THE DUNN DISPA j “^^^^^^SS^S^2^~^22SS2r3252S2SSS255SSS52!SSSSS5SS!ISSSS35SSS535S53S5SS555S5SSS2S5^^^SS5S5^^5SSSSS!S55SS^SS^^S^S^SSS^S555B2HHS!^^SSH5S55SS5H5S5^SB«S5S5S3!SSSSSBSSSSS4HJB^HBi VOL. Ill Dunn, N. 0. August 9th, 1916 I’AHMliU UY CUKUKKftM. Provide* New Crwllt for Koraiern for Purchase of lewl ami for lln ynncuMiU, Hate of Interest Not lo be More Than lilt IN_-r (rut—■' How to liorrow Moor) l inter TUN Act. The farmer* uf tbo Uulled Biatos hare at last readied a loug-eoughl goal. Their gill-edge security 1* uo longer to go hegglug or perhaps be ■acrlUoiKl lo the local money lender. Tbe Oovurument of the Unlleit H|t leu It to say hla sole and mortgage are gilt-edged lo a way (hut al laliu.ll know It. TUo aatlug* of orphan* aud widows, from Maine to C'alltor nlaa may safely be laroated In the farniora mortgage, though he may be tbotoands of mtlea away, and no thought need be giren aa lo the I character of tbe owner or tbe method of operating hi* piece of laad. The Gorsramenl la to maintain a system to take tail of this burdvo all from lunders and gies them the kind of qi-eurl|y they w||*b tor parmaurui Investment. Tbe farmer's taolu is to be trnly as good us hla bond. Th* savings deposited In th* bauka of tbe United Stutv* are said to amount to 17,000.000.000 and those of New York Massachusetts and Connecti cut alone to tS.tUO.000,000. The** toads may now moro and more reach farmers through their own or -.satiation under Government rogu . auuu. Mans law* It a v* kl\itn na aura. I which have directly helped la the de velopment of industry ana unde, hut lbe.e never has beou legislation mare important to the development of agriculture than in* Federal Farm uu act. Mora isan auy part la the tinned males the South is awaiting development upon obtaining ucw capital. A lew may Lose by the op eration of this act. but only lem por tly AU are hound to char a eoon er or later. In tho new proeperlir which plenty of reaaonable-prlced capital will bring to farmers Lauda will be drained, farm* will be clear ed. and tenure*, new and old, will prospur through ag lateral rate ie nao Xew Ucw. The great question farm-re will sow ask will be. How a:? we to make use of the privilege gnoted by the new Rural Credit* Law Just passed by Congress, and what arc to be our Oral steps? Are the privi leges granted by the new law open lo all alike? No. only to the farm era who now culuvsto or will culti vate the Land which they offer aa ■scanty for their loeus Easy Faymunfv When a farmer boiniwa a lb< u sand dollars, will be hare to lay ll back at the end ofouo two. or i nee years, aa now? No. he Is allowed lo pay It In auch small amoante that ha will not fed U. Foreclosure as faarful possibility will not hound him night and day. If tho borrow er of a thousand dollars payi 880. 14 each year, ba would have hla in terest and principle all paid In twen ty years, lie wonld then be paying six per cent Interest and two per cent toward the principal; and the , amount paid on hla debt and the In terest together would not be more than he frequently now pays In In terest alone, and the debt baa re mained as big an ever. This Is on* of the best feature of (ho new law. Ikgaalmdea for Cheep Credit. vtdaal farmer by one person or * csney, at now? No, the law pnivkl M that the borrower make applica tion for a loan to a National Farm Loan Association of which ha nmt become a member along with all others la hit neighborhood who wleb to borrow In thla way. Thla as so cial Ion of borrowars, who know sack other from living la tba tamo aelgkborhood, will In tha first In ataaeo approve of the lead aad Im provements which the aplfcnat offers •a security for a loan. Than tha application will bo passed on to the Federal Land Bank of that district for final approval. If tha farmer's note la approved by Ike Federal Land Bank does soma oas lend money to this farmer! No. tbe leal Bank takes this mortage not* along with similar aotas from1 other fkrmera, which, all together, may amount to thoaaonds of dollars. »»d safely keep thorn as seoarlty for boada >9>tae bonds the Load Baab sella to tbe Investors who wish to lend money on the very beet sccerHy Tbe money that received te given over by the Land Bank to the Na tional Farm Loan Association, which la tarn hands oat tb# lands te thetr borrowers. Tbs nows eats a Mockliolder to Hbi Own tkwdtt hosiery. Bat why mast a farmer who wlah es to borrow besoms a member vf a National Farm Loaa Association T Thla Society, to spprovt kts Iona and 0 indorse nis sots, must be financially ' responsible. The borrower, to be oomo a member, must take on* share of stock of firs dollars for every lieu dred dollars Its burrows. Then tbe Society takes tbs Hr* dollars aad in vests It In another share of stock lo ths Federal Land Bank of. hla dis trict. Tbe farmer’s lnvaattaenl In ■lock then becomes a coarantte to the Land Bank that the National Farm Association use all necessary care In approving of loans and In see Ins that the money Is spsnt fur the purposes for which It was borrowed. Tbs farmer receives a dividend ap l>o bis stock as a return on hla In reatmeot, which U expected lo re duce the cost of tho loan. The In terest chart# cannot b« made more than six per cent. Ho doe* net. however, have to use Ills own feoney to buy (he stock; ke Is permitted to use some of tho money ke borrows [or that purpose. With Limited Liability. Does Iks farmer not become lia ble for other people’s debts by be rtimina e nssmber of a National Loan Association? No, la tk* Brat place, every debt Is amply sscared by mar laces. Tbs murt«ac* can only cov er fltfy par cent of ths valuo of the land and twenty per oent of the valao of the iosmred Impru t The stock Is additional vt». which mskm the owner liable for only twice tbe par value of tho stock; that la. tor |vs dollars la ad dition to each Bve-dotlar share of stock, or, altocethor, ton dollars for every hundred dollars borrowed. The liability of tk* farmer aa a stockholder la a National Farm Loan Association la the sums aa If ba ware a stockholder In a national bank. money can only be borrowed for ore ductile purpose*, Mick u to pur chase land, tntmprove sad equip a lam sod to pay debts ol larasn who offer aa tccarily tke land which they already or will theiasalTea col li TSU. It 1* tbe doty of the Nation al Para Loan Association to aa* that all loans are expended far the pur pose* stated In Ika application for thq boy Be Work mf Her So—I Sana Low —Unions Tbs work of a National Farm Loan Association Is la no way is own Set with that of Iks Cradlt Union as Incorporated under ike laws of N Carolina. A National Farm Loss I Association lends for oot loss thao 1 Are years' time nor more than forty, whlla tbe Credit Union bolter make Its loans for about a year They both may loud lor equipment and fer tiliser. but tbe loa— for equipment aud supplies made by a National Farm Loan Association woald be for starting a farm and for Us opera tion during tbe first year, while a Credit Umoa would finance tho op eration of a farm daring off year* It woald be needle— far a farmer to borrow a hundred dollars from a Na tioaal Farm Loan Aaaoclatlon for fire years, for fertiliser or for ma chinery which be might be expeclorl to pay for In six months or a year. A farmer who should borrow anottgh to bay land and lo gnaaca the operation of tke farm for tho llrmt year might be able to got along all right for that year and aa long thereafter as crops should be good and prices paying. Bat II la an off year hesbould fall behind and re sort to supply store credit, he might then g elder per Into debt unless the credit of his National Farm Loan As soda lion should be supplemented by inai 01 a t;r*aii unron. What to So Now. Writ* to the Baperintendant of Credits Union*. Wta R. Camp. West Bel el* h N 0., If 7 cm want to orgae Im a National Fans Loaa Associa tion- and ha will forward roar appli cation for a charter to the Federal Fans Loan Board as aooa aa U la or ganised. Tha National Para Loan Board to to b* appointed by Prasi dost Wilson, sad when appointed will proceed at oaoe to orgaal* U* twalr* Federal Land Banks to cover tha whole of Ua United Staten Tb* National Pans I a. an Banka, arw to be under tbs control of this Federal Board. In roar latter of application yon had better stale 41) bow many bor rowers wish to loin a National Pans IAa» Association; ft) tha amnoot of mower which each dawiraa t* bor row (I) tb* vain* of tbo land and in anrnd Improvements offered aa secu rity. cud (4) the amount of stock which each farmer dastres to sub scribe for la a National Perm Loan Association. Not lam than tarn far mers can form a National Farm Loan Association, and they all toffatbor have to apply to borrow mot loot than $10,404. A farmer oaa bor row any emesnt from 9190 to 91#, 999. Other gsantlon* which may be raised will be answered upon ro aaeot—Bitesaloa PhromNawa. KXAD TUB DUNN DISPATCH Nevtoua While Paper Kami or b'arra Country. New York. Auguvt X.—Now York newspapers genuinely alarmed at • ha extreme eerlotuneee of the white papor eltuaUoa. are taking drastic slaps not only (o hold prew-1 eul consumption within tka most rigid limitation*. but to carUll the earns still further. If possible Many newsiispera uol ouly lu New York, hat elsewhere, are actu ally threatened with suspension or publication bsrsgn of tbs Inability of ih* mill* anywhere to sopply their neods. Tho New York papers haso rut og all rslarn privileges, country and elly, and will hold thalr output frmiy to the actual seeds of the public. MMlUiY IIAHKb KNTEltTAlNKIS ••Y MMH. P. l.BK. One of the moat attractive event* of the »e**oc w*a the party given by Mrs. P. A. t.<ee when she ealcrlalx ed the Merry Dames’ Club and a number of other guest* at the last meeting of the club year. Upon the spacious veranda wrrr arranged tables span which ’• era vases of yellow canaae and place cards Is gold and white After ax lateresting game of progreMt'c nook the hostess assisted i>y Mrs. John Thornton served dal rlusa rr fraslimaau consisting of dainty sasdwlchss served la baakela decor ated to yellow, and lead tea. followed by lea rrsam and cake asd salted almonds. ThOM who eajojyed Mri. Lae's hoe pilality were Mesdamet Warrtu. Hick*. Piucl, Kuaaell Young, Floyd, No wherry. Mama Wade. Horace Freeman. Stephen*. Baldwin. WU eon, J. P. Johnaon. nighman. U O. Townnaad. Whitehead. Malloy But ter. Thornton. Mlaaea Vara Harrlag. Meta Harper. Mary Freeman. Carrie WlUon. Dora Creel. Lee. Eunice Mc Kay end Mia* Srelya White or Hert *1110 Mr* William F. Horner of Hoar mery. Mlaeea Townsend and McCol maa of Glbaon. Helen Chapman of Grit too. Lamb. Grant, nod Baaale dig health of Fayette rll le. Ml IttUMMU—BAHMhrBg. HIUDQR Mr*. J. P. Johnaon entertained moct dellghtfeliy at Auction Bridge Tnrpday afternoon la^. Tha rather nnuennl but very altrac lira color tcheme of red and white wae carried out throughout the doc orations and rodroshmtoM. Bach tabic and the hall and alt ting room were ornamented with gladiotaa and rueaa. Mr*. John Thornton made tha highaat Bridge acorn and wa* pre tested n cut glass oil bottle. Mrs. Johnson served a deUntona salad con re* and loe cream and cake. Theme prewrit were Mcsdamea Lloyd Wada. Harroy McKay. Jack Lee. J. W. Pit* Ocrald. N. A- Town scad, Wm. V. Homer of Roeemary. J. W. Thornton C. L Wilson Bob Godwin. 1. F. Hick* and Mlaaea Meta Harper and Bthel Hooka MRA. MARVIN WADB KNTKK. TAINS. | A most aujoyabla Rook party was I fives Wednesday afternoon tad from five to eight by Mrs. Marvin Wade In honor of Mra. D. O. Town send. honaa-gaeaU. Klesee Town send sad McColman of Otbsoii. Bowls of roaoa sad other cot Bow era rendered Mra. Wade'e attraottve homo more beaaUfal. TkeUeioas refreehmenle of load tea and land wichas followed hr ioe cream and cake and eUocotate bon bons were Mired by Mra Wade and Mlae CUva Pop*. FI*WORTH LKAOI’K PICNIC. The Epworlh l>eagoe of the Methodist church enjoyed a picnic at Rhodes’ Pond, six miles south of Dunn, last Mon day evening Ten automobiles carried the cro*d to 11a destina tion where the party of sixty spent a pleasant evening. Sev eral games were playad and Ice cream was served which added considerable to the plea sure of the occasion. The crowd returned about 10:30 o’clock, after spending two de lightful hours at tbs pond. The chaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. T. V. 8mith. Mr. snd Mra M. M. Driver and Miss Vara Herring. Paralysis Flags* Takes ftt More Baklan. New York. August —The In fantile paralysis figures today were 52 deaths snd 183 new cases The grand total for the epidermic are R.88S cases and 1. 1#4 deaths. HKA1, E8TATK THAXHFERH. Tka following daada have been 01-1 at) for reglatratloa In Ike older of Regiater of Detale ilnei oar but •» ,B0 i J. T. Riling Lon aid wife to O. W. ! Bplvey aud wITo un« kit in town of ' Anglnr ponaiilaratiuig 1510 Octal 1 Jaled Itnmmber 4 1*13. M. W. Charry a»d wife to A. C. I rhrtatiau and wife 74 a era. Ill II. Lj R. Ion nab Ip Ctmaldcrallon |7S0 ! Darn! dated Norambtr 14. I y 16. ! Oao. I.. Cannndy and J. C. Clif ford. i-iimmlnlonera In J. J. Imr Jin* lot In town of Dumu.Cottaldara tlon, 17.900. lined dated July 3 1914. 1,111 lugtou Live 8(ock Company mortgagor lo Kiaaela H noaa Iota 16 17 24 and 25 In Boailn-aal UI lington Couaideralion $64 Dated July 26 1214.— Harnett Pont ttb R T. r. I'. IVogrtni foe Monday Ktenlng. lag. 14, |g|g. Croup Na. 2: laid by Mr. E C. Weal. Uabject. Dlbla Study Meeting Song Dy the touch of hla Hand on nlnti. Frtrtr—Dr C. D. Halo. Song -Loyally u> ChrUl Report of MooMrthlp ConnlttM. Bible Readen Quit—Ferry Mor gan Report of BecflMry—Myrtle Nay lor. MODE—U>re Hi (tame. Prayer—C C.' ♦farran Introduction otleaeos—|. c Want Blbla Readies—lifri. E. C. West. Saul os bie stay IpDmukw—Ma dia Ball. • . v ,, taol sad tba eteiod from Hearns— Caspar Warm, bolo—Marta rat Pope Baal la Dameacad. —btr» E. C. Waal ; Damascus desejtbed T>y a member — Lola BtrlcUasd Baol aa a praaeber A tba Oospcl— Maryam Pope. 1‘alar sad bU rrprb Boee—Ood be »IU tu till we meat ogata.' * J“. • Dianalaaal—P« tjrr Macgas l • • • ^ n. - . ■— e —sqm ^ . MOY OOtXT KWH (Hr Scout Scribe.) The Broau pi troop No. 1 here decided that lasts ad of solos Camp in* this year they will wait until neat year when they are In a better financial condition. All tba arnuli looked forward to going on a camp ing expedition thli year but owing to tba grant exponas It would iocar. and no much moor already baring been paid oat by the treasury (or uniforms, ate they will wait till nest season mud nuke n fine trip. How ever they Intend to go ou another hike before tbe season la oror. Two new members hare beau add ed and many more prospecu are looking into the matter of belag a Boy 8cont. It U hoped by all that before long tho Stoats aril] be a largor organisation Pencils wore sent oat by tba of tho movement to ell troope In the country to be told benefit tbe Flag Knnd. Tbe KU* Food la a fund be ing raised by aacb troop In or cry town to bay a larga tag for said troop. Pdr Instance tbe pencils seat will be sold by the scouts end the proceeds will go for our flag to be placed In Ike Dunn Bcoul ball. All ecoats wero handed a dosen pencils to bo sold at flvs cents each and It le np to tbe pencil aaert of this town Ui buy from tbe ecoats tbe few pencils they hare, tbe mon ey to go for a flag for troop No. 1. A new Km PANT* 11AI.I, tram onOAXIWD. At a BiMtloi bald a f»w dart ago a Km Pant’i baa* ball loan was falty organised aad the taaa has already began prattles, etc "Red* Johnson or tk* "Tlrtfi' was sleeted BO an agar aad ooeck of tbo loam, hie ear*toes to be extended while not playing for tke larger boys Willie Newberry area elected captain end eeld manager end captain are at the present time sebedettng gtmee to be played la the near (ntare. Many good pro*pacta to wake the team hare been fend aad fro* all appearances the team will aadonbl adly be eery fast and aaceoaatnl. Mr. Jesse B. 1.00, who waa operated on at the Hospital to Rocky Mount last week, la gra dually Improving. The oper ation waa of a serious nature and It will be several days yet before Mr. L«o will be able to return home. Hla friends will bo glad U> know, however, that ha la getting along aa well aa could be expected. Meeiie. J. H. Pope and J. H. Reliance spent Monday In Robeson county looking over Mr. Ballanoe'a farm. rHE HTRONtt 11 EI.PINfi THE WEAK. "We are putting in practice In North Carolina the Injuuc lion of the great apostle 10 tue [•entiles: "We then that are I'.roiig ought to boar the Infirm lie* of those who are weak and ant to plena* ouraelvea.' The; people of our state ar* respond-' mg uohly to the cry for help ihill comee from the flood «uf • it No snrh calamity bus t>e- , tallvii the state In all *ts his «.ry There have been irage lifj in which more lives wore Icstl. liui I ho desl ruction of prop L'Vly by the flood is wit bout a parallel. Many of ihosc in* .■•aul wort: small f'truiers with no provisions for iLe.,>* ri*r" luy* The waters ruim.-d U>* [.rowing crops and slid :V.> ... f their farmlands in the vi leys below leaving in sou. plate* only ihe bare rockr 1 hese snull funner*, ham nc iher seed nor boll on v.-V.. *.i >. 1 make a (Top ami It 1c T.c* to replanl oven If tin' "''t.’. i uiiuiuuuh * tire iiv.;rr u • | reJolee that our own 1 nvt ■ holding out the band ot relict Lo our stricken brethren Wi have a good opportunity now *.c put into practical service the •piril of brotherly kindness that ia taught us in the gospel And II is good to know that ihle Ik being done. We must not al low our unfortunate brethren lo suffer for bread. Nor must they find It necessary to appeal to the national government for aid. The national government was not established to food peo pie but to protect their llvaa. liberty and property. It would be a shame to us w ho are' strong If we fall to share that strength with the weak and betpleas We can take care of the situation and be none the poorer, but the richer, for it. It may take a half million dol lars to tide our neighbors over the distressing period of ueet —It may take more bat what ever it takes we must-be rJL£d}. and willing to give. The Cashiers at the First Na tional Dank and the Bank of Cape Fear have gladly consent ed to receive any amount, large or small you may feel It In your heart lo give. All contri butions will be acknowledged In the columns of our city papers. The officers of the Woman's Club will forward the aunt to tal to the proper distributing committee, and a receipt frotr the chairman will ho llkewis publicly acknowledgec PKOK1T IN UAtfOLJHB AT HKVmf. ikf.n ccm. IWdrrul Trade OoeuaMw Mo Kinds According to . Report—findings Will fie to Onogrws. Washington. Aug I—Ussollno can be sold at a tabetantlol pro It at 17 esau a gallon the federal trad* commission Is reported to bos* determined la Its Inssatigation of high prices of gssollne. Th# lad ings of the commission bar* not been oflcially reported ret. bnt prob ably wUI be referred ta Oongrra wtthln th* neon week or 10 day*. No eveidmee, It Is declared, ha* been dleetoaed of actnal Illegal srtlnty la keeping up price* on the market, although It. Is aid some dealers war* "bogging’ tbe supply and hold ing It for locrsaaed price. The com mission found that approximately 14 directors control tbe concern* stak ing gaaolln* Because the scope ef th* Inrestigatlon «m Ilmlud. how ler. It was not d*t*< .mi to whet n iat these direct <r< cosld ro In th* cornering nf their p.- ads- *. <kf qnestton of l to* la* prohibiting later'}dog dtr.* tcrata It to be .<*. • mined la .lac « ue*e. depertmen* of Ks,<r« cm-Isle d« tiered WESLEY BIBLE CLASS HON OR ROLL. The following mom her* of the Wesley Bible Class were pi wood on the cUuui honor roll for tbe month of July, having attended Sunday school every 8unday during the month. One member, whose name appear* below. *u away for several Sunday*, but attended Sundaj school In other towns, which entitles him to the same credit: M*ssrs. D. H. Hood. J. L Thompson. R. L. Parker. J. H Thornton. J. p. Wilson. W. O Johnson. J. A. Yount. J. R Smith, W. T. Overman, W H Herring. 0. W. Gardner. P. A Cmrr I* M Yount Hugh Prlnoe, 2 V. Bn 1 pea, B W. PrankHn and A. L. Newber nr KVAXGKU ht i. tr. MAX. Mho nill conduct the anion itevlvni la liana, Itaglnalng MA JIUA, lAlt dl'MAA HAStf 'M** CiAAl* AS. jars. Lull crwaj, »iuU~ u» me uue jhaj^i J. a. L. AiCivuy, uieu at uieuomeo* tier sen tir. 11. 11. xcivuy, chi .Mirui »• siivei, mat oaurnmy aiAmoou. due naa been uuly imeo days and Uie announcement ot ner death uuue as a to many and carried sorrow au to the hearuuf the entire popu lation of Dunn, as wa^asAuuny other hothae <n' Uarneubounty, “ilwani —u it yann ol-age. and was one of the town's old est women. She was bom tu Mlndon, La., tu 1M6 where she ■pent the first thirty of her life, moving to North Coiir Una about forty years ago and locating in Hamett county near Llllington. In 16*7 she moved to Dunn and for neveral years managed the old Divlno Hotel. Later she was appointed post tuts. dltil iiopui.rl !■< t hto parity for four years under the Cleveland administration, giv ing the patrons of the oftlcv sm< iafactory and efficient service, Mrs. McKay always i »ok a great deal of Interest in llie daughters of (he Confederacy and wu largely responsible for the organ tuition of theClil cora. Chapter und was its firsl charier member as well us the first president. The chait ter was organised and grunted its charier In IH04. Since whic h time she baa been one of its otost active members. Uhc nev er tired In her efforts to make Chleora Chapter one of the most acMve In the Blair and did her work cheerfully. Mrs. McKay was tme of the most beloved women in our town and umll the day site lay down upon her death lied, car-, rted cheer and couiCort into Ihe hearts of all who came in con j tact with her. Cheerful and {active until the liuit she fouud her greatest Joy in doing tilings for others and was one or tJtoae saintly women we all delight to She Jr survived hy three chil dren : Mr. M. II. McKay and Mrs. R. O. Tuylnr, of I hit in ami Mr. Malcom McKay, of Faison all at whom were with her when the end came. The funeral services were conducted from ihe old Sum merville church, near Ulllng lou Sunday morning at 11 o’ clock, Uy her iwstor. Uev. A. R. McQueen, of the Ihum I’rca bytertan church, of wbieh she warn a charter nieuitx-r. imme diately after the service I he re mains waa burled at Iho Sum merville cemetery by the sWIo of her husband who preee«iie<1 her to the grave by many years. A large crowd nf relative* anil friends from all over the county wore present In pay ihe last tribute of reaped to this nnhls woman. Mr. John A. McKay tefl . Tuesday monihig fur several . points In the Stare traveling hi the Interest at his company. WO.XT WAIT TUX. MOHR m Hour' Ur C. K. Uko U<m1 Kill Hllum bar Uit* aid chair la ul yaw til yoa U today Id lha w<f» •d lactar; aooa. Or « nay ho that yea aw K> vtih bar; U ao Kaha bar laK yaaaa bar but, every warm wKh lortag fort and rest I TIM «htt sorrow Uer bene, the— to bit** yu* lose sftsr Is CUBS. Obi tbs levs of a trsa, seta er! It Is atfsas* th— r haM prise or r—II— bsr ; 4a— Uom till (is— bid— bsr IMS ft—S oar ryss. Thru whUt yssr B«I>W Is with you. with Usd war— aha— aid— and Kora; don't wait HI bar taad h«tri stops b—ting: —a*t wait Ml ■author la poos.—Xtoa’s ■■**!.. . ■ Mlnpca Laura Parrish t>4 Carrie Coats, of Coats, were la the city yesterday ea route to BiuUtatieUl where they will visit relatives. More than a hundred people wem tfi Wilmington on the Coast line excursion Tuesday. When the train left Dunn It car lied twice as many paneenf—o na could be aeatad la the emu. The Presbyterian flea day School raised 926.00 for the flood sufferers la the wasters pan of the State, last Mia day morning. The Wesley Bthte Claes Of the Methodist chsrsh also donated 910.00. Several other contributions have boom made by cltlsene of Dana, all of which amounts to a fair Mi ed sum. Mlaa Non Brant Olonr glad at iht borne of her brother. A. M. Glover In the eorathern pun of the city. Inst Bandar niRht. Mine (Mover ngi'ni niMt of her life, but a fevdaye oro wan taken violently 01 and <thl not live but a fnw any The burial took place elter noon et Hlack River Cemetery, the funeral terries being eoa dttrlod by father Watklne et thr Catholic church. ByrnaT ♦by la extended to the ti Meet id oara. Mm. C. T Maxwell ul chil dren. Mtaw* virgah m l/onlae end C. T. Jr., end Mm I* r. Gay. of Philadelphia ar rived Wednenday to naut «mne time with Mr. aad Mm Taylor Young. •

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