THE DUNN 111 ■ J. VOL. Ill Dunn, 5. C. Juifct ___1i_ accident fatai. to jaaibs VMOBMAjr. Charlotte Man Killed When Auti (Ma Over Knbankmail Near Aubaru. Newt and Observer Jan. Jrd H Freeman, recently «f Charlotte bat who btd only yests >l: y morning signed a contract till automobiles In Raleigh and IbU \ rlnlty. waa killed aboot 5 o'cloc" yesterday afternoon when a large a>i It mnhito he war driving turned over nn embankment on the 8n.tlhi.e!4 lord ,’uei half a mllo oaet of Auburn, shout in mllce from Kakigfc II" lived for I •> minutea and died after shaking hands with and bidding footlby r to T N. Hogg, a friend ‘/ha «ae riding In another auto In front of the deceased. Coroner Charles eeaparh visited the scene of the ne -Idem and. finding no Inquest ;>*-e eatery, turned Ihc body over to a brother fleraee Fr»emar. who ur rl«d It to rtunn to be prepared for burial. The largo aoto In which Mr Freeman wea riding alone turned turtle down a 25-foot embankment when the clrreaaed drove too rear (bo e’g*- of the road while peeving mother auto He was en routr In Raleigh from Beneon. where be ha*' l>. en on ’ iivlness with Alnnta Pi r rlih. Mr Hogg, wbo waa driving a herd of Mr. Freeman turned In ht' machine Just In liar to see htv frlmvl's car disappearing trow view Renrlilrg the aide of the wrecked a to within n few second* after It went over the embankment! htr. Hr iff found Freeman plonsd udder the h.wvy machine. To IIR the on to from the suffering man's body wua so Impossibility for Mr. More hot he remained by the Injured friend's aide and did what he rooks »o aid him T>r. T. A. Orlfla, of Clnytna. who reached tea scene di rer tly t*t»r lha accident gave medi cal assistance In tha hop# of saving tba man's IlfO but died la ( minute* afar the physician reached his aide. Mr. Freeman waa 14 rear* of age and lea res a wife Using in Cbarlctts H'a mother resides In High Pc let »od he It ah* survived by n brother .■ vW*r Ffawma^of Qua sod * ' sM»nr Mian KariTtsimH. Tha nographer for Mr. Kmaaf F. Young. COLUMBIA GUTS VARM~LoAN RANK This Om4o* of Onlonshla, 8. O. by the Farm lews Hoard Leaves North Carolina Out, As the Third Me tric Is eompaaod of North end Month Cun 11 Use. Georgia and Flor ida. Washington. Dec 27.—Sprlagdehi Massacboaetta: DalUtnnre. Mary Ian.' Columbia. Ponth Carolina; t»uls vllla. Kentucky: New Orleans, Lou1» ians; St. Paul; Minnesota: Omahu Nebraska, Wichita. Konsaa. Hourln Texas; Berkley, California, and Pno kana Washington have Item chosen a* locations for Federal Farm Losr batiks. The twelve districts Into which the country la divided, as announced by lha Federal Farm Loan Board today Includes the foUowIng: District Nu. I. Pennsylvania, Delewara, Mary land. Virginia, Wect Virginia and the District' of Columbia; District No 3 North Carolina. South Carolina The bank* will bo established as •crn aa practicable Each will have a capital of $760,000 Appli cation for loane have bean pouring tuto the Board In greet volume re cently. and it la estimated that a sum more than twenty time* In n ceaa of the combined capital stock tokld bo mod In making Inane. Al most (ha Itrat worg of the banka af tar approving and Inning loans will be the Issuance of farm loan bonda a new farmers security In this coun try. The bonds will be issued In de nomination* aa small aa $$6.00, It la npected, and win bear Interest at a rat* or one per eeal. lea* than the taterast rate changed farmer* on their land. What thla rate will be hae not definitely been determined. Is i« Hatted by law to a maximum of < P«r cent. The expectation la that It will aot exceed I 1-1 per rent, at Tret and subsequently may be lower ed 1-can* on farming lands are Itmllad by the law to Afty par cent. of the raise of Us land end may be payable In from Are to forty years. As fast aa loaas are made, bonds will he leased to cover them so Uat at so time nadcr the present plan will a bank’s satire capital be tied up In h ana to th* detriment of other ap plicants. ’’Potash and Perlmattar' the great I , musical tarry which will ba present 'd at Ue Opera House her* next Wednesday sight, la an ettractlen that will please the audience Uat attaada U# performance ft |a poe albly th* best attraction which will be seen her* this season. Mr. Paul Howard spent Thursday •"totting la PayeteetU* oa basins**. Hiirm wntH in racb >x>r HPKAKKH Off THlC HOl'HR. ImIUt I* Hcleetrd for Chief Clark —Caucu Mori Other Officer*— Mr. O. P. Hlietl Fleeted Ftiter-w* lng • Ink. Ralelth, Jan 2—T\* 1916 aprak fMp hUtary wa* ro-wrttten today whan H nrjr Pag* and UallM'n Rr> hrita ilrpicd from th# pillt of Wal -rr Murphy anil allow ad th* Rowan uua lo ester tha n*mrratle raueu* tonight without fo*. Pergeatua. Clrrka aod aaalatanta ' ira all that took th* attention of the Oral !>enjocratlr tauru* tonight. Vorphy va* cbom-n apeakvr by ac clamation Itufu* Doughton made the nominating apaeeli. Harry Orlar I f Irwdall. preaiding and Nad p* gram of Durham aacratarylng It Governor Doughton put tha arcenl upon Murphy’* long aervlce. hla par U-imvntary power, hi* nolalntad tcmoerncy. th* Democracy of Jaf. forann. Cleveland Bryan and Wood rut* W'lUun. Tha la at waa applaad nd. , Gallatin Koberts and Henry Pag*. Mnrphy'i lata opponent*, and Harry hmhba oarorted the new apeaker In Th# acceptance waa brief Ha thought he wa* progreealve enough lo be namod among tha forward Irokrra. reaeilonary enough to avoid a runaway. He wapt* tha 1917 lurtnHy to b* epochal. man me rur new in tea derkshlp rloctlona For prlncinal dark. John Paaraon nominated Alai I 11 rrara aaalaianl to T. O. Cobb and Bi ll* Gardner asked the reams for "find'* aske glre Frank «• day* of politic*) freedom ' Henry Page urged It to glee Laeeltor (be slavery be k-agbt and tba Bret ballot waa a U* 4T each. The isst gave It to I-east - Ur. tt to 41. Otis shell, of Dnnn. waa mad# aa rrnaalng dark. J. H. Morin*, of Wake waa rw •leeted snr*aant-*l-arma over How born. of Greene. II to SI. K. J. Jeakloa T. B. Howell. Sid Moore aad J. D. Cantor wore nomi nated. The flrat ballot tailed. Jaa ktna aaaUy woe am the eectmd. Dadd P. Delllncer waa re-elected without mmoatUoa. la the senate Hardin*, of Pitt, waa uagaag WH tor Long, of Alamance, was teereta T Da rid Castor, of Cumberland, a— rain was made eergeant at eras aad Jno W Alexander, of Clay, easts t ant. Cecil Broughton, of Troy, want breotlly throagb an the read ing dark. R. O Self, haring no fight aa principal clerk, f. W. Hughes. PI Been fort, was alerted engroaeteg rlerk. mu CASH AND RtCKKM FCXNAK ERH The Cue* and Been Cocnpsar of funmakera prevented a combined randerlle and Musical show last Wednesday evening at the Metropol itan it combined with the“Ober1 t*' Company and pot on a double bin A lady Mlnetrcl began the perform ance giving tome acceptable enter 'lonty "Acky7 the camtortloalat, wee a feature of the program giving acme limber-acting reale The P's" of "Oberlta' waa also a leading feature. The show as a whole was pretty good, possessing soma excel lent material in comedians, etc bat van unsystematically arranged. Nev ertheleae the audience did not regrel the sum of flfty cents paid to see the chiuhtmas THra nmvica. Wednesday afternoon Doe. 20th tho Bright Jewels and Baby roll EM ▼lalon of the Methodist church had a Christmas tree with Christmas ex ercises Tbs wall ladsnsd treo, the prettily deooreted church aid the lltlls people presented a picture sug gestive of ths Joyous Christmas see son. The Christmas Idas wes s feature of ths program and was presented by the children In the song, "White Gifts for the King.* The offering realised will go to the Mery Black Hosy I lei la China These little folks have as leaders. Mrs. Jar R. Bailer, flupt Baby drlsloa and Mrs. Retells Moore Manager of Bright Jewel Society. Roth dlrle ti ns have satisfactory reports for the year la their work for missions - I PARKKumtmt. Mr. 0. H. Parker and Mrs. Mery Broughton Smith were married Sen day evening at I o rloek at IK. M'tb odist parsonage, thy esrsooay being performed by Bsv. j. a. Horaeday. * • e annonnceiaoat of the marring' canto as a sarprlss to aiaay of lbs P opl* of Duna *a« Harnett county Hr Parker Is one of ths towns I cot etusens *n<l bolds a position with ths J. |» Tho tap* on Compsay. Jim. Parker baa made this her home 'or many years and has endeared her t>'t U> many of oar people. The ce« pie has the beet wishes ef a host of fries da. MR*. POPE ENTERTAIN YOUNC L4D1M AUXILIARY. Coats. N C luur; 1 if 11 On Friday eruelnt from olght b tea thirty o'clock Mm J. D. pop< waa hostess to a delightful part) ecmpllmootary to Tfca Young Ladiai • nHilary of tha Bapllat church. The f nee la cordially greeted ai tha door by Mlaa Myrtle Pope weri It.vlted loto the parlor where . dec. oratlve touch of Xmai colon aided ll tta ooelneea. The cameo of tho evening consist *d of conamdrama aad a rente* ' Lov* affair la a flower garden' thi prlaa. a choice box of Nuaaaly'i chneolatee waa won by Mlaa Man Stewart and Mr. Carlo* V. Stewart lha booby, a dainty package of loot! pick* tied with Ua Xta* ribbon wai v pa by Mira Bxtu Stewart aad Mr J. B. Fanear. At tho rloaa of tbi contest the gaaats were Invited tab the dining room where a detachable coarea of hot chocolate and wafon were acre eg Eajoyisg the hoepUallty of Mrv Pope were Mlaeea Alice Orlmae. In M. Smith. Mary. Bxla. CalUa aad Myrtle Stewart. La ay Wlgglaa. Myr Ue Pop#., Maaara I. B. Pagaay Wei ter E. .'fleholoa, Oarloe Y. Stewart Ltxle Johnson, George Irbla Smith Jr.. T. Herbert Grtmeo. RKAL KKTATU TRANSFER*. Harnett Reporter. The r illowlat real estate Irani ten haro been record ad by Rerletei of Deads W. H. Faucet! sinew Iasi weak R. L. Oodwln to D H .Hood two Iota H* Dean, *Kt. A. T. Oodwln. administrator of J n. Oodwln eatata lo'j. D. Phillip*, tract of laad la Asornaboro town a Ip. »I1C0. E. S Smith to A. P. McPherson t* •era* in LUUnffton townahlp. Can cron laad. 1 town lot LUltasloa Roe era property consideration *1.4(7. • Battle a Parker ta J. Baal* Jobs •*>. *** 1-1 acres la Bnekhorn town •htp. ((.10*. . Neill a. Maaon to Heater Aon Mr. *oe. tract of lead In Upper Uttli Riser to weak Ip consideration, lose and affection. Bawnatt peeked*y to .Wlltiaai T. W. P. Hoekaday to V P. Johnson t< acraa la Black Riser townahlp. *1** . M. T. Wilkin* to O. O Bara Cool. | 1-t acraa ta Asnrasboro towashli I1H W. P. Sarins to W T. Bryant font Iota la Dnaa, *3*0. John R. Flowers to J A. Flowers. 44 acraa la Black riser township, consideration *10 aad loss and aff ection. J. D. aad P. P. Pope to R. L Tnrllnctoo. tl acres In arose town ahlp. *!,*>•.M. Leo Laeae to Phoobo Loeas, IOC acres la Orore township. *6M. R T. Series to Res. J. D. Shaw 4 acraa In Orose township. *4*. Henry Pope. 1 com story lot U Luna IK. Wn, Shaw to Joha D. Shaw, I acres la Orose townahlp *(• Willie Branch to Joha D. Shaw. J lot ta Ooats *so. o. K. Holliday to J. D. Shaw. < erree In Orose township. IK. N. A. Walden and P. L Walden tc J D Shaw. 1 acre la Ores# townahlt no. Hiffh McLsna to Colon M- L«t '» acres It Barbecue township, con sideration lose and affeetlon. N. A. Wester to L. B Smith tl terse In Hector e Crook tova«hl| teou. W. C Hunt to D. A. ObUlna, twc lota at Macaera |M. J R Canada? to Wilt? Godwin X* aerer la Arerarhoro *360. A. D. Waat ut others to Pheotx Waat T» aeraa In Aadaraoa Croat towaablp. Mat Mar O. Waat to Mamie 5 Wee 71 aeraa In Andaman Crack town ship eonaldemttoa ||M. J. L. wndar. to A. o. Wilder SI aeraa la Nani’a Creak townahlp. (Ill 7»ka K. Wilton to W. O. Hol’'o*r worth I lota in Dana J. M. Byrd, aharlK to W. J John aoa 17 aeraa la Aadamoa a Crrrl townahlp (Want land.) fltO W. J. Johnson to Hlraaa baaaat ITT aeraa In Andaraoa’a Creak town •ktp, MM. ra> wmo*b who ciitm. On the aaanlnc of Dacaaahar tie u • Who'a Who Club waa aateruii ad h? Mia* Mar? MeKa? Her eota k*kl heaae on Divine Bt waa ar Mat lean? daeoratad with hall?, Data ttrtoe and bright Chrtataaa baM Tl la lomlr acaaa wbaa enhanced b the praaaam #f tha abanmag hoataa each fnee* to raadll? a beer Iba Chrtataaaa flatting and tha Chrlat «*ea prntaaM prepared waa Diet k gklr an)or«d. Darina tha area !•« *ar? appatlatn* rafreabmoat ware earned. At a lata bear th curate ralaetaau? departed, to In Mlaa MeKa? a moat delight/*! hop. traa. IH'KH LOOAl, KM. Dnk*. Dee 1*. Mr. , A. Krwlu. SrerrUry and Tro«»u «f the Kr »ln Colton MUla Co.. reared the People of Duke Thu night ta tba auditorium sad la the be ginning that ha had ie to lutro dt-ea to tha people a in 1o auccrad Mr Thou H Wabb manager of tho number two mill,, J Mr. Wat* waa recently promote* to aacratary ».id trattaurar of the Xccke Colton Will* at Concord. A fur the Intro doctor/ Mr Erwin aak«8 K m. Hen l*T had E. 8. Ynrbrojli^t to earort lh* Baw manager to tl|a;(t«ga They 1rauunted Mr. E. P. Da«a enabler of B«nk of Harnett. In 'Introducing Mr. Darla Mr. Krwla that Mr Darla catr.e to finite whan Iho place waa balag built and jQ« p*»t twen ty yaara old at the tin* and that be bad been ftlUiful to saury trtut and rcaponutblllty placed oka. him and now he wlahed to Inert an the trunt and raepoaalblllty. Erwin aald that Mr. Darla would -Mala hU roo ncettOQ with the But of Harnett and at tha am tlrnL /"taka on the new duties Mr. ppfa made a abort speech of app in and call ad upon hiu Maud Lhalp dor, the caapoaalbHIty ]. tlea. The aanou h relrad with maeb The cfcrletiaaa j the Malk adlat church Tha ’Wight war raid to bare been ’ ttewt ever krld there and the Was crow, dcd. Every man M the school waa rrmerabrrod ■ speelala w»ru on tha tree. Tha KplaeopaJ their tree PYlday tut will hare t whIU tba f their axorclsca fa OBFJU'1 A, Tnemlay at lb* Metropolitan uti «Joyed by n yh« •bow bed not ».lv*r tleed and only a »ovm» people were the few of The The la 11 ' #he oat by ••If. A beaotlfal ly bamed to a bag npon a table 11 rtttly before yoar eyas. I!y the •bab^ of the wand at her lolmnii • he girt appeared back lato the hag a minute beforo empty, uf.nri-t** It afforded oot a little mystery as te how tha Ulualon waa perform nd The laat pirt of the performance war the poeing of oberlta io her li-;r ‘ Do l.ore Visions Ds Art.' A besu tlful girl poataealng a wondrous fe nra posed la a number of handavgec selections not to be oqsailed This last part of tho show was enjoyed even more (ben the Brat anil roved to ba a clraa reflnad attrarti,,n of teaaty and art. MR- hickh REnicm An cahhirk Mr. C. 8. Flicks, who baa been rasbler of the rirst Ffatlunnl jtaplt of Dnnn, fnr the past aenren years, nod who also baa served at Vlre preaidenl of the InaUtntioa for aome lime baa tenderad hla resignation u, •aka effaet Jan. l«th. ne will be fQCf«fdM} hv Mr M7 U d.iii, _s_ tbs present la cashier of the Hank of 1-etta, Latte. 9. C. Mr. Hteks cams o Dana amt ae f opted the position as cashier of this bonk Immediately after It wes re nrgaqlxed sad tho oontrolllnc later al was parcbased by Mr. I>. s t .>opcr and asaodatea. He |„ oorred the bank faUhfally. sauce,. fa'lT aad satisfactorily, and ,u responsible to a large extent for u, rapid and aobstaatlal growth. f|* knows the banking basin mi well and his pleasing, arrom modeling manner has won for himself and tho bnnk numerous friends la this section of tho State. Mr. Hicks has not ,le rldsd yet what he witl do. bat It Is i hopod that bo will eontioae to be a citizen of Dunn. Mr Smith, his saeoeoaor, has also had considerable experience ns a ; banker and oomoe to Dann highly recommended. I * - ■ RdltAC A Ct^M lCMCOTK OFTI< eras. The Horace claae of the Chrtetlaa Enndsy School elected new offlceis far the onaalng tlx months Sunday I fwcomber Slat The followtag were i named: , C. A. Baker. President; Marlon ■ Botler. Vice-President; J M Waters. • Teacher.; J. w Wilson, Assistant i Tiacker; Perry Jeralgan Sec aad ’ Trsas.; A. H. Swam. Jeaee Wlieon. i J. B. O'kfssl. Icokstt Comin'f tor ’ T** cU“ Is la a prosperous condl tloa aad bat Jest completed a narrow fal rear It lies aa enroltmen' of • 'weaty. I — » ’Dr. Chat. Hlghamfth sad Mr. 8 O I l lttmar hare purchased new Max ■ well astemobilea, from Mr. ■ v t^laey. the local agont mm iff tne my* Mott frrportant Event* of the Last Year Set Forth. PROGRESS OF EUROPEAN WAR Chiaf DdvatnpmAna.toi lh< Ml (My Conflict •< Nation*—Political and Otfiar. MappOnlpfl* In tka United Mate*. COMPILED BY t. W. PICKARD. I KPBOPEAM WAB L—5**a reaataad of '«rp*oolrd of J * g /'***»* la MMiiiarraSta. “ *■ ***-»■ wsrWteM a&'sffiT*’*2’*’ fc“*-b,» “**“ VI. ^nhta&te&teE* “P*ar- I~~B Jta. UT-Avotnea *ni—i emk *y Ft«»vfe metatMinei w jSfWsi^w Asra jsrcv u. Ulan tram him u.- Mnt&b. turnad •**» t« American aotbaamr ..if 1* -Baaalaa* rananad p .nl at tack on Auaituui fronL Inn* OailaJa and ptmua'1 Momanoartna toward i Nan la *L-Aaatitan kpinnaua ana ior JJJJjJJK mM by r-rtti.h nbwulaa la WJ“- 'Aawrta laaord to Kruoa**** ** ’“rnB*rT m fa°* i*® >*—Arulart oeraplad by Ayatnana. «A‘oa p3TB*T f’* klM*J "* „’&£!£? s:s^ *»fi™ fnw or 'on otfcor vaak f$"z£s?»rX2r — w *~”b JSU/STftSUKS"' fcI~1 Zrpprfl« mt is y«th mi a»4 cw» ■f«V|l| F«k t-Frtor»i arWlorf atud«4 •*7 *f •toj'Tw* klltSn* too JSSSXSumb™ ss-«-.o~»> rsttxTa ' ■ fcwk A-lrJV F*A©*<3 and ftt'fik: C?4 kNL _££. ,* -Ru»5a"« "it a»*M Dok* '‘Kit?*! cmplurii Emma »>b. a - Cono.n attack aa Vorto. to IjfjS- H-Oormaaa raoiarto vtSt|H Kr»> ^;»wrt 'htokad oomrwhai Otrauui ffnn on VorOaa. ^Howtom took Konaaaohak. Wroio. ky ^Auttnaai oolorad Durano. Italtaao ro j£zin?%sT>£r"~ —*■ «■ **•* ifSi-tof-iJsr ■*“"* *u*°* "'k . rok » -Kalian ooTornmoat oolood M lalomoil Qofluo otoojnara “rorBm*7'"» roldor Croir and £rfttran^k“u~ "**•»•«* h»oo>ano took Bit no. Armenia. Sy oo *&sstS12*s£3&~: »**• IrfantrT «rt*r* as V>r«uA ^iTSTka!^*- BOrth~“ —« - Von-t, t -EV-rmono to«or now arlro ot. ToMon rapturm* vino*, of Forom. •furrh T.—4«mMutn ra*4« Cgrtw niua B!tl_ ** BrBl”* AmorVmoo ok armed ForToaol , ~a*r“B',T **rl*r*g war oa •^s.K <?3«ak#S2rSi^kS2: HUD TUB DUNN DTBPATCP 1 ■ ■! I .

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