10. 24 ' ,*vi. nl.\. • mI M.000 on Wilson at ever nson*v • nit $1,000 against $1,000 l|»? waul < carry Kings count) Tex Rickard. belting rooii*»»io|c.it rt. announced that li* had lie* ro »»«* than $$0,000 for elteiim that Wilson would carry Ohio Ho aalil this m rluded 135.#00 «ent to Uiui by • i». F ihllesn Devspsjier owner in *'ih who wnit convinced the '• v would carry that state It was at Prat a puxtlc to ctccik ti bettors aa to why Rickard had pick.-I cut Ohio to b»*t on Finally he v»!t’ that almost all the money he Kill 1 c\ on the Ohio cloctlton returns Inn been sent here by Ohioans wi:«»* llfckard started placing Ihi* money ten day* ago the odda wore 2 t*» 1 that Hughes would carry Ohio Moat of the money Rickard had war nine ! nt 10 to 7 with Hnghey as f. vori**’ r..4 .. - Rickard Also eauacrf much com* Bant In httiing circle whcu. aft'r reading it&tcment* hjr h*»ul» * com L’lwlonrra in norninK n«n that Ihe odds were long on he appeared with twtniy-flvi- ri.oao Ullft and otter**] them to sry or** V ho would give wny odd* on 1 ugHc<* Ua aatd last night that .ihoir car something wrong about the utioM tlon* which gave * Hughes P0<** pf, H* to $ und 10 to A. he!» cMtlrt4 dot get any aurh odd* He tul 1 Ilk, 1 00 of hi* |25.000 l^ft harr.jj- pit red $7,000 at trtn muuOt'on Wflfhvt tr win for the *ca of a pntreor Y •outhwestern tut®. * * DCU LOCAL NHV • ^ • • -w - ‘t ■■ itm clncttos draws nearer ^cJjtSc.'1. a£(i« U tiaa fncraaao ond d!m:n*\ c.r.j *;rov\ warmer. The moat • nthr -iptrt meati ig yet held In the * fll ■ unify was Saturday night m her Mon Matt Allan of Ooldsboro repr- aci |< l- the ittmocrallc prrfy nnd Ho i Jake Hawaii of Charlotte represent1 z 'i* republican party made a Jnl .1 r, and tha cheering v a at lime, intense Hon Matt Mian mado a strung ptaa for the pri-- tale* of hi, party and gave a line of -olid argument Mr. Nowell war a : eik er of entirely different type • In, quite a good bit of antlra ■ • • lilt, cnlo. Illustrating with joker f va rious naturae. Harnett went c ilk bean laat election, bnt Indi. ’on, that Democracy will com, l.i war again at tha coming election. Monday night Miss Mary Lo lirr.a nnd Ml*» Battle Pearl Flc ■ ns entertained the Teacher's f. lug Club at the home of Mrs. E. >: vnr trough. Aftrr tbe business r Hi t end sewing boor refresh®! :1 rrp served consisting of fried oyn* po tato salad, olive sandwiches. ict and pickles, followed by elm- ale This I, an organisation ci.sod strictly of «ba lady retinol i ierv cf the graded school organ! c for ■octal and sewing purposes. Mr. 3 T. Daniels spent lh' . -ok end with friends and velalb- - nr Wllaon. Hon. H. U Godwin il»n: ;l!<* candidal* for Cnngreva and M. MrCaaklll republican candid t'or fcnirm and Mr. M. MeCarV: re publican candidate will bold ; let dabala bar* Wednesday nlulii HITCH KM A KAUA I’' Whan Mr. Hughes wen’ i t' of |tr« lha New York 8ur> a a'r- - re publican paper wh'ih la m• ■•n portlng Mr. Hughes. ••TloO ')• >1 lowlng editor's): For four years now Mr • ■ haa been the leaner of (he V Itian party In this rtktr. »: : -id him there kaa been at all f • » a aubgtmntlal malorllty of (be r. te aa a whole. Tet a. the d«" » Ms term of leadership In lha erv i laa chair, not equalled In leu a •: H re the days of Da»ld n. Hill, .'■• ■.< la behind only a wreck. * ah;iit--iod, (mat worthy and badly damaj: ' f answering no helm aad the or un of urtf) wind. Tat, however mtioh of pro' "i* Itraooal Integrity and tba | -nl ability of the Hon. Chaa F " -i may romanand bow and |> . > r the fact rranalaa tbnl In -il task Impoecd upon nlm be li.i. I,.11 ad. Thu eottoa market npeue ' 111 morning at II aunts. nr.vc. f«:y ri*: mwM i iiv J W. J, I f‘ 11*0 U *{r . r, !£' , 11 •** i. •i»r« •*n.—1. I.tv * • ^»1*- < Vi* l « , : {••si. IT V«. '«! II .'usif i. :• •. CIi*.* ,»j !(»••- .iu'I -.o i\ J. i11' M 2" .» «f Ai;*U ibii i'i Intriibhlj* < O'.. .Ut«J Jo. j.** |« ii; ) J:<*. A Ym’-toUx' Mill n1fe fu J« <•!*!!• lid l bo .• * *, I ! ! • • i i ir« i •• '■ L Tl. « *• •• •' j. c rail *11 * “ D- •*- * * »• • | *. i- ii • • . l; t :• ’ .*• J Ii i*«. "i! %\ |f^« f»» | ’J, jTm.i»' !•». i of Ai:t* I r • dMil. * ;|. ». . . iwil il.ii I t i {»,!• • • r. {••ir.. • . ii i n t*. W v‘• 1 J. irc*J •.»; * •' '* • * '<:•* 1*1 I lllf••£{•>!! I. . •. ' • i »l <1; r*il 'fctoWi :? ;!ur Ir f.* A I* Mr! i;, .• •* J.'cd cwivfj*l:»7 .C* i ■**’*’r ■ • f'l!fni?tin frwn.-hiji | v«.,t \ t*A ? i •>i r. • • n«i +;;t‘ i., ft H T rr«r*ul. { *.7 J«l'» rl( rH ;M *v, I aiboro it*-.. • ,«Vj. «'• * ». rni.? >n. f I inf ii'*; .vs*i'4*i •ritoi 4 l-i r nil-.'! \ c . i*• i r’ ?•* n.«-l:rri:^ i*itn%|i!|i Con 'iil.-rnllon fr,*in I*, fi| ,l-i| p. i». ; .-.irv r,. i 'i t c T •* . i ' v. i■i, x*m A 1 • ' • • «• « L. i* tmrn r. ■««?;:• .ull-sn. $26. JK**1 I *r} :.* «• r,. !f»»r# V 0 Tan ‘."1 mi: I'nr. A 1 ' * 9 ! ? Si-ri ■ In A' ru'hnr I "in >liit. r I 11.000. I Oil-d :>-i .t»r is. l?i« J M Lurw anil »lfr to K I. n*..1*-!n rf Inf In to'/i. nf Dnmi • t-r.rMi'r'Ilo., I' ,fi(0 rmii tint'd bi *•’, mb i n. 19 : H. J C. (MR..id and niff i ..»! x i 1 i-«mlid miiA It. o. Towtwnit to j ficihn Lur;» in* lot |:1 )>SICon talvv HI»d. 11 090. I'&od dal-d V; I !«.* 191* T. W. MrVcIll. Iinr.i McNeill h i J V.ry >lrX«lll cjr. liHm loand C l-l oorc# In I* L a in* ouhlo ( onri r. rutm $] r V* rn» 15i*» i.f II nfit .it r»-i i> •• c‘«»u. f l»: t nn«r th*\.’lri i*i'fiirc ritirlod U*nk uf ffunv.'tt Araine W. .r. D;.vU am* »* \V. C«irk. 1 will at tUf itint* nrrt *';*0 U* riim itnr ni*nllr?>rii. f»-l! "■ I'oMirt nu.-tton to • lie hieht«1 lilrl 1* r rf.Mi •» »«»rlnln trprt or pr r rl ,'f Inntl I vrr*l*'hII. «i| ij RtPU* find BOlrt!0>K «*:• slot* $?•'•!t»i r.t.1* of ';*i I.:1 i, *iut Jiftfoborn Pul* M* '*.* •• I nd rf n hrnnih rr c hii:.t.rr«i >»irdH from Hioj •i'll r*>uil. and rnriM N 2 1 ?. j I* 4x 7 4; iltrirm :»• J. McLonnn' '•i.i.M-r n*,*r u rm 11 l.m. . ! T>| 11:» M. tl> i I !■* ;.,7S rknlii* in a ••Ire anil n .1 ■ I fl. Dit-tla j. 1 •.wii.em ir.’ t'i • f,! ,.Vt* lend cor-1 n: iit'uvr with t It. r. ii<' Hn< j : ? 3-4 I 33 rli»l«t« »ci J. R. 1>. r|a* o>t! ••e» or • tf.it line I'lNtot 11 !-J china to the be 7*"ei * Pnliidinli'g I'. 6 HT H rjme or ’o-y; i e . j; In i.;n Isn.l »> »»» ronvu-di tr i.-. /• i>.,|., by CUrk in u Hot-Ip..!*'' t’totd regie 11, bank ill, I'uge Jt06 1u Ihr t*Wic© of tin KrgtHer nf rfeetla r.r ilnnit 1.1 f.inrff. *t .Hr of ir.l•: if* pry c* hi rnr'i Al Ihc dm* if tlio 1 .dump cir i i I mi -I' tlirmr llon by llir f orm, lb If per rrpl enrh l.> irlgrgM |1( frt any iv.'-.ji rile hi ml pp inrrr.ctt Dale Ilf •lilt-: K-iCjrdgy. dm lltli day of Nor<.mbrr 1915. Hi 13 o'clock U :’l»<» of fbl.': Court Hoot.' Poor, hdhlng’.on Harnett county, N Carolina. 1'llt Ihc Itlib ilAy if OepWr I Ml. M. A. TO'lMftMN’l) Comml.itloncr. Cllffortl A i»rml Atteineyr. , Men* John MotUry MorehPA-1 And .’ ko Xowoll, o» Clinrft-tic. two i.F the wort prominent ItcpubtleABa In • nrth Curolln.i. r[inl.» at the Metro (nlltfto CiHjta Itonao here Pttlurday itnriuwin. A large non l of [tr|-ub l.flim from Hrunett and ad}oli Ing i ou id toe Wtif |in-mpl They pttld ftvkl attention to alMt the apenkcra k«<1 to eay and ladglng frnni fbe i pin hat the rrnwil in with them U-. Kewoll In a foreerul tweaker t*• • ft puart'anli- Ina n-merka wlik » l and humor of a p’eadng earlPiy i iiii. ivr.i t; Timux-nih dk\i>. V> T/r ie Vbornlon ,n,,: |.,M Wd <».!:.» ■ veiling III l,In home j«*i .in o? Hunt, in 7 <:. n'rlock II.. ' '"*•! h' *'rh- about o. ;»-r for the rc“ moi iti* being in a critical " "‘•tUi" ; •> .Iir .lonooiiicrriHhl of hi, l I'. 'l' til oof co 111 o no* a H'lrjirtco to ’ Tymi riiorntoltt Wj, taken lit l'i at f t the yt«, nml ,-f • bnug '•a I »; local phyrlclane for nev ial -ott he with ot'viunl lo go to a • call’ll '••tint OR ti-.- advlon of I- •:>«:< 'non lie Wet:t io llaltllioirc " *1' fp i ttc: »u i,i jui.Ii*i riof. i'’C 1 l.*v|'i'.11, for I’ltncr.a on tb i >ai i lie liiigored liclwwi ||f« nml Ic.ilh for lover.11 da .a after ft # or r.il'in aid rat finally luoutl t Icuk i ‘nisn In .. crifIcnl condition, ih I - nirlfii failing to give r"ti;d \t Ini.c !■■ i’.-w. il nign». of improve •Item I ’ll -ion; gained m,rac;.,nt lonrth to *a.i»o lit, imd m* ia> 1 1 hclplpre condition until ilo*(h cl eve., him of |.In etij-'eting Irrt ' Vo.lo.o ulr>> evening .met cl the . | r bay. Tiion i..n wpa Uoin m »a.u!, o con my c, mttea . iitt or n.mu "** '’ ••• •■'*'•' >v.-.i- n no,, , f |,.a .•'v Tbornt rroi..c: eg . a in, mato «f •) .. iartl ‘‘•■Tfal wr.a vunelHtott mom hor |Je „n, nl-ai ■ mm: her of I‘.1ib>i-i. Lodge .a.. A V*. end A M nml war ne 'e In lie work Tl.o film re) aervirca were conduct • Irmn thr home Thorn,fay nftrr. on by Rev. X. A. {JMnphcU w'yo »n c slated by Dr. rajfaa. bta paairr. iirvMcilintaly nttnr^whlch the body "011 Interred al (Irwfewood cemetery Ifc an burled <»il^ M anemic hn» < ir and tlie ccromsoy tu heaaLHul i'11! liupresaive As uaually taro'a s'owtl who preeent to pay the lust t burn nf reepect to their friend ard r-'ntlve. Ih-shles a widow nod two ami II • •lilivn he leave* on a(wd moth r u- i‘ n number of eloao reluvea tu whom Jeep eympe^hy ll amended Hits. J. r SOafeUM. DEAD. lira. J. C. BorrelDdled at the home rf her Kin Mr. MT It. Sorrell J- » Prlilay In the Surd year of her life, hha bad been rich for four waelca. rntoiia* from a atroka of paralyala. from arlilib ahe co*ld not recover She waa burled at the Old riea-i uni Cmro rhurcb 'TVIday aflerniM-n ul I o'clock, the ft^warhl aervirea bo hip candurtod by R#v Chaa. Xnlinann Sue wna Ihc mothered nlae children, ciplit nf whom ar£ atlll IHtn* 8hn w.ia n saintly rbarSrtcr and will lie ci icly mimed In the ronimuully In which ahe spent her ll/a. Mcmmh. Joe Wilson and Herher' Taylor bnvr rr.ridy arranaement* with the Western Union In diabl'y li e election returap at the Opera Hoiiae Tnradar utfhl The rctar.ia * II lie icportol to the crowd a* the ate taken Irom th* wire*. Thin ar r:m*« mont haa coat about (',0.00 and »■ admission fee of (4 cent a will le ch treed Tbif will be the oniv I ••!«« In Dunn Tuenday nlylil tho «■ i O' n» ran bo bud Thsale conducted here yesu-nlry it thr Atlantic Coait Realty rompe i ' w;>a n success In every nay. The I oyerty brouaht a pood price nnd |1:r n. le tun handled in a satisfactory m-miior. READ THE DUHN DISPATCH jS A L E1 ij Of 50 Residential Lots ' I-OR COLORED PEOPLE B SAT., NOV. 11th, 10:30 A. M. [j On Railroad Street Between Dunn "1 and Tilghman’s Mill. b ' ; -- This sal/ -• will give the colored peo- || (• pie of Dunn and community a splendid 1 opportunity to buy valuable building jj lots (in easy terms. The property is D located on a principal street, not far from the heart of the town. By far the il most desirable property ever offeied for sale to the colored people in this section of the State. Don’t Forget The Date SAT., NOV. 11, 10:30 A. M. --- Be sure to be present at the opening of sale. Terms: 1-4 Cash; 1-4 6 months; 1-4 I 2 months; balance 1 8 months. NEWBURY REALTY _ & AUCTION CO., Warsaw l'KOMINKXT JIKX KU(H< MlbVUMF.Nr*. K.'lclgh. K. C. October 2|. ]»!«. The EiUfttri Hcrcwllli 1 SKI sew! 'loj.- rx|irissions of opinion frrir iUlte. 1 hope you will ftnj epicc jn TOB,. i paper for theta, and that you win ie. 1o.ee these .iiaaanmetita edl.orlal 11 mid will use your p*r*onal Itjllil [i-iicc for their tatlflcntlon nt ib» p-»jt W. 8 WILSON Legislative Reference Ubm-'ai 1 strjtigly favor the four |.ro|n* "d constitutional amendments Thu ill hie and duties oi mnnicipii an' mlvt.le coijHiratlrns ad'l hu Ik.ii— understood nml mud. expanse will l< sated to the corporations and li ilic atnte tf emwadmuma 1. 3 nnd I arc adopted W het) 1 was a prarllctrg fc>a-• cr l •rna often painfully Impressed and mnoyed with the want of reunion ri'mc d'splnycd It* our court sysfen "1 lie second proposed itnrndm—-, « 'll remedy one drrect No • i- s m.iu at of ie bis ofscrjirlrn*- lie. • 1«* of the sirhoetp of h»K manager ' hen a substitute can noslly be fi and Why shcuhl the sure waste its atoe ;, In regard to the four rimendmcnf- t.i he voted on at the November cl»r Umi. In reply to your Inquiry. 1 lake pler.rure Is saying that f air. heartily is favor of nil four of the** a trend mm la. The reasons for paae leg them teem eo obtiorn that it If unnecessary to reiterate them. Lack i f publicity. und conaenueal Irdlter enee on the |>art of the public, will he the only nljetaclcs lo lltrir paa »-ige. I ntn glad you are taking the matter up. Chapel Rill, K. C. HOWARD K. (1RAHAM Bept 2 Itlfi Prrrident of lim'trv ly of North Carolina. Answering your Inquiry of Annual ffth- I am heartily In favor of er» ry one of the proposed conatllallopal nraendmenla i Tbe first one, though entitled "Re rtrtetlng Local und Prlvnle and Spe cial Legislation.’ ahnuld really be m illlrd "An Aet to enlarge Local Self Oovernmenu’ Tbe plan la simply lo give Ike people of the counties au thority to settle for themselvea hun dreds of mutters about which they are now compelled to wall on >h. Legislature for action. I am alto In favor of the eeeond amendment which would authorize »ha Legialatore to It* wisdom to work out aome ptan to aa«w tha atate and lla citizens from loua of tlma aad money when eiekmsr pr»* veata a regular Jedge from n tiding eoart. Aa Dr. Kemp P. Battle says: "Mo hovlneaa mao atop* hla Opera* tluna kernnae of the alrkneat f hi. “•"•gvr when a substitute er.u owel ly be fuuad.' Ho lea* valuable are tha third and fourth ammlmcnta which would prevent apcctai charter* t». corporation*, rltiea and teear. but would provide Instead on ■ general law fur all aurh charter*, thereby In mrlng "eoual right* u> all atl ape* clal prlvliegea to none.' CLARBKCB I’OK. Nnlelgh, H C. 8eptutfikcr I I ait IDUIRKP niKTIUCT ftlVKFK KWH HKI.T) Tire Third Dlatrlct naentlna of the 1* A K. W R , conference waa hel l at Sampaon Chapel, five mile* mat of I •one, laat Saturday The eon ference was well attended and waj torn of tha moat Interesting meet ing* In th« hl*tnry of Ihc Confer *>>«*. Rnv M A. Harrington. prpgi dent, presided at the meeting. Hr. and Mra Kerman Godwin war* v/ltltor* a tn-i t-liy J,i*i’.«v the gucw of ralati.vwa. O. JU\ GARDNER TO kPEAK HIRE. Him. 0. M*i Gardner. candidate lor lilrglriiani-Uotcrtor on tki Lvrnoeratle ticket, will apaah at tbs Nisircpollian Opera Hnu her* awl Tliursdav night at I o'clock. A lorcblight parade, la automobiles, vlll take pUoc through th* town at T o'Heck. A baud of musk will «Im> be pieseot and the Oceanian wll, ] 1 v on* of ike ruoai ralhaalaatle po litical ntbsrlngs jr* held In Hnr • r.et count). The ladle* of lb* tow* |:,nd community am especially Inri 1*0 to be present and bear oae of ‘.lie lies! politlcol speakers la Worth Ci iwlltio. Mr Gardner i« making hi* enviable reputation la this «■« wr it'l*a and It I* rumored that be will V a formidable candidate for Oov floor In l*io. He la one of the bute's bright young men aad rlakes a political speech which all hi* bearwru applr.ad. Be earn to lif-ar him at the Opera Ilona* a eat Tnuraluy night at ( o'clock. M|oa'-o Hulk h) Wifkliunoa Raised. Washington. Occt 14.—A hand ."■■C colonial residence bnllt by Oeo. | tVsaliicirton In Falrfoa county Vie Ir a few mile* from Washington, was burned to th* ground today with nil les content*. Tht* three story m ururv standing on a hill waa n Isntlmrrk la that section. It was ■i rwruHeil hy Wschlarton la 1T7» tor one of hi* managers and sold la i«r to bis brother, l.ujd Washington "Go occupied It. HhT-ifc TO SHO«TK\ TUB COM MA V OMBIfTH. St Louis. Oct. tl.—Effort* to shorten the Ten ConuAndmcnli ): n> been abandoned at the present M-ssfon of tkr convention of tbo Pro '•»*ael Krtacopai church, leader* Ir the vMM-lavc announced today. The lommlMlno appointed to . • **»■«« revision of common prays - f vnreil the shortening of five of the commsnernents by the oitmina tt •* of the recscny. Member* o' • '■r roanuleeloo akaerted today, how ever that thl* suggestion would not be pressed Discussion of other phases of tho pi -nosed revision was to be resumed TffVy. ■ e - - - T. I*. V. PROGRAM KOU MOX i»av mgrt xov. mu mti f.rooii In. 3 Lewd by Mr. K C West. St hjec*: Devotional Mealing ..-Wall Pleasing Vnlo Him. long r-arcr. *• h'lKirr of Mraiberthlr I'ctrmlltoe. tsbla Renders’ Quit:- Mr Perry Morgan. Bi-cratary'e Report—Mia* Myrtl* Nay lor Pong Scripture Reading:—t Cor 61 t-l» Mr*. R. C. West 1-it cod union nr Laason --Laader We mey l*e Well Pleising to the I .oiil by Living a t.‘fe of Faith Mrs. V. I.. Siepbcot Wc may bo well pleaatag to HI - by » Life of Joyful Obedience l.i Cod e WIU:— -Mias Lib Strick le, ml. Fide M»«s Margaret Po-i BV »ltnil hr well Pleealpv onto the Isird by Uncoclng Faithfully in Ministers of Hetpfl kcrvlen— Mm. E C. West. We shall Realise onr AmblUoi li be Well ncasing unto the Lord by Observing the Meant Afforded a* to Grow a Heavenly Char acter—Mr. Perry Morgan. Tnlk—Mr. Leslie Alderman Song Ci mil let Ion. IIAKXm WHO. no UHMOCKATH <*nrt> Irailcn JuMhnt and Predict Muiortl, of Ovee SOT For TMr Ticket, '-rtllogtoo. Oc> 27 —Tha political ertuvtluo In llarnatt county hoa vary r"rally improved la the last alrty w that they are anticipating de T-nt. Chairman Horn hat tha eownty lh- roughly organised and the people In every dietrlet report enthaelaatle workers for tbe ticket Crirf. n l». Gentry, eepertnteadent ni •rhoiila or the eomaty. has heap hav <’ « « conference of the teacher*. The conference Homed today, they, having rone ovrr and outlined the work far the school term for tbe entire come ly Neat Monday Ike eehoele open end the proepeeta are for the beat rH not openings la the nonaty w« linve ever had. Prof. Ovstry report* tHnt he had some ever eighty leach, in In an net eat attendance this week, ond H was noticeable that the ea Uie body was deeply tatereated U tbe ronlerenoe. and gnat good will come to tbe echoole ef the canmtj U» reason of It Prof L. A. William of the faralty of the CnlrenMy e (North Carolina, who has charge « th' school admlaletration, waa her i'Mwm ran ooMMirnirr paw a hul rrrrn— The director* ui managers sf chs comm salty fair were buy two dago before Urn fair came oC mek'ay ar rangamaats to display the sahib its. Ca Thursday moraine before the fair Friday tbo asbIMu began to or 1'*. The director! mare buy Ther day aftoraooa aad Friday atorieg Placing the exhibits The Rpeakcra au.ad was decorated with turns aad «rt flewsrs. At oterca o'clock A Jf. the crowd wu celled from tbs t’ibcraacte and tba school rtoai **" tbs speaker's (land, where ..icy kid bm>n for nor* ciin cm hour vlewieg the siasy articles os dm flay. Tbs (sir wu opened by 1'rof. b P. cretry, after wbirb Prof. Giles seperialsndrnt of pebllc in sueotloa of Weka Cumnty, J illvend tbs principal address of Ur more, if*. Col. Fred A Olds of the Hall of History of North Corolla.,. r, his also praceat and mads a short hot bolpfal talk oa the msaalag of rommiaiCy lairs. Prof. U T boy .u seprlntsadaat of Johnston Comely schools, era* also prsosai and cx prssesd his lotcrset le tbs ws.rk of comwienlty fairs. The ascii ng • si attentively itsCeaed P> by « Is.re crowd. At the same time there ■"•re a great many pc.iplo. am caring U bear tb# speaking. ,MD icwlog the various article oo exhibition. At two o'clock ir the afternoon me crowd reassembled around the rp takers' sUad waare they listened »' » very sMe address by Prof. Ml r Riddick. president Of A. A |f. C(dU«c. RaJelgb. X. C. Prof. RJd dick spoke oa the building of a a m ■■Bltr. In wbleh he showed I H keir er« how e community well organised “*d well managed night have all the medera rnn male sec of the city at i. ta cost than tbe city people have thorn aad sun have an the natural I advantages of eeuatry life. After Prof. Riddick bed finished his in tvrestlng aad Instructive address. Cot Fred A. Olds ypu same to atsfie. and la bis hens! attractive manner, spoke words of ennrarajre neat that met with the approval of all prevent. After CV1. Old* had «efahs< hfs speeah a vote of tbe cn ttre yudtcnce was takas with > vtsr tR haaaetahmdg the esattmasl of the people vrtth refereeee to holding an other fair at Coats beat fa lie vote eras unanimous ta favor of holding the fair here spin nest ..IL The oficen aad at > nepers of the fair extend to eaek and every one >bo participated tbolr sincere l inks for the valuaMe oj-cp*ratios received, without w itch (his fair could not have bent the great «mr cis that It was A complete Uet of all prises will l« announced Istsr end the prism will be seat by malll to those wb. woe. Ptsae will soon be started for no; >eer*e fair end It le eameetly hoped that everybody ia Heraeu who Is I t treat ad la the educational, agrl caltaral end social upnrt ef oar cwma I ly. win lead a halplng band ta mak the hart faiir even better hr far better than tbls one. We want everybody to tart an taterast aad I responsibility la this eommunltr ifvlr work, and ah all appreciate your oo operation and lncourage aaeat from time to time, faithfully yours. OWRM ODUM. President. OSCAR 8. TO UNO, 8aey Treaa — norm Carolina Harnett Mint; IN TIUS SUPERIOR COURT, JANV ART TERM 1»M. International Harvaater Company of America, H. J. Ball. Rama Bell aad J. L. Ball. Dana Comaiaeloa and tap ply Co. notice or SALE By Ttrtae of tke aatkorlty coni.in •* *■ • 5ad«ma»t of the Sapcrlor Conn of Haraett county issued at September Tana. Ill*, tha un dermicned Oomaileeioner of the eoar duly M>potato* by aald Iadjnaeat will oa Header Nor. to, lti« at IT o'clock M. at Ooart Houee doer la y.yeUenile, North Carolina, offm far aala at pabtlea .action, to the hlfheat bidder, for oaati, tbe follow. Ins deacrlbed lands, located la the •«'»»ty of Cumber Mad, State of N Carolina, to-wit: . TRACT; Bounded an N. by Made of Jordan BUIat t; on the r*rtd?_>««da of R J. Blaa, aad South by laada of AehVey Bailey Cotr paoy; aad oa the Wait bp laada of Aahley Bailey Company, eoutalnlnr *« acraa. aad betas mm Mad tor b trty owned by Rckt. Klac. and ba ins tho Mad of Baaaa Befl. SECOND TRACT: Bnnadod on lb* North hy Mod* of R. J Rlae and A*bier Batter Company- on tha E *7 tha Uadi OC Ash ley-Batter Oo; on tha Beath hy Made of W. L Law I* aad Joha McNeill; aad an Want hr lauds of Loom* Elliott eoataialnt IS acres, mare or lean. * lm" ‘be ISth day of Oatobar I. a ciAFroRp.^ Itwo days Is eonfkyaa with tha it •chare aad did Hat arret teat work la orsnatetaE aad aUrUag off the > work Car thM eouaty.