• . I 1 " B " 1,1 1 | ■ II ^^——■■—■——fc— Y0L‘ 111_ Dunn, N. C . June 14th, 1410 *©. 4 GODWIN CLUB Aa BnUuisdoaUc Une Organised Last Night. Quite a large number of support er* of Hon. 11. L Godwin for Con gress from nearly all the precincts of Cumberland county mat last night ana uiguiuxou a laodwin Club. Hun. II. L. Cook. Chairman ol the Godwin Campaign Committee, presided and the following officers for the club were elected: Ur. J. V. McCougan, president; J. A. Barnes, J. f. feraer and Fred Hale vxrs-president*. Hun. H. L, Godwin was prossnt and made a few remarks. In which he showed that be had received MU majority over the entir* field. Those votes, lacking only 4!>4 of having a present ware very enthusiastic and reported fine progress of his cam paign lor in* second primary to be betu duty X. Quite a number of tbs gentlemen spoke enidinsiaslirslly and expressed ibeniscivos confident, that Mr. God win would win out by a handoros majority, and stated that the groat masse* of lbs people were in favor of returning Mr. Godwin and per fected plane for the conduct of his campaign. There is no question but what the tide is running strongly In Mr. God win's favor, and this club will b* a potent factor in helping along his cause in Cumberland county. Mr. Cook will conduct the campaign out side of the scop* uf the club. Many landing cttiien* of the town and couaty ware present and pledged their support to Mr. Godwin_Fay etteville Observer, 11th. Bole's Crook. June 11.—Bale’s Creek Baptist church ssa the seine I hnrtcay evening at 8:»0 erf e beau tiful marriage when Mias Mary CM nor Bryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy Bryan waa mar ried to Mr. Carey HnnkarWonuniag, oi Wilmington. Tim ' krido ig a-di rect descendant at Ike McMdtBo and McKays of Colonial famo. a yQhi . <* <MpC _ Chatham couplj. North Caroling. The doeorhthma were very Ample and effective. Tall palms and fans intermingled with largo white col umns surrounded the improvised al tar, ove which bung the marriage ball of white jessamine. The bride eras charming in a love ly creation of white tolls sod cViffoc. The bridal veil waa fastened to her coiffure with orange blossoms, and the bride carried a tl.ower bouquet of bride’s roses and lilies of the val ley. The bride entered on ber fa ther's arm, preceded by little Mias Mary Shaw Bryan, who carried the rtng in a magnolia bud. and little Misses Annie White Pearce and Iris Bryan, wbo scattered. Little Mimas Mildred and Mary KJvett opened the gates. Mias Pauline Bryan, sifter of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore white chiffon over yellow taffe ta and earned a shower bouquet of hollyhocks and bloc-hells. Mrs. Jno. W. Chapin, oj Aurora, sister of the bride, wee dame of honor. She was handsomely gowned in a combina tion of pinlr crepe de chine and NIL green georgette crepe with gold trimmings and carried a sheaf od piak lilies. Mlu Salma Plemmlnj of Hassell, the groom's sitter, anc Mlu Bessie Howard, of Pnquay, wen bride'smaids. They ware white chif fan and taffeta with rssl lace an carried white rosea. The groom* men were Messrs. 1-aorle Bryan brother of the bride, and Mr, Foray duval, of WhlteriUe. They were li full dress. Chopin's “Nocture” sad "Angel*! Serenade" were beautifully render* on Use pipe organ by Mlaa Bssst Campbell, and “To a Wild Rose," b; McDowell wee softly played darini the ceremony. MUs Gladys Greet* •eng "A Perfect Duy" before thi brMay party eaternd. Lohengrin' "Briday Chorua" was sung by eigh young girle dressed in pink end car rying a chain of white Jessamin, who mat the bridal party and fore ceded them to tbs altar. TVs bride groom with his beat man, Mr. Bes Flemming, brother ef the groom, an tered from the paster's study wit the officiating minister, Rev. j. A Campbell, pastor of tha church. LaSar Mr. and Mbs. Flemming let for a wedding trip to Washington Mew York nad other points of later set They wfn be at heme to the! friends In Wilmington after fens M On account ot the sodden death o the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Bryai tha wedding reeepUem area called of Out-of-town g a seta were: Dr. an Mr a. Leroy Flemming, of Bnfteld Mleeae Alma. Salma and Myra Flea "lag, ef Hassell; Mr. Fonuydaeal of Whlterille; Mr. Dare Sloan, a Wilmington; Klee Brtssie Howard. « Ftnrney Springe; Mr. end Mrs. Nat Bryen. of Kllsehethm ■ a, end Mb John W. Chapin, ef Aurora. ■■AD THR DV|IN DISPATCH Duka Graded School Electa Teadtare —Other Items. Dukt, Juae 19.—At ■ meeting of the Duke Graded School Committee Monday (he following teachers ware aleetao for the coming year; first grade Miaa Mary Locy Dupree, Greenville, N. C.; brat grade, Miaa Nancy Kata Long, Hutherfordton, N. CJ-1 second grade, Miaa Florence Per ry, Macon, N. C.; second grade Miaa Annie M. Uibbe, Beaufort, N. C.; third grade Miaa Minam Koberteun of Raleigh, N. C.; fourth grade Miaa Neiic Brooms, Kinston, N. C-; fifth and sixth grades, Mia# Bettis Pearl Flemming, Greenville, N. C.; seventh eighth and ninth grades, Miaa Myr tle Pagan, Oxford, N. C.; Principal Mr. B. F. Dalton, Gakey, N. C The data for opening the school was set for Monday, October 2nd. Monday night Thoa. H. Webb ana R. H. Knight left for Waynseville to attend the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. Oae important feature that comes up at the Grand Lodge is the election of a supreme repre sentative to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Atph Barnard. Mr. Thoa, H. Webb has bees suggested as a very likely oua to fin tbs place. The Su preme Lodge meets in Portland. Ore. August lit Mrs. James Q. Davis ead Mrs. James Q. Davis, Jr., arrived In Duke Tueeday afternoon from Columbia, 8. C. sad will for a few days be the guest of Mr. E. P. Davis. There* • Health Officer. “There'* ao little comfort,” laid a men recently, “to living ia a coun ty where the health of 1U citisea* la well looked after. I need to live," aaid be, “ia a county where there was BO attention whatever given to health matter* and the people them selvas believed la these eld fogy eup er *tjtioa* about keeping off disease* that are almost as bad as witchcraft sad what ia versa, they practiced them and are still at It, from who* 1 bear. Bow are they to atlp it 1 That county doesn't spend oae east ^ *- .7^ oer~V 'lash after their health of 1 kaap them well. "As a matter of fact," said ths speaker, "those people, moat of thorn, are still afraid of night air to the exteat that they believe It causes ateknasa instead of prevent* it, and Mac art the same congenial companions to them that they have always been. If an epidemic of any kind breaks out, typhoid fevar, for instance, it runs it* course and takes; its toll without anything being doae to chock it. "I know tho difference,” tho speak er said, "In living tn • county where your health and the health of your family, even to the health of your children at aehool, ia looked after, and in a county where such ia not the case. Why, the whole-time health officer of tho county in which I sow live haa vaccinated everybody who woeld be, free of charge, against smallpox and typhoid fever, and haa shown aa how to get rid of malaria, so what have we to worry over if we do our part to keep well 1 I’d like to know that 1 would always live in a county arhich employs a whoto-Ume health officer," EntjrlihiaJ at HmIm Mix Verl Johnson entertained on Mooday evening at her home hi Coata in honor of hoe guest, Mix Flora Cannaday, of Benaon. Muni;, recitations, and games mads the time pass rapidly and pleasantly i During the coarse of the evening the guests were Invited to the dining i room where deliMoes refreshments ' were served coaaiating of ahrrbota ; and cake. Among those present > wars Mr. and Mrs. O. ft. Fetid. Misses I Bailie Childress. Eugenia Proctor, 1 Glennie Johnson, Kola Williams, 1 Mata Stewart, Alice Jones, Beatrice • Coata, Velma Pettaraoe, Nets and , Sarah Turlington, and Flora Csnna ■ day from Benson; Messrs. Orue Pat . tenon. Worth Stewart, Ralph Lang I don, Daniel Stewart and Burnlee Clifton. i - An AMrmative Vote. I One morning not long age Viet , President Marshall relied for a wti - on an amendment that waa of euct r a routine nature that none of thi . earns ton were interested In It dnougt r ts bother themselves shout vetlnt i for It. "AH In favor please veO . ays." mid the Vies President, be I there waa no response. "All opposed please vote 'any,' " b ■ than directed, hat ha oae said a wan "Vary wail," ha ruled quickly, “th r vote is a tie. TV Vies Presided t votes eye. The eyes hove It."—Ex L ■ -- " — Mr. Earl Htaaen, after a trl| through several soothers Matas ha EXTERMINATE THE WEEDS 1 State Beard of Health Advises Do teg Away With Waada aa Menace to Health and Sanitation. "There are two main reasons," says the Slat* Board of Health, “why waada ah uld not ha allowed to grow up and mature. The first la that tnrir pollens causa hay-lover and the second is that the space on which they grow, In moat eases, become* a dumping ground for refuse and all sorts of alth. Another reason aside from those having to do with health is that they are uoaightiy and lessen the value of the real estate on which they grow aa adjoining property. People know that a vacant lot or an allay thick with grown up waada serves to accumulate all sorts of rub bish and Alth, for tin erns to dead cats, and thus becomes a nuisance. Furthermore, they know that It is insanitary and, therefore, undesira ble to have in the neighborhood or! ■van in the town, aa far that matter. "A weed-covered lot or allay be comes a menace to health chiefly whan it becomes a breeding place for flies. This Is mads possible whan garbage and Alth art allowed to col lect in euch places. “Hay-fever is a disease that Is hard to cure, and barely less hard toj prevent. It is believed to be canned by the pollens of certain plants, such as rag weed, golden rad, yellow dock cocklcbur, careless weed and various grasses. Experiments show that the pollans af thane plants so Irritate the membranes of the noaa as to bring on symptom* of cald which persist throughout the pollen season. It is bast prevented by exterminating weeds and grasses before their flow ering season. This can ba dona by cities and towns, aa Asheville is do ing for her people, but the plan is hardly practical for individuals alone However, individual* can go after their own town avthoritiaa and both cam so oo-o pars u ns to get rid af waada and all the evils that are at tributed to them.” Cwfr—flUwh Hike fBUto. It ' * A.^Tifr***** Plata* allow m* rpaco In the col umn* of your esteemed paper to thank the peopla of th* Sixth Dis trict for their loyal support in the first primary. I consider my vote vary flatt~ring as I lacked only 671 of receiving a majority over the four candidates opposing ma I am especially proud of my vote In Harnett county and I fsel pro foundly grateful to my friends for the strong stand they took in my behalf. 1 have always be sc proud of Harriett county as It is the coun ty of my nativity, but ] am prouder of It now than ever before. I have lived here all of my life and expect to spend th* balance of my days in Harnett county. I kave done all ia my power to bring Harnett into prominence and to enable her to take bar stand along with th* other lead ing counties of the State. The contest is now between Mr who ia th* next highest man, and myself. I received in the pri mary 6/479 votes and he received 2,228 votes. 1 have a straight lead over him of 3.251 votes If my friends will go to the polls and vote in th* second primary, I will have i lam milAHtv The time for the next campaign i* short and I will not have an oppor tunity to thank my friends in person 'or their support in the Arst primary or to request them to support me in the second primary. Therefore, I am compelled to ns* this method, to appeal to thorn to stand by ma in this content. I will need the active support and hearty cooperation af ail my friends. Charges has* baan mad* against me to the effect that I have not beta faithful to my trust in the discharge of my oficial dutiea at Washington. If there are any voters in the Sixth district who question my loyalty to tho people and tho faithful perform ance of my full duty in every par ticular, 1 respectfully Invito them to make inquiry as to my record and they art at liberty to writ* the Speaker of the Hones at Beprcson Utiees, Mr. Clark, or the Loader of the House, Mr. KltcUu, or any othes official of the Hone* from whom they win be obi* to get the tree (acta touching my faithful aerrica and tbs full discharge af my evsry doty ta tho people of Use Sixth District sad 1 the country. i Yours eery truly, H. L. GODWIN. Dunn. N. C., June 12, 1»1«. i . After being absent for severe • weeks, Mr. WUlaTd Jackson hsi I again returned Us work at the VII son A Lee Drug Store. Mrs. W. H. Stallings, aeeompan ► tod by her mother, Mrs. Henry Pqps i, returned last night to her home a Claytea. . FACTS ABOUT GOOD i ROADS CONTENTION _ .1 Beginning June 20th. ^faghteville Bemch cart wiU be raa up to th« station to meet all trxina. t can be re-chec ked direct ee* Wil mington to W nghtsvills i pat off et local station it mar the boarding hex me an eired. Among the pnxes Which $re to he offered et the reed ooavtggfen is a allvar cup to the owner of Me auto mobile which travels the lowest dis tance in earning to tha espvenUon. Other priies are t# the'epapty far the largest n amber of Pelage lie m proportion to the dliLsnaa-f te the city for the largest number« dele, gates la proportion to dietape from Wilmington and population; '-to coon* ties for the bast exhibits, Vcleding pictures, maps, charts, etc.Jaad to partiee exhibiting the beet Ad pho tograph. Among those who ere to^hddram tha Good Roods Convention at Wnghtevui* b Dr. & It. Aswe of Baltimore president at the fmerican Automobile Association. . Ot Rows has some vary interesting' Rate In regard to the as* of the ssReml ils hi In Maryland, and sSM apdsuht •dly give us some ideas w 4b will be Of very great value to the reed cause in North Carolina. Mr. Henry Ford has he* invited to address the North CerotiM Good Roads Convention and has apt dad oxtely refused. An address fggto tom sriU bo of greet Internet Sad'phae to ell North CarOUaiane, as tIR Ford >» • vrry popular vehicle in tip eUta Tbs Cdbellna and Northwester* Railway ban just notified dgitog tory that they have pot an rV'rmrl rates to the ceovantioa. All' rail roads are co-operating with A as sociation In advertising the # is tion along their Uaaa. ter* an |_ ^ _ from various net!o«u of Ikt — Mjriac that mtomotiU partita are being made up to attend the'cooveu tion. epedal Pullmans art being ar ru«ed for and la some eases (pe dal trains. One feature of the convention which will be very pleasant for tbo delegates U a lurch sen to be given by the Carolina Metal Products com pany, of which Mr. Georgs P. Galvin is manager. Mr. Galvin has assisted in the advertisement of tbs coo tea lion nod is contributing a groat deal to its surrass. street Paving W31 Bagfci Bom. J. McQuire. of Norfolk. Va, was awarded the contract to pave and Improve the streets at Done by the town beard of mmiiiledninia la special session Monday night. Eight bids had been submitted, sad moat of tbo bidders were repraeented ia person. The McQuire bid wee $1000 leee. approximately, than any ether, end an he fa one of the largest eon. traders In the South hie bid was ac cepted without delay. The contract calls for Texaco sheet sanbelt and Mr. Hrijuire's bid was ||it per •quare pari. The extent of the paving has not boon definitely determined yet. It is certain, however, that at beat sis blocks of Main streot will be paved Also a portion of Railroad and Wil son street*. It is left entirety with the dtoene owning propel ty along tho principal streets aad if they want te pay two-thirds of tho ooet the town will pay the other third. In conversation with Mayor Turnsr* this morning he informed os that work would begin wtthla two weeks and would he pushed as speedily aa practieel. Mayer Turnage also stated that all light and telephone wires on Main street would bo taken down at once aad that all sewerage eonnac tion* would have te he a^h before began. The tight aad wat* plant wfli he further Improved, tee, the mayor stating that a new reservoir would be both which would ho cover ared In order te keep all Impurities out of the terra’s drinking water. The anneal catalogue af the Ag ricultural aad Mechanical Collage at Raleigh has Just bean issued. The new number shows aa anrstlmawt Including tha Short Oourooa. of SOS Toar by year thie vigorous yeans technical eellega la geh« toward Is i numbers, l« building*, aad parties briy la squlpmsat te do the specie work which la Ha aUsstea. Mrs. W. J. Badges was taken to i hospital in Richmond Saturday nigh t where shs wfll bo operated OS fo sppsndtsMa. , NKW8 FltOM DUES Mr. White BUrted Atrhr'et Cash. . Ur—Mill Operative* Thrifty—In teract In Jtevtval iacraaass—Acc ord Wheat Crop. Onkec, Juno At the regular oeettag of tbs board of directors of Bank of Harnett Tuesday at this weak, William A. White was sleeted assistant cashier of the bank. Mr. White has been in the bank several yoar ami is a very competent men ami will AM the position welL Tbe bank reports that the business thus Car this year has been better then in any similar length of Urns in the history of the institutin'). To those who are in doubts as to the thrift end economy of cotton ■Mil operatives it will be interesting to know that tbe mill operatives of the Erwin Cotton Mills Oo. No. 2 unite at Dak* have Wb.OOC deposit, •d In the savings department of the Bank of Harnett. These deposit* are increasing nt the rate of *20,000 per year and rang* in amounts from »o to *1^00. see interest in the union i. being held under the tent Is sbmdi ty end rapidly growiag. Wednesday sight the teat which seats fifteen hundred people not held the crowd Mr. Ham is doing wonderful preach ing end is steering dear oi any out burst of cam tern sat, but appealing to the reasoning qualities of ths peo pie Services ere held each morning st tan o'clock and nt sight o'clock st{ night. . -- wunij wiu uji year probably harvest the biggest wheat crop that has ever grown in th« county. Just at preseat the farm er* am busy with the reapers end the crap has ail appears— of ba. tag an excellent one. Mrs. W. V. McGill waa badly burn ed Sunday aaoming by the exploeiea ef syrup can. Her children had Ail ed the cu with water and stepped K tight and placed It an the stove. Mn. McGUl not thinking of danger, pushed the egg ts the side and white so doing the can exploded and hnd ly scalded her face end non While Mr. Carl E. Fitcbett, who for sev ernl months preceding kin oocree in rhennery, passed the staU beard ef Ehtnaacy lent week aad will retaia to Duks the 16th met. aad accept work with the E E. Thomas Drug Co. Miss Baby Atkuuoa left the <3ood Hope Hospital Saturday for her home at Bunnslevel. Her recovery from the operation for appendicitis waa very. remarkable and speedy. She waa ia the hospital only ten days and the physicians pronounced bar well and randy to go hone. Dm. Holt and Ruff performed the opera tion. Mr. WilUam Councilman now past eighty-seven yean old was happily converted in his home last weak and joined the Methodist Church. Bov. W. L. Menses being present at bis conversion aad accepting him into the church. Statistics show that on ly owe eut of 1,000. become converted sad join the church after they pass eighty years old. Duke defeated Pleasant Hill ia a gams of ban Saturday afternoon on the home grounds with a score of eight to one E. 8. Yarbrough was umpire. Other Iluu *f UttmL Duke, June it—Very greet Inter est ts being taken in the union re vive! ear »teas being conducted under the toot by Rev. J. W. Ham. Sen day night about two thousand were present and the flret invitation was given for the uaavod to aak for the prayers of the Orietlan people and about two hundred went up to be prayed for. The services have been in progreee for one week, the hoot for the morning eerviee being nine o’dock and for the evening eorviei eight o’clock. To betfn with Uu taut was Mtad up with kfleen hun dred Mata, hut K was aeon necessary to add more aeating capacity, am live hundred mors seats were adder around the tent an the outside. Sab orday and Sunday nights all neti were taken and soma people stand lag. Never before haa such an oat burst ef Intareet been shown in re rival week in the community uu never before have such crowds con* to boar the goapal preached. Max Sunday aftarwoon at three e’eloel Mr. Ham will apeak to man only. Mi Ham'* co.workers who go arttk hip *re Mn. Ham. Mr. and Mia. W. Fee man Betts who has charge ef th ringing and Mr. OaadBa, a persons worker end tent mu. At) lienenthri None have called og their service and are entering heartily in the u» ion services, a large par cant c the congregation comao from the eel reending town* and communK; i Probably more eemhtg from I.tlllni t ton where Mr. Ham recently aleea r a twe week's revival. The meattn here will cieee Senday, Jena ISth. 1*11 at Democratic Primaries aad Democratic Prime rice at tta var ioue voting product* throughout u*n>ett County are hereby celled to be held oe Saturday, Safer 15th, laid Irua I to 0 p. ax, tor the purpoee of nominating aeadldato ter Kepneea UUre la the neat General Aoeobly and vaneae coaaty eOcara. AS the cioee at the poll* at n o’clock the Caauman of the executive niaailt tea* in the respective tewnahipa ace directed to ceil to order a eonraa Uua of tfaoee democrat* preemt who here participate* In the primary and elect delegatee to the coaaty convca tioe. »elacting eae delegate aad one alternate for each tea votee are ma jor fraction thereof upon the baelx of the veto for Democratic for Govomor in 15UL A coovontiaa com pored of the del egates end a!tarn*toe rriected a* above U hereby called to meet la the Court Heuao la Lilliagton on Mae day. Safer 17th, et 11:00 o'clock a. m. for the yerpor* of caavaeriag the re vue no of the eevaral primaries aad nominating tuch aawttdatss aa may not have been nominated by the pri me rim. AU persons deauiag to ban. candidates before the pri me rim are requested to famish the Coaaty Chairman their anams together with a deposit Of 55.00 far aegseaas la printing and distribmtlan of ticket* oe or bolero Sidy 7th. Owl? ofleml heUeto wffl he voted In the prlmeriee bat Monk (perns will be left for c*mes net printed ttureea By order of the TUs Jane 15th, me. CHAELE8 BOSS. Cbm. Harnett Co. Dam. Ex Cam. M. T. 8PEAKS, Secretory. Dirty toads spread mack - A kick bred dag has a right te have bis birth registered se had s baby. The U. S. Public Health Servian guards I marinas ports to srrlnds foreign disease. Hsahk to a credit with tto beak PUtk brands uiss Was aarry fe ver. Slouchy posture Health brings •WICIV. Tto Beal MeMBty sf Fanning. People seed to think of farming only as aa industry. Lately they are coming to realise tto truth that farming is really (1) aa industry, (2) a business, (S) a profession. Aa industry is an occupation re quiring manual effort or labor. A L.sinoas as aa oocupotiea re quiring knowledge of buying and selling—financial transactions. A profession is aa oaouputton re quiring ttriadral skill sod knowl edge—scisatrir training. Tbs trouble with us heretofore has been that ws haven't laid enough em phasis on tha two lssf mentioned ptoses of agricultural offset. Tee many of us have thought sf fann ing as aa occupation in which ealy muscular sffdrt coasted, tha saasu tints to eucssss beings satamed, up by Josh BiUings is the famous Unas: “Ha who by farm lag would git rick Mint raka and hoe aad dig and aiak; Work hard an day, aUap hard a&ntta Sara every east and not git trto." Fortunately, however, we are al loot bogianing to get a clearer ua den tending af the real attention Wa are beginning to ooo that whih forming Is aa bodeotty—jeat aa li digging cool to a miae. or cettlni troas in a foraet, or ahovoMng fab iato an angina. or keeping a ptoot of machinery going to a factory - yot farming ia very mach more that this. Tha minor, ft roman, or factor] oycratiro has nothin to Aa wM tho buolaooa aida of bU lakaatry; at tha purchase af supplies aad an tto Mg teaks of sailing tho pridaet pro fttobiy art foreign to him. Moroor ar, for Urn minor or factory span i ttoa there is ahaeletoly sitting i hia watt to aaaka It a praf melon. 1 dona not aall far animtidi loaowl edge aad tiatoiag noth as tha am I eaters! farmer regains to greets I or lost do grot to a damn kiaaihm t tho ears aad maaaga^md af seiii t the feeding aad li rooftop af plant . and antawla; tha effoato af varioo > fnmm af fartBtoattoa. celttoado retationi matt ado of lombaitog an i nml dtoaaaaa, aad a tt senna f otto 1 problem* offering aeops tor know . edge af ehmaistry. Matogy, physio i] ogy, botany, aad a daaaa attar ac f This la why farming to a aebfc •e OOCUMtlon tom ntMMMfiap aa '• related to deratop ahllMy, atom'll ^ aad all-round stodaaey, than ai d other to which any gnat portion , g tho human ram to engaged^-* • la a thrilling alarm toning pm bar* Friday iiatwim Dun aad hmithflaid. Dana want down ia de feat by tb* aauat of ital *fV«a to* bogilining ta tb* aad It waa a pitcher’* battle hitwim Cavinaae aad Southard. Carinas* for Dunn bald tb* visitor* at bi* will far the first oavaa Innings, bat in tb* seventh Sadtbfiald aeornd tbra* runs with throe bite and with tha saaiataaca of a wild trow. C* views ■truck out u man aad find bard fi. ia pinch** Carmens waa iwjr affect ion. Ia tb* tacood inning Dana aaarad two rant with twa single* aad a doable Aad in tb* fourth a* tend another, netting them a total af throe rune, and tha aeare ataad thru* to nothing ap until tha urmth fam ing aad 8*ahhA*ld sewing in their first half of tb* eleventh. ‘-g the locals in an alavan-iaaiag pat by a score of 4 to i. Wllaoa. Sowell Ennis and Shell have the batting hoa er* far Dan*, while Maaeay _aad Smith featured with the “stick" far fiadthflald. Each team played "air tight" bail, aad began to leak as though tha game waa going to ha played to a tie. Score by is sings: BBS Dana .... 028 010 000 00—0 fi S SmithfieM. 000 000 200 01—4 • S Batteries: Far Haihbfiald, South ard aad Smith; tor Dana, Cavinils, Sahnaa aad Holding. Umpire*: Wade aad Hicks. Tim* two hear*. At toadaaco, M0. i Hr •toveath. ftmli eocered n twill to deep center end waa left aw third when the next three aMn to the bet fait to tha infield, and than It was another 11-linlag gam# for Scaith field. Jobnaon, the hefty fallow who baa aignad up with tha locate to da tha work at tha rat el-ring end waa hi tha ' gaao and played errorleaa, atee fan tured at the bat, getting' thraa (in glee oat of five tripe to tha pan. Tha ft elding honors ga to Bmith, D. far Smithfteld. C*»tecaa allowed the | visitors only thraa kite in eight ton toga, who thaw retired baas the game after receiving a message that Us father waa seriously UL WUaoa who relieved him pitched topriti hall. Scon by innings : K H E SauthAeld, MO 003 000 01—fi B S Da on. .... 000 000 020 00—t S S Batteries for Doan. Cavteaaa, Wil son and Johnson; For Seine, South ard and Smith. Umpire Wade aad Johnson. Attendance, 900. Tima, tsaa hoars and thirty miamtaa. Mr. Tout Sapnaam TWiti To the Editor;— Pimm permit M through poor columns to thank my tH on do for their loyal support la the Primary oa the Srd. 1 did make any light or scramble for votes and I am perfectly content with the result and shall give the nominee of the Demo cratic party the sauna loyal nnppart Hut I have always dons and if the friends who fought me as hard la the primary wUI do the aaam Uad of work far the party an election day I am sure thorn will bo no doubt ’ of Harnett returning to DmaocratM 1 control. 1 Yearn vary truly. B. F. YOUNG. i » a a r I » i I r k i , «f Ha heart it has AIM ' k k a mbt that a th. hghJ'f *. _ r k r. y if ►

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