DUNN V0L‘ 11 Dunn, X. C., A GOV KILN OK CBAiG AT ULL1NGT0N Mmia Principal Speech M Great Deas •sratie Coavcaiion Saturday. Large Crowd Present. UUtagteo, April 22.—There was a gnat outpouring of the cohorts of Doaioeraey here today. Tha Har nett county courthouse was packed with enhunaatic Democrats and the town all the morning was alive with automobile* and other vehicle* bring tag tha people from tho country aide. Tha utmoet enthusiasm prevailed. Man who had attemied hundreds ui political gaeheiing* said that they had never aeon more enthusiasm. Jt means, according to those who watched the day * developments that Harnatt this year wul be redeemed from Republican rule. Governor Locks Craig wa* the principal speaker. He was given a rousing reception. Dun Hugh Mc L*aa introduced him In battering Language, hor two houre the Cev emor eapounded the gospel of Dem ocracy and when he had finished there was hardly a question on which Republicans have thi-own down tho gau&tlet he had not taken up and discussed m a mauner to sustain the record of the Democratic party, lie vigorously championed the Wilson ad ministisUoa, showing ■>> ummlro vertibli reasoning trial tha peop.* have ovary reason to be grateful that for the past thru* years the IVtao erate have beam in charge of the af fair* of the country. )ie lauded the work of ttenaior bimmuns as the leader of the Dcnmcialic forces in the ha.su ui thu achieromcnie that hava been for the benefit of tho poo Goromor Craig ili»au»d the tar iff At ftotsM length He took the po tklkm that under the Wilton *dtn»i iatralron thu policy of the govern tM changed from one of »pe ciai privilege to one of Justus to ail the people, that the Republican pol icy of protaction could not bnag prosperity and did not bring p:« p*>Uy except for the few foi whose barait R wax intended, that while «wvarns>*et for their own purpose* aad baa silts regardless of Ibe wel fare of tbs great body of tb» people. Uader Repubbcan adminutralion, declared the Governor, the privileg ed classes had levied upon the peo ple of the United States a tribute mere enormous then any military /ieepet or imperial ruler ever levied the people of eny other country Held la Check by Wilson.' When Wilson wee inaugurated, the Governor argued, these privileg ed classes threatened the country with a panto that would demoralise buxines* and create widespre trees end rum Wilsons this was that if they per carrying out such a eonspii fata of liaaman would ba I ▼hay realised that « det**rmtrJ at iftc IkAu ol <-iie guvJ aod mat ac Uiicnuad to adn it id coaakiciauon of tbo i*J tfca poopiv arid to giutiuntrat i*fl£i£a«ic uiUrprueh ait op ity to a*i*t ami aeveiop. lha conipir«tOii, tho went on to ay, might. nav« •4 In thuir dujugnu to ruin buHaas* and chjts'vv tbo ru*n u> mo Demo crat* an th«r had done ho/nr* knt there was enacted a piece of legisla tion that In Itsoif alone, In the joiig. aaent of the Governor, was enough to entills Wilson to re-clecuon aiMi that was the banking eng currency law. The Governor doctored that this law transferred the linaneial sootor of the country from Wall Street to the Treasury „t Washing ton and conferred upon Uio regional hanks the power to Issue correuey fat times of distress upon any real legitimate values. He added that heretofore panics had been created fer lack of money, but that ender the present currency system there could be no panic for lack of money. MeAdoo’s Great Work. Governor Craig declared that when this government had fifty millions W protect the cotton crop against the manipulation of speculators he ■ service to every man, woman •nd child ia Harnett coonty. He saved the south, declared the speak er, from the rapacious hand of greed and the 01,« declaration brought plenty and comfort to thousands of paapte in North Caroline who would otherwise hove been oppressed by the combinations of the great flnan edere. Harnett county, the Governor sold •■•l Republican two yosre ago prin dpAlhr on account of the low price ol sett on and the speaker argued that If the Wilson administration was ta ha sharped with, the lew price oi settee In 1014 it should he credited with the high price of cotton In I0IA “if you charge to Wilson," he de Hared, “the temporary adversity the I GODWIN WANTS WAREHOUSES »‘*» the Salt That WIU Save Cotton laduarj of th. South] Declares Sixth Diatnct Cotimiau. Representative Godwin, whose dis trict NmpnM a Urge port of lbs rolton growing araa of Norh Caro lina, wants tha Statu warehouse sys tem in North Carolina ai toon aa it can be adopted and hopes the next ' Legislature will adopt a «ystain. “It'a the vary (alt that wtii saw the cotton industry of tha South’*, j he said to Jay, *'und nothing else will I . d« it. A well established cotton I warehouse ayatam la of aa much Im portance to farmara ai tha banka ara i 10 commercial interest!. It’a aa ne i ceaaary for a man to have warehous es to (tors his cotton in aa II 1( to] have barns to store hia grain or live-1 (lock in. Tha warehouse system would enable farmers to put tbalr' cotton on the market along at differ-' ent intervals which would prevent I hia entire crop being thrown on tha I marital in the fall months when it | ia being gathered. "A man puts his money In the' hank and keeps it there until be ia j ready to use It, from time to time. Ha put* bis other products in bstma i and keeps them there until he ia reedy to dispone of them but on account of the lack of warehouses ‘he farmers are farced to dispose of cotton against their will. "If every farmer had hia cotton; stored It would be aa easy to regu late the price at ID or ill cents a. pound aa it i* to regulate the price of money at six or eight per cent. "I would like U) see warehouses under Bute or National control, and hope some system can he worked out In North Carolina." nut in North Carolina."—Washing-^ ton Correspondence to OarluUe Ob-j server. FOR A NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY SEE L. P. Buries, Groceries and Trices I that plena* all. ♦-26 U. Baetneas Mewing of the Wrau'i CM. On Friday afternoon. May it the , house at 4 o'clock. Reports from, all chairmans of the different depart-1 merit* and committees are to be mad* at this meetiag. The household economic deport ment will not hart a meeting thit week on account of the Presbyter ial. •'**Pt ®*«r tn» country un account of tua coutiagruUon of war m 1914, you sitouhi re-etuei him lor the pros rc'.ty mat has corns la all IU plen •cue iu 1916," i be prosperity of the booth today r poets to Theodors Roosevelt who he predicted would bo the Republi can candidate for President, adding that the issue between Wilson and Boooevell wee greeter than the issue between individual! and more signi ficant than the Issue between Demo-; craU and Ueputillcana. Tha iaaua between these two men, in view of speech horn it peace and wkr-Wll »on the tower of strength for pescs, Roosevelt the man of war. “If war must chme,” declared the Governor, "the people of North Car olina will submit and bear their pert but I want this supreme issue set tled not by the men an horseback, not by the man who loves wsr, hut by the man who lovaa pescs, not by the man booted and spurred with sword In hand, hut by the man who bolds the holy book of the law." The Governor alto dwelt on Rtate issues. He pointed oet the fact that the Rtate waa never In a more pros . porous condition. Ha told of the i food Schools on all Hands, of tha good, made which thread the Rtate and of the system of Uaation which i provided all these end other benefits! without oppressing any mis. Ha Held up Marion Butler at tha leader! of the Republican party and dis aactod the political record of the for mer Senator to the qusm'i taste. It was a magnificent effort and when the Govern or concluded He eras overwhelmsd with congratulations on tha splendid argument for Demo cracy which ha had made. Democrats are confident that they' Will carry the election this fall. They are leaving nothing undone that win conlrfbata to that and. CLOSING EXUC1SK , ANGUS SIGH SCHOOL Angler StaU Ugh school closed Ihiday night with appropriate tm ciaas. Tha tarm )u»t ended was one of the nxwt successful ia tha history of the institution, and its Influence was felt throughout a large portion of Haxnstt county. Mr. B. Schilling of Raleigh, attended tha axarrlsee and said yesterday that ha tad u/er earn anything of it* kind any bade*. “It baa been my good fortune,' ■aid Mr. Schilling, —to witness oaa of the finest commencements I hare aver seen. The school house a*l the grounds surrounding It at Artgiai ware beautified by deearaUoes which •applied a moat pleasing effa it. Tha school. Itself, ia aa imposing menta tion, grown op from the moV hum an of little log houses to tha point whero it ranks among the fnreeamt of the StaU. "Superintendent Dowd, his as«-4> lag leecben, the pupils an! tha townspeople worked ia an Urn to ninhe the commencement ana eradt table to them and to tha hu’.r itiia, erd they succeeded admirably. 1"le recitations, declamations, dialog .e*. end other features of tha iw.g.a-i were perfectly carried out, ue ia flerti-d credit to ell cones road. Mr John A. Oates, of Peyettevn, >, ,•< livcrcd the commencement address. He spoke very highly of tha lastitu :ton and in advising tha yeoag pro pic to whom ha spoke ha tokl them 10 be brave, strong, port, free *iad ly friendly and haipfaL -Miasm M. U Dowd sad A'a tor ■ rby and I. J. Stephenson wens tSaae Co complete their training *» thr •chool this year.”—Mows and Oh «erver, 24th. I KGE VOTERS TO REDEEM HARNETT Dsmocra'o la Ceualy Caarm<cea Saturday Adapt Ringing Raaa Intioass Dalsrii Wlisaa. The raaolvtioaa adopted by the Harriott county Democrats doaignat id Wilson as a "°—rlrlsat wihoot a lupenor la the annals af ear histo ry." endorse.the nstlasial aad State Lha Daeoocrcy to power la tha cows* :y. They won ea followsi "We, the Democrats of Harnett county in coot cation assembled. re new our allegiance to the Haw hon ored principles of our party, and re joice to see a nations) ad minis ten lion faithfully and consistently work ing into practical form tha graat Democratic rone option of "aqua! rights to all and special prtrilegaa to norm." "We rejoice that for such a time ss this our party baa bom equal to the demands of the world’s crriliaa tion. and that wo hare given to tho ution a President without a super ior in the annals of oar history. Wa 'spress oar unbounded confidence in ihe statesmanship, the Americanism nd the Christian conscience of Pres mem Wilson; and whether bo be able to preoerve peace or bo driven io the necessities of saeriddag ponce r> that more priceless thing—our .ajonal honur—we Pledge Urn oar n.livided support. "Wo endorse and approve tha -id achievements of tho ad '...us'ration of Governor Oaig and; ij* Xeliow State officers, and an proud of the fact that Democracy' pas given to North Cura Man tha greatest amount of ~Tii iij for th« least burden of taxation of any State m the Union. “We appeal with «—ide—e te the voters of Harnett county to nature the county agate to the sisterhood of Dccnoc retie rule in the county ■nay not die, but that the eemasax daJ and agricultural iatoreets of the county may ha encouraged. that pub blic education aad health of ear pea pie foetered, ontll we ere brought t<> *h*t atotc of development ta right ly enjoy and use tho county's great natural roaoarcaa. “We donoonce the pcuan Repub lican adminldtration of the county ae being narrowly partisan, aad In competent of giving the people of the county a pmgisaelie government ■ bay came Into oOee crying extrav egance, and yut, they have tocreai ad the ceuaty'e axpeoditarua; at the ■aae time showing thamaelvee eith er an willing ar incompetent te inae guraU any movement far the coun ty'* prograaa or te maintain thoee already started. “We pledge the nomlaiee of the Democratic party. If ckeeted to af hce la the county, te be the aarvaato <d the whole people rather then act ae their arrogant msattra; to ad minister the adheaa of the eonnty net for party or fhmily advantage, but to aerve the pnh«e went, aad thee reetore ear county govoramml te a place of rnudfaan and rasp sit sa noesasary to a people's si writ) end nregreee.* **AD TH* DU** DISPATCH *■ c. Smith, 116 acres la er alien, J. W Gregory, f§ township; neU Poejr Dr. A. L. L. rover at the feaal eeheol of the cm varsity of i> whict cerrobc itui the haewledge that ^.oeU tea i of tat liver. Dr. lirover (that found la a aeries of three haadt if aatopeies aa rab bis that eirrdi ate of the hear was not a Ctaoitien to ho ex posted from natural tauaae among these animals. .*« hie proceeded to hie axpari nwate and administered a 64 par oeot alcohal 6y mouth to each ran mt and did Una aaeh morning before leooing In Inatateoa of the toper's morning tonic' or "eye-epoaer. ’ moi fourteen rahlta wars ezperi -~ntad upon and these lived from at.ee to twelve months, la all, ax es Were aiantfsat and vanad front •fight inertass of liver connective use t« mortal cirrhosis. -'Iba more thee drug is experi mented wuh,” says the State Board ol Health, "the more it la found a u*«« sf sic knees sod death. For due reason many state departOMiite of nsmith neve taken the pooitjoa bmhiaat u thag has boa previously on uptod, by meoalieta.’' Hliuod, April HA.—Mrs J. W. *ii..lentOa wae keatoas to lit John CM.ies McrioUl Book Club ihur. Mjr afternoon at 4 o'clock, (be presi dao., Mrs. J. k. Barbour, profiling. U «M a pleasant aftamaon wltk ahaaaspeare, after roll cull, to which each matnbor responded with quota toms from Shakaapaara. 11m fal lowing program waa rendered; Skatek of Bbakaopoaro, Mra. M T. Britt; ghakaspeenan Wit, Mra 1. R. Barbour. Sbakoupaaroau romance contest “"darted by tka hoateao. A« quae Uotm wore to bo answered will ames af ghahaapaers'a plays, aili Mra. W. H. Royal and Mrs. M. T Britt tied as tbs moat successful eoo teatonto. Mrs. Reyal draw tha loa| straw and was prancttd with i handsome book ad Browning’s po •“‘a- Mrs. Preston Woedell waa th. ooaaelatlara prise, a aalqas beak an titled “Don't Trouble." After the kasha wan exchanged tha hoataaa ■ erred delicious crash and cake. The neat muting is t ba with Mra. J. T. Stanford aa th »th of May. Mr. P. 8. Oeoper, who kaa Han in Florida the peat two mritfa. | new hi Asheville. where be wfl] k far Aetna time. Ha want to Aahc villa aa tka advise ad hlapkyaiaia wba decided that ba waa net able t rstam to Dm* and aaiumi foe ft •peaefoahtoa af kb work. Mr Cooper la still with him. ceoltfca 'S V*" BapuNig dm frowr ** •< • W*,mty g^art' north ot esUMTffgea |M If «■*. «**••*» »■ wn»t to moMMU ~ April tt^-At the iavita Uoa of Mias Bertha Mum, the farmer secretary of the eleea which graduated from Beeler High school on the gbcth of Map, im. thea# who comprised it* membership gathered at her ptcaeaat bom* here Monday night to celebrate the third anniver sary of the event- , Sines the time of graduation three out of the claaa of nine have em barked upon the see of matrimony, bat the fact that they were married, did not retard them from entering very heartily into the enjoyment which wee prevalent on the occa sion. It was the pleasure of the host see to have eight of the nii-e present; the ahseat one being Hill Nettie Andersen, Class Poet,1 who has a position as > teograp) or in Headeraou. The others ware Mies Hattie Alien, Mrs. John Hall, Miss' Bertha Johnson, Messrs. John Hell, Eh Morgan, Wtltar 8lrit land. James Kaynar and Jasper Maxaee gill, all of whom tch.arovd together Jut pleasant times when they warn kludmts of Benson H go -chool. mina* ui use young people were taken b*U to th: comer of the oid wooden bul.iung, v bich bee store been replaced ojr s Ijui dooms brick structure, where wider the tuUlege •f Prof. 2. H itoee they acquired; their “degree.'' Many war a the events that wars related which1 censed a retrospective view of thorn] pleasant sad unpleasant Haas. The ■«»» old ring in the voices as when they romenstrated over Geometry or laughed outright over Preach miopronuncisUons, The hoeteae, assisted by her sis ter, Mias Fiennes, hod prepared various forms of amusement in the wny of game#. In two of which prises *w awarded to Mias Hattie Allen ' JV. Waller Btricklnad. In the dining ream the emotional ones e>'uld smrceiy refrain from , displaying inward upheaval, for b* ,1 lbs dscorations and the courses the times which can never be again were ,] spread oat In panorama; tha same .1 eolera, the sma flowers, the same *’«T0 aad firis. Whether or not the class ggag Whether or net the class gained ( additional Inspiration over the relt , erodlon ef previeoa prophecies, ore are anabis to tall; bat era venture the assertion that ianpetae was ob tained by Silently pledging to ob serve mors closely tha motto of the elaae: “Alton. Altier, Alttastmua." May it aver bo the watchword.! Mr. Ooy Hooks, student at Trinity OoUege, Durham, spent tha Eastoi L. holidays harp with his parents, Mr and Mrs. I, i. Kooks. Tbs fall meeting will be bald at Uiliagte*. Presbytery adjourned to ■Met again with ths Sanford church Tuesday, June Mb. to racuivc K*v W. K Golden, the hew pastor u< the Hanford rhorch and arrange for bin installation. Mr. Golden comm t*am North Alabama Freaoytary. A vote of thanlu were extended i*y pmbytery to the Sanford cborth a.«l the people of Soaford generally for their kind hospitality and num erous courtesies. ^rrdlcta a Pape Famine. "People may not realise t, but ft * troc neverihelean that we are about two jumps ahead of a paper i-mlne." said William MolhersWj, o* -New York, at tbe lUleigh. "Bio* a hither and lUther by the wind, tend ed aside to be scooped up and carried lo the dump ground, burned here ami there in counties* tons throughout the United States and the world, is .he story of the waste of million* of dollar*’ worth of paper, ft ha* been going on for cento nr*, but so luaid ii nu Chcapva at -"uon, for H is only a iKm: of pap ■ T bare and a sheet of paper there, und whot doe* a sheet of paper amount to, anyway?” “Wall, for one thing, It he* denod «d the feraata of tht limbed Stales depleted those of Canada and at UP. mofrant te worrying papermeken and the Department ef Commerce tc find nnae available supply ef mater, la) that will avert not s Ihieettnej scarcity, for that i. upuo bat a veritable newtpaper famine. Whal the and will be f<* newspaper office, earniot be laid, at within taro month i the cost ef bole of print baa advanc rd about lb per cent. A hale ef thii paper ta “eaten" by the praaser el •very dty dally In five minutes, ant thousands ad atnallar newspaper •re awaDewing H in a eaaaoiaei •Imam every week. New, dq pot •hi the Idea of its impertenee? Mas t* Urn wood pulp from which thi Popov h«s been mods earn* fruu Pranee, Germany and Canada. TV lattar haa put an embargo an pope Pulp. That country and France an Germany combined have not time out set pound of paper pulp for n port in two years, go |t happen that the hMa of despised paper ar ! *e vshuble that the United Mats ' Department of Ceasmerce, papa manufacturer* and newspaper me cry. with united voles*, gave you old nrwapaper*.”—Woadilngton Pep Hn. J. L nines and daughter Annie Battle, returned home Mot day afternoon after spending save a) weeks with relatives at Clayta and WlBstoa-flalem. . vow shad fob caw fear Half a Mflttm -Fry" Iwdrai at FayatWrUl* aad "-giltad FujrartcvlIU. N. C_ April *i—At tha request of Mr. W. L. Hawtoy, it this city, aad through tha Wasaira , •* Congrssenu.i Godwin, half a aU H®a pouag ahad here bean aaat la Mr. Hawley aad fimltiil ha tha i Capo }«ar rleer hare. Tha Obaarear ! thia afternoon aaya: "Tha people of Fayottorilta aad the upper Cape Saar have noted the i. acaidty of (had, a doltMoua ipulmm •I ,f »*• finny tribe which hao tar aa i many yean beer the aaeeulawt dMh in aaaaaa. Our Cagruwmwa. Mow. : ilanalbai L. Godwin, took aa Men i oA hi tha matter aad put Mo MW i cim to a*«rk W sanara a few thaae i and of yeuag bhed tor dtartbution r In the Capo rear, aad -.frl ta L haring between eoo fennh and oee I, half million aaat trmm g menial . hetchcrle* n Edeaton W Mr. «. L. i Kawtay, of tMe dtp, who thia ana il Wg tamed than Worn W tha Hum. i Mr. HawWy aaye they ara aa tea aa r aaaertawut at warn eoor dapaattii* >.*" Aa Capa Ftaur Hour. r| “Hot very few ahad wore eaaght , • hi the rteer this aaaaaa, aad tha aaar : ket haa baan apareaty sopyted from . ' New Ban and WitaatngWa." -j - •I MM Grace HelHdny of Athatfc a. Christian CoOegu, Wteaa. riattod

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