LOCAL A C. L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. S3 (Flng) 6:16 A. M No. n. 8:33 A W No. •». 1:48 P. M. No. 88. 11:18 P. M Northbound. No. 84, 6:33 A. 11 No. M. 12:12 P. M. No. 64. 7:41 P. M No. 62, 11:88 P. M DURHAM AND SOUTHERN Pianosgor Train Schedule Lv. Dunn No. 38- t:10 A 11 No. 84. 1:36 P. M Ar. Dunn No. II. 11:10 A. M Mo. 41. 6:86 P. M Mr. Perry Godwin (pent Monday ti Durham on huilneoa Mrs. B. P. Davie, of Duke, epent part of the week hero with bar moth or. CapL J. E. Cole. of Roe ■> r.. »;-rnt Sunday la the city with hl» family. Mlaa Mildred Sandere. of Bmlth feld le vtoliing In the city the guest of relatives. Mlaa Mildred Vick. of Oodwln. is •pending several days In the dir vis iting relatives Mrs. AUle Parker returned Tnee oej after spending several days la Godwin with relatives. Ton will notice from so ad la thU leans that the First National Bank, of Dean, hat money to load on good security. from Fayetteville where the under veal n minor operation at one or thn hospitals there. After apeadlng aeveml days here with her tteter. Mrs. Bills Ooldatatn hftva Fraids Itaaea returned Tuesday l her hame at Ooldaboro Mias Ellas both Shell, a memb#' if the Central Graded School funity, or Fayetteville, spent Saturday usd Sjnday here with relatives Mr. fare Pearsall, of Hamlet, ar il'ad Monday to spend several days here with hta daughters. Mrs. J. L. 1'slcher sad Mra. Panl Hood Mr. I. T. Warren, of Washington l. C. wan here this week visiting hi* Wether. Mr. Blahs Warren, who litas two ml lee south of Dunn. Mr. Lewis Jernlgaa has ar-anted a position with the Ooldstetn Com pt nr as salsamsa. and will be glad to hava hta friends call to see hill. Rsr. J. M. Waters, pastor of the Christian ehureb, returned the 1st ter part of tho week from Wilson's Mills, where ho conducted n revival ■mating. Mlasen Plata Dowd and Gladys Jernlgaa spent Thursday la L'l'irg ton. wham they went to stand the examination to qualify ns lta< .era In the county. Mra B. M. Brewer and daughter. Louise, returned last Friday mo. < log from Maryland, where thrr have bean visiting relatives for the pan two months. Messrs Henry Shall. Worth Pope and Henry Lon returned Saturday from Goldsboo. where they played In t) e Mnnlptcal band of that city for the Warns oounly Fair. la as article elsewhere In this la roc of The Dispatch Cnpt. J. L Hines of Company M. Second Infantry, talk Interestingly of "A trip to the Sier ras.' It will no doubt be Interesting rundlag to a number of our sub scribers who Ilka to hear from thn boys down on the border. III.MI.00 stock of elothing. dry goods, miniaeey. shoes, underwear, ladles Clonks end Cost Salts bought before the big advance and going for loos than wholesale cost today Is tbs reason why yon should see and price It. O Taylor Company’s goods. That Is If yon want floor goods and newer styles for 1ms mow er. Mr. Chas. Koaa. of Lllll-tglem. Chairman of tha Democratic Rxaea tl*e Committee of Harnntt enonty, waa a visitor la tha elt/ Wednesday Ha la vary optimistic orar tha uroe pocls of a sweeping Demoeruile rlc. lory la tha cooaiy and say* the Tom eemttc pan/ will win f/ a earn mar gin. Ha :>at haea all aver th< -onn tr. and has mat with a great deal of encouragement While he dree not aapect Harnett to win tha banner, of fered to tua room/ making tha greatest gains, idII ne expect e iiatn oeraa/ to win with Total to ep. ro. Mr. Merlon Hatcher, of Rail :hnry. attest Ronds)- aad Monde/ here with hie mother, who la spoadlag several weeks here with relatives. Mr Hatcher was a cltlsan of Dnnn fifteen years ego. at that lime being a mem ber of the taw Arm of Harold and Hatcher, aad later being associated with the law Arm of Smith, H.tehor sod Smith. Qa Ha a Belabor of oar eidiaas remember him aod art at v s/e glad to have him wllh them He expressed tnrprlee at the rigid growth of Dana, aad, althoagh he did aot admit It, teemed to regret that ha left Dona to tank fortama gad happtgam ileawheea I Mr. Lewis Strickland spot.l • c.t Oiy In Kulcigli will* *:!-.-nd*. Mr.- f -i 'Pt * return**! liom a vli.l“lu,:c rim.. ,.t Wilson. Misses Alda Tew and Verna lyg. K»U spmi Monday In Durbntn afc.v,, ping. Mr*, kl.lwurd rurdlo :1s apr-ndlng several days Oils week with relative* <■* Greenville. N C. Ml»» Brairicr Wnde has hocCpint a position In the olTlre of tho Poor rail Klee trie Compare. The rcglstrmlon hooka clorv Pot. « day. October 2*ih Hotter now Dial your nnraa la on the book. Several of tbo tn.iat ilrHrwhle 'i*« Idontlnl lots In the lown of Titnin f.„ sale. Easy Irrmi. Bor L. tl. ROPR Meadamea. Jaa. n. Iluii«r. c L. Vitnon. K. J. Nobles and J \\\ Thorn ton spent Monday In Kwj ettrvlllv shopping Messrs L. II . and Jesse B. Leo nul John blonds were burluem vlid tora In Richmond, Virginia. thl* week. Mr. Alfred Wilson, who holds a position wlih ihr Uuhardron Hing Company. Selma, war a visitor In the elly Sunday Mr. O. M. Tllghmun has moved into hi* ntw residence In the soiilli cm part of the alty. Ula bungalow la one of the moat unique build. II gw In the city. Tba Ooldatrln Company In Hilt Iwue of The Dispatch Is advertising • great reduction In prices on goods ftr the nrst raw dars Read then ad and aae what they have to offer. Read the ad In this Issue of lh» Capitol Department stole of Fay etteville. They aro Inviting- thr pe> pie of Dunn (o vlall their store neat ' while attending the Cane year fair. Tho Cam K*ar rnir iwi.. _■_ •t Fayetteville next week. Rend their ad In this Issue of Tbo Die ralch. They arc expecting |)|< largest crowd naxt week In the his tory or (ha Pair. Mrs John Hodgas Irff Urdnreln) for Greensboro to Join Mr Fodrca. '•ho has accepted a permanent posi tion with the Drown-Dclk Company ®» aaloman Thay will raaks Greens t-oro their fatur* home i Mr. T. L. Garald announres in this tnruc the arrlvsl of the second ship j meat of fine mules and horses. If yon want « bay etthsr ypo can find what you want at bis stable* on Wltaon street. R* Governor W W Kltchln will •.peak wt Cowls next Saturday morn mg nt 11 o’clock. A brass hand v 111 furnish music and a big barbs tuc will be served after the speak ing. Costs la prepared tn enterful 1 •ou vo that day. Mr. Willard Jsckeon. who ha* been In Richmond. Vo., for the past month Iwlng treated In a hospital there for1 a nervous breakdown hat rv'umed to Dunn much improved In health »J'S nuraer m* (ner-ta -tr- gi.nl to «e. him back and were pleased V- Warn Ibat his recovery seems complete. Mr G M. Carver. Advance man f'-r the Atlantic Coast Realty Com pony, arrived In Dunn Wednesday and Is making nrrsrgements to put on a big sale or. November 1st. fm Mr. R. I,. Godwin. A number of business and residential lota wilt lie sold on that day. Wntrli f..r their ad In tho Dispatch next week REAL EAT.iTK TltANSHRlM. The fmowing deeds have hern fil ed for registration In the office of Register of Deeds since our law b nsi: Joslnh Byrd and wife to Quincy Fvrd. 105 acres In Stewarts Creek township. Consideration. It and love ind affection Deed dated March I '.i. 1»1«. J. D. Upeharch and wife to N. A A If ester and wife. 7fi acres la Neill's l eek township. Conslderitlon. ft 400. D. O. Tutor to N. A. Wester. H acres in Hector's Creeh township Cmaatderstkbn, »130. Deed dated H. W. Jarr.laan «n Robert B. Jar olpaa. ltl 4-S acre* In Avaraelioro toamablfa OoostderatUxi. |8*0 IKed dated 19. 1919. J. H. Dee and wife to Joseph Doc. 4 acre* In Arerashorn lownalilp. Com eld era (I on lore and attrition and ctbar considerations. Deed dated 'eptember 17 1911 Marshall T. Bprara to Parker Bros .1 9-8 acres In Lllllnrtoa township Consideration. 97* and other consul a rations. Deed dated September 11 1*1* J. D. Wade and wife and others to R. b. Oodwtn. lota I. 1. * and 4 In block "P. (V lot. 1, 9 3 »nd 4 In b'twk •r R’ la town of Dunn Considera tion. 97.800. Deed dated October I 191*. R. I.. Oodwtn and wife to B, o Townaend. 4* aeraa in Averashern tcwnablp. Conid da ration. 9 too and' otber consideration. Deed dated Ai pnat 30. 1*18 Rnfns Oardner, Jr., to 0. W, Card nar. 7 acroa In Ararnaboro town.kip. consideration 91*00 Dead doled f. pt*oiber 10, 1*18. Jeha A. Shaw and wlfa to Gilbert Campbell. 31 1-4 acres In Andar.ona Creak townahlp Consideration, »*• and other rnnafdaratlnaa Deed 0 tod Animat 34. 1*1*. N. H Smith sad wlfo and other* tn !W EUlott. 10 acres In Stewart’* Creak t&wrfehlp Conatderatton. *100 Deed dated January *7, 191* Willi# Pop* and wlfa to Willie rraster and wlfa J-4 acre la Arer M»hfro Sown.hip. Considers Uo a. a- ^___ _ — — ^——^—■—— ■« ll ivIONEY to L.OAN! ,i [I — - . i| BANK OF HARNETT,; j Duke, N. C., has money to •(; i! lend on approved security. :j Come to see us, or write us. II • — --»; ■■ I.; E. P. DAVIS, Cashier, \ Bank of Harnett \ DUKE, - NORTH CAROLINA l - — lg^gg- —."J sr . ~-~S JMr 1 J »'a*.— UHMhihJjaalMWM: Lee County | AGRICULTRAL FAIR I At Sanford, N. C. I Round Trip Fare From Dunn $2.15 I Ticket* will be told for all tram* Nov. 1,2, S, by the | Atlantic Coast Line * Standard Railroad of the Sooth Proportionate* Faro* from intermediate (tations. Children H Half Far*. 9 For *chedulet, ticket* and any desired information apply Si 16, H} IJ. W. Whitehead, ^ Ticket Agent, Dunn, N. C. ■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■ ■ «■ I NEWS FROM COATVILLE AN&I j j! SU1TDOM. | w * jm The h all Bischof Tne contains much II that will interest you. It includes much that will fascinate you. Models of c ic grace and piquant charm. Coats cut on newest lines, and con- 1 structed of novel cloth and pile fabric materials. Suits breathing the latest zephyrs of Fashion’s desire in Poplin, I Velour, Whipcord, Patrician Broad- \ cloth, and all the textle what-nots of the season’s vogue. \ You must-just MUST-inspect these U wonder models; somewhere among | them is the one onliest suit or coat P of which you have been dreaming. | JOHNSON BROS., Dept., Store, I l| Pbm, w. c. 3 — ?! H.#Od, Hard dated April I, laid ( imililrritlMi, ISIS. Dead dated n 1. Moore, and alia la M. A Junaarr II. lilt.—Harnett Tov. I Mtora, |« aeraa la U. U R. lowmklp I ilh. 1 - ■ _____ • I | Fall and Winter 5 . i 5 ARE ARRIVING DAILY | They Are Opening the Most Select Stock Ever Brought to Dunn. ^ ■- s' M. ' I When You Buy Furniture j you take a big risk unless you know the reputation of the house with which 1 you are dealing. High grade furniture looks good and lasts. .Much of the I i “cheap” furniture looks just as good but does not possess thei.necessary iRi durability. Know your house before you buy ». 11 - I; 3 Our Furniture U faaruteed, ud nr mm Bwr rcpatitim ud «ur buk ictnuil stud* btfciad tki SlurutM. — .• ; v • - —rr——i • ' SIT PAYS Tp BUY FURNTIURE FROM US I For it is good furniture and cheap. | PIANOS. ORGANS, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES N ill Hardware-Furniture-Undertahera 1 THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMP’Y E jjjjl Day'Phone 11 DUNN, N.JC. Night-Phone 70 || I «I3-!■ I i Oil RENT—TWO LARUB ROOMS upn(alrt{ Kloctdlc Lights. Near Ornded school building. Apply to Mrs. J. A. BLALOCK. I9-1S-1C 08T-0X* BLACK AND WH*TE ■potted pig; weight about forty pounds. Any information as to its whereabouts will he apprecta ted and a liberal reward given. K M. PEAKBALL. Dana. N. 0. H'RNISHKD ROOMS FOR RENT— 1 have two wall furnished rooms to rani. Southeastern part of Dnnn. Can phniwv 114-1 or apply to Mrs. J. »• LANOLKT. f ANTED—ONE HVHDRJCD CORDS of wood cat at 74 cent a cord, six roller southeast of Dana. Apply to ALL!IN H. A. LEE. Dnnn N C S-w ltd R. r. D. No. 1 Neil wook. Congressman Gi rtwln ti'.d bis n|ii<nnent. Mr. MeCaskilt r III Invade Bladen county. They iitadc o tour nr Columbus this week 'listing at Watrvllle Thursday cyan ii.ft St 7 o'clock. Tboy will stwik [It ftva towns In Bladen county nett et-ck. namely: White Oak . Kltaa L'thtown, Clarktou. Bladuahoro tnd larheel. The last week of the c*a» in Ign will he sprat In Harnett, *e rtnnlng at Duke on Wednesday, No vember 1st. and closing at Dnnn Fri day evening, November 3rd. nt 7 ». m. I _ Mr. Ralph Wrrrea. who baa beat I* nichmond Va., for the pait arr tral month* ham raiaraad to Ilaat * I MONEY . • ' • - • ■- '•*( > to LOAN We Have Money lo Lend On Approved Security. - —* - FIRST NATIONAL BANK, __*•c ■■ ——————— - — ------ - ' .■ *• *'»‘“**f Cape Fear Fair Association Fayetteville, N. C. Round Trip Fare From Dunn 1.60 including Adntiition to the Fear. Ticket* limited returning an til midnight of Saturday. Oct •bar 26,1916. The Atlantic Coast Lino will soil ticket* as abovs, and at csrreapoadiog excursion faras from intermediate points, for all trains from October 24 to 27, Inclusive Pur further particular*. ticket*. ev.( raU am, J. W.Whitehead, Ticket Agent, Dunn, N. C* * Atlantic Coast Line Tbn Standard Rallrnad of the Sesili I J

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