UGON OK LILIAN GTON NOT TO BS RKMOVBO CarMBU Codwib Hska laveo d|«UM aad Saves Poet waster His Jab. Waabiaghm. May 1.—Postmaster J. C. Ugou, of Ulimgtoo, wUl not be rumen il from office. Hie job has beaa savad for him by Congressman Godwin, orbs made a personal invee tigatioo of tho charges died against him aad thea showed the poatsffioe dapartasaat that there was nothing against hie appotntoo. B—e weeks ago the poetoffice de partment notified Mr. Godwin that Ligaa had ignored all official com mas! cations out to him aad la tho opiaiea of the deportment had ne glected his duties ia other ways, and •bat It had boon decided to remove him from office. Mr. Godwin wa# »»kad to name a man to succeed Ug oo. Iks sixth district congressman, however, took a personal Interest ta Ugrm aad made a trip to Ullington to investigate. He was convinced bo mys, that there ant nothing to tho charge* and today tho depart ment notified him that they had haea dropped aad that Ligon would “•tlaao to haad out stall to the pet rous of the Ullington Mr. Godwin before leaving for bis district, where he will make several speech se. tonight gave out tho fol lowing statement: “I hove made a thorough invest! of the ease of Postmaster t. *■ Ugou, at Ullington. Tho de PhTtmat mads complaint bocaaae ho had failed to nopond to official sammualialiusis aad especially be raose he did not answer the final, ••■•“■lialluu addressed to him ess April T. “I hove looked into Dm records of aim find tut hi do to the lest eosunusieattoa. • trip to Lflliagtoa to iaeaa >s tow bather or not he has hoaw rendering riBdant tarries and ■U that tha people tharr era solid '? bahtnd him. I was told by prae* Uaaly all tha patna* af tha atom that Wa reseed a* a psetmaeOs I— haan attroly aeMafnctory tha eoaimunieatiaa in aoaa tiM, and. tharafera. tha department b«* daaUad to drop tha fhergm sad ba will am tin us aa postmaster." PRRACHZB ATTACK8 BURIAL 8RRV1CR Rafaam to Bay "Thy Will Be Daws' l» Cam af Death From Typhoid That there is a lie in the burial ■iniau was the statement of o die. tiaguishod clergyman in a public ad dram recently delivered from the *ep# of the Chy Hal) in Brooklyn. Ho declared that the practice of •> trfcing death* to the Almighty ia ■toad of to the true canoes was ly ing of a pretty base order. The re mit ef this bold itatement was tha outal of a groat deal of prafsse adly righteous wrath and tha —— ‘■tor to his afforta to state medical Until and defend the Lord against *b« moot hackneyed of olaodert wna publicly denounced. The Medical Time* commenting on this Incident says: "Why ia It biaaphaaaoua in this year of grace to toll the troth shout tha real origin ef Infectious diseases- Why ascribe to Oad a death from typhoid fever, tho source of which is polluted drink, ing w*tor 7 What have the Dark A#m got on us, anyway?" Tha State Board of Health agrees with the Medical Times and soya: Blaming death* from preventable riaaaiH an Providence, calling thorn dispensations of Prwri 4m*r M rapidly passing in North » preliminary meeting at Coat tost weak a permanent orguixstioi waa affected, leaking forward for i community fair to ba held at Coat next fall. Tba following ofllccra am executive committee wars appoint ad: Prof- Owen Odom, president; Os ear 8. Young, secretary-treasurer Tha executive committee are as fel lows: E. Byrd of Parker school, H B- By sis of 8orraU school, R. D . Eo ids of Basis school, t. M. Langdoi of Fairhope school, B. F. Parrish a Coat, school, J. H. Penny school. I I* Tarliogton of Turlington school. The cemmsity fair lx somethin; new la our county. Our object t thrao-fohU—oducotloaal, agritaltura and social. Thera seams to ba graal interest maalfastad la this oinnaaiani and wa aamastly solicit tha co-op *r>ttoa of all who are Interested Is tba educational, agricaltural aad so dal conditions at our county. Tha following outline progran waa adopted aad will ho tiled la b] tba executive committee aa next Fii day May Mh. at d.-Ofl p. m, st Ux cb»e* ef tha cwaimaaeemoat axardo m of Canto school. Departaaw* sf Field Crops «*d Cardan Products, two directors. Ctot»rt«ws>t of Orchard Prod acts two directors. Department of Live Stock and horse, and mules, two dlractora. Oattla Department, two dlractora Department of sheep, goats and xwiaa, tern director*. D^tortmaat of poultry, two dime tore. Department of pastry aad Dairy, (by “mi- evur lfl years af age) two dimeters. Department af Pantry aad Dairy, (by girto under lfl yuan) two dime lor*. Daparraiat af atvia| **4 fancy £*•..<* •*•"* 1* r«n), tw# dlradora. Deportment of eewta* end fancy. "»™ (hf girls antler 1R yewa) tw» directors. Pspsrtment of Mnnnn] Arte, two direetero. mkMatmlea* *** UMt of Toomto dab Gi/fc. two directors. ■°>» °»» Oa»>. tws dlrwetoro rtirsllsasl Exhibit, two director* Mi*collaae*tj0 Deportawnt, twe director*. Athletic Contest, two directors OWEN ODUM. President OSCAR 8. YOUNG, Soc Trooe ORGANIZATION FOR COTTON GROWERS U the eurrset Imho of the Fsre> •re' Market BaUetin the rsuocs for co*l°* Termor* organising are stat ed U bo oo follows: l- To grew • mere sai/erm qual ity of eatUn. *- To he la e better poehlen to ““•t the oeade of the atlUo of the State. *. To Secure the henedte of aO grading of cotton by the Stain <- To gain in pome esses dsllv eroneo trim tike aoMfioly of local buysr* and in soy cam to keep in teaeh with the prices quoted, snd be £•* JZrtMt* U "■ to mora •*“» *• To hose the cotton of members cUwd -Uh Urge leu, *e eeeding U grade and staple. «• To am every possible mean, to encoarage (ho setobtishmeot of a system of ossiform quotations which •hall bo Imood .pm uteferm grade. ■■ oil mahata. T. To ha la o position to stare *»ttm ahnsro prices ore oafov srobio. a Tn- ... s °* tee Itaith term. •. To mU eottea whea sad where *h* bate price* aad value* may p, obtained, mte te pmaral to eecare * “*” ■“**"* » te. * pecula ted distribution of the crop. It my m* pay f*r former* te * raaia* tar aay oae af thee* purpos es, hut It should fee pH of them. All wfa« in fatmilrt My obtain a ■ of Vy-lawi aa4 itW (nform*. temee to the formation of e eettap mrkatlnp eaesiietiua by wrttlaw to tee Divisiea mt Karim, West Bel M- C—Kateaekm For, News. *rrw»OH PHTSIClANft Aoeepat "—pties mi Americas PhyaMaas aad henna* the Attaa tte Coast Mao have eea.eocud ea exceratea fere of HUI from Dm te Weehteytea, D. a Ticket* will be **td fpr ell tretee so Key 7 see I, Had ted retorelpy te reach Daa eat later thaa midaiyht of May It. Propartteaately tear term win b* raado from all other point* «p tho A. C I* Thee* rotas are op** t* the pulrik. Per Panama tetmoeMeae and far teerJtatammUo*^ apply te J W. ATlAjmC OOABT LOfB .. The tmierd kaOreed at the Booth I DYKE NEWS Duke, April 28.—The address outlining the manning of on educe 1 uun. Dr. Knight dwelt upon tho ad vantage* and program along the line* of education in North Carolina . during the past decade. The even . ing exercises were opened with prey - • »r by Rev. W. Marvin Huggins, pet . tor of tbs Baptist church, and Prof. B. P. Dalton preaidad. The school i' chorus rendered several patriotic ’ song*. Rev. N. C. Duncan preeent . ed certificates to those passing from the graded to tho high school. The r scholarship medal waa woe by Mice i Mary McKay, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. F. M. McKay. Other honors were reed; there were thirty Mm pupils who hod not misaori a day or been late for the entire year, one girl la school, Mabel Woodworth, who has not missed a Magi* day eg been tardy for els yean. Fourteen received special honorable mention, and thirty seven special ■*ratten for good work. It was aanouncad that another grade would bo —*i■*—* —■* three new teacher, for Dext year. The school rooms will bo open Fri day for public inspection. The as vreset Friday night will eonclst of declamations end Operetta by the ! eehuol children which will class the commencement Jobs Cehpin will deliver his declamation. "Americau , on which be wen the medal at the county ""—-suit. Upon Inquiry st Good Hap* He*, pita! Friday moreUg of the eeadi Uou of Mr. Robert Oakes the author - ■ties said “He la yet o very sick maa but we have brighter hope* far hie "covery." The other partis* wh* were in the automobile accident Mon day afternoon are much better two . at wbo™ have left their bedk and It is .bought the other will be owl la a few day*. NIW8 FROM COAT8 Hanwtt County Clow CM la Meat Thar. This H«U. Qm»«, May t—Harnett Conte ni.ii d^.-- - building eat Saturday. May 13th, at * ► Tha program follows: 2:00 P. M.—Roorgaalaatloa aai •Uetion a4 officers. > 4ft—Address, C. R. Mudw. 3:00— Address. Hoe. H. L. Godwin 3 30- Address, T. H. Wsfcb. 4 00—Baby contaat Coatsst com position* and declamations, -<— lodging of bouquets and com. 4:00—Round table dbcnssiom “How 1 Crow My CloTur~. Firs min-1 “*«• Ulk from different members. Pnses offered for next year. Cet ready for Community Fair “•*« fan Bring all kinds of farm and garden crops, fruits, vegetables domestic animals and specimens of all kinds of domestic orient*. REAL ESTATE TRANBFER8 The following deads have been ti ed for registration in the office of Register of Deeds since our last sue: Ernest P. Maynard. Trustee, to Mrs. Maggie D. Stone, 170 sens ia Lillington township; consideration, ♦2.876, Jaa. McQueen McCormack and wife to Olive Bole ftnl ~4 D. W. Bui*, on* irnct la Barbeca* towaahip; com Id* ration, |800. Ed«or 8 Smith and wife to Olira Buio, 46 octo* in Barbane towaafeip, conaidcrntion, $600. J. J. Lon* and wife t* Mary Y. Thompson, one lot le Daw; conoid ■ration, |i and othor vaioahl* eon aide rations. John A. Clnrfc to H. G. Haider, 1M ■era* la Barhecao tawaahlp; oonaidr •ration. 1776. F. R. Clark t* Horne* O. Holder, 17* ncran bi Barbara* Urwmhlp; can aid* ration, MOO. Moaen Ivey and wife u W. U Panpie*, two lota fai Doan; Conaid erntion, 11,500. 9*rnh C. Showvar to Haft C. Camaran, Si acres in Rutara* town ahip; con*ld*rati*n, $M0. J. R- Rhodes and wife t* R M. Henley, lot No. I, Block "F" ba Coot* Consideration. SMB. U G. Ryot* and wtf* to E. M lUnloy, two lot* in-town at Oonta; conakWration, *171 C. T. Johnaon and wtf* to J. B. Barefoot, it M sera* In Avernahoro t^mehip; eon aider a ties, MM J. J. Can* and wtf* and J. W. W. Thomp*on and wtf* to LDHaa WH ktnoon, one lot in Dean; c*n*irf.ra **•". ft and ethar rainoU* eon aid •ration*. 8Un* Mo*** U H. A. Banvra, M oeten; coMHdmtbn, (SOB. Thla dead wa* mad* la IliB. Maryan* Jahnaan *t *la ta Ono. W. WhttflaM, TOO aeraa In Stowart** Ornefc towaakip; ranaidaraOm, flJBO This daad waa mod* ta ISM- Har natt Paat. ANGIEB HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES Angler, April jmhd-The Angler High aehooi cloood Friday afternoon, ine commencement marctao« were of a high, grand and gnpreasire or der, beginning Wednesday oveniag. April IWh, 7:80 o'elo^. and closing Friday afternoon 5 e'ujhck. The past year, aa well as tha commanoataent azerat^a, was the moat eueeeaaful in th^Uatory of the •chool. Tha work thews throughout the commencement ejgpeieee, fully damonetratod tha radii I I of the •chool, and the «dlri.4u of the fac ulty that haa boas ho charge of it for the peat year. yrHah waa com po*«d ef Fro#. 1. B. «owd, of An gler. principal, Mia pep > Fannie Bob riaon. Rowland; IU•» boon earned aa faBfeo peat rear in the echoai mder 2>Ui instruc tion of Mis* Sbcljrq^m^ Thoradsy afternoon was tatadflp with the giadueting oxorctooml^d wore of a high tod- bfiKaeloe or«w! The throe who .fUattd wura: Mitaes LueiU Dowtfjfte Male Ov erby, and Mr. IrpinflKsUpfcenton. The debating nf|n*adftjh« the hast ever haM ia tha aelfctf The query •aa: “Beoolvad, TtBPl o Usited question was ably, 3Cij and elo quently haadlad boo* did W the awakaae daty. The recitation end contmt WM bald Pitta y afternoon at t o'clock. The content waa par. Udpated la by eight boyo aad eight girla. The roeitatiecm aad _ tion. were of . high ordw. redtod end declaimed in an. ttoqnaat and forcible manner. Beck girl aad bey acquitted himaalf with boner, and ro Sected credit upoa the arknnl and faculty. No part of the program **• brtter enjoyed, than the chil dren or primary aaanrieee. which were eompoaed of a “Nigger Mia Mtrel," Tom Thumb Wedding and May Pole driQa. Theae exerciam ahowad that the little folkn have not ^ overlooked, ead that theae who hove hod them in charge for the peat year, have left nothing u make them what they ought to be when grown into menhood aad wo manhood. MedaU and prime wme awarded the following etndenUi Declaimed. , ^ Hocbdtjr of Anfier U Irwla J. Stophaaaon; Beelter'e •Wal. by F. O. Johneon W Angler. »« Kata Johnaoa; Debaters medal, by D. W. Demaing of Aagier. to E i. Flab; and penmaaahip prnsM (Fountain pea) by ltiu Ota Tayler •f Oxford, to Kile Stephaaaon. Commencement Program Newton Grove gahaaL Thareday, May 4 p. a Choma by aehooL Jaek and GUI Wadding. Primary gradaa. CJoabig Day at Be ala villa, Pri mary gradaa. Pocahontaa (a play) 14 ehano term. ■»«« Drill. * giria. Friday. May I, ltd* a. m. Aaaariaa, by ecboet. Prayar, Rev Mr. Siler. Debate: Baaolred. That North CaroUa, ahoald emrt a law prohlb tog childrea coder 1« year* of ago noao working h> mlUa and fartarlaa A (Urinative: Boon M.le—k m_. alaa WaotWoak. Negative: Jam, Bryan, Anal. Gorfwta. Addreea. B. B. W. Damenm. Dtaner. Friday. May I, t.Wp! "" Chorae, by glria. Raritottona (eonteat,) • giria. Ball Game. Friday. May >. Id* p « Choma. by gkk. Broeay Paint (a play), 11 efcaroo tara. Hiawatha (pantoaaima) IS giria. Awarding ef modala Maale by lend. elae. .ad total tal BBAD THB DUNN DISPATCH RALEIGH NEWS LXTTK* Malcigh, N. C, Ei; 2_While du P»t fathering if Democrats la this city formed the mast harmonious pm HUcsl State convention ,w*t has aa* samblad in Marti) Caro Lina within the /arty years that have riapead sines tha grant ramr.itr ^ nn$. whan under the leadership of the immortal Zcb Vanes the Stale waa ied earned from nagrs and carpet - l>a« rule, it had ita •featurae.' Senator Simmons' masterly pra sen lotion of the record of the par* -Jr and the leases that are involved in the future, which so ineietaotly tail for the continuation of the Dem ocratic party hi power ta both BUU and Nation, waa of course the — feature. He was appropriately and ala* lamented kg Chairmat Warren and wna attentively Ustanad to by all who could huur him and warmly and haartbv anoiandod at and at^JwTtf tUl address. As we all know, tha Senator's head sad mind and heart tern tha trinity that has carried him to the front rank of American -—rimfa. and kia tongue ad lunge knee always played a suberdiate part. It was aa aa this occasion, far in a Mg audi toriuta like the scant of this seaeaa tloo his aarnast and at “-ala quant words, burning with 1 were heard only at iafraqaaat inter. *Ms by a considerable poriiaa of tho groat sudiaoc*. But tha powor fal speech wit} ha rand all sear North Carolina during tha campaign aad ovary patristic Democrat in the! State win he hMoirud tho rail. tV buckle on tha armor •t party aaal and activity anew aad oontinaa with confidence tha fight far goad gov ernment aad claaa trr de mocracy aad daeeoey. Tribute Ta Wade Barrie. About the aaty “e*citing" feature of tha eaavaatiee waa that famished by alsctar-at-large Cameron Marri aaa of Mdcklcabarg. whan ha aroao and broke “elate** of large to tha Uoqoenct far which ha ia natod, aad •P«hisg fro. tha rear ad tha as ditortom, thrilled tha eeavoatiaa with a brief denunctottoa ad Marina Bat tor, whoa ha eharactoriaad aa “tha arch-traitor to tha white rasa." Ha expressed the hops that the caerrso tton would unanimooely elect Wade H. Harrii, tha heroic Charlotte edi tor who has ee eouargaoualy de nounced and debs', tha yox who has sued hie newspaper. pt fuclnx to retract aaythiag printed. Editor Harris will fight It out in tha courts. Ho was started by a ril ing vote. The Gubernatorial NeoUnadoa. Neither at tha (»e eandldatoe for governor appeared la the convention and no reference to the candidacy of cither was made in any of tha speeches delivered by others. But there were “dotage" and “carryings on" on tha ootoida—In tha hotel lob bUs and on tha street* by the ad mirer* of each. The most demonstrative and spec tacular of those was the and. at •few 40 aotomobiles just before tba conception, (Wad with shouting md m>rarm at tba Attorney General ti4 flying “Biekatt” pennaata from each' car. whkh announced “Tba Reoord la tba Reason." Tba panda was baad ad by a brnaa Lend and-1n| up by a big •’calliope’’ ar xlophone, aad created much authaeiasm among tho admirers of tbs Franklin county candidate, and eras a striking dia eioaaro of tba deep Interest Us homo folks bars In him. The Biekatt man hubs convention were net haiknaii] la UIHng enquirers that tba J ‘igald worn "overwhelmingly far Blcbot'!’' ' of them assart lag that its complex io® if polled wee Id ba found to ba I or I U 1, and they aa ean Adsntty. asserted their halier In tba Franklin man’s '’overwhelm]nag ns Jority" In tba primary nast month. I bars already printed la “■— ■attars what tba Damghtrldgo paopla bad U say about their hopes and ex perts tione for their favorite Coaventiaa Natan. Tba speeches af Secretary Denials Go*. Craig and LtoaC-Cov. (to ha) af the coavmtiaa. u wu the no cossfal efforts at tha anti-woman saffragieto la staving off a centem piatad plank for “wimmiaa* rights'* in tha platform. "Baa bars.- mid a Lincoln ccanty ■Ulonto. “the people U, Majar W. A. Graham’s home meaty den’t vary mneb of that *-' in man’s )»flgmsnt of flt mm far -ffliiint ter to tbo Mata. Although Major Graham la a NttU aider la yaara and twice aa active as assay man I know »*• haven’t reached tha Vlf in tsry mark, blniUn, MdW aad then same far Urn nast fear tmn aad mars. Why. that eld Os ier hereay las bam ksacked out F«ars t«o by tha grand eM man whi *" Ma« mMi * Ike mrUi gnat M work is «**il aad military Ufa bath aUaa «C tka Atlantic. ~ bady up sar way baa a utee ef cut Uag eat tka Major (aad ktktiwl ■■jar. mind yea, ud 10 lia soldier) at tka aad af* wooed tana. Wa aaad Mm ia ear bn rt a tea far ana tkar fear year* at Mast. Oar coun ty oadoraod kirn with gnat aothuM aaaa at tka Democratic easwntion •M weak and we an betting aa hill •ottiag a big majority ia the pri-l mmty* It mi found that Major Graham’, pepolarity waa widsapriad and “ratrhlng." White oo» itelagnU waa ■oonding tka praises of tka Old Con ic derate than won always many bystanders to heartily endorse what W being said. “I talked and “mi*ed" with a big —bar of the dategntes aad it is bat fair to say that of ad Ike can Matns for n stectisc who hare aa oMmneM emtersd far the primary. I feand tew eppaattlen U tka present I rennlsdnsir ef Labor aad Print teg than to aay eos else. It is the M^le truth to eey that practically was ter Shipman (wha baa aat yet hatched bis seeoad term) end thnt they^ said they wart for M Urn tka ptaaa and hk raise to Cai. i. Bryaa Grimes a— Mr. ■ortMa^ —dH— tor Inratary of ®UU, van ban aad maay af tba ^Jayaar, Wood aad Max Oaidaai *•*•« > ate and only at a lata- hour *Fa lata ratty, aattbar ad theta u Jnla» aay sleep. la. let as draw i^- "n.-yy-rr****"• * tba W D— ter tie State^^T^ naa. m Maaral aeeiatUU. over held fa North Carolina and address oar. ■•to* *• toe poblic-spirited labor af Tvnttiax tba paQtianl enemy when *■• P*®» "in la November. FaytUtriUa District r— , Held At Siler CMy. The Fayetteville District CoideJ ****>. **• B- Charch, Sooth, waa bald to* •'••* ia Siler CMy. N. C. Btr. t- I. Gibbs. D. Dm tba anddn a), der af tba diatriet. hi the -hot- Kay X A. Heraadoy, T. V. Smith. £%. Saipaa aad S. T. Markham vara J attendance rapraasatiny Daaa gte (torn T. V. Smith *u elaetad Sac r*tory «f the Conference, aad Z. V. Saipan Aaatetomt Saentary. Bteb-1 ten af the tvaaty pastors » the dtoteict vsis pretest, aad ahavt tve totode af tha man than one handled toy date— van .be pnseat , "** 'nnenlatiiea of the var tooe kutitatteae aad iatmo. ~c to* U-o'clock aarvfoa. “ ***"*■■**• S-o’ctoek Mr rtoa* hi too ■ iiiIiiji ... 1*. k-to-o .**■. * uTLS; “* *— M< from | U 11 o'clock Mto morafcc. ml from I to I o'clock w-.. *f‘—Dr< * T- Gfiibc k*** • SMiUka older tor moro *“ k qaartm of • eoatory , ^ j, «ma of th* rary hoot fe a]) too oroat toaoto to «Mto ho holoaa*. T. V. ■■•ito of tom woo oat only oioctod a dolcaoto to to* Aaaoal Coafomae* l* ha b*H to Dmhma tot. tato, faB. to* ho had too detoaotfc* of Slf tT*m ** «•««*. ta *■**• •* haaar tor Mr. Smith ••1 for to* ikato at Dm. MT1 ftwm EfltoB m hft.i) Tratoa U* Tar. 1 I DEMOCRATS AES MU Or TICTOBT * Fend Ht—Um at Mato (tomllw AD That OnU Be Darin*. Godwin aa Q||IiH1ml ^ Oanonau nuniai tram tto a aoitad aad fenaMahl* party ia Baynaaatativaa m—" Pr^hiie arid uodwia an wall |‘"n| with tin situation. Mr. Gedwla arrived last night, aad Me— genu aad Doughtoa this morning!-1 ti Nmmmm camta tsoight. Mr. Osdwia anaaded the Harnett County Convention briars griag te Kalcigh, Ha talked with may vel ar* la his aad, ether districts. “I interviewed away people sheet the present deUaat* diplomat!* sit uation," said Mr. Oedwia, "aad t am eaHritod our ciliseaj arc very mmtk epfiaad ta war, tot they an with the President to J-Jlu — , ir» for American rights. They ton absolute —■*-*nn h Mr. ability te i to—tin wfaa *d a belief that to feuad to avoU 1 or any ether foreign Messrs. Cod win an tto i againet me. "t am very much engage Wn with important matter* hi which the