,000 in February, 191 i to 238,000000 for February, 1911 more than fifty par cant. The great eet increase wsa m the eastern die Uriel and amounted to nearly ntnet; per cant. The Southern dlstric showed an increaaa of approximate!; fifty par cent, and Hie western die trict excelled its Janusry shewtni of sixteen per cent. Increase by si ineraaah of moro than twenty-*" per cent. COAST LINE BUYING • MUCH NEW RQUIPMKN Wilmington. April 2^ Moro the $1.000,800 hi rolling stock and rail have boon purchased by tho Atlanti Coast Lino, tho dethreriee to ho mod within the pres or) and the An months of the coming year. Near! 1,000 freight ears, several boots pot sanger coaches, 1$ locomettvaa an 15000 torn ef rati are Included In th order. Other railroads throe ghee the town*re alee e~* having haavil »>f . fatigue. dig e« moeO/ me-t tn Hie war. CIIARLOITE OM8BRVEK SOLD Q-eco City. Moraine Paper Ac qaiiwd by Curtis Johnson am) W. B. SulUvsu. Charlotte, April 1.—The Charlotte New. today announced the purchase of Tha Charlotte Observer by Car tie Johnson of Knoxville, Tens, and Walter II. Sullivan, of Columbia, 8 C. The property la sold by Ward H. Wood and Georg. Stephens, lo cal hanker, who have owned It in recent year., since the deaths of J. P- Caldwell and D. A. Tompkins, its former proprietors. The Observer i. among the oldest morning dailio. in the South, it having baen estab lished in 1M8, and a member of the Associated Press. Mr. Johnson is publisher aad prin cipal owner of tha Kooxville Senti nel. He was formerly one of the owners of the Chattanooga News and of the Bristol Courier. Mr. Johnson's new interaat in The Ob server in no way afTacts hie connec tion w|th the Sentinel. Mr. Sulli van, who today became the publish er as wall as a partner with Mr. Johnson in the ownership of Tha Ob server, has bean with tha Columbia Itecord as publisher and part owner of that property for a number of years. He relinquished this Inter est and anil immediately take up his residence in Charlotte. B1BTH OF A NATION At LaFayelte Theatre. Fayefterille, N. C. April 17. 18 and It. Among all the film actors playing historical characters in "The Birth of a Nation" spectacle lo be wee at the Lafayette Theatre, April 17, 18 end It, Howard Gray and Donald Crisp have received the most compli ments on the faithfulness of their work, the one as General Bob*t K Lae andi the other as Gsnerm) U. 8. Great The picture shows Geasral Lae surrendering to General Grant in ths Wilmer-McLean mansion at Ap pomesox Court House. Vs, April 9, 1886. It is a moat faithful repro dnnriem at aU'sriiks peaacmagee ~lss the great historic scene and of the minute details of the action. It Is well known that many sup porters of the defeated Confederacy wished to prolong the struggle by means of a guerilla warfare similar to that used by ths Boars towards the cloee of the Anglo-Goer War. la fact John Wilkes Booth supposed •fast in killing President Lincoln be would have support of the South in a new struggle. But General lies •rat of a different temper. He re used that the South had been beaten in a fair struggle on the fields oi .■attic and that prolonging the fight ing woutu merely add to the borron and miseries endured by hie people rherefors, after the battla of Fivi Forks, he opened negotiations wit! Grant, suid on the morning of Apri 9, under the budding apple trace 01 an Appomatox orchard were deter nined the terms of peace which wan formerly written down et the Wll mer-McLeen bouse In the afternoon Lee had dressed fer hie last poblti occasion with greet care, Grant oi tho contrary lacked his full dreei and appeared in the "fatigue” ssi dusty Jack boots of the hard cam patgn. Strangely enough Genera Lee had no pencil to write with J pocket ink-stand and pen were lea by an officer of the general staff, an It was with thee# that the bistort document of surrender wee written Afterwards an effort was made to a rest and indict Laa for treason bn Crmnt who knew Lee's nobility oi character and how he had fnlfillei to the letter ell the surrender obli gationt, prevented any such dlsgrae ful sequel to the great event. RBVKNUR OFFICERS GET STILL NEAR BBNSO> Deputy Collector J. P- fiteJI rotun <*! to Raloigh yootorday aftornooi from Dunn where on Saturday h attended the preliminary hearing a > Freddy and Braddy McLamb an i Joa Young, charged with Illicit dti r tilling. ilit Ttvo McLamb brothora wura boon > o*er ta Fadorul Court far trial, wMl i Joa Young waa dlamlaaad. The heat i Ing waa before Comodankmcr it. 1 Young, and amt the reeult of a rai on a blockade outfit about fou mile* I (ruth of Ben eon by Depot 7 Collectors Georg* Moor* and B. 1 Plow era. A wtlll of 32 gnllen cape t city wae deertroyed and the thru i white man captorod. p - - - ■ , > It has been plain aailing with tk t candidate! who warn to aueeoed M r Godwin la Coagraao. They ha* ■ “mot the people," hut Mr. Oodwrl i aaya ha la coming home toon, an l paaa through the diet Hot makin t four or fire tpaoehao in tack count e The trail will ha hot. and art arpm rat lo 'Co "eomothlnc' F**-'-" h»Bn Jana »rd—Red Spring* Cltlaon. many LIVES lost when PORTUCAL WENT DOWN Red Cmm OffkUia u4 gktm of U«*rMjr Lett Litre U Dce>rac Itoa ef Hospital Ship. Washington, April 8—An aero on 1 of the torpedoing of the Krone©, itueatan hospital ship Portugal in the Black Sea, March St), with Uu lose of many lives, including those of Rati Cross officials and Sisters of Chanty, waa cabled from l'etrograd to the Russian embassy here today and. probably wiU be filed with the Slat* department for its information The Turkish government officially has denied that any of ite subma rine* made the attack, and it ie as sured in allied diplomatic quarters here that the Portugal was the vic tim of an Austrian craft. Following is the dispatch to the embassy: ‘On the thirtieth af March at 8 JO a ra. the Franco-Russian hospital ship 'Portugal' proceeding to the south coast uf the Black aaa to take over wounded soldiers, stopped her engines in sight of PaUsh. four miles ft-ora the coast end began pumping out some barges, when an enemy submarine appeared and after circ ling around the ship for some time, chose position about 100 yards from Iter and launched two torpedoes. The first torpedo mlsacrl the Portu gal but the second struck her amid ships. 'The persons on board consisting of the permanent ship staff and a 1 detachment of the Rad Cross, nuov I bared 272 all told, of which 87 an missing." One officer, 20 male esr I see. 21 sailors, of the French cor. I Ungent also perished and Minister Georgette, 19 of the crew and four servant*.’' JOHNSTON COLORED SCHOOLS HOLD COMMENCEMENT Smithfleld, April 2.—The colored school* of Johnston county heUl their commencement Friday with appro priate imrIks The exercises began about 10:M with dadamaUon and recitation con leeti, both Sf allot ware ett 1J representative* of 8hort Journey school. Three were followed by brief uddrmte* from Prof- L. T. Boy all. county superintendent, and Miss Elisabeth Kelly, assistant superin tendent, both of whom spoke en couragingly of the work of thr schools end the need of the practical work being don* along industrial lines. The principel address was deliv ered by J. D .Wray, 8late demon stration agent of farm clubs foi colored people. The event was directed by Prof. C L. W. Smith, supervisor of colored schools, under whom the industrial work hat bean developed. Twenty two schools were represented in the parade, with 1,4(4 pupil*. FLORAL FAIR The Woman's Club has decided t< have a Floral Fair In October an* hopes to moke this a success. Now is the time to grow flowers Let us go to work and spend mud 1 time communing with God's out-of doors, caressing lb* tender flflowflei ' and transform the barren placet into a greensward of symmetrical • living beauty. If you are not sue 1 ceasful In floral culture, then thcre'i : a fancy-work department for you. 1 Prises will be given at below. Tin list of prize* will be published later Firmt belt collection. Second beet collection. Third beet collection. Throe beet white bloom* at otu 1 variety. Three beat cream bloom* of om variety. Three beat yollow bloom* of om variety. Three beet variegated bloom* o one variety. . Beat tingle bloom of any variety ’ Beet va*e of eight verietiee—om 1 one at each variety. Pot Plant*. | Beet me Wen-hair fern. Beet baby breath fern. Reel potted plant of any variety Beet vim of cut flower* other thai , ehryeantheeiupna. i .Art. r Beet piece painted chine. f Beet ell painting. „ Beet water-color painting. Fancy Work. I Beat embroidery, white or r»lore< Beet crochet. Beat tatting. a Beat place baby appural. Beat miaeellanaooe article. • Beet handkerchief. * Beet towel. it Ladle*, pnt forth every effort t ? help make thi* fair Tht Event I r. the hietory of our town. 1 Other town* hav* aeeomntt«h« e *W'1 therefore Dorm cannot afford I • 'I duke news L»vk*. April 4.—TIm Erwin Con “A Hand left Toeeday morning tot hayetUvUla where day wiu take part in the Cumberland county pub 1'he Duke Graded acbool ia mak ing preparation* to attend in a body the HarneU county achool commence merit at LiUingtoo Friday April 7th. A a pedal train wld be operated over me Durham and Soatharn and Nor folk and Southern for the occasion ibe county examination* for paaaing from the graded aehoel to the high! school waa held hear Igpt week. aad< . -*or Dalton whnt to IJlHngtffl|l Saturday to asaist pe bounty tuper mtandent In looking over iheaa ex amination paper*. . Ml** Blixa Gnaw* made -<«■» will gira a public (pital at the au ditorium T seedsy bight. Her eiaae u composed of twittyfire member* and the program *11 be u elabor ate one. Hor clatf)* run in connec tion with the gradw acbool. Rev. W. Marvtn’Maggm* the new-1 ly called Baptitt MaUtor filled hi* iiiat appointment let the Beptiet' church Saturday £bt. He went I back to Newberni'Hooday and will! bring hie family IA the latter pert! of thie week. . W. Oldham, tbe former alriedy gone 1 to Hill*boro aad .1 ■ly there Wi . Much local Heated in e t! tbe moving pii j photographer f. all the bebiee In • for the picture tune are ahewn The hone# tot bowling allay* being erected in Erwin-Part ik t aJmoet com plat bowling j elleya will he immediately ■iltn Elisabeth the tout haad nuraa of Goad haepKal "poet Catorday and riaKmg Mia. E. R Thomas, Johnson of' Cardenaa wna Pratt. Mr*. E 8 and MU* Mary Lacy Saturday , "hopping in ! Mr. John hn--' aWTapHre In Duka • The data for th* graded echool l-oitj cnencemen t has bean sat for the J7U» and 28th of April and Dr. T. M. Knight of Trinity Collage will deliver the ad dr***. -— Baal Batata Transfer*. The following deoda have been :il«] for registration in the office of Kegiatcr of Dead* since our laal is sue: A. K. Johnson end wife to La* rence G. Smith. 14 47-100 acres to Uliiugton township; eonridaration. HU. I. H. Lutterlah, mortgagee, to H. M -Spears, a acre* in Johnson villa township; consideration, {126. H R- R. Draughon to Coin Brew ■ ngton, lota No*. 11, II, 13 and 14 J. M- Holland property in Dunn. Con sideration $60 and other considorn -io ns. | W. H. Parrish to Eva Mae Bar I hour, lota Not. 33, 34, 62 and 63 Block “C" in Coata; consideration, • 4260. 9 H. M. Spear* to L H. LnUariah. 43 acres in Johnaonrill* township; consideration, 3126. 8. A. Cameron and wife *t ala, to Georgianna Swann, quit claim 16 80-100 acre* in Barbaras lAwnUiin. considerations, $10 and other consid erations. J. M. Byrd mortgage* to Prances B. Boss, 1 acre in Lilllngton team, nhip; consideration, 136. T. R. Godwin and wife li ill to Archie B. Godwin, 70 acres in A» orsshoro lowashlp; conaidaratioa, $1 and other soluble eonaidoretions. J. A. McLeod, commissioner, to J. > H. rigs, « l-S acres („ Black Error township; con (ids ration, $320. D. A. McArtan and wife to B. T. Morrison 14 1-4 acres in Lilllngton township; consideration, $143. H. G. McNeill and wife to A. J. Stamm, 02 7-10 seres Is Boekhom township; consideration, $175. G. W. Partin and wife to W. R Love, one lot In Oats; consideration . 11.000.—Harnett Post $lst. MORRIS. Vg. REAL ESTATE TRADING COMPANY. WON Mr. Norris Dud Par I10JM Dam •fee Par False Arrest; was (te en $!,$•$ by Jory. The mm of Norris against the Bool Estate Trading Company oi Benson, arm finished yesterday af ternoon. the Jury Wright n tot diet far the pistadff la the imm o< $1,000. The earn has beam a hart fc' jrht one lasting for three days. t> The plaintiff wet represented h] n Mrs*-a V. C. Bullard and D M SlrmrOrM. whits the defense ww di represented ky Mtotrs R. P. Yanny n of Damn, and Sinclair. Dye and Kay ' of tV» rl'y,—Psyri'-erilW Newt *0*1 YKLLAUBA CAMPAIGN STARTS IN BLADJCN OlaMa Csaaty Cots to Line with hsustoia Mm—to—right. Din—». Raleigh. April t—Dr. T. M. Jor dan of Raleigh left yesterday for Bladen county where be will be en gaged for the neat three Boothe In a disease prevention campaign. He will give special attention to the' prevention of pellagra, typhoid and; diarrhoea) diseases, not thol this county suffers more from these din-1 cases than soma other countsco but] that h is getting In lino with the various movement* now on in the State, ono of which ia tha proves-1 Dan of sidatsao and unnecessary dta-j •caaea. Far this purpose Bladen county has raised SBOO, which la the1 largest amount yot a pro printed by] any single county for one feature of haalth work. Bladen ia the largest coualy in ares in tbs Stats bat has' a population of only botwoan eight-1 tea and nfaa(»en thousand. Dr. Jordan »,11 conduct his wark' on the diaponsary plea, meeting tha MUple at appointed placet snd at sp linted 11 leas in all to give free vac cination again it typhoid fever, to in-] struct the people as to the means at preventing pellagra and baby dis eases in particular, and all other pra ventablet diseases In general. laj ■ hi" educational health work, he will illustrate his lectures by means at lantern slides and charts and will distribute free literature on that moat common prevsctrble dirts its I Dr. Jordan says ha is looking for ward to his work la Bladen, that the paopla are eathualaatic over haalth work and that-he f«e*» that ha can count an thpir support tn this work 1 'ipcc.aBgr said he. ‘their ltva county |8Ver-Tbe Bladen Journal' HOBBS FOR COMMISSIONER OT AGRICULTURE Clinton, N. C. April 4—Following his annoaatsissrt some Um ago that ha weald oppose Major W. A. Gra ham far the Democratic nomination1 for Cumin iMionar of Agriculture of NoflTBireKi, the'MBS'lifTKi Ham. H. Hobbs ora backing him m hia plana to present his claims i> me Democratic voters of North Car «ll"» Between now and Jane tnt *he date of the primary, the voters w ill become acquainted with the qual i.. cation* o fthi* candidate through! a strcnuoo* newspaper campaign. 1 Mr. Hobba will follow the lead of the other gentlemen who are striv ing for preferment nt the hand* of the Democratic voters. He will wage his campaign without any bit temess and will do nothing to inter fere with that complete harmony which is desirable In the political camps this year. Us will wage his fight on s high plane. By reason of his splendid record of public usefulness, Mr. Hobbs' friends are confident in the belief that he aril] make a good race for the office to which be aspires. As a member of the Executive Commit tee of the State Farmer's Union; chairman of the Legislative Commit tee of the National Farmer's Union; and president of the Farmers Slat; Convention he has bees tremendous ly useful. Tw# years ago whan Mr. Hobbs ft rat 1st it be known that he would be a candidate this year, ha severed his official connection with the Farmers Union, la order to fore stall any Intimation from any source that he eras bringing the organisa tion into politics. Dun* to Hare Base Ball. The announcement that Dana la to have a ball team far the coming summer will be of Interest to every citizen of oor team. Tuesday a, m. at 10 o’clock, several business mao of the Iowa met In the furniture •tore of Btmee and Holliday and made plans to build and equip at once a modem ball park. A stock company was formed and Mr. 1. Lloyd Wads was started pres ident. A board of directors was se lected consisting nf the following men: O. M. TUghman. McD. Holli day. Dr. R. L Warren, J. W. Turn age, K. L. Howard, C. L. Wilton, Dr. Wallsos Ceitrane, Ellis Goldstein, T. V. Smith Trees, end J. P. Pittman secretory. The bell park Is to be located b the northern part of town and an excellent location has baas secured Dunn will joia the Gaps Fsar Longm which hat bettl recently organised With ths admiaatea ad Duan, Or league will somber afat teams am our paopla may expect a team tM 1 mming summer that will rival | • not excel the famous teams In Or j priori n«« old days of Randall, Shnl - •ni' Jordan. p Arpp-j thoro from out of town , o-ho nmrn here Imp Friday night b , attend the debate wm Mewr-s. 1. i i Sneers and Jemaa Cash, of Apex. WLDB A WAS* SAMPSON Ftftttwib Paper Gives Imyrrs Gnat Beast. Sampson is eoe of the mem fer tii* and productive eounOcs in North Corel In*, and iu fanner* are im provbig their opportunities and util-! Uing the lavish gift* of Nature to a remarkable extent. They are fanning on .cientiAc principle*, end’ aoch year there are harvested groat crops of cotton* corn, wheat* oats' hay. tobacco, potato** end all pro-1 ducts wh«eh grew well in that section: while the navel «torc* gad lumkicr1 business is still conoids cable. Sampson county raises its own meat aad a conldersUe sarplas, whkh is sold chiefly In Fayetteville. Sampson county hams aad bacon err in great demand wherever once introduced. Sampson chickens and egg* ars plentiful when there Is o' groat dearth of such in other coun ties. No wonder Sampson Is stand* ing ot the bead at the agricultural ranks whan the farmers All their com cribs and. smoko houses with their own products. And they can afford to be a little uppish bocauss thsy have meat and oorn to aslL Cumberland. Bladen. Harnett, Hoke get on the bread and moat band wa*. gen with Sampson and you’ll be prosperous for a fact. Bat Sampson is forging to the front in a way that is far bettor and' mors lasting than in mere material! prosperity; moral, educatioaal and so j rial conditions art being doeely' •ladled and vaetly improved . The' “community ' spirit has taken strong hold on the people aad there are now in operation four “communities,” re cently organised by the State Bu reau of Comm unity Service. Much attention is paid to education am! the county schools are constantly being improved. The fact that Sampson is steadily moving along the linos of morality, education, so cial betterment end community up lift is cause for gnat rejoicing by on her people, and. her neighbor roe*tie* bid her Godspeed.—Fayette vWe Observer. • - wm nanu wr~ m§ Free Health Bulletin Pram MUc Board at Health Bays Health De pend* Largely Upon Condition of Eye*. Since health it to such » Urge ex tent effected by the condition of the eyee. the State Board of UanUi ha* had prepared for free distribution a] special builetia on “Weak Eyes, Their Moot Common Cannae and the Importance of Their Treatment.' Dr. R. H. Lewie, L. L, D., member of tho State Board of Health, is thej author of this bulletin and U an eminent authority on all eye trou bles and matters pertaining to the eye and it* reUtion to health. Doctor Lasna has not only long stood in the fore ranks of hU profession as an oc ulist but has unjoyed the highest honors conferred by several national health organisations. In hU bulletin on “Weak Eyes,* Doctor Lewie says that eye-strain may be recognised by the ordinary symptoms of burning, itching, wat ering or aching of tho eyes or by headache usually in tho furhead, through the Umpln, in the berk of .head and neck; sick headache; ner vous indigestion and various forms of nervoaeneoe including St. Vitus’ dance. Astigmatism is given credit as causing 60 per cent of all heud _,_TV. - - -v ■ 1— - - ■ - eyn-atratn and •rrm of wiaion: "I feci tafe in aayiag that nothing haa done to much far th« mllaf, comfort and efficiency of mankind in tha do main of medicine aa Um accurate correction bp finance of thou* ocular MOAOg ** mPf ». Doctor Lewie particularly argee yarentl to the neeaetity of baring their children 'b epee examined whan any of the abort aymptoma are pret ent and "alwaya when practicable by an oculitt, wh« differ* from the optician or opteroetrlat I* the fact that ha la aa edarsed, Hcented phy eieian, and who alone can lawfully uee tha drop* that are aaemeery ! to a complete and thoroughly accu rate examination. SIM Majority. I Thi* la tha w*p aa* Democrat it Cumberland pat It whoa naked hem I Con great man Godwin la going to rat In Cumberland thin pear. He aayt 1 "Why I hare figured It oat aal l| ham the exact figure*, and hie m» i| Jorttp will be Jont 3,190." Tbit gen f '>mon may not bn a prophet bw > from Information gathered fren I 'bat goad county, bn bo* net mitom tha mark rety rmi-k — Dunr Quid*. i Tha ratal# left bp the laic T. J > Pence la valued *t 990,009, aeeordlni ■ to a ttelement made bp hi* attorney In Waahlngtnn Monday, . CLAUK DUNUM CHABGB THAT CONG BESS DWADLK8 tip—her Mm ip AapamlmM of Chrpiag Critics, Praiatog Washington, April L—Speaker Clark tonight replied to erttieiaaM that Congress la dwadiiog la Ha »ork. U a characteristic rtatsmsnr ho denounced such a criticism aa a "bald and malicious lie," outlined uhal has been accomplished, and as serted that the pnwri House had worked nor* atoaoily and industri ously than soy within his set trice of 112 years. Commenting on attempts to cre ate impression that Coe grass sought to thwart the President’s da rtre to bring about adjournment. >n time for the political conventions in June, Speaker declared that “ivory human being with two ideas shoes a Hottentot knows that Oeagreaa is Just as snvlans to adjourn before the caaventions aa the President la." “Thera bus been much loose talc —some of il idiotic, some ad it ma licious—about duredllng of Con gress,’' said his statement. "So far as the House U concerned there is no truth in it. I am net undertaking to speak for thg Hens to Imcauaa 1 know nothing worth while touching the state of Ha buahscas; but the Dullness of the House i «further ad vanced than usual at this data. Of course it to naruasary to pass the ap propriation Mia. Otherwise the wheels of Government would stand stock-still and they must be careful ly considered both In committee and. la the bouse. great supply Mile—the Legislative, judicial aed executive and the Indian and le new in process of passing the river and harfaer MIL Also taro de ficiency hOls. Two more have been reported. Three more are about ready to be reported The House baa passed the Hay military bill, the fansaigratiao bill, three conser vation bills and a n»el tirade of bills Is Wirtdng Aa the lima. _-ThcHooae U the 22 nan that I &wWWK*W mft wottedio ' steadily and aa feduatrieualy as this one. It he* not adjourned ever a magic day Since it convened on Jan uary 3—« remarkable record and has worked live, six end erven hours a day, with ao occasional eight ses sion. When two more hours a day ere counted In for committee work, it roakcj c good day's work, to say nothing of the time mecsacary for depart meat work and correspondence "That’s the record—a fix* ooe— and yrt the public is constantly mis led into believing that Congress Is not working at cil. It is a raid aad malicious lie. "Of course some of these critics without end responsibility could pass Mils carrying a billion dollars In a few hours, but members who era re sponsible cannot pose bills that vat and the tax-payers who foot the Mils don’t want them passed that way. “One ether thing: Roma of these wiseacres, who went Important mens urea far-reaching in character nod vital to the Republic passed vchilo you wait- seek to events the impres sion that the President ‘>e noxious for Congress to adjoern brforo the conventions and that CO’.igress l* wickedly diverting him. Every Lu men being with two Ideas above a Hottentot knows that Congress is just ns envious o adjourn before the convention aa tbe President is. Why in Heaven’s name would. Congress desire to remain fat Washington one day longer than is absolutely necos sary for the proner transaction of the public business." FijrtWh Preabyterial to Moot Preparation! am Mag marie to entertain the Ksyotterille Praabytor ial which meet* bore April SMh, at • o'clock p. a Tbo following la a partial program: Opening AJdrax—Bov. W. W. Moor*, D. D., L. U D., President Unioa Iteaotegieal Betehn.ry, Web Mix Kirk, of Alabama, will giro two loclavea on Mluton fltwdy Wed Tbs aridran Wednesday night wlU ha deliverad by Bov. Thornton Whal ing. D. D., President of Columbia TbeoUgienl Seminary, Col urn Me, C. c. Tharsdny night tbo yoaag people of tbo First Church Payctteritlo will gi»» a "Boom Mltaion Pogrtm*" A fuller program win ho rnmouna.-d later. ■ , ’_ 'l Dr. C. W. Mil. an oxpon of the United Stale* Publlr Hoahb Berrlm ' oa pelUgra, advtsci the two of rate ■ ] Mt meat ta check rite late. Ho raw t: Otwaerdi that rommsnitlri where i j moat te rcarco, km and eat moDle cottontail*.

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