POPE-I.AMB WEDDING DATE Drothar of l«»l PliotugraptirT Al< Mairtea; IVreroon) W rditesdar. Tha marriage of H. 0. Pope to Ml, ft.rbour yesterday was probably th moat brilliant- affair that aver too t'laen la the North Carolina toeri Over aevea hundred Invitation, ha been mailed oat for the wcddtni which took place at « o'clock Wee n.rday evening at the Home Manx rial church, tha largest n •«' church In the city. Perhaps the moat ttriklrg fart I ?■ gard tn the weddings of the tw 1 other., however, was that esc hrd aet the data for bla own wed dlag, unknown to tha other, and th d'ltaa fell tn the same month. Eacl announced his plana to the other a about tha tame time, and neither wa •ipaetlBf any such aews H. 0. Pope has nsvsr vtsltsd hi brother here. Ho Is angagod In Ui retail drug bualneaa at ntayton. anr ta Junior member of tbs firm ef Pop and Stallings. The hrlds la a daugl ter of Mr. and Mrs. David W Bar hr-ur. also of Clayton. Tbs nswlyareda left todsy on n rro tor boasymoon trip of three week, to Asheville. N. C., and thence t iaeksoavllls. Bt. Aagustlae at Pe terabarg and other Florida towns Tuesday Oct. II la the date whirl has at last been announced for th< approaching marriage of C E Pop. Taytorsvtlls’a popular north a!d< photographer, to Mtaa Alta -Lamb t. a Braeta reprsssgUtlve. and at th. •ana# time. Mr Pope told of the mr. liags yesterday of hu brother. H 0 Tope, a draggle! at Clayton. N C. to Mlsa Mildred Allan Barbour, of th« ■ansa etty. Mr. Pops and Mias Lamb gave on! little laformallon as far ae the dr tails of their wedding gre rnnrernrd a mply stating that the reremnnv will taka place on the afternoon o‘ October >1. They will leave th< ssisa evening on n short trip to M Louts, and upon thstr rutam will be at hoaie at *17 Wsst Vine street They are planning only n brief trie »ow. bat win taka a two moathe1 aaetor trip a ext aammar through the seat, and vtstt Mr. Pope's old home Tha groom-to-be haa been eon ductlag a studio la this city for OT«r Mart, tad It af ttiB Vta.1 known photographer* la Central II H»oU- Mias Lanb It a daughter ol Mr. and Mr*. Mario* lamb of near Creek towaahlp. bat baa made her home with her unde and mot. Mr. end Mr*. J. R. Thompson, since early cnfldhood. They made their home In Johaeton township nnu! about three yeare ago. when (bey moved te f la elly. They now live tt 7*1 W Vine etreeL Daring the three yean •be has apent In this city. Ml** Ltmh Laa eotae to hold a promlticot place here, eepeetally In maaical and church (Irelts—Taytrrvllle. (DUnols) Bally Broeia of October 6th. North Carolina Harnett county IN THM SCPBRtOR COl’RT JANIJ ART TERM X • 1« International Harvester Company ol A marie a. T». H. J. Ball, Honan Bell and J L. Bell, and Doan Commlaslon and Sup ply Co. NOTICE Or 8AT.R By rlrtae of the auuhorltv contain ed la a lodgment of Lhc Suparioi Court of Harnett county limied al the September Term. 181* the un dersigned Pommlaeloner of 'he rour' dnly appointed by said luilgment. win oa Monday Nor. 18. IH1S at 11 e'etock M. at Court House door In Fayetteville. North Carolina, offer for Ml* at pobllee auction, to tb< highest bidder, for cash, tbr follow, lag described lands, located In tb< county of Cumberland. Slate of N Carolina, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Bounded on K by Uadi of Jordan Elliott on th< F-.it by laade of R J. ntue. and South by laade of Ashley Ba'ley Con paay: and on the West by land* ol A' bley Bailey Company, rontalnlo) ta aeret. end being Mine land for u erly owned by Robt. King, and be ing the land of Sueaa Bell SECOND TRACT; gnu .led on the North by Unda of R. J nine anf Ashley Bailey Company; oa tba F. by the Unde of Ashley H«i:cv Co en the South by Unde of W L. lew 1* aad John MaNelll; sad on Weal bj Unda of Leoma Elliott, containlat If acres, more or lees ThU the 1 Ith day of Octnhet 1818. J. C. CMFFOIID. ConfDliainonr Ro«M broka Into th* Hood am Oraatbaa drag tiara Bnaday alfh aad alala about til *0 from (hi cash radaler and noma ailrerwar which waa wrappad op aad ready fn dallrary. Tha ihM antarad throofl tha transom orar on* of th* bael door* after tha fflaaa bad bran brok *a Nothla* waa known of (ha thef oatll Monday moralna when th atora waa oponad far baa! re** am th* broke* flaaa dfacorered. A >'• a> ela* anflelaat t* radi i toaplt Ion baa baa* faoad. k*nn. Darla* Tartar -nil lie Pafl* aad Mloa Bart Darla relent* Wadaaadar from Wllaelny n akti they attandad tba Jcf at Dari | legal notick. A HKSOLITION OF THE HOARD OF COM Ml SSI ON KKS OF Tilt:.. TOWN Ob' r»l N.v NORTH CAROLINA. t *• J' w Tumour. Mayor, ot the I *own Dunn. Jo hereby request your honorahlr body to pan* an an amargency me«oliil|.iii author Irlnp lb* poi vu:*nt of certain por Ilona of th* rmiuw! mentioned I meets King street anti WIRon al l rat. 1 I AO hereby tlial the res , nlutlon h* finally pushed on an *mer j gency mcaanr* at tl>« regular ad journed nirrllng ol tn* Hour>l of i CommlaaioDor* ui Ryo town of Dunn j on ibis dale Tblo Hi* 211th day of September, 11E1S. J W Tl'RNAGE. Mayor 1 A RKHOLl'TKiN Al’TIJOtllZINO. THE PAVEMENT WITH SHF.Et! ASPHALT PAVEMENT OK CKR I TAIN 8TRKFT8 RFTWFFN IH.'SIG SATED POINTS IN THE TOWN of: DIINN. N C AND PROVIDING KOI. ASSESSMENT ON THE A BITTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO DKFRAv PART OF THE COST OF THE SAME I'NDER AND DY VinTlJE OP CHAPTER bC PUBLIC LAWS OF NOHTH CAROLINA FOR 1»1b BE IT RESOWED BY THE BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS OF ' THE TOWN OF III NN. N. C Thai whereat King Street from Pearsall Mroet Co CVveland street D badly Ic ueiel ul i-•|i: ira and Im proramenu ami the aelLrc ami 1 convenience of the public at large | ] rt quire that mid St re«t,. ahoald by gladrd. Improved and payed wlthlo ' I the lluiltr afnrea.-ud wltb aapbal* | or other auiletilo pavraenl and the fBoard of CnnitnlaAinucrs of yulil man 1 Pnd that the above improvement la neccaaarv; and. whereaa a maJi>rIIT I In number of the owuara who ropro a*nt more Ilian a maturity of all the lioaal feet of the frootarcs of the Unda abutting upon Poaraall Street between Fayette, ill* street and ■ —I i ■»»« pvnuoaaa to utv .Board of Commlr«yal two-third* of lltv sokI of aald pavement be nrareevd upon the lulu J ebuitlng directly on aald ilraat ac cording to the eatent if lUclr re spoctlvo frontage* tbvroon by equnl rate per foot of aald froutnge; nail whereas tho said iiefitiuo vrua rlulr J died wfth the Clerk of Hie Town of. I Bunn who Investigated tho suffh-i-l e:>cy thereof, soil twrllfled the re. 'tit of hl> Investigation to Hie Board of Commlestcnere 10 (l,< effort rhet a ruajorlly (u number o' the owners who represent more than a major Hjf of nil the ilnml feel of frontal;' of the lands ahuti'iut ui*or p.-aryall Btrvwi be'wcoh Kayellwlllu Silent and fay ton direct hero duly slg'icil reld petition nnd flinr **ld pettllou compile* with CJiuptoi 60 or lbs1 i ubllc law* of l*|« jn all respects, ; Ki.d. Whereas the Board of Cnru- 1 j missloners of thr Town of fiunn j l find that the petition Is suTtcioni in • II respect* and thui Chapter SC of’ the Public laws or mb hs» Iwen complied with In all respect* an tu the filing and certifying of said pc tlon to this Hoard. That whereas Wilson Street from Cdgerton St. to Cumhorloml Street I U badly in n*eil of repair* and Im . .provruienu and the welfare uml ct nvoDlcncc of the pnhlti at large require that said Hired* should he graded. Improved and paved within lbs llmttj aforesaid with anpitait or other suitable pncuicpi nud tbs Board of Commlanlone* of aald town hr-rsby find that the abvc improve msut Is neecavnry. uud. whedras a majority In nnraher of the owner*, who rsprsseut mors thnn h majority of all the llnral feel of tnc frontogos of ths lands abutting upon Wilson Street between Eilgertnp siren and Cumberland Hired bavo petitioned tJ the Bonrd of Commissioners of nld town u> pave the some with a* phalt i pavement requiring In aald pellllou that two-lblrd* of the rust ot said pavement be assessed upon ths lot* abutting directly on aald Bt according to ths extent of their re specllve frontager thereon by an equal rats per foot at said frontage: and. whereas thr said petition war duly filed with the Clerk of the I Town of Bunn. who Investigated! Ill* sufflelcnev thereof, and certified I the result of bis Investigation to the Board of Commissioner* to tho af fret that a majority In number of the nwacra, who represent mors • bait a majority nf all Iba lineal feet of frontage Of tha Inna* ahull lag upon Wilson Street between hdgartoB alroet *nd Cumberland Stiaat have duly signed said peti tion and that aald petition compile' t-llh Chapter t« nf the Public Ln«r* •f ISIS la all restarts; and. whore aa tha Board of CooirnlMloner* nf l *be town of Uann Sod Dial the patl linn 1o sufficient In all reaprrts. and that Chapter Id of the Public law* ' of till has been compiled with In ■ all rasperla a* to tlm tiling and cer i t'fylng nf *a1d petit Ion to this Board WTIBRHAR tho Bonrd of Coni- i I t I**Inner* of the town nf Dunn I* - nf tha oplaloa that all or the nald I slraata above mentioned between I I the points designated and proposed , to h* paved Should be paved with asphalt of the kind and character 1 required and spar-med In Uie eon - irort srttb sa'd loan snd P. J. Me Oulra. Iba contractor; and. whara a* to saeora uniformity of work fhe aald Board of Commissioners I* » of the opinion that tha work should - • •*< nut to ronlraet In whn|# , wblek has already bean done by or dvr nf this Hoard under Iba asalMt aaea and advice of Gilbert C White. Ud CBgloear employed by aald towa •' n«l (but tH« method would be cbenj r. nnd belter for properly own*] rntl for oe*d town; and. whereaa **1 Il' Kiril of i.’onintlMloneri, la of the i lliilon that the pavement aforeml ri tbc heat and ninat euitnble for ant • • f « e t a and that *ui In.provvt.loot thou lit be mad* * aforcaald *nd that two tlilr.lt of io .-rat of aaid pavement should he n. it.ee.1 upon the lot* ahutii.ig d r. rtly on .aid drwu within th llmlU ubove proarrlhad according t the extent of their rcapectlve front |.pee thereon l.y an equal rule p« foot cf aaid frontage* f.OVV TIIHRErOHR. be It aud It I hetehy reaolveal by the Board o < rmn)lr*l„acr» of tho town of Duui .. C. iu a reg a la r .mewling alum ‘~*y ot K-t«embor If* l« tlwit King Street between Pi-ar-ml hKeat amt CToreland R,r«wt end tha Ullwm Strew between Rd • -ton Btioot «od Cnmbwrlau. s. icct be pnved with atunalt p ve r ent a> aforesaid. under and b> vt .**■-rlbed be here ■ tier aweeaert up,*, lhp ,0(< ab|(fll t liectly on *atd atreeu accorllnr. I ol ,he,r ,e*POctfre frun rl,rJhCr*m }'r ttn tuiil ra.e pet foot of aaid frontage, me a«*'*« r>*nt ag.lnal the *atd lot* .ho.ltn* "• ** baaed upon lb! eldch ,h, i Prescribed. upon V much -1, .a'* “h"* MrtUflvr Ol ► much of the e«»t ,» may be lu ,Uprr, n* "reef tnteraartiog* and I- r. a ,,f to he here la*ft*ir determined . “f, ' U h«ro*'y furthor reaolr. >-d that the proportion of the roe' of mtd improvement, hurein pro ► ••led for on Ur ttreru above do !butii» In *'*’ “f"®'1 “Bon the ‘ Property ahull be divided ,.L *!5 •rnnal InaUllment* ir *t ?ho b*«r">« |B«'r >t »t the tale of ala p*r cent »«, :ooum from th* date of th* Con£ uatlon of the ament roll, aud ■ ball become due and payable on u , iete on whch laaua arc payable, the hu S'?""?** b« due and pay. Lr rl An" “ wb,'b '*»« for • u 1,17 y d»® and payable id each year thereafter for a neriod ;l.roug|, and Including ,h.ye°r The foregoing resolution wan iUimou.ly adopted at the ad hrorticd regular meeting of aa|, !e.Ur«by°u; BUbl,,h"t *“'1 .. ■"■.naji MIH DAI VK.MT OTT XI IBId •»o«p Knralna ] Lc*d tty n. |„ fv*;, •■t! I w ill nr,,, I »’i*n? r''I ’iire roadlrg*: p«a y _ (' D Dr lit IrmlB-'l. n by Imdi., c Ki I* r i” iver In t—rh i i l . -.r ei'uii. • M talk by Ml*, K. Ibwa. v. • l ii TR«*nt by find’* b-M, i in’—r? *• 11 by Mia* Pnn Warren. • ’-o ii,' n-bnl and U •I'i'iiI talk b.v Ml*4 £,» pi . i,: land • ’ '' Mind. : gi*lr» by Mi*., r * U mi ran ■ ijDirr T ll , r*i >• •* of any Ckr! -I a* ... |., • by Mil- M. l* | II a trripio*** ipiii’h,*. ibnt r ha.»r» our praw - —ui, >,, by MIm Vl.ii a JluN- lit lirir.: **My avaa*i.|, (,,**,, • Hrud by Mr*. C)«rai.«-n H'-ti't -S0.„ JO. DIHP KKMIK MAT DAVIK IH HR* Ob’ NM, K. M. JRPVRFVS. • i sin, Th- nmrrlnge of Mlu KHI« M '>■»!» of Linden. K <3 , nnd Mr. ► !•»»« Marlin Jeffrey* of Dunn. K. f bus nrjomnleed M the li-imc of f 1 1 Idee run sin, Mr. end Mr* Pro v ir> L. Pcaiteil No. 170* Chwii.n tiieet. Carolina Heights, at „ l«ek yoterday sftsrnonn. Hr. A. I’ McClos, |>a«lr.r of *t And-ewe p, •*.* tertn n e.hnreb omrlnting Vn ring ceremony wae need. Til- boros wan arttetirally der i.re led In wliils and ynlmv chrysni: thi carrying out ths color when* "* while nnd yellow 'll.e hrklel pnr tr vnitisd Ihe north parlor to ih ’■•rain* of Mtndelasohn's weddi' i Mt rch rendered hy Oralagrr'a I heatrii. The bride wa* attended 1 > iier aieter, MU* Roberta uarie l er m.ild of honor, and little Mi-, M.inr Whitfield Pearsall end lt« 1 hell Pearsall Hpnt. Vers the «ur '• girl*. Mr. Jeffreys had ae hi beet mnn Mr Durham Taylor n • nthn. Mreara Robert Harris Dnv| >r,il James D DnyU. brother* of t> l-tdc. wetc groomemnn. During II. erlemony Ihe orchestra enftly pley. Ihirc*rolls from Tale* of Hoffmen Tho bride wae becomingly efilr It • handsome brown cloth trare u p eulf and earrlad a hrtde'e bo. ■met Of roeas end lilies 01 ihe .-ails »e wore a* her only ornament hendsome old topoi brooch, as hell loom of earerel generatlnna hevle • e*n handed dnwa from her mm«i i."l grout grandmother. The maid of honor wore a yello' •slin drees and cerrlod wbts chry( mihemam* Usd with tolls. Tb kit< kin | Hlu» will n tjic pci>]t!(‘ «kf Harnett County nt Coat>, SitiuU.i\ inoriHtiic al eleven o'clock. | « , 1 • t I i * »* . i • • , i • i i • f* • • ft • •I f» • ll. • -* III# i > •• vc + * ' • 1' I*;: ic’t. OWHK C“ ’ o. 8 vo* *•%: r. D. STV W M’T 81>«*rimI CftmmlllCf. •• - -■• _I ^ ____ Mower drl* wore die-re* of Will.* rif-biolilwruit with ji-'t-i i »d a '"Mint •i.ahe* iib'1 cafrl. fi Itaili.'lr of i •Iwarf yellow rod wld'* rbrj sambo- • ■ tniun |lod with yellow lytic. VI** < Wrnnm and lit* Rrnnmttttf.a yiti* Ibr i c nveullor.nl block. . Alter llte rrrciuany nr |«*r cutitit , la lh*» color »ch«iuc Of yellow nod I «-klt* w»n nerved. I Mm. JcBrvyn I* lit" d.irtfktcr of ( ■■lb# mort prominent fntnllleti of lh? , iflfft Cape Tear Bbt t* a r rad .ml; , of Flora MrUonald CoIIori- end In , r vrldaly known I'iteM^tll ihli nnd , ■ other Soatlivm ntutoa Jlr. Jeffrey* U n youoR mnn of •\r*pil"nn1 rn I tvrprlne aid a aucrenVuI plnntwr of bin net*lop Tb# bride ar.d «rortn* left Wllmlne • i> n on tbo a t; train for Ibe K*rtb i jnod will ba at hone after October u lath In Dtisa, N. 0* N'o-.t truck. <'mnrcvcant.ii Gnlwtn ■ )l hl» b)i|iiiDCat. Mr MoTkkhlll '•* Invade Bladen county. They fdc n tour ■>( Coluiubu* tilt* xnk IbMiin nl WMtrill* Tkurxln) rr«n :>r .11 7 O’dnrk. They will gucik I (ivy town* In Blmion county n«>t "fell, ngnirly: While »lpi will be rpont In Hiimett, *y. .Inning at Dak* on Wednesday. No ■< .nbvr I at. and cloelag at Dunn Frt •I.y evening. November Ird. at 7 p. a. Mr. Halph Wnrrcn. who hae bean it Kh-bmond. Va.. for the peat aaw i«l month* hi* retarned to Dana »td * III «)iend *evor*l weak* bari ■ .111 111* parrnta Mr and Mm. Rich ud Warren. Dl'KK imiA Mnke on. it—Hf». j. w. iuh,. nf K' HlaU ml.led * ( f.» tht d*mhr;ii. a* j ii. , j, 1>Vk« Sntaiilay •■lari I. %.n• • I'tllj, li-n c l;:e Hi i . , '"•t-fcah I he rot. uujr !h*l |.. r on ?•>« .up e- i*» * • . .■■«*• would ka'e errr tj. t>te>.| !. •,« \.i iCI’wd when lie eemire oil i t. . . Ir.flilicr did he ri|»«r -'-eil • - y. • rmiilsie.'! ft. V. 'i'-M lr-irii.lv »-v.' i -i (* #T4 >\ry nf .\v i , ' , ftr*r vr: . .. .. |a j \ r lie V * < t 1.-; :c , . 1,1 1,11 * 1 *" •< • are eh .*t «• t u'r il-'-li- in • i »• u. • .*vi| #v* | i r e..i,Bir>r tll J1^. »„rkJ b lid 1 lie I ' Iiht be admitted IhM !M« t>rnare ' 0? made urOriVim e» f'i litrMlojt III lb- Mslr. IIV . f~» lit * In* ilaP'lia t* i. ..r|-.... h’"l !.!•* . ., ,, p', ’ '* '■ *'■ ' li !-• rl d**i*o ■ rt* .i !a the 11 n-m-te" i" Tl* ’ , '•! t\> .it fj-nd fu To*h*ti nut*«c for the t.c*>. rn >• . tt“> rn* w'lh Vr. Halle' n-d , ■I'fl for Hsirlyil Iflne: -Tla-I |v U1 'li r;te\|r; F Mr J A "lh «••« , i f.ow'efiin * C. ajtenf the v.r I e ' nl'li hi, •••Ufa Mr. nil »lr« M •>-, . tnl Irfi Tat I t I* ,j t r-id. wlte-ni \S . .lit-,.- V rooit.' .r .11 li- ni. ti! 1 *„ Hoi ' • ’• a*r **iatfIjr ailrr Ibr ret Plumy nl >*d Mr«. Tb. m.i* will taka a eh ' 'P 'o Ws«hfr**ton and Bilim w •id after Ike if.Ik will I- ai t'.n . •f l.ewlatoo. where Mr liinnu • j. i-cot for (bo >. A. L. mr. noonwix to ubctouc re IH'XX. Mr. Goodwin nf (Irecnaborn. will deliver a lecture at tbe MelropulVre ''(■era Riiuee Mat Monday eight Ocr. 2'rd. at I o'clock P. M on "Land •cepe Gardening.* The Iceiurc Tit; l*e given under the aar-pteci ot lh« t'lrle Department ot tbe Woman'! '.tub. AU who are Interacted la the improvement and bean tttying Ot Ike oatalde appeoraaoe ot their. We Are Daily “Graduating** the BresDsns ed Men Not Join Our *» There is one thing we can teach you at least, that style, in born, inbred style, lasting style that sticks to the clothes, until you are through with them is a feature ol Kirschbtum Clothes at $15,$18, $20 and up to $40. Johnson Brother! Dept. Store, I Dunn, N. C. ' TIUI* TO MKWUli I'iiI'* mmoli,g ubjut ':il o'chck lJeut. tluliuuil and m.vxclr mgrltf. trt w« vuuit tc.ka a trip to the up tit Iht mourtalst which rurroo-.i ivur e*«P ou ibe Wrtt. They t.,jk in he about a* Ur in T'lghmuu -vn jr,m> the depot. btu erv ubcu* is r.’ie* off. \\> ucuid own lo «j;* ' •irrul. ami legged the Strgeuc’. c*. f t»u brotu-bus. and had t’lrm bridled nod toddled, ah I thought * *' *Du'tl brtnp (hon u:» to f?frNi j nr direct, u.d wnc of th« ; 1*°X« In try Ihc* out bef- r* mount I t (he mnueiey looking brut-vx. ■ .'line tail n adre-py WicAtig nnloitl l'-. t Lirm'b. wr.f ,■ ,uw k-gml. Utah , 4ml- rtruMir luoklnc brute «fco*o |'*,r 411 food oh end. r,Te of ct. '-t*l rulert raid he, tr^old mount ■*‘"h -rod he did. tod bare they treat 4 llh the bronco doing all ktnda or mat*, and before much distance J *cl beer eorered the broaro bad «*!» im the gtir'nui. u'd I.'lrg -v-r f.e d-ni * prtr. fround. Some of tUe CVw punch • x un-V nfic-r him uttti a lulM, and “» »r «m It orer hi* haul. and hu •>.e br-ruynt hack to it nil „re.| * • wn. nrrt wot wfjltrrtr ent-rgb i. ridden. We mounted and wort off Me nd- abet! * raUo, lt> |hp fBro oral a nurd* old ettay. nrj • «k the lc*e at a walk. K»ery now ■-■d then he would reach don-o md jrit a mouthful of (rues et dry *a t room art* but he aeemed lo like ,*'• and ato cult# a lot of It. We n-de and reffc. Sotpriiuioa It was so uee;i cite I If the kronen* had atamb linl fc'idf ell. we would have been I Wilted down a prerfptc* *00 ft. Wo h* d t9 wind round mi .w->ad ww.t* BO straight up c» «U. nuA after ' rhll* caiu within about 2 hear* y urncy of tha top, and bad to >tap * «1 Me the horses. aad climb. We • limbed aad climbed holdllr.' on t, the little bushes. roeke. sticking oar I i.yu»et la >h« prouod to bold to iMIdb roard aad roaad. Jt was to IAad after a while reached he top end looked Westward »tw U*e raUey of the Bio orapde law atantod bashes, cactus plants -nd tbs many other little steaks which Blow lb th. rocks and creeleea of the rocky (roaad. la some places tt Is *” nTk^ th#F — «*>■’•*> >(«ed. It Is almost old ap there The wind blow* a pales ad we *ut cool st we domn r|r rJi(J the air ie so rare that we coaid only t« a abort whlldi of or# we had to rlt down and reat. Wc coaid aoc the camp ib miles below as. but hlentr of aoldter. on the eummnd “* p***,*-1 “« ">cr >d eeery now end th,a . nrK| ..trh rAbbu would ms off tbreaph ibr bucket ,nd a eaucy prarl. dr* * -uld stand up on hfa hind lc(« and * rk at us. and a hock of T.nrte • hlrkcu. would fr up. They loo* HVe arret blc penrlrts,#. a,,,, g0 jwiire rut herd* or white Hereford <*ttte. An old ranrhar t'>M u* It lock *0 acre* of thl« moun ** la cwnotry to ford one o( there *"’**• •"d » would think It more h.owarar they are fat aad look good • «.* I don't w. how t'lay manage tho I- looI bnaiaer,. Wo I or t, „„ vhc,e •o *>*ht. hat It Mama If orator can ha ltd tbla la tba sntuUoln to ilia whole It”obtain. Armblng will Uirlr* If f»ey can only gat watar. Coming down I haard a renall from the l.«aat »fd looking a roand 1 raw a ltn, rottor tall rabbit, a babv one rne Ing roand in tha bathea. J got off ray broor nod ran It down lnl-r Mi kola, and oal ha came Yon nbould k-wa aeon the ehaaa. Roand nod «>*nd wa wa(it. me Ml owing. I »Ol a roek and w|tk a good .1 . brought Ike little fellow down we bmogkt him to Cuup. ncj will hara Mm for auppar. Tbla anoagh. I gtva. but *t 1. I*. leraaUni »o not* tba maor thing* cae area. Tb. Rl< 3rnude lt- altoat a* «Ida aa B.'.vl »tra*t„ «0d j ^T naan Httla We 'c-.o N.*i atgit hi cm . iba Moi iMc. aad wide acrcoo and iha watar would nr. hr an to tbnr kb*aa. Taa hear an marh of the Ml) Qrand* yon woatd Imagine It wna ’ anna* rt*«r. Mora an an. \ CAPT. I. L. HIKE*. Mr. deal Beat was hold* a • rpnaalMo gorltloa la Norfolk. Vlr gtala. U hare to ryand a few . day* with ila paranu. Mr. aad Mr. L I. Baal.