THE DUNN ? DISPATCH .. ;i i 1 , ... .... : '■ a * ===^=g— —— V0L* 1,1 Dona, N. C. fepl 1V1« I -_- —---- - MAM Ml'RDKRKD ON CARNIVAL. anoDMDs. WRti Only Slight ynwonuloa Oeo. A MKlrllan Klxd and Instantly Killed Everett Wheeler Saturday Might Last Saturday night about 11 o' clock Rverott Wheeler tree shot end Instantly killed hr Oeo. A. McClellan In one of the ahow tauU on Uie carnival grounds which is located Id the ball park near the Durham A Southern station. The raariterer ** rapert from nnder the lent Imtuedl aloly alter the fatal ihot waa fired and Is still a fugltlvo from Justice. Relatives of the dead man lo Ma con, C*l, were notified Sunday morn ing and the body was shipped there Monday afternoon where It will be Interred In the It iliow tent, where the murder waa committed Saturday Qighl. there were several dosen pen. pie present. Wheeler, who was manager of the show where public dances were given, had Invited sever at young art from the stage, some of whom were annoying the dancera. All who were told to do so lafl the Mege at once except McClellan, who persisted on remaining where b» was end cootinmed to Interfere with the dancera Wheeler flnsl'r puxhed McClollsa from the stage and when be had gained his balance he took hit pistol from hla pocket look deliberate aim at Wheeler anil fired. The bullet■ entered the buck of bta victim's had who fell to the gr urd and was pronoenced doid • n a few minutes by Dr Warren wh wss immediately summoned H" died without speaking, or gaining (■ongclfllltf AM iku Kali Mheleeilnn hi* brain. McClellan escaped from under thetenl and at thlt tine has not been apprehended. A* soon as the spectators realised whet had been dono a greet dee! of excitement prevailed In the tent Some of the girls became frantic aad the mea vent beside themselves for an Instant. The crowd was quiet In a few minutes, bowsrer. but aot uatil MoClellan bad made good his escape. The bod7 was taken in charge by the Barnet h HolMy Company IgM Saturday aad prepnreT^Jor hey Tt remained In {keif ator* untH Monday afternoon, whan It waa shin ped on train tf to Maaon. Oa Wheeler bad no mosey and the. un dertakers bill and railroad fare was provided by public subscription. Coroner Oreei came to Darn from Llllinyton Rontlay bight and sum moned tbs following Jury: A. K Morris, foreman; Marvin Wad*. K Let, B M Brewer, E. L Parker and Ralph Parker. Evidence waa takan for two hours Rundsy night tbc lory being dismissed at IS o' clock to meet again Monday after noon at 1. About flTty wituesao* bad born examlnad when C. E. Edga was callod tn the stand Mondsv afternoon and upon being quMtlon ed by Foreman Norris. Admit'%4 thit McClellan did the shooting aed that ha wta an eye-witness to the murder. With this Information In hand the Jury rendered a verdict that Wheejar came to bis death b| gnn shot In the hands of Oeo. Me Clellae. Wheeler was a young man about twenty-one years of age and era* one of the most popular members of the carnival, lie bore a good repvta Uon and waa seldom In trouble. All u uw y rearm nu m opinion Uft! McClellan absit without sufficient provocation, and after Wheeler had ttirood around to laavs him McClellan haa held n position In a commissary operated by C. f>. Binughipt), somewhere down In Sampson fines January. Ho bears a good reputation and cams here from Cerro Gordo, N. 0.. where hi] people Uvn and are prominent In the social and bualnaaa life of that section. He la about twenty Its year* of age and waa aetdom aeon In Dunn. He left with or Mr. Broughton'a money, bnt this amount waa returned to tho owner Monday night, a brother of the fngltlva coming to Dunn and deliver ing Hto Mr Broughton, and Imme diately returned home In an auto mobile. All the town aad ooauty official* ara putting forth every rffor* to ealeh the man. but as yet an definite I a forma 11 on haa bean recet-red. Hi* waa a cowardly act aad he >hi«M sutler for tbre crime he hoe oora milted. Those who were with him on the fatal night cannot uplaln why he did the shooting. They aey he waa drinking, bat was not drunk enough in be notlcn^blr. A small Mate waa discovered on one of the frame bulldlne oppo site the rot pun yard yesterday a* noon. Thu Are waa seen hern lag on lop of the r<Mf near the tl.-ve A»» » few mfettae after t'te etanc was aeuadad the Are «e nr' vmt waa on the Job aad lbs Ira waa ,p Uagulahed without maeh da stage Land loan association Vary LMa Chengs' la Repaired to Adapt Building and Loan Atseola uaaa la Butt tha Parmar. ▼ary MUe change la required to adapt bunding and loan aaaoriarloaa aa operated la thla country to tha owe ot tha tamer. Whan organiied and worked in the dtlas and aowna the pay mania are weakly or monthly, gen atelly U recta aaeh week oa aanb abate at etock. Worked in thla way they provide a mode of systematic earing tor the aharebolder. and usual ty manure the aharaa. whan of lha par rslee of lift la a tittle laaa than six and a halt years. The par value of stock can ha pot at MO I, 1100 or even morn, and thus extaad tha tuna and make tha ttnaa of maturing about eleven years, fifteen yare. and ao on Tbs association la made ap af and owned by Ma shareholders, who recalra an of (ha profits thereof. Thaae asso clatlooa are ran at tha lowast ooat of any btaalneaa la tha country: and ta this Btete, where tha legal rat* of in ter net la I per aesA. generally oak* i profit of f par cast, and hi eomt is tea over 1 par eaad. The change necessary to ba made tc adopt thaaa STirlaMrna and thali working to tha ate of the farmer b tha mode of payment for aharaa. Th« farm am cannot afford to agroa to pay tor their aharaa weakly, except It caaaa where they hare a variety o> craps, noth aa give returns practical »y every month In tha year, aa dairy log. trucking, ate., but tha payment/ on shares must ba rati ad (or and madi during tha time fa which tha (arman harvest and mark at thatr money crops. An example of thla Is shown Is the rtateuont of condMoos where tbi money crop la tobacco or cotton, an tl •n In n Urge portion of thin State In sections Ilka this It la nrobablv hettai ter tha payments to ba made during tha month of No*sober, December and January, or possibly beginning a month earlier The payments would be gt to for each of the three months, or flMt a year on each share ThH would gt*a tha tooaay ready ter loan ing by the drat of kwbraary--generally tha time whan loan* era desired by farmer*. A Ihrmee nd Kb are* In any association would giro I1UM each year. Tba mooted urn eaa be no ter oot more than H*0. which weald ls*T* a eat imimt dor loaning of HUM This money woald bo loaned epoe real aetata mertgughs. gad thin amount tof R—<—» wei , n hw adii tba eases aa aeeurud for pet tlBg aa additional earn. If the addl tloaal amount obtained should ba as muca aa I7.M0, thaw the award a Woe would bare ter loaning each year IM.dM. or. la d*a jeers, 1110.00# Of ooaraa. one tmlfltd probtem la tha propea »d bust cam la bow tba addition al amount may ba obtained for loan ing purposes. and at suite a rata of Interest aa will ba satisfactory to tha farmer sod possible la tha work of the association—Report of Insure ace Commissioner Young. SOME SAFETY “DOH'TS” FOR MOTHERS. Don't dry-clean la tha home Don't gat off a oar backwards Don't touch aa aUeerta light wHh wot bands. Don’t loch ap the children aloes la the houaa. Don't tears baakaa glass crookary. nor tin scattered around. Don't allow children to coast down la oil Oee la to tha atraat Donk allow ehlldran to hold onto “wring rabid as. Don't allow children to lamp on mo* atreot. Don't pat pencils, money nor pins In tha month. Deal -e-certa without springe Dent oae a tb battle ter tha I baby* Bin. Bart raly on other* to obaarra traf la ralaa; oaa yaor heed Doll ralaa yaw ttaa mera thaa yoar Ufa at eraaatapa. Da lahal aB aasdMaaa. Ksap pataaaa aat or eMMraa'a raaeh. A retd oaaanftary atfa tooatalaa. Wateh traffic rtpaa. Onm tha atraat at erautapi only. Arotd crowdad aad poorly rootSlotsd SAWDUST AS A TOUR XX TIMQX718HKX. Pa at aat all aartlapatah amall fraa la parapaa, aad Ita ralaa la praatly la araaaad by tha aPPtttoa of Mearboaato o* aoda (baktop poadar). Tha aawdaat loato aad foraa a Mtakat oror tha hartoap on, whti, Maarboaato at aoda, atioa nptait to ahtob halpa to proraat aoaabaatlaa by uoxnnxo rntxs. Tha rapart at tha Kaaaaa Ira aaar Mai oh Mphtatop flraa aad leaaaa la hardly laaa Mrtklop thaa that of tha ladlaaa affUtol. to ala rapart dor I1U. Marahal U T. ffaaasy roporta a total lota of m hpfctatop flroa. otth tifftoii at *m,tM to oaly thrao tanaa»«a or loos thaa I Id par tad, rrara tha MUtopa rod*ad. too Map tt.TM; to* poreaetapa at toaaaa hatop aaly altMtty eaara thaa tha pay ^ UU» TO DtJMM DUPATCB •*- Y T. V. PROGRAM POR OCT. a, in*. Grvap No. 2. lend by Mia* Lab Wot*. Subject A worthy Ilf*. Song—Make me a ckannel of bloealng. Introduction—Leader. >. Rcrlptore rending—Phlll. | f|. Miaa Ethel Dailey. t. A Worthy Ufa—Its Obodliloea. Mlu Clcta Naylor. *• A Worthy life—Its oonaUtaent element*. Mr. Willie Morgan. « The worthy Ilf* make* the honor and glory of Christ e teacb elone of ooadnct. Mies Minnie Guy. 5- Take Christ with you In every activity. Mr H. Q Pools. ( Solo. Mlea lea Pearaoo. 7. A Bother element of a worthy life le a ^oattle* Interest In men. Mr. 0. V. Beard. I Another eteaiOTt of a worthy life la fellowship wlik others In Christian sarvlea Mlaa Ethel Dailey. • Tbw Worthy lift la Identified with Christ la angering Mias Ira Pearson. I* Prayer. II. Song. Take my life and let It be. I’rotlootSno aiming Looming big on the local tbaa trlcal horltoa la tba enaosaeemest that "Ramona.' W. H. Claaa'i pro dlgtnas pictorial and maaleal dre malUation of Hclaa Hoat Jackaoa'i ramoaa historical California ro maoca of tba asms a a as a, la to be sent here for a brief engagemeat be ing booked at Metropolitan Opera House Friday and Satarday. Oeae b«f 1-7. Twlac Daily at 1—I p. m Briefly described "Romasa' la what bae bean termed a etaema operatic spectacle. Tba reference to opera la meant to Imply that while U>» coaatlaas Incidents of tba aar» retire arc being nasalised oa the screen the story la also being told In a musical score comprised of more •has g«# asperate eoapoeitiose. to Play wbeh a apodal oreheetrm la .pro vlded. Tba prulfcdOsa la nrmil a naauula 1-1-w—■ unite mpraaaaa the magnitade of IU •erase and the eaormoaa scope of the dramatisation as a whole la fact It ta the loegset play ever seat on toar. requiring nearly three hoars for presentment and rendition ot its beautiful score. The t««w sf producing "Ramoaa’ eceaplad eight tnnotbs' time and Mr. Cleae and as •octetaa wbo has gained rateable ex perience In their I sedation with ■saklng "The Birth of a Nation’ found U an eras greater undertak ing than their drat huge labor for the fllma. They made tba prodao tl«n with more tbaa 1,009 scenes, using from 1.900 to 1,090 people at a time for the more apectaealar momenta. Massive settings, even whole rll]ages were built especially for the production. "Ramona* qomta hers erufr aa a mating vogue la the greater cities In New York and Chicago lag! eum mer, even when played at a |t scale of prices. Its attendance retards equalled and often ponced tboee of other theatres bousing tba latest rrcat Broadway hits of the speak ing stage. REAL 1ST Tha toilowiap dw filed for red at of R apt at or of D. 8. Stephenson John R. Tout, cu lifts. □sad dated M. F. Morrla to one lot la Iowa i aiders Uoa. I It. obor 16. 1611. M. P. Morrla sad O Stephenson. I 1-4 RJrar towaablp. 11.106. r 1011. i. C. William* rpb F. Mtlood. lifts. dated April 16> li Mrs. U t. Leod. |t aeraa la Coaalderattaa. 161 Jalr It. 1010. Bra Hod aria. In J. WU lla Moore, lit traraabora towaablp. 16,760. □sad dated April 1 It. Jam Kalias aif to H. C. Cita^oa, Lot Ha. bdlrlalon of land* of Frail Coaipaap la Job towaablp. Oonatderatlod, l Dead dated Aorll It. 1010. B. r. ttapbaaa Cawlaaaa. >» arras ship. Ooasttata' dated No ran bar 1 M. D. Taw aad Pops, part of Lot "AN" la tows of ttoa. 91,1*0. »». mi. B. Pops aad B. Williams. oh Daaa. Oooald dated Aa*uat It. X. A Williams McLood. 11 1-4 lowaahip Information boa roasbad tho Dis patch office that Mr. Clauds B Pope, formerly of Dana, bat no* of Tartorrtllo. Illinois. *10 bo mar ried to Miss Alta ' Lobab, of tbnt city. October Hat. till. Tbo «ad din* *01 bo a qalet affair, only ro tatlrea aad elooa trlaada of tho oan traetla* parttoo. *Ol bo present Tb* couplo *111 cpoad thslr koaoy mooa la *t. Loata. aad othor vast ora cltlso, aad *111 bo at bom* ot brr 10th. Taytorrliio. IUlaota. after More® Mr. Pop* to tbo oldoart son of Mr. aad Mrs. Hoary Pop*, of Daaa. aad spont til early part of bla Ufa boro, wtaar* ha baa a aambar of close friends, b'sldtr e em"r>'»i ra.ctlv*. Tbs brlds to-b« u a satire of Tay lor* Ute. an aoeompMsbod musician and eu I in rad rone* lady. Mr. D. 0. Grant, of Nonrtoo Qrowe. was bars yaatcrdny <m bust news In an ad tn this I sea* of tba Dispatch bo la offarla* a tract of Uad for •ala. 1 ooa tad 1 mOa from Na«toa Grows. W. C .1 c. moo RAJ* 1. Bon* 2 Scrip la r« Reading and prayer I. Report of Secretary a ad TTaaa. « tlnflatahed Baalaeaa, t New Baalaeea. i I. Reception of New' Member*. T. A QuU on ataofeoL I. LaaSet—"How Caa I Wta New Member*’ by Mr*. J R Crockett I. Reading—"Tb* Trice of a Drink’ by Reea Jeralgaa 10. Boto—Mia* Oreo* (folUdar II. Parllmeaury Qvta. It. LeaSet. The Tale of Two Papers by Mr*. Anal* H. Yoeag It. Solo—Mlaa Katbkteca Jeffrey* 14. Reading—"la Tb* Yoaag Mas Sale- by Mlaa Mary McKay. 11. LaaSat.—"Wby I nerar Tasted Liquor’ by Mr*. J, W. While head. It. Duett—Mr a Herbert McKay aad Mia* Jackaoa. 17. Hymn.—Bleat Be Tbe Tt* Tbal Bind*. II. W. C. T. U Benediction. This meeting will bn ball at the Baptist eh arch an Wedseeder after toon. October 4th. at o'clock, rbis will bo the first mooting (toon wo disbanded (or tbo semmer moaths. nod wo hope to bogle oar meetlaga with raws wed eoergy. tad do work along linos, not pren bcelr eUamptad. Wa bars at laaat 14 or SO departments af work, and say wa daclda to take ap. will be of great be Befit to tbo aatlra town. This Is a cease la which ovary moth er It seems ahoald ba especially Is Lerestsd. aad wa do aarnestly bops tU lad las. whstbar mam bars or sot will mast us. Please dea't think If roe coma to the masting yon win ba exp acted to lets. Back Is not Ik* caaa. Of oonrse wa will ba do Ugtted to bare yonr asms tar mem bership Thie however, wo will not arge bat we do want yon to aaaaa oat and work wttb as. Toor presence will Inspire, and make oar little Band, foal t^at yon are Interested, and Uat wo have ftw oo-opar*tloa In this groat work. . We bars trtdd k> erraaga as Inter wlth os. MM ERNEST F. TOUNO. Pros Idem CHCIX BAM PATTMO BS FOX IUt cum Washington. Sept. II—The trot rewards of It II for regalar army reerulU oecorsd by postmaster* un der the bow oatlocal defence act. thr War Department nnnoaaond to day. have bean paid to Foetmactor* William J. O'Donley, of mien Okie, and Joseph M. Bkmnn. of Oreene bnrg. La. War Depaitmoat ofB dels frankly describe the now re cruit system as “the last gasp af volunteer enlistment.' They point oot that in tiring a 15.00 premium to postmasters for each laeruK, the goveruussmt has made a supreme effort to obtain Ho soldiers without They predict that should the plan fall and n snBelsnt number of re cruits to II tbo enlarged regular ar my not lo ba obtained. It will be come necessary to adopt universal training or some system of compul sory service. Pig of Millinery n the most exclusive New York Milliners ID SATURDAY i and 30th, 1916. Bpectfiilly, inson Company, KE. N. C. MANY PERSONS ARE INJURES Tkalr Uaaa la PkN Lat Yaar la Tkat a tala. U nnaairWia vttk tha lw at III* ky Iraki latoaaa tkara la alaa *raa a roaart af tajarlaa. akoataa tkat lat paraoaa vara iajarat ky too la Ia«l aaa laat yaar. Of tkaaa, «y wara <aa 0AS0LXH1 SOME LESSONS IN FINES * to a The* That an Partiaa thuh Baaama Tarrtbly la Karaaet la Hra hravaattan. ^>r~f^"~T r*TVr<^>>fttoN •to toaatol ferae ta e*ty afiN Mi SSSswSsSssm •'T**’* ■* We arid* oar mNm to thia aaetloc (hat ww arc aat to 4aa*r of tha coadacrmttoe haaar«. hat it meat ha hania la aht that tha toa pc op art! oa that tha UMut^S toaa to aay aaa Ira baara ta tha rttoL Jataad by thia, we eJty or low* *"* * Tha flraa referred to aba** vara at Perta. Tea, NaahvUla. Toaa, and ta Om. An oeeerrad within laaa toa» tea daya Of aach other. Thar oath tavaeUeatione (how aat tha °* ***** fir** W*** p“or *** open toaratara aaa t!SSm atatr* Wltfceat tha ahlatoa room th* he waaM aet haaa apraad aa thoy <U4. Tha reaaHa to thaaa Area are atarh Hot In Part* M4 acrea eera burned ever, aatbraetac LMO batldlnx* with IA«1 rwbaoMhla root*. At Nub vine ate touch* war* antlraty coaaum ad and part at tvaatyama block*, the laaa laonthf to ilJH.W. with leaeiaaao at A>. Aacoata tha laaa waa straw at H.aa*.***, with toaaraao* *C ahaat *1.0*0 0** The toe awayt ever thirty-two bleak* aad haeaea aad Ml dwalllnf*. It ta waN tor aa her* ta North Car altna to itt op aad take aotioa of aad warnta* treat thaaa toe*. It la poaot Mo. area prohaMa, that aach toaa mar atrfka aa ibo Iuomsoro nrsuiANGl Acnprra. •mix. u. k oomn anuM ox ■wx or CAMTAIOX Uo>. HaaafruJ L. Godwin. of ^•e*- Daatentu nominee for C traa* from th* fiixtb dktrtct t trcd th* mala t-ddroee at et ant' dMtlc aad weil-auandad »»«■ a ? Ax of voter* at th* Wrixhtib Mh<«il boo** ia*t nlxht la whl • ka pr***at*d Ik* roaord of tk* Dei erau la Canpr**! I* *a tbit mu: Mr, tad appalled to tk* voter* of thl* county to pat their *tami> ' approval oa * party which bad dr at vallaat **rrto* for th* prmu m* >f America* dtlaeaahip. Ootiyr***m*c Oodwla rwealv.d a **ieomc that vu rhol* >**n*d aad tlncarr. AJlhonxh than ay* un lW“* ^11 X*opk» I* th* township ■oe* than If* paopi* w«r* ta th* audience, white entirely filled the halldlac aad teeladed **Ue a aprlnk tia« *f people from Wilmingio ok* made the trip oot la automobi' •*. - Both hater* aad after »’ ■peaklax. tarp* number* came V ■ aurd to fivaet Mr. Oodwla aad rh _ with him a few m leu lee Tha uteetiax celled to orde by C. C. Caabwen. Xeq.. •eer*t« •f th* County Democratic Commu te*, following which Mr. Thom* B deeper, chairman of th* county ■eeeeuv* committee. latroduced the •peekar *f th* evealax with * few kBnmwtolefa --■ m-a-e _ . -_ “ »•« alee made by L Ckrtm Oram. Bag.. Demnctutlr nomi-e tram New Haaorar aoaaty to tho •toto Lagtalator*. aad Cal. Walk er Taylor. aaQaetor of easterns (or tha Wllmlagtoa district. Hr. Godwin dHaaaaad both Nation si aad Mata lasses. aad dlaoaaaad Ibam In a straightforward aad lucid meaner which carried eonricUoa to tha mlada of bis beam aa ha ae Pbitaad tba groat aaaatrastfra mass. »H. nalsadanTbad bseeaat cc^trogg *T btimihB la pbwar they ^ bacama la task* ted with tbalr yowar; that they dlaragardad tba vlabaa of tba people aad lagWated b the lataraat of tba mcaay ktoga Ha daalarsd that tha Democrats through puaalag aa Income tea had equallaad tba burdama of .taxation by placing a last percents** ot the property of tba rteb. Uas hgbtaa lag tba burdau boras by tba farmer aad mam of moderate- Ha daelarad that Hnghes, aa governor a* New Tort, had sdmaatohad tha leg leUtare not to adapt thla amend meet to the noaetlfallea. He declared that although Hngbse artttataad tba proaaat administration, be gad arvar yat said be would repeal. If sleeted e single measure pasted by tba Bern oerata.—Tuesday's Wilmington Pear ---- PI-BUO speakings in HAjunrrr Coaaty Ckalrmea Roaa aaaoaaeee M»a following apaakara for Harnett ec-aaty. Tfca paoplc la Ua various townships should Urn out oad boar •boot apaakara aad laan something of tba iaaaaa that ora bain* dlaeaaa ul la tba campaign. Hoo. N A. Sinclair at Dnko Rat* arday utgtrt. Rapt *»th. Democratic Rally aad Ptaale at Swaan'a Btatloa oe Friday algal A*11* Soraral good opoaboro to ba prmDt« Democratic Bally aad Bartoeua at Aaglar Oat. Ttt Hoe Victor ■ Bryant, tbo apaokor. Damoetatto Batty aad Barbara, „ Coats Oct. lid atdanraor Kttrb la tba speaker. Rob. a. L Brooks at UlUagtoa Oel lad. at 11 o'clock. Moo. A. U Brooks at Duos Oct. •ad. 1:19 o’clock. kbwbbot A] oI ftrtl ■gg _____ d Atlanta. Oa. Sapt lW-lfaUl,«w MlRdy. R newsboy. was bald a»dar a ••dd boad bare today akorsnd wttb aalMag Now Tart, Jackaaerilta and Ctactoaattl a am. apses cno'tlning it gaor adrartlaamaata. II Is too ftist ooos of Its Mad to bo booarM bora oadar Oaorgto’a row pPihtbUloa law . Hoa. A. U Brooks, ml Orooas bara. win apaak at tbo HetrwpoUtaa Opora Hoaaa bars Monday algkt at T:»d a’clack. Ra Is oaa of tbo tdato’c loading aratara aad will maka sa Italb aa polities aad Dam err key will 'bs his tkadto. Ho Is ahraya at b s boat la this partkatmr Una aat as I tbls^sasoatoa. Tba Mta 'wt

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