LOCAL! _________________ i i A. CL Ik PA88ENCKK TRAIN ; SCHEDULES i • Southbound. No. n (tim) «:1# a. m No. M. * 8:3* A. M Ml. 88. 8:48 P. M. Mo. 88. Ull« P- M Northbound. No. 84, «:33 A- M Hi. 88. 12:8* P- « No. 84. T:41 P- * No. 88. n 38 P. M DURHAM AND SOUTHERN Paaaongei Truin E-.bedu'c L». Dura Mo. 88. »:*■<* A. M No. 84. 130 V. M At. Dm Mo. 81. 11:1® A M No. 41. 6:36 P. M Hr. J Lloyd W.ede **» a hualncts »iritor In Ralcffb thle neck. Mlao Mildred Rdw- rde. of 1W1 land Neck. It rlrttlvg Mist Mnaio Rtopbona. Mrs I. P. Hlcka bn* relumed from Richmond. Va. where »b# h*» been for tba paat week. Mr. Prentlao Knell, who boldi a position In Kenly. npem Surdty hero with hit mother. Potar Parker, manneer »l lb» nuun Cate, wan n buelneet eulior lr Rocky Mount thle week Mcnore. D. It and John L. Hnill »#n. ot Buie'a Creek, epent Sunday here with tbolr parent* Bam Too mu. manager or mo n and 10 rant (tore spent Monday and Taaaday In Rocky Moan*. Mlaa Klhcl Hooka baa n-tarsi-d from a Halt to Darba'm. where oti— was the fleet of friend*. Mrs Leon Peer-salt. of Rorky Mount la here Halting her reotbar. Mrs. Barnes, who baa been quite III. Mrs W. H. Stallings and son. W U. Jr., of Clayton, arrived Wednes day to Halt relatives la the city. The 8enlor B Y. P. U. will meet •very Sunday evening at »:*o o'clock Heretofore they met at I u'rlock. Mlsa Ethel Hooks hn* su-epled m pieltlon with Ihe Parrish Auto C. at bookkeeper and stenographer Mr W 0| Hollingsworth, who has bean suffering from a severe attart of pneumonia U reported much sel ler. One hundred eo-d* of oak wood for Immediate de>i..ry. Apply to a Heary Pope. Dana. N. C.. or phone Ha St. The Wilson property on Broad 81 sold at nnctlon a few days ago fi lls.000.00.' It was purchased by f I. Wilson. Mr. and Mr*. L L. LeHnson. of Coala. were hsre yeelert’i - mnrnlry on rout* home from e visit to rela tive* la Johnston county. Mr. Perry Morgan retvrn-d from Wagratn where he attended tb* mar fief* of his brother. Mr W'Tle Mor «aa. which took place Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs Lester Mssnsnglll. cf T our Oak*, were here Thors lay morning on their army to Tuque/ Bprlags. where they will Halt M.«. Ma*seatin'* parents. Among other Improvements Hood end Qrentham have Installed tw > a -w soda table*. They are of thi U teat designs, attractive and opto data, and adds considerable to the • ppesranee of the Interior of their mere. The residence occupied by Mr. R O Prhnroae waa discovered on fln Betarday ertemoan. The nre orlgl bated about the kitchen, and but for th* quick response of Ike fire ** nip ary the residence would hey* been destroyed. Th# damage waa sr.ty light. Strayed from our home Tuesday evening Pohru-ry »th a Poi Torrlor huppy. White, with large brown epeta. stub tall sad .raaamblc* a bird dog. About th* eta* or a large eat Any Information weald he apprecia ted and rewarded—John A. McKay, Dana. N. C. "Payesou*' did not present hie allow In Dunn Mat week at waa aa n« aocad In th# rolamni of Th* Dis patch. He g*ye hla free exhibition lut did not show aa the atmosphere **# a Httl* too full of cold, which mad* th* theatre-goers think more of th* heater at home than th* on* at th* Metropolitan. In the recent Cap* peer New* • -ntaat Mis* Id* Mat Ptttnra* war ru* of the earresafal contestants th* waa the winner of one of the dtaaqond ring* Hh« did eweetlenl work for the paper la thM torrttore Bt|d deserved to wla the bsdoarm prta*. Her numerous friends here are congratulating bar on h*r sue Tb# extremely cold weather leaf Ruaday kept a large number of the Wealey Bible Cleat members sway from Sunday Reboot. There wer* about seventy present, however, which waa an eseelleut attendance for each a day. The 'Rada' are still la th* land, although the ’Rises' were not fay babied them Sunday. It la tb* tataatlaa af th* eM't to hay* a hundred out next Ruuder end both eldeu are wnrkteg this « -eV to be In the Mad whan Hi# roll Is culled. OLAM REPORTER. Mr. C. 8. Moor* was * basin*** rliitor la Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. B O. Townsend Is s»ao«ln« the weak in Rslalgh on business. Mr. W. H. rurrisb was a business visitor la rnysttsrlU* Wadnsadsy. Miss Molllc Butebar spent the reek-end with friends In Lumberton Mils Gladys Young Isft Wednesday for Wilson whsrs she will Tlslt rela tive*. Mrs. E. J. Nobles, who underwent •n operation st Oood Hop* Hospital ; l Buko Tuesdsy. In reported much briber. I .atie Lnnlle Drsugbon. of Durham In here visiting Mr. sad Mrs. W. O. Johnson. Mils Allle Boomer, of More head ( lly. Spent the week-end bare with Mlvs Hnttle Stevens. roDgresimnn H. L. Godwin spent Bnndr.v and Monday In tb* city with h's family. He rerurnnd to Wanb Irglon Tuesday. Resinning Monday eight the Queen I'bratre will Issue coupons to Its pa • inns each time they visit the ehow. And on the following Monday *yen tny the one bolding the lucky nua '■rr win be preeented with a ft M gold piece. Mrs. Black hat accepted s position with Ibe Caroline Telephone A Tale era ph Co., sod assumed ber work the nisi of February. All the ope re <• rs at the local keyboard now are ladle*. which means better and mor* "trident service. Owing to tb* oold and dlsagreebl* wvatner which has visited this suc tion for (ha pest two weeks, tka V. 8. E and 1ft cent Store has decided to continue their sale through newt *"ek. They are offering goods very cheap and many useful things for the home can be bad *1 this store. Mr. i. t. Morgan, formerly of Crer’ivbnro. who now makes hie home at Hamlet, was lu tba dti Monday visiting k'a brothers. He now bolds a position with the Slaad erd Oil Company as traveling sales, "•0. with headquarters at Hamlet. He has kero wltb this company for M-versl yearn and hla friends here will be glad to learn that he Is grad tally being proraotad. A thrilling IIre.reel drama, foat nrlug "Under Buaplctoe.* from tb* lemons story ot C. Opponhsim Phil lips. In lb* Saturday Evening Poet, will be the attraction at tba Queer Theatre tonight For Saturday night ' Should She Has* Told' wtU be •ho^ feature and “Whit* Turkey Comedy,’ will also ha presented. This U an Interesting program for the two night*. SIM Reward. SIM .^e ruder* of this paper will be . ‘SVhV stroyieg tb* feeedeUea at tb* Pirn giving tba patleet etreagtb by belldrag up the eonetltetlee end eeeletlM mm tar* la dalag Its week. The peapele powor* ’W“J3fS they offer On* Haadred Dollars ter aay that It fells t* emra Bead for Ust of taetlmoelela aeons.: r j. ewawet a CO., gated* Okie set by ail - If -. Tta AOCIDRHTS ARB DBCRBASIIOO. ’tat More Safety Meeeui<■ ffludt be Adopted. Thinks Board at Health. That accident* or *U kinds are de era sting m tb* United States to the ■iplclon of Mr. P. L Hoffman If the November lesne of Safety Eoglneer Ing. He toys that where there war* tl.400 deaths canned by accidents In this country In 1011 that there will hr approximately 76,MO. or 7,000 lead. In 1016. Of this nunbar he estimate* that 14,000 of thee* deaths will bo caused by to lie. 11.000 by •allway* 11,000 by vehielo see Ideate mainly automobile seetdeata. and 0.600 by drownlag. Total automobile eeddmts la Lha Veiled States here increased from i.f per million popolatloB la 1MT to R(.t la till bat street oar ■ nnldoeti here decreased from II per minion In Hit to SI In flit. The are baa ard oontlnaoa to ranee a large lorn of Ilf. aad accidental poisoning, base not keen reduced to the extent re paired. , , "While the accident problem Is lowly clearing ns.’ says the State Heard of Health, "there Is aet a more •rrloee problem demanding attention from every point aa this one does Accidents befall bread atnaere more •hen nay other atom of people. They Me a eaojte of dependency next to Mckaeae They are tragedy makers Where there Is one death due to an • rddont there are hundreds ef lata 'Ire md men end women era oftei ’.capacitated for life.' The Boerd (blnka that there m ,a'd *>e a more general regard fur aad adoption of aatety maaaures aad that heee should be engor oed by login la •Ion wherever the need demands. KOT1CB. Tbore will be a meeting of Palmy -a Lodge. Mo. 147 A. P. aad A. M. la 'hdr ban above McKays Pharmacy •xt Txaeday nlgbl for the parporn of conferring the central appraatlea 1 agree. All Master Mesons ere lavltod ta attend. R L DINKDIO, Secretary. Haney Ford (Mm HI* Plant ta Mu Detroit, Mleh. Feb., 4—Mean Ford, the aatomebna smaotactarm and pence advocate. Is mid to be It Washington today saaferrlag wMI Hreelduat WHooo sad other edtateh WHERE THE FIRES OCCURREO Now York Pin OonaMoMr An* lyam M* Origin of th* Lomo I* That City. Th* ■—|p to tutor**! pipwO ovurt la th* Htthlio a* th* Or* panoaal imp— hfty for pro—at abl* Atm aboald bo holpod hr a *tat* mm at ft* praporttoa at tha Atm which mow* la th* horn**, whor* th* Urea of woot*Q pad children arc aa If—ni. Hobart Hi—, Pin Conn 1**1 »o*r of Mow Tack City, kaa ■ad* aa aaatytoa of tho IMA In ahowlnp that H par ooot tnvnd ■ tba plao*o whor* poopla Iha Ha re port* that th* total unbar at An alamo racalrad la IMA wm* 1AJ4A. oi which UK war* taloo llama. Th* ■ at—I aaabar td Area waa K4U OI thto anmbor lid occurred la plaoai la which people Map print* dwell In—, laawitl hoa«aa. hotel* nod boardia* ho—. This waa M par eon' at aU Am. Of th* r*ai«tnla« tuiobai at Am, A All —M oatold* oi boUita—, ** that oaty ATM Arm oft enrrod la halldln— othar than tho** Thar* war* I.Ttl Am In tanomoat ho**** akaa 141T Am la bedroom* 1.174 la muan, IT! la chimney*. MM In Utchaaa. UH la yarlar* and dU Im ran*, m la olooM*. 1U la bath ream*. AM awninff Am. ld» dumb waiter Area, and lli Am nador etuopa porch** aad anawaya. To anah aaa of tho— Am th* An dapartmaoi had 1* aawd mam aad appa rat—. Moat of thorn war* due to dowuftpht ctnlwnm. aad th* Now York department h— **tabU*b*d la owp Its rlfht to nntopol th* owner to pay tha coot of atltaaattbwfi la eaaao whara th* torn wa* A— to fan an to comply with An prerentloo r—ItHin —t—arm— Peal HU 7ATAUTIXS. *. T«U| mji u«r« Maw ta ba aa tneroaa* la tka »aw bar of death* by •r» rnatil of lata aat aalp la tka dally mn, bat aapactellp ta tirtov aaotleaa ot thia btmta. which ba* cam* to ba aatagarottralp fra* tea tkaa* ihloga tor aawa tuna peat gllaaoa aa* atlaatlna to at Ira prrrantloa aa* to aMy aa* Sr* ******* ara tk* aalp ramdp tor bp tk* Totow* to hr* Tka Sadtag to tka ftoarrad ba*y to a pood etttoaa to Utah Petal la tka Nad Ho tat. Wlaalea Salem. wklak vaa burn** aloaa with mack ether Taka Me prapatty • tow *apa ago, aapaafally ■ naatloa to waarrly toau Ufa la eaaaaeltoa win Iras that ara oooar Hap. aa* apacUl attaatlaa to appll anna* la prevent tkatr anal mi WATKR. knaai Um* apo Raleigh. aad staaa (tat other dtlaa, kin Padded to torn lah baa water tor ptorwt* bre pro taction, each aa private hydrant*, ■taadptpaa, aat* automatic aprioMeri MIU tk* poo* work poa* an. aad win aa 4eabt oaattow uatl every dtp or town In tk* Plata owning I La water work* will taka tka aawa owrroc Tbit win no donbt ba luBo^d in time with b. rMiirmnt (Wi ■ hnnhi—m balMln* to tka bra glatHot ahalt ba equipped with automatic oprlnklera, an* tods woali rtobip pap tk* dtp aa wall as to* owner ot tka property. not only la lb* aatotp top tree, bat In greatly radbead tra —mao rotas. Tk* east ot putting la aa agulpmaut to elan*pip* or piplog to T*ry amall to tk* property owner, aa* tka loss to the dtp la practically nothing. aa no watar Is aaa* except to aas* at a Bra. aa* tkaa urach lea* than wool* b* need bp to* Sr* Itpartaiaut. ta potting out a fro. CHURCH DMT ROY CD BY •FOMTANROUR COMBUSTION A no art at a ftra la Uwtmm Coon ty la which h larsa ehareh bwlldtBg. tha arosarty at tha UaMaS Brathraa. waa taatriyat. waaM hftwti that th« bantlea. Tbln banding haa Jest Waa eonpietad at a coat at IftjSSS at was alraady lor iatMha. Tha Say baton |Va |n a. - tnjtjivBwrj Tvrncw wwb to w halt a aaaihar at weuaa IbaraMUi donned tha ehareh. aaft aaa« elothi aatatataS with a mixture at Hnaeaf eO, tarpoattea and saaetlaa tor pallah las tha Sean and euudnuah. ta ordar that thaaa dot ha aright ba ratalssS tor totara aaa, thay ware stored away la a small alsiat or copbeerd. aad art dandy linasi Ignited from spoatana eaa oombeadaa aad destroyed th« Ltasssd efl Is tUMa ta aaaaa rack a Sra, aapaidafty wbaa spraal orar ■ large aardbea o* anally Ignttad auto rial, sack aa eottea doth This of taken ary goo from tha air aa fast thal the bant iron the tbeorieal anion wm if aat carried away by aaraaatt ot air. rise to as ok a point that tha IVn la tha rage wilt taka Srn. Than tk< gasotisa fsasaa woaJd oalck Sra muct tnora anally than tha fthrn ot tha raga aad tha Sititare ns ad ta this rasa asl< It aagarUUy daogerea*. Raport IIU acta Ftra Marshal of tha gernramaaL It fa reyerto bare that Mr. Ford goo* to offer th aaa of tha Ford pUat hare to tb NOTICE OP UM Bjr lrtu* of the authority costal nod la a dead of trust cxrtulad by 8. B. Loo. and wife, Stasis ]ur, In tha ua daraigntd, which doad of trust was duly r *»1a to red In Book 114. Pag. 107. of tha record* of tinman Coun ty. I will at lbs tlmo and plats here inafter mentioned tall at public auc tion to tha highest bidder, for eaah. Iks following described read estate located In the Town of Dunn. Ha i' ll tU Count, North Carolina, bound ad aa follows; First tract: AU wt Lots No*. 7. I. I, and 10 In Block "A* uncording to tha plan of the Town of l>ann. the ■aa being contiguous lot: and form ing on* lot bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at tha IrtersocUon of tha Haul Una or Kny ottavllle atraat and the Northern Una of Cumberland atraat, and run ning Ibcncc with the North lln* of Cumberland atraat let foal to the Western line of Tdicknow Avenue; three* with raid line of l.srknnw Avenue Uoulbwardly 170 feet: thence Mrstwardly parallel with Cnmher laad street U> Keyettavllle street; tlicnce with Knyattovlllc Jtrecl to the ■h finning ami bc-lrng the lot known m the Hotel DtTlne. Second Tract: Beginning at the Intersection of the Southern margin of Cleveland (treat aad Lhc Eastern faigtn of Mugnolla street In tha t -wn of Dana, and runs lhance Southwrrd I. with Mugnolta atrial 241 feat: tbanca at right angina with said lint Kastuaxdlv 130 feet; than re North wardly parallel with Magnolia siren 341 feet to Cleveland street; thence with Clove lead atroat to the begin ning, the same being the two lots conveyed to 8 B. Lc* by O. w. Nay lor, and wife, by dead dated (be 7th day of Dece-nher. 1710. reglvtnrer In Book 174. Page 3*6. In the a Plea of tka Kcgitur of Daoda of Harnett County. Place of gale; At PostolDc- door. Dunn, N C. Tlmo of Bala: January IOth, tut7 at 12 o'clock M. Terms of Ssl*. Cash. This the ldth day of December. 1714. The bid la this matter being been raised 10 per cam the land will he resold at the place above spcctPed on Wednesday r*b. 21*1 1817 at 12 o'clock M J. C. CLIFFORD. Traaie.-. COMMISSIONERS SALE OP LAND. Under and by virtue nr an order of '.be Superior Court of Harnett cans, ty. made in the special proceeding? .'ntlllcd John W Bryant. Administra tor of Lou Ellen Manser. >» Bettlc B Menanr. Mary Pearl Meaner et ala. ihe same being No. 1446 upon th< •pedal proceeding* docket of eald court, the ardenlgued commissioner •rill ou Salarday the 34th day of February 1V1 7 at II o'clock U m ha Pont Office Door in the town of Dnnn. K C. offer for sale to Ibr high est bidder on terms of one half rash and balance In one yoar the deferred payment* to bear interest at « per cent and IlUc reserrod on til pay ment ta made In fall, the following described tract* or land: 1st. tract. Beginning at stake In n brunch an old aoraer and run* S7 W. aa the old Una 4.60 chains to a •take, then aa the old line 8 It W. I. tl chalaa to a pin*: thanes aa (be old Una N w d.7S chains to a •take; thence ILU ^ .about 10 rha to a stake IbBTi line: thcaee with bla line S ^Bliain* t othe be Clnning 7 0-10 s«V more or lean. Ind tract. Beginning at a atake at the Intersection of the line of ditches In J. W. Lucan line and runs as the ditch 1-1 acre length of line to a stake: thence near north a •might line to Major Smith's line to a stake: thence, aa 9mltb's lln•> K 1-3 acre length * of line to J w. Lucas corner; thence as hi* Una to '■he beglnlng and supposed to con tain two acme of land, this being l.J if the Lucian Lucas tract of land. 3rd tract For description nee teed from Joseph Luca* and wife to J. w- Lucas dated September IBth 1305 and containing 4 acres. 41b tract. Beginning at the cor ner of Joseph Lacsa line on the W aide of Black Hirer In Avcrmaboro township and runs near N K. 300 ft. to a green pine on the ditch bank: thence S. B. to Bud Luca* line 245 yards; thence with sold Dud Loco* line 8 so yards to John Wash Luca* cornar; thence with John Wash Lo ess line N w 240 yards to the be ginning containing 3 acre* mors or leas. This 22nd day of January 1*17. E. r YOirNC Commissioner. * PROFESSIONAL CARDS • • •••••••••• * 3. C. Clifford, N. A. Townsend. * CLIFFORD * TOWNSEND * Attorneys «l Law * Office on 2nd floor of Pint Nat * tonal Bank. Prompt attention * given to all bualnaaa. * CAROLINA PHOTO COMPANY * Photograph* ra * W. A. Gaaqaa. Manager * All atyloa enlarged portraits * East Mala St_ Dunn. N. C. aaaaeaaaaee * R CARLYLE WEST * Attaraey and Oaneefler at Law * First National Bank Building * Donn. N. a * •••#•••• • • * T. R DARDEN * Veterinary Phynlrtan. Sargeee and Dentist. * PHONES: Day, BO. Night, 210 * DUNN. K. C. * JAR R BUTLER * Boeeeeaer to Dr. R F. J. Lm * Office aver Wilson A Lae's Stare * Phone ISA. I • U YOUXO I • AlUrravynl-law • * Office 2nd Seer Oeldsteln Mdg. > * Prompt attention given bvrtneee eeeeeeeeaee | SOCIETY I r ^ COLUMN 1 | Failed by MARY McJCAY I MKIUtY name fashion pridae herself ee E.itmllng with such aa Lhasa. aha kr*P« a gra bat laughing aya aa I them ud they la retgra aatd laughing faces at tbafr troablea. Merrily the Marry Sanaa Book Cluh I.-Ptherod Tharaday at tha attraetlvw l> sad perfectly appointed bona of Mrs. JaaM R. Hstlar who la alraeds ■>' '«j la Duaa'a Society newt for Her hospitality. Cartalaly tksaa Msrry Dimes bad aa opportunity for ‘living up‘ to thstr aamaa oa this per il* ular occasion for what la a ora ooa dsdog to merriment than a beealt Inl drawing roolb. with a color -cheaia of pink and grwaa harm oa la log with thr attraotlva sat ting and color schams of tbs ball aaf recap non room, with pink earaetiona and maiden hair fares aa decoration*. A salad count with tea aad Biati ••a served. Those present ware M sad a mss C'oltraoe. Baldwin. C D Bala. Snipes Knftia Smith. Marvta Wads. Jobs P. Johnson. C. U Wilton, Katbaa Johnson. H. O. Mattox. J. W. White hmid. A. L. Nswharry. !». A_ Laa aad i Miss Van Hsrrtsg, of Relalgh. fUCHCAJUTTO. Reheariala have begun on. "Back to the Primitive,' a four act play that la light, breeay and eaterta'xag Tbl* le a production by oae of our town glrle. Mtea Mary MeKay a ad acme of Daaa’a vary beat Bora ut rot will be area. The atage direc tion 1-4 B it. •s uaka la a ataka. M> aaaaar la the read: thaar* aa the read It l-a ■ I aha. aad W Uaka to aaatk rr ataka la tka read la a iottta Bedford aad KiaaSe taitk’a earaer; thaaaa aa tbalr Uaa N. It 1-4 W 14 ckalaa aad It Uaka ta a ataka aa4 potatm, tkatr aoraar U C. C dautk Use; tkeaca aa C. B. tottb aad Bad ford taltk’o ItatKTHBI aad IS Uako to tha ‘ a. tala In a t M arm. J H Baltaaao aad j curort aad Attpa. NOTICE OF SAX*. Am NaaMntr of tko Coort. aad bp rlrtaa of to aatkonlp voatod la ■a bp a Jo toM of tka da parlor Coart of Harajtt Cooatp. rtadtrol at the Nor ho bar Tara. ISIS la tha caaa of O. B. Lao otal.ro. Jokaaoa Brother*. I trill oa Bondar tho lith far of March. lMt at IS irtcek room, at tha eoort Koaao door la IM linptoo, K. C.. aCar for oato at pah llr. aaetlna for cut tho foftewlac roal aatau loaolod ta HOraatt eoaatp to-ortt: Bapianina at a ataka la tka raa Of tka little Battle Hlrfca Breach, fa |to Barrel! Hodcaa" Uaa aad raaa M. II W. ll.ft abate* to a ataka la tka eld laid; tkeene t. ft.80 aha. to a ataka lo Wilkin*’ lime; thcaca with hla Uae N ll lit |.| chaioi ta WUkfaa* coraw la tha rat of Uu iH Bet lit Hick* Brack: tbaaao ap tha ran uf aald Briar* aa It aaoadcrn to tko ba«tmalM. eonlaloia* ts acre* more or Uaa. Tklo tho Ith dap of Pebraarp lPlf. M. A. Tiioaaaad. Comics law i ww. i.USTANG j T or Sprajna. Laraenwa. < _v>r-.*s» Cuts, Rheumatism ! t'-.iclrcU* and HtaU. I 1 Steps Paia At One* For It2an and Beatfc 3=.50t.*l. At All Peel— LINIMENT After iptatlif two weeks bar* with her par rots. Mr. iM Mrs. Het rr Pope. Mo. A. a Harrell wisistd TO seder to her boa# la Petersburg. . Vt The Goldstein Co., Will Sell You The Best Goods Cheaper \ * We carry anything to be found in a first class dry goods store and can please YOU. COME Let Us Show You Is All We Ask. HJ1S GOLDSTEIN, : Manager. I New Goods Arriving Pally Although the weather has been bad for some time our line of Furniture and House Furnishings continues to arrive daily and is now complete ir every department. While the prices are some higher we are selling as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other Furniture or Hardware House in this section. '* *'V* f • ' 3' /’ , • ;V#' ' wSE&Sat] Next Time You Are in Dunn Don’t Fail To Vint Our Stores. % • I If you are not in position to pay all rash it may be so * I we can arrange terms. Come in and we will talk it over. :| The Barnes & Holliday Comp’y. •1 HarSwsrs—Furaltare—UsSertakm •I Day P.. lie 11 Kl«ht Phoae 70 \