I I COD WIN DOING HIS SIT OP * PRACTICAL FARMING Lturw From Slate and Report* Prespo.es Far Nasi Winter Owed. Washington, April SI.—Rep men tstiv* Hannibal L Godwin, who just ratornod from th* State, has boaa do ing a bH of practical farming. Ho announced today that everybody in hh sect ton is trying to grow just what they need—plenty of food crop* for nan and beast, tad then a money crop on the side. He is following out this plan and expects to be in n posi tion next fell where be will have everything necessary for the winter and a little money besides. Moreov er, the negro who is helping him, will have a substantial share of what is mad*. “All our people are realising th* importance of growing more food ■uppUeo,** said Mr. Godwin. “They are going to do their part in railing what they need and a tittle more. “I have just finished my plana for cultivating n email plot of ground. If scree. I expect to produce enough to supply my needs during next win ter.*’ Mr. Godwin said he had planned a rotation of crop* to get the ulti mate yield, and he has laid or the ground accordingly. Ho already ha* ■omo early com out of the ground. Pea#, Beene and forage crop* will be produced in plentiful amount. Kany garden truck will soon be coming from one auction of th* small farm. Lotsr in th* year he will plant large quantities of swoct and Irish potato es. On* portion of th* farm witl ba devoted te cotton as a mosey crop. He expects to make at least MOO from this, which, after dhkunsnsnta will net 'him e neat sum above the food enppBea.—H. B. C. Bryant la Nows and Observer. YOUNG MAN MAMY1NC WILL NOT EXEMPT YOU Washington, April 19.—Mss of military age who bars married Mace a Mate ef war against Germany waa declared will not escape military eerrlee under a War Department policy formally announced today. The department's statement follow*: “The War Departasent announce* that all men married since the eht are concerned. It is desired that the otmost publicity be gives by the press to this announcement The department waa moved to take this action Is order that all man should understand exactly what Is contemplated in tbs organisation of an army to fight Germany. It waa desired that there should arise no question of slacken upon the score of marriages contracted tines the outbreak of war, with the possible construction that the marriage la any case waa hastened in order that mil itary duty might be evaded. Bluebird’s Grossest Aehlevsmaat. The subject ef Industrial prepar edness, a thing apart from po Utica or any other considerations than home defease, haa been made a sub ject for photo playing. Trust tha “movie man” to keep up with the times! "Tha Eagle's Wing*” la the title and K win be exhibited at the White Way Thaatre eu Wednesday, May 2nd. with Herbert Rawliason and Grace Carlyle In the leading win lllastrats hew industries origin ally creeled for manufacturing merchandise of owny aorta have boon tamed to account In filling foreign wor order*. Kafua Bio*la, who creat ed and supervised the production of “The Eagle's Wings,'* had the co operation of Government officials In ■muring than* authentic eeenaa. The picture la Intended to inf an thee trugow* open Am vital subject of “industrial preparedness” and has been arranged wKh that purpose pri marily In view. "The Eerie’s Wings" is the atom Interesting photodrams that has evar bean shown upon the acrasn. Daring the past year LilUngton bas lost firs of Hs beet titisena. In *e pasting ef Dr. J. E. Cert ness. Dr. W. >. Edwards, Squire W. F. Marsh, and Messrs. A. F. Johnson and J. W. McPherson the town bas sustained s lose which la aiffieeb ta reckon. AD substantia], progressive men of affair*, they will ha greatly mimed la our community. Mea of tfcotr type am the ml footer* la building a community.—Harnett Ba porter. Mr. L I#. Howard, one ef the moat prosperous and most progress hr* far mars of Harnett county, haa decided ta plant an additional tea acres In grata, dan the food situation .haa haacssa so cartons. Hs sppsoalsisa Am fast that tha Booth may saffar for lack of food If the war eoittin °ee, and la going ta da his share "••ward preventing each a tints of «*tira. If aO sthar farmer* weald foBew the era my Is set by Mr. Hew •** »ti plant mafia food tints and Mm cotton It we«M saw much ta' tha antlm world. DUNN AGAIN DEFEATS DUKE With m crippled line-up tha Butte* cant of Dumb High School ewatten and teaeem went Into a aomawhai loosely played, coiuawhat uniatareet lag, battle with the High School fcaaa from Duke. Crippled from tha loaa of oa* "Shorty” Jeckaon, star ahortatop el the clab—from the loaa of another oaa "Chick’* Email, equally aa mad a etar, but a ataekmaa Inatead Haw crer, the nine with outflaldam o« third and short, and aa Infield aa* pitcher behind the platter, mat sac defeated Duke by the aacloee seen of 6-0. It wae a queation of Bwal throughout the game ead this Deal did aqd Duka didn't which speDet Duke o and Duns 5. Wilson, pitch lng for tha locale, had everythini and allowed auly oaa aafaty to b« gained off hie puzzling delivery. O' quinn for Duke, went not half ac good, and waa Mt in everything— Dairy Skeetsm, Humming Birds, Tax as Leaguaruta. His out euro waa crip pled. Thera wae nothing mperlany In teresting about tbs game. Bettes garnet have been played by the local chib—In Bmlthfleld t-1, la Dunn 1-0 It marked tha eaeoad victory Duns hat handed Duka, tha fourth vic tory the High School haw won oul of five contests. It was notable fai Wilson"* curves to break Duka back* nqd far O'quten'a attempts to brual Doan beta. No saeaattaaal Addins waa done, save a might good eatel by outfielder Cates who captmwl I glove tell of a stalwart Duna fly and of in fielder McCoy, who reeds i pretty catch, bath of Dukevills Pretty staady fielding waa asada b] the Dunn Infield while tha ontflek had no chance to star. The Scorn: B. H. X Duke 000 000 000—0 1 < Dunn 201 000 010-B 10 1 Batteries: O’qqinn aad Dalton Wilton and Sutton. Scorer—Dowd. Umpire—Shall. BEWARE WHERE AND HOW YOt ECONOMIZE Cooaidsr tha Noada of Health Flr.1 Advisee State Bwavd'W Health. Thai th* high Mlt of tiring bean lent Waif art worker* will toll you that poverty ia the largest single factor ia producing high baby death rate. Social worker* will tell you t! t the genera) *i knee* rate* an hirbast among pe ft’i who cant hat lirtle With them thonghia iQ.atmd Iho State Board of Health I* giving Lli* advice. l<Bc-,<n where and how ton econo raise.” • A bollotin from the Board aayai *• * "Tha high coat of Bring does tend up deathimtas gad aicknaai rates too; points that am effected from many angles and directions. High priest may mass chsap dirty milk. •r Mm •d milk, or milk without lea In sum mer, which m*aa* tick ha bis*; or H nay mean skimping on doctor a bilk snd doing without tha doctor whaa be it needed which means more ID nee* and death patVpUi ar A may mesa over crowding and bad hona Ing conditions which mesrt earned if contagious and various farms oi m health. u uwn aw o* snort Cut* and Konomlu," aays tha Board, “bl ha mad# without sacrifice at tha family's health. Claes, firksh tool milk la essential to tha baby*, health la aninmii. A *hnan wall •ereenad from ties pad aeosqultea* tad admittiac plasty of flash air la neccaary to tha family1* hahHh aa •mil as to their comfort Part drink, tnc water, nourishicc food, claanll asm and raynlar tart are forth*, moos dole aot to bo or llooked. tat •ha abiaaplBC ho made on -— mm Hah. such as axp*n*<ve droaa, taboo so, drinks, marine pictures and aw •omeMlaa. THE pau. op a nation Certainly soma mighty too' feetur n. Bod Paathors far Inrtan, a. ter* boas shown la the Wblta Way Thaw Ire of late, pleealnc Ha many aada lad enatomera. Barely aet eaa el •he least of these, was the "Fall oi A Nation” which pkyed at the thaw tre last Thursday aiefct. . Bant ap bj tha bum man who wrote Tha Birth of A Nation, oa tha aame hick sta£ arda, and tha same Ideal plea, thb feature portrayed a woadarfal pie tar* of a fallen world—fate* •breach Its own folly of anpwpm It la a tenon to PteMehta a moral to tha haw-AMay Trisa H to played by woadarfal aatm <35 wonderful tarmaadbtp* and y'ca* tic aeraary. U is baUt oa a tar* malo company. K la on* of tha bed pictore* that has ardr visited tk, ehy. The Etyrmalin and Mid* pupfb of Mm. Rowell Teuac and Mte In Pearson will glra their eaneai Com meaesmeat oa the erealac •* »*] tad. Brd, sad 4th, at MetrapaNta* theatre. Patron, sad fries* cordl •By IsrHad. SAMPSON FARMERS ANSWER to Mom Meeting They Hedge TW •elven *e laareaie A eeaege la Feed Crept, Clinton, N. C.. April SI.—A Mrg* ly attended cathnatoetlc mart ! man ting af fanaara af Saaapeoa coun ty waa held ta tka aaartkooaa hare today to conaidar Ineremstog tka acre •It of food crape. Tka mooting waa Pmaided aver by J. L. w»*trMrtk. chairman af the eoanty board of •donation. Earnest aad lmpraatvo talka wars made by Ban. 1. B. Fow ler, Gao E. Botier, J. T. Kennedy, W. I Wrtgbt, W. F. Patman, L. a. Batkuaa, B. i. Turlington, R. H. Hobbs and othere. A resolution of. farad by T. M. Lea, pledging increas ed acreage in Cod agopa tbia year, woa aaaniatoaaly adapted by a ris ing vote. Sampson fey da Mae if, bat la aaxioaa to do its pert in batpi^ supply tbs needs of storrlag Europe oa wall oo to beip tnke care of the critical eitnation in aar own aamatry. TOWN TICKET NOMINATED. A anas masting was bald in tka court bouse Taaaday night Car tka porpoaa af nemtnathif a candidate far mayor and free cldotnoau to bo voted for at tka election to bo bold in May. The mooting waa onBnd to ordar by Mayor i. R. Baggdtt, who in a abort addieaa explained to tba peo ple what tka Beard had dans far the part taro ydam. Col. D. H. McLean waa made tkalrmi af the meeting aad B. T. Atkina secretory. Nominations hslag doatarad in or. der tha feUewtag ticket «u For Mayor J. R Baggett. For Coaadmieaere—O. L. Job*, •on. O. T. Smith, W. R Johnaoo, H. T. i'lucatt, C. R Farkar. AU of the above an mamb tha oM Board except W. R h aad C. R Farkar. The forma ■mod la pbee of Mr. A. F. wfco roeoaUy dUd aad tho pbce of Mr. R A. Farkar. pat aarra laager. Than teamed ta ha aa on tha part ad aarara) tha old Beard to get eat ad hat thb wee atraagly ebjaeted Dr. J. W. Halford wka ticket’ la i R *»» anwbg to drawal of of order. A “Ota ef tkaaka waa taadarad tka mayor aad hoard for tka vary faltkfal aarvica raadarad tha town daring tka paat two yearn. Ifetiag tka paat two year* tha mayor -aad rwmarimlonoti lava in stalled the aawaraga, watar aad light •yatam far tka tawa. aad teva ***** ■»«* time aad attentioa ta tha affaire of tha tawa far which vate abb carrioaa tha paapb arc yulifiil .. The’ ticket nominated Taaaday **#* *• » r>«d ana aad aaaoraa enr dtlaaaafMt tft btairmb of tha tawa aad tax pdyara will be cuefafly lalmd after for tka next two yearn. Mr. Baggatt kaa mada ta aa m eaOaat mayor aad kaa dear mock toward patting tha town oa tha broad kba*lliJt^Sr*W* ***”*• f!*0! at tkaaa wa foal aara that ka with the ni~‘itoni a of tha hoard tee daaa wtet waa tbaagkt bom for the town with tka raalarvae at tkalr mer-‘1 UMagtoa tea a bright fntare aad with tha prapar spirit ad aa ayera. tioa aavtag ear peopb wo wiU toon taka oar pbeo among tka teat towaa ia tha Stela. Tka tawa hat daiiag tha paat two yaara^-Afaraett Bsaortor. . ' A Ira wUeh eoaaed sUyht f-y waa dtaaorered on tha laaMaaaa of ltia. M. C. Shan this at • o'clock. Quick racpoaua «f the «n caHwany aoom exttnynlahed tha Saat aa. The ft* company waa delayed a few aUnataa, howoosr, oa oaaoaot <rf hatea« ao wiaaeh with which to aonaoct tha haaa ta fha water mala, Esrrss: plW Mr ItHIt. W.tOTV *4 tW Dana Marble Worka. It la yaw yeUcy to critleUe a rolaateor In company bat H eeama that mm ana ■hoold be yaid, if -ring to oa ana* tha ra*oaalb<IKy of koopbiv the tea SffhWaff qppnretaa iatnat Mr. Balyh Wado rataread last atehtftam a My to IaMaaa and a WOateor at ether Middle waatara •tatca. Ha waa away 10 days. Mr. Herbert MaBtf abd Mr. Jsoss Haary hare beam 'aepdtetod carrion for the proposed ofty doUrsry mall •nteaa, which «Us' Into affect Jane tab The only this# new to pierant this terries bataff teaaffbratodwffl ha tha foihwa of tha patron, to yn. rMo amU ronytoilmi or slots In their dobra, os rdaylred by the yn nnmial “V* hy h* y^Ue^to a^etoralee hamr. Wf erata with Mr. Lao In hk effort *to ytra Dana bettor moil aerrtee. The Dana Dlepateh |1 For Tear Mag Mr. B. L gU Tart, «f Tour The funeral tad teem tha bo— by Bar. J. of tha Christian The Burial teak place f_ day at tha famOy burytag gr aaar Mr. Tan* old homo la A Urge number af ] 1 relatnee ware pteoa laat tribute af I taatiaaaT your work? Wo are much dlaappointad that Mm. Htaloy could act bo with ua Tuesday tha 14th hot we trust toe •dU ha able to eome tha 1st of May. Tha doraapatratloB la free to aB. Did you eoe the flowers at tha Wa rn—* dab last weekT Quits a nice “Ml* ceOaotioa aad aB wars sold la a Bttta while. Are j— looking forward to tha Cheat au qua? Lam aB ha— a play day and have a good thus juat ones. Tau know tha aid edging “aB work ■ad no play mak— Jack a dull hay." ■toother ha ha thiwe tha— three or ttwiee three. FI— tor tha big Chautauq— and thus help tha sms fake and the Mg foIk» af Du— to sosiwa a puhBs play ground. The Taa room will to opened Fri day at 11 o’clock. Coma and let os aerre you a aioeiy praparad hato ,on *‘.« —*7 smmB oa*. Veal Loaf, Beat— BMeutta, Chaam ■eoao. Tongue Baalaitom, lead Tea Fruit Baled, Cream arf Oaha. Bluebird Photoplay, Inc - p«~* , An ExtrMrdnirjr Fea ture I WHITE I THE* WtdBMd.,, • « .* . THE GODWIN REUNION GEO. T. JONES. FALCON NEWS ITEMS THE POOD OUTLOOK ALAMHRC[ -1 ... " mm;;?

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