Dunn’» Greatest Celebration Will Take Place TUESE8 JULY 4th. Come and Spend the Day With U. thc dunnI dispatch V0L* 111___Dunn, K. C. Jdj lb, 1910 ======= H0 f ovbi/tBA DVI3 uir CJH The Prop)* Of Duma Showed Yretar ds/ Their Appreciation of the Local Military Company. The people of Dunn did them eelvws proud yesterday when they tendered *o tbe boyi of Company "M" M. C. N. C-, who left today for More* head City, a sumptuous dinner on Lucknow Square, Promptly at 10:30 o'clock the com mand waa given and tha uoye form ed in Une and marched through the Main street of the town, bended by the Dunn Band, to the BupUst church At the church they formed a line in front of tha larg* building, where several hundred man, women ami children from all sections of the ad joining count!** had gathered, ami balanc'd attentively to tbe service. The opening prayer was offered by B«v. L*. L. Nash, and the profound •benea that enveloped tbe crowd made audible every word spoken. The service was conducted by Ur.| W. R. Culloin, who was ably assist ed by Evangelist Dew. The excel-j lent music rendered by tbe choir was also Impressive and the enure ear vice sank deep into the hearts of •very one present. At the conclu sion a pocket edition of John's Gos pel was presented to each member of the military company which will be carried by the boys on their Jour-I nry which began today. Alter ut* crowd woe dismissed el the church the company again form-' ad Into marching order and' by the excellent marches rendered by the Dunn head, returned to Lucknow Square where dinner wa» server by the young India of tha town. The feast consisted of chicken and ham1 sandwiches, coca-cola ami many oth. er things that satisfy the inner man. During the course several selections wars played by tha band and the marc has made lively and lent inspi ration to tha already enthusiastic crowd. Mothers, fathers, brothers, aieters end relatives ware all repre sented In this vast throng and the tears that were visible on the faces! of a few made tha occasion one of, pathos ea well as joy. Ip the parade _yos also noticed crowd of young boys in uniform known aa the Dunn Boy Scouts, who were in charge of Scout Muter H. 8. Freeman. They carried them-! selves in excellent style end attract ed right much attention. The occasion wu one that will Long be remembered by Uie people who participated, and the boys and the people generally appreciate the ontiring efforts of Mr. J. I_ Hatcher ia making it possible. Aa us uni, the good women of the town did their pert, and tha boys who loft today feel better by having boon tendered such a royal send-off. Carias-Iiockhart. Pikeville, June 26.—One of the most attractive morning weddings occurred on Thursday, June 22nd. At “Clover Vetch Farm," tha country home of Mr. and Mrs. W. LaFayau* Garrisa, when their eldest daughter, Miss Minnie, became the bride of Mr. John Clegg Lockhart, of Chapel Hill, N. C. Tha home woe simply and artistically decorated in ivy, long leaf pins and sweet peas. Miss Huff of Tennessee, and Mies Florence, Weth*ringtoo,_of Tusesrora, school-1 vm vat uuuu, tnai min^iy rn* tortained the guests with musical se lections, after which came the bridal party to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march. Mis* Colleen Gar ris*. lister of the bride and maid or honor, gownsd in flesh georgette i crape, carrying pinlc kJIlarnsy mam,' preceded the bride, who entered on i the arm of her father, attractively attired in a going away salt of mid night blue, hat and ahoea to match, with shower bouquet of marehalntel roses and liliea of the valley. From a side entrance came the groom, with Ms brother, Mr. Luther B. Lockhart, of Atlanta. Ga., acting as beat man, mat under a lover’s knot of toil on twined with sweet pea* and maiden hair fern, suspended from an impro vlaad arch of Ivy. Mr. Pi land, pas tor of tbo brlda, rsad the impressive Methodist ceremony, Mina Hoff ptay-j Mg aofUy ’To a Wild Rom by Mc Dowell. Immediately after the cerc ■soay Mr, and Mrs. lockhart drove to Plkavilla M automobile and took tho train for Norfolk, then by boat to New York for a trip up the Hud. soa to return to New York in a few works where Mr. Lockhart will re ■uma his Studies a« Columbia Uni versity, this being his third year. They will make their homo in Dunn. N. C„ where Mr. Lockhart will be superintendent of the graded schools of that elty. The array ef gift* re caivad by tho bride attested to her esteemed popularity. Mr Henry Herring wants 100 men on horseback to make the parade inly 4th. the greatest ever held |n Duaa. Boa Mm at once and make arrangements to (nt la. • BOY SCOUTS MAKE A HIKE : _____ Troop No. I of the Dona Bo; Scout* of America made o hike let Wednesday evening to tho bank* a Cape Pear. It waaa foil aia or mv I un-mile trip end a* all th* Scout | hiked it back it proved to be a gree i help to the l>oy* as a healthy sxar else. The Roys carau back lato Oh following evening after spending one day and night In camp, the tent* poles, and provisions having beer carried soma time before in a ear Although there was little iwimmmi and Ashing wa* not the best, thi boy* report a nice trip which thaj enjoyed despite these handicaps Thsy cooked their own meals, put U| their own tents and. made us* ol Coil’s out of-door*. This was only a little hike aad the Scouts declan that they will take a longer seven day trip to White Lake some time ii August. The Scouts aril I be in th« parade on th* 4th and they ara de termined to be on duty and to bt Scouts tbs town will be proud of on that day. CERMANY DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY Beilin, Saturday Jane 24, 8 p. m , via London, June 2d.—Reports re ceived. here from America that the German legation in Mexico City was actively Inspiring Genera] Carranse, head of the constitutionalist govern United Stales ware brought today to Iht attention of tha Imperial Chan cellor, Ur. Von BeUunann-ltollweg. The chaeellor asked to be excused from commenting oa the report, feel ing that tuck rumors were unworthy of his sUantson. A closa friend of the Chancellor, however, had this to say: "Certain circles in the United Mia tee ere never tired of ascribing ■ esponaibility for evsrything, do mat ter bow far fetched, to Germany. If a hoosa burns down or a favorite lose a race, or crop prospects *** poor, these protagonists are sure to arise with a cry of ‘those wicked Germans!' It Obviously impossi ble for 'the highest oOosal in e big oraplrs to dignify every ridiculous detail- VT-ssar • Stofpoftft-Aflar-r P«rsonsl denial. Anyone, however, knows as I do, thst such reports are ridiculous and unfounded." HEALTH MOVIES ARE GREETED BY CROWDS Johnston County Shown Appreciation of 8fete Board Work—Many la Attendance. . Mr. R. C. Tatum, who is managing tha Slate Board of Health moving picture car, came back yesterday from Johnston county delighted with the week’s experiences in that coun ty. He was greeted with good-sited rniwiia at every place he showed, end the people came from miles around t be enlightened on the sub ject of the maintenance of health end the prevention of disease. Wednesday night he commenced using the new $300 moving machine with which the old one hat been re placed and found it a big improve ment over the old one. During the week 1A60 people attended the health movies. The itinerary for the week was: r.luyton, Monday night; Benson 1 urnnay nigni; innrtton, WenTics rtay night; Kenly, Thursday night; Kin* Level, Friday nigtt; SmhhAeld, fUiturday night. Mr. Tatum found the official* of I ho county enthusiastic in their sup. port of the work. Dr. U. H. Utley, »f Benson, the coanty physician, was present on several occasions and made talks to the people. At saith leld Mr. L. T. Royal, eoutny super ntendent of schools, and W. W. Cole Enq., ware present sod spoke. The lectures will be repented at Lhe same places this week and the nest. The cost for all three weeks a home by the coanty, the esntri tutions coming from private at well u public sources.—News and Obser. rtr. OUR LAM MUBT GO !>ur lads must go, hiT hearts most know. Our eyes must tell the story, rhat near or far, life wears a tear Before H wears a glory 1 —Baltimore 8an. ROORRVKLT WILL NOT BR A CANDIDATE Chicago. Jane t Theodore Roosevelt, In l letter read to the Natlanal Committee In session hers *>dsy, Anally declined to a crept the [residential nomination of the par ly, and strongly orgad the orgnnl mtlmi to fuppport Charles *. Hughes Pha OoloneTe Utter eras read by Oa »r Darin, eacretsry <vf the commit-1 Ml NEWS Of DUKE r R*c»nt Moral Demolishes Test— r*alor Hegftns Cess te Chins fee Meeting—Other Used Iteme. i Duke. June 26—The terrific storm ; which touched western Hnrnstt Snt urdoy night completely demolished 'I U]« *«"» of Iter. J. W. Him under :| which he was ronductiag a revival at Broadway. Wind got under the tent tore it into shreds and then blew it down. Only two persona were un der Iht tent and they got down be tween iba bembee and were not hurt However the flee true (Jan of the tent will not delay the meeting, services will ho held in the Methodist church Sunday morning and night, and Monday morning two hundred met and set to work building a tab ernacle for the aervises, the women met to make ready the dinner, ma terials were furnished by the aaw mills at hand, Bnd if nothing prevent Mr. Ham experts to bold services un der the tabernacle Monday night and I will have a seating capacity of 2000 to 3000. Mr. Ham preached Sunday1 afternoon at IJIIington to men only end e voluntary collection was taken I before he reached the auditorium, to help pay for a new lent. Over two hundred dollars was raised, end equal amount was mixed at Bread I way In the morning. Rev. W. Marvin Hrggtna, pastor 1 of ihfi Ranlitt rknpck th.ba * will be remembered as having con ducted numerous evangelistic move ments la this and other state*, will Monday for China Grove when he With hia singer, W. H. Rowe, od New Bern wit; begin a series of! rvsnisIliUc meetings in the Baptist chudch. Mr. Hogg.ns has only bean pastor of the Baptist church hen since April let, but during that »•— has done u wonderful work. The church attendance hariag increased about M per cent taring the seat ing capacity of his church to the ut most. Immediately upon his arriv al hare as paster ha began to lay plans for what has proven to be the Create*! iTupliiuc. myiginmnt ever held la oar toera conducted by Sunday as a result of the recent | revival held in Duke twenty sight' members wen received into the Methodist church and slat7-six into' the Raptist. Then an several foe the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches and will be taken la at tho nasi services held st these churches Saturday afternoon on the Bunn level grounds, the Duke bell team was defeated by Bunnlevel la a scon of 8 to 7. Neither team had its real strength and many unnsersssry hits and runs wen made. FUQL'AY SOCIETY — Fuquay Springs, June 2A.—Mrs.: R. A. Sutton entertained Friday af ternoon the Embroidery Club. The: hall, parlor and dining room were decorated in pansies and nasturtium* After a pleasant hour spent m con versation and embroidery the gueets were invited in the dining room, where Mn. Sutton, assisted by Misuse Christine Rosamond end An nie let Ragsdale, served a miad1 course followed by an lee course. *»-n v| iiiiliuuiv M MM guest of Miss Milllo Jones. Mrs. M. A. Meadows rontinues quite ill. Mws Wheelers of Raleigh la In attendance. Mrs. J. R. Ragsdale is visiting her old home In Oxford. Misses Whitsall and Pope have re turned to their heme in Durham af ter a visit to Mrs. C. W. Howard. Mlsa Annie May Aiken is borne af ter a visit to friend* in Graenaboro Miaa Annie Dee Raced ale is la Durham, the guest of Mrs. F. A. Fer guson. J. D. Ragan continue* quite 01; not much hope is held out for his re covery. J. H. Deuter and bride are at "Reat Haven" after a brief honey moon. Mrs. George Mellon of Alma, Ga. I* the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Price. Dunn want* 10.000 people here Ju ly 4lh to Join in Uia celebration Every minute of the day will be full of interest and amusement for the visitors. Come to Dunn and you will he hnppy all day long. VILDA IS AGAIN ON GOOD TERMS WITH CARRANZA El Pew. Texas, June 28—Informa tion reached here Monday from ap parently reliable eaurces that Fran cisco Villa, until recently at Santa Rosalia, had reached an agreement with the de facto government and that this was being used to ladeee his followers to Jola the Carraaaa forces. Mrs. Virgin Warren has returned from an extended trip through South Carolina and Oeergia. HUW HU*. H. In HTAMIW Leaders la faagrWj Maue a AtUU u( . last lie Haa crjr UelaUoa la •a Uae •( The green—All laave Served Thaa Uadi hr tied e la a Vt Ufa First-Haad Mr. Editor: 1 am not u> politics, aired advocate of i working for a poln aru a riUaon aad der Ike UonnUtuUoo opinion on ytibkc ma has. rated \,j have th-ough the press bea: Congressional flght but 1 have heard to uona mods against cumbent la Congress make some person~J and arrive at the Mr. Godwin as g servant of the people. Uona have led me to that he is a man of and power with flhe ministration than 1 ha was. Ho many been mad* bp hit almost persuaded that cwjfrwwwijw wxiov, and that he had net tone Ml duty as a i.piraanlalive of tha atxth dUlrct. But after going to keadgusiltrs gad1 conferring with the leaden of tha administration at Washington, ] >.» furred to wonder arhy so much is br ing said that cannot he based upon facta. Let us Took Into noose of the charges and then look at the facts in the caas. 1. It is charged that Go.*wio ■« •x>t aetpuuotod with the President. Mr. Godmlo led the Bethnne parly into the White Houaa and after cs. changing cordial greetings with the! President, be stood by IBS tide and; introduced the teachers to by tat by noma, only North Carolina preset- Sorely ha 94 • \ - ^ ^ t. It t Win does pot knasr his fallow con gressmen and that they do net knew him. I found that ha Is not only well known bet be Is Considered (me of the moot faithful members in. congress. A landing press reporter from N. C suited to me tiset God win did more investigation work in ths various departments than say representative in WaaMngton. Hon. Chomp Clark soy* ef him: "Hew on*, of the rising members of Congress.* Hon. E. Y. Webb told tna in parson that Godwin waa one of the progres sive members of Congress. Un doubtedly h* knows tha representa tive* sod they ho* him. 3. It is chorgod that Godwin fail-' ed to answer to roil cadi 30 out of 37 calls. Tha record* show that be failed to anssrer 30 airt of 467 calls. Out of tiloso 30 fsilaroa, all except two (I am informed) were unimpor tant matters—ouch as upon adjourn ments, amendments,. and so oo. When tha two important measures were being considered Godwin was providentially hindered frpm being present—at one time ha was Bek is hi* room and ml th* other ha WSI ntj home attending Ma Mather's funeral. Hon. (Stamp Clark My* Godwin has bean faithful “in wary relation of life." President Wilson says: “He is a stauch supporter of the admin istration." Webb, Simmons, hitch in and other leaders aay he has been faithful to every trust and that ha has made good in every no of the word. Surely, if he had neglected his duty, end failed to vote oa im portant matters the leaders of the administration would not endorse him »o strongly. They endorse him voluntarily. 4. It is charged that Godwin’s committee on Civil Service is of no importance end that hfc committee hen not met in At* years. Ths rec ords show that his committee meets several time* a year, and i have ia my possession thro* government re-1 porta of three Important hearings1 that have been hold before Godwin's ‘ committee this year. I And. too,that' Ms committee Is one sf the moat im-| portent ease in Ooggrees. Godwin' certainly is not without honor ia' Washington end all the evidences point to him as a May man. 5. It U charged (tut he has don* nothing. Thie ****** to be the text around which ml 'the charges are grouped. “Whet has he done?" u »n th* lip* of hie opponents A gen *T*I question thivia applied to eeery . congressman and public sAcial who has opposition. It ia a stock ques-j (Ion used. ovorywteve and i* as old so politics. I watt t« ask whet he has failed to dot Be was elected upon th* DowuMatJ* platform. Be has sewed wMfc| tfce administration In working oat Mi. program. National snd iatanutlonak mAttors have boon *«ir»Md and woskad out Godwin’s V f MANY UEATliS BKPOKTEU FltOM TYFHOIO »utc Hoard u( I(mIi|i Adrian >ar cinaiion As PmnliTt ot rypUU. On account of the vny iaigc num bar of deaths from typhoid fev«r that hag bceQ reported to the State Board uf Health within the last few weeks, the board li urging Use peo ple to Ion no Ulw in taking the im. muntrliag treatment against this dis ease. It says that ou account of I every case ucuig a new source r>f m-1 fectiun an<l its spread and contact so uuuriioaj and unsuspecting Hull no intelligent person can afford to naglcct taking this rr.turn of pro-1 Iccting Himself Furthermore, Hi*' Board says that June le tL# month when the death rate fiom typhoid fever begins to rise and that al ready the Incoming dnuth eartHI-l coUw arc showing no n .usually big I number of deaths frt-i I I disease for this season of the t_. "VrxelMtion ns an effective menus of preventing typhoid ftvor," says the Board, “h»e been well cataldish td, but the main reason why people continue to get skk und <Uc fn-m typhoid is indifference end not Ip. j nornnee. The indiffereacee am! nc-' gleet that tolerate Dies, filth and the' spread of typhoid from individual to individual is that same indilfcrenco/ 'hat makes a person neglect vueetJ nation ns a means of protecting hun seilf. IndJTcienea 1s now the cause of more deaths from typhoid feeur than ignorance.-’ Another llao.1 Given to Fayetteville' by B. Fleiahasaa ft llmltx-ra. j The ham Iso me throe-Btory brick | stores on Hey street ait to be uuuie1 into one of the prettiest batinetf building* in Uic Stnu- by the |iursfc»» era, II. Klclshaian 4 Bros. Mr. Thornton hnr sold hist entire stock to i HubdJptiii concern, kemod* cliog of the building will commence in a few days. Kl©i.h«*n 4 Bras, wll] mstall the latest snd most up* Ml*R "-JBB mtstexei. will have a l>cautifui (tore, a big u)-" dicion to the business interests aad| a credit to Fayetteville. Thu (tore will he a real deparment (tore carry ing an entire line of everything mu ally carried m a (tore of thia kind. Thia remodeling of the building will be i ashed, ao at to !>e reedy for the early fall business. Metaru. Fleiibman ft Bros, are not only showing their fait^ i„ the fu ture of Fayetteville, but by their en terprise arr adding ranch to the com-! munity at a business centre in re-1 modeling an already (plrndid boild-j | ing and conducting a very large busmens, thua bringing trtule of alt eorta to Fayetteville.—Fayetteville Obecrver. Hr. R. C. Rozier received , wire message Saturday to the effect that hi* baby. Annie Atkins, which is at. the home of her grandmother, Mr. ■ and. Mrs. 3. W. Wither*, in Harnett county. Was very tick. Ur. Rosier ■ left Saturday for the Withcra home, i —Lumlwrton Rnbeannian. opponents say ha has dons nothing. , 1 asked Hon. Champ Clark about Godwin's work. He (uvs me a very strong endorsement >i Godwin's work and his lettti -lipcurs else wbuie in The Roheso. i „ Clark is speaker of the House ami knows whether a man is faithful or nob 1 *«k*d Cungrassman E. Y. Webb if Goilwln had done anything Hu re plled: “Why therd sre 43/i mendisrs here in the Houso. They all runout lie leaders. Every leader in congress has been hero much longer (hun God win.” And ha assured ms lhot Cod win was In I in* of promotion in Con gress, and h* gave ms poHliw as surance that he hod done all for the' sixth district that he or any other man could do. I take the position that ths only way to find out shout u congressmen« work is to usfc the loaders at WnuMnfrtun who know th# facts. The following leaden of, tha Democratic party have endorse"! Mm: Wilson, Simmon*, XitchiB,| Oark, Welti and our own dictin-l guished dtixen, A. W .McLean. If, Godwin haa done nothing (ha all the1 leaders of the Democratic party are| falsifttrs. With all these facta be fore me I fool that whon we attack Godwin's rtvond ws nr* attacking the whole administration's record. Of all times in tho history of the Kulion this is tho time when we noad men of experience In WunMng twn. Godwin Is experiuuccd in mai lers of government and ho Is need e«l in Washington. If we vote against him we sre discrediting tho Democratic administration and vat- > Ing against the intsrests of oui par ty. the State and tho Nation. R. R 8EKTELLE. Lore barton, Jun* M, ]•!«. real mutate transfers Th« following deeds have been Fl ed for registration in the office of I Register of Deeds since oer last l* 1 sue: W. P. By id, Clerk Superior Court, to H. 1,. Champion, 4k scree ia Bock* hore to* tut Ip; consideration, $2ML J. E. Johnson sod wife to W. B. i'errish, lots Ik and 14, Block “B“ uddiliea to town of CoaU; considera tion, $40. W. E. Butler sod wife to J, Vh. Whitcbedd, one lot In Dunn; con sir), oration, $300. Adoiphus H. Jones and wife to Par kni Brothers, 1-4 in leraet in 28 acre* in Ullmgton township; consideration $11X1 ana other considerations. Marshall T. Spears and A. M. Show and Wife to B. A. Parker, C A. Par-1 ker, 1-6 interest in 2k acres Is lilt, uiglou township; consideration, $400. —Barnett Poet. TERMS TO MEXICO BY U. 8. ARE UNMISTAKABLE Washington, Juno *0.—The text of the note to the Mexican dc facte government, transmitted to Jas Line Rodger*, special representative of the American government in Mexico CUy. says: “Mr, Arredondo yesterday deliver Nl to thi* government the following' comma ieatlun: T ass directed by iny government to inform your cx xll.-ncy. with refereece to the Car riaal incident, that the chief execs, live, through the Mexican war de partment, jiave oidars to General Jacinto ft Tro,,i»., .... . — - ■ tmciKun forcei from General Par Jflng'i column to advance further >oulh, nor to move either east or »<vt from the points where they are located end to oppose new incursions H American soldiers into Mexican mrritory. These order* were brought i JJ General Trevino lo the atteoluoo , 'f General Pershing, who ecJtnowi ;>lged the receipt at the eommuui :ation thereto. On the 22nd, inataet u your excellency know!, en Amen ■en force moved, eastward quite far , irem 1U base, notwithstanding the i thove order!, sad was engaged by < Mexican troops at Camxal, Mate of nr ouuttr, several man on tkW "*** killed and wounded and 17 < American soldier* were made prl*. i mcra.* '‘You are instructed to hand to the nminler of foreign relation* of the ie facto govemmant the following: •• The govern moot of the United | >Ute* ran pot no other runstrartion i Jpon the communication handed to < he Secretary of Mtata of the United i itate* on the twenty-fourth of June, •7 Ur. Arredondo, under Instruction i «/ your government than that it is 1 “•el ded a* a formal avowal of dc. | tl>!lately hostile action against the : 'one* of the United State, now Mexico and of the purpose to attack { hem with provocation whenever they i nove from the present position i« 1 wimunncn of the object* for which'' hey were sent there, DOtwlthstand- , ng the fart that those object* not | Mily involve no unfriendly Intention I owards the govenunoni and people >f Mexico, but arc intended only to isilst that government In protecting ' taelf and the territory and the poo- , •In .w# ik* tt-la.J Be... _i_a. • ! -- m — uwvrn U*| I ’nponiiblr and instirget bands of I cbel marauder*. “ ‘1 ms instructed, therefore by 1 rovernment to demand the Immediate l ■claaae of the prisoner* taken ht the j mcounter at Cenixal, together with my property of the United States ] aken with them, and to inform yea 1 hat the government of the Uaitad I States experts an early statement | from your government aa to the i •nurse of action it wiahee the gov- , ■rnment of the United State* to ua- i leratand it had determinod upon, ind that It also expects that this itstcmmt be made through the usual i liplomatic channels and net through mbord.lnatc military commanders." **" ■ " 'i Hev. u L. Nash, of Hamlet, for »veral years conference evangelist »aa in the city several days this *eek. Hs conducted services gun iey at the Methodist church In the ibsenee of the paster, Res. J A. Hornsday. Hla sermons wars de livered in Us usual forceful style tnd mere heard and enjoyed by hrg* congregations. Dr. Nash is the1 ustbor of several boohs and recently published one with the title, "Rec ollection. and Observations Durtag ■ Ministry «f Forty-three Year* ia tbs N. C Conference M. E. Church. South,” which ia of pecolisr Intoned to the people he has served as well s* the public generally. Ha it odTer.j In* tbit booh for sal* at fcl.Og pct| copy and ■ number were placed dur-, iag hla short visit hare. Ha left Tuesday for Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonald te turasd Saterday from the western part *f the State where they spent two woeka o a bridal tour. They are at home far U>* prsesnt at Young’s Hotel. HOW IT BTABTSD (hroeotegfcal haatrr af Break UaHa* Cp to Orkla. Marsh *— Francisco VUla raided Coiambus. H. M. March IS—Americas paaltHra aa pwhuoa satorod Mexico batow Co lumbus. March Id—Cal. Dodd's famous *y •n* column entered Mexico bdn HechHe. March XT—Villiataa muntaredl S Americana and two ether fareigaon ut Miaaca and Ouerrera. March **—Col. Urwia's detach ■uent rounded up Villiataa at San Ceiunitao, killing 00; « American soldleiw war* wounded. April 1—Cal. Brown's detachment defeated Villiataa at Agues Caliaa Us. killing SO. April 10—Ciliases of three i can towns ambush Bowse's Aeteah* mold, killing 1 American treepar gad voumiinf X. April IS—Panel dtteaae sad Car* ranaa aoldlars attacked MaJ. Thomp tina‘ detachment, kiDtag S Americans and wounding 6; Americana aim 10 Mexicans. April 11—Ca rranxa requested with draws! af American expedition. April IS—Maj Htwie aadl his de ne lament reach fertheet point south »f any Amarieea troops, ia eight at Durango lma. April S3—Dodd scattered VlUla -«* at Temechic. killing at laaat t lari wounding A April S»—Carransa General Obse rve and American Cimara! Scott be ram nAafeiana. 1M rn__ May 5-—Bandits Spring*. Texas, killing 4 May 10—Maj. Langhore'a ujuadron entered Mexico sooth Marathon, Texas. May 11—D Paso Obragom-Heett oofor.nce co Deluded wtthoot formal UPtsuwW. June IS—President WOaaa ■d mobilisation at National Jane SO—American nets « Carrmasa’s demand far d ad Americas forces 'aniag withdrawal and lerraasa with “gram June 21—Troopers of the Tooth ldt*antMrMildaro.4h||i^u ,r <r 14 American. VdUed end IT cap urod. Halford-HeOaed Bui*'. Crock. June 23.—One of the trcttiest waddings of the iimra one olemnitod at tha home at Mrs. Ad. lie Lillian Holland Wednesday after >oon at 4:30 o'clock, when her daugh er, Hettiel Dai], became the bride <t Mr. William Patrick Kaifeed. af iurham. N. C. The boose was stes >ly but artistically decorated with 'em*, iey aad cut (lowers, the color ohoms cl green aad white being ef bctivsly carried out. Tte guests rent BMC at the door by Mies Kehy foUaad. sister at the bride, mbs ta iled them into the parlor where the oft glow of candles made rery tai nwa.ive tha improvised niter of lo^ oaf pine end the white wadding belL Just before the rmaiwij Mias datti. McKay ■ woody aaag “All rhat 1 Aik is 100*.“ To tha strains <t Lohengrin's Wedding March, afcil el), tha bridesmaids, Miasm »mu 'age. of Boia'a Cloak, aad lord, of Cary, gracefully ha atairway, singly, aad i *Hor, followed by tha tfeaara. M. F. Booe, af a, aad tr. Cardan Herring, ad (“ Chow, lonaa, Okie*, who entered froa the •ck ball. Then came the dean of toeor, Mra. T. H. McLeod, af Booth •no Pines, abler af the bride, gaa*. id la a creation of allk crepe aad aat >nd carrying white Jrraamhsa Tha raid Of honor, Miaa MltUa Faerie (o)Und, aiatcr ad tha bride, aatarod mat. attired ia Mae aad ware a ear *ta bouquet of pink mot pans, daater Lealte Holland, brother ad ha bride, waa ring bearer aad aar ied tha ring ha tha heart od a My. Dm groom entered with hie beet naa, Mr. Haary H. —MlB. ad Oarhnm. Tha bride war* a travel ag auM of hlaa with riee te natch and earriad a aaqaat A Uliee af tha valley, flhe natarad »tth bar brother-in-law, Mr. Brawl V. Woodard, af Bahaa, who gore her la marriage, lev. J. A. Campbell. I<aaver of tha bride odkietad. Maa Vlaxohn'a Wadding March waa need u a rmaaaienal. Tha bride aad groean, with part rf lha bridal party, left Imiiiiillalil^ hr •utumobile ter Raleigh, wham they bwrded the train far Partem. Uieir future hone. The bride la ana af Bale'. Creek1, most popular yauag lhAaa. Tte rroutn la a asa od Mra. W. P. aad tha lele Cap*. Raiford. ad Prlaaaloa, N. 0, aad la aatr a suesaaadui beel naae man af Durham, H. C. Miaa Buale Moore. eMUd Springe, arrived last wash to apaad aaiujJ days ia tha dty with idaMraa.

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