THE DUNN: DISPATCH _ •_ _ * .' V0L* 111 »unn, N. C. *S$y 19th, 1910 10.f ==-. - —_______— **_ _ _ ' • RECKONING LT LOSS IX MONEY ANU LIVES. Water in Flooded Districts Hapidly Receding, and Account tiring Taken Ashville, July IV,—Ai reputu con tinue to filter through from pert* ol Weitcm North Caroline which hiw< been Isolated by the flood* the death list grows. Six additional fatalitiei reported today bring* the death Hat to forty, while at Jcust *ix peraoni arc musing Eleven peraun were drowned In the village of bai Cave anil Chimney Ruck, which ■* now develop* were hard hit by the storm. Two unidgnulltxl budier wore found near lie.rum t toduy while another Heath ie reported from near (irecnavillc, in the failing ol a railway acaffold undermined by tiu floods. While flood watei* are recoding in North Carolina, Tennessee and Vagin la today, the Watere* nver In South Carolina la rising, and At lantic Coast Line official* reportvd that two br.dgea on their bnea have been flooded with a consequent in terruption of aarvici. Conditions around Ashville and throughout western North Oniuiina arc much improved today, with work men busy repairing railroads, re placing brluges and pulling indun tnal plants into working order le gal a. la Virginia and the Piedmont sec tion of South Carellnn rapid hoito way u being made in repairing rail roads. The maUnul damage by the flood in the four elate* piobably never will be definitely estimated but it seem certain now that it will total at least fifteen million dollars. • . *naa< skiwi gkU* tk>U |\1TT fkkf f APB ram LB1UUS—UVNN T.1IUU VRAIICHUK. Tuesday inning the Fairmont If" of tho Cape Fear League failed to ahow up forlu regular scheduled gaaaa at Fayetteville and report* ware at onoa to the effect that tke Valmoat team had disbanded. Da op being notified of tbs tact de ., out that U. would be s good moss to at once Join the league if' puaft attsr eonanltlng the management of the league Today tbs Dues Tiger Timm goes to Fayetteville where they bottle the Fayetteville Klllle*. To morrow aad next day the TigerJ play on their borne grouade the etroag team and the wlucora at the Brat half of Lumbertou. Now lion orfele Fan. It Is up to you to ace that we remain In Us league and If you will support this team, we guaran tee to give you s winning team. Wo are out to win the second half of the season and with your help we KILL. DUNN BUILDING AN1) IX)AN MBET1XO. At a largely attended stockholders meeting of the Dunn Building and Doan Association Lulu last night U eras unanimously dodder! that tho Association La continued and suc cessfully carried ou. A large ma jority of the stock was represented and resolution was adopted making this recommendation U) the directors and alto that a new secretary aud treasurer be elected. It was alec farther recommended to the direct ors that the rales and by-laws of lilt Association bo carried out su.'"> with reference to flnea. forfeiture) etc A rawolutlo was also unanlm oaaly adopted reducing or Limiting another of directors to five and tb< by-laws were amended so that thli could be done. Dr. JT. H. Bailer Marvin Wed* J L llatchor J. W Furdle K. L Ocxl win were elected director*. The dt reel on now here under edvleemeni the question of sleeting callable secretary and treasurer who ihall bt required to give proper bond and who shall be paid ree«;ntll« com panaalioa to ae to luetity him in gtv Ing the necessary time lo nuke tb< orsanleaUon a raeceea. The flntnd committee will necoasartly be reduc ad lo three men Instead at a mnet larger number aa heretofore. All of the etnckhotfVnri proaanl ware anthualaalle over the deeleloa t< carry on tb« Aseoelatlon lo eiooes and every one pledged hie undlvldei support aad co-operation to that end Heretofore It haa bean lneoavenlen to get the Board of Director* tngeth or an account of Its large nambe aad tbli haa also been true a* to th finance committee Th* dnanelsl condition of thsi'Ai eorjatlon wee gone Into and It wm admitted by everyone that the Aa aocUtlon ts largely dn* to the an tiring energy aad labor of Dr. J. n Butler the President of the Aaaonle Uon aad tha public guy rent aa eared that with him aa Prealdenl With the assistance of tha Board r Director* named above that th* Al •delation will meat with great a«< ; wwunr nrnus oiam ovtino On last Thursday evoulng ibr Wesley Bible Hast of the Methodist Humlay school enjoyed a delightful outing at Rhodes's pond ala miles south of Dsnn. About 75 members of tha claus boarded automobiles ai the Barnes A Holliday ainra on Broad street, about 5:30 o’clock and In 30 minutes the entire proeeaalon had arrived at tk* pond The crowd then assembled on tha dam near the mill house, where the following pro gram was rondcred: Song—Dy the class Prayer—Her. J A Ilornadsy Song—Hy the Wesley class quar let to. Introductory speech-By A. A McDonald Address—R W. llcrrlng. Esq., of Fayotturllla. Mr. A L Newberry. President of the. class, was matter of ceremony. After the above program had been rendered delightful refreshments were nerved thanks being offered by Mr II. H. Hood, the teacher of the data The entire program was carried out without the allghleet httrh. and every ore of the 75 men present, thoroughly enjoyed tbo evening The address delivered by Mr Her ring, who la teacher of Die Wesley claaa at Fayetteville, was of u high ordnr and was Inspiring and Inslrcu live. Taking as his robJIccl. "Sow ing and Heaping’, he handled It In excellent style end Impressed upon hie hearers the Importance of living a clean, moral, sad spiritual life Mr Herrins la greatly Interested In Rnnday school work nnd bla able rw merkn were full of Inroroaauon. On the return trip the rites reeh «l at 11 o’clock, all feeling belter and more enthused over Hunday school work after luring attended LAn.AU) (‘loo lain for laal week) An. 1- L Levinson went to Evui o.ka iucaday to the bunal of hi* dtua niaee, Laura Pool Creech, who •b^^lromthi^frect^j^Jg^^ju Jli. J. W. (Jin,dress and family *•11 tuvc lor Lynchourg, Va, *n day. where they will make their ho mu. dttbft Ella NithoU, of . .•mu her brother, W. L .Mvlioia Lhn week. Mia. V aba Stewart gave a cream supper Monday uight ui nouor ol Miaa Ella Nichola, uf Durham. rlii* irjr* and (icruude Ktncll, 01 i>uie a Creek arc visiting ulauya Stew alt Uiu woek. Mi*, il. C. Smith, ol ruigier, u • •suing at Ihe home of Mra W. H tt'iggiai* this week, AUssca Eiltie and Vein Beaalcj are nailing al the home of Mr. A vv. Ucssiey thia week. Mrs. J. W. Tatum loft laal week o na visit to friend* at Goldsboro K. C. Ait. Thurman Young of Angler Wa* a Cowls visitor Tuesday. Miss lla Keen, of Four Oak*, u visiting her uncle, Mr. W. M. heer itL> week. -diaa Lucy Wiggins la visiti,, Mr*, Stcwaii, out from SluiD ueld this week. Mr. F. Hunter Creech, who wa. .aUd here last year for the p.. •••« of law, ia now located, el Smith field under the firm name of Creed 4 l*ou, the junior member of thi iirm beinir h Pr*u >tvn nf fa a greasinnn Pou. Mr. O. L. Fuquay will be know] hereafter aa Ur. G. L. Fuquay a he haa successfully wood the madi cal board. Mr. Fred Byrd was a Coats riai tor Tuesday afternoon. Somewhere in the distance wi hoar the tingling of wedding bells' Mr. L. L. Levinson and famil] motored oreT to Four Oaks Bunds; on a visit to their mother and otho relative*. PEACE This, my fneada, la the simp! message that I bring you: left you eyes to the horisons of botiness; d. i not look too close at the little pm , comma with which you are concerns* I but let your thoughts and your im aginations run abroad thruughou L the whole world, and wfth the In . sptration of the thought that yo , am Amoricans and are meant t , principles of homanlty where-e carry liberty and justice and th you go, go out and sell goods tha will make the world more comfon 1 ablo and mors happy, and convei Uiom In the principles of Americi * * * I know just as well a ■ that I am standing here that I rs; ■ resent and am servant of a natin • that loves peace, and loves it upo • the proper basis; loves It not in f cause it Is sfraid of anybody; lavs - it not because it does not undr Tatar • and mean to maintain Its rights, bt kaoaaaa it knows that humanity THINGS OV LOCAL INTERMIT HAPPENING AT CAAU* GLENN. (By Special Correspondencar July llUi, from quarters of Co. M. lad Infantry.—tJsnteuaul W D. Holland returned Sunday from Dunn bringing with blm a baud some C. S. flag from tbs rtilaens of Dunn which will bo presen ted to the company by Brigadier Oeneral Lawrence W. Young, ami will b« accepted for the comparer by Col. Wttcy O. Roilman, of the second Infantry at the first oppor tune time. Lieutenant Holland al so brought back with him tan re emits of which number eight sue resefulty passed the physical exam ination, the oues qualifying for ser vice being ‘MeJJor*’ Richard M. John sou. Rugene New. Foy B. Ilndann Henry Raynor, rani Griffin Jr>hH B. Reardon dd Norris Klmoa Wilkins. The Iwo rejected were Klmoa I-es end Lester McOcc. This gives Co. M e total of 74 enlist ml men and 1 officers which puts os al the bead of the regiment In strength. The company has Imen over war strength end la ordar that nor hrotber com pany F. of Fayetteville and D. of Goldsboro might be mustered Into the U. . service at regular IJme. the O. 8. service additional men were temporarily transferred to them. All tbs compeuias of the second ln fastry have been mnstrrvd Into the II. 8. service except Companies K I. C. O. A. It is hoped that they will be In shape for mastering by the Utter part of the week. Mrs J. I. HInea and daegbter. Kmma Battle and Mrs. W. D Hoi laud and sou. Hebert will return to Dunn after Spending eevMal days wlflt ih si s hodVss J. /q. wt ■ Hina* ud Llcutenast Holland. Llaula. Holland and Burl mut tered lato tha cervices of the 9. B. Tuesday. July llth. All tha bora have boon vaccina tad •Chlast email pox and fever and moat of them arc now on tho grsnt lag list. Tg» HOOT) vamp,TR^nyioif, ^PTKuton^^fiyKoSaiJi^Tr the lete Cogdell Hood foot place near Peacock’a Croaa Rooda la Johnston county last Thursday. July l?th 191k. There were more than one hundred preaent. all of whom rreatly enjoyed the pleasant hours tpent In :■ oktag over tho old home stead and family reltoe of long ago. A sumptuous dinner waa served which added a reset deal In the pleasure of the day. la the afternoon. Elder Mr. germ er of Wilton, preached a moat ex rellont sermon, taking hit text from the old family bihls. 'Brethren, dwell together In Unity.* Hu re marks ware appropriate and toaeli Ing and every one preaent were made to feel better by wbat he eald. Much affection and many useful *tf'* ware bestowed upon the only two tiring children, Mrs. Young. Smith and Mrs Joe Holly tho latter living nt the old home place where the reunion waa held. Date in tha afternoon all ^Jd rarowcll and were feeling glad that they had learned each other better. GIVK US BACK OUK DEAD Many are applauding the enter prise and resourcefulneae of Gar many in Manning to thig country g submarine, which, it t> said, will tw devoted exclusively to peaceful trade i It wUI be accorded all the interna i ttonai rights to which it is aotitled but it* peaceful reunion iwili not atono for the liven of American dti ■ rone which Germany baa murdered with her nther submarines What 1 ever may be the future of the tub marine, it must always be a badge o; shame for Gormany. Until aha ear ' give na hack onr dead, which wen! ’ down with the Lusitania and etbei unarmed merchant ahipi, torpedo* without warning, we will view every kind of submarine with more or loti distrust and disgust. With every peaceful submarine sh< r tends us, will come a phantom Sub > marine bearing the spirit meaaaga ■ from our slaughtered Innocent*, bul , h* c*nnot give na hack i She may bring to our porta eoimtieai I cargoes Of priceless merchandise, bu ■ ail the wealth of the IndlM renew ' bring back one of the little ehlMrai > which aha drowned without a ehane, i to eecapo.—State Journal. s_ t Jllai fladln Pittman has returnei - from a vlalt to her slater at Moun t Olive. I. - ■ tomuthing In wMcti vg ai> a|| link - ed together, and that it behoove » the United SUtoe, Just as long a s K la possible to hold off from lieeom " ing Involved In a a otrife which make • It all the mere neeeaaary that aom IT part of the world shoo Id kaep roc t whlld aD the rest of it la hot.— Preui ■ dost Wilson in Recent Addressee. lUIAii llAlJi Oh INOICTMEuNl uarncu M-a 1 IWforr «i|Su>kt « lt*r iwujt. SUly A rcxtruining ulder mat cr pruci-eding* Htoi.Jl i*. f. W. h. Kuwu wuu o. A. WUi tii commission. «1 t>•»«.■* Clowiikiup, ir the sensauoi- d tne£%«sr n> Uaiueu -wUjiry. A rc»irJ|J*jg Oluu. u cu t)d by’Hr. AjU. iMciwr, ocUh - ey ui r’uquay A’l' ii, rcpic.enl -‘•g u numb*/ of Aiun., of ihe town 'Hip, oil Moik! uy3*.i and iinn lt< *»• »«i-v«u on iMHiny doming oo -liiiig brl bAio urn on tho ivon sy* *«m of the lowAip. ids ulluiavu ■HI winch Ui* it-J^sl lor a iu*umii ■U uim« huf oltcd copic. ui winch ..m to be XouisJ i the hwnua uf ijcai • i leads vl Ihe •onroent, stun nl •oguig cor in in tickle iiubtai uf iln saiccod injuif to Uui taxpayer* of the _ townUi.p,. recite* “Unit -. itu.miMisn.ers Ave etherwur .in*. mx„egad' the M funds of bud lowtuhip end not thmaten end pro pose -to further qaiesppiopi into um wsste the iuiid#4f Mud lowuuhip Oy nunuing ■ minctyry ruads sou -kendorung uncfeJ ones; by .niprop ei.y locsuag necessary rveds, ig uoiing ms ireoigmendslions of their iOud esgiuoei with reference there to, and by other nets*equally piodi gel in then wanton disregard of the iights of aOaat'ead other taxpayers of said township.'' »A bearing will ue had on this order tcfoie Judge atscy iu hsniard Monday the 17th si U o'clock BL It is understood ihai a uurooer tftn journey from here -o os erossnt si the hrinnn I robatfy nun interest center* in eh« cnnnnsl proceeding now pending •u ■ local magiiirel*'*, court ■a, tamnieinngw ■dnUoneu .. than in any oikpr pnaso of the pui* lie's tight It* adjust ths road matters of ths township. Tbs defendants were indicted ag the charge of vio lating lhair oujf'af office with ref erence to the Jbtgonditure of MbftOQ derived /roof, the 4*1*' of road bonds of Blart yt Ifwuship. Tha ex *•**•*, o? yOt ^ri Is pop vis there great foster! in it by tW citrsans of ths .uwnscip as' a whot*. A number uf viliaeut, representing the popular ia larsat in the pcosceutioa, have re I valued Mr. A. *. Fletcher, attorney A r uqoay Springs, to represent tha state. kr.F. T. Dupree, local ut torney will represent the defendants ihe trial is set for Saturday 15.U. snd numbers.of witnesses will be ex aminad on both sides imbi, defsnul sou waive axamiaatinsi. HIUW; IN ItEUABU TO 8AiJS OF ICK CBEAM. 1. Ice cream to a frozen product mode from cream and sugar, or without a natural flavoring, and contains not kas than ID per cent of milk fat. 2. Fruit ice-cream I* • irozeti pro duct made from cream. sugar aad Sound, Chan, mature fruits, und oon Uin* not leu than 8 per cent of milk fat U. Nul ue-cresn, * frozen pro dult made from cream, sugar, and and. sound, nourunev! nuts, and con tain* not leu than 8 pur cant of milh fat. The sale of • product aa ion-cream containing gelatine, eggs, gum Crag alanth or other vegetable guin, ur I kas* mu Is* a/ m aSaJasS — - a _ which contain* leas than the requir ed per cent at milk fat will not be contested. provided the tame ia la beled and told aa milk Ice-cream, imi tation ice-cream, compound iqp eream, gelatine ice-cream, ogg ice cream or gum Ice-cream (a* the caac may bo); or If a playeard bear ing the following statement — Milk ico-croorn la aeived hero. Imitation ice-cream ia aerved her* Compound ico-croum is aerved I etc Egg ice-erearu ia aorved mre. Gelatin* iee-creoaa it aerved hero, or Gum lee-cream u aorved her* (as tha rate may be), shall be post ed in a conapieieua place In Uio room i where any and all persona may aoe the name when purchasing cream; , and provided, farther, that the state orient on the playeard ia printed ia one Inch in aim. on a white hack’ , ground. A Visit From aa Editor. ■ The Observer received a very we! como visitor today ja the person ol Mr. Byron Ford, one of the editor lal staff of the Kaieigh News and : Observer. We liked hla looks wher ha entered the aenctam, and wv . likad him better when ho talked, be . cause he |e a dye-la-the-wool newi , paper man af the true blue ftrlpo— , just the kind that Journalism need* . —FaycttatvIH* Observer. i - , Mr*. W. IX Holland rstarssd M»a I day from a visit to Camp oiem . ] where ah* spent beversl days wltl Ueuteaail BoQ»M. r A FAMILY KMINIOX. Tlii Gardner Ian 11/ reunion we* held /eilerde/ at the home of Mr. Gardner, about oua mile *«•*! °» Dunn. All the cLUdren. unapt aw who la In the army, were present and the oooastoo wae a moat delightful ink. it»rt»*i us and brtanawleh »taw were served. which the family and la riled g titisi n ttwrougliiy enjoyed. The following were presnt: Mr. R. Gardner, Jr.. nt Washing ton, l> C.; Mr. and Mrs. Iloland Gertlner and Sir. and Mrs. Cleada Geidatr. of Mount Olive, Mr. O. V. iMagtae*. of New York Clt/i Mr. olid Mra. tlrorgr W. Gardner, of l>auu; Mr. and Mra. L N. Mlnshew. of I Hum; Mrs. Mainio Pittman and daughter*. of Dann; Mra. Doto end Mr. George Canada/, of Dona; wwra Invited gaaate. The occasion was a happy event for the fhmfjy so ft was the ■ ima la a good whOn all of ther bt-sa together. UKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following deads hare been fil ed lor registration in the oAce of Urginter of Deeds mice our Met is sue; Mary Turner Camoron to Board of ^duration, 1-2 ucrx school lot in Joh.uuuiville townihip; con side ration ' 1-00 and other con*iderations. Dead dated litre other 21, 1907. l.arar S. Young and wife and B. F. 1‘errieb and wife to A. F. Grime*. 3 id acre* in Grove township; coa siduelion, gX2b. Deed dated Janu ary lb, 1916. OU11W w r. u rxiiuou, ono town lot in Costa; emiidtntion, *20 Deed dated October U, mu. KarKael i. 1 ear vail to j, (; ri;#. ford. Lot No. 1, Block “PQ" in Donn con lot ration, $000. Dead dated April 21, 1*11. M. U. Upchurch and wife and J. B. Upchurch and wife to V. H. Tay lor, on* acre In Buie's Creak; con aid nation, 1*00. Dead dated May 4 1*16. W. M. Bryan and with to B. P. -*CT» *» ^NalU’. $206.26. Daad datad Janaary 1», 1*14.—Harnett Post. HOOD-PBAKttALL. At the homo of lira A. D. Brooke •later of the bride, at Hamlet. N. C. Mr. Paal C. Hood and Mias Motlla Motif) He* no 11 were quietly married StDday morula* at S o'clock In the presence of few friends and rets life*. Rev. A. T. Young, paatar o4 tht Proaybteiian church, of Ham let, ualag tha rlag ooreatooy, dar ing which Mru. Whim aid, softly played McDowoll’a “To a Wild Rote.’ Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Vn. Hood left for Wright*, vlllt Beach, where they spent Sen day tad Moodoy.rc turning to Dum Monday night. Mr. Robert L. Denning and Mist Helen Hood, aiater of the groom, at tended the wedding, which wet unite a torprlte to moat of Oicii friends, only a few ot them expert Ing It at this time. Tht groom ta the oldast ton of Mr , end Mrt. D. H. Hood and It a splen did young man. lie I* a member ol the Arm of Hood and Grantham sad la osa of Dunn’s must promWni yoang bast nee* non. Attentive U >uu IV/M iw iriVMU Ilf n on* of oer popular young ettUeni aad h* la receiving tba con grain la | lloua of b boot of admirers on win nine the heart and band ad the bona tlful liula bride. Tho bride la tb* youngest iigk ter of Mr. Jerry Peersell. |a rerj popular, and admired by alL Bhs t wall known la tbit aactloa of th< 8uta aad baa a boat of friends wh< wish fer bar every happiness In Hfe. Tor th* present tb* happy yonnt eonple will be at horn at th* hom< of tb* (room’e parents. Mr. and Mn t>. H Hood. Tho** pres*at to wltnase tb* t*r* moay warn: Mr. aad Mr*. A. 0 Brooks, Mr. Jerry Pearsall. Mr*. K M. Whit Bold and Mrs. P. A. Lack«y of Hamlet; Mia* Helen Hood am Mr. Robert L Dennlnc at Dan* rcccewul revival AT BROADWAY CLOSE Broadway, Jaly H_Rev Job W. Ham boo juat closed a very ant eewfol revival me*tlea bare. II w*» aided by Mr W. p. Betti, wh had chary* of tb* staging. Bot ">ado many friends barn, as did Mn Ram, who both played tb* plane at rompenlmeot to tbesbigrlay and A no went oat into tho oafWfBHoB 1 lie personal work. About slaty Job od I he rborrh asd many sent that names to rhurehoe at other place* ■ Mimes Raby Oodwla Los la* Poa, i »all »nd Raebe] Clifford spent rr day lb R*M«fc. | M Fim Imb Cm* TW Dirial oo af Afiwoay of the Experiment Htatjon, la tta work with rod ctmr mad other leguta iaoua crop* daring th« pat you. U* found that amat of tW leadir* farmer* in North Carolina whv am Ofing rod clever in * pr*p*r eyrten. of rotation for ao.l unpr iWMMi plan to oavo thejr rxil frii tki •ccowd catting during ifce aocoad jrou’a growth. It to very eecenlial that arhare tki* pmitioc !» fallowed that the flmt crop be or* cot too late, because where CM# to ion* the production of eeed from the second cutting i* net nearly an gwd si when the catting ia mode at the proper thee. It dioild be the plan to make the fimte utttag early, before any of the bead* have began to torn brown. After clover forms eeed It to greatly weakened end does act readily make a aceond growth. Agate, hay that la over-ripe to eat of the highest quali ty. It should bo plaancd on every farm where rod clover ia Wing i grown to follow this plan sod to | save at leant enough wed for pleat ing the crop for the following year. —Extension , AH orPOHTUHlTr FOB YOLNO WOMB* u»l bourn, a two WeiTr'hrttteng at tt rooms, with a fYnntaga at a W dnsd feet, white may ha aaad by jrirt* who wite to farm Mate aad live et their owa rhanyaa pupils caa live cheaply aad aam fortably ia this way, many at Item havtuy thair table ouppUaa Mat la there from home. Far information addreae i. M. Rhode*. Littleton Collate, K. a Pleads Guilty. Duan, July !«.—Monday at Man, Godwin Bros., at Pino Laval, pleaded jviTty to tbs charge of violating the provisions of the Harrison anti-nar cotii law and were bound aver hatha Federal Court at Raleigh. The hear bijr was held aa a result at (ha nativ ity of A castes Bradley, ears Mil deputy. Mr. and Mre. Cleed# Gardner of Meant Oliva war* bar* ibis weak. Mtea Clara Dollar tea re termed from a vteit to bar slater at JOatta B. a RAILROAD WAGES ■ ' ' ■■ Shall they be determined by Industrial Warfare or . Federal Inquiry ? aI_a_*_ .' • * '*■ .. ’•< / , i-uv §i 4 m Miiigt ytiny wage payrntw* »w mu oouiocra am mm* pl«y*» (including (how who walked only pan o4 (ho poor) a* •bow* bp tha 1915 payroll* were— »-Tralffea Yw4 Upwe..$2144 $1712 $1212 C.eiartir.. 1722 MM 1127 Km.10M MS SM Inkw..1012 S4S SM A IAA fit* _ _ 2 11 _ •_ M._ n iw uiiuiuu uuuh( wttjrc iuuuk iui men in freight and yard service (lew than one-fifth of iul employes) is equal to a 5 per cent advance in all freight rates. The managers of the railroads, as trustees for the public, have no right to place this burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri bunal speaking for you. The railroads have proposed the settle ment of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law, or by refer ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. This offer has been refused by the employes’ representatives. Shall a nation-wide strike or an investigation under the Gov ernment determine this Issue? 'V m % > .... . — • AJ

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