—i i * '-K ■ s .i w-r^W'y ; •■ •' • ■«•> YOL III ®®®Bpj!PBKLV _Dbbb< >• C. *17*#tb, ms '!;4|o. K ~ __ WWT ■UU1UHB PROCLAMATION APPEALING FOR FLOOD AID Tho flood roliaf appeal proclam* t,n% la nod Saturday uight from Haisigb, on authority of Governor Craig followi; To Uie people of North Caro luia: A great disaster bat befallen a large region of OUT Suw, hun. drada of people are homeless end helpleae. At this time I cannot de aeribe the extent of the damage done by the unprecedented flood* of July 16 and 16, nor can I undertake to portray the present and prospect,ve suffering. By reason of the fact that Aabrilie has been cut off from communication with the oulsido world I coaid not be as promptly and edcpuuWly informed of con ditions a* other*. But I am now prepared to tay that ia tha mountain sections along our wcaUra atreares, large and small, running eastward from Wtlhes on the north to Ruth v .-id an tha aouth tha floods . •wept away not only the homes and tha growing crop* but even the lands theeaaelv** of hundreds, if not thoa asnds, of our fcllowmen and women . They are ia distress and many of Warn utterly destitute and helpless. Their aU has been swept away ia a night. “New, therefor*, I Locke Craig, Lovencr #f tha State of North t_s. oiina, am calling upon our generous people to re* pood to tho cry of those who have been io terribly stricken. Thera is evory reason to bsiicv* that many will for woohs have to bo sup plied with the necessities of life, la order that they may be sustained until they can And a moans of live Uoood. It ii but right that our en ure poo pie should share Uus l dan—but ran eon able that tha people in region* of the State in which no damage wee does, where crops wore •pared and homes undisturbed, nod«d open tbsir hearts in geaar jus r, ving. “I aadretend that a number Jt ieqpl subscriptions bass bean start and that at least two rails 1 commit tea* has* began work . I tabs onessina rather, to. .cosnirsod tbs. At the asm* (tea. tea disaster ‘a %r" •' 1i grant, Inet I feel constrained -o *1 point a committa* of general re list and to authorise it to taka uv ai ltptlans and to appropriate funds as needs appear. Every dolltr shall ba accounted for, and every penny shall go to relieve actual need. "Subscriptions may b* sent to Edward E Britton, chairman, R*U sigh. N. C " I as sure our people, once they realise Use distress of their fallow North Caro linens, will ba quick to pour out their mosey in this noble causa." Distinguished Entertainer Csmmg The public will be pleased to leans that the well known entertainer, Mias Beulah T. McNemar, will give on* at her delightful programs on Tuesday night August 1st, in Opera House, auspices Ladles Aid Society. Baptist church. Mias McNemar occupies an en viable position on the American plat form at today. She baa entertained ia almost every state in tha Union and before tha moat prominent gath erings, and always charms har hear er*. The Bln* Jacket (Okie.) Ousette in spaaUag of her says: “Mias McNe mar is an entertainer of rare ability and one who always presents a pro. gram that Is elevating and Instruc tive." Sha will give a varied program embracing new and popular selec tions. Boaaethtng to please everybody. Adults 35 cants. Children under 14 years of age 28 cents, Reserved aaats 80 cents on sale at Wilson A Lee's Drag store. PRESIDENT RTONO W NORTH AND WKSrf Waahlogton, inly IS.—Mr. O. P. Hholl, 0( Dunn It traveling In tho North and Woot, and flade that Pro •tdont Wllaon It vary • I rang wfcer oror ho baa boon. "I bavo boon away from homo flftoon daya* sold Mr. Shall to tbo Nowa aad Oboarvor'o eorraapond ant. " I bar* tourneyed through aaroa dlffarant Matas going ao far woot aa Mach I ate, Michigan, and bavo talked with aion ot promloaea M both political partita, and I faal coaftdoot of Woodrow Wlloon'o ro olootloa. "Ropnbiirana from Wisconsin Illinois aad Indiana hold as that Mr. WlMm Is growing dally aad that many Republicans would lino ap for hla.’—H. S. c. In Nowa and Ohaarrar. Mr. aad Mrs. W. B. Baldwin rw tmad Friday from a two waafci ThaaMaa, moat af which Uma waa «pw^*^Mr. Baldwin-, aid homo U A. C. 1* TRAIN* DBTOUR WATKR HIGH IN BANTIUf Wilmington, July I«.—While tho high water In tbo Bailee rlror, crose Ing the main line of the Atlantic Coaat Line between Florence and Charleston, made It necessary today to detour train* from FToronc* via Denmark and over lb* Southern Hallway to Charleston, ft wai an nounoed by Atlantic Coast Lina of flclali hero tonight that they antici pated no aerlous damage from the flood* and that the line would in nil probability bo ope nod tomorrow by noon Train service from Flor ence to Colombia waa resumed today train* being detoured via Denmark Tbs Folrsnco-Augusta line 1* still open, It was announced, no damage from the flood* In tbe Santee be ing expected on this line It will be a week perhaps before lb* fine over the WateTto river between Seen ter and Columbia will ba opened. Duke News of Interest. Duke July 21th. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. H. Webb and Mlsa SalHe Perdie left for Portland Ore., where Mr. Webb is a representative to the supreme lodge Knight* of Pythias. At CindnaUl they will Join the party from North Carolina which will be composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Scott nod daughter of Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vear* 0f Wilmington “d Mr. W. T. Hollowell of Golds boro. At Chicago tbs North Caro lina party will get on the Pythian Special from Chicago to Po:-j. Ora. The party will be gone four wmIu Friday night Washington Duka Lodge no. 1C6 Kaighta of Pythias installed the following oAears, j. W. lhaalelo. Chancellor Conmaadsr; J, E. Standi. Vloa Chancellor; O. B. bun peon, Praia U; ... g Her roll, blaster Of work; Gilbert Woodworth, master st arms; G. L. Suweti -- rJ*rd: 7. II. Uaaly, outer gcard, E. S. Yarbrough actad as cfi. oar and F. L. WUaon-as grand ass tsr at snaa Mrs. j. c. Yaripngh of Chicago, and Mrs. J, A.Q«Wfc Jr, qf Msdw Yarbrough. m.‘A Mr. William White spent the woes end visiting friends in Wilson. While thore has been a considers hi* amount uf rain recently, yet there is no complaint from the farmers of this section. The seasons have been favorable end the work is well up with excellent com and cotton. Infantile Pursiyois The Symptoms And Menas of Avsidiag It. With mi as of inf an tils paralysis being reported daily from various parts of ths country, numerous in quiries am being mads from many sources as to the first symptoms at the dlseaee end meaea of avoiding H The State Board ef Health has there fore issued the following brief bul letin of public interest; The first symptoms of the disease are usually a fever, vomiting sad pains in ths hand, back and limbs. One should be suspicious if lntsstlsls disturbances of almost any kind are associated with s stiff ncckulrowxl , ness and fever. Known exposure to Other mass of the disease should cause suspicion sad suspicion should by all msnas be followed by s visit to the doctor. There arc several important things to be does to prevent ths disease. Flret of all, one should avcid all known or suspected casco of ths dis rate Flies cd all Muds should bo absolutely excluded from ths house sad from all food. Persons, Cato, dogs and pats who have bean In say way exposed to tbs disease should ba avoided. Ths mouth, teeth uud nose should be washed several times dally Finally, keep just as strong, robust and healthy as possible. Onpe Fear at Flood RUff i __ July I*.—Aa a r»nlt of heavy rala Id ihla »action and tha up country thn put 11*« daye, tha Cape Fear river will probably reach (he Hood atatre of SO tut Uv ulsht At I o'clock It I* between SS end St feet and rtatng abont »tx Incbee an hour. No eonetdarabla damage hae been reported. OoldtMro WeSoooeU fl. And O. ■* Ooldabnro Record. The Raleigh Newt and Obearv art boreaa with headquarter! I< thq Chamber of Commerce roooen wu establlahed In thin city Monday, •Oder the management of Mr. Bryoi Ford. Mr. Ford It n newapaper uni of wide experience and a apleodU writer, and wa are ram that be will give the many readme of tha “OH Reliable' come real aawi from tht< •action every day. Wa extend Mr. Ford a moat nor dial welcome to oar a tree to na tions. Th* South hat a gnat opportunity to sail Her ntxt cotton crop for more money than st any period since the Civil War, if she will grasp it prompt •y We have condition* existing now that have not existed before, sod s little study oe the part uftbe plant ers win enable them to take advanta ge of them. Th* peed mitt will say It can’t be done, bat ire say it can. These condition* ere brought a bout by the European War (which looks as if it were nearing the end), end the reduction th the us* of fer tilisers, as well aa other abnormal conditions. Pew rasdite that there is a possibility of .a cotton famine before another crpp la made, and that the demand will exceed the sup ply. ‘ We are going to pobttab the “Sou thern Cotton adviser” at At lanta, Ga. in the Interest of cot ton planters. gWi*% them direct, through a sense M monthly trade letters, valuable Information of the condition* now g and likely to exist in the fatnre.^ the cotton trade a* well a* the *m*£at of cotton on hand at spotshed cLcdes, the rote of consumption, the pdhbebte production and the conditions 'that will govern prices a* well as fafrw marks! price* are made. Everyc BotiUtn,' planter know the ccmriltloop^fta hu to most in marketing hia crap. Tha cotton trader* know Uul but they ara aot going to tell %om far obvious "rr- . ** Ur I • | talent obtains] 1c to keep them post ed on what ia wm., . place, object of thcoo letters is to leap yau posted In Uka mannar. We wUI m~ deevor to shew you how to nd unless you keep informed, you may walu op after it is too late, and aot up another complaint about Wall Street, and the speculators robbing the Sooth. Thay are alive alright This will bo a year of fortunes in cotton. Who wIM get it? There are eo few cotton planters that gtvaa any time or thought to these matters, the progressive plan ters should encourage the others to look more after their interest and to think for tfaamaelvoo. The government report, July 1st. showed bout MJMO/OOO acres Is cot. ton this year, indicating a yield of 14,000,000 balsa, but It did not toil you that the use of fertiliser it takes two acres to prodocs whet one! would on greed deal of our lend.| It will be our aim to give you all the valuable information obtainable, aad the data we will give you could net be aollectod by the individual planter, except at a coat greater than tha benefit, but can be collected. aj us, conosnseo un given to you •t a trifls in money and a saving of valuable time. You can get three trade latter* direct, postpaid, by sanding f 1 with your name and ad dress to us, and have your name placed on our mailing list. Tbs first of those letters will appear about August 10th, and will bo a revelation to you beeause you do not realise the conditions Prepardnea* la a virtue, and you can propara to sao something doing all the time la the near future. With mw conditions rising constantly you should loop pasted. It will make or save you hundreds ef dol lars. Address the Southern Cotton Re view, Atlanta, Ga. P ft. The publishing of this notice Is a courtesy to you from your local paper and do* credit should be given them, as they are co-oporatiai with oa In getting this informetier before you. Yoor local paper |i a valuable aaeet to you. and it ii t worth many times whet yea havi to pay for it. The Kind ef Wemaa te Marry. , You taka a tip from me ton. Whai yea marry, marry a hoots woman i . woman who's wiling to bang a "Oa I Blase Our Home'' sign oa the oral I without making funny joke* a bos r it— American Magasine. < - wv ■ Mis* Maude Lra. of Greenville, 1 lo the city VWriting r*!*ti»*n. ». AND O. M’lUSAl IX UOUM BBeetvo Hectoning Today With Mr. Byraw Ford la Clurga Effect It* today Mr. Bryon Ford becomes tbs Ooldahoro representa tive or (he News and Observer de rating Ms entire urns to Inter sale if tha paper In that city and sec tion. In tha course of a day or two he will have secured permanent headquarters where frinnd* and pa trons of the paper will always find i hearty welcome. Ob noeoani of Its proximity to Raleigh and tha close sad friendly relations which have kite ays existed between the two cities, Oeldsboro has long seemed an especially Invit ing Place lor the opening of a News and Observer bnresn and the man tgerment of lha paper la very glad mdaed that clrcsaaataaocs hava now levaloped that make if advantageous to give this special service to the Wayne capital. Mr. Ford, who Is a trained newt paper man with experience In both the editorial and tha basin'*! aidn lion prove e*peci_lty adapted to the work In Ooldahoro and wtll be lu itrnmsntal tn patting Ooldahoro oa the New* and Observer map mors emphatically than has ever bees lone before. The Wayne city la one >f the most prollAc sources of news In the State sad It has much that the rest ef the State ought to ho Informed shoal. Mr. Ford can be lepesMlnd upon to do everything pos dble In a legitimate way to Id the world know what la going oa la the m afmsiA I la at# U/ae.*--a_ mm. x>-operation of Um cUlcaaa of OoMa boro In making Mr. Ford's work at tba greatest possible service to Bolds boro la earnestly rsqaestnd. la tatrodaclag tba arm Ootdsboro rep isaalaUra of tba News aad Ob server, Ibis ftp* acknowledges with (banka tba perviee of Mr. Emmett R- Brown, wbe far tills a loam uqfe with one ar twa brief laUrmlaaiOBs Ua baaa aorraa^aadaatt for tba Moot tad Obaarvar at Ooldsbar*. Mr. ion baa not baaa able to (If* aa somplete a news sarvlco from Oolds boro as desired, bat with lb# United time at hla command be baa does sxcelloqt work. Tba News aad Ob server retlaQulahe* iu relatlona with him with regrets.—News and Ob server 17lh. IWIdag aad Lena Electa OMwa. Tbc new Board of Directors of the Dutm BuiMiag ft Loan Association bald its first meeting Monday night and Edward Smith was elected See retary aad Traasartr. Tba Secre tary mad Treasurer eras required to execute and file a good bond bi tba sum of $14)00.00. The directors elected the following finance com mittee: Dr. J. R. Butler, 1. W. Pur die aad K. U Godwin. Mr. C. J. Smith eras appointed as Attorney for the association. Tha new organisation is storting out with the Asad detenninatton to make the association a success The Tha aaaociatiea la to bo caagratala tod upon securing Mr. Edward Srait^ to serve aa Secretory aad Troas nrar. Ha Is ana of tha laadng In suranea man of this community aad his new dsties will no doubt in* crease bis insurance business. It behooves every stockholder of tbs AlifleiUlaa sad evsrv dtiimi who hai tho good of tho community it heart to co-operate with Mr. Sgiith He ie making a sacrifice in a finan cial way to accept the otHee of Sec retory and Treasurer hot ha ia con fidently expecting the ee-operuttor of every etofc-holdjR^ ns well aa every boelncee man in the common! ty end with Me co-operation the MJceeee of the association Is assured NBVn TO MUCH M KKKT AT HMlTMPimj>. rtRcaat la Pee M Poet Stage si Cape Pear at Fay ntta rile. According to tha weather barest the stage of water la the Nense si Hmlthfitld will reach seventeen 01 eighteen feet daring nes^ two 01 three days. At 1 o’clock yestordai afternoon tha water guage shows) I4.lt feet at that point. The Neu» la a stow riser aad any be severs hours reaching Its highest stage Warulage were aent out yesterday t ■II polnta along tha river to cede that people who had eattle ta th lowlands or porloksble trope mtgh begin to get these to points S i safety. i During the twenty-four hoars eat I tag at • last night there had hoe I nn average rainfall of twa sad | half I nohen over the upper watoreht of the Neman. The forecast ass ft no mors rein at eot-aogaeaee sad s Is not expected by tho he reap th) tha eraet das at toatthfleld will m .Items From Cm. • ComU, July tOtfcr—At ft MM maatiag eg tho tows eooMMtoaoro it woo ordorad that all laws pterieoe ly passed or mode pnridfaft far » r—■< moot daaleto ia Coats ho spooled. This gl TOO tho former privilege of bringing their beef, But. t°*. peek, ate to tosra sad roUihag it ia oay quaeKy. It to hoped that Ufa more will ho to lha motool fa. Uraot Of both tho farmer* and town folks. Tho directors of tho i imomollj fair hold a mcotiog at Coota Bsturdoy July IMh, for tho psrpoioi of or. rmagtag dote, program, ate. of tho fair nest fall. It bafag ta^oaoMo to complete the week to bo done at thio mooting, soother mestfag woo railed to bo held at Caste so Wed naodoy July MO, ttlfapa All tho directors of aach deport aunt ora c*f Mad to bo proaeat at this moot tko'oBaet date of feMUr* will bo •sod on this date. Mr. O. A Yo«ftg Md Prof. Owm last Friday. Mr. J. C. Jonas, with tho D. ead A By . O. k mad a Flanders Mr. Bockort Stophai rf Willow Springs spent loot fa teM with Ms sistor, Mrs. O. A Yoong. Md tf Mr «f Johnston Co. was aaaa ia Geobe thU wash an Mm. aaaaaally large aeai ataM church at Gift Haptiot Church flat, urday aad Baa day. M. C ipaK tha ftrat part W tha weak with Mr. J. L. Jahaeaa aad Mr. W. D. Harrtagtaa af Chartotta to vtoMag Ur. and Mia. L. U Lsvta Daka, Jaly M.—A aiat MeeUag waa aallod Taaaday eight at the lywta to porfoat a plan to syste matically rales leads lor tha aager m g Ua flooded dtatrtct of North Carotins The rainy waether prawn tod a largo attend aeon Bor. M. Mar r1n Haggiaa eras appotated chair man or tha amt lag and a committer waa appotated to racaira donations ▲ alas UlUa saw was raeotvad Taaa day sight aad than are but man who tow stated that thay wwaM gladly help, hat coaid not ha pro mt at tha meetlag. Mr. B. P. Darts cashier of Baak of Haraou ia treas urer aad alt faada will ha haadled by ktoa. Bov. W. L. Maaaaa paster of tha Mathodlat church closed a aaccaaa tal rartval Be tar day at Angler an which Be*. 0. W. Parry of UUtag too aaslatad. Thia weak Mr. Maaaaa la «-»t-g Mr. Parry la a rartval near Bala's Creak nor. w. aanu a beratlea aad leas dwtrestirs ferae. Warataga ware alee teat ta lewai > eloag the Cape Rear bat aat te r elam the people. The forecast I* i for a IS loot etago at Rayetterttle. i — nth. f _ Bede’s Creak. Bala’s Creek, Jaty II —U R - Caw shell la ereetlag e brisk elan ■ here aad le trytas te hare It wwplet k ad hp Aagaat II. The baOdtag I I two elortaa, 4TaU feet. The Ire r Boor will be toed lor geaeral war eh it aadlaa #o oae dda The ether el* it win he aeed ae a drag Were, wttl e re awe far barber shag aad ndiSa '4M I', * yiv .V5! -.'••• y . L ;■' ,V-' . : *Vv» V, ,. v^>-. •..•• : :: - •' •• •• .■ . . - «> ** - • ■/ •• y0* . .7 -m •V* r,/r l--' -.4 r* t'-i. ! / " * r-’ *• * Hi to i • to tn tto va in* 4 » •(