THE DUNN ■ ‘ - I VOL. Ill Dunn, N. C. Oct.^ ■ -J CODWlN-MtCANKIIX IN ROBE SON. Of*'* a Hei lr« of U> Jnht Disrme •lou to BoUewoo.—Candidal* Kiirurwi .. Ho*a. H. I. Godwin and A. L. Uc (. ■kill will begin thalr eerie* of ill J< Int dlacneelong In Robeaon coonlr tblr afternoon at Rod Spring*. Mr McCaiklll listed yesterday that ha had the complete reoord that friend Godwin had made In Con ner* and could now tall him exactly "when and when he didn't anawer the i'll. Hr McCaaklll *aya that Mr. Gintwln did not anawar on eeveral Important inauea and that It la op to I lin tu state daring the debate whr h" did not anawer the thirty-five roll nil* lie farther etated while In (hi* city that he "the proper etulf" to alienee Mr. Godwin with, end that h<- waa going to ure that "stuff" In Hobeaon. While the Hon Alexander waa pro pounding a description of the 'stuff be hud In aoak for hit oppoaest, the 1’on Hannibal had a group of party fOrnds wbo ware prophesying how oi'lrk Godwin could dlrsambl* the r embran* Of McCaskiH's 'atufT and how that It would be left maanlnglett when lb* repart* wea over. Howcvor Ihs prophesies will he f-rgotlen at * p m and the facta VIII bo made known, at Rsd Springe t.lo box mad* the beet of the reet ■ Corded Candidate* from laet There dry. The following give* the number of ■otea each of the candidates claim t'.ay will receive from the respective counties: County— Clifni claim Now Hanover ... Cumberland.1 00». 100 Pluden. 200. 100 nobeaon..1.600. 116 Columbus. 600. 100 Prunawick.300 .*(0 Harnortt. 306. «00 From the above table It te shown , >'r. Godwin claims two thru sand In New Hancvcr. while Mr MeCaaklll t-rlmlta hit loas will be one thou sand. In Roheeon. Mr. MeCaaklll Maintains he will carry the In dial n '•*« In Hobesoa. melhlat Mr Godwin has done eaeh consecutive election. While tha Democratic candidate ! hi* eye on a seven thousand m h'ritiy his Repabllccaa opponent maintain! that when the battle la over h# will have lo hla credit tha defeat of the old hone by aboat flv-r I nr.rtrcd majority—Cape Fear New* 1' b. ursrxEsw pREDicmowa. Not all business man aro ot the a.tme mind with rcepoct to the con tinuances of prtpent proaporlty. The report! from th* twelve rcatrve districts for th* month of September i*• set forth in th* Fedoral reaerva Ifllotln. show that while th* vne*. majority of 310 representative I'rmi queried arc of U10 opinion tb:it there bee been aa Increase In prosperity ever la lb* laat few nontha. there Is aonta difference of «'! Inion as to wbal effect the and II y of the war will have. Thu* while £21 representative ''■•int say there has been no let-ap in tyeda. 76 feel that there baa been a all(bt decline. While 1S4 jubilantly say that even the end of tl <• war will not curtail their bual rr-ra.. 117 take a less may view. Jtost of them admit thu profits I not Increased proportionately nlth coat of production, which In ilcntes that labor la getting a full chare of th* present proecrlty. It la significant, however., that 1 hereaa 42 per cent or th* Arms Mirnrn la*i year roponeo buvinaaa rood or excollent, the [i*rt«ntaf>: I it* been Inrreaeed tbto ye-ir to 54. Twenty-one per cent regi-ded the r.uttook le poor one year ago. while today only three-teuthi rf 1 per c«n» take a penal mlatle »l«w. Thli la probably the be*' leet that Clin be made. Moat of the buatna** men rcallxe that condlilona are t heoomenal, and laat yaar they fell that It waa loo good to eontlnaa. 'Ha year, looking (nr In'o the fn ■nre they aay that reronetructlon Mi till ale and machinery for p<aen pur P<-e*a probably will tnha (he pine i.' war munition* tn the export tr*d< They rani lie alao that Mm* of th. headway being made la the formal market* will 5 non tinned, era* thoagh the condition# which aaadi anrh Increaaea poaalble are chang ed. Altogether the pro*pert i* whoU] erromraging and the report* reeelv ed by th* raderal reaerre board re fact th* general optimum of th ionntry—Waahlngton Pont. Meeera. Henry Lee. Henry llhel] nod Worth M. Pope left Monday fo t’-oldaboro where they will -ratal th Coldaborn hand thla week In that engagement with Ute Warn- count; Fair. All lliaee boy* an* *nleodli mu*l< lan* and will be valuable ad r It Iona to tba anootlent W. j-do com ty band. POP^-BARBOUR Hi enttful Weddle* Orwnsony tt Horse Memorial Chare*. Under softly shaded lights and with the soft strata* or mmlc fiit I'g (he house. Miss Mildred Barbou ■ daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. O W Harbour became the bride of Mr. H O. Papa Wednesday after uood just at six o'clock. The wed ding was one of Ihe oinat beautiful that seer occurred In Clayton and tie first to be aolman'srd In the new Methodist church. The church was srtlatlcatly deco ruled la green und pink native tone 1 hf pine aad cut flowers being lav ishly used and with good elect IWek of the rostrum and encircling ■ he choir lort was a background of k eon. Interspersed with pink rose-* and capped with a circle of lighted white and ptnk candle*. The own •are taken In front of an lmpro vlsad altar of white, decorated in roeea end ribbon. The pastor of the eh arch. Rev T. A. Bikes was tha of. relating minister, tha ceremony used bring a beautirul aad Imprenslra one Just before the entrance of the bridal parly. Mrs Chas. 0. Galley seemly sang "Sweetheart' and -Be caase.’ Mrs. Rat* Hays Flemming presiding el the organ, and Mr Ho beet Jordan, of Unnn. recede red a beautiful violin solo. At the first atralaa of Mendelssohn's wedding (uerch came the ashore. Msears R. V. Banders. S E. Barbour. H. E OUe*. Robert Jordan. Hugh Ferrell aad Drvna Barbour; then tha brides --. n<uia r iszirr tnO C'adys Barbour, dressed la white d’seers with ptak cashes and large black kata, carrying boaqoata of P'Bk Klllaraey roaaa; following them ease tka bride on tha arm ol htr staler. Mrs Carlotu Fart, whr *°ra a handsome white gown of band embroidered crepe trimmed In Irtah point laca. with Urge white hat and carrying a bouquet of white rooea. Tka groom with hie beat r-an. Mr. Worth M Pope, of Dana enured from a lids door and was net at tha altar by the brida. wbc eaa becomingly gowned In n travel ing iart of bin* with bat and gloves to match Daring tha ceremony ex I "telle mule was aoftly rendered bj Mr*. Flamming, while Mr Bikes pro noenced the' words that m.ide then ioaa and wife Shortly afUr the ceremony Mr and Mr*. Pope left on their a- to mo bile for an extended trip through ih< Stales of North Carolina Oeurgta nod Florida, exporting to bo away for i couth or Ms week* Tho bride la the youngest da ugh Ur of Mr and Mn. Davl I W. Bar hour of Clayton, and la one of th< State's moat accomplished and pop alar young ladles. She wai slice ted at Oreeaaboro rental' College and after her graduation ton red Ru with a party of fnoed*. bb< k gifted in music and Is organise! at Horae Memorial Church. Mr. Pope U the son of Mr ant Ms Honry Pope, of Denn. Hi oame to Claytoa about three yean ■1°. >>d k tha Junior member o •he Srm of Pope and Stallltaga. drug glttn. He la possessed of consider a hie bealneas ability and to a youni item of delightful personality ant is very popular In Clayton—Claytoi New*. MOTTCg) OF BA LB OF LAND. of eels contained in a dead of True executed on the nth day of inly »* uuiu h. aunit to Mar via u Wad*, Trusts*, raaordad |] Boob Il«, Pag* 41, oflos or Rag •»t*r of Da*da of Haraott Count* default baring boon mad* la Ut< payauat of th* not* a scared th*r* by. tb* aadaralgnad Truatoa will 01 Taadoy, Octobor Hot. 1»14, axpoa to aala to tb* blgbaat blddor. fo oaoh. at tb* Coart Houaa door 1: Lllllngtoo, H. C„ tb* following da aeribpdtraotai of land altnatad u Haraatt Coont/, Upper UtU* Rir* Towoablp, bounded aad daaortbod a follows: Bogtaalag at a pin* on th* sout: •Id* of th* old rood Maloom a. m< Looos IU* aad Atkina oonar, run thono* I 14 abalaa to a stab' thoaca 4T Dog. W. 44 chain* t Allan McLoaaa Una; tbaooo wit this Uao N. II chain* to Maleoi A McLain. eornar; thane* wit bit lino N. 47 R. chalks to tho tn Under aad by rlrtuo of tho powa gtaalag. eoaulalag 144 aero* mm Of Iffg, SROOND TRACT: Adjolnla tb* load* of W. O. McLeod, Bog MeLren aad otkara, boginning at •tab* and pot*tori a oornor of th MeDooghnl and MoKay land an ran* thonee N. 11 1-1 R. 14 chi. to •Uta aad po In lore, a oornor of / M. Caaoroa'a load on top of th hill botwoon Dobblaa crook aad U thop breach; threat Jf, 7» W. ih to a atab* aad potatora; thane* | 11 W. 1 chain* to a alaks. High M Laaa'i eornar; thane* B. 4 ahnii and 7* links la a atab* aad pola *r*;t hmoa S. M W. f ahalaa 1 Mobs ta W. O MeLood'a aornai three* with hi* lino P about l . a. to th* bogtaalag, aontatalag ati MfM Btfl Of loOO. Ttare of Bate: Tuoodny, Ootob ’ Hot Ikld. at 11 o'etaok M. Flam of Bala: Coart Houaa Doc I Mtltagtoa. Haraott County Tom* of Solo- Cash , Tkl* llth day OmtOMbar, 1114 MARTOf L. WADI, Truotoo CLARBXCB J, SMITH. A tty. PAYKTTKYILUK PIUDbBYTKRY. ll«Mlra Drill Held At UNn|ton | With Large Nwmi>or 1*1 mat Lllllngton. Oct. 11.—Fayetteville f,rr«byl*r>. one of '.be largrtl Id tho Pcuihcrn Presbyeryiea Church, le In a felon hero. 11 wee convened leer ••'gbl by Mr A T. McOtll retiring . iderator An unusunelly large ri.mberw of ministers and elders are present. Rev. II. J. Wills was else led moderator after the eoagrogatlon fif'd listened to a splendid sermoi1 | b. Rev. n A. MrLand. Today bet bees taken op with routine work, bat time has bees tound lor several Inspiring eervlc • This morning at the common Ion service Or H 0. Hill., of Mav ft. the oldest minister of the Pres I taey. preached a sermon of nnlqa* gor end helpfulagea. In the after i'l things gave way for a hear ing of the work and needs of Flora McDonald Collage Trely every North Carolinian ahoald be proad of tbla great Institution situated among the Scotch people of on/ Stale. The Presbytery wilt scarcely fin '•* lt» work before Thursday night and Judging hr the program this will be k>s« of tho great meetings of this hod. KI40TTH ENDORSEMENT. Dr Chaa. W Eliott ha* cun# oat l'-t .Vt.*"n cart la dn*np t . g*re to Ilia ooaotry eoao of thr sirnngast Wlltoa argor .nt yet aJv*DnX| Rllot aao i it ni oilmen r In thr ktatrmeo- that • Be Dtir.o mic rarty be» dor.# g.-j an aitraorlt nary amoaat of (tood work daring th* present Admlo'ttratioa that the period from tilt to Kid will he memorable In the cinnrr pt the United State*; and. aemndl/. that tho nu rhtvfly reepot e'liln for thl* conceal met* terrier to tre Ameii can people ahoald be ngeia trade thalr chief servant.' H i does so far as U> eay that "la >hre* rear, and a half the Democratic pe/ty. tad by Woodrow Wilton, ha* dose ■•eh more for the country than the NepahUoae party adeempl'slHm is Are time* as many yaam*—Char lotte Observer. '' We Are Daily “Graduating” the Best Dressed Men in Town. Why Not Join Our “Class?” There is one thing • we can teach you al least, that style, in born, inbred style lasting style that sticlu to the clothes until you are through witf them is a feature ol Kirschbaum Clothes at $1 5,$18, $20 anc ■ up to $40. i * l Johnson Brother: ' Dept. Store, Dunn, N. C. LEGAL N __ a resolution or or COMMISSIONS TOWN or DU CAROLIK I. J. W. Turna*a. town of Dana, do roar honorable body |i amerfency measure lha lached reeolutloo eat I' •A RESOLUTION A THU PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVE: TAIN 8TRKMTS 8IONATCD POINTS IN f.F OirNN. N. C. AND. FOB AB8K8BMENT ON, tino PROPEnrr DETRAY PART OF THE SAME UNDER A|P BY V1R TUE Or CHAPTER (I PUBLIC LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA FOK 1HI Tha Mid ranldln author lrlh( (ha pmaant ofkartaln por tions of lha follow! • mentioned meats King alraat ' and WHur street. I do hereby raqaaat that lha rev olutloa ba finally paaaad aa an enter fancy measure at tha ray alar ad journed meellnf of tha Board of Cnatmlaalonera of tha lawn or Dunn on this date } Thla the *»th day of September. 1M*. J. W TURNAq!e( Mayor. A. RESOLUTION AIPTHOR1ZIN0 THE PAVEMENT WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT OF CER TAIN STREETS BETWRBN DES1C NATED POINTS IN THE TOWN OP DUNN. N C. AND PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT ON THE ABUTTINO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DEFRAY PART Or THE COST OF THF. SAME UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF CHAPTER »• PUBLIC LAWS Or NORTH CAROLINA TOR 1*1 A. BE IT RESOLVED BY THF BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS OK THE TOWN OF DUNN. N. C. That ebarm King Street from Pearsall street to Cleveland street u badly In need of repair* and lm provemaata and tha welfare and convenience of the pnhlle at large require that said Streets, should be traded. Improved and pared wilhlr. I ha limits aforesaid trMb aipusl* o' other satiable paveaent and the Board of Commissioner* of said Iowa rad that tha above Improvement la necessary; and. whereas a majority la number of tha owner* who rvpre sent morn than ■ majority of all (ha Uveal leal of the frontages of the lauds abetting upon I%ar*al! Street between Fayetteville Street and Lay ton Street have petitioner! to the Board of CommlaafogM of mid tow* to pava the aa^sptrlth asphalt that two-thirds of Lhaeoet of said pavement be as*eased upon the lota abutting directly oa''said street ac ecrdtng to tha arte at of thetr re apective fronlagea thereon by eqnal rate per toot of said frontage: and. whereas the said petition was duly Slad with the Clerk of the Town of Dunn who Investigated the saflrl r.iey thereof, and certified the re sell of his Investigation to the Board of Commissioner* to the earn <hnt a majority in nsobW of the owner* who represent more than a>r My of all the llseal foot of frnntegr of the lands shutting upon Pearsall Street between Fayetteville Stroot and Layton Street have duly signed rrId petition and that said petition compiles with Chapter IG of Use Public Laws of It IS la all respect*; and. Whereas the Board of Com mlanloner* Of the Town of Dsrm find that the petition la selflelenl le *11 seaport* and that Chapter SC of tLe rnblle Irawt of ltl6 hat been compiled with In all respect* as to the filing and certifying of said pc tion to thl* Board. That where** Wilson Street from Vldgerton 8t. to CnmherUind Street le badly In nood of repair* and Im provement* and the welfare and CCbveulence of the public at large require that said Streets should b: graded. Improved and paved within (ha limits aforesaid with asphalt or other evitable pavement end the Board of Commlmlanee of eald town iinu uiiu in* nwTB luprvvv* men! I* necessary; »nd wbeihwt ■ majority In mabw of the owarr*, ubo represent more than n majority of nil llin llnanl loot of the frontage* Of th* lanila shotting apon Wilson Btrset between Kdgerton Street and Cumberland Street bsvo petitioned t> tbe Board of Coatmlstlonera of mId town to pars tha same with as phalt naremoal reqslrlng In tuId petition that two-thirds of the coat of aald pavement be assessed upon the lota abutting directly on said St areordlag to th* extant of their re apoctlve troelages thereon by aa equal rate per foot of aald frontage: and. whereas the aald petition was daly Died with the Clerk of the Town of Doan. who Investigated I be sufficiency thereof, and csntflvd III* result of hi* Investigation to tbe Board of Commissioners to tbe ef - foot that a majority la uamber ol the owners, who represent store than a majority ef ell the lineal ’ feet of frontage of the lands abstt lag apon Wilson Street between ' Mgerton street end Cumberland Stieet have duly signed said petl i llna and that said petition compile) t.ltb Chapter It of tbe Public Laws I of 1111 la all reepeets; and. where < k* the Board of CMmlMlonen ol [ the tnwa of Duan And that thn poll tloo Is ratAetsnt la all respects and , that Chapter Id ef tbe Public laws 1 of Jill has been compiled with In I all rang l ft a aa to the nieg sad cer tifying of said petition to this Board WHBRBA8. tha Board of Com nlsatoner* of tbe town of Duan b |' of tbo opinion that nil of the sal! I streets above mentioned betweae the petals designated and propose! to be paved ahoeld be paved wits > asphalt of the UM and charaetei required and soeelBed la tbe eon -tract with aald town and f J. Mr | Quire, tbe eoatraetor; sad, where Aa to seeura uniformity of wort th* said Board ef Hnmwlsalenn t of lbs opinion that tbo work shouli l« let oet to contrast la whole which has already been done by or jder of Ible Board gnder Ut* assist •sec* sad sdvlo* of Bfflmrt C Whits th* engineer pmpleyed by mid lowi ro (iH«W niYHICAl.I.Y ITK FW T MOYH AND 01.0*. I**. B. H- Greenwood Ra»« Animal f ailed Han Haa Hem Vi-jiloi-ieiL "What »e naid In Ihla Stain.' -aid Dr a. P flreenwoe.,. jf Way iieavllle. rn-:.t1/. "la iml m. niueb h-nr i •■••• fine jvlri and lie- ■ • ,.'|V | i • i.{ p V-l-.ll • n •> Ai •I'.r mil . ti * ii. ”... i i#...| iiirt ■ .i . • . * e.,; • *e ij t t i * * r..->-' i i • • * ■ - • v il- .. - ■” in*’ .1 » |e ai m’a • ii- i Ii i - h. cows anil pies and id premliuna on them ho* llule or no Ittartlivn la glaan to re-'li.n me bent I’hyalcnl'r of human Seine*. And Ihla la not Inc of coanty alone, but of tha whale SUM There H lie ao naly. rluh or oreantcatlor l< Itm State, with tha prohabla <arapttoo of the Better Bafalaa Con bat. tAut haa for Ita parpoae the or-twine of Bna phyalea) manhood and woman hood No nryoplaatloa oCrrs a pre mium for Iho atroDceat man . the moil perfect woman, the h althlcot boy. and ll’e ao woofer, eare IV. -- " Mvm iiv iv mir.T hollow-cheated boys sad girls anaemic children and deficient men and women In the world today. "People's attention baa never ••‘•on called in the Impcrtance of raining physically perfect boys and girls There aro no charts ner w tilblu. no instruction! nor tnf-vrria lion given Ibn people as to whnt consulates s perfect man or woman from a physical standpoint Yet wa ara taught all about how to rater plga. cows and chickens. I waat to live to arc the day.’ says Dr. Green wood, "when perfect boyi and g*rl« will be ratted with aa much pnde aa other animals.' Littleton College opened at Lit tlotnn tew days ago with th» best at tvariance la years Rev. J. ||. Rhodes, who Is st the head of this mstitutiaa. la Bach enthused ever the prospeets of such a prosperous xaar >and. beliavas It mtu arors ta he (he best terra Is the history of the rollsgs. Mlm Kthcl Hancock, a member of the graded school facalty, left Moa doy for Hslelgh. where she entered Lng Hospital for aa operation for 1 n.It Ills Ii u not thought thnt afce will be detained from ber duties aa teacher but a short time. Mims Sot Smith left Monday for Goldsboro, where aha will spend the week with relatives and friends and lake In tbs Wayne County Pair thii week. S4id that this method world be cheap er and better for property owner! .iiid for *a*d town: and. whereat said Hoard of Commlasiomcre la of the o l-inlon that the pavement aforesaid It (he best and most suitable (or said * » r c s t s and that said Improvement should be made aj aforesaid and that two-thirda of the «/st of said pavemeel should bo aa ccaaed upon the lota abutting 41 r«rUy OB Mill slfMla wilkli. limit* above prescribed according tc (ha extant of Ihotr respective front sgrs thereon by an equal rate pei foot of said frontages: !'0W TH blRRFOKK, be It and It Si heieby resolved by the Board ol Commissioners of the town of Du nr N 0. In a regular meeting stttlai Ihle Hth day of fteptevnber lMg mat King fit rest between bear sal Mioet and Cleveland kurcet and thai Wilson SI reel between Rd b-'rtoc Street and Camberlant Mrr-el be paved with asphalt pave P'CUt. aa aroresatd. under sad by vli • ue of Chapter (S of the Public 1 uwi of Hid. and the procedure there under as hereinbefore set forth, aa< the general laws of the Stale oxlst Ira. And It is further resolved tha two thirds of tho cost of wild pare uient of all of said streets xfotesaii * ilhln ilie limits prescribed be here after sseemed upon the lots abuttlm directly on said streets according t‘ the c.xtqnl of their respective frnti Ugee thereon by aa qnal rate pa foot of said frontage, tbe assies Riant against the said lots abuttlm on said at rears to be based upon th< t. tal cost of paving that (tract ha tween the limits prescribed, upoi which said lots abut exclusive o so much of the coat ea may be In curred at street lntemar.ilone ant the share of the railroad to ho here Inafter determined. Be and It to hereby farther rejotv ed that llm proportion of the eoa of said Improvements hclrein pro nded for on the streets above d* *• jested to ha asseaeed upon Ut chatting property shell bo divide Into tea oqaal aauaal Inalellmeat' il.s said installments bearing Inlet cat at the rate of etx per eent pe "naum from the date of the conflt matins of the see element roll, an •ball become dee and payable oe lb date on wheh Usee ere payable, th first InataUmoet to be daa and pa) able on tbe date oa whteb taxes fe the year HIT are dae and payebl and each year thereof!er for a perio through end Including the yea Htt. The foregoing resolution wa unanimously adopted at the el josrwed regular meeting of eel Toerd this Hth ity of geptembe Hid. sad ordered published an declared by law. H ■. MeKAY. Clark. "ROBIN HOOIT' HAH MXJOUU MANir DimXCTIONH. Reginald de Morea'a ""oWn Hood" which, according to report, will bag in very elaborate revival at tbe Lafayette Theatre. Fayetteville on Wednesday sight of Pair week With a cast of grand nag light opera singers. has colored distinctions that neldore (all to the lot of a work of tRU klad. In the Brat butanes H wn the vehicle that made the Roe I nr t an • femoua la tho second twtanoc., "Robin Hood" het probably le.n' Ihc opening attraction at more arw theatres than any cither ptoee In lh»j bletory fit music or drama. Th* Dost on lane had a vUndiog order with the book power* to giv.i tsem Aiat rliauoe at the new lUretrc*. and tbe local manager waa al vara glori to have them, as it as turret a parked house, end n social win'I-ufT. The third distinction that (ell to the opera aad Us composer way that It waa the Brat American wort; to bo I«rformed la London, when It at' triaed a degree of gaccese. th* Bn rllahmen being Interested la the legend of this famous oatlaw The crowning glory, however, aad » dtMinctioa that has failed to no other American composer of light Opera, was as levitation to play "Robin Hood' la tho open air at the Greek Theatre of the University of California, which performance waa green last March. A packed aadl torlum and that moans mare than sooo persons, enjoyed the beautiful airs and brilliant eostnmea. which Inal none of their lustre la the ear mine. The aeronstlc properties of the Oreek Theatre era absolnfel* perfect, and the slngera were wars- ] cd to apeak in a normal roles. ; which they did, their voice* being heard plainly to tbs topmost Mata. Many amusing Incidents occurr ed daring the performance, that the audience was not la formed of. No teeaery waa need, bat all tbs coo tsm^a and band propertied Ivy Reott. the Maid Marlon, baa a gulek change from the boy's suit to where •be disguises heraslf ne the mllk mnld to overbear the plate of the Sheriff. Mies Soott'e meld was watching tbs performance, and, aa ths Ojrwk ThMtrg W generally open to the Mklte,' fill' STMbtkk room! are asppltod with a apt-lag lock. To Mias Scott * horror her lock bad sprang and her clothes were Inside. Rhe is highly temperumdatal and n*rrous and withoat counting the coat, immediately pat her tiny data through fbe window, several? cal ling her gagers, bat thin opening waa not large enough in spite of ber sacrifice, ‘sad Prof amor Armor of tba University, who had the keys, waa hurridodly gammoned. Mlaa Seott made ber change la time and the aadlence probably wondered why she sacked her thumb darlag tba Churning number. During the time she was on. her numbers wero almost constantly punctuated by the dick of many estnarma. Including the moving one from the Paths Weekly, and It seem od that every student or viettor wanted a personal souvenir of the performance After tke show an old lady name behind the scenes and asked to moot Mlm Seott, as abe had something important to tell her. It seem* the **' elfUng on the topmost tier B Salaat the trees, and MUw Seott tank her flute-like onto* in the Forest Song, with the pauses between each cadania. the birds to (he trees ans wered her. Miss Scott was mars with thta than Anything that happened to har. although Camille de Arvllte. a famous Martaa tu ber day, threw her violate to her and afterwards congratulated har on her oaceeaa. WO oottow noLL-mxvn, KVOTTW IK WORTH CAROM*A. R*W«h. W. 0.. Oetobor T. lilt. Al tbli soaeon ovary year fbratrr And that many cotton-boll* aro not opening aa expected. mad Id aaarcb lag for a eaaaa tbay notice laaeeta at dlaeaaee which tbay haw* not Man before Only too oftaw each "die cevaria*' aro reported to locael pa* Itra and are g'vaa publicity andn luapleloa that tb* "Cotton Bolt yeovtr la dotag Iba damage. Mr rasklin Rhermaa. Bntomolo plat In the Btate Department of Agrl culture at Raleigh art* he* to aaapha rlM the feet that wbflo each report) I av* bean current *wck iuttni foi over (waive* year*, and while h* hat fc’snttfled aeoraa of Inaoeu aaat t: btm under luapleloa. yet no trot «VCClmen of Cotton BolI-WeeMI he* aver yet bean taken In lha state **d (bare la ao mason to autperi •hal It Is proaaal. A dtsaoaa prop etly b now a *a Aathraeaes* wbtel censev lb* boll* to rot. baa beta th< real eaaaa of moat of tba complalat BolUwaevtl to now in U* aonth waatora third of Oaorgto. not ye In lha rest of that state nor It Tooth Carolina Mr. Sherman say that It will probably bof rom «t* V tea roar a before It raaehaa the Bon thorn border of onr data ntnui wnBox.mcKKTT mil local dm Raw dam* (M P wpram —Other L»mil XnO-%. Dake Oct. •—Duke Democracy ell la 11m btirdtr night with the fiber ceamuulUe* In orgaatalcc 'Vilron -nii'kdt dttbt all orer Her i rtt rounty. Col. John D. Lancelot: »f Goldsboro waa the apeaker for tho occasion and kapt hi* ecdlonc* h: th* high«at aptrlt of aathuelagm throughout hla speech Col. Leafs ton mad* a clean, dear eat speech. Ira* from anything that would IT eat* prejudice, but full of wit and tumor that kapt kia audience Ungb lur and applauding a good part of •b* UPv. A large crowd enjoyod ib* (peach and when tho time caane for orgaaitlag Ike WIleou-BickcU flub the membership was area larg er than waa expected. The demo crat* of Harnett County ora deter mined that Haraott ahall po demo cratic In the coming election and are l nay In aeury direction. The fourth quarterly conference cf the Fayetteville District waa bald In the Method let church her* Sun axy night with Dr. J. T. Ofbba. pre siding alder for the (Harriet proaid Ir.g. Dr. Olbba preached at the regular appointment Sunday night and held the conference Immediate ly after the eerrten. The follow* *ng church officer* were elected for the ensuing year. Steward* W. M Crawford; J. H. Thomas: F. L Wtl »oa; M. W. Banleld; E. S. Tar trough: L K Btancfll; J. W. Dan iels Superintendent of Bandar School. E. I Yarbrough. The tt ocnaa to exhort were renewed to R W. BarCetd and L. R. Maxell, both of the** exhorters made anlmdld reports to . tbe eoet«t*N*. Dr. Gtbbe in addressing tbe c**ofcrer>c» wld th»t all Indications err* that ■ha district reports to tho aaraal «' nference would be all that kt roald art for, that tbs finances would be paid la full and that tbe sj trttoal condition was food. 8»ndar was a great day for tbo Vocal T'nlon of Eastern Harnett Oo. TbU Do ion met la the Erwin park ht Duke for thotr aaaaal eoatssllea Tbo mo*ting was called to order at elTaa o-etoek by tho chairman W. b> Jobs Broyata ud R. W. Rar tba grounds and at I o’clock the ringing eiaaooa of the anion mat at tbe South PurllHon end gars their aaaaul concert, roar elaaaea, els: Cklcom. Pleasant Grose. Elsestlon and Hrwln’r Chapel took part la this concert Representative tran praclcally all the Eastern sod of tha oonaty worn present end thoroughly enjoyed that day. The community la gsperul la In terested la tha saaouoesmeat In the Ran day social columns of tbo sa Lagement of Mr. Wnilam Anthony ^blto to Hill Susan Rawlings of Wilson M. C. Mr. While la orlgtaal Ty from Statesville bat has boos la Duka severs! years end to now amis last cashier in Bank of Haraott. Mtaa Rawlings spent two ysart In Dske teaching tho graded schools. Tbs week ending Saturday was a racord breaking week on tbo cotton market both la tbo number of Poles purchased and tho prices wore tbo highest ever paid on market. The farmers are patting tbs cotton on tbe market jaet aa fast as possible and fuel good over tbe prleaa re ceived. The deposit* In Beak of Harnett are more than ever before In the history of the institution, which shows that tbo farmers are la debt. n. Y. p. r. program for mok n*Y OCTOBER l«. SohJ-cr: How cun 1 train myself fw clirfetffln work. Linder— M!«u Mamie Lee. "M-g; Hi Ip somebody loilay. •»enio»ir» p ar<r«. Ir'iHils "'ms Lcrder. « il|i’n < Mitt X* 1R-X0 X Tim 1 by S id >»»e. td«: H- Kph. «: 11-1.' mci . XU,. Matife Pope •w*’ V' *vy fl-i.lwln t» seektft*. I- tr.ili, „„ ! T,u«t kin-.w i refufl- • Talk l»y Mr. H. R Osip.-Ins. We m«>i bei-w b'-w l» d> p-rvwjel work Vies Mi MU' Xsylor. l.r»rn to talk for Christ—Mr. Perry Godwin. * •J I«: Ml«s Mallle Pope Mum ben# how »o pal bsalhesa Hi religion.—Miss'Ethel Ration. Scripture readings: Matt. Id- |-t — Mia* Eva Strickland, hong—Tbe Kings' buetnaoa. Mr. Mark McKay, of Asheville, was bore Iks latter part of the week Ho came down Is set hh father. Dr hieKay. who lives near Batata Creek lie returned home Pend ay. Mr. HrKay aura he It doing welt ta Aihevllle. and that baatama ta tht , Rountalu Hty ta fast get (lag back i «*• normal. Be waa sue of rta rjf . f«rers from tbe reeeat good, the wt l tar In ble store being several feet , d«ep when H waa et tfe height. Mrs. Deag Smith, of PuyettovOlo. strived Monday ta speed a few days In tha eUy with relatives.

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