Dunn’. Greatest Celebration Will Take Place TUESDAY, JULY 4th. Come and Spend the Day With Ur THE DUNNf r VOL. Ill ^ . Dunn, N. C . Juijeglst, 1916 '§0.1^ DLNN COMPANY CALLED TO RKUV1CE Cape Uinrs HmirW TiWgrui Ear ly Monday Morniag Instructing Mias la Prepare His Company and Mold in Ueadiaem. Early Monday rooming Capt. J. L. llinaa, of Dunn light Infantry, Co. MM’*, 2d Regiment North Carolina National Guard, received the follow ing orders from Lawrence W. Yotmg Adjutant General of North Carolina: STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, Adjt. Generate Department, Raleigh, N. O, June 18, 1916. Capt. J. L. Hines, Company "M" 2nd Regiment, Dunn, N. C. “In accordance with tha proclama tion of the President of tha United States, dated the 18th day of June. 1916, calling forth, under the Consti tution and tha laws of tha United States, the organised militia of the State of North Carolina, to be em ployed in the service of tha United States, the members of said organ ltad militia prescribed by Circular No. t, division of military affaire. War Department, 1912, except as hereinafter prescribed, will assemble at their respective home stations aat 12 o'clock noon of the 19th dey of| June, 1916, under the provision of: General Orders No. 38. A. 0. 0.,| 1213, 2 (the coast artillery troopsi and tha naval militia are not Includ ,ed in the call) 3, all bAceri of tha; * Adjutant General’s Department,' Quartermaster’s Corps sad Medical Corps, duly recognised as pertaining to the State headquarters, under ta ble No. 1, tables of organisation or. ganlsed militia, 1214. will hold them selves in readiness to report for do ty whan directed to do so by orders. “By orders of the Commander-in UU«L. “LAWRENCE W. YOUNG, “Tbs Adjutant General.” Within lea* than two hours offer ths above order was received by Oat*. Himes he had etfmmuaketad wtth nearly every-T - gd ttU ■■■tsrz^irsmmas promptly, laid down their work With out the slightest habitation, sad of fered themselves into the service of their country. A number of new ones were enlisted yesterday and the day before and Locknow Square has been the seen* ever since of tramp ing soldiers preparing to maks yood whatever they art called to yo. Following is the roster of ths eom pany: Captain—J. L. Hinas. 1st Lieutenant—W. D. Holland. 2nd Lieutenant—E. P. Want. let Sergeant—C. W. Burt. Quartermaster 8«ryeant—Vacant. Sergeants—W. E. Clifton, M J. Pete, W. C. Honeycutt, Alex Autry. Corporals—Neill Haro, J. F. Black, man. Manly Jones, Perry Godwin, G. W. Tart. Cooks—R. J. Hatcher, Gibb Jack son. Artificer—R_ H. Edgar. Musicians—Z. R. Mills and 0. C. Upchurch. Privates—Jesse Avery, W, Ben netts, H. C. Dees, W. B. Clifton, A. L. Cameron, L. H. Cox. L. Ennis, Ed die Frank, D. R. Hodges, T. E. How ard, Alex Hall, Frank Hare, T- L Horne, J. V. Johnson, C, R. Jerni gam Elton Jsrniymn. lrwiny Johnson, Trank Kennedy, H. H. Kivetta, N. M. Kivetta, Cooney Lastly, Ira A. Matthews, Joel O. McNeill, Prod Ms seen gill, Chea T. Moors, E. L. Mc Leroors, Lester Rymis, Eddie Robin son. A. C. Stencil, Mirk Jewel], Ir bin Smith, Arthur Tam piss, Oscar Temples, Henry Wilkins, E T. Witt lams, 1* F. West, Kliett Wise, Cey T. Barefoot, W. J. liemmtnrway. Rora Andrew*, J. T. Lock mao, M. B. Williams, Zelotas Barefoot, Haywood Butler, Wade Strleklaad, J. D. Lo re*. J- 0. Jackson, W. H. Dennlnr, M. Baggett, T. W. TMmas. Carter McGee, W. H. Edwards, John N. Me leaa, Jasper Ploaaaate. Laak Pawn, Walter Wtlkiaa, Kyle Matthew., James Deuglaaa, TW Faucet*, L. D. Berber, Dock Strickland. The Mat tea aaaaaa appearing aa the list above bare aalMtad this week and it is aspacted that a number of ethers will Join before the company leaves for Morebead City, Say boys, Boat forget that watch J. W. Jordon la offaHag to the oae that dim be that greasy pole, Cklldrva's Day. Children's Day was observed st tbs Methodist church Met guoday sveatag. The hoar for tho 11 istng •errtse waa given U the sxarcissa Quite . large congregation was pres ent sad enjoyed the interesting pro. grant "Doan, LJvast Town Uader the Ben" wfl) have the Beast Pearth of Jaly In its history. Ossaol Tea w«| be rwtwa smd ws want you. UtON EDWARD McKAY Sunday morning, at 6:10 o'clock, at the hoist of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. McKay. Leon Edward McKay draw his last breath. For several months Mr. McKay had been not so very well and later he became worse. In the early spring be was carried to St. Luke's Hospital at Richmond, Virginia, at which place he recovered sufficiently to return to hia home here, but be ing absent from the influence* of that institution his delicate physical nature became more aggravated un til the latter part of last week when ** became noeeseary to lake him to Highamlth Hospital at Fayetteville. The traatmmit there failed to pro duce the required restorative effects on account of the advanced stages of hit disease and it was thought boat to bring him home. This was done Saturday night and In about ten hours ho was dead. The funeral was preached Sunday afternoon at five o’clock from the residence of Mr. McKay's parents by Dr. W. R. Cullom, pastor of tha First Baptist Church. Immediately after the funeral the interment was “ede at Greenwood cemetery. The barlal services were held under the auspices of the local lodge of tha Knights of Pythias of which he was a member, and Impress el those as sembled a great deal. The flora] contribution was one of the most beautiful ever seen here represent ing several hundred do Bars. The pall bearers were Masers. Arthur Peps, Willie Lee, R. L. Denning. W. A. Jackson, Wesley Thompson, Dur ham Taylor, Paul Hood and Ralph Parkar. neon was twenty-eve yean of age, • member at tbe Baptist church ana at the Jnc. A. McKay Manufacturing Company at title place. Hie father, mother, two aieUre, Miaaea Mary and Lacy, and two brothers, George and Jao. A-, Jr, of the Immediate family survive. maay ways. That Mr. McKay waa an exemplary Christian gentleman ia aUaatad by the fact that the book of hie life might be opened and mm of the grow things of this earthly existence would be recorded. Hie life was straightforward, honsst, in dustrious, clean, charitable—« Ufa that would be a good pattern for ev ery young man. But Be te deed end let ut hope that hie abort life may be remember ed by those left to mourn bis depart ure w one constantly struggling for the high and tbe noble, it may ap pear herd to understand why a per son of hi a age and ability should be taken from the world when a life of real usefulness ia just unfolding to him, but there is both cause and effect which will only be reveal ed when the Booh at Life shell be dieigosad and recited at the final day 10/100 men, women, children and Bshies are expected here July 4th. If you don’t corns you will be sorry. GODWIN CLUBS ORGANIZED One in Wilmington. At a well-attended end enthusias tic masting held lest night at Wool vin Hell, of friends end political sup porters Of Men. Hannibal L. Godwin, Congressman from the Sixth dis trict, who la a candidate to succeed himself, a Godwin Club waa formed and officers elected. To* following officers ware alactad Milan. W. A. Furlong, chairman; W. H. Blair, *ec rotary; C. C. Balia, my, chairman of tha executive com mittee j Plan* wan dlsruaaad for tha aac ood primary campaign, and aavorml ■ ddrsasss ware mads. In which It was predicted that Mr. Godwin would carry tha county by a large major ity. Tha next moating of the club will bo hold next Monday night In Wolvia Hill at 7:*> o’clock. Oe* at Councils. Council*, M. C„ inns 19,—A vary enthusiastic meeting of tho Dsmo tmta waa held har* loot night and a Godwin dob was organised with a membership of a tttti* batter than •0 par cant, of tho Democratic oaten *f tho township, a* a nadtua. As tir* officers was* alerted sad a very strenuous campaign for tho ration. I nation of Mr. Oodwin was planned Tho slogan of tho slab la, "Wa wtU win with Godwin, tha friend of tho Wilmington (Har. New Cotton Bala Brings $199. Maw Tork. Jim* lt_Th* Ant bala Of ration of this seaaan's crop was stsatiaaad o* today oo tha stops of lb# Mow York Cotton 'Sxehange. Twenty canto a pound, or $190 far lb* bale, was paid by Gapl* Young, whs mad* the purchase for g. M Wald « Co. PRESIDENT WILSON'S ESTIMATE OF MB. GODWIN Hon. John C. Clifford: Am glad to reply that Mr. Godwin has bees a staunch supporter ad the administration and has woo the con fidence of all of us. (Signed) WOODROW WILSON Tha above teiogram from Presi dent Wilson was received by ms to dnp In response to my request for the President to give me his of the value of Mr. Godwin to the administration in its scheme for pro porartsaea and ha imlsa (he value of Mr. Godwin* pub-' lie services, I am glad to submit to the voters of Ms district President Wilson's unqualified endorsement. J. C. CLIFFORD. Dunn. N. C., June 2nd, 1V16. CHESS ENDORSEMENT As our honored countyman, Hon. Q. K. Nimocks. will not be is the sacond primary, and the race U be tween Hoe. H. L Godwin and J. A. Brown of Columbus, The Observer will support Mr. Godwin of Harnett: Because he secured first passage in Congress of an appropriation for the canalisation of tbs Cape Rear River for Minister Hale, sm| was the personal and political friend of the late postmaster Louis B. Hsle, at ana time associate editor of The Observer. Tbi Observer recognises that Mr. Godwin baa stood by President Wil son and sake support by Cumberland for his renommation.— Fayetteville Observer. The Godwin Campalga It has been generally known that there would be a second primary hi ths Sixth District on July 1st, tinea it was learned that ReprementaUve Godwin failed to receive a majority of all the votes cast—that he failed by less that 800 votes—but the for mal order for the primary was not made l>y the State Board of Elec tions until Monday of this week. This U the only second primary to bo held for Congressman in the State. In the Seventh District ins. D. Robinaon lacked more votes than Mr. Godwin did in this District of having a majority over hie oppon ent*. but V. L. Spence of Cktrthsga, who stood next to Mr. Robinson, de clined to ask for a second primary, though ho said that he felt* be had a good chance of winning. Mr. Spence took the view that R was not hast far the party to have a second primary, and it would, betides, en tail considerable expense, so he gracefully yielded end pledged top pert to Mr. Robinson.—Ijumberton Robeson Ian. Godwin for Congress. An Interesting political develop ment of the week to the fact that both the Fayette vlQe pa peri have •nneeneed that they will support Representative Godwin in the sec ond primary, since their eountyraan, Mr. Nhnoeks, did not get In the eee ond primary. The Oheerver an nounced yesterday that K will sup port Mr. Godwin "bore use he secured drat passage in Congress of sn ap propriation for ihe canalisation of Cepe Fear River for MHdster Hale and was the personal and political friend of the late Postmaster Tools B. Hale, at me time associate edi tor of The Observer. The Observer recognises that Mr. Godwin has f stood by I‘resident MUoq mad -«v •upport by Cub bar lid for his re numinaliob." The C*c fosr Nows in snnoanan* >U et^d for Godwin coeJoios that "it doesn't m«ur auc^ aiders nee how yen Joel about the matter, Cm|WS1s Godwin Is co in* to bs elected and Wsss you so lo* bein* defeated pda Just so wall aid in ths nomination." Tbs News caUs attention to the feet that Mr. Godwin received mofy than twins os amoy rotas aa Mr. Brawn In tbs firs' primary and that wfipa the people boro spokes so r o i a>M of in I n * 1 y la a s favor ths aygymaat at Mr. sooo, osia of the ■finndifetaa for »rt nm; so did Mr. -- onth District and Mn Jama far At-| to may General," saVs ths Nows, sod it concludes that '*bea ths people hare spoken there should bo no ap peal.—Lumberton ° ~li sswiion DOING THK BIGHT THING Hr. Godwin did the proper Iking in returning to hie poet of duty at Waahington. It if*moat natural to Want t« lx in the dlatrirt while the fight of hie life if on but there ie aoraething more prearing than fpo'a own intereat if ba it the least trfk patriotic. During a great world cririr, while i.'urope ie engaged in n death grap ple and our own pbacaful relatione are threatened It beheovee every true American to qpbold the Preai dent't hands. Unfortaaataly the Hexicaa oriole cornea juet ae a great national political battle bogiai and while the Republican, party can hard ly be expected to do anything that would eeibarrnaa pur national rele taoai a till it would ha the moot nat ure] to anbtmu the Preaident and the Democratic party if poaaible ami for thU reason every representative of the people should be at Washing ton to give aid and ootnual if needed. While there ie bathing to indicate that ikn *-- o_xL. Mexicans against the United States for a purpose such'developments nr* possible if not probable. This being true, Mr. Godwin’s pines is st Waah tafton snd whils the peopls of this district believe in a max who Is not too leap to look after his own Inter •sto. still under the cirruinstances they can bo relied upon to so* that DO oae can take advantage of the •heenes of a men who is away at tending to Lh* nation's business _ Capa Pssr News. Laugh end to* happy far good times era hat*. July 4th is the day, Dana is the place. MASONIC PKATUtNITY BLBCT8 omens At a regular communication of Palmyra Ledge Me. 141 A. P. 4 A. M. the following oSteer, war. sleet ed to serve dorteg the ensuing Ms nonie year hegiartag Jeiy i.4i Eugene T. Lag, Worshipful Master Robert L. Wanes Senior Warden. John W. DiMfkoa, Jaaier Warden Rebert U Denning, Secretary. Herbert B Tay&r, Treaearwr. After the alert lea of oBcars wee completed, lights refreshments were •erred a vary dstightfol manner, mingled with • good many talks from several of the members with reference to the year's work. It to with a great amount of pleas ure hi reviewing the part year's work that method progress ha* been shown. u A MR GODWIN NOW BACK AT CAPITAL 8ays H. Ealruats Campaign la gw °nd Primary Te Bia Friends. Representative Godwin tea return ed to hia post here, and wlU remain through tha Maucan crisis. Ha aaid today that ho will win hi tha second primary in his district. Ha came within 671 rotes of receiving a ma jority in the first contest over the four candidates against him. Ha re volved 0,47* votes, Joseph A. Brown, 1 his present opponent, 2 jam. Mr. Godwin made tha following etetement tonight: ”1 ■« back at ray poet and expect to remain hare indefinitely to render what assistance I can to my party and tha adminis tration during tha serious war sit uation. 1 spent 10 days la the Sixth District and made a thorough can vass of every county, giving an ac count of my stewardship before the people, and I would have returned to Washington about tha 6th of June but the National Conventions wars being held and Congress was idle. ■'Work has again started up hem and | shall remain where my duties require me, I shall intrust my cam paign in tha second primary to be held July 1st to my friends. My rec ord of service is open and any ooo who may doubt my loyalty to my people and tha teat interests of tha sixth district can ascertain tha true facts by making inquiry of any offi cial of tha House. I have voted on oil public measures. I have nova.' dodged a vote in my life on anything, i 1 was not proeant whan the veto was l taken on tha shipping MU. but I had a Hve pair with Gardner of Maaaa chueetta. I would have voted far the Mil and te against it.”—H. B. C. Bryant m News and Observer. All desiring to total th* athletic coat tests July 4th, will please sea H. B. Taylor at the First Natl anal Bank CHEAPER GASOLINE IS PUDKTVW AT B BASING Washington, Jana 14.—A fall %in the prica of gasoline may ha lacked far at any time. The price la Ban sat at th* refineries has already fal len from 21 cants to 17 1 leant*. A period of over-production at crude oil, which brought about low price of gasoline mare thaa a year ago, is about to be experienced again. These are a few of the statements that startled the federal trade com mission at the second day of its hearing of the visw* of the oil pro ducers and Jobbers and refiners on ths bigb price of gasoline. Host of the statements along these lines wars mad* by T. J. Jamas, secretary of the Association of Refiner* of Kansas and Oklaho ma. It was when ha was asked regard ing the remedy for preosnt condi tion* that llr. James stated: ''Present conditions win remedy them salves. 11s* government is te Mama for than, *0 far a* Oklahoma La ooooernsd. “The condition* era remedying themselves now. The supply and demand is now aboet equal. But I want to predict that a period of; over-prodoebon is agaia facing th* oil man. ‘Within the Uat two weeks the pries of gasoline f. o. b. the raAn ertes, ha* dropped from 21 cent* to 17 1-4 cents. This drop has not pet manifested tteelf in the price ef the Jobber or retailer. It most fall more than that.” Chief Marshall Henry Herring waste 100 assistants for the parade July 4th. See him at once at the State Bank 4k Traet Company. Merry Hmh Party. Four Oaks. Jons IP,—A merry par ty dispersed this meralng from Uprm holm. the home of Mr. and Mm. B B. Adams, whore Mias Florae so and Mr. James Adams have been enter taining tan ef their friends Mr the peed week. The sreetker cede hare »am times played prank • aw their plans bet when the rain drove a bar. baeua from under the trees h still retained Its MMaos flavor in the epa eteon dining-re am. If a motor trip waa delayed, they made afarrp in doors and were later rewarded bp tonahine. In Met, the ef the party defied all dittoes. These an Joying ike boepHaHtp and her brother were klissoa Sarah Ber ea, of Creawabors) Margaret Pea and Mabel WaOeat, ef BmltMaid; Mildred Parrish, ef Bmiu mid Mar Jeria Oedsdo, ef Dsnn; and “—tit Blrhard and Orton Berea, ef Green.bare; Wflllam Walkme and Wniiam Bandars, ef SmHMWld. CLASH MOMENTA JULY EX PECT ED Columbus, N. M., June M-Ajmx lean and Canaasa troop* aia la r1-— proximity south at Nxmiqslpa, wui tho Mexicans taking a provocation attitude, according to reports reach iag here today from the frost Die patches received bar* wars Inter pretad as meaning tbu than might he a clash ia tha immadlats future although General Pershing Is said to b* making ovary effort te avoid s conflict El Paso, Tax., June 2*.—Freder ick Grlaoe, a German hanker of Max loo City, was under detention by agm>to of the department of Jpg We today charged with violation at the United States neutrality law*. Grtea* eras prevented last night from crossing lata Mexico. Agents of tha department of Jus tice are maintain tag secrecy regard log the exact allegations agmins Crises pending investigation. It is said, however, that his detanttea is aa osteoma at vnrioas reports re garding tha spreading of aatS-Amari caa propaganda in Msxtoo. UAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following daads have been ftl •d far registration ia tho oOoe «f Kaglaur of Deads since oar last la me: E. H. Allred aad wife to J. A Me Uod, Lets $, 4, fi and 6, Block Grosa's Heights. LUUngton; cooiid tratioa. IthOO. B. 1 Teal aad wife to John D. Williams, 3 acres In Barbecue town ship; consideration, $60. Sarah Ana Haider aad ethers to Bockbern Land aad Timber Co, IK acres la U. L. R. township; cn iideration, $1 aad other esnatdara Uons. T. L. Gerald and wtfa te J. B. Par tar. 11 1-1 ecrws ta Grni towmahtp; consideration, $700. K. O. Grady, tnastaa, to t. D. Ed ■nuda. $ lata to tern of Aa*Ur; eon Ey. Co, dofot lot la town of Up. Uac; cmuideretion, $170. N. MtLnughha dad wife to A. G. tahaooa, Lola 3 aad 4 la Block to LEliagtoa; toa. $116. J- F. Collier aad wife aad others to Truoteoa Proshytorloa Church, 1 aero for church lot nat town at Bute's Creek; consideration, interest and devotion ta thatr religion. C H. Tripp aad J. W. Wilson. conualMdoaore aad X. F. Youag aad wife to J. M. Las, two lets ia Dunn; consideration, $1,000. J. B. Baggett, commissioner, ta g. F. Matthews, 30 acres ia Hectaa'a Croak township; eoaaideratioa, $378. A. O. Byrd to Lucy B. Baton and Prad G. Eaten, one acre in town of Bvia’e Creak; nnaidwtifis. $17$. J olios M. Lse oad wtfa to L L Haward, parte at Lota • aad 10 In BSck -B", Dunn; consideration, $3,740. W. P. Barker and wtfa to C. U. Hinahaw aad wtfa, 43 3-10 acres ia fohaaeovtlte township; considera tion, 310 and othar valuable oawdd oration*. N. Y. Harper aad wife to Malcom L. Phillips, northern half of Lot 2 in Hock “CX", Donn; eocsideration $1jM0. Jfdkri T. »AkM«0 Ve..ko. fa A. D. If. IfeLaaa, a tern la U. L S. towaebip; MuUmtloB, Bit.—Har nett Port. AD poMttooUflmaottyoit ad to be to [hum Jolp rtb. Boo tha Urt of prloaa bate* offered. Tbo Uim boo como to oboko poor foot BUBAL DXUVBBY BJUV1CB BBTABUSBBD PBOM OOAT1 Tbo Pootodke Department boo oo UbHobod ml datioerp oorrtoo bo No- 1. from OaotoHvirtt eoontp, Tbo writer trfl) bm Cooto ot Mill o. oo, returning ot 1:11 p. at, eeoer to* • dtotaaeo of U aaUee, aad will aorao 114 toadbaa. Tbo note wtl pap o aatorp of IBT6. AH do« rad both aad wtag dan* ora an tevttad to moot oo bon Job 4d>. There will bo I a loo mil af da to«a all dap lea*. "Wa'n art (ato* to Woo aaj lawyer." oaooomod tbo older of tk< ■tadoato. "WaVa daridad to taU Hu troth."—to Tba farmer, wba take can of tboti “•*“ boraaa an torltad la jat< to the grand panda to bo bdd b Dana Jolp dk. DL'KK TO DO MUCH UUflOVlNft **Wtel »»reeu Tt h farte, (>U favte—Wtoaa ea^Uia gtcoot fa. bo iteow! CKhw temMu! *** far gahe a while than has haw a raaildarable ameant of sg»*a««*» eo the part ef both oflcer* ate la habitants of the tow* for l-~—‘rg U» condition* of the streets of the towa ate especially the prlaelpal tboraaghfara Mala Btraar ate tte caoaau Not only street liaprmavt baa baas considered, bat also that of the water plant, a White Way far Main Street, taking the wiroo teas the poiaa ate patting than later the ground, compelling puytj own. era to install sew crags all avar tte taws, paving tte tUawlht. patting curbing along tee sidewalks, ate a gooaraJ renovation ef tte tava. AH tbaaa tbiaga wfll glee Doan tte ap pearance that many of tte BXMfc big ger pianos do aot have. Ho gat towa authorities te penirft^the iaeo snes of bonds. Bamil hlT* k«H 1---1 ate aali by Use t«wa niramhairmin Tha Bank of Capa Faar waa tba pmitaai ar of them boada, which aaa U hear i 1-4 par mat —moot. They wen •old at par *alne with premium. The watntl for thia work haa b— awarded to F. J. MeOalra of Norfolk. His bid approximated a thouoaad dollara laaa for Ifca walk than that of any other aaloalttad There were eight faida —‘-rT'-f a~Hl «r the proportion ead win do aU la their power to Make thia part ad While (treat aril] aatapy a hi* piaoa la the axpaadlUae * the ■away reiaad froat tha baadU, other I I i l , t.3$> ■' m ■ c..