' * ■H SA!" if |||||^n '' 1 ' • mSm; 1||H '' •■ • 1 §g|B t -. gfH -■• nr HH- ': |!|^h•■ ”' gl^Bl'n :t)i <i • •> % |Kn - i Hn ^^B l!il* Bi; II !>• Hi- ii - H ii<* ■ ^■r H' • -n iV’-- ^' ^Pl b^* ■ Xrr fj ri’i*vi • l^.jr »'*r*on | no b* ( illt. I? r*.»ti«.«*r vf |M* net hrn %-i»..i: t.— in N(1i!r.cj!lon. iMv . ’ ‘l* t*'*» ?lh W v k.« 0 d ta* Iwi.Vi 10 £?;|;3j^B*liaa I ivlie Lire ■■li" be |^^^Kal-r 'Teh Tt.r ’" ,,H> r:lllr'>ad nr nor Kh'M f *■■'! Of <ovri I^Edie- eia (ei ^■n ar.d i I: debar< bul Bb'l the ,.^'j^Bb Intcroi I.ok ar”* baa arrived ■Hj^Bftnta In mould r ' mi. “ ' to 4is» (« In tire li rarer '>n*cf' 'be date te B't. ^Hblnr Rev A. n g^B- n:enri t-rerelae-, aertn-ur- lenaon ^^M!«-||«>t"ll te. B^Hl rorenr-. A mo-l |f|^^P made bv him c > gS^Beov-d m be tn’er 'i.'rr Id (he ||||iH f-r jjjH^Brlh tie.-’ hi il ggujj&ts 1 nVl. r'» Kn h ||H^Kl)l a me' lines 3r, P^®"W',n‘“i:':" "rr . ^B • ro be .ion-..i : 11 111 • Brro< nnou).. ■H^Bvk of / \ / ', V' > rmwKAM. Ounn rhrUtLin Vnloa—IPrank)tartar Ctanirh Diialiiy 4:i». gt l#|7 7 o*. rlork P. V. I. The work P.r Ibc year I»1T, at p-.-.irvd >w-> f uggaalMl by ibe • ;:r V**1* t»f |l.c owning t Sr:,g— Ilrmn 5 ?'iviuwllnn Mr D. H Hood. • S^hr—ll>nn \ •iKritaalin- of tbr Tonic of !h* ‘.'V“nlny;; 'A l lira. J A llni'jifilny «l». H'*v. IV K. CuIIom IP» RCV. • .*. R’llnrk <P) R-v *J A. Dnln • PiR'»v. J. M Wnnr* 11'* I He a p VrQun*»n Iiyar dUcujj'ons Hmltfd to Fire mmotw 0 Elactlnr of >fl.m for ymr 7 Rnng— Hymn Roanlog. urn! Rcnadlclloo. I'llOHIMl |l>V wn PAItAMOCXT fSWTB. v> 'V. 4. ttrycn ¥>artn<t« B.-forr R. r. \-*r|.vn|nna lmrm> In Hmdim •" Kr.lelg'i—t«‘e<«lnfnr* Hear Him R.'tyJyh. V r.. Jar. IS—Tie Vorlh Pimlliia AOf 1 Saloon Irq► mnycerd fodn* uml til* m«mbfn of tfcn Iripne and ?n 'udlrncc that fill • d fn rtiiiacily 1Ha Frd Rapflrl r'ej-rh andltorlutn at ! o'rlo-k 1l» ■ford lo Wllllem J arming! Brynn Mri'nn th* dijslan of a |-*gl*lator and ■ *•<> valna of lha ln<tlatlw and rafar <ndan and thea on tha grant conn, ’rr-wlda movntnanl for prohihltlnn tka paramount liana In Atnarlra ai '•r vrononnred II Kegfitratlon of membership of the t-exgue was under the ilireetlon of fc-i'il R I., h.ivu and a considerable i«r rent, of the audience alrne! <ard« of League membership. Mr Hryan was Introduced hr Hon I. tl. Word, of New Hern. Mr. Bry V «<lxl that a Irablatln commit' ■»e ealted on him Ibis morning and extended an 'nvllollon fer him to ad ■Irena the Leetslaturc In lolnt sosrlon b't that thla would be Impossible during this visit He hoped In be M le to return inter and add,»is the At nenably. But. lent this should not he jpoeulble be would have solnawhaA •« irp~m lqgtMi »..■ mi ium •ince msoy were in the sudlenoe." Kemorrarle us. ArlstoccraUr. I He differentiated between 'demo r otic' and "aristocratic’ foreou in i republican form of government. Ho argued tbst naturally an artaj t entile representative would rupre. r| vpeetsl Interests and the really demnrratlr member would reflect tb* ’ rhss of bis people Hack home, and he would throw no bis commission before he would rote contrary to It* Ir known wishes. Thla led Mr. Bryan Into an area mrnt for ’ Initiative and referendum *• d the expression of the hope that Merth i'anltrn would Join the In rrroalng number or .ttataa tbnl are a doni’ng this form of Gove, ewient. f'-’d'thllbm Knud Wagon. Turning his atlcntlon to National prohibition. Mr. Bryan rejoiced that f'or states h»d awnng Into the pro hibition nolumn In the last election and that prohibition is now the ’bane x- son’ for national as well as state Itllclss. lie believed the popular! ly of the movement la growing so I’-nldly I hut there will be two.third majorities In bolh the Bcuale ami lower house of Congress when the •.•nwdnwn cnme* on a eoustUntloral mendmont for th» whole country, ne was especially glad that th» . pram* (oarl hat declared thr rrmplcfe constitutionality of thr IVnhh-Kenyon act and eongratalatetl * rrth Carolina that Coagrcetmai Wnbb had given hi* name to tha act **• thought North Carolinian should be preud of having both th' m*n who <1rtrv* liquor from the navj *nd ono who is now doing so mncl Ir, drive II fretn the nation. He could no* donl with the par •Pillar prohibition legislation Hint North Carolina I* demanding at thr bund* of thia r.erftlatnre not helni ramtllnr with U. but he wonld deal alth tho fundamental prlpclpla* ol prohibition a* applicable to thl wkole natloa. Inlanding Iherehj t< dir North Camllnlana who have i white heat of eathuxlaem and «n deavor for achlaving all that la oo* »lhl* for Ih# furtharanee of Ihi aad the ultimate •llatnallii c» the drink am in a|] It* forma fron ‘the na’lnn as well as tha atate. Th* convention heard with Intar • at an nddrr** by Rev. J 11. Rennet 1 o< Oreenahoro. oa "the Cleaning ui of the want.' Mr. John MeAiphln and arm, Char lla, of Marlon, III epaut serara .far* here thin eek with Mr. and Mr* R A. Rowland Mr. MeAiphln 1 a native of Sampson and la spoadini part of hla lima with raUllvaa h Hint county He ha* made good It tlilnole tad I* one of the aueeaeefu farmer* of hi* adopted State Maaert. Raymond Oalney aa< Robert Young left this wash fo Hopewell, Va.. where they will apaar 'aararal daft. WOMAN * cun NOT**. Tl**> Ten Hnuan Will be Opctied Erl l*>r Jit •. lULb. W» are proud to notu that naarij 3 #00 KM Crtv# Seal* w. re dutrll. ule>l In Iowa Inrt.ij ihr pact fen!!v< e Tbtve-r»nrth of the aaiv * I" rb i« _i> be e • i* rjitov' ed to rlkint »33 and whiu ft dec* r - iwera la it. 2 >ct It ahow- cu Improve roont ora.- I t»t Tenm We wl»b lo thei it e-rperiu’fj- pref IjwKhnrt uml bla on-wortei* fOI !>elr help |a tho "Ant: Tubcreuhmb Cresodo- II we can educate thi child ten to feel tbe Imnortanco oi fM* nioveniHnt. we have not worker In vain for they arc the elflaant c( tomorrow. •rv Indebted lo the Hcu'*K Popirtment of the Woman1* Cluj] Vlilch U under the management 61 Mr* Jaa. R. Boiler for tbe tlm.-lj and helpul utk by lfl«* Cabinet! >il«a Cablner* la director of Pubilt Ngralng In the flfate with healqnnr •era at Raeatnrlum. Ti« a pity that every wlfa and mother did not heat her addrcea on Tha ReepunilNIIItlnr of Woman.’ with erpectat rwferem. to the health of home and oomxnupt f.v We do not native how meet good we ml«a when wc tall lo greet opportunities that open oqr cyer lr the larger geeda of hnmanlty. Neat week the tea room will he opened on Tuoaday Jan. ?*n1 ea waa decided at our laat bnalnem meeting. Hr*. Prlmroae of thi Httme mad Eennomlea Department will be hoeteaa. j n. BAnriKTT nfjnmn ik auty accident Nrvm and Obecrvor Ki Senator 3 R Brggrtl of 1.(1 lltglon via allgtly Infurcd laat rich I *' r" «««o In which he w«« Hd*n« driven by Deputy Bherlfl 3 W McCrr Un. collided wMh the ratlin* of t n:d»e oyer Walnut creak on th Kcyetlevllla road, about two mile rtom Raleigh Depurv Shcrir Mr Cartan waa uatnjared Light, frotr aalo driven. It la aaid, by a mat named Fowler biladrd Mr WrCar. Ur and In trying to avoid etr|kln< th# railing of tha bridge hi* eni IIOOK Ct.l'K ihr^TK The Thursday Aftjhiooo Boob Club *11 delightfully eatertalad IBM wrek by Hn. 1 f Hicks. n>< retire lower n»or of^ her epaHoui home was eeod. being"tastefully dec prs'.'d with ferns an dj potted plants .'Ira. J L. Wade. twaUdanl of thi eluh. oimt.wI tb* siaeQag srtth a few Iflrcduetory remark^ attar wblet Mr*. John Thornton^ secretary pr< ten nod the mlnetetsnd called th< roll, responses being torrent events The topic for th# afternoon vat the war of JI1J. A synopsis of th ssblect. prepared by |ffs. Edward Hmlth. wea charmingly read by Mra J. C. Clifford An 0|ge resting pa. per oa (be life of Aflm Jackson written by Mra. Claresee Baft); a ad read b> Mrs. TownacA. wraa enjoyed Mr*. H O. Mattox ra|l an Inatruc-. tire neper on Jamas Xawreoce thti cloalsg tfce program. V A delirious luncheon la several cowries wa* served, fflctrola music being played during Ufa eoarsaa. Those enjoying Mr*. Ricks' hospl tsllly were: Mr* A}* Moirla. ol Hendersonville, Mrs.’j A. McLcen of Bentos, and Mrs. f MeD Holliday and Ansi* Young, rhonor guests Clab members preeanf wore: Met. dame*. J. C Clifford.'-R 0. Mattox J W Whitehead. J Lloyd Wad*. Jack l^e. N. A. Townskmd sad John Tboruton. f The club meats next with Mrs. Charles Htgbamltb » •-/ former nnvw Ak/mm hash. BAT.?, STAR vm.nu COL. I MIMA CIA'B Pott 1017. Joe Carlti**. a pdfoW for th< Du nil Ami.Pro. taap laat acaaon •>Kf nfSrtollj -trued with lha Col •’nhl* Club of lha 'South Atlantic I-**irur fo4- iha HIT seanon T hal trllllrat rnuo* twlrlaf preyed 6t» naif a atnr for tha local i««- whlla playing In lha Capa Papr Circuit and vrm to Raleigh atlw' tha amatnui '■*"«« dlabanderf. liar* ha wai rlroa o tryout and wy Bare tuaji aermarfal. pitching prraral prntty rome* for tb* Bafilgk Caro tine Leoga* team. Jhe fsotambta CUh «ar^ Corbett, i*k. wakwticui Ctnaiia. W. H. Walter aid. M D. of Char, lotto N C.. Will bo la Bute'* Craok Saturday, PeV Jrd; Dunn. Monday Rcbronry R'h; Duka. Tueaday. Peb ruary «ih 'or the parpoaa of trnat log dlacarna of Ry», Bar. Nose and Throat The doctor will make ac charge for fitting glaaaea without treatment of the glaaaea are ordered from him. Mr*. J. L Wad* ipaol Tuaada] with relaltyea Ip Durham. - I uomKOR wiij, aivh' nvx rx> LlXahUTlTU: Xot Xa»i Venrs Ft 1 prewort Thai H • Will like Hit Li rr Inter-im- lly la Jttodlon Kews and Observer Hth Recommendations for vni [one ap It'ntlve edlrerr which ronx- anrirr far power nf Uu Governor to adder • u* piling up wilta eoiei lui.-nrieorr - of the State Prison la the l**d. Oor ernor Blekcll lt»« nnnounced that hi* iltve daring the "mlon of the Ora or si Assembly la gnlng to be devoted to legislative matters. Tcmporsrll* these appointments will be vhdred. Id the meanwhile, none nf the Ra letgh lawyers aho hare exprmweri themselves. cnusldar tbar Cnumor LlrWett stands hn way of losing th* /I.BOO salary Increase ennferted on Mm By the Ger.sral Assembly, al though C O MeMirbsrl, of Rock Ingham has announced bis Intention ff bringing Injunction to prevent r* patent. It to srgaed that the clatter la th* Constitution which savs that the State oSlee^y term "shall roirmeuc■» on the first day of January next ^tfler their election asri ennltnae ■« III tbelr surresenrs are do'-tp.1 rr.<* outlined? woold not moko Qov rr-sor HlcVett's term of odle.- begi*. Jnnuery t. because Govern nr Crslg’< Ith only ended January 1J. by tba' »vma provision. when flnrerno R'ckatt was doctored elected toy the General Assembly and gaallget* hy taking the oath of oflcc. The January let date as Ike beginning of the term It la pointed nut, vet probabl, designed for vhe original terra of oflcr that began dlrnrtly af ter the adoption of tba constUalloa to oo up nr smokk scxMr MOBNnO. At tha pint baptist cbarch asst »«nday norslag tba Ladle* AM So ciety and the Philathra Class wtU tare charge of <no feat ora of tha Hi-rteo that will bring Joy to tha heart of erery member of the chsrch Tba last coto of HMSO glrea by tba cliorrh In pi>u*at for the pews has keen paid by tbe Ladles AM So cial? and ths Ratlathaa Claas. each tha paator. Short talks will ba hart from the Chairman of tba belldlng committee. Representative from tha AM Socie ty and the rhllathsa Clam aad tbe paator Keary member of tbe chnrch h roqncetcd to be jireeenl to chare with each other the Joys of * rerrire made poealbla by the generous act of tba ladles of the chnrch and Bandar lu charge of Mina I IS Per ;voo school. Specinl mnsle by tha choir Mr. L. H. Loo. Jr., raturnad Tues day morning from a htulnam trip to Richmond, Vs DUKE LOCAL Dak*. Jaa. II. The board of dee coas of (ha Baptist ehpreb ysve on lele yesterday aftsrnooa tha: the) had called Her. C. 1. Beikar fri (heir new pastor. Mr Baek • ta at present pastor of tha Baptist church at Chtra Or or* and has had ranch crpsrteoee ta work similar to that kr Will flad at Duke, and moe van blyblp recommeedrd bp Ue Baptist fists Board and many of the proo Inral Baptist ministers of the It its Vrs.. Becker Is said to be ta excep tionally fine woman and a ymat per. aerial worker. Mr. Barker is < t n a Known to the people of thh charye. ke kavtny aaalsted Bar. W. M Htutriaa in a revival at Baan’i 1-rrrl last linear sad met man* «l the membera frem Duke. He win arrive at Duke Batardap and |. isoh his fret sermon Sunday mernlay. As pet Mr. Beeker hns not accepted Ue call, bat wfl] con shier It after belay hero over Banda) The church ha* been wttboot a pas tor slice Rev. W. Martin Hayyinr rmdyacd early la tho Call. Of the three patients operated on . t Good Rope Hospital bp Dr. W. P Holt durtny tho Christ mss holiday) <•■•0 wee able to yo borne uo the 11th dap and Ue other twe are Impror It y very rapidly end will soon hr <.'satUsed. Good Hope Hospital U Ike only Hospital Is the tenth ss i bllihed and audatalaad exclusive Ip bp a eotlor min nommaaitp (‘Inca Its estsMIshmeat It has bees c tremety fortunate ta Us eases 1 ndlsd sad many eases of chart!/ ItL VB liadn takSR In l)uke Ju. II-.-At the nnlir hi-ur for eet-clere ot tb* Method let Bandar School Sanday aeitlet ■portal aorrtcae war* bald Installing the oSkara and iaaebara for the ea rning yaar. Bar W. L Man ess r»4£q read tba uriRntln Tb* cfflcers (natallad vara. U I. Staacfl ■ •latest sapertotcadaat. H. H. Crawford Treasurer. ». L. Wtlaoa. Sacratary; Tara Staacfl aapariataad «»t of Crndol Roll; Ifra. E. B. Tar I.rough m parte tandant af Ham* Oa rartaMBt; In. W. P. Holt organ lat; r. L WUsoa ehofrmaatar; Tones on. u B. Staaetl. H. W BarSaM. Gibbs. Tba laatatlatlav aarrtea vaa ▼cry pretty aad ImgrraMrc Mr. Manana Impressed npoa those being 1;-atailed tba tmportanoa of uprlfbt | llrfng. strict attar dan c* to d «t». aad ■rrary Saaday ataydaaea at ihtaday School. Not Banday vlll ba pro notloa day. Her. S. J. Becker of China Oroee rc-eently called by fba Baptist con g rogation at Doha, preached hors Sunday morning and night, bat ' u >>t baa not decided whether or not h» Win accept the call. Ha will ra rota fa town Monday aad Turin aad preach again Taaaday sight af ter which time ba will make known to the odlcfala of Ui* church bin da. dates. If bo derides to come he will mors bio family bar* Immediate *y aad tabs up tba work at one*. MMHmO OP THAOIDPM AT MTU. Dak*. Ju. II—A meeting of the teacher* of the larger schools te Har nett will be held with the Duke (tra ded School Sntarday Janaary I Mb. County Sepertatandaat of Public In struction a. P. Gentry has adopted I ho group or community plan of hold lag mootings for his teachers. Sever al meetings hare already been held In the various communities of tbo rural achoola. The moettag at Da he will ha the Brat for the larger school ■alter the new plan. The aehoela te this group am Angler. Costa. Dunn, Doha. LIDIngtoo and Bote's Creak. Ike group plea brings together tbs teachers who hava the same problems to work eel, and eliminates the aeo eoatty of a program tor all classes of teachers. The program Saturday will principally be gtvaa over to dornoeatratlaa teaching and the dte cuaeton of this real work. The Duka school will be kept la seantea tor a part of the day lor this demonstra tion work. State raperrltlon L C. Broaden af Raleigh wSI addraoe Ike meeting aad lead the disease!os el problems confronting the graded aahooto. The Harnett county mb eel a uadm the progressive auperrlaloe Of B. P. Gentry aad rural supervisor Mian An ato Cherry are making progress These able workers la a little mom than ana year have crossed Interval In the achoola aad put anw life la the school work such aa Harantt On has not known before. Dr. W. p. Holt loft Toooday nlghl tor Philadelphia and Mow York far « throe weeks stay whan kn win net hospitals aad taka lectures aloof apodal llaaa Ha expects te get Ui vary latest Maas of boaplul work oof teotall them la tea Good Hope Heap! tel hers of which bo is superintend sat. Mrs. George Pope aad Mrs. Bleb ard Warm retained Bstarday tee a daft to ratatlvoa te -rnigk uxru MnOMI* The uml emHei ef the stock holders of the Pint Nslfemal tut. ot l»unn, wee held te the beaks of *cee last Tuilir Boning at It: 10 o’clock. The ateetlng wee well at teeded. more tkaa (oar head red at th* Sts b aad red shares ef stack be ■eg rstreeseted. either la panoa or by proxy. Hr. Jamas i. Taylor eot ed as chairaaaa of the meetlag aad Mr. C g. Hicks as nailnj After the Bootleg had beaa sell ad to order by the chairman. Hr. P. >. Cooper, the PrasHsst. read Me aaaeal report which ehmred the task be ha la eomeDeat saadtUaa aad onjoyla* the lergest depoalta la Us history, the nut aaoeat ea deposit at the close ef the yaer hatag •IM.T17.TS. The report also sbowa that the aaralags ef the beak was »ery setts factory to the s-m-OtM. ert. aa eight par coat dividend being declared oet at the —i—egl of the beak the past year aad a good a* ■oaat added to the carpi as tea. The following aeallsBes ware elected dlrweeert ter the eaeatag reer: P. g. Oeoper. Pee. A. McKay W. 8 cooper. J W Draaghoa aad W. H. lakh. The dtreeters tkaa neeted ee eAcers ef the beak P 8. Cooper, President; W 8 Cooper. Vice Praetdeet; W. H. Smith. cashier; W. K. Baldwin. Aeststaat Cashier; H 8. Tartar l eelMeet Cashier. TOOK MM CHASC3L RMntlr w« ■mas aa pasloa si *PT «*« «d*k |tks 1- Toatk'a Oompaalaa- It Is «a«a. 1. Tks Companion Baau fsttniar fop mr. *. McCall’s Macaitas—11 aaaabsra. 4. Oh lt.coat Ura—yoar THE ■C. As the : of bar foarteaath birthday Ml— — UdhttaUy oatsrtsinsd l—t Tn—day sicht. Ts ths Mam of hoaatttal pioe— on tha Vletrola the sft —Joyahly played Cowrar—tto*. Tha to tho (IH who rtaol I tho —eat wot— far tha was prosooted to Mm ' Jclatias aad eraam with otr—d attar which ateCod Catos. Ml— Maaalta Books. __ lynch. Mwpnt aad Mlaals Taylor. Rath Waathrook, Malorta aad Mo I— Oodwta aad hod la Pittmaa.: Maaara. Jobs Cltflord. Olio— War* raa. Ooor*e Oraatham. DaoM Pear. —11. Bari Waathrook. Paal rtaakai ry. Kdward Lea. Bah libitum. L— no Haraaday. and J. 1. Wade Tha party was delifhtfal fte— orsry sUsi) point aad a most —)njabla eras lay wee speat. Hr. w. b. Coopsr. of wnmtaptoa M —t Tsaoday la tha city atteadlw the anneal maatiai of tha stackhald rra of tha First National Bash. Bo ratarnad Ta—day aftaraaaa. Rtrtchlsad rataraad Wads—lay from tha li—mi and la rapidly raaalalac bar acres wth. B— meads WIIM ihlta knew that aha la ablo ta ha baa* apala. M. M arris. of "-fnii . onto, who has ha— oWBag War daafhtara, Mrs. look L— ami Mr* 1. L. Wade, left Monday tor D—ha— ta ba tha coast of Dr. and Mrs. Mo Crach— a few day* I I—I ta bar boa— at *ar. J. A. Horaaday l_ of Oar 1 Charch st Dana, w— — i »non lb* Aatl Bata—__ \ ratios — Balatdh tha hr— af- this > wash. While bars — Ad—ta oB— with tha Ptleaa — tha Ad—ta slat— with a ' »»mber af renewals. Ba h— wow i tha drat piasa — tha beeer roll th— {[big clearance salej H Opened January 11, and Closes ■ jj SATURDAY, JAN. 27th kj K $15 in Gold FRO j| ■I Thii Mammoth Stock was contracted for before tbe Big advance, and bi |R this tells wby we have no competition. SI ? F , See oar big line of 7S cent ondrrwear for Men and Women, Boys sad Pi || Girls. Oar Big Sale Price, 39 cents. nJ H Solid a* Iron Brogan Shoes for men. Oar Big Sale Price, $1.69. f t Li IS eent Canton Flanel. Our Big Sale Price, 9 l-2c. F J II Ladiei Beaatifal $5.00 Sport Coats. Oar big sale price, $1.95. || f i *S W and 56 00 L>Dg Cloaks. Oar big sale price, $2.95 M H Littl* Bejre’ $3.51 weol »dt». OwUfak price, $1.47. U N Mco’i my baadsaae $1541 vented cotta. Oar Ug tale price, $747. II y • Mee’i $10.M weel mixed nit*. Oer big mIc price, $445. FI rhit space forbid* but our stock represnts about 11 y $2C _ J.00 of the best good* ever brought to Dunn, n II all of which is told at above. Q Look?or the More U , M with the big yellow cloth Sign with Mack letters R Lr.1 G Taylor Co., Tc’ C

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