* - ■ :-4« * \ ?r'jVqP * i‘ ■ • ‘ •* - i' *’' ; » ' * '” •'» . . • .. . • • •♦::* s£w I • l» THE DUNN 4 . ‘ . \ *' , ' *'• *■ V0L* 1,1 Dunn, N. C. Not., ftth. Itl6 <6^41^ ^_■ _ MXXT NEXT WEEK AT CllAPKJ RILL. hWkiMig Mon of Mtalr In »t'rsKl Atm Itaya at the Unlrwdtj.— Intea —daf Program. Capei Hill. N. C-. Not.—A larg. •later of the newspaper Minors i t tha slate are goleg lo step down for awhUe from their editorial (leek and get together at the ITplYerellr I" December for fellowship and hrlr-ful dleeuaeloe. If one t» to Judge froth the number of letlere bow coming In to tha local management from o»or tha elite. And not only are the •V ttore oomtng. but the reporter*. Journal lata, men In tha alllad trades and special correspondents are all •lag to meet for Ihe ciehangr of Idea* Special programs hare been prepared to meet the needs nf >ch daaa of aewspaper folk, and the On traralty la planning to antart-iln nil to the bast of Its ability. Thoagb a winter Newspaper Instil uta for study la auoewhnt new In Berth Carolina. It hi not new In the middle and far western stale*, whi rr eftea a weak I* sat aside for lust thli parpens, boo ido ixmora come inpcin or by the hundreds In Mlassoarl, tbo oUto from which Walter wil liams come* to this meeting with s»l aaU* aaggcsllona. th* Journalists hold a conference of several dayt at tba itat* I'nlserslty ear* winter. Th* ■era* I* tree of Kansas, of Wseonatn. and Of Tut. along with a dotan or more others The purpose of "hr Instltate will b* for study, 'and It la b*ld In an atmosphere conductive to atady. AH th* resource* of lb. I'at I *r*Uy will tm available. Oars rill also b* taken that th* journalist* have a good tlm*. and tha commit* Ua has provided something Interest ing for «**ry day. Some of the edi tor* have written that they would mgari It a* a calamity to miss any of th* program. Th* g*m*r*l topics to be discussed, beginning Thursday aftorooon, r\.c T ar*: Th* Newspaper and the C i e t'.nalty. Orocrsj Newspaper Prob lem!. News and Kdltorlali. Business and Ady*rtf*tag. The night bsssIoo win b* of a mors geesrel aatnra with nneh men an Taft. Walter Willi «ma •eo. TfllltH mm—r fur t^a pied for*. Tht colleffi d** club will intertala. AMERICAN PAIR PLAT While the people of the Uou-d tittea have b«r. seodlna thirty mil lion dollar*' worth of relief to B* rop* and Torkey, two haadred thou sand women and children In Albania kae* died of ttarvatlon. While each woman »nA child la Belgium hna had plenty to eat. wo men and children in Albania hae* gnawed at th* earrame* of doad home* In tbe etr*ete. William Willard Howard, of New Tork. who ha* retnrned from hln third trip to thin hunger too* of Bu rop*. predicta that the antlra popv I Uoa of Albania will dl* of lamina and paatllaac* mnleaa bed pad n* •ay* that In Albania core la fifty (oltara * bushel. Hour eighty dollar* * sack, and macaroni five dollar* h Paul "Th* tragedy of Albania', may* Mr. Howard. *'ia that a nation I* dy bg of hongae. while the people of the Halted States, laden with gift* ftr th* real of Europe and lor Tur ley. paa* cm th* other aid* "Thirty million* of dollara hae* bean glean by the people of the Un ited States for raltaf work of enr loua klsds In Belgium Poland Arm ani*. Syr* and th* warring coantrle* ef Europe, while two bnndrad thou sand woman and children In ftouth eaalsrn Europe hava stirred to death unheeded and unc red fo. Net one woman or child has died of b*b|w is noiginm; nunaiM tkoaeand ta Albania. ’ll It fair—la It hamaa—that tha Innocent women and ehl .1 «n of AI ban la, who aaver did anyone any harm. ahowM be trample 1 under f'-ot end left to pariah. at a time when all othrre era fed? "la thta American lair pt.yr "I haea appealed for help le high placet I have bagged a cruat ol bread of thaae who bare gtrau mil Hone to Belglem, Poland, Armenia aad Syria- I bare begged la vain "Tha Albanian# ere aa mark i titled to eympathy aad help aa oth era. They have hot tehee pert n the war. They fed end lelterat the refageea from Serrle, ev 4 wltl the teat measure of corn that th< famlne-emltten villages pom meail They have not done any wrong: ye armlee have ewept over lhe<i rone try. taking what could he loved b take, leevtag Co tho etervteg womoi end children only the mrveeiee o doad horeaa la the etraeU. I Mb only A near lean fair play to the famlehed children el Albania aeh of all talr-mladed mea aad w« aaa la the nailed State* Wh •him Id the AI baa lane—three haedra (housed of wham are ChrleUaae be left In etarva. while wa greet fix ward, la geeeroaa rivalry, to faa oth era? The Alha state ere me* A •uttroai than Arm;Diana, yet w< feed tho Armenian! and tat the At lanlaun lUrre! "Haring appealed to domf «m Is li'gh place* I now appeal to the plait l*oplo—to fair minded nu el re men who would not Irt era a J g ■larre to death, no matt*.' wha> hla breed. I want to go beck to Alban ia with a eh Ip toad of food I bare • -ranged for n ahtp—a new Anoer< can imp, Junt launched and f- d for Kea. Tba ehlp in ready and waiting. "A number of dletlngulehrd gentle tnen In Now York—moafly clergy men end editor* of newapepe-e—win |cc-operate In an nppeal for a relief [ cargo for the ehtp. The tr* nearer ■elected to rocelrw ooDtribnUone it the Rot Frederick Lynch. II D., ed itor of the The Christian Work nnd •ecrotary of the Carnegie Chimb 1‘cace Colon Contribution! In aoy a'nount— from the price of a loaf of broad upward—may bo eanl tba Bal tic Relief Fund 70 Fifth arrnae New Vi rk oltx.* MR. T. n. HOVI.S DIAI> Mr Tom Branch Huy la died at hla homr In South Dunn last Bight »l<oul o'clock. The annouacrmoet of M» uoath earn* unexpectedly aa ba died rather suddenly from an at tack of gastritis Ha eomplelnad yea t* rday morning that ha van not feel '*•« exactly Igbt. bat ba did mo* rhlnh It neeeaaary to Cell a phyelc aa lie kopt going through tha day and until late In tha afternoon when ba was stricken violently and died within a abort tlma before a physi cian could reach him. Deceased waa ft years of a*' and made Dana hla home tor a number of year*. Ha waa a naltva of t aaoe county, which place he made hla hotna before moving to Harnett. He was Industrious and a good ettlaan, aad accumulated soma money from tha sale of Indian Oil. a remedy Which ba prepared and sold hlaaelt Besldee a widow, he leave* tw* children aad a number of rrteada lu this section of the State and la Me otd home county. Van re The funeral survloa* win bo non doctad frwm (ho home thin after huon and Interment win he asM <. amamehUMB—a ; TUB WOMAN'S cum. President. Mr*. ▼. L. Stephen*. Vice Pro* I dent, Mr*. I. F. HUk*. Secretary. Mr*. B F. Toon* Treasurer. Mr*. H. O. Mattox. Crnc DEPARTMENT. Chairman, Mr*. C J. Salih Secretary, Mr*. J. W. Thornton HEALTH AND EDUCATION. Chairmen, Mr*. Ja*. R. Bntior. Secretary, to b* selected. HOME AND RCONOltlCS. Chairman. Mr* R. O. primrose Secretary. Mr*. Edward Smith MUSIC DEPARTMENT Chairman. Mra J. Lloyd Wads, Bnatne** meeting on 1*1 Friday In each month. Do you roallxo that tha cold winter eland* knocking at the doorf Guard w«U the health at the little > ne* that make merry the h- me. Let* make some appllcatloa t ••• Colden Rule when there ar* con tagloua dUeaoee In th« heme Tha Woman’* Club w.n hold 't* meetings hereafter in thf High smith building. Lot every woman who Is luteresL ed In the future of Dnni attend the meeting on Friday, December 1*t. Bey Red Croea Seels ftr your ChiieUnaa packages, t • • Woman i Club wlU endeavor to save thorn ou sale early at uueh public places at will (rant the prime ,e. womans uid not airing y«i rreotrad no InharlUnra of .ay tlad as ul<t mnet npproelat* a t«g| maa or two enhboard* and noma 1 or foar* mall tables, at th* *oo. tlm*. wa a aad a great** later** •iron* woman, a larger famharmblp • n due* paid, many willing work rra. Wo hop* that alt th* hnataas hoaeoa will Uk* a handled or tnor Rad Croas Mato for I hair Chrtot* * man. Rrmacabrr that Td par real of tha moary roealyad for tha a aat la to ha uaad In Dann. not only V help tUap oat tuhorcaloata bat t l apraad th* Ooopat of prrraalla . 01 d ran lion agalaot baeomtag • rV , tlm to tha moat dreaded dlaaaav i -■ ■■ .. i - i f Th* rtyMUdl* hay aeoata earn np U> Dann toot Friday and play* r th* Dana hoy* a run* of faacbal I Tha laeal taam beat th* riot tor* I . a oeora of id to 0. Tito was U f frat gam* th* Daaa hoys ha* pin i rd aad they ■ hewed a* might* *« * la ooataat. Th* Fayattoatllo *«1 - war* aot *traag aaoagh to make >1 Interesting aad th* raaalt ***** » walker*r for Dgan. ' raocuiunod ry thr oo\ khror. Tha Mod fall apoa *ood rround The harreat la pleateosa . Is th nsrta of conatm, la Said and n f etory Indoalry has baan reward* with a bonntlfal hand a pro peril n,T,r hnowa before has ootae to al conditions aad -*-of maa. On material achievement laada to aoda ' <5*r hlrralaan la mttluat for thi t.ntTeraaJ welfare. Oar Oorernstaa It oonlrolled by a noble parpoaa ant la reapoaalre In tha deoanda of tb< '** array la any ooentry, Co la aay aye. has equity to all sea bean mtaqmWed In tha blchcal place of authority. Opportunity hut Iron Touchtafad craaUr than am before, aad to the racua aad aum ,r “*• hmerieaa people the fa tun uofolda la aibllaa revelation. la wealth, ta progress. la freed on: a-d hope to tha paopU, oar Republic It tha flrst of all aatieoa. Che haa vindicated tha rights of her eUUen, Inevary land, aad haa maintained tha law of elvlltattoa aad hamaalty ap * m u<v aw, l> diplomacy aad la daaltaga with all aatloa*. rmt aad taaO. aha haa ham Ira. eoartderata and }«at; tha dmpla rala of rtphc Ia tha ataadard that aha haa am aad atmdhuUy maintain ad Har demand* ham horn conceded. aad har rlghte ham bam rmpactad whm armed aatloa* am ramttrd ky war. Abam all. wo bam peace whlla '*• *•**>> haa bean eooaamod By tbi ** ■ Serration of daaolatloa. whlla Lhaatly War atfll etrtka* with anab alad fary and rwapa bis boondisaa harreat of death aad woa. we hare baan apared to work oat tha hlnb rorpoee of Ood. Now. therefor*, I LOCKS CRATO Gomraor of tha Btata of North Caro Uaa. la ohediaaae ta tha etntoa llahed by oar father*, aad la aoeord '•1th the proelaaaatloa of tha Preet dtmt of tha Dotted Kataa. da pro ***** THURSDAY. THB THIR -KENTH DAT OF NOVBHBSR A r>AT OF THAJfKSOITINO aad I do *•11 upoa tha poepla of Nortr Caro lima to than oa that day la their plaeaa of worship aad la Itmit m. •Wade aad - Ini IS -■ i ^ "ppr Asa H^JmlEii tie Bower of truth Bar ha qlackanad and ou roaacloooM awakaoad to know and »v do tha Will of oer Fathar. that lfcU Kin adorn Bar ootna apoa aarth; 1 - l . that po.ce may he restored to all ■he a orld; that the Ugtrf aid the Spirit of the Prtaeo they cfase again in the people who frtak t|« eap of trembling In the horror ' of great ’ 0 rkaeee. I ! L*4 «• not forget oar irtghborf aed the people of the MatVvbe may be humble end In need, aed the wld cw and tbe rrpban In digram, nor those who hare been overtake* by dlreeter. May oar lymMthles be ' broadened and etreagthnaec that we may grow tn the grass el Charity end toward the raallaaUgh of (he ' Brotherhood of men. On this day let our rifle- be gnu. eroue la accordance with far good ft rtaae, and let tu beseech ^Hjalght ty Ood u> give it that dae mm of *11 hie roerdte that our hearts may be unfelcnedly thank fur. e*f that we ehow forth bla pralae sot duly with onr llpe but in onr lire*, |g giving up onreelras to hie eerrlegf.anil by * alklng before him la holtfaae and nghteouneee ell our days. • Done In oar City of EaMgh, on thle the twentieth day of Moreml »rr. in the, year of oervfcsrd one thousand nine hnedred aa& rtxteon. ei d In the ooe hundred *fa forty Am* year of car American Mgepwid taon. LOCKS CRAIO, *' Oorwriir. HOCTtHCRN RAILWAY nuu. Wadottea. D. C, Nen^HT t«. • -la dlaruadng tha proposals ter tha l aater federal Isatloa of tM rrga latioa of tha railways wt|A hara hraa aubmltfad to tha jMirtaa n Julat Commit*.**, bow ta.iMtea la Washington. Mr. Palrtew^tyrlaoa » id today that tha Haas of {fca loath •"» Railway iy>Ua ana “ J‘ M part la arglog sack r< ngraaa. Thar* wltl b*_ ▼icaa bald at U* riiwt Tharaday sight. J. M. Water*. tlaa eh arch hall at tha MathodM o'aloek la tho mom lag, Paator Horaaday. ar'**o mmiaw—• ▼teas. ,— Mr. F. Hanter Creech, of Salth feld. spent Bander efternooo end night In the ettr. Tha following article la taka* from a reeeet Inna of tha Taylorrll!*. (ID.) Dally Breaee, uU will tv read with much Intaraat hr tha frtsads or tha groom la thla •action of North Carolina: "At a simple, but besattlat care* may, w!massed hr nearly seventy mm, Mlaa Alt* lamb, daagbtor cf Mr. aad Mrs Marios Iamb of Bear Creak township. this aftcr**oa became tha tflda of C. E. Pope, pror ilrtor of tha Pope photo atadlo Tha aarwoony took place at S.to o'clock at the koasa of Mr. and trc Jamas R Thompson. 7*1 West Vlsr ■treat, aaela and seat of tha bride, with whom aha has mode her home ataoa childhood. To tha atralna of Maadolloohra woddlag march, ptayad hr Mias I rasa Mania, tha bride aad groom march ed slowly down tha stairway, through the kail aad parlor aad passed be ■oath a large white waddtag hall ■ospended In tha doable doorway be tweoa the dlalac room end partor Thea aa the mute died ewer, the booeUfel rtM ceremony tu said hr Rer. Welter B. Baud! pastor of the Chrlstlaa cheroh. Ooa*ralalaUoo» followed ead then s delete two Bonree leacheoa wae aerred. The bride wore a haaatlfel wad lac cova of white UfiU. trtmmad with white ceoepatta crepe ead ell* wr lace. She wore a white e*D un iter oraac* bloaeomo aad earrled a PeaoUfel hogaet of bridal roaea. Her uavailac eolt was of mldalcht Mae ishardlaa with hat to match. Tbs homas was decorated la a eery pteastnc maaaer with white crepe ead waddin* belle Caros, oak Leave* la aatamo tlat*. whlu ceraa untie aad roe* eolorad ebryaaathem There ware maay baaaUfal and a teal *1fte Mr. ead Mre. Pope, left this ewea Las oa the •:IT Wabash trala for ft Loot*, where they will remala for •crural days before rwtmrnla* to this idly, ead t» their hose* ea Warn Vine street They pleaaed only a abort trip at this time, bat win mater la tbclr cor to North Cereilaa aad oth w aastaa potato Beat maaer. etel LtaS retell roe of the cream, end Sjpr' *""."""*** I#r ““ viuort plcmutt nt o*u. rant m «.rt a lunauls. Cal., Mo*. II.—Praat 4«M WUaoa'a plaralitp la Cailtor ala U *.77* rotoa, aeoorftag ta aal oMatal tka Baaratarp a* Btoto. Tto Baeratarr af Btau Jordaa Tka it ■rat laclada tka vote o< a Uttortt qaoattoeaf praoUat la Oraaga Caw tr. Tto Praatfaat'a plaralitp raprw •aau tto fltoraaa* hatwaa xk« *oti of 4tf.l*l for fruda f. |wr klgtoat Daaooeratlo laafar aaf tfcal of 411.114 for J. r. Cartaataa, high •at BapakMnaa. Ta to mafa facttp oKelal tto Bacratarr af Btata. Tfcli will to doaa, It waa aalf. tomorraw. A lOltnun MfJUUAOB. Nwww waa racataaf bar* UK Bight or the marriage of Mr. X. L. Partial aad MUa Paarl ktoaefl which lawk rlaoa law paatordap aftaraoaa at Dana. Tbap toft kora paatordap af* teraooa to go to Bawaaa. aaf altar lea ring tor* ttop faeMwf to (at mar* rtof. Thar fro** to untogwa ^ raraf Ueaawa aaf tkaa waat ta Dwaa wkara tto aaraaMap waa lufwart •t tto paraeaaga of tto Chrtattoa ohatwh. bp K«*. Ui Watara, paa* tor. Tkap arrlrad hara atoat l:l» aaf Utrprlaaf thadr auap frtoad* bp aa aouatfag that ttop war* airrtad. Both arw popator paaag aaopl* aaf h»T* tto kart arishaa *f thotr haat of frtoafa tor a toag aaf happp Ufa —Tacwdap'a BmlthMd Harald There la an uamlatahabte teadea «T to ablft (he larta of reerteo -btldrea from (he parents to the MM <teelty. Public play greeadn prut be provided and a eopertalaadeot trsployrd to teeeh the childree hew io play and beep them from n-'-g * roag. Most of the roUgtaee hi ."recline (he childnw get* meet w*“o *»•» the gaaday School. Wkee they become wayward there meet he 1 Mato Reformatory to which thoy »* be amt U hd pat right These >«d maay ether things .how dearly that the delicate aad d I Bee It toeh of briag£ag Up Uu yoeag people of He had ■ passing from the parimle into (ho heads at etrMmmm Is e recent teeeo of The Seotooh I stette makes a (treat plea Cor the m largomaat cf that waBut lagtlt atloa the gtcaewall g—R- | Train i g School at --in t. which wow Ml that tha hoys art worth wring. To Mia wa spree, aad we wish ta noble work Msf daws by that pita. did laatttetioa. Bat wa eaawot re fiaia frtna HnaWht that assy of •be hoy* hare to ha seat ta that ta stitattoa ta ho rodermad home so per aau neglected to aardao the proper authority orar them at tha |ripai tine, porhapa ahiftlag the — p*Tia eat harden to tha shoe Hart af oth rta Wa adequate sohstitmU haa yet here found (or parents) authority aad a properly organised lie* for rearing child rue and waking good et litass and atafal men aad nao. Wa know that many hows ara tar froa what they ahoaM ha and odor *ary poor anetrooaaot far tha brlag lat ap af children nod that this trap la aaot frattaadf aaaaad by roearty or aa egosaa of wealth. This (a an fort taste, aad ahoold be to aedled aa tar as poaefMa. Bat there r*e thousands of hataoa where aalth or groat poverty tor past wealth interreact, aad yet where tha harden la skirted ta ocher* or »»gtacted ti OM entirely.—Btate Joemal. Iirra. a. t. uu mad. Mr*. Mary Huprrt Ball, wife of J. Ban. AM at har bam* on Waal mad atraat Monday aftarnoon at St, attar a hrtat Dtnaaa at ana ink. BBa waa atkty aloe yaara or 1* and yaratyMa waa tha tamed late aaa of har daate Daaaanod oafTrrad a attyOt atrokn I yaralyato a heal three yaara ays id two yaara later eeBored tha «oad etroke. Tka aaaoad atrnka aa of enek a arrara aatare ha/ ladttlea waa eoaeldeeed yraeartona ir aararal waaka and all her rhti ro ware tailed toot ta ka nth har l carta tka aad oOa. After Uayer ic hatwrto If* aad death far aer ial weeks aha ikowod etyaa of ho rse etoant and unity raaoaarad ta tka ktaot that aha eeold yo aka jt ha* rnrk around the kooaa aad dawn ka street#. fUr baalth (rad nelly nyrorad aotll taaday. Nonaki •th. |aat after sMataht. whan aht raa rtateatty attaekad far tha third has. Mn that thne aa h*yn wai aid oat for har raaoaary. AM bm k ltd raa wars Naaoaal teat ant iwtrad tha early yart of MM weal md raanlaad with har aatil aha yao >d away Monday. Aotarday hafar the area taken tick aba waa dawi falrjr rood haaJlh. Iowa and aaeaed la ha aajoytn Ska aanaa te Dana wMh Mr Bel abort Mat aaa yaara aye tram aaa l-ladea In Haraatt aaanty. Mm wbleh tlaaa aha has and# this ha koto a. Far a Bashar of yaara al haa bean aa satire was har of U ttrte Baytlst tharak haytay sot* bar saaeberahly to the ahareh hai Than ana ease te Dona. Bha ran •d a faally ad It akOdraa, aN < *Vy - (VukiHtM **. ua.i «c y*“Ur**y r*»UM noacratatatto* apoa tka Praaldeal i ra-alactisa vtu a tatacraa azpraaa *»« wlakaa far tka p«a>a .U **• tatc*ram, In fan. fol lava: "Ckartaa E. Hackaa. I*arrt la-tka liM» Lafeawaad. V. JT.: I «■ altearatp okll«*4 to paa far ,mur ■"■H af aeacratalatioa. Al tow^atoa^ poa of my «oad wlakaa far tka paara to atkt. ■a ej^^DMW WXLAOH.* atoaotttoa dtopoMd of batweoa tho tow euflttiM a March tato tho Hit °* ooograU tattoo rood rod hr tho htoiMt darteg Ubo laot two W*T^ MdTof ST*lDMrMUaf ***** •ko wtrod ooogiatalotloao to tho rrmUmt ho laelodod U hta rapllaa tho Mlowtag rlgaflaaat porogrxph ^>oo of tho hoot thlagm aboat Ur ruall to that It *.«. far mom roara of aottra aaaociatloa ta pmhtic **• rad ta that I goadaoly ta JOK)Sr* Thto to taken to tadlcato tho daat baa ao dtoposHioa to trhauga tho ponoaaa) of kla praaoat actrlaory eoaicfl. It aao roraalad yertarday that a w*OtoM Jaaalaga Bryan waited antll tha third day altar aieeUon to La rare af tha rataraa baton trading "hnan toat eoagratklaUosa upoa yaar m *ad aaraaat good wtabaa for i af yoar Meoad tana.’ koyoad Mtaalourl. Brytro •ktoh "hova tailtod to yoar depart. aad rarad tha day ba«a beta Ua onto Urgaly haaadttad hr Uo «**•* MfovMO aacarad aadar yoar lMdrrUtp. aad thay (toad with rw tor paaea, praaparliy pad irgrMr • --;- rfl--i m ■ .. . The Pinna* Willard Literary Ro ddy tor tk» ■Irta at lb* Dun High tobad haM He brat seating Noram bar IT, Ibid, ter the parpo** of or fdbbg Iba friler'ng ofllor* ware elected tor the dm term: Preeldeot. Ml«» Rafb Caihaell; VtewPrraldent. Mlm Mabel Lynch; mure Mlm Made Jchneon; Traasarer, Mlae Myrtle Naylor; Con mr Ml** Marjorie Godwin; Critic, Mlm frurji Pruitt; Reporter 1U Werirey Mania; The noelety will mart an e’lrr Friday afternoon* nl oar o’clock If pea are tnlcrenrd a what we •ra doing wa woald ha glad to hare yna baaema haaornry member* of oar aoclety. Reporter. , wbem wrriTc. aad at all Una her Ckriatlaa Ilf* directed then te nob tor and higher things, ghe wag an that bar place was in HMM Ideal. Christian mother, and felt that bar place wee In Ur home, and ttaad a Ufa that should bo axaalat Though handicapped by aKUtl Con* bar lad years aa earth she hero her covering patiently, and her fnlU In Ood was bmattfa! aad su ited*. ghe waa wrapped ap In the mrrlee ef other* and those who I bad eoaie under her watchcare will oirrly alw her new that eh* la an mare. Tk« faaoral wrrl«n war* eoo «MU« from tba hotac Taaaday attar-, MM at t o'clock by bor p.wrr. Dr. W. It CaTlem. Tbo burial took »ta«o ta Orooaimod r*turnery hn •'•dlatriy altar tba aarrloaa ta tba b>«a A aaabar at rriattrra aad friaada attaadal. aad riprmdaaa of l»bl aad oyayathy vara board aa »1I aldaa. AaaMaa a haabaad. «h» laaraa It chUdraa, aa feu***-. Clarcaaa A. ran. at Wltalogton: 0. H. BaU. of WBaa. >. C.. >. L BaU. of Mor. ■aataa: Herman C. BaU. at Ktnnton; J. C.. aad C. J. Bril. Mlaaaa Madia aad Cora Lao Bod, Mrs. Parry Mor gan. Mra. Roman Yotea, Mr*. Ar tkar Hontngawonh, af Dana. ThM aaa lha «t*t death that bad aa> earrad la tba latmadUto raally aad •TBgathy la ostoadad ta iho toroar i . > Haraott oar not(kbor eoonty. gn ' tba baaaor far baring wad* tba larg i oat gala la tba D**acratte rote la l>b aamgatgn. Haraott. yoo'ro a I goad eeaat Wa'B baa* M ta row r . * Mr. Haryar HolUday arrirad Taas * day right from Boa Cal logo, aooom . * yaalod bp Mi oooata, Mr. Tba*. Proa * tar. wba alaa M a atadagt a Boa * CaUaga. ta agaad a law day* wrtth * ralaUroo ft BIG ll iAUCTION SALEM ■ That fine farm of Mr. Henry Cannady, situated || rj on the Clinton-Dunn public road, 9 miles from H y Dunn, will be sold Saturday, Dec. 2nd at U m 10:30 a« Itl. for the high dollar. H II A large part of the open land has Iain idle this year and y M is in just the right shape to make bumper crops next year. B y Some of die best lana in Sampson county. ki E>od churches and a good school m sight of these farms. H e dwellings, necessary out-buildings and tobacco L ). Excellent water. ■ lis fine farm has been subdivided into small tracts. P is an opportunity for the fellow who wants a splendid H 1 farm on very easy terms. P Remember the Day, SATURDAY, . L DEC. 2nd, 10:30 A.M. I ood music, free barbecue dinner, easy terms. Ladies ■ children are invited to come out. r further information see Geo. L. Cannady, Dunn, N.C. 1 NEWBURY REALTY ADCSON COMPANY, | tag Agents.

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