Wo wish to uaoaace to our frieads aid tkepafe he ge*orally,,tfeat wt ktw> wol igaippid pnp M^npalr skop oo East Bread Street, aad solicit > pools* efyow fewest. We kavc aspic aad (Tpirmcid force to do week geickiyaad presnthr ! aad ew prices are reasoaafelc. We fire all work eatrasted to oarcare oar personal atteatioowfekk ooeau tkat yoa get tke feest service it is poooikle to give. We wfll appreciate i coll tnm yoa IYmts for acnrtce, WOOD & MARTIN, Dram, N. C. T. 1 ¥• Ikkt a 3-d.kj W Hm SU* | -SAFETY FIRST Tha strength of a financial institution lie* in Us capital and uaatAltsbMaraUa history and thn ability, character and •taadkg of mao who conduct to affair*. Possessing all tbaaa qualities u an auuuit dagroa, the Bank af Har ■att solicits yoar account. W* want to ssndru •“W ran In anything portable to finane*. Our ral ‘•bs* afl ba mutually profitable. If you will coma bit our bank or write us, wo will ba Ptanaad to giro you particulars ram ssidui aur strength “baity la giro you just tbo kind of banking ssrrks Bank of Harnett DUKE, - NORTH CAROLINA > WILSON & LEE PtoM SI Dan, N. C. to Drag* «ai Met Aittdaa . : I Why You Should Own a Maxwell I I Comfort it i» » comfortable riding car. Plenty of room for five I "foPi •oft cushions; springs made of the best spring steeL ■ scientifically heat-heated, accurately suspended and balanced You fl will always be comfortable in a MaxwelL ■ Appearance Second, because the Maxwell is a trim, smart, good-looking car. fl “7%** Tou, know» copied the I general hnes, the shape of the body and hood of the MaxwelL This is fl more of a compliment than an infringement ■ Service Tturd, because the Maxwell, being a product of thirteen years evolution, fl is *o designed and manufactured that it gives unfailing, consistent and fl and satisfying service to thousands of owners. H I LOW Fourth, because you get everything in a Maxwell that you can get in First-Cost any *** ™ yOU got 14 for le*» money. The answer to this is that the Maxwell is a light car and it is built in enormous quantities. The Maxwell Co. is oneVf £ tWU?g«tIrS ducers of high grade motor cars in the world. ****** *****^ • After-Cost M“WeU *" ■*" »" —• "•«“ dollar than - ^ ^***i£f or d?nbt- » is bur honest belief end we to prove ltjr, Maxwell owners, by comparison with any other car or by any other way you suggest or prefer. TheMax well will please you. We know it will. Let us arrange for a dem Gttstra n and well take the responsibility of satisfying you completely. Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 f. a & DETROIT E. V. GAINEY LOCAL DEALER, DUNN, N. C. Time Pay merits if Desired •ha with draw,’ mid one moth ‘She'd think I was cruel to hej H I made bar dram la a sober wmj wh« all bar triaada are wearin, aldrta eat abort, aad expensive light •haaa aad low-aaekad waists. And mm says aha'a got to hare soma run la tha aftamooaa whaa aha’a haaa in •ehaol alt awratog, m aba gom to *ha morlaa ar oat walking on Broad ■treat with a gang af glrla. I onnt kee» my eye on her an Urn time, if ■he haaat aonaa taeegh to taka care of herself now aha'a sixteen yan old I deal knew whaa aha win have." Aad this la ana reoaon why Brand atraat la AIM arary afternoon with fcehUy attired yeeag girls whose held gtaaees relay the eorbetoae yewtha aad whaaa abbreviated aldrta aad giddy shorn aad ato*lags make tha alder geaeretten gasp They are owt “for foe," and It to only fair to away af tbeai to my that they regard Ode “fua” ao per featly toaeaaat aad togitimaU. The add part af h to that the madhace ad these girts whs era sop peaed la haea a little mere expert, •aaa ad tha arertd thea thehr daagh tora shoald appareatly regard it la It man to mesa ML ^aoMe^e*or hwd hMay ah the prwant (mention on their mothers when, by every ruling of the court, the father ie hand of the family. It canaed be peaaible that ail the gWdUy-attired young girla who •pend their abortofcirtod afternoon, on Broad .treed are fatharleee. Sure ly among ae many there moat bo a '*» »ho owe a daty to “the bead of tho family." And hare the haada of »ho family no oym to aao the two or three tochas af gay stocking, that appear above the etghtom or twenry button boots of their dangfctare; or having eyas to me. hnva they no longm any authority to their hou^o hoida, or do they leave every ques tion to he decided by tho overworks-! mother T "Then ie a strings lack of disci pline to American he mm." said t*» Wehop of California to a reeont ser mon on the problem of tho proper training of Aaaorieaa youth. "A manufacture* shewed am through hie milla where aai«my af rasa did **■ biddteg; yat la lli awn homo ho tmtmmi that t disobedient 7-year otd son was a problem ha had aover haan able to haaiBa. Ha canid dis cipline IA*0 area, yat ha confessed Umeetf enable to eaaet obedience from a 7-yaaf eld dfii* It Is a weak admta.lon to make, had yut if this la nad the case what are toe tethers and mother, of thorn ■Mi thtoktog shaft to atlew their daughter, to atehi sash epatiinlm ef them.slim ter tod eym af every tea* mi haeMgaa who chooom to bid j5sjl'_c*0y MsaM. J. C (Jm, J. T. Pltt »• L. Otote IL_ Pelted—. 1. 4 r A Thought fur the WmL With every tool there art days when the Hood of life rutu high. There are day* when one has high courage; when ha feel* strength to do any task; when hie day dreams lead him to look afar, and his vis ion is keen enough to rmch to the highest peaks. Trust those days. They sre the right ones on which to Mt out to ooek fortune. Get i»» your mind on and) a day the whole viiionj tee then the wey to Accom plishment of your doairee; aet out resolutely and st ones on the way. That high flood-tide In your life ean not last. Nest day, as you go .bout your work, the way may seam long and hard; you may half repent that you have set yourself to travel it, yst be sura that the vision that came y°n when yonr courage ran high and your sight wsj keen sms the truest one—the one best worth pur •slag. The vision Is the thing. w* do not go beyond It, maybe do not ranch It, yet k la worth the straggle. You bars all aorta of schemes for your Ilfs, your farm and your chil dren; the nobleat of them art possi ble and beet worth while. One soul takes coined A IU fears; it gets sot far; another takas departure on tha journey of Hfe on the day whea tha fleed-tima A life rune high; and It acWeras—Tha late Joseph *■ Wing. GETTING BEADY POP RUMMER la order U spend a comfortable, healthful summer whether at hoeae •r a« some resort, says the Bute Board A Health, mm meet look first thef’fe'kU*"" U W* k*Ulllk*' Ukl P creation. A few general precaution! are aiao included in the hat. 'The diet should consist Largely of raw and cooked fruita, wall-cooked vegetables, milk and butter, but vary Uttl* of meat, eggs and heavy foods. On* should eet leas ia summer *>■» in winter eepeciaily of heat produc ing foods such aa meata, eggs and pastries Beside* producing heat thay tend to constipation end mental sluggishness. Drink much water hut not quantities of ice water. Above all avoid coaetipation. Taka a bath every day. a oold sponge bath every morning on |st> ting out of bed and a tnb bath at night will do much toward kaeping the body in good condition and will make for comfort as well. Weep regularly sight hour*. If •t all practical, sleep out on n sleap wg perch. Arrange to steep In aa much moving air a* possible. No thing enables ons to withstand tha fcent of summer with ease as plenty ef undMhrbecI sleep (a tha open air. Exarclse some every day. Open ah gamee hi tha cool af the day are *ood for both tha mind and tha body. Donl leave iff stalking because the weather U ffnrm. Walk aaly la the morning or WU in the afterneon. Walking Id if«a|ri essential to Health Recreation Ms another form ef mmitel and physical rest ad Is nae —•**7 t* mental and physical health. Vacations, eatings, camping parties anything that will give diversion, tha* win break tha monotony and grind-will he beneficial and health making. Other preeaatiecia waking far per eawal comfort during the rammer w»! D otny of tha Station that if farmer* •re to put In the acreage eachfall t^at should go in they must them •elvee save their own teed. > Moot f*r»er* have found that seed which they themeelvee have saved and which they aow In the hull the fol lowing fall ganarajly give much hot ter reealta than do clean aaad. Of e***»s, something Hhe three to four tfmee tha number of pounds of aeed «• the holt moat be aaad in order to nt n good seeding. One point that »n*t be leaked af ter by those saving their aeed i, that thaee aoad akall ha thorn uglily dried •ut before they are packed away; otherwise they might be materially rjdwd In geminating power. If the aead ar* saved when slightly damp they aan ha dried eat by ** basing to tha bob for a few heart er by *t>reeding out under a shad where >Wn la plsadj of free rireuWttea of **-—Itilnriia Farm Mews.