EXCELLENT THREE NICHT COM MENCEMENT Program Karin Clem of e Crne Soheel Yeer m tUi City. (Bjr J. J. Wade) The Dunn Graded School* cam to a clone Tuesday Bight with th Commoncoment addrem by Mr. 1) F. Gilea, Superintendent of Waki County Schools, and a resident o Raleigh. This too, marked the else of a three-night excellent Commence mant program, Sonday night beim used for the Commencement sermon and Monday for the Class exercise* On Sunday night Rev, Joel Saydci pattor of the First Baptist Churcl of Fayetteville, dobevord the Com maacaiaant Sermon, and delivered it well. HI* talk was baaed on thi foundation of Ike career* of tha ria Ing Senior*, the auccemm, failures disappointment*, achievements, to be made by tha class of '17. Deliver lag it in hit own distinct and Imprea •Ivc mode of oratory tha Pastor mil* fled the anticipation# of a churcl crowded and overflowing with a eer mon that dsaerred great credit foi It* real merit. Surely, a more suit abl* pastor coold net have been el. erted to deliver tha aermon that wai designated to impress hundred* of heart* with its shear worth. On Monday night the Clam Day (ircl«* were held. Thla always li ■ particular feature of a Commence mant program and thi* year It wai carried out unusually well making it for Duan Graded ait even more Important part. Deepite inclement ee.*tLea .ej ‘ _ » _* -• emso* were welt attended and though the crowd an not, by any means, what it would have been had tho weather permitted, a great many people heard nrith proud hearts the achievements that rrowasd sons of Dunn High School delivered. The ex ercises opened with the Class song, an impressive introduction to all the other excellent departments of the program Tha Class tong was pretty, well arrittrn. and It seems that the Seniors of '17 are great singers Judg ing from ths way they delivered this song of several tunes, and scattered with sad farewells. The President of the Ctnaa, (2hard WUaoa, then dallvsrsd the Bshata tory address. His talk was W*D and the handsome Preeident of the Class of '17 showed that though our school was defeated in both debate* this season, that after all there were some real orators in the school. The Clam Historian, Miss Lela Strickland, nsxt gave, In an Interest ing menner, the entire History of the Class to th* large audience. Sba pictured from the beginning to the end, the strurrlesr the battles, the Joym, th* sorrows, of reaching the distinguished attainment Mias Novella Reardon, another am bitions Senior, next gave the crowds th* complete statistics of htr class Beginning with Lewis Adley, better known aa "Doc”, aha tor* into parts tho character and department of sack Senior's Uf*. Her delivery was good and though the heavy rains proved a great handicap the whole audience listened and were well pleased with the humorous and witty sayings that this girl told on hsr own class. Cer tainly before she got through every member of the Class of ’17 had a small smile playing about his or her dignified brow, while some even car ried deep red blushes. Ah! The Senior Class next united sad paid tribute to the *18 Seniors, now bettor known as Juniors, singing a Pretty song, well composed and equal ly well dednvcrod. But the tong car ried little sympathy to the youug Junior* and whet little it did carry waa ef the cold-blooded aatara. The Class Poet demonstrated iom« of Use ’17 talent end delivered a dra matic and flowery Clem Poem. Tin rain seemed to descend Its hardest at this Junction, much to the sorrow of the whole audience. The Poem showed signs of talent while Its de liverance was unuaaally good. The next number ef the exercises wae pcehapa the most artistically planned of all the parte and waa well arranged. Mia Halils Lewis, Class Prophet, erne pictured as a lady traveling, having her grip by her side waiting In the waiting room of some largo Union depot. 8he was seen to buy a daily paper from a pesetas newsboy. wel impersonated by Wil Uam Wade, and immediately In da vulgfng the contents of the papas she pictured an the mem ben of the Green and Whits Claes. Dated la SmltMleld, for instance, she taw where Mr. Lewie Adley was editiaa the Herald of that city. Ivory member waa outlined perfectly and although some of her prophecy My never come true tt will long be re. mere be red how neatly and beseUfat ly this part of Mu Clam Ixercieee ef 17 was carried out. Thu Last Will and Testament waa mad by Mr. Wads Pridgen. Ivory thing willed wa^ ef acute interest, seme hi earnest, seme in great hu mor. The third aoug was thee delivered by the Graduating Class, this toe bo lag • horns corny reed place by the Sealers ef 17. Mr. Norwood Pop*, mothir gnd* o»t». now delivered that whkh waa assigned to him, s dramatic oration l "Defeat or Victory." Norwood de montaratod full power of great orat ing and delivered hi* oration welL He used good gestures and spoke > very impressively, i Just before the conclusion came the fcautre of the entire program, 1 delivered by Mias Roth Gush wall.— ' the Valedictory. It marhad a roab i ing conclusion and wee the bright light of the whole affair. The way Mica Cash wall delivered it—plainly distinctly, vividly, and with a dis play of great talent, waa superb. Coolly she reached the center of the stage and with little effort, without a falter, without a break, she empfca siasd It so fully and clearly that the whole house was mystified and rendered the utmost pleasure in whet was going on. Surely such a Valedic tory. coming just before the conclu ding farewell tong delivered In each an Imposing manner, was to leave and did leave great memories la the heart, of the pleased audience of the class of '17; and a memory that will stand the test of time, no mat ter what aaay come, nor what may *»• After Ui* Valedictory the closing song came. Sung U the tune off "Good By,. Oirts", the eoag carried a note of sadness, yet victory. And with a “Good Bye. Girts, Good Bye Boy., Good Bye Folks, Wa're through," nine happy, yet, somewhat •ad Seniors, Closed the exercises. Tuesday, tha last night, th* Com. mrnccaent Add mu waa delrvarad, Diploma* aad Bibl**, praaantad. aad nil U* Saalor’a honor* war* display 'd Mr. Lockhart mad* a abort ta trodnctiv* talk presenting for tha aodianee'i approval. Mr. D. T. Gllas, * '"II known North Carolina I4ma tionnl booster and Superintendent of Wako County Schools. Hta knowtodg* sf the pupil* need* la Education of lb* state U anlhahad aad a batter man to speak would havo hm hard to socura. His speech waa not long aad dry but abort and nappy; R waa only about thirty minatea loaf, in accord ance with tha raguaat of the Com mencement cupervteorm. Re told the of C*mm*nc*a**ata, what co operation it incurred. He spoke of educational 'rain i n aw an of «b*'wabdwwaha*^M*mtoa addled tha hag, and of maa who held back. He apok* on measurements of a child'* character, what defects it contained, what should be strength ened, and what should bo 1st alone to grow. And for nearly every paint he ir«v* a humoraaa, ye* practical example. Hi* speech waa impres sive, to h* remembered long. After a delightful Instrumental solo Mr. J. C. Clifford *f this city pre sented the Diploma*. His premata tion waa abort, to tha point and with practical instruction. Hardly had th* Dtptsam* been (Ivan whan tha aix marshal* aoeam panied by taro assistant*, with neat D. H. 8. arm bands in th* Sealer colon oe their figure, came to the •tag* overladen with a perfect fw uladc of fragrance and beauty; of worth and nicety nil round. Every Graduate received many and beauti ful flowers, numerous aad various presents. It seem* that th* cteas waa a round favorite to an. With th* presentation of th* blMso In an attractive aad artistic way. rent, with beautiful oratorical phras es. Rev. J. M. Water* mad* a moat encouraging speech to the Graduates for their Commencement In Ufa. Af ter giving great instruction to Uw Seniors, Mr. Water* gave every one a neat Bible, accompanied by a pret ty »»r»e from God’, word. Ha .aid tho benediction and School wan over, commencement and over. Ufa waa i»«t beginning far the Nina. The Grad nates who ware honor ed by this three night program tram: Lewis Frank Bn Adley, Ruth Louise Caahwen. Haiti* Amanda Latrto, Mabal Peermall Lynch. Elbert Nor. wood Pope, Alexander Wade Pridgen Novella Hannan Reardon, I anisnea Girard Wllaon and Lata Strickland. Every on* has averagad good grades and the DISPATCH extends Ha hearty goad wishes, and coafttaive eongratvlations U tha yoang mam and woman who have r-nr Vahid to much, and who am NOW so we» fitted for Life’i golden fnUm. NOWQL Tho ladies tha Presbyterian ehoreh ara endeavoring U get hold of a largo amount of eM paper In aid* that additional church funds may ho mked. They have designated Fri day ea the day on which to eoRsdV this old paper, raogariaem bmfca. etc, and if yon have any on year inmlim which you weald Uke U give the* notify nay member of the chard and they will have It caRad far Fri day. Tha ladles wil appreciate yew CHILD DIRS AT OOLDSDORO OoMahom. May Ir-UtUs Mam Nlh tiri la this rity Thumday following an mnam of only a fed day* Mr. and Mrs. Boggs recently moved to Ooldehers from Ramon bariaL "* "" ***" *"* TO Unite. On Tim toft Map Istpa ammhurdl citiiene Inlsisalsil la ‘thO 'lteMM County Clever dub and GtoMd ty Fair at Canto mat and dtotoad fa combine tba two ergaatealMnu to ranr. It 'b hoped that no me-ad' fcaai Interest in tee clever sreffc-hdbansa we are net nntoj this yatol . Quite s Wt of elovwr vans killed by tba unasoally cold wave in Fab n>«ry; hut this sbouU net UO tea Interest m this treat winter legume *■* spring trad at erap. Last year, ia tea Coaamanlty Fait there was ante drees ptenpaa ftna beta, co era, hones, shhep and chick •ou; but aethint said about bnprev •d naan. ThU yaar tea baby daw wiU bo added to tba fair. Thara will ba a valuable prise offered tbr the beat developed baby adder twe yaars of age. There drill be competent judge, for thie contest, and tba msth ers wfll ba 1 detracted aa to tbs goad polats and weak ones about bar baby. Tbs President is in leased of a Ust containing prisas sffarsd far daw article! ia the fair. It b aamirtij hoped that a Bomber of ether frtanto lateraeted la a better mini Ufa la Harnett County will send to tea Pre aidant a list of articles teat ought ta ba exhibited. AH bnalaaaa managers and dirat tore, aa wall aa any ono Isiaraotad la tea community fair at Coats, are requested teaaaet at Cants School building on Satarday, May lfth. at three . clock to lay plane far the fair next faU. OWHK ODUM, Predtmt OSCAR 8. YOOMtJ, Sac.Trees **WIN PAttE FOUIALLT OPEN. ED “ La*”** **»7 •-—Tka Brwtn Park bald Ita annual opaniar Pr—yaig— Mr. W. A. Erwin of Waat Durham, •tor whom tha Park was named bad baao lari— la —to. to. add—«. bwt for-gamseaaaatr w—totoSd *■—■■11 , Tba yaaffc Haatad gordaaa aa(V to tko ^ttor Mho haa tba to*H tot<«f yordaoa to bo frond to Boaatl Cadb ty. Loot waab tba aUB yrrridaA a apadtoliat to' ' “ “ tBo of aaaoewy to Vaytof food l and aalkc MM to tba torad do aot aboao to Matoaraaa.. "juuL Smmrni *Sm ten of tko Doha yaaylTodd to tbalr kagytoaaa aad tbay ara aaallaaaTlj SbtT*m haaaaa abdar** ^ ^ tT*? Bta'lJitortaf1 Mto boB daooad Motod aa ttodaa ‘MAMS OF PUPILS PAOWOTSJP Dm Owtol »«*■■! im-lllT urn xstat* nuNirus foBowin* —I Matt ttaao ton bon rrrrrdrd br Bw» »*t of Daado W. H. Faaeott ttoeo tort •4 otfo to J. O. Sat ; too. <}. jr^fcrtt-ujuod | w. K. Sat *• lo Godwin, mooWomt to 4. M. In 1 tot to Dun, MM C. I. 8a to SalUo C. , _ MM WBlto Job— to W. T. Kocto dor M aaao to lOtoftaa towartri*. —Adoration I1JML M I. S, T raf to At* D. Long, lit Bill T-— A WAm* K * btfta of Sabo. C. Lone *» 1-4 an— to NoOr* Crook towartri. boa »l aid otWr rataabto oo—idor. ■“ *• Lot* * •• U«a«. tl 1-4 •ms ia Main's CMk township, m. IjdsrnHsn 91 aad stoat valaaMs ssa J- B- Uh to Arth M. Lone 91 aoss la Nsiir. Ciaak township, 91 and stoat valaaMs 2. B. Uh| to Mrs. Matts |, Oaddwhi M 1-4 sens la Main's Qrato tonmtolp, ssastdsratiaa 91 and stoat talmabla —nrllirsTlisa *■ 9. Uap ha Mrs. Plan M. i 90 1-4 acts* In M siD'a Crash taaddstatiaa 91 and stoat i sinallwnrtsns 2. W. Maawait sad W. K. Baa Sstt to a A. Sanaa 14 aans in 9pjna. *- L Oadwta to D. C. Maids 1 M la Dona, eaaaidaratiaa 91M. SAMPSON COUNTY HOLDS AN. CWKSn A PATH THAOUCH Fayetteville, May i,—A wladatorm ozhlUliog all tha chuicuiMw at a cyelooa (wept a path *0u tact wMa Bampaea county jreatardey, pteyng many fraakiah trick* aa A «“*• but occaaloaing aa lorn ef h» ama Ufa ai far aa kaawn bore. Whan It pawed Orange poatoAcr, 10 mllaa tnat thl* eky, at Z40 la tha aftar •uma. tha atona Ilf tod a barn ft«a •*** * **w, leaving tb« bovine unin Ittad. and damped the bailding am ~ a Hock of gmm. ft beaded etrnight far tha borne at a premiarwt far ■tar of tha Orange neighborhood, hat within 10 feat of the dwelling, eworeod and want down tha read, •anyiag nil tha troaa along with k hut leaving tha howae untouched. At lmU *"* **— *" btowa down and pin# five M eta foot ia circDatfcraece woaw freqaaet victim*. About tho •**» Warn left ia Um path of tha team were mpHnga or-npBigi Tha atom ia deeeribod by old reai danta aa tha wont Umt haa aver aa. ewad ia tha aacttoa, tha only blew to approach k which the aldaat lab*, bkaat eoald facing up. having bm about M yearn ago. Whan coming It mada a aetoa Ilka a train and pro •■•had the appaacaaea of a howaa. »"*»l tha appaoranea of a black otoad about tha width at a learn It came from tho aaathaaat and dfc ■FFteivd la tho aorthwaot, pickieig ■P Waao, bam*, fencan, pte—na, ■dnhlaa, fodder, boggtee. and pretty ■Warty everything in Ha way. The bottom rail of more than one fence wan talma oat of tha ground, and paada of who fence warn palled ^ On* «tea who had four telephone *•■# to hie home loot than *0. unon A SPECIALIST. Mau t»|lm Mias CWkm »e iMnut la twMri, Coektag. •>» poriblm, Tha Erwin Cotton Mila Ca. haw employed tha aerrism of Mias Cheatham of Dtriaa, a -pi rial ha ia oeoiMwbe eoeldag. to gtoe racial soanas along this lias to aH who win accept. Mb ^trTnim to atoned? ia town aad «H bogie her elasaea Monday seeming. The noons wUi consist of fire bosons of two hoars each day at wktoh time tha ■Mmhats of tha classes win ha ta Msat.lad ia the economic buying as «•