THE DUNN VOL. Ill " _ Dunn, H. C. • ~ — - -; •’AMthSSJIA* It AX MU A I, I. HODWIV * Mft,i Me-elerti^ lor the Mxtli CoDiwruliT* lime. I>e featlor McCaaklll hy Aboat J.iMMt Majority. ^ mono* umi/kb nr c aki*>.t bag ERA Raleigh. Not. «—Tha boada la. voiced In tba proceedings begun In tha Supreme Court today by attor aeya (or tba Cuban Government, In nn egort to recover IS.116.000 from tha State of North Carolina, wan known an special lax bond* and wen Barred by the so-called "Carpel Bag' administrations In this flute Immediately after tbo Civil War. The Issues named wan among those Uter rspadlated by tbs Isglalsturs. abd although numerous setts hare tea* against Op State by btnUh holders all oearfk tSbs ■MKfcEvn'tottf tbu repudiated lssncs levalld DCKB BOCAL VEWA Dubs. Oet 7.—Mr. W. A Erwin of West Darh'.m uie rm.n behind thu ebals of Erwin Cotton Mills address *d lbs people at Duke Monday night, la spits of It being pay night end consequently many of Ihr operatives were doing their week s trading, a great crowd came out to bear Mr Sr wla. Using ss s subject "Wars and Rumors of Wars’ Mr Erwin held the attention of his audience for an boor aad thirty miuutea. Briefly discussing the horrors of the present war la Europe, and lbs situation In Mexloo. hs said he was so thankful that wa were at Peace. HI* message to the people was s pica for the prac tice of eoonomy. for prsctlrlng sen. nomy In tbo time of prosperity *n blea people to live more happily nnd better when adversity macs. Mr. Erwin’s speech wa* in no seaae a po litical one. but dealt with right liv ing especially In the homes. He left OB (ha mnrnint train tr.m kI. ke^e Saturday sight at th« horn* of Mr* B Yarbrough ahc and Mlaa Mary Lacy Dupre* entertained their Sun day school clause* to Hnllow'on par ty. About forty firs wore preaent. The home wai suitably decorated in a spooky manner for the occasion. Bobbing applea and fnrlane telling added tnach enjoyment to the occas ion. Refreshments were served In the dining room and the guests were then leed In two* to another room 10 *** the "swimming match’ and "blind bat* ’ Dake. Nov. B—Wednesday after r, an October kth at the home of Mr* Felix H. McKay. Miss Kilt* A. Orean •rd Mr. Howard D WtlHamaon werv quietly married In the pretence of the Immediate families of both parties. Kee. t. K. Hall pastor of the Prceby tirlan cbarch eaalstrd by R*v. w L Manes* perforate 1 the cront-my Tb* bom* was tastily decorated for tea occasion. Tb« bride wore a tn rating suit of bine with glove • and hat to match. The ceremony was performed at th'#* o'clock and the bride sad groom left Imfcdlatclv ffler by aatnmebllo fot Dunn In catch tb* train for WbltevllW their fatar* borne The bride Is th* danghter of the lal* John Qraen of LIIHagtoa, but for some time has I eu making her home with her sto tar Mra Tell* McKay. She haa al ways takes quite a prominent part I* th* social life of both places and Is qntta sflcieat In music Dr. Wrt I la men a to originally from Cstt, 0 rdn and for lb* past two year* baa mada his bom* In Duka and ha* bnllt •P a splendid practice in dralstry, Let haa recently moved to Whlta rtU# wher* h* bought out th* den Uet and will contlna* to follcw his eheaass profession. Out at l-vs Btvaent at th* marriage a ere - - -I'-M- . J --I !■! • ha brother* and sisters of the b-trt. frem Lllllngion. anri .1 L Will in .01 and Mbs Eva Wlllln ns .n of f. r>i Ot rda father h'nl sistar nl t'.,e aro ifr There Is rejoicing this mnti mg ns ,r the (act lltal Hnmelt r tin •> * 1 lir* •! rr>»A r r r» . 1<20 t”r:r» Chan »I At-<1m a ^ ‘ *{•* f I H0| 4f*• •• ' P~t*ubllc»n, none • * L a, 'mi Owe Hot a, Who 8ok <«MtaUr «m»Mm to vux«-j, tbe Dowtntio Pmrtj of HerwMt. - - — _ H. T. F. V. FROG RAM FOR MON | DAT NOT. 13th. Lender Mint Mary McKay. 6nb|eet: Bible Study. Opening Bong—The Olory Song. James put to Death by Herod, talk by leader. Scripture rending—Mie. KHiel «n'. ton. Kl'ort tnlk *n »*:e > *>■ fie p-re IP t-r Ft-*-. d n r r br Ml Vam' r n Soln—M ■«. y» r.i i> . • e'e- ■ n «• ’• • » • •-. >. i . *• • ’»•.> i Mr n I* flr.iH irri—Mn *-d r>i.inM mentrn’lnn- Vlulm Y-• «• i( • —Mlee Rrbel Bnllnn loasoo from Drummond'- -e • i i thing le the world—Levi, r Closing Song—Jurt ee 1 am lumcdletory Prayer—by Lender NATIONAL RANKS IN TTP-TOF CONDmOh. Washington. Noe. 1.—Reports thn National banka' condition ou September I Ilk. the Comptroller of Currency annnanrrd trdoy. thowed total rreoarrea lit. til.*00.000. or mo.000.000 great er then ever before In the nailnn't history Thta le an Inrrraee of ltRt.000.000 over Jnne 10 laet and *1.1 tt.000.000 orer Kept g. lf]|. The previous high water mark was on May 1 last. Total dnpoatta a monnted to IU.ttt.0M.0O0. or 1*17.000.000 greater then ever be fore The Increase was Itll.oot 000 orer Jana It tad 11.111.010 000 •w Saplomher 1, m*. I wocmow WILSON of the Uafted Stales wu^ ke-klkctkp president. Democrat* Assar*V at Least rti \^h KWfnil College. YORK. NOV.->.-j|pTe«ident Wilson haa Carried California "ulT'th'in^r110^*" conc*d«1 the State*"03th^Op?2rtdeot!atlT^ ,!*" , **!? n««d«l to assure ihe President a majority In vppaiSr en'^tS dr°pped lnlw lbe Democratic column and »i*™1®*1 tb® ‘““Pen*^' and anxiety of an election SlT b~“ “"Peeled in America political histo^ ; i i*bi C*n 9.h^TIuan Wlllcox when Informed that the Pree i'l ?nt bad carried California only replied **I have nothing to «ay.M Secretary Tumulty at the Rummer White House at Shadow BeW* by wtr«less to President Wilson on board ''Ly“l^b M«y*ower, en route to RhinecUff. N. Y. The Californis returns showed that with only 48 districts the President’s plurality in the State wu 2,870 Barring some wholly unexpected turnover in the incomplete •uea leaning toward Wilson, or a change on a ™cou“t~C*h! i ^rnta s soquisltloa to the Democratic column gave the Presi dent 269 electoral vot ■ without Xcw Mexico's three. In New m,dn,8bt lhe President was leading by 2 634 votes cild‘£rtCU mlHlnf “d 11 ™ »ot believed uil. adv£ tage could be overcome by Mr. Hughes. Conceding West Virginia. New Hampshire and Minnesota to ft, 1i^he^~4Uld he in lb« !•«» In all three—on Ogives hioi 259 vot*g. s«v«n Imi than the required nuiorilv with m 2 T°io" !rD V*ht Pre,,dent Wilson had six to spare for a pose I Mex^oo1 °f el*Ct0T* ln California, or a sudden reversal In^Cew N*t,"rlAl Committee headquarters It was ad mitted that after conferences between Ceo. W. Wlckermham Ne^°^hC Unlted Eremtt Colby of kin7 J77Z'u.Mv. *jughw‘ Chairman Wlllcox and Oeo. W. p«r o* N aid in ihe rcceot. election: " >»• gaei. to goen the nntlon al-io went for Heghee Vew York ronlrots the BaUenel etleu—New York went for Hnghet Wall atreet alwaya ene dlneonhl Ihe remutta— -Well street which wei totting 10 to 7 on Hnghee tnnt week l> hnttlng t to I on Wilton on the i rh today. Yorth Carolina Harnett connty IH THH SUPRRIOK COTJRT, JANU ARY TKRM lilt International Harveettr Company ol A merlon, vm. It. I. Bell. Satan Bell end J. 1, Roll end Doan Commlaeton nod Sup ply Co. _ hot 1CB or SAf.C Br Ttrtse of the nathorUy contain •4 Is g Judgment of the Bnperlot C**rt of Harnett connty tanned el lh* September Term. ltU. the an ter timed Commleateoer ef the eonr appointed by mid lodgment will on Monday Her. Id. lPlf at 11 JSi ** Cnorl House door In Ferotterllle, North Carolina. olTor tor sale at nahllrr a union, to the Mtheat binder, for eoah, tha follnw II.R described lands, loomed la U10 "I Cumberloi.d, Hi ate of N. Carlin* to-wil; FIRST TRACT: R-iiprt<..1 en i| ®T lands of Jordan 1.1 It -if; mi t>,. h> lands of R J. Rin<. , | B-jbth by loads of Ashley Haller Cm" pciiy; end on Ihe Ward by loads of A*bley H i I lev Cnmr.unv estlt'ls-f * I>1 nrrra, and bell* ■ame ’and fr-*-. bi-rljr owned by Rob! KI11* and he Inc lha Inad of Susan Roll SWCOND TRACT: Rounded on ll>* North by lands of R. J pine and Ashley Ralley Company; on the K. hr *ha landa of Ashley Bnlley Co on fee South by land* of w. L. Lew I- and John McNeill; and on W»*i hr bl-ds of I-com a Klllott (outalnlna IT acre* more or test lsld** ,h<> ,,,h "nr "f Odtober J. C. CMPFOltD. Crnnialwloner. Mr*. A names MeKay ami dauchl •*. Ml## Kfta. and son. 0»or*« «f no»a Coll***, ami Mrs Arch Wrl«ht of Parkton. rlaltad at th* home of Rer. J A Hnrnaday this waak Mr*. McKay aad Mra. Wr1«kt. are sister* I of Mra. Horned ay I Kumox TAXES rr.XTKM <»f- I' itokst r\ okkat imrrAiv. ' ‘ ' uvt : • 3 ■ '• 1 £• . Vi v J * • .. * .. .. • . . I * ' r • „ * " * I" *! V * '* th?n »nr v*r0h)ie w.( fonoAd ' rj-t-lh fajita ' *t° »'v Bt»rk«~i * 'h* ,,,r«lr noi«cv 0f lh, • ' • »r <1 rJIC nd., toward. •> »»r. WWALTII A\i> DECAY. „ R',!,,,‘ *:*» «»*• »b*r» tho t'Dltd '*’•* ,r tfcj groneni, rid,,.. ' nr lhr know* world, n«m. Tr> ,*caor* wc are iti a world fnfiv.;, ►. 1 than Ram, knew. *o hold in it power and place f;.p >„ . rt nd the wild art rtrinn of the pi ...;. aat Roman* |f only wo will J,a r [ from the fat* „r the peool*. wj.> hara lived before ut and liars •bly faded; loam to regard the high cat Ideal* aa a firm eoartctlon the u* llaf that aa a nation ProrWoe o ami cl rennet an re hare entreated as wPb u «««ih mlaekia. IUd tha toachlarr of\h* great Em Wror Augustus been followed, Romo would hare re mat nod untha hea. It i* euy to know that If this nation of oaru la given over to luxu T: and riot, to hoge waalth unequal lr divided, to effeminacy on the one bind and misery and rago on the oth ei. our detraction will com* aurwly. •wlflly and shamefully, without ayan tha alleviation of pity or sympathy i w^*-k *11 the added Ignotny of the ncrld’s contempt and tho knowledge tl*ot wr will lire in history not a« an •temple of grandeer but aa another tnrleer* of disgraceful failure—John 'Ml llama. Comptroller, of the Cur rency Mosers. R. M Sanderson sad R. Lowla Shelby, of l.nmbortoa, bar* been In Dunn for aararal days organ IMng a Teat of the Maccabees. They bar* mat with a grant deal of ajp. port a ad they now think that tb-v will hare auAminl applicant# to or geats* Deere. I it 1st. It require* ;* members In get a charter and soonl that numbor hare already algo If. id tbelr latantleo of joining Hither of these gentlemen will ho glad to eg. plain tha merits of the Maccabees to any who may be interested. _ t- t <« t: I.-. 1 i uauxm* ~s-. ^ ’ tilmv • . » ». *** * * *’«>» •*4 • - w %\y tfe-vt • . » *S.\< %* t«|fw - . «• i». M. will ’ ' *-’d i. A. I. 'y.'-'l i* . • :<) r.:u Htk . < 1j. ..f •<>. It • • -a:.. !■*'-. Prlli . i»'c. • • 1: « :•». A-flJf A. n-;i- ’ : r w-i-t. M43. 1 '■ .«■ a i!, Turliuf* *• r. '■> iill-l* || • - ■ -.» •••.. I««. M ' • f*. i (If 4. - •!. *;. i>74 • • . vvai'-wa m. ”• • • • ' 11 tr. t.rVit:«•••: K tUTKAM. •> Villi T; •.. H .■ravtt in the Icis.": .itniv U \V«u 1; ;H».t »a. V .F- «TfcVi:Jv.* liKlI). Fmpo.-u, Vr., Xor. Viilllani 8. Sterna*, uf tfcfa c|Vv_ ji.'d Jljn d»*. Mr. 81 ever a wt* „ i.ntlr* of Clinton wtt-ru # • rrniintl until ■ trw y*ar* e*o. whim li* 'fiat. l.» i|>]a to nan*** to tjo hn;*t burin.**. H* repnweu'vii Pi.6.n,'-,tt raanty la iKa Lcfislnturro of 11*7 arid 1*%* nad woe for elfin jrtun a r emlfvr of the Bon.d of At;si<-d|tnrt' It* wbi murrU d rlcn - ymr* nno to Mia* Clara Wntft-n. of Oilnmbaa tiunty. who wit • un wan. John 0. nnd J. H.. aarvlve hint. Two htother*. J. A. a it ]» K. )?t..vous. loth of Clintoit, u’ac survive. Tbo mmalai wer* cu;ri«« to Clinton for h .rtal t'ir.y. Mr. Tomm’n Suitor, of Knrmvtlla, 1. aent nevcral drj-» thii wneh with rwlatltra her*. Rn returned Wed nesday night. 4. MIKES sgg* ssnsr* w*chutkm **** •» «•«*« c«ii,