THE DUNN V0L- 1,1 Dunn, N. C. I - i---—-• —- —'- -= Euinu.a ixmtn UI I ll Hummi OV FHKR. WTLMON. AItS*ugh .a Life-Long Hepabtlean ill* InlcnH AdnhsUon fur Chief ■nntht (ham Him to Make Statement. Now York. 8opt. I.—formation of the Woodrow Wilson Adaortlerr’s League wat ancanced here tonight by Vance McCormick, chairman of the Democratic National Committee Chariot H. tngereoll of New York, le preeidont and on the execntlre com mittee are W. L. Banndera. a mem ber of the Navel Consulting Board; E. T. Merodlth of Dot klolnea, Iowa L D. Wallace Jr., and Homer J. Bnlkeley of Chrago and Lcwetlyn X. Trait, of Near York. The National Comoltle* made pub ltn a aiattment by Thom a* A. Edison in which the Inreitor said that al though a life-long Republican he would support Mr. Wilson for re election UMPMD REPt’BIJCAXH HOLD coinmtiox rx clintox. Cl In toe. epL I.—The Bempeon county Republican convention held here today waa replete with eacllin* momenta. There were revelation* and sear revelation* which aoanded ■ood to listen In* Democrat* even aa It diacoocerted tho leader* who were trylaf to preserve order and prevent any suspicion of factionalism and discontent. There was. a seltlac ap ef old sores, and tha opening ap of old corse and there were new wound* that tha month! that Intervene be tween now and election will not see healed. Tha convention waa called to order hr W. Fleet Boaeoma. than whoa tha re la no slicker wker II comet to politics. Ha spread the honey good and thick, and wken he called on Major Butler and Dr. J. O Mat thews. the latter of whom waa made chairman of the convention he had two alltae of the same sort. Major Bai -r made the recular csaveaUoa apc-ach, hut It was the sort of speech that a man makes when be la called on wl'hou1 previous notice sad the majojr did net do justice to aioeetr. There was an .i»dercvrrcn( that waa lead lag on te tha eondoslon that the whole conveeUoa feared, and Ma ter Batter waa there more to alt •a tha ltd than to show wherein the Democrat* had erred tn stats and na ttoa. A iiaur> Judge Avery ftn Ready for lawyer uad Dtd nt "Hr to nU IW ■ad Didn't 'Tali' to Ms Plea. “Th* dreamed and the lawyer diearned and aa a reaall of all thla dreaming a penitentiary sentence of tea years stands'' aaya Kdward Lena tag Cowlea a asocial* editor of the Charlotte Observer, la an Inlereat lag story he tails of Judge Stacy, of Wilmington, in hta special “eolytun' which la labeled “Down la Carolina' Tha remainder of tha story follow* “It all cams about thla way, and It la aa rich a Joke as waa aver had la a court room. Judge 8tacy was on the bench Judge Brooks waa at lb* bar. Th* prisoner concerned waa Jo* Bryan convictod of crime, recently released from a two-year tarm It the prison at Atlanta and aeatunead to spond tan years at hard labor la th* pentenllary at Ral eigh. "Judge Brooks had defended the convicted man and the lodge Sap pens to have a very tender eon ertenos Ho after th* Judge had sen tenced th* man to hta 10 years, the luagth of th* tarm. th* tears an aged mother, the tenderness of tha law yer'* heart all began to work on the Jadge's mint] and th* next morning hu appeared In court before Judpe Stacy with this plea: “Toar Honor. I havo boon very much exercised about a dream which I had Ihle morning. I thought and thonght In my dream, aud figured out how tarrtbly long 10 yaara In tha penitentiary (10 weak a 1,(00 daya and thouaanda of houra and mlllloai of minutes. Now. Tour Honor, uiu hey haa already been In prison two years, hla old mother needs him. and 1 beg the court that hla sentence m reduced from ten to eight years.' ••Whereupon the Judge without Bering a muscle of hla face, replied: "Mr. Brooks. I am rery much In bnf|l (n Tour dream. Strange tc my. I had a dream too. this morn tug. but rather la the opposite fleld of yours. I dreamed that this yomai men had not had enough. I camt erar ta the eoart this morning, re solved to add three more years It the see teem State yon dr saner that It should be leas. N may Im wise to tot It stood as It In' "And then e broad smile name ov er the fees of scary man end now th< •mlthlald folks ere guying Jadgt Preokj about hla drsnm which u» Mho to Jeeeph'a nocturnal revade* toft the dreamer where he wee •» fore/ CL.IKTON HAS IUU KALK. Mora Than IMI.OO* Pound* of Tobin 00 Marketed at Good Price. Clinton, flapt. 1.—Clinton had th« l«rgaat tobacco aala of tho wihd Friday. It la cetlmatcd that otot *>0.001 pound* were sold and unusu al raUafactlon wua expressed by the tobacco planters with the price It brought. In tpltc of tbs rumor* ol ■trlkss aad tha embargo on tobacco (hipmanta. lb* local warrhouartn-v and buyers auccaadcd admirably In making tb* big aala a success. Tb* two tobacco warehouse* her* were taxed to capacity to acoomodate tb* amount of tobacco that was offered Tb* managements of both of tb* lo cal warehouse* bar* snccooded tbla year In placing Clinton In ihc front rank of the eastern Carolina mar kets. tt. Y.P. . |r PHOURAX FOH MONDAY EVEMNH KEPT 11, 1»1«. Oroap No. S l«d by Mr. E. C. VM. Subject: Bible Btudy Martin*, bong: Prayer Soda K,port of Membership Committee Bible Reeder,' Qul,. Perry Mnrytao. (on* Prayer Report of Becrotary: Myrtle Nay lor. *«»*: Since Jeatu came Into ray Heart. Introduction: E. C. Weat Scripture Raadln*. Acta 10 t 7-J*_ Madia Rail Tbe Vlalon of CoraeHaa—Vra V L (Herein. The Vlalon of Peter—Vri E. C. Wen Biilo--Ml«, Mar*arat Pope. Pater *oea to Caaaarea - Lcla Btrlrk land. Peter and Cornelius Radio Bell. Duet: Mtaaae Myrtle and Mable Nay lor. roter*« Sermon.—Perry Mnr*an Bcrlpturo Rradlo* Acte 10 44-4* The Gift of tbe Holy Spirit—Dr. C. D. Bain. Son*: Tknow out the LUe Llw GOD WIN BAA'S t nr'j).vu. win BOON HE ORGANIZED. Waahln*ton, flepL 1.—Repreaen tatlre Oodwln la In receipt of Infer raatlon which leadi him to bellare that the federal lend bank) wilt be nr*anliod and dole* boalneaa wit* tbe farm era of North Carolina b? December 1 or cartalnlr not latei then Jannary 1. Mr. Godwin waa la conference with arvrral federal official. _ whon he returned to hie oBce hf •aid he had Obtained Information which convinced him that the hanki would be organised sod working with In s short Urns. The federal land bank hoard U now holding hoarlngs In the west I lot ring# will ho held In North Car rllne about the middle of October 01 the first of November to determine where the bank for that territory win be located. Orecnaboro and Char lotte have good chan ret of getting the bank, according to those who think they know. IloV© County Girl Carried In ftorriavnie und Held Prltou or for a Week. Aberdeen. 3—Late last Pnndej afternoon Miss Cora Barkott wm la ken by force from her father'* farm In Hoke county by fonr young men ol Ilia neighborhood and carried In a car to Morrisvlll*. where ah* wai held captive for almoet one week. Mias Burkett claims that whlli out from the house some distinct four young men selxrd her and fore a<l her against her will Into a rar threatening to kill her If she ratio* an alarm. The men were Clltlor and Trank Brown, neighbors, fhi other two visitor* by the nam* o Brown. Whether all four mado tm trip Is not known but Clifton Hrowi f AaL © V a wl_t ftL.._ _a. « . - --— ■■■■-IMIWIWIU Hill Hop* Mill* to UodM. From ’her b* look Ml** Bvrketl to wh«r* It loom* He bod *a ancle Ar Ur nearly a waok’e time bo loft ti prevont botng oaaght (trio* room woman monoy enough to return l bar homa. Sha ratomed ynatorda morning. To add lo the charge th roaag woman or girl U nnda- font iron. Hhe claim* that aha w*a no abaaod. Th* anthoritloa wore notl Had. warrant* laonad and pceeeme aant oat to anarch tha country. ]'e*| Ing la prononnaod bat not high dn party to tha mystery yat to bo <*> plain ad. CHftom and Frank Frown bar boon located In tha neighborhood an tha poaaemen ara expecting to ea| Uira tham tonight. Tha ynaog wc »>»o and family ara poop I a of goo standing In thetr eommanlty an "It oront la an Intan*# anock. Mlaa Vara Hrrrtnn. after apondln a abort lima In tha city with frkmd rotnrnad today to bar home at Ra lofgh. MR. U>IU X- RAOOBTT THCAD. Mr. Loals A. Baggett, who baa i .ails Dana bis lions for lbs past eight years. died at the Cumberland Cinoral Ilnepital la Fayetteville last Wednoaday night JOth. rollosrtng ■ oorli-s of operation*. He was taken lo lbs hospital suffering from eppen illi lls. I»ut complications developed. *n;l it was necessary In perform three ciK-rstlons. which weakensfl qhe P itlent to each an extent he could ' not anrvlso. Mr Bagged was 88 years ot age. a contractor by trade., and was hold In blgb esteem by all wbo knew him. He paid strict attention to Ms business and by square deal - Big and bard work won tbs confi dence of thooe with whom be dealt. He (im« to Dunn from Red Springs oglit years ago. Ho was a member or the Baptist church at Red Springs. Of the immediate family he leaves » slrtow and E small children. to whom rauih sympathy la extended Voneral services were conducted from tho home Thursday afternoon h> Rev A. R. McQeeen pastor of He Presbyterian church. Immediate ly ufter which interment was made cemetery. Quite m rujnher of hli friend, ware prevent to f ny the last tribute of respect Relatives preaant froia out of town were; Mr. and Mr* W C. Raggett. Mr. and Mr». 0 |f. Bag. *>etl. Rod Spring.; Mr*. W. D. Bag gett of Dumbarton; Mr. M. U Mar* Iry nnd daughter, of Dumber Bridge; * n Morrlaon, of Maiton.; Mr 8 B of Dale; Marena Smith, of fil Raul; Daniel gmlth. of Fayette ' llo: Mr*. T. T CotUagham of Dtlkm FOR MIMS HODLUIAr. Ortnotal. Sept *—Th* home of Mr ■"«* Mr* O W. Midyatte **» th *■ r:ta of a very enjoyable aortal Tliunday ovanlag. wbaa Mtaaaa Km tvn VldyoUe nnd Hannah Daalala an tcrulned In honor of their gaaaD Mia. Orrnoa Holliday, of Dana. At t o'clock tba guacts war* In vll-d on th* lawn where dalirtoua punch waa aervad, the pinch bowl heli'g praalded over by Mia* Rmiya Mldyatto. All than aaaaablad la the bona*, and ware aaterlaiaad atw mu.te, both ToqgJ and Instrumental Mwb-i wwiftm ut m »m wa« aervad. Thoa* preaant war*: Mtaaaa flrac* Holliday, of Dana; Mlaaaa An nie and Marta Hand*, of Xarmbaw; Pearl O’Neal. Earle White. Klorrle Ball Morgan. Ethel Brothers. FMlih WhltehurnD Taaiaay Hill and l-enj Stephen., Mr. Ralph Harrla. ol Xcr.haw, Mr. Hill, at Newport; Dr. j It. M. Daniels. andMr. Clifton Dan iel*. nnd Mr. John Bltlpp. JOHJf ROflBR * DRAI>. Om of Dun'* mu Peeaed Away l(Mt Wi The anuos ot tlic death of Squire John Rol Oodarln. which occurred sodden last Thursday night at bla hoi In the northern part of the city, resolved with a great deal of ao when the news began to eprehd the town in the early hours of day. Ho greet ed hU friends on itreots the day before he died la aaual good man ner and. appareol seemed to have the promise of a more years of life before the Mr would call him homo to his rows greet and stal wart. In spite of th« tact he was sear lag hie Seventy-Myth rear, his has been a familiar (IMace to the dtlaene of Dunn since trip’earliest days of the town and feathers were who did not know perjaflally this genial character whom al^'ef ne delighted to honor. Ha wda'a fatthfal men; her of the Preebytdpaii ehorrh, an upright Christian 'gentlemen, sad his dally walk was susl that no one rnuld question Iris 'slnerrety. Age MS III «> i1 »A HI ml 1st mu Ika anlole..! _1J. of hU Ilf* and ho'**4 happtcet when In th* presence oi flu faithful few or (ulna about dortJ»gorHi. D*n*a**d waa 4pm March 4th. 1*41. and aaw fu** j4ar. of acrrlo* during the Clrll arar. H« received mora than oaa w*uad''and bo nerer entirety ueororo* frW» their effects He made an adMfraVto acidic rind waa commended •' W'inrary. In April 11*6 fftfMMk married to Mtaa Lottie Jana jhta»m aad to this union was bora otgjht ahlldren four eons and foar dadfhUre. as follow* Maaant. E K OodwttV of Oodwla: 0. D. Oodwla. of fetaeoviUe. fli..; 1 L, aad A. T. of T>uoa. Mr*. B. J WeathMford, of Rocky Mount; Mrs D. McdroOra. of Bastard Mr* B. B. Baa*, at Sampson 000 n ty and Mlaa Rebecca tiodffln. of Dunn. Thlrtjr-foar grand ^tarttffyu. aad three *™a<-grandcMldrpy. sad Mr*. Jack aon Ammon*, hi* fUtao', all oarriae. HU wtf* pr*coi»«ti4>lM to the gear* by ten years. -T- . The funeral gaA^fas conduct 'll from (bo hoa^Hfay moraine at 1* o’clock Mra. P. B. Cooper and children re turned to Dnnn Bnnday night from Aahertlle. where thbr epent the euRi mer with Mr. Cooper who la there for benedt of hie health. Thar left Mr. Oooper in better health than lie baa enjored for aome time, but be thought It beat to remain In the moan fair* a tew weeka longer. COXTHAct yon hi'im>inu. Mr. Hubert Tackar WU1 Ekect I-ante Sctkool Htnadure Near Dau. Mr. Hubert Tucker, a contractor in tola city, ban Veen awarded tke cun tract for lb a erection of • large •ebon) building In dampsou county veer Shady Grove church. : I mile* .'rum Dunn, which will coal M.ilOP 'I te build Inn will be uaed for a pri vate school which will be maintained by a note her of Interested persons in that vicinity. II will be two atn rlee In height, and will contain alt close roume. a ruoin for teaching ion tic and a large auditorium. Mr. Tucker will bcgla work* thlc woek i>n the building and will have It completed within three munths.— fch'idny's Wilmington Star. an ARKD KCHOOLiS FACfT.IV. Folio*lag art th« name* of ilia t-arhers who will aimpow the Dunn Gra-leit whM> faculty which open* for tba fall tana Rrptember ltrh John C Lorkhart. auperlntendrnt; ti>a*aa Wlnnlfred Turlington. May Morgan. Francta PraiU. Carrto Toa Farthing M. Yalta Eunice Dcur li st*. Mellle Rvtdiar, Bert Darla. Mary H/Jjral lUocwk Mart* Moaelty. Kell Itldgrn, Haiti* Btorraa. Rthei Hun-j irirfc. Einotlir Cherry and Caroline McIntyre. The t'kool board took a great deni U ear* to Ike selection of th* abo** fr,rutty and allhoach nereral ebanner hare bcoa made, lb* faculty la atrong tr (ban at any time heretofore, p rof loehhurt la a graduate of the Uoi rernlty ol North Carolina and ha* ir.krn apoctal work th* putt Utter Inara at Colombia Tlnle*r*ity. Nor York City. He la a practical reboot man. baring bad aareral year* oajie rl.-no* In taachtng. Th* entire fae alty will arrlee within a tow day* and lb* opening of th* grwdatl acboot* will b* moat auapteioaa In IU bUlory. Quid* MB'thrn wam tourlnr among Ur Aula* aonnutn* not to tpank u they put certain point* **•» Lh* r'v2t!W ltieB at • vUapar ,B Us nl^gflyrwn a poised in Tbee# are Unas In Ue story of tginy human Uvea when Usy are so deli cately petard that It depends on how «he Brat person they meal groom them whaUer they sink Into >hr darkness of despair or lift their head to find hope. We sever know whan a pawning mood or ours may decida a soul's destiny.—J. R. Miller. D n READ THE DUNN DISPATCH )| The First National M )| Bank, of Dunn, N. C. || |j Which is M || “ The Only National Bank of Harnett County ” y ANNOUNCES to the Farmers of Harnett, Sampson, Johnston, and Cumberland Counties that it is in position to loan Fifty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of harvesting their crops. Loans to run for 3 months. This Bank being a member of The Federal Reserve System its policy is to enable Thrifty Fanners to obtain loans at low rates of interest. We pay 4 per cent Interest in our Savings De partment, interest compounded quarterly. -- - . . _ » The First National Bank G of Dunn,;;;; Dunn, N. C. || Capital 50,000.00 Surphu A: Profit* 25,11 j.00 L ,_ _ _ J^B 'ZSSmL 2CX '03BEL 'ZSSBZL ZISSB^ Z2SSI t MAmrarr rauajm aiuxvd Atujn^x Grarnl ll«Mi up (hr Ro coed m the Hew* and (he reopfc Brtteve—WB1 Tam Table*. Hews and Observer. Ulllngtoa. Rapt. t.—Attorney General Thonas W Btcketl. Demo 'ratio gubernatorial nominee. oallM h)a banner to the bglwark of Demo L atte arhleremdat kern today ant (balanced Harnett eeaaty Kepublt units to produce a record of ns lional admlnUl ration comparable t, Piat •( his own lwrty II was n da] »f Democrats, tbc oprr.lnc rally of « campaign waged wlih on# end li new. the redemption of the count) Iron the bands of ibe Ktpeb'itant Harnett turned loose Hi enthusiasm l-rat up durlag there latl yeitu of op poettinn control wbl> a guaertnf »f good Democrats. la numbers each •• Harnett courtbous* has never ln lore seen, pledged the manly to proa fs’rtty la a promise of Hove, bar vlo lo»y by a majority eatlaatad at thru* Hundred and upward. Tbc weaker, traveling from Rhnl to a*row the State with little rhanri sf reet, wu iievcrtke'cm ready »ni •Is haarera. TV# difficulty waa la ac ■■morlailag tha latter. nl rrraUitr conditions. the spanking Khetoled for .tha coi rthouae grove changed to Ibo courtroom. Toe rooaa Blind early end then eager rvtn ■vait crowded la and aar within the ailing Indian (asblna while other* «e fortunate, gathered about tbs .•sliding to hear erervtblng poaeJl'U Ta* nearly two hours Attomey ".eneral Blckett ranged about the nor lee of Democratic administration "roving that (be record's the paeon, tvitk e See comprehensive explana Ion of the flnanrfal leglelatioa ac ..•aepllehed during the last four y tar* IA drowned the Republican cries ol ■ante la n wave of logic. Harwell Democracy In Aram Harnett leaders are ready for the r.ght aaxlaus for It. The last aloe tlon saw the strength split over the sew eoaaty propoeltloa. with added had feeling resulting from stock law IrgltlaUon. That is a MM at >rr Ptwtocrato are-lined op Soil fly ic head rod. tha leaden claim it waa « ■‘Her then of fallaro to got not th< rotlng ftrength. Comparative ■treagth of the parties show the Tie* oeraU ahead by ovar three haadrof With nothing now to pre vent harmony and Veep the atrengtl trots the pons, the fight It begun wU> rood prospects or winning. , Taking' charge of the meeting to fty at 1 o'clock. Mr. Charles Roe* c >unty chairmen, expressed bis feel •ng of confidence. Vam< tA llama the "I congratulate you.' he aald. "ap on Oi# faet that there are more man tn Ilarnett county who want to hear the truth* of Democracy than im« courthouee or any other building In Harnett can iccomm ante. 1 have aavar before aeeo ao little of dtecord and eo much of harmony. Daring the early part of the campaign. 7 aetfmated our Bnalorlt> at three ban tired. when I mule lnveatlgctlon Inin condition*. I moved It ap to IWo or *1* hundred, but alnca I hare eon tarred with Democratic leader* to day I bam ralaed my cellmate 10 one then**ad.' He waa cheered to tb« Mho. Attorney Oenural Blchatt waa In troduced by Mr. Dan Hugh McLean »ho»* eulogy found raepontt la the ovation the next Governor received vh«a be aroae to apeak. “The fart that I ant here at all l« Plenary evidence of my latenae d« a ta to be here.’ Mr Blrkett declar ed. MTban It waa haown that vee terday ha apohe ln Shelby and travel ad an night with little tleop to maki the Laiingtor ougagemeat. non* doubted it. They appUudad him ihi more. rn«D a* told (tarter that warmed Me aadlanre aad left the point to atoll In. Tbo experience of the Mt tlo hoy who explained how ho kepi op trying to read, and trying to read «mttl he ‘‘Joat rode* waa a term on la dlagalae. ~Thaf» the only war to do ear thing.’ the apeaker mid. ''Wheth er It be te grow a crop, coxrt a wom an. nr )l«k the Repahl.caa party • Driving ahead Into the aerSomree* ef hit theme, Attorney-Oonarel Bleh ■ ett pointed to the record aa the ret arm la State aad nation. "Why are young men aafa?* h« Mked. "Why la It that our hoyt no not dying In Max'cot why la ll that American moth era atm bar. their loved one* with them, while H ether land# million# of mother* art weeping for thotr children and refum lo ho comforted for they aro nott 7 In honaaai a divine ernae of inatlci rale# In Waaatngto*. It la heranm the Atmlgt-ly enw it In ‘.hit grnetol hted-red hear in the world'■ htatori to emit to the Prertdaacy ef thla aa Hen a man who la hta to«l beUrrc the grant ootnmeadment. ‘Tho Haalt Net Kill.' an truly appttonbl | "Taka tar* of /oar oyee, UMy art fyoar breed wtahsra.' la tka advise o* ' ttaa National CaaaklN for tka Pro veetlon of Blladpaaa la lea Utaat bm ! Wla Th« kalotla aaya poor eya i tofbt means poor wage*. discomfort Alaaoato. aad to oftoa doe to lack of cart or to In*proper car* of fko eyas. Oood eyesight oa tho otkor has a. mmat a fair choaeo to oars a lir lag. to safer Ufa health folly and de al as da good ear* of the opoa. It to ototod tkat dfty par coot, of an bUadaaas la prorantable aad that half of thla. or twenty-five par teat. |U proronuhto through babies’ aero ryaa known aa oftkalata neonate rein. Tka othar half to dna to aetf daata. diseases. defeats. aad aagn «*«• Nagloot la gotttag glmaoaa whan naadad or bartog gtoasao prop erly attad la aa Important caaue of ay# troabla. Tka moat Important symptom* or warning* of opo troabla ara head orhaa. ayaaobaa. Warred ntloa. wa tery spaa, sort ayaa or pafiaw of tka ltd*. Any oaa of ihasa symptom* ■honld demand the adr*tooo of aa o*s | allot. JnsATa op mrb. r. l noroax. j Mrs. P. L. Morgan died laat Hoe day evening after having boo* poor health for aororal nocthi. ■ho had boos eoaflaed to her bed on lr a frw weeks, bowovar. aad her death earns as a earpruo to ate«y who did sot know her condition was ■bo waa a member of the Baptist ebsrch and waa aver faithful la tea •crrtce of her Lord, tbo had strong faith aad died with the aaaaraaea that she was going home to rase Tba fastral terries was conducted hr bar pastor. Dr. W. R. Canon, from tbo homo Toosdar afUraoon immediately after which the body wao lettered la Or sea wend cemetery where a Banker of Meade aad rote tlvaa had gathered to wltaoaa tbo laat aad mas. •bo las tea a hadial aad a small daashtar to whan Bach empathy ft ■!»,»». . nsrew »• aa tndirMaal." Klght bare, tbo weaker paid his reepoots to the Rapahtieaa naiidau for tba Prasldaaey who la verb©*- la W* entidan of what Praatdeat W1V 1 hip has done, hat la atraagoly silent •‘■out what ha hlnaalf wo^Id hear <*oao. Then the speaker paraded the pictures of Democratic prosperity v ith eottoa prices roosting la the trees, tobacco, climbing the mountain etdao. wheat tangoing among the I aura, and with tan billion sewn ban <lr*4 and ninety million dollars U de posit la Natiomal banka. On excaaa over the comb load depoatts of Eng lend. Franee. Oaraany. Ratal*. Don nark. Sweden and Japan. Tha cry of panic, the bugbaar of Republican orators, baa W» etlenead »nd Mr. Blckett told bow. It waa by Democratic legislation Then be ex plained a little ef tbe psychology of inniea. He wne la Walnut Core, he (kid during the campaign of the Clave land adminletraUoa when a panic had arlvea tbe BepabUcans to wild tira des agaton Democratic management. One man. in particular, had a anlpac war n( dtdaplag hie feeling lo tbe matter. He wore a pair of troneera with two Urga baH-mnoa pa tenet in the seat. He called them '-Cleve land badges’ ''Wham fkn aenla # tide-- «. . uicfct* end tha bast ness man of tns aaUoa evoke in the morning to rtnd iiismaelrs* rained, vim the fai'a-e of fba Knickerbocker Truet Compel I w*a la Walnut Oova again and I looked for Ua man vita the dare, inad badge*.' Mr. Blckatt aaldr "I looked everywhere aad eould'nt are him. 1 Marched everywhere and rruld'nt Dad btm. Tram waa. the Poor fallow waa at heme ta bod. White la me Cleveland panic he had a pair of patched beoochoo. la the ffooeevolt pea la ho had no breaches at alt* Ha pointed oat tha fnar primary detect* of tba flaaaatal lyitm that k'ea Andrew Can agio etyled the ne «laa‘* gnat disgrace, aalHag attaa Uaa to It* rigidity. Ha failure fa have rrovlslan* to get Into circulation nil tba gurney, It* absolute control by a low individuate, and tba absence at movietone for the boaeflt of farmer* Agalaat this aattgaatad »y*t*m. ha held ap tha Damasmti* taaaelal lag Motion, making It poeetMe for the farmer ta bortov an hi* farm as a amrtty. and aecurtag tor him ad van Was sever before enjoyed. “Ton awe It la yoavsolvoa. you awe i H ta year wires aad children.’ be urg ed. addressing tha farmer*, "ta some i ay aad vote for Woodrow WHoow aad > the Democratic party, far you owa It . ta them that there M plaaed upwe the r statute books a law at tha lead that - msoaa mar* tor year ayltft aad eases i ctpotion than all tha lawi pat than ■ by tha Kapahbsaa party ta tha lost ■ booty yean.’

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