I I I t'f food fOT tlwfi families ri S 'S' .ct - {■> % i la food prices, tiwdw, food ui factory hands of la are all aeadod at borne, h “f*S M far the rest, they can be spared to Iftt ^•BJJa day of utTsais peril to elr aad poor eqgbt to bo the first to bi drafted into military eex+rcs. Thej at* ft tar eothiay else; make then f cat. SaaM pretty atraifiii tallr; but it u eji't tMsktv C“- • * LOVX OV OUTLAY 11 CRKAT SIN Who Oagfct ta Be IB|hlr Carofal Aheot AMh| aad Ur«taa Thoh Meohoods to Bara Maoey at ths Kapaaea of Their gaols, Csstho My Ism lsj‘s Wife. nniUMnai pr<vt> hw aM hpl probleon aad aaary Mad af yraUaaai bat Christ Ibaa alL HewT U eaa't any mar*. Urns ef goad health can be pot late ward*; bat a lira Cbrl - ; Maa aapartaaca la a practical reality, aa tbaaa wbe bare had one can teeti ff- loa l«k aay reHglon ie aa *—etlaa; ae la lean, bat Itt reel. tart »r •peeking ef lora, ttaee bet aay aa wHi ^^^Ifaadly"jU* W toanuMe and BAyV It b really bard le gat bar la tali about ear thing er anybody bat bta, aad ihe Altai taneV U be a aery eld feeb le —ratal ways that I ■ 1 * ' " . ■> •’)] J I S y Hi Wm M I SpfSSsSSFfif ht%%£lSrf liTj ft •• ifk * .v * 9 . • The ty came in vttk 1J— and tha oaipnt. not to maatiaa Era. Ha waa yean* when Noah fcaaehed tha nfc, bat not too youag or oawiaa not to taka paanga oa that lifeboat. Ha wu atm yaathfol ate daboaalr whan tha pyramid! war* pat aadar contract, ate he waa ia the drat tnh at ty manhood dm bento to tha tetpk We ate garlnlng ate determined to found dtto ate aab> sc rib* to a hiha hank. BU war viral through aO than aano la a amatory to bo arplaiaad. not by the •arrival of tha tttaat, 'but by tho barking of Hadaa. - Hta eoatteuad a*. THE MICH SCHOOL TEAM. Hate Good Booaad hSpteed Hand*. TKk amclT tor tha Diapetoh SB delayed for ugt tton ftoaa the km baa ban oiparttog to play Donald na Military sfhpol but the latter put o* the-gaufa tfl their team die bunded.- Therefore, tfce awn has b«n ended a good srUfe, bat the jmmm at tha’ article's delay waa for tha raaaoa atdtod above. Utear tha lialmtey of “Otaty" WOaou^nd^Vaigt tattop ate Jake aaaoa though tha auu|snMUri toefc gatttag suitable ranee. la aD i» Sanaa ware played, two agriaat wap achoala. ewe —*—■ n ema. *Q* chib, aad tha —hh| agalaat ilffb ac koala. la tha fan Ugh bool nan Dm non thraa. Thay ®« bath n«P aehool eoataata and '•» PtaTtac tbnartin Baiaatt coaa ■f tea* ad Liadaa thay laat by tha ttaaa aeora of 4-» aad ahoald haaa wm, bat for a fan -J-ghji Tha ^«4rd k a whola wm woo | and ta|*^^»b<ah. by tha way. ia imi waa dlrtdad"batwaaaTwlLaolsTtUt! ****** <4oni*| STILL HOLD SWAT to *■» Tote. May SI.—AS throuc<> “* WHa*. oaa «f the autarto* that ?"?.*** ***211» incr*"B* »*> *•*» ******* »ool Jaay. It tea been ^ ^ ud suits, for om ***•?*'•*•• »•••*•*• ikirto and for adddytrlnmm it tu Wen Kte an *• otter Mart materia*. Colorod teada combined with rilk ambrold ®*T * the latent foam of decoration te which Jersey haa taken. **. *P1»o^teB, there * “°* “* «S«bteat indication that wool Jonay * on the wan*. Bat, oa the fW*y> one teemi to Me more -"■< ■or* *f It erery day. Oa a dram teat coaid aot poaribly be tee warm dotted crepe in tte foUowta* ZOZ VL larUmtfr Ceel Ip a Flow—d Vaffa Fro,k »Mh Salt FUat. aad Paffad Pad* aar; pink cropa .with whita polka data mada tha waist aad dswsi; tha wwM axtanded down to tha hip lima, aad fraa thaw downward tha skirt WM of whita wool jeraay. Thara was • small yeha of tha whita Janay at tha aack af tha dreaa. Thia is owa of tha noool way in which thia popalar material ia ased. | ■“it*, with khaedength coats, the silk is oaad for tha siaasaa, sirisa and hack to the coat, aad tha woo] for bands ‘down tha front and around the hottest of tha coat, m wan as tar tha skirt. ' Cool ^pd nfmhtng so—asr mUa *n dainty flow* rod sff acts aiw charm ing for the informal oottoa frocks, »f which away wo—ft requires sersr al for tha distressingly hot days. Mow ia tha tioa to gat them mada The stylee ara generally simple. Plaatad, tnekad or gatharad skirts '—Mao wfc* tha sifapteat af waists baalaff a little fobuss at tha shonld na with an attract*** colter edghd with tern or —chine pteot edging. Soft phots fail bed off with a bead- ; ng at tha top of tha skirt ara un JsoaUy pretty, a ahawn ia tha sketch ] The pnffad pockets ara a charm big , sovolty ospaelaDy soltod is this type A summer frock. A long of , ■hits organdy provide* ‘the flaish Ing touch in this dainty hot.weather . rroetr. Tha N«r Muifali Shirtwaist Maaiah shirtwaist* an growfag ta r««nr. Sow# amdala' of liaan am with ftnsly tuekad fro**, Ukt '»* rfa ■an’* shirt. la addition * thorn taeka, than an Uttla spray? •d * cote* on MM of *»d tenant collate of aabta and skirts grow Important than an •wraltlaa. to bo found White tab Air* of --- * an m*do with yofcad <* aatond Boon, mad whan tfca skirt I te tha yoka than an arr •d marhtao stitching dons - "aland cotton tha color of _ yafco. hklaloy (pant Saturday with rate teas In Sanaa*. ' Tam Loo, of soar Dona, has mm nry rite with pnoaasoala. Wo M glnd te know that tea * tetter. Was Bottlo Coats want ta *-*% Md tew dag te holy wf(k tte dooo •rian of tea CatteUa chunk, «ad a praam* at I* dedication Mr. and Mis, D. P. Jonas.and Hula “•tew spate Sad or day right with tn. Jana* brotear, Mr. J . *. Lao, *. I BUTS BTIS. b / frrofeMtoojl Card* .. c Clifflb A Ttniad CUfTOBD liTOWNUNO At—aajHM Law -i.c« oo 2nd Ufa at rmt Nat-' •*"*1 Bank. If—pi attaBtion to aU kaa'j—■ ias. m.mmm * Successor t» D . 8. P. J. Lot • 0—e arar WUai Lf L— Store Pb— 1M. in* • • • • • <u .... • ■..r.TtotTNG At—qkl Law * Office tad ftaer bald*—a bldff. * Prompt at—* «hten tot—a • • • • | / t r •; • 0 0 0 I t ( 1 • • • • • •:* a a a a a .. * . . . E. CAELTU WIST • * Atteraep a— Oo—itltor at Law * F—t NatJoaal —nk BaOdtac * * D—'ll C. • • • • # to *••*•• —: I «JL2Pft tad. node | *lf«, X D. _ JOTSfcS*-0 SSL M_ «MMd) WlU >d in tha Mid ■ k*BM door of LOUaBtoa, om 1 of Jana, HIT, wtUfy tha M “For euk, to Said Undo atm ■ __, U)wn*h‘p. aad ota% felly daaemwd h foSoaii Btaaalig at a ataka with oaa ata had ana rad aak point m. Hit Hafefeoot tha Mtur t path and ikat an* kuadrad yard* L aad ran* J 1 Wax TUS ». Wax t-- j-— - adtar'ii a mail Braaeh ia X M. Baiafoatf* Una: haaaa aa hia Baa Soatfc f, Waat 6.90 taaa to a atqka Mo.Botnar aaar a 1917 at IS o'tal Placa of ai * r a JLillinatoa.. TtAHinU D M- H. U. 8pm 1* 04 i® -aanaideratlon MO. J. C. Byrd Bia to Bl X Bk «ck 1 lot in , ~~ria--at1mi 1. W. FVnra^ ta X X Trail I Ma la Pi—.' tdfertwatloa MOO. I. W. 8«HMto f. ». Yowa* 19 ‘•10 aeraa la •fewawt'a Oraak town “P. **>ildanfrjM> JBW aad othar J. W. TacOAto 4»u Boll Bob*, •a and AAnfe Mam So aem * Uad iaQnStftoad coaatr, «®» aad oth«r T^taahU *• M- Woaraiy|» St. to. Tbomoi 60 ^sJ“i5Ky 1™*11 A. C. Q«Hh to Man A. M. WaaMtok Uto Sad la JahaaravOk »*>nwWj>, na^liMia |40. W. J. twr f, hnto twa J. C. OMtai wmim to Ttafi Lm 125r«S"*l‘’“~ ' 1 1 l 4 1 1 I < 4 BRITISH EXPERT . LAUDS RAILROADS Of UNITED STATES § Tills Cuitress ConiitlM Tbit Tbsy Laid World. • ■ Rfl BaVERIMENT OWNERSHIP I* WnM Mean Pot HI cl Control aad M *f IWilwiy OnUrw That CrM. Confront. Country on Aoo.uot •* Trmwp.elation SHuot.on—Lowpot PraiaM Rato* to Bo Found In United *! ‘ * Washington, May It—That tha Ualt •*»*■» M face to far* with a oortooo oMM la its commercial affaire, duo to tha ooadtttoao by which It* transports. **°a system t. coufronted. *u tbe crplo loa aziw.ee.il by W. u. Aewonh, Ekig laatf. leading authority an rallwaya. Mote tbo- N.wlaod. joint commit too oc lateretata commerce at a apecla) mmtom bold, here to euahto tbo com ■Mtoo to boar bio view, before hU de parture far Loodoa Lhte week. Two Mope are necessary, according to Mr. Ac worth, to avert thla criala »~t to wife the three ton lag railroad problem oenfroattng the coon cry. Tbo drat la to allow the railroad* to ekarpa freight rates aomelcnt to moat uh great advene* In opnretlag f*». poooee which fte taking place - —A u. •■able them to command the Credit aooeaaery to provide tbe axtaaelodk aad Maproeemeata ucoded to moot tbo Wiring dam.Dda of boelnoaa Tbeoto o»i la to do ewey with tbo maldpU aod oonfllctlbg eyetema of regaletlon that bow hem pm- railway operation aad to provide owe cevtraBead regale *■7 agency with each local eobdlvV Maaa ee may be nroaeaary. Mr. Acworth'1 nows on the transpoe tattoa attartlon ia tha Ealted fttatss wata tipi aasad ia aaawar to quatlaaa hy of the reBunlttea, who •rtM Um to apply pip knowledge •* railway conilUofii • (hroughom tk« w*fM and of tba experience of other countries with government ownership to too praaaat problem before tha Oh* 04 Matos. -Tha fnadamontaa] factor to tba MV to vary ■impta," said Mr. Ao wwth. -It lies In th/ (act that rsa eahaot get three-quarters of a cent's wsrth or work dona far has than throw quarters of a cant, no matter whsthw tha aganey part ora in* it is a ggsatm mant or private enterprise. Freight totne «»a*t advance whan tho coat of performing the service advances aa It la ton at praaaat. Just aa tha pctoe •f broad or tomt or any other com ■edtty tnersaaaa with lacraaead aaat of prodoc tlon.* to aaawar to a qnnation Mr. Ao wprtApaM that .he. thought Amaahaaa titSjaKKsSSrK Ptotod of cidthroat.eanipotlsUm amend tht roods and bad Sac* those by regulating,bodies. Cnlmame »of warn afforded to the carrions vary prooopttf. ha said, tho rwoalt would bo a tremendous lorn to .the pcnpk of too whole country through tnsoAcfcm «y of tranoportaUaB faculties. Woohnasd of Oeswrtnawt OwweraMp On tha subject of nranlel ■top «f railways Mr. Aeworth esvld i *lt la impossible .to obtain aaUatoo tery remits on gosssument railways to a tomooratlo state nnlsos tho •tomeat ia eat loom from direct petto ftsal naafill TTsflhtr Australia nor yyotosar -soon try with a democrat. mfrtto^madeotbwitBerland-haa tossreaea. In Prams. In Belgian, m Italy, parliamentary inter fas sues aasar baa barn abandoned for a mooaeat Tba toots show that gurwuiaant to totomea baa meant ranntag tba raQ waya Mt for tha bmedt of tho peepto at large. bet to satisfy Inca) and ese tomal and arm personal Interests. Ffnaata. Mr. Aeworth saM, was tha bast example of an rOriaot govera mmt railway 170100. and be pain tad M that military eonsldarailaoa ware wealed as af paramount latwrcancw to the ProaaUD railway ayatam- While ktearliwn frelyM rataa'had bw r*. teeed haarty 40 par coat to thirty yearn, rataa Id Prussia ware aiaih aa Mgh aa at tha haatnnlnf of tha period. While tha eharpa far aortas a tea ad ptfdhc ana mile |a tha Umttad States Waa a trtfla orar thrm-qaartera ad a •eat. tha rata ta Prussia waa Ldl ▲a Slaatrattoy tha dlKsrouca la rataa hatwaaa torarnmant aad private raada Mr. Aeworth compared the rallwaya ad Haw Sooth Walaa. Australia, with thoha of Ttzaa White tha «««■■» of tnSa to aaCt mlla of Mao waa ahoat thaauoaln hothcaaaa. ha ppfated out, Oka Taxes railways parfomad far tha pabMe four tlnaa aa aach aarrtea as tha gararttaaat o*Md raada ad Haw ■atob Walaa The eharpa hi Iwu CW kaolin« a tea. of nnght oao alia waa tom than 1 east, white la tha Aaa tepltea state It waa wall orar S oanta. "American railway, lead tha world," ■aid Mr. Arworth. "Nowaday, whea mm la any other part of tho world want to know how to raa a railway they eaaae ta tha United state* and MSdy yoar ndlwaya bars Tha Aaasr tmm railway, ara aadraiy tha remit •d prtrate wMarpitaa. aad I thtoh they pa a teas way toward prana* thaawte IjStoat sir—gial awaaralUp » ioi Adi* Jl»*. M. M. McKay U Ml*. P. JL Ma SdM aeraa to Lllltnyton town toratodarattaa 9ldt W. T Morpma to J. H. Mergea' *1 4 aeraa la N#M*a Craak towaaUp. onto deration *400 « BsaMkor* Land and Timber Co. * a Cara Boa Thomas 4* aeraa I* Up- < or LMM. hfrar towaklp, nraMdara i la* *Md. •kfhh M. Saw toy to J. M. Kytd M l atop to Uppar LKtto Ktrar l.wa.Mp, I |m. j K. A. K Maine* to Itoh a Ma- ■ 0 m* IT* anw la Qypa UtUe Dm A. & lulh Oa. «• B. A. Baka'aa a4 wtf. MU mm la U^w UttU tlrae towaak*, WbMMbbU— »1M. >aM BatoB Maxell Ok, MM.—Har •*» Be»arter. Mr. AKrad Win'd lUrma., I i A World Champion Mtfhwlwl pwftttlua of a om M4al chami* ha« mad* the Maxw.ll 1 world aoduaaac* champion | a ■Mwrall built fnmt Itk. Toor»—w«at 12,082 b3m without th* motor (top —Tha ckwpMt car to- nm nv “Ai «®c*» oaly M to fl a aootk practical car for towa or Touring Car $665 Roadster - - 650 A® H»a /. ak D«a ■>. Ac tko Maxwell b good far taaay far ovary mam.’* ^ • r SaJl Cwk Pirarat—o-'-rti Em; T—_ E. V. GAINEY . DUNN. N. C. Vacawn Capa Cannot Skid KlLdgkJ. 2? •Hppery pavements. TbeyVe tapraMW that way. TW b®*v7«*pa Md the pave- bwSWdR) a>antthrmiy brtmctio* the only principle by which rubber pm jecoons can grit a smooth,-wet reSAJt^NlS/ sftes&afiLS; p}S®H and gently breaks the seal with* Ibf^Tei^ j mit retarding the speed. Pennsylvania VACUUM cup , TIRES -- - ' 1 - • " ; ‘ '•

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