THE DUN i Y0L' 111 Duimis H/C.1 ^ . > • „ . -—- 1 ^^— 1.. - ■ -M. N1X.KO HENl'KMCEU TO ELEC TROCUTION J»»*» McCall Com TK led at Oiiaiaal Aaaaull at Harnett Caul . I.illington, Aloy at.—Tha Superior Court which convened here Monday •udueniy cam* tv a doeo thii morn uilt. judge u C. Lyon, prealdoo. mere vai no calendar lor civil casei and only the criminal docket wa* uicd. The aockat waa abort ana it required only two dayi to try ail iho caaea. fha moat important caae w:a the State va. Jumea JlcCall, a negro hoy nineteen years old, who waa triad and convlclau for criminal aaeault on a au-year-old girl living in Upper Little River townahip. The crime wua committed several months ago and the defendant waa ax re a tad ,~i placed in tha State pnaon lor eafo aeapjng to avoid any atiempta at lynching the negro. Ihe trial of the caae waa abort, anu ihc only evidanca waa the ad miaaioo of uie dafandaat and tha *— Lawny uf Ur. J. W. Halford and Or. U J. Arnold, together with tha tes timony of the mother at tha child, lbu jury .eturned a verdict of gall i a—* Judge Lyon aantancau Juasi McCall to ba alactroeutad on July 10 laid. When the Judge naked the convicted man if be had anything to! aay wny he should not be tin! in rail to deatn be sani be had nothing to1 ■ay The del an dan t waa represent-! rn he II An D U U.l __•_A •> gt I k ounic, being appointed by the court. Ibc thenif J. 14, Byrd, end Judge Lyon espKIH4 gratitude that the people of Uametf bad been 10 law abiding a Lha midst of such a crime having been committed. Juoge Lyon went home this morn ing to spent the remainder of the i woes with his family. The people of I are plcan ed with tpa work and oonstruotiaa of the aevvtp and water plant, which la eow*gotag qn. The caa con tractors sag the work will be completed by September 1. COTTON T3 Washington, D. C, May 23^—*TEe statistics of cotton consumption Is sued by the United States Census omev truer month to month show tllJ> continued growth of the cotton tex tile industry of the Booth," said President Harrison. of Boethera hallway Company, today. “The latest report issued shews that us the month of April, 1010, Southern cotton mills consumed 296,186 bales, an increase over last year of 21.268 bales, ax 7.68 pe> cent, while nulla in all other States consumed only 276,918 bales, a de crease of 3,561 bales, or 1.5 par cent, aa compered with last year. Par the nine months ended Apnl 36, con sumption is Southern mtltf increased 17.42 per cent over last year, while In all ether States the increase eras only 1Sj06 per cent." COMPARISON 18 MADE ON YIXLD OP AN ACRR Kor. about fifteen years, ending with 1KV0, the yield of on of the chief grata crop* decreased in the United States. This waa due to the greet es tension of the oerenUee end eighties, rapidly Increased area be ing co-incident, generally speaking, with poorer cultivation. But for tho lent twenty-five yean tbo yield of an acre has crept upward at the average rate of about ooe cent a year. So much appears In a eerie* of charts published by the Depart ment of Agriculture. It I* only b ytaktng long period* and group* of year* that ooe can find the tendency, because weather condition* cause sharp variations from your to yoar. This twenty five year gain mwu, a* to wheat, that yield ha* risen from Jn*t under twelve bushels to fifteen bnselm. A century ago the Vronch yield waa fifteen bushel*. Butter eulthratioi has brought it slowly up to twenty bushels, but tha gala waa made at an average rate of about three-quar ters Of ooe par cent s yew. At that rate, if you got fifteen boahala last year you would got fifteen bin hoi* and three and a half quarts thia year but In a nation-wide field it Is ealy by *ucb glacial movements that ag riculture improves. Greet effort has been expended of of let* years to induce better eul tivation of farm land* in the United Sl»te«. Now and then one rue* acroo. expressions of impetieae* at tho apparent paucity of the result* when nation-wide reCnma era eon tldered. But loch aa Improvement take* time—Saturday Evening Put Mrs. R. 0. Primrose aad ekildrea are • pending the week with relatives at LI lliagtea. Ml** Isabel Young retamed Mon day afternoon from Wake Purest •hare ah* baa baa* vtaMag friaada. / • Hal/ a iftlftoa Hollars WiH be Hoe aaa Taa TaU of U. ». Washington, May 28—MaJf a Ul tioo dollars will be the Government'! Internal revenue tax toll for tba fl». cal year ending June SO next, ac cording to a • tat*mem i—< today by decretory McAdoo. This a am which Mr. McAdoo lays exceed* by many million* all previous estimate* will be made up, aubetanUally aa fol lows: Taxaa oa whiskey, beer, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco $303,000.00u. Texas oa the incomes of individ uate and corporations $1X6,1)00,000. Emergency tax collections $81, 000,000. The volume of money pouring in to the treasury haa steadily increas ed month by month sines last Fall until it la now greater than at any time since the affects of the war be gan to be felt, Mr. McAdoo accounts for U>* situation aa follows: “Th* great boom la business is largely responsible for the locreao* in receipts from ordinary internal revenue. The prosperity of the country with the attendant wider scope of employment and increase m wages has bi Itself, resulted in a larger consumption of l***tJ- ar ticles, greatly augmenting th* Gov ernment's revenue." tkmsumption of erhiskey, cigara cigarette* and tobaooo haa increased While consu.aplion of beer bee do. created during the fiscal y«ar. ti Uw drat 10 moo till of the fiscal year, recaipu of tnxaa on rig are, cigarette* and tobacco ioern-aed 46^06,121 oral toe corresponding period a year age, doe in Large part, the statement lays to the great Improve mint in best aaes conditions. The atatamaal coa tmuaa: "Notwithstanding the spread ef prohlbitioa, collections on distilled spirits far the first 10 months of Us current fiscal jraar increased »i0, 011,140 war the corresponding per iod ef a year ago. This is dae in! great msasura to the aSsctiva -an-' forcemeat of the internal rev situs' taxes oa distilled spirits. It to.tiU ading ia distilleries, the revenue of the Government has been increased by probably $6,000,000 annually. "The only article of taxation show ing a decrease ia bear. The cose, missipner says that the lues in tax an hear on account of fraud has been negligible and that the decrease is due principally to the increase to the prohibition lavra. "It ia estimated that the expendi tures from the internal revenue ap propriation for the currant fiscal year will amount to $7,300,000; and even If the coi lot Lion* amount to only $496^)00.000, the coat of collec tion will be 1-46 par cant, the lowest in the history of tha Internal revenue service. If tha collection* amount to $600,000, tha cost of collection will approximate 1.44 par cant.” TEAGRDJ AT HOPS MILLS Hop* Mills, May 27.—Mr. Alex Blackman, a citizen of tide place, formerly e well-to-do land owner and farmor naar Benson, Johnst-m County, aged 40 year* was killed by a freight train har* today He leaves a wife aad due* children. For some months Mr. Workman bos been so assistant to Captain Tillman, the section master here on the A. C. L. Railroad. His re mains will be sent to Besson tonight for interment to-, morrow. Mr. Blackman was tightening the nuts on some holts when he saw *1 freight train going north and Stepp-! ed to the adjoining track to let the | train pass aad Ms supposed that he1 failed to hear the approach of a train going sooth until So eloee that bo could not escape sod was Instantly killed. Two persons era said to hav* seen the aad accident. Mrs. Blackman has tho sympathy of all here. Benson Book Club Meets. Benson, May *7.—Ths John Chss McNeill Book Club met with Mrs. J. T. Stanford Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In the absence of the president, Mr*. J. W. Whitten ten presided. The subject for this meet lag waa "The Confederacy." M». W. D. Been read a paper on "Prominent Mm of the <Wmfeders ty.’ -All Quiet Along the PetoMe,” a loading given by Mrs. W. O. Back ley. was especially enjoyed. •‘Con federate Women," a paper, waa read by Mrs- J. W. Whitten ton. Mrs. M. T. Britt played soma pi ano selections that wore hi keeping with tho subject. After the boslssss waa disposed of the jokwi served a delicious fruit salad course. After spending several day* her* the guest of Mrs. J. W. Thornton Mias Da oh left Msudsy for her heme at Wendell. DUKE NEWS Duke, May 2itb.—Mr. James R. Oakes, of Las renrevillt, Ga., was seal homo from Good Hope Hospital Tuesday. Mr. Oakes received his injuries in an automobile sc cried Easter Monday, and the internal jn juries wsre of such s nature that he i t« he operated on that night. After four weeks of careful atten tion and nursing ha recovered and left in good conoltion. The Hospital has been doing fine work end for the past few weeks has been unable tv accommodate all the patients wishing to ge there for treatment. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. P. Holt entertained the Robins Book Quh. The only special buslnom was the re-distrfeutioo of books, which toek considerable time. Only one member of the dub wua absent. Misa Isabel Smith was an Invited guest. Mrs. Holt served strawberry cream •nth cake and other smaller refresh ments. The next meeting will be held two weeks hence with Mrs. K. L. Hansel!. Eev. N. C. Duncan will leave Sat urday for Weldon to take up his week there as rector for Creo* Epis copal Church. Duke, N. C, May *0.—Sunday was a gala and active day with the fra ternal order* at Duke. The Junior Order attended tervicea at the St Stephene Episcopal church. Rev. N. C. Duncan tha aeinieter preached a Speoal sermon for the order. Mr. Duncan la Grand Master at the lodge The Woodmen of the World at the eeme time attended la a body in interacting dross pa rads services at tbs Matbodiat church. Rev. W. L. Maceta preaching a epeciai sermon for then. Beth these ordere era in splendid condition and are doing excellssit work in the community. The army of membership showed up well in their march to aad from church Sunday. The annual children's day asrvicae were held at the Methodist church Sunday • night under the the Sul children'* services. Mist Elisabeth Haupt, ef Wash ington, D. C, will lector* her* Tues day night May kOth. la her lector* oho wiB dwell oa experience with the Indians of the North Country in Minneaota. Mias Haupt ie of In dian origin end it speaking in behalf of the need of the Indiana in the Minnesota region. No charge is made for admission, but a collection will be taken. Mr. William A. White spent the week cod with friends at Wilson. — SHORTAGE OP PAPER MATERIAL Save Your Waate Paper awi Rag*. The attention of the Dcptctmec of Commerce ie called, the president of a Urge paper manefacturing compa ny, to the fact that there la a soruva! shortage of raw material 'os tha: manufacture of paper, in '.'udia ;i rags and old papers He urges that' Ik. lE.n.o*vr.aS .E_1J_t_ *ml known that tha collecting and sav-; tng of raga and aid papart woolJ greetjy better existing conditions' for American manufacturers. Something like It,000 tons of dlf-. ferent kinds of paper and paper' board era manufactured every da' in tha Uni tod 8tates and a large pro-, portion of this after It baa aarved its: purpose, could bo oead over again in some claaa of paper. A large pert of It, however, ll either burned or, otherwise wasted. This, of course 1 hat to be replaced by new materials. Ia tha early history of the paper In duxtry publicity was given to tha importance of saving rage. It la of scarcely lees importance now. The Department of Com mures la glad to bring this matter to tha attention of tha public ia tha hope that prac tical results may flow frees K. A little attention to tha saving of rags ■nd old papers will maaa genuine re. lief to our paper Industry end a di minishing drain upon our sources of ■apply for now mate rials. A list of dealers ia paper stocks eon bo obtained from tho local Cham ber of Commerce er Boerd of Trade WILLIAM C. RED FIELD, Secretary. FOR COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND PRINTING In Demecratis Primary Jaae k Ibid Mr. David F. Dellinger, of Gaston County announces that he ia a can didate for tho office of Commissi amor of I-ahor and Printing. Mr. Dellinger's whole life has been •punt ia etoae touch with and in the Interest of tho working man. His record In tho Legislators of I bOb, lblb end 1«1S command him to the ponfldonco end support of tho people READ THE DUNN DISPATCH C^fcipiAN UNION V1* LUi4ii Poo to Promalgsu Par Umui IU *«sW 44“"* °T • raore w* **• pirpcoe the Christian ipir i of Dunn was -i church last 'at Four o’clock. in charge of V Prastdcnt of tbo i>uan ChriatiaffrWtiiea, organised on ly a short waOBrggo. The audiancc was composed. people of ail rab gious beliefs—thqm ware no daoom national dsmajfedLoi ailhar ia tha program which )ifl»rendoead or hi tha one central ijoct for which it was rendered. The program, A subject of which was "Sabbath l>4rration," follows: Hymn No. Z0r#"O Worship Us King all Glorious mhove." Prayer—Z, V. fctpSO. Anthem: "1‘ratjk Ye the Father." “The Spirit of Sabbath Keeping ’ —C. P. Layton. "Sobbath Keepix ; and Men’s Spir itual Life.’—D. U. Hood. “Sobbotb Ke.pfa | and Man's Phy sical Life"—C. J. mlU. “Town and Stat Laura Reiotms to Sabbath Keep!mg' J. C. Clifford. "Cod’s Laws Cl earning the Sab both —J. H. Popes “Specific loitaaai of Sabbath UtMcr»U« in o4 Tow*."—T. V.j Smith. 1 Hymn No. U7: Vhty 80.L. Repeat HI* Pralee." I ' Talk* by Votimywa. Hymn No. *7*" ,'My Bool, Bo On Thy Guard," • Bbumu. Hymn No. It: “fckemiw U» With Thy Blessings, lord." doting Prayer: > Perfy Morgan. The eniilewoe throughly eayoyed •very address whid wus made, and the selected chair’ from nil the churches gar* earn* splendid ■» at Moat the lmn to which loto of peo pie pin their faith nnd can aeaemfcle in the on* grant onmmoa cane* of trying to Loeato sin and than a* one common brotherhood ’ Bgfat for it* eradication. • Tho next meeting, over which the same ofleera will preside, will be held Sunday, July 2t, l»l«. The subject for this moating will he “The Relation of the Heme to tho Church." OVER MO CIVILIANS MURDERED IN MEXICO They Were Slam Between Mexico City end Coeewerace Thru* Wash* Ago By Mexican It abate. ' San Antonio, Tex, May it.—More than 200 civilian* were murdered between Mexico dty and Cuernava ca three weeks ago according to pri vet* advices received here. Rebel* operating between Cuerna vBn ■ rui MnriPfl Hitw RtloAail ■ 1 train on which government employ ee ware being neat to Cuernavaca te mumc the governmental work la Cuernavaca. On the train warn ma ny woman, wivaa and daughter* of employ**. Almoet all of thorn war* reported to have been subjected te indignitiee after which a few of them ware killed. The rebel* attached the train eeuth of Troa Maria* an a heavy grade, overwhelming the little guard and poured Into the Mr* a heavy fire Thoae who leaped from the door* and windowa were ahot aa they ab tempted to eecape. Only one maa— the ezpraaa awaeiager—wae left alive, according te the reporta ra re! vad here. The rebel* obtained a camrignmant of ammunition aaid to ba about two million cartridge* aad thro* million paao* of the now laaoa of corraaey. pord May Batara to Enrage Te Bo new Pane* Effort*. Detroit, MIA,. May M—Haary Ford may return to Europe to raaow hla effort* to brfaglbout pooea aamng the warring Watloaa, The peeoibiV tty w»i made pAM* tonight by Theo dore da Larifno, who la ia alaa* teach with Ml. Ford. Ha aaid Mr. Ford may aall far Stockholm about June IE Engage meat Aaaouaced. Buie’i Cruet, May M,—Mr*. Ad It* Lillian Hrflaod aaaounoaa tha m gagamant of bar daughter. Hattie Doll, to Mr. IF. Patrick Salford, of Dwrham, M. 1 The wedding ta take piece <aae U at bar home. Bate** Creak, N. G. Mia* LaoU Bpfth, af Rexboro, wa a vialtar in Maa Mead*. *•' ' MEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following deeds ham bean fil ed for registration in tbs oflee at Kegieter of Deeds since our last Is sue: W. A. Rose to W. H. Lone and J. N. Creel, Jr, lot No. a in Block “B. J." In Dunn; consideration. $*76. K. McLaughlin and wife to A. F. Johnson, lot* Nos. I, *, S, 4, 6, 6 and 7 in Block “6'; lot* Nee. 1, 2. and 3 in Block ••*-, lot* No*. 2 and 4 in Block “2"; lots No*. 1 and 2 U Block j “4" Mclnugklln property in Lilllng ton; consideration, $714. 1>. J. Godwin and wife and other* to Edgar J .Godwin. 76 terw in Averasbcro township; consitieration * $600. F. J. McNeill to W. H. McNeill, *0 scree in JohntotiTilla township; con sideration, $io and other valuable considerations. P. J. McNeill to Sarah E. Mc Neill and Mary Ann McNeill. SO acre* in Johnsonvllie township, con sideration. $10 and other valuable considerations C. R. Wright and arife to Edward W. Mordecai, lot* M, M and 00 in terwa of Duncan; consideration, $S0. Rebert Beasley and wife to Seth T. Hodge*. 1* S-4 acme fas Aversa bore township; comhdrrstion, $600. Alonso Johnson and wifo to R. D. Overby, A. L. Overby and D. D. Ov erby, 100 acres in Black River town •Dip; consideration, *7,000. J. V. Beasley and wife to D. H. Trulove, one lot in town at Damn; consideration, *XJX)©. Flossie A. Byrd and H. D. Byrd to H. D. Byrd. 40 1-t aeraa in Stew art's Creek township; consideration. *10 and other valonble considerations W. Clothrie Jones te J. H. Bellasce and Co., ena lot in Dunn; consider a - Hon, *1,625. C. t. Young to William Y^ung, j aeraa in Black River township; con siders tl or, (437.—Harriett Port. 26. , B. a Townsend Makes Splendid Roe. ard. Mr. B. 0. Townsend, manager at i the Dunn tnaeranen 4 Realty Co,| company haa fat the fteld. Since Jan uary lat ha has averaged writing more than a Ikon sand dollars a day, iadndlng Sundays, and beeinesa is I still coming his way. Ha acorns to1 have an snUmitad amount of tact , when it comes to convincing people, i the vmlo* of insurance and the Damn Insurance A Realty Co., under his , management la experiencing a rapid | growth. 'The Pilot,- a monthly , magnaiDe published by the Southern 1 Ufa A Trust Co., haa the following , comment on his record; I "Men and brethren, B. O. Town- | send, of Dunn. N. C.f haa went »nd , gomm and done It. Pur some time we have had a bunch that if be kept , up his pace, be was going to give t somebody a hefty tussle for first j place la the Upper Twenty CUb. but ( we oonfeae that ere did not expect i him to get there so soon. But there1 | he la. Th true that his margin ov- \ er Bridgers and Brown of Goldsboro ] ia not graai. Bat IPs sufficient to , put him on top for the present. It's! , another queetion as to bow dong the , Goldsboro people are going to let1 Mm may then. If Colds boro and Dunn engage each other in battle with the premier position in the Up per Twenty as the palm of victory. It will be Greek agaiast Oreek, my brethren, and things win happen right rapidly.” Special Rates to Good Reads Cos * rratios . There has just bean Issued from the ottos of the Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolines an ex cursion tariff circular No. MM, which givas the rates that win be to force on account of the North Carolina Good Reads Association which win be held at WrightariUa Beach, Wil mington, Jena net to Mod, inchi ales. The excursion rates rates pub lished are on the following railways: Atlantic Coast Lina Railway Co, Carolina, CtinehAeld end Ohio Rail way Co, Durham A Southern Rail way Co, Norfolk Southern Railway Oe, Seaboard Airline Railway Co. Soatham Railway Oe, Whutoa-Be lam Southbound Railway Ce. The ratas are three cents per mile for tho round trip, plus thirty-live , cents, which Is an exceedingly low rate. Tickets are on sale Jana 1MX and are goad to return so as te , reach destination by midnight of the Mtk. Any who Intend to taka ad vantage of these rates sad attend the Convention, sad who start at de pots where the agent does not have the coupon tickets should notify the agent ahead of time te that ha ean procure such coupon tickets Mre. X. J. McNair and daughters, of Keaton, spent the eraah-sssd hare the guests of Mias Lears Shod. An Indian Talk .at Uafea. Prayer Miaa Elisabeth Baupt at Washing ton. D. C., who has bean lurking among tka Ojibway Indians at North era Minnesota nil give aa address at a union preysr-myetiog of aU tho churches at the Methodist church an lha subject, "Our Indian Fnaads of tho Hiawatha North Country." Mias Haapt will tall what tha Na tion and tha chunk havo dons for them, and what riaiilm to do. It always surprises Intelligent Amarieana to And how great prob lems art left unsolved and how mach work is stil] left far oer Moms Mis. sicns. Miss Haapt had many interesting experiences —rrs the Indians, ther even taking kar dear boating. “The lecture has in H the rory at mosphere of the North Country,’ said a North Carolina minister late ly, “sad also at tha people Mlaa Haupt so thnMMy dsongju. com bining la a fine balanced antartam mant, iastreetteo and entertainment" A voluntary missionary offering will be takas. CHOOBING A CONGRESSMAN of lotto )m1I dotn cAilUttM is the Add, the ffixth District win on next Saturday weak te P«no««l chT^cte, or p^hU^oMd of uy of thoao —-“-‘-t-r. pashapo notUa« very hanefal cae be said, pf course these af then who have Iwld public office have incurred the disfavor *f carteia of the voters, for so ana can stir fren Ms lair of yri rate seclusion without —‘-jng esne enemies. AU af these half -* candidates an naa deeming tnO o* th»,r people aad sons ef then But theta is oaa caMMnTaM^ hen eh oat when there fc ao an wrtaMty. He ie triad. Be has hasa «*ted by ths add teat ef experience. Us has served Ms apprenticeship usd bacons fenillar with the duties >f ths sffies. Ja —|—fty te anas Ac district, ha haa the Imgsrteat ad rantace af heiac already trained te de work. He has wea the steading aaKaasafa ^cALJEr^EeFBSBSE^ jodwia will aot »~fipt te aaent hat he has not "base aa the job. ’ (he <a tenets af the Sixth Dietrtet tave been Me dally thoagkt, end fur tis district he has werhsd with a vstebfuloen that mast be yi—-<-g Kid acceytabls te thoaa who aa with ha peat majority of ths voters, de mand nothing of thair public officials lut good service. He has eat eater id to this fsetioa sr that, be has aot >e«e led aroead by the apssa rt rings if this sr that rrmnlaeal nt, bat '• has been faithful to the raaW aad Da of his district. Ths naseni tend with Godwin. But ho hat not nnaflenl himself te! retting "perk" far the Sixth Die nct. That he has gat a than af! manna] aid for Me district u art' o his discredit. This aid was merit d, sad ft is to Ms credit that he hea able to get it, Mat be has stood rae on ail gnat national iaeon «h»* lavs corns before «-gn, *_u.f ha past two or three years. He has tood loyally behind ell theae peet nsasuns that Woodrow WUooa has ocommendad to Congress. He has ocapted ths laadarahin of the Pr—i «"t town he bettered the things he Preeident ku stand far, and ti»~ •caaae ha believes that the only 'ay for the DeaMamtie party to hold ogathar ia to recognise a laader aad oilow him. Godwin has aaeor, like ome ef ear other nimgruaami n. band himself on the wrong band r«gon and had to shift position. Be *a had the wisdom to choose right a the drat fmteses when the taeoa ras presented. And that he has baas Me to da ea among the many per. daniog problame that hare been ef the Issue, an every T— >o North State congressman has boon oar* saocaesful than Godwin. WWW ion. Ctaode Bltahln, with al to aa> utonaas and with his long expert mas, has been tangled to the mesh 's ef hU mistakes aad —■«-T'- . tod while Haa. BeM. N. Page has rot toot in the fogs of the aatianal iroblaam pressing «n f mgrem and hrotoa up his asat to flap all', H. L. ladwto haa atoarad straight ahaad rithout heal tattoo or lass of dtree len, and stands today to fal wart ng harmeny with the plana md par •oaas af tha Democratic patty, and • real asset to the Presides* aad la tha party la Oengram. With .. rrpmieneef me. with s "•card ea etoaa already ripimmlla* them, the retort ef tha flap lid dianld, aad wa baiter*. will bar* hoi little difficulty to deciding whom H»y wiU support ea the third day *f fans. Godwin deamin by oaery >{gn to win.—Harnett Btp actor. . Raleigh, N. C„ May BU-lbty th»ee eandfcla tae to the Statowtto primcrtcc for -irmf-atlin* to Btota, «°n*<ee«*eaal and Jiihtfl oMcae, Sl ed their carttted —-—iT~ti of ea peaaes af their need! lie »y ap to May 24, and com. ■—-- , are made, Um haarieat —y-1 m. ported bring to the nee far pacer nor ead for Cmigrem, r ~l rlrilj to tha Seventh diatrict. whore the flght ia on aaeoog Democrat* to wto me reerion to , phe U not coalring The uertiftoaUetu at iqaew la the or der of thetr rogirtratim to Om Mm of the Secretary of State fallow: C«w*»er—1. L. Daoghtridgo, Hr 2MA4; T. W. Bickett, 2,1*071. <Ne report from Frank Ltanry, lipH aa) I leaf an* at Governor — O. Mag Gardner, ISAM. Bacratary of State—J. k|m GAame. 21JP0J8; J. A. MgtoOto. <MA07; Uayweod dark, MU4; «. L. Strowd (Republican), HU*. State Traaeorer—B. R. Lacy, ***0; J. 8. «*nn«, *87006. State A editor—J. Q. a. Weed (Re publican), RU Inca ranee Qe—todk——I. E. Yoaag, *170; T. a McCleneghea. *2*0; J- W. Hardee (Repehiicae), . *1027. Attorney General—T. H. Chive*. *7*0; Mtotoad Jraea, **M; J. 8. Manning, *380; M. A. Stedalr, *110. Corporation Coanaieeieaer W. T. Lae, **71; D. U Boyd, MM; K. J. rwaon (Bapubbcaa), MO Coour if lionr ot A|H«altm-4 11 llekka S4M ffl. A V ~ cm. peblioea), M*S A.' J. tUBmm|W W. A. Gnku, tlM. . at Labor aai Pita* portai aolli| mm thaa their prt auml of glow too Uknri^* ***** Socood DUtrict—C W. ltltrholl. WO* AS; dndo Bit chop. *ina ip ■tatk QUtrlct—K. p. Tooac, «0M; Q. B. Nimocke, Ml*; i- W. Uttla. *070; J. A. Brown. MIS; H. L Oai win. 117A0&. Seventh Diotriet—-T. A Flaky. *1*0; H. A Varner, HA00-, L. A BoWaaoo. 12,067; U. L. Spence, *L sss. Kshth DUtrict—fl. A WilUawa (PlWlKltraw \ If mb*, Ninth DUtrict—Jake NewoU, MS. Tenth Diotriet—Charles A Guaa M*; B. V Weaver. MTS; BeL CUI krt, $14*. HANCIUntt NEWS Manehestar, May 15.—Ayala they hm Ha* hkh| Tha Hon. H. L. Godwin na* oat hora Wednesday. fwtawtw mt FayattoriUa, Mr. J. B. "rillml. who la hit warm friood, cum wtth hfn. Mra. 0. A. Waddall aad doagfctsr Katharine, want ta aaaaaeaeasaaat at SC Mary's. Miaa Elisabeth WaddaU, wka tea tuaa a atndaat at SC Mary's, antoad in collage at Wlnateo-Batee, home Wednesday. Miaa Aaaia MeCorteek ante! Thursday from Flora “--'--ill Collaga. Miaa Katk Can. who tea tea at Flora Maodoaild CeSege for da past school yaar, waat ay ta JsasWra to bar baa Thursday. Mr. WHltea E. WUItena cam ay roeoanaiUriitg for oo other ateool yoar. Mr. aad Mrs. D. 1. lord wii Ism* far CaUfamia next Toss day. Owr Veer it graac Mte Tana Shall af tte St, Mary's school is rMtiag Mra. T. L. tes* for a faw days. Mrs. ASaa D. Cask mt ~wrtrttt and son Manama are aisUtag Mra. 0. A. WaddaU. Ail tte oonatry folks testify that Mr. H. U Godwin tea 4mm mmm ter ASSIST AMT SMCTIQM FOMMAM killkd w rATirmui

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