THE DUNN I sssbssbssssssssssss^sssssssssssssbbsbsbbsissss^^s^bb&bbbbbse^bs^bb^bbbbsssbsbbs^^sssisssbssscssssssissssss^sssssss^bssbssbsbbbbssbsbs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k''''' *"' ' VOL. Ill Dunn, N. C. Nov.,^8nd, !•!• jqp 27 SNOIUSOOfl' AMOUNT OP fOTTOX IN KPUAIVKS Om 1SS.OOO Note* In Thl* Cuonw Daring PM Quarter In Mntiufnc tarn o< Munition*. Waahligton. No* 11.-. Iluiirg the three months ending Beptenilr i H. ISIS .1 II nr* re «•-.*»•.*>: > pounds of bleached cotton fiber. In eluding I in ter* and hull filer, ton St-med la the United State* In the manufacture of gun-cott-tn anti o« p1 reives of all kinds. Thl» qiianllli was equivalent in 113.tut bales of CPfi pounds each The quantlt* of hleachud cotton finer he'd tn e*tnl llthmoaU angagad la this manufar l- re on September SO amounted to 1I.S4S.SS0 pounds, ooulvalcnt tn S4. (IS bales The qoaatlir of co(I -tt t>,tf coaau'Ui *1 during the three Months ending September Id c m parea with 14STS5 bales \n» 141 4N tales tor Ihe qsartsra end Ins J .n« SS and March SI. renperttrulr There utri 411.415 bates of bleached cot too fiber coaauroed In Ihe manufnr turs of egploulveu during the (W| thrws-qsartara of Itli. and 144 II" tilts for the calendar year Ulfi Tbs loan la blotching eoiton for n■ t atirg purposes Tiirle* eonuMeraMy, dtpending on the condltlnn of llw raw bar aooi** Mncl being •|t;itn clean and some vary trashy It would appear from the Information • I hand that tha loss la pnimrlnv lllleri tad bull flbor from tlu wo . I rd Ib4 Irfl bound bale to the purl lad material, aa used la nitration I* I oa 3# * per real, to 40 per cwnt. Paced oa aa average toes of 36 per nst. the.groea umtghl of oablaacb t4 cotton flber ated la the bub fact are of siploclr.s during the ttre racathd aadtag Saplaabor 10 was 104.111 poooda. eqolvafeci to 4. • 40 600-pound bales. nammo.'f-MAggnauA. Tbe aarrlag* of Mica BW. tor gtepkaat to Mr. Lnatar MaseeacaW of Four Oaka. K C. wan solemnised at Mg' o'clock at tho hoaao of the bridaa father at Vartaa. M. C. A largo aasambly of ralatlvos and _ * IpcAO jreaaaL Rot. B. R “**tTTrSflTi IB11 gf HUT rlad with ehryaantheincm*, (n* ead Aslan* Imtm. Mr*. ft'ltr Blanchard presided at th* p'ano elUi her osaal and ahtU and Mlaa Joaa pfcene Johntoa sang with grrnt resatasaa "Melody or Lor*.' A a tbs bridal patty daoaodad the broad stairway mandalaohns wedding ai*rch waa raadarad. Th* bride waa preceded by little Mia Lao la Btaphsason bearing the ling In a wblta cryaan them urn. Tbs bride antarad with bar father. 8b* waa a atstoa of lorsllnana. In an n gnialta gown at wblta taffeta and georgette crape trimmed wltb eolo alal lTory. Th* tong vail was fas tened with a haddon at orange blos aoms. carrying bar hoqaat ot bride* roaea ahowared with llllaa of th* eal Iry. The attendant* war* Mr. Jaa Mr Maaaaagala with Mlaa laaa 8U pbanaoo. maid of honor, who wna aittrad tn wblta embroidered net osar cream maaaallne carrying yel low ebryaantbamnma. Mr. Wingate Howard with Mlaa May Btepbenaon wbo wore a white net over bloc roe*, saline. Mr. Alvah Tilley wltb Mlaa May BaU Howard who waa In whit* hat over pink mesaallae. Mr. Ennis Clark with Mlaa Lida Tilley, white rot ever nils green maaaallne Mr. Henry Maaaengale with Ml*a Levele sslln* Mr. W. H. Crlaoo with MIm Mary McKay who worn rlcltl maaaa lino iMh carrying an amfal of eiqsteHo whit* chryaanthamatnc MIm Joeephen* Johnnon worn white crape caallor with eryctal trtarmtngM aad a strny of paarla. Mr*. Daitar ftlaachard war* whlta ora pa tnaiaor With brilliant trimmings aad Jrt Hack lao*. Th* brldaa mother waa attir ed la whit* and blnck allk with whit* enmao. After th* ceremony the brt£* and yrooca raaalead eonytwtaU ttoaa In th* gift room. Then re paired to th* apaeloaa dining ram where a aaaiptaoas dinner waa aarr la real Mouther a atria* The bride's trarallsy suit was bln. doth trimmed la far. with bat t< match. Th* entire bridal party laf In natomoblla* for Kalatyh whan Mr. aad Mr*. Mamanyal* took thi mtdalyht train for aa axtradad tri| to Haw Ttwk aad other aarthan attian. Mlaa KUpbanaon waa on# n Varlaa'c moat charm lay aaa l>east) ft.I yosny tadlaa, Mr. Mauaayal haa chary* of a larys lambar plan at Dana where they will maha tbet horn a Thair teat of frlaada wish tv them a fetor* tiled with bapptaaa aad saeaaaa—Faqaay Gold leaf Mr. M. M. Stafford, of Fayattawin. a m amber of th* ad Mortal ataft « Ik* Cap* Fear Haws, was a haalan Wet lor la Dwan yaatarday. H* law *a Fayattarllt* th* drat of next wae to aoaapt a poattlaa aa aadataat mat ayar of th* IBomlay Maw dertli at Maw Bara. Ha la a bright ynaa •aaa sad la making good In tba new paper Bald. XPKKAD OK PKIJiAGRA DVB TO IKHAMTATIOX lliat I* Declnratloo of Com -l*4ua lhai It lutMIvitUnf In Bparreat burg. New York. Not. IP—Pellagra, tiom which more then ID*.OP* op. »>ne In thla country ara aald In be anlfcrlng. enn be controlled. a cord* Ir.g to n report by n rouincaelon of the Poet Ormluale llndi-el i.hool r-rt hoapltal of thta city, me .e pub lic yetterday The riimmiHlnn elao nut. tnev I ita Ct ncltieloo that the dt rear la Infaw i >u» and la urt t.wud by an unbal anced or Ina l- pinta dtat. I her fo-nd Ulecneo apread through lark of prop er aewerage ftcflH'r. and that the moat effretire meant o' c-:-batting It la Iba lnatnllatlon of .aclent new er true nee Theta > >dlaga ara the reeult if ia exiru Ire tnreettgutl-ja blrh the eommlet'ou hea conducted n Bpartaaburg county. *'< uib Caro lina. where the co rnlaeloo reporta •crirop ui person* nsvs ei.i from pellagra. The eommlMlon sdmllta-1 that It hi d not discovered tk > ran vs of tk* disease but reporter! It had disprov ed Ibe theories that pellagra w sa due to Ihr bit* of black fly to s' U was rnusrd by ibe press see of ear utn minerals In drlnklag water. or I eating malse To test Its theory s sewerage sys tem was built In Boertaahart mills, described by Ik* commission at lb* worst pellagra foci la death Caro lina ' The result was. salt t s report, that only on* parson living In tke sewered district oo .tracts* tk* dis ease In tb* last 11 >. oatha "Proei the worst typ* of pellagra focus the district bas been change* to a earn ruanlty In which lb* disease no long er spreads.' tka report declared. THH WOMAITB CUlBl President, Mrs. it U Btephoaa. Vice Presidkot. Vfs L T Rieka. Seoretiry. Mrm ■ T. Touag. Trenaarer. Ufa H. O. “1»~ HEALTH AND EDUCATION. Chairman hr. Jas. R. Bailer, fieoeetery. to be MbeDd. HOME AND ECONOMICS. Chairman. Mra. R. O. Prtaaroeo Secretary. Mrs. Edward Saaltk MUSIC DEPARTMENT Chairman. Mra. f. Lloyd Wad*. BusiDeas meeting on lat Friday la tank month. Are yoa yet a member of tba Wo niaa’a Clab of Dana? The Woman's clab la hare to help nay movement that la for the batter ir.ont of tbe town. Althn the ilaya are somewhat draa rr aad It la not so pleasant working ™*1, yet let at try to kaep oar yards clear or all aoatghUr rabblsb aad lli'ia Disks a city bemutlfaL Do remember that the boalneae l eating of tho chib la oa the Ire Friday lo tba month. Leu hare a I large attendsnoe at oar Daaamber I Meeting. I _ IJTTUB CHILD MUD The death angel vtatted the bam* of Mr. William Tbaddy Barefoot November ID at <:DD y. m.. aad took hla darling baby to a brighter acrid M* waa It mootha old. aad a bright. An* baby till b* vaa taken M-rk Are week* before bla death. The little beby vaa laid to reet baetd* bU o other who bad preeaaded btm only a few week* laavtag the father aad n boat of relatival aad friend* to i' ourn for oa* they loved *o mack Ooodbye Habert than art go*a. To Ilea with mother dear; I'ot era aometla* will follow oa, We're aad aad loaaty bar*. HU A CUT Saturday Nov. Ilth at La* Beheo* Hoaa* aaar Dnaa. Read acted by , Harnett aonnty’a Farm Ldf* DeVsaf. , Piank Her*. Bayartatondant. T. L. , Pay*** Jr . Agriraltaiiai, Mia* P*r i »**ttlaoa. Ham* Daonomloa gndar thr I r«faction of tba Hamadt County Da . pertinent of Pabtte laatrneHen, B. P i Onatry, - Bayarlatdndaat. I Program: Moaning IDtlD-lDtld: r Work of tha School Explained Bx r parlaaea talk* by ■ apart from Da ■ narUnaol or Agrlealtar*. Ic.neh •• ID to 1:DD. Aftoraooa, 1:DD Do I:ID: Mem*i i Confer****—Farm and Caaamaalty f Problem* W<-maa*a Oca farm e* a Problem* of tba Cammaarty and Hnma. k Bring r<-ef la nek and ayond tb« i- day. a ____________ g Maaar* B. P Ward, of Brt tthAatd *- a. d John D. (arr, o' Clin to*, wen among tba vtaiton la Dana today. bad TKBTU AHD RHXDHATUM Month Infection* the Canoe •* Many Urtn ~ A few yenrn mo when attention »u Aral oalled to the feet that rheumatism we* often sensed by do r retire teeth .It wee someth I ■« eew seem ^o the median! protection. Hoverer, modern medicine soon ae Dfe||ed th fee* the truth of the statement ha ring been veil tsete l. end 1* aow eovcaraad with the pre rentlon of illssssss at this scare*. The laity too am aeceptlM the feet and ere waking up to the scrloue “•» of It* meaning That a decayed tooth coaid oaase anything m> serious an Joint rhen matlam was bard to belter*, so la reeUcntlona were mad* to see Jest how the teeth, toastie, yams and oth er parte of the month when diseas ed affected the different parts of th* body Tbs resells of the tareetlsu ---— it was foaid that era] lafeetloee. net aa bad teach, dleoaoed tooolle aad np* puratfac pai. caaaad bp tUgf’a dla •aaa or ibiaaaaa, aet ealp aaaaa aaacla aad Joint rtnailba. bat kidnap troablaa. napkrtUa or Bright* dlaaaaaa.—haart lafaetloaa. ctoaaeh aloara of tba blood raaaala. (leads lar InfecUoaa. akU dlaaaaaa. taclad »n« bo Da. aad rarloaa latoetluaa of iba aarroaa epntea nab aa utrHb, anral(taa aad aaUMoa Bad taoU are aa loapar tha ta looaat deforattla. thap won MM tboaabt to ho. Tbop dtaaaollfp am for Ua amp. children tor aebool aad ■on and n>an for a loa« aaafal Ufa Baa Idea barbortaf dlaaaai (at mi *“ earltlaa Uop hladar Ur proper okewln* of the food, whiah la taro blndara proper difeaUaa, aad aatrltloa. Lfka dlacaaad taaalla aad cpoorr paatoralii (BBM . the; enata potaoaa that ara dentalIdaa • nd data; to ihao Uar-p»—, ol Ua hadp. Mr. J. IL Bopd. of Fapottanila, ■aaa#ar ad tha La Papotte JlMtn *M * haafmi rlatlar fa.the e*1 Ha baa a baa of at rear plan hookad toa ••■*» - - ■ ■ ! MU II ad unto tko pooplo of Doan that !»oy will mo oolp tko koot vkm thrp '***••• fko akoori ho fa bow fanning, lo aueoooda Mr. Itcra. who hu itnapod tko tkMtra for tfeo post I.K-E1,SCTI«>: T Saporlataad 4a loon Lange (iooe tho folio caly too (lad la paaa on{* On tha earentb wo akfrled tfi e-»tee— Michigan. South rfUU Nat make. Montana ead CaMerata In eererel other atatoe we iU^li tha •.for to of lha anti-pro .fhtyfWUeta to Modify or weaken InViknSha law. if you will tea tli^ytaomlnCi Nowa and Ohoorror’. yXr-' will ted Chorale a half-column li itMo anal from bo. (tolas yoa eo**.facia 1 • m alao raeloelng dipping Pm tho ‘'Richmond Virginian' ofiik ninth, (lolng oobo facte. By Ttieoday'a ole lory, a pwt oat of ccd at leal on over 1 J.OCt aelcoaa, a d o»er i.oet.Me people outlawed the traffic. And thle leeiai 1 m than fifteen percent of jfep area of thle nation wader Uie ftajwi ey» ana ie«e uu forty the popalatioa Urtay la i 'lory Tha aUaaalBa a (action of Twaadar will arterially la pautay rnaotuMnn tor Katloaali at Coayraaa naxt wt at all tha Moral t aalta with aa for tkl*" Tha facta apaak Iwj^ • aa hep* that tha 1# ad Ucaaa ■ C poopla to dohaach vb’ I rad womanhood of oar^“ aooa ba a thlay of tha rhriatian people of It ao. It aooa win ba 10 w. R. CUIXOM. . RWRT POitD AND AWi VWItlffl IK A Aa**rtll*. Nit. Ilium Jeaataya ItwJar daalad tha to Maka Aaharllla • »d wool! rot* bar*. B ran bar* eoatlaaa ■>* will craataallr home. tbla ballrf . » tamenu ha baa Mi aad Mr*. Bryan wtl a boat December 1. for at Ororo Park Inn. aa -v*. —m — - a_ Kanry Port art — at Da irott, arrlrad ka^a Mar aad ara f oat* at Orcrt Park Ian. Ur. Port r riirad oa tka rafalar Nrw Tort r->UD*aa. READ TKl DUIfU DUPATCK kit tad k tarty. >l«p« (OMt vast tUk Ik* IIH' of Moak B. Barafoot. It yta-a a<4. Pt Bat kata itttai t'.r ?• mi Bt mat la tfca po*u tad pvt utv la for Woodrow WHbov dewa to towa oklp toaataklo. ■■■a i ——ifc—— (•mi day out or aw mb rat Tbo ttapto iMt that than to aat i oo «orf la Uo Wgltoh taagaago to bool tala loog to CQMldor a oabloe* ta which they oro act partteaferty lotoraotod, lo too goto mm why ihoro' oro la North Oarottoa today (hoaoaad) of dooUtata irghia cbud roa who eaaaot bo admitted lata oar arphaaagoa boeaaao tboro la BO room tar than. Uagaaotlcaahly, V too ■tato of poop to aoold bo brooch t to indantaad thto oitaatlaa. than ooald bo nek aa J-m«n la tbo tlfto far tblc purpaos that aat tato >f tbo latte eaoa waaM bo loagor tayrooMod tor. It mat tort aat hoar or why thaao rhlldroa ho to ooom to tho potat of Mad. Tbo ooadltloa romalao tool -may of thorn aro wit boat nmitm load. oaBdoat clothing or ooMoat ' Aro. otartlng oat aa liter Joaraay h«a. UH?Ot local ror tha eao i aad axiitoaea of thia roadltkw L.athraa. at wa aboat to »«*« tha ncooNbllUr. What ara wa cot^ 0 do aboat H? Mas aad woaa »f North CaroUaa (with or without htldrao of roar ova), tU im bt attUac to alt dowa to raur Tlaaka fto'oc dtaarr ihia roar, aaiaorad, a'th tha eoaartoaaaaaa that ar > b«M< >t< -iu*i»lly thooatrdo—of injlaa* or»baaa la oar nod Motr wi o hara aot tho aataal -r i >l Ufa; thoaaaada of aordr. afloat Id chtldraa aoklrg to bo rarwtrrd ta lo laotHattoaa whoao aootal tha aa tboritloa ara forced to door tomaj if Hatted hoaatad fictU taa; of amt ktaat food to aaatala thaat; of la ladMiet ralaoat to alotha them. aad Uut row hara daaa aothlac to bal* eorroat Ilf U'i rvo raoHoa 'V‘ aaah 1 oaadKtao la actaallr atartac th» ■ roala at North Carotlaa la tho hw’ I* It aat mooch to toaah tho coo at ■H-ro catehlr thaa oar other aao i hi af* ▼ttic* at mu. Bar la aM feat eoatr that loan may ba farwM th roach roar chard, roar lodga. or lodtrldanllr. KUhar at da ftdkr* ■»« uaM ophaaagaa, ud odara. Mill appreciate roar gnat nip* iaM aaca: Tba^artfa Bapttet Orphanage: M. L. Kjeeler. Baperladfedaat. Thome rrtlie. Praahnarlaa Orphaaa' Horn*: W. T. Walker, Sttpertetaadeot. Bart am Bprtagn. Methodlat Orphanage: A. R. Bara «• Superintend**!. Raleigh. Chrlatlan Orphaaaga: C. D. John Clirtitlan Orphaag*: C. D. Jaha tfoa. Bapertnteadaat, Boa-p Method lal Protaataat Children‘a Home: H. A. Garrett, lapartatead rat. High Pot at. The Children'* Hoar Walter Thompnoa. Supertnteadeat. Wtaatan Orphaaagn: W. I. Bmld. Bapertatendoat. Charlotte. Chttdren'n Homo Sactetr: L. T. Pluman. Bap* rta tea dent. Oraoaahara Odd rafter**' boom: Chen. O Baird. Bap*rlateadaa% T-flii-m i Oxford Orphan Aarlam: B L. Bra*a. Bnparlaleo d ant. Oxford. Thn Pjrtktaa Orphaaaga: C. W. Paadar. Saparlataadaat. Clnrtaa. Blndn Orphaaaga; L. B. Compton RaperiaUndent. Aahartn*. Bnrpootfnlly. M U BHIPHA.H. JAHEB R. TOUHO. HIOFT O. MOORS. FaMteltjr Commit thn Raleigh. M. C PPmi ICOtlW TO FLAT FAT. FIT A VILLI FMFAT, HOT. M. Tb# Piafiwln l>it m Boy tettu Trow Xo. t win battle tm rtrtitt V.'llo Aeoota la a Ml football nil bHIoa at Haaau For# rnaar. Ho*. HU. Under tba roachlap of Mr tan Herbert Tartar tba Dora beoata ba*o derelopod a atrw« laam, aad «towa aid to tu trat pa: W »aa to uaka a saod tbawlao. A adutaaloa of allow mu fat fbUdroa til t*wtr-l*o aaoto fai adolti *111 b* ebartad to bal* dafrat •woto****** * *** Tarattavtlk jddlaa MeHrtn ad VaAa - - Mlaa battle MaMaitl. of WaAa Aa hthUultr *atertaloa4 tba taarhara o tba Dora. Oad*ta. Iitln* aa Vad* HI** babaat at b raeapOe* i bar bam* loot aaaataa Aa aaataat at Aadto tba moat thla«B a 3 W M il JIA raw rawnun -out ora PCLL. Aa I'dxrUlaaatot of u>« LOlla*. High Moil and fan lit* tchow) I bar* boro latkorliH by Uta tra* t**a U roorie* a*b* rf • tlco* far h*Aa th* proa* ad* of »h>eh ara ta ho aaad to th* aroettoo of mw dor ■Herr. Thoa a hood* ha*a a par ***** of 0X00.ft aach. aggregate 00*00.00. r*a aavro year*, aad bear • W •■»* lotoraat from Key. m, 101T. They ara actpoa borda. aa t*r««l by a Out aurtaagt oo a part of th* arbaol eampaa aad th* dormi tory ta ha *ract*4 therooa. I'eraoaa imrcfcaatag th* hoada agroo 10 pay oaa half th* par rat** f*b. 1, |*tf. I aa aaklag tfty of Harrell Co. atoat P*bUr aHrttrd ritl/ene to far alah th* 0*000.0* by boylag oaa of thooa hood* aach. TV* raoooaa for aocMftng th* auacy ■ U>h wry ara i. A oov dor os (lory U toipora Mealy *t*M, aa tbo oat va mew h*«* refoaod to proapoctlea at.ideata horaoaa af o look of room. >. If throe hoada aboald be «r.n to tad-haplag oompaap. the lataraat Hid woald po oat of the Co. “1 •■•lip Ua principal when Jua »o«M follow It, bat If oar owa dt laraa purhaec the tool*, the lat-r •■t paid oa them will raaaaia la tha ctotat aad flaallp tha principal whan pnM wlU remala horn too. TU* to a Ilea at-hoow propaalUoa. Thto method of aacarlng tha capital tj band a eoaatp Khool wilt hda* eoma of o«r boat eltlaant to •warp Mwuklp of tha eoaatp Into mofa dial touch with U* inotltatiun aod tbaa increse* Mi Mrmgth and VNftllMi 4. Bp thle method co-operalioB • oar people will he eoaoarag •* “4 w» wlU toara how, taoagh •to a rich people, to aaeer* for onr totwm and oar children tea tortoita of totoMaUoaa a* good n Uioaa »n joped hp comm aali lee of groat ••4 happp with oat tha capacity for ♦eperatioa Thto aBorl will help to develop that raporNp Tha tollowlag cttlaaai af tha eoaatp ton map atraace aaescribed tor one tad af »1« »i - k V. Ynaag Dim,: A ft. ghajr r. a. TngwtU. LOUagtoo: A. V. W«M; •.lUtatatoa; A. F. VtAn mm. A Parker, UP **gtoa.; H T. Atkina. lilliagtna; I. 0. Ijrrl Dak* A F. D: O. L. lohoaon. UUtBfto*; A. M MeLaan. U-Hogtoa.; J. M. Chaw. UlHagtoa I^. J. W. Halford. Ulllngtoi a*--. A f — I. Ulllogtoa; Charier Row, ulHactoa; J- K. Ba^grtt Lmington »oha D Johaaoa, UlHagtoa; Dr. I_ t. Araold. Lining trie; J. C. Thomp Ma, Ulhagtoa; Jaa. A. Bcrbaaaon, Bioadway. A F D.: A. A. Sogga. Bread gray. E F D B A. Byrd, Broad, way H P. D: a Bnrtl*y. Kipling, A T. JokaaOB. Kipling. A P D. K. A. PUvart. Balaa Cmk; W. F. Hackaday.. LUUagtoa. N. C.; Tbn*. Ayaold*. Llillagto*,,: J. K. Cram Uia*B. Daaa; W. H. Tarllnron. Taka J- D. Baraaa. Daaa.; 3. P. Pittman, Dtaa; Fraak llaro. IJIttagwia. Tk* aamca of other rlrimaa who •ban hereafter cabarrlba for tkaaa ka»i» will ba pabllahad from lima to lima. Tba abort lUt of name* togc-bai with athav aamca to ba added from Fay to gar will alwar* touitliut: ••a af Ba Roll* of Hoaar of tba eoaaty; aad If yoa caa add yoor r-ma to tba ltot aad kaop it tbara bp paytag la tba ameant of a h nd. yw* win aaacr ragret It; aad yoor tblldraa will b* proad to b* called year <>»Miitr. If yoa waat to balp la thla good raflertaklag either aaa mi ar drop «• a tard aaylag yoa win taka aaa •1 »d at flN.M. Wa do not want anybody to take more hacaaaa wa Croat yoa wore thta wa waat >aar ran. FRANK HARK dvpl a good rum A Virginia nlargynaa was called te dedicate a colored cherch la Kick mlad. After the eenaoa the ■tata ter sailed agon the colored deeooa te offer the elootag prayer, and I Me was (he response: “Oh Lord, glh this pose hrndder do eye of do eagle det ho May spy afar eff. aiu» his heads to the Ooepol plow. Tie Me «segno to Iho line of trnf Wall Me yeara to do gospel polo. How Me head way down between hie haaea. eh Lord, eod da Ms talley, whore prayer Is BMk wanted to he oukde. i ‘*Wat Mai wld do kerosene llo of •alratleo aad sot hue airs —wr r.. I arer yooag au talked ta aaeh of I the yeaag Is dies for a epaelded Ua* tare of the mot^ P A AaHffhtfnl salad eenree waa ser • ted. i Mas MeMetll rendered eooeral a heoetlfef soleetlono Oh Iho ptoao, aad A the Vtotrola added grewlty to the ptooawre af the irra lag.—Capo roar k Mr wo I BIG : Land Said t The Z. B. Nordan farm, containing 272 acres, } [ one mile from Harnett on N. & S. R. R. four miles * * from Lillington, near Duke and Bunnlevd, will be 1 l sold at Public Auction, Wed., Nov. 29th, at 11 \ [ o’clock a. m. , » On the premises. Terms of sale: one third cash, balance a f in two equal payments due in one and two years, secuied T ^ by a mortgage on the land, interest at 6 per cent. a g Good buildings, water and plenty of cleared land. The soil 1 E '8 a medium loam with a deep, red, rich,day subsoil. This 4 E land will stand unlimited improvement and will not wash 4 g away. It is located in a good neighborhood, with good 4 k schools and churches. 4 K This'is your opportunity for a large farm, and, an 3 E investment of unlimited possibilities. » I It L. GODWIN, Atty. \ I for General Mfg. Co. \ ll& A A | . . . * * . . - . . . . * - . . . - BOY MOOTS kill A WOM Dim Bop Scoots. Troop Mo. 1, Bill* Pas Patrol, sit* a short hiko • row Sara no towards Misgo Soros loo or three lai cs sot. Mr. Proeman ■soot aiatar was ths Isadsr of tbs foorosp sad attavptsd to teach tbs "Toadorfsst' ths art of stmalHos sad soils traa Bansttn. MSworsr, ha tooad oat that It waa scalar to tsach than tho art a* satlaf tapper this slffnalltof methods Thsr„-f<:r». a deltetos* nasi waa asrrsd sad “Lad tor* Wsat brook wss appotstsd to call tbs V*»s to asssl which b* bstaa sappllod with a fair aiaad Booth, was woadsrfally abla to da. (JBsa aallad -J. tod ths sarsBoa Isa st Iks laWa aad shows! bis lal it as aa ‘TPipsn Bdfbla Oomaoimar tho bora dapsrtod for bp tbs ilorloos A “»»• Birth ef • MatJea’ It da* for •a —ft—ft at two day* at the Opera He—. Daaa. M. C.. e— • ntatlat oa Dm. I tad., whf D. W. oriBth'* a tatty petuiu win ha of find far tha drat Hal her*. Thta la tha mat ——Mm vhlah haa ireh— aU raaarda ta He* Tort CMy aad haa aka ta Ita credit record rase It Bka tear care — tru apart tha Uc arsaal—ttoa. la tha alary Drop rr I t.taa people aad tH4 home ara aaaa. Tha atary talk la thrflUac detail tha ralattoaahlp that the rte ud laU ef alarary la thla eoaatrr hi— ta tha ■attar Of American hie taty. tt k tha ere*I—I achievement • *r ae— apoa tha iaeriau atac* TMB OLDMT VOTBB tt FROM Daaa. Mar. It.—HeraeU delate tbr dkttactua at veUaa tha cUmt Demeerat ta tha Btada at the kat eke Uaa—John Or—rfr ad Ran tova *). tp. Be vaa 04 poan oM aad atta

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