_ THE VOL. IV CONGRESS PASSES* SE LECITVE DRAFT BILL BY OVERWHELMING MAJORITIES la tin Senate the Veto Wu II U I and in the Houle 997 to 24—Kill Volunteer Fla» Washington, April 28.—By over who pul ng mejoritiea both the SenaU and Hoom passed late tonight th( administration bill to raiso a wai army by selective draft. The Anal callt brought Into lina behind tht bill many Mnatore sad represents tivsa who had fought for the volun teer aystom until routed by decisive defeats of volunteer amendments enrlicr in ths day in both houHi. The Senate, which had voted down the volunteer plan 09 to 18 passed the bill by a voU of 81 to 8. la the House ths vote a gainst ths volunteer plan was 312 to 101 and that by which the bill Itaolf w*a passed was 897 to 24. Ago Limits Cselict As passed by ths Senate, the meas ure provides for the draft of men between the agee of 21 and 27 years, while in the House measure ths age limits are Axed 21 and 40. This and leseer discrepancies will bs thrash ed out In conference early next week so that ths bill may bs in the hands of the President ae quickly as pos sible. The War Departmeat already has completed plans for carrying it into offset. These Voting Negatively. Senators who voted against tha bill w#ie: Damoarats: Oore, Hardwick, Kirby Thomas and Trammell. Republicans: Borah, Cron ns and LaFoDotto. Senator Vardaman, of Mississippi, Democrat, was creased from voting ot his own request. H* did not give * reason. Tbs representatives In the nega tive were: Republicans: Bacon, King, Hayes, LaFollatte, Uindeen, of Mlnaeoota; Mason, Nolan, Poerora. Democrats: Burnett, Church, Clark of Florida; Clay, Pool, Crosaer. DOl. Dominick, Cordon, Hilliard, Huddle ston. Keating, he ala, Sherwood, Sis son. Socialist ; London. _ . **** wean tt£#nr:Skn.1 Both Senate and Hnuav adopted an amendment Just before the Anal roll cslb which would greatly Increase the pay of enlisted men during the •nr. The House provision would make their pay (10 o month, and that approved by tbs Senate would Ax K at |39 a month. The present pay is only 919. In the House at ths last moment Chairman Fltagsrald, of the approp riations Commutes objected vigor ously to ths appropriation of 93,000. 000,000 carried In tha hill for ths ex panses of ths new army, and the section Anally was eliminated entire ly. Mr. Fit** era Id declared that to place this vast sura In the hands of ths Secretary of War would make of Congrtm a “mare automation", and promised that if the section were vbted down the committee would pro vide funda promptly in a as pa rate measure*. Among the amendments adopted In the Senate, was ene which would permit Colonel Roeevelt to recruit a volunteer fores for aoiivee in France. A similar proposal had bass rejected by tha House. npeaaer Ulark, Uemocranc l^ead, «r Kltchln and Chairman' Dent, ol tha Military committee, who had favored the volunteer system, all voted for the draft on tbo final rot rail. Republican Leader Mann alec wa» recorded in the affirmative, ai war Mias Rankin, who previous i} had voted with tha rohmtaer advo cates. Tha roH call in the Bones on the Kahn aaHBdment, which propose* / to eliminate from the bill the an thoriaation for volunteers, ahowee the following North Carolina rap re aentativea voting In tha affirmative Godwin, Sobinton, Stodman, Small Weavar and Webb. Th# four remaining North Caro liniaaa voting for the volunteer ays Urn were Dough ton, Hood, KKehii and Pox.—Wilmington Star. — ■■ t ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ DUNN GRADED SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT *•». Joel Snyder, pastor of th First Baptist church In FayettovilU wtu preach the Dunn Graded Be hoc Commencement sermon In the Baf tint church nest Sunday night at o’clock. Ne services will be held a the ether churches at that hour, a that all may have an oppertuait to hear the commencement eermoi Tha ess crises by tha gradual! n elaaa win be held la tha Opera Horn Monday night. Tha commencement exercises erf taka place la tha Opera House Toe day night, baginning at B 40 o’eloel Mr. D. O. OFIaa, Superintendent « the Wake Ceeaty Schools, erfU d< Hem the address The p«M1e to eoi dtally Invited to attend all ef th KITCHIN AND DANIELS ENLIST Tsks Their Ckum Along With ti*m without uimm*. Jhi of Secretary of ths Nary and Mi jority Leader of Hoaao Cast Aside Thoir “Poll” ..d Begin at tha Bottom. * Washington, April 18.—North | Carolina set the first good ''honest to goodness" examples to gala re cruits for ths Army and Nary today «h«n Joscphsns Daniels, Jr., son of the Secretary of the Navy, walked" into s recruiting station end enlisted in ths Marins Corps, end at tha -- time Mills Kite kin, of Scotland Neck, tun of Majority Leader Claude Xitcb^ in, want to Kart Mysr, Va., and sign ed up as an snlighted sun in the army. This action on tbs part of tha two North Carolina patriots probably sots a precedent for young man enlisting who could hav# commended influence to secure a commission at an oScar. Nearly every senator and eongreo msn and others high In political life of Washington who have sons of mill tery egv have secured commissions for their offsprings. But Xttchln and have set a meat excellent example and one that will do mere to secure root sailor* and soldiers then any ether one thing sines ths war btarted. by casting aajds the meet powerful political Influence hi Wash ington and taking their cheaeae along wrt1' those who base no influence_ Wilmington Star. TK1AL OF RAYMOND WHITAKER IS POST. PONED TO THURSDAY Special Vaoira Swmeeeaed la Try ClM Ib SuiptM Cmti Clinton. April SO—Trial of Bay. mond Whitaker. Um young whita man who ia charged with tha killing of John D. Taliaferro near Ivafihoe latt fad, which >a eat for today in Sampson county Superior court hae been postponed until Thursday. Tha delay ia due to tha inability of E. H. Hutchins, K*q., of Tallapoosa, Ga., who la assisting Solicitor Shaw in tha prosecution, to reach hare until Thursday. A special venire of^jgrmen. hai been drawn for the ^^S£>^Cha^5*Ka«^**Dr-*H*,A!, (Aldington and other witnesses ..m Wilmington ware ’ hei • today to ap pear in tha case. They returned home tonight And will come bpek Thun* d«y. Dr. Codington continued his trip to Baltimore. Ud . but will re hum for the trial to appear aa an expert witaeaa. NEGRO’S BODY FOUND HANGING TO A TREE NEAR STEDMAN Had Dleappsared SwearaJ Week* Age —SeieMe U Tkeeey. Fayetteville. N. C.,' April 80.-—Mr. L. G. Faircloth. of Stadman, brought tha news to tha city that early Uiia morning tha body of a negro by the name of Jeaae Jamea waa found hanging in a mop be aide the ratl rond, one mile went of Stodman, taye the Observer today. 'James had ban working at Stodman for Mr. A. C. Bullard, and one night soma throe weeks ago ha began acting strange ly and aatd that someone was after him to IclD him. In a little while ke disappeared, and not daee beam aaan until early thl» morning when Person* passing through tha map were honitad at tha sight of tha poor creature hanging dead. Little doubt is entertained that Jamea committed suicide while In a state of mental aberration. He had evidently been dead about three weeks. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bank of Cape Fear.to L. Bushes Pope and Worth M. Pop# lot la Dnan I tonslde ration If,000. D. A. Shaw to Kant Jordan Co. UO : acre* In Andaraop'a Craak township, , consideration *8,600. William Kent to Ksnt-Jordsn Co. . M* tracts of land In Andenoa'a . Creek township. consideration *10 . and other valuable conahdatattoM. John L Roberta Lumber Co. t* Jamas A. Buchanan t 5-10 acres In Upper LJttla River township, consi deration *400. John E. Deal to J, W. fteekadap, 1 lot In Angler, consideration *1,000. » Kinds Enaia to AMa Ennis 071* * acred In LilBngton township, rnital I deration $10. - D. H. Hood to r. N. Butler 1 lata I ia Dunn, consideration $400. t D. W. Bole to Jamas McQuIaa > McCormick M acres ha Andersen’) r Crash township, consider*tlon *10 - and other valuable considerations. I ElUa Oaldatsla is the Ooidatoii * Ca., brick building la Dana, coast deration $11,600. * J. W. White bead to EHae Papa lei h la Dunn, consideration *1,000. I. Barnes Holliday Co. to Jama M f Monde lot ia Dunn, conddaratior - $400. w John E. Wilaen to N. A. Butlai ■ aevsn leu lb Dana, eeasideratiei 111#. PRETENCES OF GERMAN GOVERNMENT EXPOSED Me.l.uu. Hard— fOMw A—b ar Freak Article m I I nhag Ger me. Pelicy Copenhagen. vie Leaden, April *0 —Manhattan Harden, tha • Oermai “enfant terrible," publishes in th< latent leave of Diexukunft one the: daringly frank article an pool ng ti German reader# tha "ahema. preteec ea and mlatakao" of their govern ntent’a policy. The article devoted to tha entry ol the United State* into the far, wfalcl Herr Harden warns the people mm be takan moat seriously, both froa a moral aids, as • symptom of th< ’vvaknsea of Gonnoay‘a oppaol of hei foreign polley and bartons of th« physical aspects of the a tigM that America will akiaaatoly be oMe k throw late the scale. Another article by Herr Hardei culminates In an appeal te German] to pot tha interior of bar honoo ti order and introdoce ilamiftalli eon ditiona, which the writer aaya U thi only etuo beats for future peace Scarcely lose noteworthy than hh scathing criticism of Gorman dplo mney (hot not that of Coast roe BmiMrf, foramt ssbMHdor to tW United States whose work ho pcaabm) ia Herr Hardee's jootWeodon to Osr man readers of America's aUltode during the war a ad hie ilmei llllie for example, of the favorite Pom German arguments that the United Stem* woa tacplred solely by deflm chaeink “d leaked Upon war oulj as a source for anomeim prolta from .mooltioo muipllm The United Statm, Harr Hardaa declares, could have continued te a mam unaaeammed riches, not from munition eon tracts, hot aa werid'l aooree of supply, lnotaadl ha adh, tha United BtaSm chose for an ideal to reject a continuance of ltd prelt eMa neutrality to load itself wMh a harden of expenditures which no oth er country could safely bear. SHADY GJtOVE HIGH SCHOOL TO CLOSE Die commencement at Shady Grove High School will begin Sun day May Oth aad continue through Wedeeedey, May-nth. A yaWfci dip. Wednesday to which the public It cordially invited. ' Soodey, May 6th, J JO p. a.— commencement oeraoa by Rev. C W. Siler. Newton Orova, N. C. Tueeday, May 6th, 7 SO p. BL— Exertiaee by the Music Department end by the primary aad Intermediate Departments. Wtdnttday, 16:00 a. m.—Dec lam otion contest. Wednesday, 11:00 a. m.—Com mencement add ram, by Boa. John R. Baggett, UlUagton, N. C. Wednesday. *KM> p. m.—Debate Query, "Beeobed that the United Staten should grunt absolute free dom te tbe PhUlipine Ulan da.” Af AnuatiVe Esaoa Mb Lamb, aad Com Jackaou; nogatlTt. J. O. JTart aad Maggie Jackson. Wednesday 6.00 p. m.—Operetta "The Pennant.” NOT A TIME FOR HOLDING MEETINGS 1 "Action, not Wards, will count sow," euya Mr. Bradford Knapp fa B recent letter sent out from fax 0O«e *f Extension Work, Waahiag too. This should ha the keynote ol tho bankers and bueiaem men ol North Carolina sa much an for an] other State ih the Cotton Belt Thi preoent is not the Unto to ha brfaig tng tbs firmer out of Ida Saids U •«•»<* meetings. ^ He baa abend] feoditmlfi and food. ■ What ba naad How Im a good (apply of oood am plenty of labor and laghumb If Om farmor U wflHng to aaerl Rc* aeai* preRt that ba might ben war* ha to plant cotton and tabaea ca. It tkenld to tha port of Urn honk era. merchant*, • and burin*** mai gooaasUy to *** that bo baa plant; of Raaaetol aid In that ba atop at tala more Implement* to eaktoat ■tor* ground, that to may have goo rood to plant in tidr ground and tba ho may tor* aomo of tto MW Who found iround oar rittoa and town*. A good many idle aaraa ara ri malaiag unplaatod any raproaaatoll rm of tto Agricultural Kxtaario Sorrtoa, bacaaaa af a took af Uai powar aad tm pieman U. Tto Proa dost to U* proelamattaa -^,1, to all—tha hnaiaim am aa tha f« morn Read may to hoagbt an faratahod farmara a* taut; ptowa ma ho bought and ranted ti farmara i ronaanabla rataa; or, aa aaaaa baa aaaa man art doing, tractor* ma to parchnnod and mnnnnd, than am ant to the fannar aad hi* gtoa* plowed at *o math par aera. The Praridant aaid, “Thin la ym opportunity far aigaal aarrtoa, ad riant dtrintaraatad.*' H^w aba. your part! 9. i. Jim t. D. Bam ** to 9. J. Jeffrey* f acme la Avaraabor* 11 naritlp. ram darattoa Nil.—Haraott fcpmg I played wa& Vtrm. the smallest Ul Is uniform for ths local dab re ceived a baaattfal at agio aad aapt arad a wonderful Texas Leaguer on a race towards aernad. Shell ba llad tba planar Ieoh aad every bitter •vat with efcin aad eara; tiu raralt being. together with laaaley't abil ity to tend him what ha rallsd far, wad eereotaan struck tot eadeha far Beatljy aad Dunn. Ha waa wonder fully sActent with the baud, aad ana* alas as wall aa with the haaa. Lea; ao aa tndeld poattioa dU aat play <. with bia ueaal atyla yet made Done High vffl tuaat paaeldaea here aa May Ith aad a large crowd ■ expected. The military aahaal wfl. brtag along Mb heat aad stack up atm better hot the graceful reaatug machine of Shall aad Sotboa wfll bald its two under the twirling of “Wany" who will ha la uatfsrfei by than it la Scon: S. H. X. Puna ----.v__I • t Donaldton--1 . t k Battersea: Imday aad Vhe&j Stroppet aad ■ » o FLAGS TO BE RAISED • UwTtk 4*7 •* VUy M ^oui rf Cnaty «4 BinHI Oaaty tit* DUKE NEWS Or INTEJtESI i » MmI W ] auMte to Mm. W. A. Into, Jr„ Ml Mn. V. A. WMta A aaW to Mr. W/m— Flto « aiM. *1* Train romc ft I at I 4». (tnwA •4 ■ i4> far 4< .. u a Kv'raak CONFEDERATE VET. IRAN REUNION AT . WASHINGTON WasMactoa k a city wkn oatar taiaM* ki knai aa ■ TW vL itiaa harem mi tka raUaat Booth land ora amrad afklteFy that lac ■■■■>? a* Va*c a* tkay aad tkalr friaada B*«. Bfaaa wtB viIu m Ctay aad laataad af bat^ aakdaRy Booth ara eCmlr. It wfll haeaata a Matiaa al mat, aad on* af National dnlt. Waaklactaa la ataaya baaattfal. but ia Ha Tarsal (lory aqd baat| H k tkriaa baaattfal. and arary Coafad axata Vatataa aad Mi friaada dboald aot lad tkk ippittaaHy »aaa ta atdt tk hat etc b tk Mad. aad oao af tko aaadar *M*e of tka .world. Waahfacton— or "Johaaka" NHk a Arabia*! rrorytMa «ra. aoaafort aad mrnmkmm win ba provided. Tka Oaaat Flaw fraat it>c tka Uaiea Statiaa, paaatkaQy aadar tka ikadow af tko Golden DoaM Win ba paarartod Mto a nap Trolley Uaaa, iiHaiMa aad ltd roads will sorry Veterans aad thok friaada to tka tekay Ctril War kattla Balds, aad ta Moaat Varaoa, wkara art teeatsd tka kai aad toaah al Oaoxc* Waaklactaa. Waaklactaa k pervaded today witb tka aptrit of .war: praparatioa fat tka pwt atrncck wa ara satorina lata wltk tko aantac aatloao of B» rop* auksa tko rity doabty tatariat 1_ * The rebel yeU, “DteU” ud Um «Btar 8pan«i»d Bernier" V» tend a* netblap ibe ytnffily mid. The rattroeda are ehawtac tbeli patriodm nd Intereal la tba nan arable mt by (Mag tba Veal re tea ever offered, ad t.k better *4 that thie affl be tba-m la additive ta tbda eveat, etbar ll bapertaebe «■ be bate tba Mae The Saaa etf Oeef ederete Vet Oaa ---- DM aaaaaByt aed petti np harte •eete than |1*,000,00* eaaaaft lather aapaaaha. bat Ml Aadr • aa an late that pettier beat pea the peaple af the thted Blab *1.4*1,000AOO aaaaalp, ar aa I them aaa ttee bate ttaeee aa mm H |NB| BaCM, ffettlnff married, ei i ccMaff barfed eB pat tipitber, B ■ aaa early Bay Um Ateehal mm I!aaay^Baaa^ffaat Me aeael tbriat • TO TRANSFER TITLE AND OWNERSHIP OF * SEIZED SHIPS ■-.I—!.■ Uo.oboaoefr PmM by the kuU Lm Mtybt WooMa«too. April 10.—Tbo-Bea taal*ht by a daootmooa rata ymaad a raaoMioa providioc far tha tranfar of titla and peaaeaMea of «w»y *Mye ta America ports aad (naptha Mdppiay Board. pert* aad aM mdaTrepair, the Aaatrioo skips are aot lododed la tha reaolatiaa. as tha Uoited Stat es aad Aaatria era aot at war. THE ATLANTIC AND WESTERN TERMINUS We taka tha foUewiag frees tha Lao Couty loaraal Mawi by Editor W. C. fray, wba oar people will aa a firmer editor of the Mr. Mr. Hoy bnuili mayor U saw poitmaiTiT*. Turner and Oscar Atkina whs warn 1 tba pestoAce an conducting a —rkaUb bariaoaa which would bo a cradH ta aay town. wWia Goo M. Long, fanaarty "deputy doth nf court add eo laborer with an oa tba paper, la warn carrying aa a prosper oua and growing drag bnataeas.— Harnett Reporter. • WOMAN'S CLUB NOUS • • By Min. V. L. Stopbana • day ottoman— at tdl o'clock at tba dab mean. Ail mamkan especi ally raqaaatod to ba present. . Mia. 3. B. Ban lay, aaalotaat beam dsmouatrntar of tba Agrtcultaad De partment of N. C., gam aa latoraal big damoaetrattsa ad tba maklag and aaaa of a •rdaaa cooker. Mar Ma aad btota far caanlag ragatabtaa watte aagnetaBy helpful. Mn binai keeper canid w*U afford to ham win ad tMa treat. The Woman’s Clnh din ham aarna Sowar aaad oa hud. Should you wish aay, last aah at tba alab rumi for than. Bought aa. to*, and Bm4—Mr. Kto thin *d mot ante—daelfatod by that, votes to a bond an tha rahataar pba, bat that plan hrttaf baaa kaeckad eat, they steed srtth tha friend* a' tha AdarfaletraUea and «f tha esm try when H eanM to tha tael tot at siring ladoiifint to tha sotoctivi tear ME, haring Jotoad Oedwte, Stod ; A* at thaw had heard front "boot Haasehat It la only (air to aajr that Stadawa, at Uaat, had awda no la Ittiry aa to pubRe aaatiaaaat, haw ' >ng stood pat bp tha Trial diet (ran ‘ tha bagtaalag B waat bava ess ' *aaw ef them quit* an atari to gin ’ ap thatr Maearietlaaar aa to ritaa } tearing, hat thgy baaa tha aatlafna daa ad kaowtag that they east that ' Deal rataa atriatlp la aaaaad ^ftth , ntHag aaatbaiat ad Marik cEstlln 1 llid ffllTMlI dkwito ■OBltlOM ftftl "l^toan »^*aa WW r Mldilha Charlarii M r **TT*T __ NOTICE. I Matlaa la baenhy ton that at'th ad tha hoard ad Oiaan'aaltl » >a Tsw» ad Daaa held 'n tk . m4J2S%~’£Z? k Btr-rf t aa the Weat aide ad tha Tan * DoJT by seder ad tha Board < it CaaaadaMeaata of tha Tana af Das '"•* TVttkWI CLERK Of TOWN bf DVMM. * h COMMENCEMENT »OCfcAH or FALCON HOUNCSf SCHOOL OaaAa mm* (Ma lta, ml Mart *• Mar ml Oar Into. u “y*!’ m*t »■ - i THUMDAY, MAT It. ItH a. Day. M. aotorirta 414 Mt Mfe. " , dwtMto den, aa n an tow." <a.» by «ha w«y. Hh f. IL km W Nt •WOT two DiuHm fa a II14WH «»a-faaH«i for tfctai do. P. a elort. Bf Row. e & nnuhni —, i - - oat of Mai OtykaMfo> with oooto Air fa°CYfakTr»m>rt^t,tt|^t!^ fa m mtWno. Rot. ST T>. Pan fnaitil km ’ 8-iaaUy ao'alaf. ' W. P. StdoUaad wart to PapotOo »<Uo Monday oa Jary cat. Hr. aa4 Mn. B. H. Lao Monad £ rlTuTCE bovine !«ft for CaLtoralo io4 othor • Waatora potato. TOOTS*. SCOUTS HOLD r.\, ! IS V 5y {* F Tift ft *S pH » *• V. 8S ‘>V .. rHEtlJD SHOO wow HM r'ti ■ S8S M ■ ■ <• •*/ . PS# ■ ...

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