DVctN Ann DIKE. Ilwwll'a Twin UlUn Celebrate. Mr. Rilllor: I have been ukn1 to write rn expression on the iwrcnt jnbllee of the rlrton. In (ho ram prlgn lost finished. which wn* »1(* Vrated here oo the nljtbt ■>( Korem i tr l#th I in not a writer hut It doe* not take one with unusual tel wtt In pas lotne word* expreeslye of the matverral happlm-ea that haa at. ready been eo vividly •erreaen-1 In aohoal ilemonetratlnx One of the (rratest event* tn title section's history. It l» sal'* by tho-e wbn know, was this ree-nt relebra ttnn of Woodrow Wtlarn's f■"-lee tlr.n and Harnett's retu-n to Demo e (lie rola. The thronx- o’ h> pt.y people who aatbered. ar t no 'neth er of the occasion eaprrracJ -1.* nn til the whole face of ths earth war covered.' coin* from every eorcei i>f Harnett and from edjulntnf oonntl %• They were weh-ORicd nt the Twin rttlca of grand old Hornet* Dunn and Duke. and a more blPsfnl and pancafol happlneat waa nevnr »,'tasned Many of the le'.dln* n In as of the two elite*, ae well a* irotrlnent men from othm eocttone taede short effnctlTe speeches. Some were maiden rndeoror* on the pert ef oratorical aspirants nod arrt greeted with many cheere.Tha crowd wn In the humor to hear more and more of the glad tidings and railed for oaa attar another nf progreeete • ten who had labored to reclaim the eosnty and help preeerre the Nation, to tell them about how It war done. County Chairman Rosa. Congreee ■an Oodwle, Grantham. Clifford and V/ebb and many at here pleaeed the crowda mightily with forecasting* of another four year* of unparalleled proa parity and pronouaclag humor oua eulogies over the dead Republl tan Party. Thn Duke and Duan braea hand* i.nlted la rsndcrlng music for the or cation that thrilled the patrtntlem la erery acal to It* dsepeet emotion at d bands of the anlted communi ties marched the streets singing Na t'cual and other patriotic air*. Au tomobile. hearing torchee. paraded It «H 9BS9HP V MiBMP tfni sad, Mr Bdltor. mar It not be a significant forecast, from tbe ins soil exhibition of community spirit e*»n Id the eclebrallon, tb.it Old 1 smelts' future Democracy Is unl ted with ties of brotherly spirit tha. can never again be broken? la II art a certain tremendous movement la progress when common’tles pull together, work together, enjoy th . frails of labor, together and cele brate vie lories together? There were many Incidents connected with tie giofions campaign and with the celebration of Its victors which to re Inspires a hope that a large Dim her of our good friends who strayed away from tha Democratic party i 11 ritam two years henro. Tber> Is al this almost dramatic uniting of community spirit which Is now isespng over us a prophecy of a fn t- re uniting of political faith as» a coming rf time when Old hirer' will hare but ore potltlnl party and ui n putposa: nomocracy and Pro k *ss Had I responded to the call of the crowd for a speech Friday night, which 1 confess 1 had Dot tha cour age to do for I am not a speaker and always hve an attack of crraloclral tnguwMe when attempting It. I i onld have oald, could I have aald It. these wot da: L*fllee and Gentlemen. Broth* Democrata and Republican Mends: You have heard Ayeock and Glean, aid Kltchln. and Craig, and Blckntt '•11 how they have alwaye been ot tie political faith, could never be a: ythtng elm. and never were g-jfl ty of scratching a ticket, etc . We'l I am going to tell yon aometHnc different. I came to yon, from an. other county, jaat three yeere egri In thin month. Yon were then Dene* ccrntle •• you belong to he, hot twe yean ago yon clipped hack over the trodden path of proerreai and fell Into the wrong column. I had not then been here long enough to get completely In the heraere with yen end knew not of the danger. Me fore I had learned you well yo> made that blender and came neat abaktng my faith In you. It Is t great lurprlm aad a hamlltattagMov to me But 1 thee determined to l at the wheel neat time aad help ym to redeem youreeleee. Vrlendi w> have done MI And now T am prnui to he oae of you. hly father rough aad hind under the leadership a that beloved Stonewall Jaehewn. Ii the days o* re eoietrrctlon he wa one of the ploaeen of program l hie eonnty. Ltaten rr>ende; T ran to you from tub eonnty that one mvad the etate. That old coanty I •ml the grandest mot la Uto goo •Id North Slate ereept ’Janie Need I tetl you moru >* what I am « for what I etaadl’ "Some days ego when f waa pet eeaetly ea perl-Mending ratal a g nertu -the etreet that grand UtefgM » proBcrod oontlunatJoa nt llbartj ** •• prorperltv "Vote for \t llron.' ] win jiWMi M and mada fun of bj -a gaod Republic.in friend. He meant personal Injury to .by rrlmt Ir.lilg for him and I took It n« he rrcani It but without a bluett o* n IrctsiOf r.t.lahed tho happy tank. And thirrn It (Ilea allll. before (>ar even and Im printed lu ad mlnda Uftrr to fade, .train I land tho honor and greet MManure of being one of yr.ar i^. era In arranging the program fo i rp-brnilon of ytetory While akoet Ibla tn«k rut other good Rr-puhHrnn |friend -eld to mo; “If the elreltoc .li t be n left pi men only. Wlloon unuld never have been elected If .dieted he ;»ud hla follovrera owe It to • he women.' And now I iav; Ood I'cai the good women of this land. •id is tin I any to you all. Where. <’ Where, nre theae wandering flienda tonight? And to them I call; to them | beckon; 1 pleed, com) lin-ne' O wauderera come hunt! 1*o them, nnd to all each.. I any re tntn to the fold and verily there shall he more rejoicing ovar the on# • b it re'nmeth Ilian over the ninety hi 4 nine that nro anfel D O. TOWNSRNn ■ iltINCfl HkTV (TENTH \ |»OCVI>. T,w rhnHM»d flairs Hen l.lsnd Cot ton Bold nt lock eon Tina. to. .tarlcw'nvllle Kin , Kqt ,, _Three tl.oumi.it bnlc of Sen Inland cotton w« re sold at tha municipal doeka h«re tbla afternoon at to reals a t rund. the price paid being »d0», U‘0. It >u said to be the M*hrsi I rice uncr rernnatructlcn dare. THINK HCl'HK “IT DEmiKT HtHiBBM. Near York. Not. BapersUU «*u« ;>«r*oni here would call Mr. Hughes sttsnUoo to ths tgsre **13*' Ur they think this had a lot to «* W'th deeldln* the election. Mr Hoghae joked wben be rotnd ballot No. IV Rut it lima probably 11 v ill be the President's majority la the electoral collage—and la la tha number of Hectors] rotee of Calt torma. tha itau which Anally dedd 'old SAMPSON ' Anderson. a. 0.. Nor. 11.—Hots ■a a Story that ia just too good to be P*»»sd around by word or month and must be preserved to posterity 1 * means of print. An Anderson Sunday school teach er was tiling his Sunday school cli sn that Sampson was tha strong est man. whon ono of tha pupils ta t rruptad to say ha ihoaghl Roose velt was entitled to tha honor. "Why do yon think so!' asked the taecher. ‘Well.’ replied the boy, 'Beuip st n took the Jawbone of an ass and slew four thousand Philistines, but . < nanvelt took one bull moose by • hr horns and killed the whole Re publican party* SOME RECORD COUNTIES. Buncombe C^uhtk recorded the largest vote In Its history and It alao gave a big Democratic majority. (The vote of the county was I,III. , The largest percentage of Democra tic gains was made by Hernatt Ooua ty. the ngures being 41. Anson aeor I td a gain of IB and Stokas IB per I cent. Harnett gets tha banner. I Chairman Hines, or the Oolltord Con niv Democratic committee, mak • e> Ike claim that Oallford tent men men to the polls than any county , In North Carolina. He aaya In Th« t (frreosboro Nows that the three big r rest counties In the Stats are Oull i ford Whiftrn init IfMlrlMhinw A Mwtml [ing to the flgurea he gleet The New* I "Guilford rent 4,tilt votos for Blck e rlt. end 1.(41 for Money. a total ol . 8.151. Wake was second with 4. i 711 for Blekett, 1.1*1 for Money. I - total of 7,017. Mecklenburg wai o third with 4.401 for Blekett, 1.101 e for Money. and a total of f.aOO | ''hua Oullford leada Waka by 1,111 4 rotoa aad Maeklenbnnt br t.tll' 4 The poll tax racket area not ao ax a leielrety In arldaace. It might be re i- .’larked, la Guilford aad Waka aa U a Mecklenburg, bat all tbe aaove tb< r '.aailtn were too tnnplrlag to bar a any quarrel oxer.—Charlotte Oban a »er. a - ■ — ■ a THH umAlfDWa MAW. t Biblical Recorder, d Tba following motto, which th if Kaiser la said to haea banging on th if wan of hla work -room la worthy 4 a being kept before the ayaa of area la men who • entree to (treagth ah in power: "To ba etrowg la pala: I ia be atrong la sorrow; not to wlah fa -« tba aaattalnnble; to be aatlafled wtt la what tba day brtnga, to aaeh for th id good la all things; to barn Joy In ei l‘ tarn aad man as oaa tads them; 1 or glre always oat tt the heart aa tba beat that la In eae me mntti ir- what Ibaaka one msatraa he wl aa laeraa tbla aad aaa lira It la a ha: L py free aad npstandlag man." « PRESIDENT (WILSON KN DORM 111 HKD CROSS 8KALM. Kxionaive Plan# Made foe Now* c*i ••)Sia‘> Hunt Brecon President Wilson stopped In thi b*ev whirl of ble atrenaoaa oolulca rampalga a few day* ago to end -rat *'• Red Cross Seal movement -n' the work or the AhU-Tabereuloali Aaradalloa. Ho aaya: “Ma- 1 take tbli necaaloa to egprras to yn<i m> dean Interest la the work -f Thi National Antl-Tabareilosti Aaencia Uon and my hope that Its work U growing la efficiency and extent (row year to year? May I not parties larly express my Interest la the Rad Crass Christmas teal, whole sale hat been the mease of rateUg fund* for Che worha?lt seems to me that tbli le a particularly lateraettng and sensible way of eaabHag the people of the cos airy to giro thla great work their support.”. The Red erase Seel movement la getting well aader way la North Carolaa for lie most specssafal sea aon. Dr L. B. McBrayer of the State Sanatorlom la again earcetlve as ere tary and hen chosen an efficient e‘ rpe Of directors and assistants. By Thanksgiving It In expected that ev ery tows la the elate wlU havo ar ranged tkroagb e chairman nr a com mtttee for the eels of Red erase Seal daring the Christ mas season. Thli movement affords every town an op. tnalty for doing something to aid the gght against tabrreutaeis both at koms and thraeghoat the State ra» WOMAN'S CIA) II. President, Mrs. V. L Stephens Vice President. Mrs. I. T. Hleka. Secretary. Mr* a r Tosnf Treasurer. Mrs. H O. Mattox CIVIC department. Chairmen. Mrs. C I. Smith •mmtary. Mrs. J. W. Thors ton. HEALTH AND EDUCATION. Chairman. Mis. Jaa. R. Batter. Secretary, to be selected. HOME AND ECONOMICS. Chairman. Mrs. E. O. Print rose Secretary, Mrs. Edward Smith MUSIC DEPARTMENT Chetowas. Mrs. J. Lloyd Wada. ■> ss^"^^^menv»eqi^»wiBmm: Brnty mother of Dub should be • member of Me Woeu’i club. Have you given your earn# to oer Secrerary. Mn. E. F. Tout? Duet! Tea. fast etxty rents a year Bo email amount is eartalnly la the reach of every woman. We are hoping and planning to have oar quarters centrally located eo that eo one will have that long walk to the other end of town. Here's hoping that every cltlson la Inter sated aaoeght In pabllc health to help long the tale of the Red Croat Beals Begin now to plan tor It. There will he a meeting of the Woman's Cleb at the Hlghemlth Landing Friday evading at 3:80 o' clock. All members are urged to be present. Dues win be oollsded. ao please corns prepared. We greatly appreciate the prof fared resistance of Me "Boy Be outs' tc help Me Women have a clean town. What would we do without tie bon I What are you merchants yniag to do? We believe It would Improve yoar business to have a 'clean up' once In a-whfle—eay Bat utday night for instance. December 1-10 will be observed as r.t bares lamia Week la Nerth Caro lina. Reed what the Raleigh Tlmei I ee to aey about this Important mat ter: TUuntouLom* wrick Doc amber 4-11 will be obaarrrd ai Tubarcaloals Weak la North Car* Mr*, th* State Board of H««ltb atm inf at mahlaf Ita »b**rr*Uo* Stair »Ma aad participated In by al elaaaa*. To thta **d tho phyatntan ti • appealed to to fir* aarrlea* W*daa* i day. Daealabor f, to fra* ezsatnatlm I of *11 person* who pr«**at thamaaW i ** to him: ta ton, all people ar* r* > quaatod t* taka * phjal—1 tovaatorf 1b* w**k‘* kh**rraa** will ealml net* to Tobarcaloat* Bandar In whlcl •U chare ban aad pastors ar* arf» to tok* part. Tb*r* I* also a Chi! i dran’a Craaad* Day. Friday. Doran a bar I. and nahoola ar* *zp*et*d t f hold apMtal inrtlm No oa* smib r to bar* b*M OT*rlooh*d to th* *| I pra) af th* l*sd*r* I* health prop » riu Th* only qaaattoa now an t t «b« aaaof of Taharealoata Weak I h North Carotin* ta: Ar* th* p«op! • aaBelaatly t*t*r«ot*d 1* faU i- health to ran th* risk of betas to) o that they ar* phyateally Naparfaet' 4 North Carolina’* death rata la fi p tie hlfh. aad too maay North Car • llna National Onorrtana* vrald a p- p a# tb* phyatcal axantnntion f •barter I* tor Federal aarrie*. 1 I tote theae cold faeta heft a na. y« there will be many wtuo Vtll rofua to be examined by • rtmjr. I eat b f<nd aotnetlilng wrong fltf U«n. C f rscath It all there la UA belief * many hara that they haveSoeec fora of tubercolnela. PetentV medic In I roapectutea have ao «Ui gleai aymptoma of approachingmulmoner ulaaatar that everybody fknowa b baa oar. or non of thaaajt Why ao no to one who know ao# fled oat1 If yoo have tabercoloala. man'll get ■ good HgbUag chance to Areorng It If you have li not. think #tke rvltei In knowing. Bat there fear be de eta In ao apparently afeat phyal rally perfect peroon whlC gtve bln a tendency toward the J| dreader of all thla State'* dtaeaaeJf The phy aicnl Inventory Idea la djgood one ^Cben ao few or na haveKneb non capital than oar phyiten&bdnranc It la certainly due thle gferltal tha' we follow a policy of JBly tret. Tbo Slate oord of Hkfeth point the way. Hare'a hoping«^t nil tak. ■ ‘ u timaa. ' Fayetterin# him not M I effort to got the go plat* plant for tho_ An onlbaaSoatla meeting j bar of Commerce wo* night when new milted and additional( were appointed to fart • Iona and continue ta^ to make Fa pattern I e** , tit all othora. If the win It will aot be Lot p«t forth etrwaa ther aeea to be la Potato. CAROLINA WOODS IV TO RKXJIN BUi Thb Carolina W r-njr ha* received a tx gln builnc** aoon l Tha Com pane la ■uiaa of tilO.gOg with h‘taara. Joeepti Hoi 11’ C. Cowell as prtnel The compos? p ihlitor? and other leg to the Cownll end begin* (main l-ecta. Tha Cowell* W l-an? had lfirgo r-orgaadaaUoa wu —-•— i_ rape Fear Km mrp aoum rn« On Wednesday last Mm K'll* Onldstrin wn tjhc hostess Ip • I * "Sandwich Club'-j Mrs Gold *'< ln had a* bar honor,(scats her ale t«r Mra. ZolUc Tsraca of Ooldvbyro. end Mra 'Wllllama, of Qaorala Auction Bridge waa played la th oiiactive llvirg mom which waa pret tily decorated with a<|tumn flower* The bonoraea were presented with •t>»ely bottles of viol* tollot water Th» Club prim going to Mm Harvey MicKay. who made ‘he htgie*! wore. Those playing were: Ideariemrs. 1 l.loyd Wade Jack Leo V A. Townsend. Harvey MacKey. John Thornton. R. L. Godwin and the rotate of honor. Itasca and William* Club meets next with Mra. John ■*) omton. FOR SALE! Several Residen EASY TERMS See me at once. L. B. POPE. , thk roi-nrn pompawkw uu | irXlfAR FOK 1MT. Tha Publtaham Of Tha Tooth' 1 Companion am praaaatfat. an alway l at lkla acaaoa. to arary aahacrlba . whoao aabacrlptloo la paid for lit - a Ralaadar for tha aaw yanr. It I o dactdadly unuaual, and atribtapty at n tint to. Tha oolora ora wall ahoaa a and richly bland ad. It waa mad a primarily, brrwnrvnr, far actual a* ft and la wall namad tha Practical Haa Cttotdtr ►r ■ . .■-» i .. ■ - ■■■—■ ■ P Mr. W. R. Johnaoa who haa ran it I Irina la Ralotph for tha pact awrat ir al non tha. ta apaadlaa a law da] ’a la tha atty. I A W1LHON MMltlUm I - ' Kre*4vad UW4IH Vote* Over lull 1 «■* BUM Mora Than Toft. ’ Roosevelt Vote. I ' Washington. Hot. 19.--Becreterr Tumulty tonight sent thl. following mesaaga to Prvaldeat Wllaon at W|! )• matown. Mass: "Bacilos returns conclualTcty de mouatratc that your vlctroy at tha poll* Is clasr and decisive. Ton h va carried two-third, of the Rtai s cf tha L'rlon The four years of your administratrix) have brought »• u appro ms tely* 2.tea.<14 more '~l»* than when you warn Rrst rhe (rd la lilt. This Is Ibe greatest turrets!) given to an American Pre sldaat for a saooad term since the t tvtl War Tour vote last Tuoadav w| 1 I.9d9.79l more than ever pre ’hsualy recorded for a Damorrstlc candidate, and. despite character of oipoaflloa, the largest vote aver re ‘tired by a Proaident from the ;-eo »le of this co an try—IM.Jgf more It II. Yoe have a popular pln-all •y ot 491,Jit, according to balletic received from The Associated Prow. MVKIC Cl>OB ORGANIZED. Bet order ilmioun Nor. llth th Musical taint of Dane mat at th* horn* of Mra J. Lloyd Wade and a moat InUrestlag elab fur tha atudy of mile vat organised Thla organisation is In charge ot «•* Wade of tna Music Department ot the Woman's Club. Th# firttew log oOrera ware elected- Mra. Uejd V ade. Chairman. Mra Waltaeo Col liana. Vice Chairman, Mtav Ira Pear •on. Lc'dei of the Choral Depart went. MU* Madrid Ilood ftocretary. Programme Committor; Chair man. Mra. R L. Oodwla. Mlaa Oor itado Jaekaon. Mra Lloyd Wudr Mlaa Ira Pcaraoo. Mir Hast Hnod Mrs Lloyd Wart* Mn R L. Oodwtn. Mra N. A. Town rend. Mra. Wallae* Col trace Mrs. Rnsaell Young. Mrs Jaeh Lea. Minor Margorot MeQiiann. Gertrude Jack tea. Will Cooper. Ira Pearson. Mar ••rat Papa. Stephana. aid ■n Martini* wOl to htld carry 111. I'Marday la the month. Anrsnr rrlrhlrg tn Join are a*k*rt to glee their to Miaa Madrid Hood. Bet.. Tho nett meeting will he with Mr* IJnrd Wade. An latora*Hng p o ei.m will b« rendered. ot.o M-tiirn nowKinov. Ob Tncdny ear-plug Nor. Slat at the Or CM V-nar, the Phtluthe* rlaa* »l tl.e Hut.t'M rhn—h will lire lit ee :. r*alnment called “Tha Old MhIiI’i *M..-rlat'rn.’ It la full of rau from ’*rt in fnl'b. Fv-rybody nitna not n-l have a lend lav ah Popular •tire* 2'c ednlf IXc children. Re ■»t!til»’ tha rtite K'r tt«f. n»t OP nitHAfTKRS. Old M ‘da; J»-i aalia Ella* Bnnia • J- 1— Hlnct; Rehcoru Ratn. ■ '■tw. Annie Ynucg: Mlt tr I'loarrirn ">'> Banvr.m: Ma'incna M-'irar Mm. r R. Vine a; H--.« I •,* fi:." t»Oi|« Mt*. Mr-cgle Rnr'vr: Ann PI’, n Pole Ip. Mr* r m|r|tn; Mar llavr-rinac. Mr* Q T. Ntel; PvtunlA • l-kle* Mj * lumad'Mt: l.e-.n It*. ;<*•». M'a* Mnnda Culp; CbeOty Ji nt t ied Kuifierli'* Allen: Havhel K'’ !| I cm Min Martir DHl; BHIntln Jliu-. !•*»; Prof. Mahrmaauy. Mr. Oaone Cntinarty; Y1VNO M A f 08 Ml««c« Cora Wnrrea. Mariircl ■lone. Ira Paaiann, Janie Jarkiow. | if.tr'.a H"od. Emma Lee. M r r! c • Oladya Davaapott. Eihcl - iiicn, fteva Jrrnlgan, Clara Pope. Maul* Lea HONOR ROM*. Dana Graded ftrhool Month Ending llwnbtf 7 th. F1RST GRADE. Walton La# Jlcrmnn Carr. Fannl* Codarrt. Lota Canady, Ronald Con ner, Melba llant. Martin Hearn. Herman Strickland, Hath Ball, Mar anmt Laea*. laea Pridgen I SECOND (IN A l)K — Elite hell rowotenit. Merle Owen Virginia Mil ehell. n.vmond Polleck. Jame* Dii • er. Dorothy Connor. Alloa Wert - rarqnhard Beat Darld Caahwell l ea JtM'kann, fl--ipi|t Moore, I hai Vooag. I THIRD ORAIHt—Rvaeell Wa- en i n tael la Hoard Coleman Pr* laen r Mary Draarhna. llnehrl A*-. > I Freak Caller*. Bant Hoad l-n.tle ■ Maynard. Hulk Temple. Carry YottD • I'M ward Pm rile. Bamlre Can. I rOI'RTH OKADE— Carnold PbH a Up* Rdg*r Carr. I. PlrTM GRADE—Leamua Hrtvlo a arrnett Lav*. SIXTH GRADE—Kllaabetb Yoaai l.oalae Pridgen. q SEVENTH GRADE— Lete Arcoel s. EIGHTH OR ADE—Farrell Moo. a NINTH OR ADE—Ktcv.a Pep Mara OrlRa MBS Film WADS DMh l*awfd Away Swn4ay Wish. Follow. *«« • Stroke m$ Afwlnr IU Ow lr Two Mown. Mt*. Frank WaA« lad u her home In Dunn night at t o'clock, following t elrok» of apo plexy. She waa alek only a boat two loan and the anno 'iioatat of bor auddea death, aa the newt aprvad orer tho town, eaae ea a aware •tioek to her numcroua friend* aa1 mlaUvaa. Mr* Wad* coaplataod Sunday of a alight attack of headache. U wan not aware, however, and la tho anriy evening Che teemed to he feeling well *’ and waa enjoying heraelf with her haahand and children at • pper. Immediately after eapper a change la her condition waa noted, and Mr. Wade wont down t«wa u> gat aome mad id a* Jaat after ho left home aka waa taken fluently 111 and a phyadetaa waa aura monad, when ha arrived be foand her la a dying cood-tien and toon t.wllrad that nothing coaid bn done U> aaro her gha grew wore* rapid - 1/ for about two bourn whoa ah* died, ■ urrnnnded by bar haahand ard cbll Daraarad m 44 pin of ice and i rt bora In Beaufort coiitf, aear t.vehlngeon. If. c. aad bofora her m: triage urag Mlaa Mamie Teten Fh* »•» married la ms to Mr »>aab Wada aad uato them four I 'lldren were born, namely, Ralph Clrdo. Rupert aad Baatr ee. all of wl om sarefre. aad ware with hor ul eo the and fame, the moved to Tana with Mr. Wade II ream age. i Ire# which tim* she hti mmd* ifei* i her home, the wna a member o* the Praabrtertaa church hara and “* •>•• °t 1U moat active workerg. It eetamd natural tor bar to be a t'hrlctian and Ut wma happteft when gflng about doing good. She wav ready to enter that Vaat Unknown ai d enemed willing aad aazloua to go whoa the aammeva came Bba a apieodid neighbor aad aa rx cvllont mother aad wife aad apaat bar i re la aa effect to make u pleanest rtraa at the heaaa the pTssssalss 1 urneyed to flrusnsnoad water/ wl-oro the Sntarment ni ■am Many gathered there to witness th-> I -»t aad rttas a ad pay the last tribute of respect to their friend and neighbor. Beside* a nriekan haahand aad r».ir child ran the leaves hehiad thr * -tar* nod two brothers aa wail it-imeroua otter relatives to whom <•' IP tytnrnthy It extended. WILRV C. JAC1UON MUD. Mr. Wiley C. Jackson, ooa of the largest and wealthisat f.insert fa Sampson died at his horse in Mingo township last Mot.day morning la the Oth year of his life after being t alned In his home for ah out roar «• nth*. Hla health had been de clining for savors! year*, bat fee mao i -.-ed to heap on tka go sal 11 the inti Sumner. when his condition grew gs faebte ha ooa Id not ooatleac hK work. Da ceased kad beer n bsrd-wrrk ling man all bit 1*fe and by spotylng strict bnatnnss method* to tab bs*4 *hm bad accumulated a fortune of coneldarable proportions Ha waa a farmer on n large seals and usually managed make mnany even If otb «n faUed. Ha sraa a public spirited lean and Christian cenUcmaa go-1 wap lovad aad admlr-it by m*n> frhftde la Sampson and adjoining counties. Tka fnnorsl ecrrlc.es were rondne ud from the home Tuesday at 1* o clock by F «jv. T. W. *Her. pastor of the New ton Grove Methedts' church, altar which the body war burled la the family burying ground near the home. It waa one of tkr largest proreetioue at any faarml I take place In that sartfon of the eauq ty la many tears. aa hundrtda ol fi leads seemed to be anxious to be pwaent when the body of their f 'aad end rrativa was laid away. Ho I trad ■ life fall of unit* p h‘s Mlov uu end has gone to rsaj a reward for bis efforts. Mr*. OUaearo la Hotplul. Mr*. W M. Oi I more, of LnUtr) *»** broapht her* yerurday by hr heebend. Her. W M. OUatoro, *n< fUeod In Mary Kllttbnh hoaplUI > * bare on Tim rad ay aha will anderp i u operation—Now* and Obeorre 1Mb. CARD or THAVKft. Wo d sol re to aaprer* oar alar* i. jtbnnka to tboo* who were *o tin to a* In tb* aaddon death and I erl i of my wife and ear mother. Krai > t of kladneee la deeply apprrei* t> I. at d will not bn forgotten. W. r. WADS AMD CHILDRFH * . *?■**• k#t- 1*—«*rty Friday !£* **• atmogth cf Brit. h#**“ *" c«^»ntT«tc in front of Thom.* Drag co.. oc mat. hm •» n«ht ovvxk .i,h lb# . Brain Co.rerf Dai,! i„ lha lead the long proceMlon of nur-rnrhitne atart •d for Dunn to JoJIn In ih, Kia r„. •bratloa o*er (he *;. n r< tFIlaoa and (be Carrying -,( Ilcj. f t d.-n*. crati* Th# ccl»l>rui!ng V»tel about two bourn during whir* owe many r.pr«c.i«,|re nn »,-* <slM on h* C.’tgreMmag |H, t. Qndwta »'»cd ,» g,,**, u, eerewioolci. Wklle , R |wm making hit talk . lop, |rrlght I train patted carrj-tn* moifb rh»a flfty ear*. Mr Baggnti remarked "mere •rtdmto# of W|l,„, rr-aperMr.’ Aftor many abort but n.itioataatf* •peacboa latere period w*ik moale, the crowd matchej „r ned dnwa the •treat* (laglng jmfrioilr * ,ng« >ag roUtag harm he for the v; ii„a» »«w. lr elected denxu-ratlt i>H<v~r*. Jfar natt eub.tr la tmly hippy amt J.M taw Peer karl.g dunomttU Pot more m> over th* (act that Wllaoa ““ bee. ro-olccted. ,, P"*'*' !*OT- 1*-~ •««<!»r morning M Uia BarUat charxb at tbo ragatar womlng tarvira, no*. w. M.rrln KogglM ,,,Mor ^ ,b(lt rtorr|| th* ran rr*T rand h't tt f k- tbr> ’fc'rj |3 Dc - ub'r. I’inn Vinp NmItm! Mr. Ilntrrin *?;.*-ti ,j.., n| • rmi-H f K. i,;* ra •>(» It J.. ,J | <•- | ij. th ' Hr V •!» i|,| nv v; .r<c {l> to » r:«-gi . , . r v I-* nif 'ft i„v„. ,... „ , ^ H* H i* loi.t n« <| bfn * h< uir ftt Sml Ul>rrg. \ t' p,.a w.cj| 10 va in-ra ttatnotivite afvr hi* lima ovr'ra* bora. TM bv» b an ]•!■» >nH Ml* a- rV 1t-.r tnm, t>fl u a„4 rr.-ar ha* ravtr.l angr.* tor rt' tv>!• In ihi* ovrlv Bprl. g «blV> beta Mr. llungrlra knyt hi* ior<h wtll organlac'l niu! In fAiyi w.trkii>* «»*<»** ta addition |c that V *.<1* Mvaral iT.ogall.u# o^aaaiaaa da*. J* Ufc UftmU. Ka tt**. tallbliM. Nov. It—Newt vrae n eetved hers this moruiag of the rnr rlac« or Mlee LU1Iin Banders. daugk ter of Wm. M. teadera. and georgn Roaa Ton, eon or Coagraaamau Bd ward W. Pom. whtcb took place at Faycttevinn lavt night. Him San der* waa attending Flora MacDonald Col lege at Rod Spring* aad Nr. Po« left in hla ear yesterday afternoon end drove to Had Spring* and got hi* fiancee aad motored to Payette*!!]#, where they wcro married The bride *" * 'heantiral, lovable yonag woman and the groom a promt-log yonag «*wyer. member of the arm of Creech aad Poo of thta piece. The y«nM maple win arrive tomorrow after coon and make Smlthdcld their fa tarn home. WHAT IKNEH A OtMJKTT ACTETT DOT 1. Eacoumgea Community coopera tloa. f. Promotaa Improvod methods ta crop production * Introduoon more end better llv* etock. 4. Aasiete la tbe proper mauage »est of farm burtne*. A KrtT'bllrhea "Boys Agricultural Clubs’ for (be Improvamoat at eora, rig. poultry, etc. n rod action. 4. Arvirta la marketing aad dle frlubtlon. 7. AM* In the control of hag Chol era aad other animal 1l<ir*aa 9. Works for tbr eradication of plant dlreaenn • Helps In tha roaatructloa and arrangnment of farm building*, sack * ■* alio*, bnrna. Mg pasture*, eta I*. Aida In bmlalllng draining agru- - items, terracing i rlemi. water sup ply vyalemi. ate. 11 coadweu fiamm Motiag. abort cmrro*. ngrtraltaroi loan. It dim* «ld t» the tnmti malt/ •ml la hor work. H Aaalcla la Coaaty nod Comaaal tty fair*. 14. forai brndm' and otbor Um rtock onraaUallom. IK. Ploai vxtat of crop rotation for tbo improvoaoot of tbo load tad . tbo tm dial rib ut Ira of labor l tbrooeboat tbo roar. , IK. Bo roprooeata tbo Afrletlurt] > Katoaaloo Socrloo. which hr condocN . ly jointly bp the A. and M. Ooticga *ad tbo Mato Drrartvont of Acrt* riHor*. worknc Hi o-.ortrauoo with Iho rmtod Mala t> portaaoat of Aeriooltoro, aod ho con bam tbo ao r • lotnt)co of tbo »»r*rtt la tbooa Inati a lot tana af any tltaa It la haadod. I r. B. JBTBB. r -r. ■ I Booary. *. r. Wart, of Mr MUM*, aid John D. Koi.\ o» .;Hatoa. aero oatoMc tbo rlstton to L>aaa today.

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