HE DUNN IS , * • 1,1 _ - Dunn, S. Cm Feb. * '' • ^ *»s—~ y-«r ---x • • -- —— - JHRp flP i 1i!»: i'li.-:i ns». The f‘T~pr ■ • ; i. " ‘)l ennljln Si n . •• ■ (M'O iicro* «f !i»i . "i ». !•! i. ,.. In Bfrpvj.- 11 ~. - . - . . tie* m X- . i|. i ' • i i n.. • 'I'ler. Ail: p ir.v*. ... . ..... C*-oe.':i'i — .-it Or>ellr * e... 1 • •' . ' P- v»p :*■•!?. '*i ■ • i -. K'l. v*nre Tii..' Tiu vi'l* '• r! ’ • iii >.in1s S.;l4 e, -... 111 | r|n i,, p> -»ler r • • ••• .. . > ir Nnpiii !' i. :• . ..., ; | . Illlo'i. Tnv-li e i. ... Jnr»ln i nt”.! . ••• , i-.i.i •■. ,,.11,. r-mpenr i'f Jfiei.sy.i7 »r than fin- "•!. , • —..iitle. ir Neinh CurpUr-. (•• e|i .'.' -vimi1 or All.iplmer A11|.. \ ■, i- TUmViv Bnintwli !i r -n'* -i •• pp#. Well. P|l|irf,|;.. . . .... i-t . (• ., rj. "if' >•* »* •».. < .. Cli-eeii- ''pa' , •• .. u„|.„ In.1 • ■ . . . Mamin' Mum V *• i., i* »• . ery. I* ■?!*!•••* Pf ?i • i*p • «»* * it* , >tR ! cr*on. PM* . <* »• . **mv 'I " eP A.e ’. ' L ,r. AV.:'nii* t« . n» '*, .. ti.... . The prr.pmr.* r • r., - (va|.. b* cp»i"ei1 i‘r.-tv 1 JnlinMnn. anti s •. It will tore itv’ Vt* tru.hf.ti let* the * f i.' tt t| Vi" |.f than tliirtv-nvr r-r y.- "’i; *1. . tn the State ft lime lie *i *1 Connly with I..475 tar.'.Me pi I* *rlt is (renter thr.p forty "til'. niVI'* in North Carolina. It lo-tro I'arncti eouaty with 272.MP .acre* of land, | which wl'l h* th,w other roBtirtew-tn Wf*r»» ptwaw- — ---■ JOHN n.|nr the Inrpes* .*t. * *n *he Stnre The heprlr.T •!(•'<» ef rnnnty Is IPS.OOP a...? tie 1 . a. sn.SP 2-H Tin— It id pnn#H » ' • »,v » - .* rftrifir and pro^r^ff !?* irrn ■* “•rr.r. (lie rnnntr rr.*i» of T*>ir?r f'njrfr i>nnn 1* lrwo*M nr»- the «:• ;-t „f the coon • y. on the main ’I- • ' Mia Atlantic Coast Line Ifalrf n-.t the Mlj,.' cm lormhmn nf rn -f-n ,, Bouthe-n HelIt • •nd: !«.->: H«1 n--.Ilia tlon. city ip,hi <•••!•tfnUr m,ta, „f asphalt ptvii u •■l«•,•'•le tlyti.e water and nrn'r s'-Vet'i-. « wi-r-1 1»v the town nnd !* the r-immr-rfo! renter of tho must tli'rVIr snltlrd and proa parous ngrteultnrel am 'Inns nf (p* Btftt*. Durr root.rtrs Hnei* strong banka, nine eharefcor.. i-rmlrd and blah school* with snvei'l.irii teacherr and nop pupils two wholesale nter eaatlla esfshlls’tn'enls, no* nf rhe l»r«e»t mennfnefor'M of machinery npfl farming Imob-menls in the BoBth, two fnrnltme factories. three lumber plant*, nor betog among the •argent la the Rt»t.s eel'no seed oil mill, two hofelo. nbont “.no mnrmn. tile houses three i'r|.t ntnrrn. It Is located aeyep ip tin* from thr town nf , Benann. with a iiooiilntton of J.oan four miles from ti n rot ton-mill T|j. Inge of hnVr with e rcss'niiftii of 1.S00: eight miles fw* |tig torts nf Costa, r’lh a pApn'n'tno of 50«t all of ihesa betu.r tn (he new county. Tho eorler nf the new ene.nly ts tweiuy ml'ca fr«m 'Mllnrton the COBPty sent nf ft:: rnclt. hr country rotid. and fifty three mi’ti by mil; tn Clinton the rotfty sen* ofhtnrp *OB. Iliirtye mites hv eonpfrr rood a»d nlnctr nre miles irr mil; tn Smttliflrld th* eonviv seat nf John •ton. fwrnlv four inller hr .tthcr rat! or country tnn.1 This e-clion, by. In® far retnoTe.l from livj rnuoty sent* of the -ustiec'lvc natopt en«n tte*. baa not had the Ndvc.nl,ges ijf good roods, erer-pt Hint Dane Town, ahlp. at Its own espofise. has evpand od mors Ihar Jtop.oe* In mod lm pmremenl*. ’■’Mdlj |m prnn-ments will be OBlehtr mended to Hie bor der* nf the now ronsty If mmled. The bill provl *"r. ibat the new fornty shall have no renreseatatleo Ip lb# f-egislctor.! tin'll the .--ptppnr i Inn men la tbj!. n ,»d in the mma tlro* ahstl t.d# lot a flubro'enti.'ly* with Ramf-son (J i stv and v. Ill bn a pwrt of tba rourteeatb Ranatarlal. AMOXti Tiuc 800UTH. i "'••I* Someth Part of tbe Scoot l,a« A Scout La Obedient. Hi obeys lilt pa-anta. Seoul mar in .••hii.I tsuuter. and all other duly Inly conatltulral aulhorltlaa. Tha :<-l Scout doam uol try to own t«a •••rid but U willing to obey at all j,!mra those aubircta which he le au lll iTlred and expected to obey. No ■r.-. iier whether be think* It tha bea1 •!-»"« «r not, whta bla parent* or .eiber authorities tell him :o do n |'Vn* be doe* it reverantly. H: ’ •*> the motto of nhedience nt 'I time*, and submit* In ordor to an Obeillrnt chnrncter. If he ‘'••"I obedient then he docent do ' rrc to he called a real Scoot: fir !'b» t rue Scout lire* by ttil*. the **» • Hi part of the Scout Iaw. Iteelf **■»' leauc. 8th part of Scout Law) hov .uxinsmv shot. The yrinng eon of Mr. Noah Le' «f 'hi* townthlp wn *hot by a itrcnty two ride In the arm last Mop ■iuy nfiomoon. The ball mad a '•'» opening In tbo right arm of tbe i -r and arc-lit about two thfrria of the «oy through. The doctor waa forc ed to go under the arm to g*i the I.i. f I mu ( T»* hoy with hit father ana vorh '•-r til the field near his hoof, when ••!« -Tin fell In hit aide llfehw- for r»-e mlnalf he knew not wh.tt had ■rppened. hearing no report »r tliot; ! »t toon dltoovcred thel a hall from 1 twenty-two rifle bad pl«-r-ed bln 1 h*l. He wna Immediately ravhed to lie doctor who took the kali from "'t". Who did the ahooitng (a • ni known, but It la generally cy • foled that aonae ctrvltu boy w a (hooting In the field and ibot on a line which found a victim. AII1 Hoy* IncTperlenccd with a run ahould take thin It n waning and never •'•oot on a level at It It ganerw.ll ’angrpoue 10 do to nfflceyn Capture Still—Worn od the ruder World Owed Oat ad Pawn. I-ucate In Benton. Benton. N. C. Faby. t—Mr. R L. y lowarn made g special vlall out on ‘fill try it -m«r wigm gmv tmiugm wet •e'lh him i »c gwnor copper attn. 'le alto caught at the tUll Seth Me T.arab. Mrl.omb was arretlod and lake*! before the tl 0. Co mm let Ion - or at Punn and bound orer to the Fed ■ 1 Court. From all report* It Meat that T-cnaon !■ nllltrlcd with tome frry »ir desirable cittsens. Some days • ftn M e people of Dunn got busy and 1 Is red oat from her hordtra some women of tho under-world. These • n-nea hnvc moved Into the tubnrbe of our town, sn It is reported, and ire (trine a greet deal of annoyance the cilitcne who lire near the "lace they lire. If the owner of the '.-.one refutes totoove these nndeslra from his premises, then lh« nsor e' '■Miners of our town shnuld notify '~n> to vacate at once, and tf this ■’m’t more them sre think they ’’ioiiW be forced to temre In broad ■'rr light without ceremony. Mr Robert Flowers returned from trmhnrg. Rampson County, whore ’ o bad been employed by the dtlionr ,f the town to do tome work charing 'be htorhaders sad whiskey makers. Me ran (lit one ZK-gnllon still and ihroe men. Terkln Yonug. formerly of Harnett, and Keedham ▼. Pope »d T. r. Pope boys 14 and ]< years '•f age destroyed 7* gallons of beer T.d several fermenters. This still “•*» being operstod la the Salembnrg Model Community of Sampson eouo '*■ »<••' •" three hundred yards of the I oust of tho township Cnnstnhle. The prisoner* wore taken to Fnyette -tllc and gimn a hearing before O. S C.immlseloner and bound oyer to the Wilmington Federal Court. TOCXO PKOPI.K MKET. The Vonng People* Missionary Ho '•*ty mot with Thoma* Hood loot Tuesday evening. Thla was a aortal ir.eotlng and nolle a lunlwr of vonng r.xrplo iraro present to an Jog tha oe. ' '"Ion. Musical selection tram the c dlson and glaring gamaa aorta* to pleasure of those present. Thrwe new member* war* enrol lad, Tha nail meeting tha devotion >1. * 111 moot To radar evening attar the 4 li Sunder with Mra. Bain. Mr. John P, Johnson, huger for Johnson Bros napartmant Store, will leave tha Drat of tha weak for r at Hno ore and Maw York to purvhaoo * spring stork of goods for this large storo. Bandar for l.umhertoa, where they will spend some Hma rlsiting at tha l-ygie of Mn. Hotel as' pa rants. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. Jonas tha roarth JndlcUl and tha Sixth t'yngreaalonal dial riels. The peopi* m the proposed tarri lory only ask tha aauMtshaaont af this county subject to lie adoption by a rote of tb# poop la. KICI> MKX CELKBnATE. ' ,-°™l Most Wilmington Tv n Ham. to Initiate Xew Member*. (Written for The Pi'patrhl Wed needsy Dunn wet tcef-l In t 1" rformanco that li Und never a-er li fore. The local Red Men Lodg hi.ring fourteen candidates to In'tl ate Into the myetsrlee of (he ordat rrd having been organised only a Va *«ebs sent to Wilmington for th : special degree leam to come no and confer the degrees. Wilmington is cne of the strorgeet strongholds foi Hed Men In (he Slate end their de gire team Is a well known fratnrr of initiations throughout the entire r< serration of North Carolina Mr. Darts, one ot lh« hlgheal of fleers In the reservation of the Uni ted States accompanied the teen and proseoted to the Chloora Tiibe No 111, an article of work wklch CO# -mally sees why be has reached tie hlg bodice that he holds In the Oder. Acting as Sachem hie eork was with raae and grace, uaerrlrgl . familiar with nil tho workings of the degrees and seemingly a past mnater at the art of handling and working his tribe through all Ibe mrsterlou . t'srela that one has to attain before the finish of his derlree to enter In » the realms of the Red Men. With R rot her Deris was the teem consisting of twenty "Indians' and all ' orbed with Ihcir high officer libs well oiled machines, never silpplrg dr. ! wiled. They then m creed on to the r-ona Cafe, wuere Mr. P A. Parker had made arrangements t.i a -rommo dal* tha crowd. Immediately after Ilnner our "Do It now Mayor" turned the tears or*r to the Ttattora and they made merry •ellh old and now friend i antll r. oVIock when they dreatrd la their regalia and gave to the cttlaena an "Indian Parade." In atanll form. ‘•‘h* I«x»l tribe la a strong one and with such chances as seeing the W1I r lngton team la action as araa pre r-.euia win* uta'e uuia* ui me «urak log* of tha dagrean. It was a plrnaure to hare thee* visitors with us and may they well *now that at any lime they should hr In thla community th* Inirh airing o.* the door* of Chicora Tribe haner on tha ou'side. MVTtIC DKPARTMF.XT lO MliKT Muale Department of Worn* i a Club will meet Saturday February m-rent cent h with Mra W. hi. fob Irano and Mia* Margaret*. MeDnn n nl home of Mra. W. IE. Cnl'ranr nt S 00 oVIock. Topic will be: F.bcl. ungen Ring Wngner. Story of Wagner's Life and R«. forme in Opera.-Mias Orar# Holliday. Da* Rhclngold—Mlaa Brownie La sea Walknrc „Ml*s Marie Motley. Slngfrlrd—Mlaa Rattle /term*. Dlei Qniterdammrrong-Mra. Rue. *•11 Toung. Selections from thean __vie trola iti™ Harnett Reporter. ' *£» Tba following rani aalrB.tr; rat. r. Imre bwr recorded liy Afirtrr Head* W. n. Paarntl rdaVrflaat wrrt. Hilda A la rla and wlM to Dmlcl C. nnrla lour acrra try Olllc ion towcahlp conaldanttion luge and af faction > John H Burwall to U |). Bui well 2 4-10 acre* In LH ling ton eonalii- r tlon 2600 r.ml othar -ralnt bl* r*n*,i|. c a floor. John H. MrNftll nnd wtfa to T \. Byrd. It l-I acre* In Upper Little Hirer townihlp. eonaldcratlr". tyjn. W. T Barney nnd otha^p to ?. ii Barney 3« l-I acrra la Stcwnrt t Creek townuhlp. eonaldrratlOB lore nnd affection and 2100. John 8. Show and wlfa lo Mar M. Johngon 1.1 arena iu jLuderaon'* Creek lownah(|i onnrldarattan |2C. R.M. Barefoot to J.- P. ffohnaon 23 1-2 ama In Aceraabpro - lorrn-dt4**, ronaldrrntlon II.KI. N MrLauclilln rad wlfa to Park. • Hina . two town Iota inj^.tlllngton er.nalder .linn 2*1# GO J1 IT W. Smith to May it. So-.'h 1-1 nrret In Ayvraabero, .eynalt'cm tton tl.Mn. l\ John M. Modena attorney. In Ryan dor William nnd otberi^ acrra In 8'»wart> Creak townaklp) conat'rrr tlon »G0. t . Cnry Lumbar Co to R-1>. and A. I. Ocerkr 14. acre* naair Akfltr. «y,n. ^deration »47«. ig Carr l.umhar r*n lo viuri. t i... r-hjr, consider? Hon P..((| P 7. T Klvttf #n«l wife , and j a Matthews prd wife to Sidocv K. k,-(. rcrtt.a 1 acre in Dule’s CteeV con sideration IIO®. U. r. Williams (« f 0 tolllfca ft. rtrr.i in mark Hirer township r.a •deritfon *!*•. Oon. Stewart and Marry M F.tow ert 11 1-* arm In NaDl'i Trrrk township consideration non. Hardy Ivans U) Paulina Mrtutmb IS 1-4 acres In Aesraslurro township consideration 12(0. « W O. Mrr.smt. to -laaiss McLurah !4 seres In Arernshoro tn«n*hlp. eon s'deratlos tSIO * . J. D. Asrry to trastsas o( Rork Rldpe frm Will Raptlrt. charch 1 arra In Green towpablp conMdare IV P. Burl", to II. C. Lee Iwu lets In Dqnn consideration »us W. J. Mason to W H RtrleVlanil 14 1-10 acre: Id t>pp~r Lltt’c Hl»er trwnshtp. cn*Id?r*tlon »'.4l. M. L. McKay to K. I,. Hoarerd I I'd If Ma in roealtlertifJnn ridd'>rrtlno $3 pne It I. Godwin ir J. R. Ririeh'n-ul Bd.ldO r-efa. I,, Aeerrshor.w lowoeh'o consideration *1#0 and otlisr vnin.o hlc eonetd-'-atton*. R. T. Johnson to W J Cotton Rfl arrea In Heeler’s Creek lownahlr conalderntirin *110 J. O. Thun.** In Hurry C. McHetli ri 3-4 iienra In Pppcr Lit tie Rt»er township. A. It. Burtm to Harry O. Me Hot II *■* si res lo Mpprr little IHver town ship. eenaidcintl'in * IS*. Thoa. H. Snreil und wife In hp.. Isabella T.uens 3R (versa In Atct* toro township. rnnalderattott M.RIft Oeo.. L. Canomly. eornintaatoner to Gnn. R. warren I lot lu »uan. ■ 1 -v—~ ■■ wv-1 MKAM.IIK A H.IVUKIUHM IMK KASR »>nn Serbia* Aflor-egarta Kqaal l< lnfn~H«* Pud 11 ale and FrlnMIjr at Cr-i-rti ua He i In Kerry. There utod to b« a deeply chorlah. ed notion among old (aa'ilonad mnthe-a ih*t every eblld bad to bay* n nnalaa. mump* and whooping rnnjth voimdlniev anyway, nnd when rny of <’'»>»e llwaa.a prrVDllcd In the community, and they ware aot «o rv.I.ed v-l.h nthor nSi.lr*. they llioaqhl It a rood drae for the child ren to finer 'em and he done with •cm. So Ihrr practically Invited vi-md-a Info thafr homer aad tuoh a » irk or two. anmrllirra a mrnth or longer, lo aur*a the Inaoecnta na lletita through the malady. Il'a Jaal (hta aamr old farhlODCu notion about maaalca. aaya the State fl mrd of Health, that la rtaaonaMe tv,r Ha Wide apread throughout tha Plalr Inal at Ihla lime. Hardly a fown. arh«rd or neighborhood la ca i-inlns an epidemic of menalca. It la mantra n-crcr or arhoala to rloae for *crt» at q (Imo which In waiting time nrd money and la a drawback 1 I the pmrrrae of tfaa nrhool. to ear noth In q cf the dratha It la canning. And -at thfv l* not the moat arrloaa fralure of an epidemic of meatier In e romniunlty According td the hgr •cy of Angittt. 19t6. "Manalo rank with •millpoy in communicability. v Mb ncarlpi fever In mnrtillir ...a aerloen efler-rlfectii of pnenta-i I in. luhrrettlcala and defcrMre earn nxd eve*.* It In the net-loan after cfT.rtn ilmt hitVen mcnMe* ttarh a ae. tlnua t’lrtnnc. It Icnvt-a waakllnec In l*-t nrxV-t- on,l j> mmmjrltv that re : lynoitljr atvi-r ttacjf .nii-r to nn ept t’eni'r lire- #o .aprct Ike da*. Some It, dr In left to auger life-long defect.. Aud fn mraalra In n pryrenlabic d'aea'c, nt lerat the aptead of II !» preventable Only the recognition of early .ymntoma and atrlrt tjnaraD f'ec Is effect ire la preventing Ita npcviid gor ererr mother or guar dian In do her rinry by bur child aa y ell an by her nelrhhor’a child weald be the I ileal pin. of checking apidem lo- in :hdr beginning. J4e"rv W R Johnaos and Earl Darafoot ryes) WedaaMhy tight nrirb frlemla In Bmlthftrld. ronaltlerntlon 13.8*0 Mrr M M. Small and othera to W. J Jrhrnou 163 acrea la Bnrbecna tiwm'-lp ca.iableraflon, (460. N. N Konlnn and wife to M. B ’■'cp-art acre* In Black Hirer to-.-nnblp. cnanlifcrailen 33 ano. V. 11 GtvTr-lo itiorteneen. to J Jt. rnlym 6 ;iciv» In Grove townnbb.. C-i»a|-|i-rp'|tin H ’I, Htxi1 coin >a Inn Inner to J. Yf. Dv-rt. Ore tract, or land la Staw— nr*’» frock lown.hlp containing a— l-cnl S5 aim. ronatdamtlnn (4.686. 37. W. C Wet to Mnry 8. McKay 1 nert-n III Str-w-iri*. CrryV town ah Ip fcnr'dcrailor (150. Walter Dnrrlt.li to J. L Tlodgaa 8* ntrea In Ororc lownahlp. conaldera •ion (COO. b If- Bvid to |ni*ana Wllllame SI acrea In Slewnrl'n Crack lownahlp, ctinrldcrallon |SM. •cooob xnwa. Th« B“*J arrangements tor thli •vfaool to eater tha Triangular it that won made last Friday aad tho aaaa of aU those paplle of tkla school wht wish to to tar were enrolled. ■—• one waa given his aids of tho tm tloa and told to hogtn mark at once a total of twelve pupils to enter th< Ifellmlaurlss. The preUmlisrlm will be held ahoat tbe dret week b March while tha regular trlaugulat debate win be Held on March Hat Of course if the school wins both 01 Ita be bates os that data then It wtl tw represented at Chape) HU) la thi Baals by tbe debaters who wta oat. Tho llterarary aoetotlae of both the boys aad the girts will meet thli afternoon (Friday) at oat o'clock) ai oaa o'clock. Intorcntlag program will be carried out lu both aad a fan tare of the hoya Charles I. Ar j morning the teeth Made debeted the ninth grade oe the •ubjoct. "Resolved taid Prwodent Ham tom of th-. root**™ Rati way By at am. today. "Tha report of tha eoaaoniptton of rot top ta tha mills of the trailed State* daring the month of Decembe* ahowa that eonanmpttea hi Soathrra toll la during tha raoath amnpntad to .'*7.*17 hate*, aa tacraaaa of ll ttt hatep er t.M per cent carer December ■ •II. CnpMinpttom ta the mill* of ad other State* during tha moeth a. ■proofed to 111.17* bahm a docr-.aae af M.6*7 halo*, or 11.7* per ten lilow December 1*1*. '1*1 the *ra month*- parted ceded Drenmher *1 aonpnmpttee te Soeth ere mttla amneatr* In t.CIVItl hatea ae larraom of 1*7411 halo* 01 111.** par cent arm the eorraapond !a* period laet year. Coeaempttra la an other State* during tha period r noaated to 1.1 **,*tl bale* aa In oreeae of 11,1*4 hale* or only tw< irr rent. During tha month of Da •nber eoemrapUoh la Southern ml' -vtorl** that (a th* mnia of an *th*< Stetaa by 7*.«f7 balae Of *4.1* pm emt.' fWT AMD WOT PARTY. Thar* win t* a play aad hog part] at Oak Or or* School Satsntar nigh f*h t«th. Ryeryhody la aordially hi jvtted te coma CLYPB BRYAN Baale* Weatbreok. Tmihert 1 NniUMItf. I ! I tha rscoptoa of a l _ aw trtbattoa aa a fntt rtsrtop bates cstrad br aash paraaa was baasd aw Us a mat bar of days of tetthfai i rotas : tha aad i'_ • baadtac sat to Ua _ _ «*fc Ua raqaate that thsy ha ao« trooad main altar salttto* tows. AM tha MHUta wars thaa paid hi wdi aad to aash tedtotdaal urttidpstla* i Uts dtstrlbattea was hands* a Isttar which read aa Mows. Woat Darhaas. If. a Juaur list lair. Osar Prtaad: Thia lattsr to to Ml yaw that tho Vaaacwwsat sf oar mots, that yoa rtsn yoa poraesaOr hota to tha opant > of owr ante tor tha yaar lilt. tor aa wa caw data that wa era ahto to par yaa as farth er compeweauoa tor roar aarataas to oar Coaspawy darts* tha past yaar. Of ten yoa hara natew< oar Can fur loyal aad iMNt wnlta W* tract this will aot * Myda! to yoa, bat am to aohla cadoaror to i falthfat aad *W <> T*t aairtea dariaf tka year for a ra xmabla tonytk of Dm Vha irrar ■tara aad aoasad heads war* atea adeqoataly rewarded._ la this dlatrthattoa tka koro rary fratly mn»n preetettoa aad loyally to raay aad doatara thotr ttoa to da an ta tkatr Thla la oaly a ftvfkair tko food foaliay aatotta* Brwta Cottoa WO* Co aad Ha **o*. Tko yooyto at tkay era aarrtof a which aroTtdaa dor than t, laoUla aa waB aa aatalda tko ;_It U lafraahtac to aaa tko cord la) •too* hctwaca tka_ •torrtom* hero and the_„ he yaotdo ta tka foetid that »rta« at hona. cun mm. 1+a toe tees win be amt Tti d*r. The iml mooe wm ho Mrrod. hit Lloyd Wi4o batap borteea. An onthadaotle and »etor*»tin* ntoottn* woo kdl Toeodiy TO*, nth. a MU aeeout wm ho It ran la mm weak* Mown. Dr. Hiek*e talk to the —-fii ehn. triad to^toproM^nlm 'tkoMMrwp that a (troop, ooood body laid the foen tattoo Mr an Mtoro. If w* cao art the ebtldreo of tMe dap aod to reaBoo thM Met aad teach thea hew to ear* tor thetr bodtm. eod ear work wm sot ha to rtrto**** Tha MetrepcMtea Ufa laaeruee Company wm fsrotah froa of ebarco th* foltowtmpi Tha Child Teeth. TeoaOa. end »■*--in Row to lore The Qaeeo Theatre wtti glee amp h*et*r eight 10 Mo tatty ooo a lt.lt sold ptoe*. Ttaoao teooMap coopeoe this wash mold do woO to hMdm to Moot. Too tt*y ho Mo Mr. M. K. WOMtt MimnM etoeh of proaoHeo to Mr. J. W. toko. mo. who took ekarpe f Mo More Mat wettt. Mo wm earn tko oamo Uao . end will eater to Mo oot toads. Suggest Name For Theatre The name of the Queen Theatre is to be changed an^n s.u^est'n8 most expropriate name II a 30-day complimentary ticket will be given. • suggestions must be in by 8 o'clock Saturday j j night February 24th. II Three judges will be appoint ed to determine the j j most appropriate name submitted. ttu sure to wo flip first cpt.ode of ! LIBERTY I 11»p grr*lent serin 1 errr produced. W.lcawp, J.ek Holt, Kddie Pole, C. Ray- j 5??"!1vA'" Grm«by,>l#.l Hart. and other. a.x «u» prrtrd ty hundred, of ! . T*M* *•»■•«, American C«valty.peiiti**)y jj th. l*U»t and m»t dut in you bed cn.t «wr«wd in a aerial photoplay. j .Free Matinee for school children Tuesday afternoon, jj Ladies admitted free Tuesday, matinee and night. jj pronipUrJTtni:£5r g0,d p,of* 10 Ukf pl"‘* Mo,,d,*y "Wh Prt- ,9» I