THE DUNN i i . • ,* ~~ 1 "" " hm V0L' 1,1 Dunn, 3f. C. Fci., 9th. 1917 ' _ Bivi'n-nn ninni* Act QVOK. lMit** One* Academy I'nmnnh IV . Utlon Kkfartng Prohibition Mens N *i and Observer Ind. The superintendent of the Anti Sslnon Luaaue received a Idivr ves ttrday morning from IVv. J A C cmpbtll. principal of Buie ■ Crorl Academy enclosing pci Mo nr io thi General Alterably In bi-lmlf of thi pinhlbltlon bills carrying the >1x111 fur* Of tha entire family liH yr ej mrn ami «c young ladlcu over thi area of 10. The latter stated tha awrjbiil ytc wlmai tie pciltl-n vaj p->sauted signed it Mr. Dovtr V 1i fermod that other schools and col •eras are preparing like petition* H® has alto let-elveri rommunlca Ilona from several places to tho {Halt T *',r* *ha churches are planning t< hold anion mass maatlnga next 3un day for the purpose of mcninrlallt tng tha General Assembly for the pn> asga of the prohibition bills that an endorsed by the Anti Saloon l-eagu, end lha North Carolina memorial: will reach tha General AurmWi prior to the hearing un the prohibl tton bill, which will take place kefor. the Joint committee of the Houn •nd Senate Wednesday IVbruery 7th Mr Darli is nf the oplnloa that Horlh Carolina will not be behind Oregon. Virginia, Tennessee and oth er States In the matter of prohibit' tng tha Importance of liquor into tin borders Sort a nssrure has. ]usl *•*■•4 »**• Oregon General Arsen hi. Another baa passed the Iloose In Tennessee sad. he le rellfhlr inrtrm ad. will pace the Senate The Oov ernor of the Stale la pushing the measure. Thu Avairbly ol ^**1 Vtrgtpla has Just pau*d law forbidding say person to carry mors than one quart loto the state and aoaa can be delivered by public ear rters. Other stales are moving tot like legislation and bis prediction is that In twolve months more than a half do sen States will bo sxcludlag ■H liquor for beverage purposes. "Mt wtate rummi. Hinutt Reporter. , _ Tkf real estate traoa w J Jernlfan and wife to J. B. Holme* and wife l acre, consider*. Uoa.. love and arfectloe. Joel Gilbert to J. D. Balleetine. 60 acre* to Hectors Creek township consideration $800. w- H. Smith to J. M Judd 81 1-8 •ores la Hector’s Creek townshlo. consideration lid and other r&lea oraid-ratlona. looter to Value (tenter <1 •■■a >i Hector’s Creek township, coastdsratlan 81.006. A. B. Walker and wife to Linden Lard Oo. 8.(61 acre* near Linden, consideration $10.OS' D. J. Brecce to J.R Brecce |E0 •ere* near Linden consideration, •1.000. 1 J. B. Upehnrrh and other* to J. D Lpchureh X boose and lot lo LlUlnf ten. eonaldoratlon 88.(48. Albert L Bailer to Mamie Bailer •4 seres In LIUIn(tton township, con sideration 810. J. W. Harris to J. w Adcock 88 8-8 aere* In Hector'* Crook township consideration 18,760. Mrs. Kuaenta Harper and others to J. H. Ballsnce lot In nnnn. eon alderation 88.800. A. M. Shaw to Rrama Shaw. 1 lot In Lllllnfton. consideration 11.000 and other raluablo considerations Leetar A- McLamb to Oscar • acre# la Areraaboro town ship 1800. John Norris to L. A. McLamb t in Artrufeoro township, com rMeratfoa 1160. A. P. Johnson to A. Morgan John son house and lot lo Lllllngton. con sideration fl.700. Parker Bros, to A. O. Raglln it #9-100 aeroo In Ltlllngtoa townahlp. ccastdaratlon 9197.78 and other v*l aahla aoaalderatJoaa Rnfna Paniih to L. C. Tarrlah 4 9-1 a»rao coaatdaraUoa 910 and other valuable considerations. John M. Hodges, attorner I" J W. Chaaea 90 seres la Stowart's Creok township, ronelderrUon KOT1CB. Thera will ba a meeting ot Palmy ra Lodge, Jfo. 147 A. r. end A. M. In Ihelr ball above McKays Pharmacy noit Tuesday night for (be purpose of sebforrlag the central apprentice degree. All Master Maaoas are Invited to attend. & L DBNMINO. BocrtUry. A thrilling Bva.raol drama, feat •Hag "Under Bnaptcfon.' frota tha Ihmoas story of ■ Opponhsdm Phil lips, la the Batarday Kvtnlag Poet, will ba tha attraction at the Qaeon Theatre tonight Tor Batarday night "Bhoetd Bhn Kara Told* will he tha faalnrc and "Whitt Tarhey ^ossadf.’ will also bo prneanted. This Mmi tatwestlag program for the two • UIUUH) UCHOOL. Honor Roll for Mi Wwta EnAim January Both. FIRST ORADB—John Wataoa Krneallnc Cberry, Marlon Ream* Hrrimn Strickland. SECOND ORADB—Doretky Con tor. Rhode* BiBfrtt, Ellaaboth Towi icnil. Mary Deanlnr. 11 THIRD GRADE—Roeaella Dowd Mary nrauabon. Or* ce Snlpaa. Ra chal Aycock. Prank Cullom. Ban IV>w<1. All la Maynard. Rnnla Pu*b Pwinhl Rowland. Dernlea Cart. FOURTH ORADK— Rdcar Carr Robert Jornlran, Pranoee Cullom fmlly Rutlor, Hannibal Godwin. Honor RnB for Month Radi nr Jaaa try BOth FIFTH ORADK—Eleanor Hatib rr. R-rt-’ Wt'ann, 11 nan a R. nr Jon Cdwartl Hxdrei Mertor Jrnea. SIXTH GRADE—Rllaabetk Toaai l.onlaa Prldrca. SKVRHTn ORADB—Data Ap cock. Mary Barrett. EIGHTH ORADB—Ferrell Reere NIMTTI GRADE—Genera Bin** , Eire Grima. Uirllle Howard. Bias* | Pope. Baalah Temple. eleventh orade—Rntb caak veil. Mabel Lyneb. SCHOOI. IfRWH. After the Charles B. Ayeock Lit erary Society BMUii last Prlday nfleraoos. the Athletic Aaaodattor. l'tld 11a regular meeting Thi President. Norwood Pope. coed acted the meeting and called It to order H.e secretary. Oliver Warren, lend ing the Traaenrer'a report and Call, ef the roll. Practically el] the uanban were present and more duee were collected, which netted a good amount. The dlteamloa ol T,fcch *as brought ap and the namea of all contestants In this * it ]-*_-• - upon <o b* held soon and hard'work •ill be aaed In getting started. Other functions of the Association vers brought ap and diseases* and a very aucceaeful masting wee com pleted The new window shades secured fer those rooms that were 'lacking' are both attractive ead practical. W* don't hear much from the eleventh grade thU season *oep> fiom an occasional uproar—or ac complishment. Severe weather from the Athletic ground* and no regular practice could be held this week. The school was forced to leave th» building Monday afternoon owing to Ihc fellnre to get the rooms h—m properly. A word has beam heard from the debating department of tha Union and It has beea decided that Dean •111 either enter In a trlaagto with Lllllngton and Apex or Apex sad Jonesboro. The Francis Willard Society of lbs l>nnn High School, met on Fri day. January l»th. la the school an dllorlnm. A moat enjoyable and la tcreating program was carried onl as follows: "Resolved that the United Mia tea forsrament should own and control rs'lroade.* Affirmative. Lein Mrtck land end Gertrude Prlo*. Hegatfv* Myrtle Naylor and Benlah Tempi* Instrumental Solo.—Iren* Pu^er Lire of John Charles McNain,—gala Knala. Work* of John Ok trim U attain_ Waatrar Battla Reading from Joha Chartaa Me tfalll. Blaaa Pop*. Reading from John Chartaa If eft *41) Rath Woatkrook. rarrent Bronte— Parrall Moon. A*lf>WO~THlTsoot5Tn ITh# rtfth part of th* Scoot Law) A ecoat )• Kind. The Bor Scoot of Amartn aau «» e word "Klndnem’ u hi* kr ward. 71" wr motto of tk* organlaa'lon tf "Do 0 good turn dally.' makaa th* v# Scoot a kind being. Ha raallg re that hlndaeaa keopa tb* wtrld moo Med together; that la order to «' a good tara dally, be moat be kind and «boagbtfa1. The Scoot |< •-'»d lo laob baaata. Ha karma mo n-»r animal, neadtaaaly, aad ha la a h.mator of Mad food* aad thoaghta I»* la not ona of tk* tearing eat at 'Irragilar* fellow, bat la hi* anhlt 'Irak It 'Chtractor' atriaea to heir aad ana* In a Mad haarted meaner 1 a I* aa a Ira* Bay Seoot. Mad at •ehoel. Mad at home, and kind at wrrk. He make* klndnem kk wtrkLwId* palter. Mr*. B. t. Ifobla*, who naderwekt an oporalloa at Oood Hope MoaptUI it Dak* Taaaday, la reported mart bettor. THU A-B-C OK BORROW!NO UN. DIR THE PRDSRAl, FARM ' LOAN ACT. RAletgb. N. C.. Fab. (tit —All who ' would apply for mousy from tha Pad ' Oral Lead Bank for tbs purpose of paying off debts, buying or Improv ing farm lauds ahould give their namau to thalr County Agent or 1 writ* to tbs Superintendent of Credit I'nloaa. Boms one should give no lle* lo tha newspapers of the forma tion of a National Farm I .and Amw> elattoa In the nommunlly and elate whom those Interested may see. The applicants of a locality should meet with thalr county Agent and de termine how largo their district must be to form a National Farm 1<oan Association The nastier the dis trict covered, the lass win be the ex rewee for the loan committee and the more will tha spirit of eormunt ty cooperation he developed accord ing to the Intent of the law If at this Aral meeting there are at least ten applicants who. togeth er, wish to borrow tld.dOO. and aacb of whom has security twice the rains of tbe loan applied for, then applicants assy proceed to form a temporary organisation Tbe members ahould sleet five or more directors Each member has one rots for each share, hut cannot sots more than twenty shares Tha directors at this first meeting or at a later one. should elect from their own number a president and a vice-president and select a loan com mlttas and a secretary-treasurer The loaa committee may be taken In part or entirely from the board of dl rwcorw or entirety from members oatstde of the board. Tha secretary fteasnrer Is the only officer who la repaired to be a borrower or a member of the association. »»• of the board of directors officers and loaa committee the artlelaa of aaaoctatloa should he adoptud by all the members signing tbs bleak or paper attached thereto, la the presence of the aaerwtary traashrar. who ha* to certify to the members* signatures sad tbs am oust of loess each applies for. either to a *otary public or a fastiee of the paaoa. (Write lor Circular 1S71 Tha articles of aasodattoa may be thaw along wltt tba rant for this ®^ata, to tbs Land Bank, as sooo aa It Is orgnalssd. Nothing mare nan be dona aatil the Lead Bank at Columbia sands out blanks for the appraisal committee and Instructions ss to abstracting. TH* BRIGHT JEWKUB HURT. Tha Bright Jewels Missionary So ciety met Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church. The children’s Foreign Special Work for HIT located In the dtp of Pcochow Chins, was ons phase of the program. A leaflet on the sub •ect wna read by Christina Thom peon Mildred Shell and Kathryn Taw. The folio wing little people took pan la lbs program: Fuquard Hast. Lilll •n Xtaafl. Dorothy Connor. Marla Jobaeoo. Grace Snipes and Blolte rardsn. A poem. “The Little Mil, Wt was read by Elisabeth f-ir.1I At the close of the meeting mile fcoxas were distributed to be returned with an offering the 4th Bsndsy In March One New member waa an rolM. Uttla Bloiae Darden, a Bright Jew el of Xenly. visiting Grace Snipe* was Introduced to Us Hocety by ths pmldiat. Ths next meeting will be the 4th Sunday In Feb A program of this meeting will appear later. ™ »ot scout Mnensa. The Boy Scout. b«!d their regular meeting Uet Friday night at the homo of Scout Raymond Cromartle Owing to Uio moot* cold only a few of the Scout. wW« Duo. .mounting to Bfty cent, were ooDee ted and rartoua other basin cm ob Irctn brought ip and dlacnmad a trotiou to Mat Monday night to eouaMer tha Mlnatrei which the Scoato expact to giro coon waa made and carried Mr. Frncmaa. Scant L.aator, appointed Patrick Jon*, to b* tba loader of a Coupon orgaalae tlon of Scout, tor purpose #f oolleet ls« cigarette coupon, which will he ***** • practical punching oar. A,,,r SolUhtful refrcahm.nta were torred by the boat the Troop Wo. I. Ft* Patrol, adjournad to meet •s two weeks at the home or B out Paul Hew berry. MUBIO OI/TTB WOTICB. the Regular meeting of tko CT»b os Satarday Feb 10th 1*17 ha. b*« Postponed until Fok. ITOi. 1*17. Ail members wm please take oo iloe of tkla as It waa ruled el loot moettag that tko host ms** ohoold aet aotlfy members Ike day er day prior to meeting. Koottag will he held Satarday Feb tux womax’w au'n.niMG. There her been rirontly been In irmlnred Into the Uefrn-I Assembly ef the Rial* a bill ,to appropriate If0.000 to aract oa Ike r*input of tbe Agricultural aod ■erbaulcal Col lage at Kalelgh a woman's building lor tbe purpose of taking mors af fcctlv* the extension .Work being cor dueled la Homs ntmomlcs. TMv I-.tension work for IP# uromeu of the Stale should, In our pinion, be P»en tsd at tho Hlate NoAusI sml India *' 1*1 College, which |1 peculiarly the lustltuUoa for tho nganatlnn of tho T otneo of North Cartfns Tn the Prat place, Wts unwise from Mi oconomle standpopf for lbs ytate to laveat *30.000 in (Ulslgh for Ihe development of Its f&rae Economic* work when It alrahd| has a depart meet of Home Economic* la the stale Normal Collage. Tt* state has nev tr felt that It wssWbls «n boas*. • oulp and maintain |* a wUtfac'cy-y way the Home Erongpatrs wirk la th# Normal College: gwt dopartiumi ■* the College* la very mdrh crowd ed and most be glv^h more roor> mulpmeat: so it aveAg most unwlna la use *30.000 of apte mnrey to foind another eontettef Home Rro •inmlca. whoa It I* tr^ that If all the PUt* work In Home ■conomlre radl ated from on* errtat niarh of the *->0.000 expended lotbulldlnr Toeld I# saved Brea IfJ&i. tlnt. mrrr ublo to maintain twoArniers of work ihe aaa of state fofk lo doptlrale bolldlngs and tuaching fore*, both la ragular worker* andfcu lecturer*, U wrong so long as Ac children or evea the adaKa of tr state are In tral need of physleaAaUeuUoa or Intellectntl lostruetfc. "-wuno (Hi*, u H«ai UB wto« educationally fir a atata wtth Ua Home Enonomlcakrork almost la H» bogtnnlog to afearste ths two •'“•P* °f people wfcAare struggling f/t deretop this wot*. The beaeflt. 'ha Inspiration, the dee correlation '* work that weald fossil from the intercourse of thaae foo groups can not be mealured. Maas think what IneplraCon weald bAcolvod br tba ona hnndr.d and s«vA are atudeoU »"» enrol l«d in it Ass alar ool'ecn roursa leading to uJBfgree of %gb elor of Belaaaa la Ku toemxa£m * '"I eoataet wtth tha BH* .woman who u a really doing wBt la Home flee tonilca rather than stadylog how to 4o thU work Of course. the ato ients of the college would iler've th • greater educational bsneAt. but whan w« remember that a few yaars hence them students will ba doing the Home Economies work of tha state, wa abonld strive to do our b«wt to prepare them for this work. And Ihtn educational gala may ba derived without tha expenditure of one extra dollar. In tbs third pines, it la not only unwise bat also uaiovt that money appropriated for work dona by the woman of tba atata fcr tha women of the atata. be under tha direction of a mllaga established for mao only shea we have a atata college for wo iwan. Other states so far as wa eaa l-ara. In which tha A and M Colleges »ra separata InsUtutfona from the woman's colleges have divided the kilth-lavrr fund so that the womens colleges have their share for extens work In Hotre Economics. Toe w> tnan of North CaroHUh taaaot do ihetr bait work la All Arid If |A" foods available for Orta work ba di vided. On tha other band, even If III these runda are oaM»d. the sum loiaj will not meat the urgent used for Increased equipment and trained w.rkera (a this Said. Rarely the men of the state are too wise vwi to > ;nat fo divide the state rundt and ihereby weaken tba Work of the Wu men who nra striving earnest y an** rf.actively for Uia upbuilding of our itutw. —State Normal Collage AUm ntKPAKIULA OAKJ1VAL TAMPA. n«nioA. FWmmd Trip Far* Proas Dona Ml AO For thta aeration whfrh win be filled nlth fan aad frolic, aad laallnt from Pabruarr tad lo iota, ticket* will be told to Taaape and return aa akovn *bore by the ATI.AKTIO COAST f 1XK, The Staodard Raflrond of the teach, denary Slat to February. B. halsSra United returning aatft mdalght of Pebraary 20tb. bat nay he et tended to Kerch Ird by depoattlng a th C*ly Ticket Agent at Tampa, andar prescribed rule*, aad a yen ray rent*. PROPORTIONATE PARES PROM INTERMEDIATE STATIONS CHILDREN HALT PARE URKRAL STOP OVER PRTVD.Pdl Poe farther parttmlara. schedule*, rlceplng ear resemlleos. etc., call on i. W. WHITEHEAD. Ticket Ageat Dune. fg. C. ITth, 1S1T at three o’clock vitk Mlaa Madrid Hood aad Mrs Paal C Hood. All neaibera era eameetty regofiatod to bo praomt WA.HHIXUTOM rBKPAMM Ptm THJE KATKIOJ! Atlhoiah the Confederate reunite 11 be bold in Waehtaytea. to w :baa four montha off—Jane 4tb_ i,reparation, .ro wall aadar way. Tbte will probably b* tb* loot rwaa *>•". hat Wbatber It lo or not. K to •afc to aaeamo that It will b* tba late on*. Kot only la tb* Waablaytoa —a ■nilteo of tnuteanu boar arary lay In tho week with detail* bat vat •■ran camp* la every state *f the South ar* perfaetlny plan, for aov l»y on to th* national capital aia. ib* railroad! ar* rlvtay a yraat deal of publicity to lb# forthooalay *v«at The llnea iravaratay tbto part of *1 a South with nut era -rmmntloaa that li to lay. practically all tho lln**—*re toakliy announnraauto rhlrh appeal to tb* aeaUaeat of th* old *oldl«ra who foaybt for tb* t**t rauaa. On* railroad »—|-r to .treailnf tb* fact that It* train* raa lltrourti historic hattladalda of W|r. fiuU. t*kin* la a vl*w of th* crater near Peterabur* aad th* forti Iton* around Rich mend Another cnrnpany calla attaation to th* fad that the veterans who travel om Its road will rid* over eu* stretch of 41 bills* which ar* hall! by Ccafadarat* voldiar*. ‘and which ha* — uteil perhap*. lb* aoit p*naaa*at Boa* neat of aay work don* by th* (h*. faderary." It to th* Na* b*tw*w (i roanabom. N a. aad Duarill*. Ta Wbca tb* war topi lhar* ru a* 1 i.ltroad conaretlay the efd —1% uioad aad Duan 11a wttb th* tum Carolina ayvtata of road*. A ndl rOAil nfflH*1 feu Aalaki.. aa. ntlon. sen the Confederate aathort tlM saw Ike strategic rain* mt aaafe a line, “aad .Me to bring u tear snOtfeat praamra t* —ir««w i the obstacles which had pvwetomdp Mood In the way of Ka naaali awlm. fwlog to the rtralry of North "* and Vtrgiaia. each State I to protect Ka Owe railway __ The rail aeeeaaaty tor tho_.. ttoo of tho Qta—ahora-PamTfllo sen oecOoa waa .procarad by tearing aa cibcr line*. At tho etcaa at nighi ■ he 41-aaXI* stretch waa aoaSaoaJMS by^epaltrtstataaaoamof^.^ hrts of tkn Confederacy and* theca "wisrsssrsJSSr This sostloa has boos deahto trseked bat few -“-Trace ware free I Oeroasary “la a# loeattaa aa -Itsr pained by the war-time engineers.' Reprinted from the Age-Herald, gp mingham, Ala.. Jaaaary ltth If IT. W** Him A XT) LOCAL nees Hr. NoU lUtarme To Dedtnar Sunday Shooed w—o Wert Bey and Hell-berry ITmii ua Duke. rrb. I—Dr. w. p. Holt ro. turned Wednreday from a three weeks Stay In Philadelphia aad hew York whore he has been studying clinics, rlaltlng hospitals, observing ' iterations, aad taking lacturrs. IV Holt naya that bla course of study there waa eery beeeSrlal and that be hopes to add many of the new Ideas to Oood Hope Hospital hern o. which he Is aapertatoadaot. Mrs. B. J. Vnblsa of Doan waa broaght to Oood Hope Hospital Tuesday and operated oo. The op. eratloa was alight sad aha la getting along nloety. Mr. (I. R. Simpson retamed Wad needai afternoon from oeatoata vhere > - waa called last week on ec coast :f the extreme illness of hla t other Ha report* that hla moth •F It lomi Thu Methodist loader School u aaklq* preparations and «rruit*« a program for tha fourth Sunday la February at whteh time they trill dedicate tho fotrr new Fsnday «rht>ol room racoatly added to the church Bee H. *. Spence laid rceratery of tha North Carotlaa con fereaea will b* praaaat and hold the dedicatory scyrtcet} He arm elan lector* at tha ataraa o’clock k-wr -II d preach at eight. Communication, bare bean re celead from Trinity College asking If any person In or nronad Data maid faralah a car land of Bay a-d Hall-berry bn*baa III W nt oat an tfie oampoa at Trinity Collage *11 a a# ahraba a boa ad fa thla cam* t. unity a ad II la thought that the car load wiu ha aMppad wrthont trouble. "THH MTfl* OIU NUT DOOR. a ntATcwr or un mn PROGRAM. The vleld moral lamia render ad by the romarkaHa ptecara of “Tho I.HUa Olrl Next Door,- was alaarty •oowd and worn by tho Qnoaa Than *»• soar* last Satarday. It ropro tinoad la Nttlag sc on as dm horror • -id denser, of tha White Stew* t|< aatlon. It was a great warn a a. a plot or ear ae lews, and a a teat ton of tb nit hi for thr yowag man aid women. The pi'fro arm dartdadty tHn featnn af teat wash's program at ’ha Qa*ea MAD TO DOWf DIBPATCH Taodar morning last aa the •*« •re rising onu the Bsstera hdla th« "Ml of W. f. Marsb. If. took H« flgkt to tbo gnat Beyond aad oar naopto an sonrnlrg the leas of tbetr ctoeet and hoet highly esteemed rltl isn. Uatll about taro m-mths ago Mr. Manh enjoyed bis aaaal good health whea he was strtekea wttk paralysis of tbs throat aod fsee, the etsa»> caeaees of which he was aaaMc to ■arrlrc Dads Billy, as hs was familiarly kaowm by bis friends aad neighbor. »" greatly lowed by all. It wag Ms castes la Inly of seek year to haws toes meat wfth bis to Jola la Ur celebration of hie birthday aaatrar •417- It vii aa nfart04 lookrt forward to vltk pUutra ¥7 al 444 lies sites arose d aad fees dlatest e^atlet Urge sembers ease to baa «r their Mead, and sake toe dry pleasant tor his. Although a actors ef Cbathas ra-jaty. rwsr store Its formation over dfly rears ace Mr Marsh had bees etcaelr Idee tiled cits the dele sad wctsrlal progress ef Harnett isnU kSTlag filed wtth credit many poal Uoas ef respsaslbmtr aad tout. Me was a gallant Confsdsrsto eot dlsr. being a member of Ce. D forty first Regiment la the late war, aad **• • »aal Oemssader of Daniel Me °o«wld Camp Maraett Confederate ▼eteraas. After dtettngalahed asr toea ef water aad bravery throeehoat '*• »«» war. he ntirul home ■ad took a proalneat part to the re WBotiaulloa paHod nerer basin Hag •a that deeper ar hardahtp ia tka Mt tar aaparlaaaaa of thta dark chapter *■ ‘fc« ■aatk’h history. It was to ■PtrthV aad tataraattag ta hear him dtaaaaa tka laaMaeu af former day, “d (ha toarleaa meaner la ehlsh tka CaatodataU aoIdler aear Mat tka anil •a faty. aad weald note with aad aaaa thegneet paaatag of three Com rades who Mood with Mm la tka data af aaraaw, d seats tin eel «n* aa«a la ear data Soatklaad. Tra|» a»aa af Ua type here left a * a j tka rtaha «r »naa. It Minn all t* walak their *•*■* aad earning end saa tkat tketr rnaalalar dayi era day* af eamfaat “« ^oataatmeat. Faaeral aaretaae ware Wafaaadey afternoon at tha real deaee aad la tha ahaaaaa af tha paa ,OT °* 1M Baptist church of which da mead waa far aeay yaaia a eomatot *Pt member ware conducted by Are. * *\ ■•n °* “>• Fresbyterlen * heart aaMatod by ltaea. J A Morris and Frank Kara After the eerrtca at tha home* la the presence of a seat asaamblage of friends from Barnett In. and Chatham eouatlea. tha re. *wa laid to real at •aarmer* Tf“*- **• toprlal ceremonies being eondaeted by tha LintagtoP Masonic l^dga, of which Mr. Marrt was a charter member. Superior Coart waa adjourned In honor of the dareaar.d that tha mam baaa of tha her might hare aa epphr taaKy to attend the funeral aarrteaa. rtnoa af the town ware alec eloeed florin* the fee oral hour. Mr. Marrt la surrlrad bp Ms sons ■ad one daughter; Maseru w. r. aad '“T "JUS* •» Lmtngtoa; J. B. **afP^> MhMry; Robert aad Wal •Ti*”*1 « John L Marsh. ot Florida, aad Mru W. F. Hocka ^*F‘ Lintofton. who bare the 7*Fa^F af oar people U the death *f th Mr Bother.—Harnett Reporter JACmaoft.BLAClTYOOD. Maniac* of InUrwt to a*Mb*r* of Dtrt»* poopto took plac* Maday *to*!*C at T:d# at th* rraldoaco at Rau. Edward Co* ta Worn Durham, whom Mho Maud* Blackwood. of tkl* eMy. bocam* tk* hiida of Mr. Edgar Jachaoa. who bold* . rtopcaathto *> Mtlou with tbo AamioaaTobaeeo Co at Oar'* factory. thla efty. Tha weddiac waa *»rfen*.« by R«t. Mr. C*x and wa* wMaamad by a frw rolatlTo* aad tried, of tho «uua« wifi. Mr. aad Mra Jaek tear* Tacoday for D*«a ubdra they will tpoad aam* tin. *» •uoal* of Ik* groom, paroata, Mr aad Mr*. 1. M. J*ck*oa. Th# brtda la the daaght.r of Mr. w- 1* Blackwood of Jaekioa Bt, tkl* *>ty, aad la aa attractir* yena* lady b*vt*B • la*B* aambar *f fr'aad* her*. Mr. JarkaM la a wall kaowa young maa aad n* many fried* la tha *tty aad la U i natty* oouaty af Harwou Tkcy ulll raura to Durham from Duaa amt nrt aad win mate thla •Ity komo—Durham llorald. **r- J*5k*oa baa a aambar af Moada la Duaa. bariac hoe roarad ooar tow*, an af whom lota la bam wEhto. Tbo maay hied, af Mr. J. T. 0a*| •to B*ad to aa* him oul acato aftar aa oparattoa far appmdMtto. v • '• •S' Sk $s •4; ' • •» No. «0 Cancer I n»il No. *1 How to HUM • Tttwtllo tl* Psllsat No. «S Hesltk Catsehtsa No. IT Also til No. Tl Ts bom loots No. Tl PsOagra ' No. Tl flaullpea No. Tl Msaslss NO. Tl Beoslat Tnw No. Tl Bohr Wot fare No. Tl loro the Bohr. Neat wort win loDow 8m nirj taro that paa ha yaiat fr*as th* tmpertaaes of kooatag tho Mr Tsotthy.' This la bat th* pin* of a •libs of talks to tho «h!lgr«M oa tho Importsaa* of *~thIT| tho body Wrong. The Too Boom la th* SlghMMlth No 111 log wffl b* open Friday **oa iog of this week as asaak AB are 'nrttel to call 8a. a. a*g r wnr—oiBhBW The a i “ '* ' fated Tbo tsat students, laetadtsg owtrsoeo wheats, earrleala. rales ef r-oat, self-help, iwoais. sad Toes* bos who are I tsebaleal trsislsg lor I write far copies to tbo __ Woot lUMgh. H. C. MOHAS-Ua. w. wium mifu hi mih Manila Laa. both of Out. warn nr. rtad at the ho*a of » frtood to Wk «»*■ last Wodooaday. Pahroory. 1th ihi UMuemiit or tka aaarrtag* m a sarprtso to tko ■loom mood* of tko ooaplo <t* Ml oot I kink thay vara-li'lM ooak a ivrprtat. Tko brtda vm ateltlag Ot tko Homo of a Mood to Wagran aM «oo Jotood tkara Wadnooday ky Up. Morgan, aod hit Matter Parry Mop. •oa. Tka anaagaoMote hod kow ■ado alraady aod IK* tko antral at tko grooaa. Hoy. Mr. Ooodo. gootar or Uo Baptist ekorck of tkat tovo OHO sBHHoood aod oMHatal at tko -aroBoay which wra fitfifid at •ho bona of Mra. Wonbto k tko araansa of oaty a raw I fMaodo aod ratottrao. Tko •*» mod lately after tka for palate la Plprtda whoso raood about mo dan koto* to Date. Tko brtda Is a doagbtor of Msg. Maakoth Laa aod la papoter vtth a boat of frlooda to Dan aod teap. 000 eoaaty. bar forma r hona. Tko ranter of yaara, hovtag norad ten fnn Jokastoo maty, aod ta aopor tntaadaot of My. Ooorgo Popok largo lumter gloat ten. Ko M * igteMM 1 oataoaa noa aod la bold to Mgk ' Moon ky on ate koav kite.

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