* L*0* fc *A*L* * A. C. L. pamsengfu train SCHEDULES: i Southbound. No. <3 (Fla*) 0:13 A. K No. 93. 8:31 A. M No. B9. 3:41 P. M. No. 33. 11:11 P. 11 NorthTi and. No 34. 6:33 A. M No. 12:61 P. M. No. 94. 7:41 P: M No. R2. 11:18 P. M DURHAM AND BOUTHKHN Pi»»m|fr Train Srhrda'r: 1.*. Dunn No. 38 9:10 A. M No. 34. 1:90 P. U A r. Dim" Vo. 81. 11:10 A. M No. 41. 9:36 P. M J. J. WADE. Local Reporter l>r. J. W. McLean, of Godwin, waa a visitor in the city Mnnday. Rev. nnd Mr* Sloan Guy arc v/a itinK relalivce here this week. Father M. A. Irwin, of Newton Grove, war in the city Tuesday. Mr. John Hall, of Benaon, "pent a few hours Tuesday In the city. Mias Pauline Blalock returned Tuca day from n short viait to Godwin. Mrv Claude Gardner, of Fayette ville, visited relatives here thi* week. Mr. Joe McHhall. of Fayetteville, waa a business visitor in Dunn Tuea dsv Mrs. J. Hodges Is spending the week with relatives in Clayton and Raleigh. Mrs. Clyde Wilson left this morning for Fnyrltevillr where she will spend the day. Mr. D. S. Parker, of Smithfleld, was a business visitor In the city Tuesday Mr. John (!. Hodges returned this morning from a business trip to (ircrnalxjro. Mr*. Alfred Wilson, of Mayreville is spending the week in the city with relatives. Mr. George L. Cannady left Tues day for Os ford whore bo will spend the week. Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Lorkbart are . spending wvenal days with relative* at Pikevillt Mayor J. W. Tunings left this morning for Red Spring* where he will spend the day. Mrs. H. L Godwin la spending some time in Washington with Con gressman Godwin. tor in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 Townsend left this morning for Norfolk. Vs., where they will spend a few days. Messrs. R. I*. Godwin and Ellis Goldstein returned Saturday from a businaaa trip to New Yock City. Miss Mildred V}ck, of Godwin, spent Monday and Tuesday m the eity the guest of Hid Heltn Parker. Mr* J. E. Cole and daughter. Miss Evu, after spending several days In' Fayetteville, returned home Monday. Mien Kincaid, of Griffin. Ga.. after spending several day* hero wtth Mr*. E. F. Young, left this morning for Wilson, where ahe will visit relatives before’ returning to her home In Georgtn. Mr. J. M Tart, graduate of Massey Business College. Richmond. Vn.. hat accepted a position with Johnson Brother*. Mr. Martin Underwood, formerly a resident of this rity, now of Rose boro, spent Sunday In the city with friends. Mrs. W. D. Holland left Saturday night for Gnldobom, where she will spend some time with her husband, Lieutenant Holland. Mr. Jere Pearsall left todey for Newport News, Va.. where he has ac cepted a position as electrical en gineer in the shipbuilding yards there. Mothor^s Day was fittingly observ ed in Dunn Sunday. A large per cent of onr people wore a rose on that day a* a tribute of respect to mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. MeQuay, of Norfolk, Va.. sen spending several days in the city with relative*. Be fore marriage Mr*. MeQuay was Mias Willie Ism Raueom. Mr. Joe Govtneee, of Litliagton, was a visitor in the eKy a few days ago. Joe says he has joinad the In fantry and will be hurting bullet balls instead of bate balls this sum mer. In the graded rchool list of promo, tlona published tfs last week's Dis patch the name of Mis* Minnie Tay lor was omitted. She waa promo ted from tho tenth grade to the eleventh. lion. O Max Gardner, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, will de liver tho commencement add re** at Reis’s Creek tomorrow. Quite a nem bar of people from Dann will hear his speech. Mr. Willi* Lee left Sunday far Port Oglethorpe, Go., where he en ter* the Officers Reserve. II* will b* given a three-month* training room* them, after which be will be eNgihls for a commission In tho army. Hs Is the only ropmneirtatir* Dunn has nt this particular place. Several our of citiaaaa attended Che funeral of Mr. 3. T. Williams it Cooper yesterday. He waa one of Sampson county's moat prominent rl Huwia Many of our citlxens are attend ing the various school commence ncnta near Dunn this week. Namely, Buie’s Creek, Falcon. Salemburg and JtKera The ladle* of the Presbyterian ihurch and Troop No. 1, of the Boy 3couU, are gathering all kind* of 1 bey will appreciate, ary rontribolinns of paper you do not •it* to aavs yourself Kev. J. M- Waters, pastor of tho Christian church, loft Tuooday aftor loon for Wilmington whore ho will twist the pastor of the Firm Chris bsn Church of that city in a series >f meetings, which will continue for Atu days At o meeting of tho board of dirrc />n of the Bank of Caps Fear last veak Mr. Jas. A. Taylor was added is member of the board. Mr. Tay lor ie one of the town’s oldest eld lane, having been active In the busi teat hf* of the town for mora than ■ quarter of s century, and bis name u a member of the board of dlrcc on of the Bank of Capo Fear will] rive sdditloaal prestige and Influence a the institution. After a great deal of work on he part of Puatnuugor Lee and bis ibla assistants tba free mail dalW •ry has been cinched for Dunn. Tha "squired number ef patrons noesa i*ry to procure tha service has been I ecu red and the service will go iatu jffect June let. Thu will mean mora o Dunn than our e Hi sene realise and Ilka other improvement* which the own enjoys, will be popular with :hs people as soon as it Is given a irial. Had it aot been for the an bring efforts of our postmaster Dunn would tare fallen down on the ;reposition a* many were ludffarsnt o Its establishment until it eras ho roughly oxplatned by Mr. foe. _ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mrs. H. S. McKay entertained at oncheon Friday to announce the ap proaching marriage of Hin Mary Mc Kay to Pr. W. R. Brandon from Kannapolis, N. C. Covert were laid for twelve, the :olor scheme of yellow end white bring attractively carried out in de tail The center-piece waa a tell Oa'ket tied with yellow tulle and All rd with bride's reeee. From a wed ling b-ll of yellow, hanging shove. I'ny yellow ribbons found their nieces at each plate bearing the p tare-cards, .on the back of which e*' the announcement—"Den Cnpid, presents Mary McKay and Dr. Bran don June 7th." The favor* which were email white wedding bells sup, piled ample rice with which to show rr the petite bride-elect. ding cake waa placed before the bride sleet who cut it Arst, H was passed end cut causing a great deal of Is ugh ter as tha thimble, heart, money and ring fell to different gloats. Tbe'stralna of the wedding march from the parlor filled th* attractive little home as the guests left the din ing room end the bride-elect sees again showered with rice, love end good wishee end a telegram of con gratulations-to Dr. Brandon follow ed. . Mha McKay it the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John A. McKay and la h descendant of one of the oldest families In Hprnett county and her' marriage will bo of interest to friends throughout this asd other states. Dr. Brandon Is a popular and promising physician of Kannapolis but at pre sent is doing special work at a hos pital in New York. Thoev present seers Mieses Mary McKay, Iva Pearson. Mamie Stephens Will Cooper, Madrod Hood, Brownie Essell, Emma Lee, Janie Jackson, Christine Royal, Pearl Grantham and Margaret Pope. RESIDENCE BURNED TODAY The' residence owned and occupi ed by Mr. 1. N. Creel, located In the southern port of the dtp, was destroyed bp Ara at noon today. A "tiff wind waa blowing at tha time and • ha Ara spread so rapidly It could not bo controlled until tha building waa totally destroyed. The residence waa erected bp Mr. Creel about sixteen years ago and had baan occupced bp him aver si nee. Hla family wan at home whan the Are waa disco eared, but before tha Ara company could arrive on tha arena the An bad gained such head way H could not he chocked. Very little waa saead. moat of the house hold goods being burned. The build ing waa covered bp Insurance. ■— U-BOAT aiTUATION LOOKING MO*E HOPEFUL London, Map IS.—The report of tha week’s locoes through submarines to bo issued tomorfow win bo the moat favorable in several weeks The number of ships torpedoed la wall below tha average, while tha number of ships escaping attack Is eery large. Those in touch with the anti-cub marine campaign aloe era vary eker fs I over the resnlta of octuol attacks on submarines which hast bam push ad with tha atmost rigor during the Ann weather of the last fortnight. This hoe baan particularly favorable to airplane activity. According to one report more submarines bars been sank In the lam week than In the month previous. ECAD THE DUNN DUPATCH ******* V * BUSINESS LOCAL * * ******* DON'T PAY TIME MICES WHEN you can borrow monoy from the State Bank A Truet Company to A nance your crop. They will ha glad to help you. BUY WHILE HIGH PRICES ARE bloUad out at the Yellow Front •to.;. Wo are selling the best clothing, Millinery, Slipper*, Dry Good*, etc. for. a more pittance. R. G. Taylor. Co. FARMERS ARE INVITED TO CALL at the State Bank A Trust Com pany if they need money to finance their crop. FOR SALE—A HOUSE AND LOT on North Wilson Avenue. Dunn. N. C. Write to D. 8. Parker. Smithfield, N. C. IF YOU HAVE NOT BOUGHT your coat suit yet aee the line be ing ahown by Johnson Brother*. They arc selling them cheap. FOR SALE—100 ACRE FARM mil# from Linden, known a* the j Cader Parker Place. For informa tion write to D. 8. Parker, Smith held, N. C. COAT SUITS ARE GOING AT A; bargain at Johnson Brothers De partment Store. See them at once MOV LINE MOWING MACHINES and Bindar* for sale by Johnson Brothers. The beet on the mark et. THE STATE BANK A TRUST CO. haa several thousand dollara to load to ih* farmer* of this snu Uoa. FOR SALE—( ROOM DWELLING on Townsend Bright*. Interior ar rangement* perfect. Inspection invited. Can make satisfactory trims. That part of town if building up rapidly.—L. J. Best. IF YOU WANT A GOOD MOWING Machine or Binder see Johneon Bros. They handle the brat on thr market. CALL AT THE STATE BANK A Trust Company If you need money to finance your emp. FOR RENT. 3 NICE ROOMS NOT fu*nUhcd. well located. Anpl, Dispatch. FALCON ITEMS Commencement exercises of Fal con Ho line-* School began last Sun day, the Commencement Sermon ho ’IhrJHiiiM by Krr. "J. H. King Gentrsl Saperinlendent of Th* Pen tecostal Holiness Church. He also occupied the pulpit at night. A sun. ■her of visitors wore prerent fv-re .Dunn, Including Mr. and Mm. D. P. Hood, Rev. ahd Mrs J. 1«. Davis, Rev. J. A. Blalock and family. Rev Willie Pope and other*. Detailed re port of the ‘exercises will he given next week. Rev. T. H. Rcussssso la rejoicing ■n the arrival of a brand-now fcmalr descendant. ' Rav. J. U. Cappe. of Hillsboro, ir attending Cammancamant. having coma through the country in hi* new Fqgd. He is a graduale of thr preacher's course hers taro years ago. Mr. If. P- Sailer*, of Durham formerly of thia place and school la a visitor here. He lately complex ad a musical course In Durham, and we expect to hoar from him on the Rev. H. H. Goff hit returned from evangelistic meeting In Durham and Hillsboro. Rev. 8. D. Pales t» home fo* C-om teenesrhent. Mr. Lae Benton, of Chadbonrn. N. C., arrived- here Monday, to reran* work with the Falcon Pub. Co. ■Rev. J, H. King will remain with us until Sunday and preach here neat Sunday morning and evening. Those who knok Mr. King will be glad of an opportuaity to hoar him again. Ho will pteaih on tho coedi tion of the world today. > > —— FIDELAS RECEPTION AT COATS Costa, May 16—On Thursday night. May 10th. Mr*. L, L. Levin oon entertained tho Fidelas class of tho Baptist Church, ut her home. The following program waa carried out, after which fruit pdnch and candy waa served. Mia# Callie Stewart read a very itrong paper, the title of her subject being “Christian Education”. Miss Gladys Stewart then recited a piece, after which a duet urns ‘ beautifully rendered by Mimes Lucy Wiggins and Iva Stewart. Miaa Erie Stewart then rod tod "Her Friend the visitor”, A solo by Mias Lucy Wiggins cam* neat which added moch to the pleas ure of the occasion. “Qutch Uncles'1 was recited by Miss Myrtle Stewart, and the program era* concluded by a recitation by Miaa Stella Seeking ham entitled "Util* Things.” The entire program waa beauti fully rendered and enjoyed by all Tho Sower nrhesne was carried oat In a variety of color* of K»*os and Naeturuiana. Tbit monthly orranion la looked forward to by oil members pf th< Missionary Baptket Fidelas clam, and hat boon the meana of doing marl good. Mad THE DUNN DISPATCH CHICORA EXERCISES WELL AT TENDED Th* Ohloora Chapter of the Deugtv Wn of the Confederacy waa responsi ble for the excellent program which WM rvadcrrd at Chicera loot Thurs day aftcrnoo. Th* weather wu ideal and quit* a number of people from various sections attended the exer cises oa this occasion. The rraves were beeutifsliy decorated with floor ers contributed by the ladies of Dun and other* who ara Interested In com msmorating the deeds of our form, fathers, while on th* swinging branch •'* of the trees which look solemnly up on the graves of the dead heroes, the Confederate and American flags were num-rous and waived conspicuously during the occasion. Rev. i. M. Waters, pastor of th* Chrirtian Church hsr*. delivered the address after being Introduced by Hr. J r„ Clifford in a brief speech. Thr add rasa nf llr. Waters was one of the most forceful and most spprop note of any heard there for sumo rime and waa deeply appreciated by th* audience present- * Music was furnished by tho Duke band and th* selection rendered were appropriate end bseotifuL DOUBLE ROOM MYSTERY FULL OF PUNCH l.ovo and myst-ry Join bauds and prod s i a thoroughly absorbing pho toplay in th* latest Red Feather flve -e*l rdnaae. “The Double Room My stery,” which cornea to th* Whit* Way theatre on Monday. Mnrrie, a hardened and dangerour criminal, i* imprisoned for grand lar ceny and ha* engaged William -New man, a shyster Lawyer, for hia de fense. Aa a recompense, Morris giv es William some diamonds he ha* stolen. A timid country nau of nil won in the boarding houae in which WU Ham exiatt, baa attracted hla atten tion and when ha haa her aecnaad of a lhaft she did not enmk, ha Sat her retraced from Jail and bring* Vr U> Kii room. Meanwhile Morria baa aecaped a*-d Sa rutko* to the addrew on *11 'ium'a card. Ha demande back the 'pmontia and being refueod, aheota ’V lliam, Georg'anna, the amid, ha* ng taken refuge behind the drtaaar. 'he ia dragged forth whan the poHee arrive, but a clever newtpaper re .verier bi the next room managse U -mb the real culprit, bold him until S c i coop j« in the paper and the voile.- BIT tipped Off. Th.-n Georgianna and Willy, who »” k* in bar bearding bouae and ' "ho hat alwaya helped her peal the ■o'.-*m <. or- started off by McHugh •h- report r, to the farm of hi - mrle. "The act-oa of the picture ia aua v.ncd throughout; the photoplay I x-cUent; thj ntualiona are ten»» -•I filled with legend myxtery and 'ham U punch hi every" climax. Hobart Henley m rtaponxlblt far '.he direction and hi ttrong caat tn I >d-» Gertrude 8elby, Edward Tenily. Edward Hearn, Harry Mann, Hayward Mack, Erneet Bhielda and Mr*. Witting. WHITE WAY PROGRAM THURSDAY TV. Drift.. Hcon Two Real Drama with Harry Carey tla.Trd in hit favorite role of Cheyenne Harry. Snpportad by Glarie Da Bray. Want. Make a Dallar Joker Comedy in One Real with Galt Henry and William Farney It Malma a Dig— u. Rex Drama in One Reel with Dorothy Dnvcnptirt and Irena Hunt. pjuday DstfSTallm Hold Seal Drama in Three Reals Featuring Elite bath tUadon What would you do If you though) you had only two yuan to RraT Baa what Katherine CriacMon does in D tap* ration. SATURDAY Tbs Fatly ml Fraoahatta Imp Drama in Two Reals with Mae Bush and Malcolm Bakinea The mi*take of a young wife, who, under the delusion that her hnahaad has ceased to lov. bar, ahnoat talk la to the hands of • gang of that ran Animated WeaUy Ns. U Some Syneiaseae Neator Comedy la One Real with Eddie Lyons, Lea Mona and Edith Roberta. MONDAY Tits Psnble Ream Mystery Red Feather Feature In Fke Reah Lore and mystery Join bands and produce a thoroughly absorbing pho • tepky. Featured Mayer*— Hayward M,.| and Edward Hearn. _ l TUESDAY Universal praieuta The Crust Fa trie* ferial LlbiltJ * Fyiaeda Mm 14. A Madam Joan of Are Rtaru-u-Maris Walcamp, inch Holt and Eddie Polo Camman Bin Gold Seal Drama la Three Reek— featuring Helen Oardnar. Mu those Ada. IB. . WEDNESDAY. Pomthy Dares Victor Comedy In Two Reek A boarding bourn tab, written am produced hy Ruth Staaehauee wkl heeuelf la the bad. Tlsw HU4s« r>f|t, Sif U Drums In Twn Reals wM Mom Daritfanther ' - tti ' im « HAS ITS LANDS AFMLAISZD. tmpmmgi Ts Gat Cbrtw Fna Wuk lagtoa (a A Few Day*. Foqaay Spring*, Hay 16_The Ko qnay National Farm Laan Aasoeia Uon has had its lands appraised by W. C. Haaamoad, of Aahabora, fed eral land bank appraiser, and la *1-1 porting to got Its charter from Wash ington within a few days. Hr. Hammond atatad that this as sociation la among the 6iat la North Carolina to hare Its lands appraised, and that ha believes all- the loans' applied for aril ga throagh. Appret •mately *40,000 wUI he tamed loose in this end adjoining townships with-1 » a short while through this source. I A. J. Fletcher, local attorney, who is secretary-treasurer of this aaaa-j -iation, waa today aotlfled that ha' md bom approved aa one of the tfactract attorneys far Waks Coouty. • Character I aaaa. Omaha World-Herald. Uaelo Sam handed aver to the British government tb* other day f ZOO,000,000. It was a lean bemad am character. No security whatever was demanded. The BritiOi government hat an established character in re tard to tha payment if debts and hat k the aaly security this govern maht has. Uncle Sam propones to ad vance tore or three billion doners on that asms security. When Morgan' and the ether basking hntm teat] France and England mosey, they r*-| quired eeHetieil-la addHiia »Mbk promiar to pay and these gevarn-J amnU put up etocka and bonds, most ly American, equal to the amount of the loan. It h tree that there might be a revolution in England sad a parli ament might he elected that woald refnaa ta pay. but there ia no mn proa pact of that than that the courts of this country woald refuse to issue tho necessary processes to force pay ment of a judgment duly recorded ia heir Jurladicl.ua. If say govern ment to which money is loaned ia that way ever gets iato distress, it will first pay these leans mad* on .ton or. The people of Danmark grow neh by winking loss* on character. It mahlad the young men of that coun try to develop its resources end tb* •erne thing would follow boro. If every young farmer had capital enough to start fuming, there would eeoa be no vacant prodaeivo land ia I Ibis Stats. Professional Cards * e • eeeeeeeee ’ J- ft Clifford, N. A. Toaataad. • * CLIFFORD S TOWNSEND • * Attarnoyo it Low • Omoo op SnJ floor of Pint Not- • * lonol Bosk. Prompt orton lion • * rlvoo to all boalnaaa. * • eeeeeeteeeee * e e e eseeeee * JAB. a BUTLER • * Dm I lot • * 8oc«oa3or |o Dr. 8. P. J. Loo • * Otto oyer Wiloon 4 Loo'o A tor* • Phono IS4. * ...! -— — — i ••••••ooooo •! * E. F. YOUNG , •( AMornry-at-Law • * O«eo tnd Doer Goldotrtn bl,.>. • ■* Prompt attmHo* »1ron hvatnro* * * CAROLINA PROTO COMPANY • W. A. Hooper. Maaatrr • * All atytre oilirrrt portrait• • * Earn Mala St. Doan. N. C, • olooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO * B. CARLYLE WEST • * Attarary and OaaaarWor at Low * Fire# National Ranh RnfWIar * A. . Doan. N. ft * teeeeeeeeese eeeeeee«ees* | • T. E. DARDEN • l * Yolootnary Pbyalalaa. Raoao** * * ut Dm tint. • PNOMFR: D*y M Nl-rAit HI* ' I • INTNN. N. ft «*•••••••••< THE MAXWELL M0 Costs L^ss Than Any Car to Run and We’re going to PROVE IT are going to show you that a Max well will go farther on a gallon of gas oline than any other car made. Ana it's all going to be done out in the open. Wednesday, May 23. is to be the National Max well Gasoline Economy Proof Day. —upward of 2,000 Maxwell dealers in the Uni ted States and Canada will demonstrate to the public everywhere that the Maxwell makes the rnoct economical use of its 1 am one of the Maxwell dealers and am to dem - onstrate die Maxwell car. My demonstration* v. ill take place eight here how* „ .. ... —complete details will be published later. —owners’ cars are to be used exclusively in the test runs. Men known here will act as official ob servers. Wc' re getting ready now for our part in the great international economy demonstration. We invite you to keep in‘touch with this demonstration and see how it comes out. If you want to know how and why the Maxwell saves dollars on gaso line, we will be able to convince a reasonable man after May 23rd. • E. V. GAINEY, DUNN, N. C. BfiOO unja dm m.

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