THE DUNN i VOL ,V Dunm. N. C., Jmm 8,1*17. „ . - _____:___: HOW CHAUTAU QUA WEL DO ITS "BIT Arrangomnnte Mad# For a Pa triotic Day With Special Music ISSUES WILL BE DISCUSSED *Tho Whale Program Will Ring With PatriatUm—Why It Waa Named "The Greatest Thing In Am erica" by Theodora Koeeeeelt "How can wc do our bill" ia thr qaaatlon millions of Americana are ashing each other in three wartimes. The Chautauqua committee has been wondering how the Cbaiitaqu* coaid do its bit in this great nation al emergency, and from Chautauqua headquarter* In Now York city there (arose the interesting infon.iution that the O.aotauqna wit’ do *.|U a big lit in taking alvanta.,- of its aturie-ful oppurlin tv in getting right down to plain fact* with thr pro pie r.n some of th • big pi. I lcoin tlu^t w v r gnlng to iinj <, ir-’e ■» stariw .-i rlie qee bofo-e 11/ tnd »f ai.ithrr )xtr. t nag aboot ten >.ar< at” that Theod tv Boonev>h came oat with the ,’ il mirl wbeu be >..«* In the Wbita House that the Chautauqua wag thg “moat American thing in America." The statement was flu-h od aero as th* country, ani -.hoar who know of th* work of the Chautauqua know what he meant Some didn't know. So nee are a till pining Simon Pere Americana. What he meant waa that, this be ing a country given to intimate and cions study of all ere at issues on the part of the people, they had the b«M opportunity tn the world to look squarely at Wf litau la the Chau tauqua. Therefore the Chautauqua afforded them the bent powibk ehaace to bo eimon pure Americano. Announcement comri from New Yolk that this will be Patriotic year in the Chautauqua The spirit of pa triotism will ring In the music on opah of the in days, and H will -bonded Mass and «nia id -the lectures to bo gives, and American thing in America." If pennant plans are carried out the stage decorations will be in keep lag with the air of patriotism that will sound hi the program. Bed. while ana bias moslbi add pennants will adorn the platform and the American flag will be prominently displayed. Bays Coring J. Whltesido, general manager of the Community CHautau qoaa, Inc., In New York. Country Not Awahe “Our Chautauquas win com* in di rect touch with severe] hundred thou sand people this summer. We are at war. We don’t know how long wo .will bo at war. The plain facta are that the country is not awake to the seriousness of condition! they may he facing. *Tha Chautauqua's doty is In bring the Issues home to the people .as nothing else css do. Think what it would hare meant to England and Franco if 6,000 Chautauquas had boon in full blast In the summer of J.' 1616 when the governments of theee countries sad later the people found they won really at war. It took thaae countries months to bee Ur them uolvha. They bad so means of going direct to the people, and the facts bed te sift through gradually and ■lowly. Th* Chautauqua'* "Bit," “W* »r* gulag to mak* Chautau qua a gnat rallying glace of petal Ottarm la every community. That will be the Chautauqua's -bit’. We want, and we mutt have, the nnrtinled co operation of every local influence that le going to be affective In bring ing the people to the Chautauqua. “Aa to the program, it le a strong er program than we have ever at tempted. I know, bereaee I planned It myself, and 1 know what It eoet • •••*••» trtotlc program on the fret night. We trlote program oo the first night. We arv bringing as the principal speaker foi thla program ca-Governor A. C. Bkallenberger of Hebraaka, and I don't believe wo mold Have found a stronger man In the coon try to make this patriotic addreen He is a mem ber of tha military affair* committee in •»agrees, a magnificent orator and a eaoaoned Chautaoqaa speaker. He baa addressed hifndrod* of Chaetau qoa aadieaeee throughout the east •a the Amt night on "The True Pa triatimn ' Music for tMs day, both afternoon and evening, will ho Strong If patriotic. Th* Mtaul Nmhn. "Th* mueteal number* stand out particularly strong. They loctud* the Hawaiian Singer* and player*. In South Africa; the Royal Ulua Hue ■at* Band, with Signor Louie Caste lot el dlraeter and Irving Jay Lyric tenor the Teeheikowiky Quartet, headed hy • I * liniet; the Horton Musical Rntartain cn, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Pierce of tbs Piorre school In Boston, and tha Mendrlaaohn Sextette. "Juan S. Kaos of Cleveland, tha landing locterer to busineas men's nrjreniahtioni In tha rountry, is com ing to discuss wartime cttciency, community progress end business and commanily problem* generally. Dr. B. L. Williams of Chicago, known the country orcr as Chicago’s 'Right ing Parson,' will tall of his work in righting rice in Chicago, and John Kendrick Bangs will present his great platform masterpiece, 'Salubri ties.' one of the moat famous lec tures ercr heard on tha American lecture platform. Fa tarts lament Also. “Then there are entertainment numbers which I can only touch up on. These include Josephine Chilton, the southern reader, who will giro an afternoon of southern stories, and the Pierce Community Players, who will appear in The House of Happi ness,' a most delightful New Rag land comedy. "The Junior Chautauqua will be a big feature for boys and girls and da rrrves a whole story in itastf. "1 am sure that our friends will ntrrve that it Is a big lot for the money. If every one will get be hind and boost for a grant patriotic Chautauqua It will be one of the re ally big rventa of the oommentty that you'll look back to in years to cunt. 'Tha season tickets bring the cost down to a few cents a number. They may be procured from the business men backing the Chautauqua. I might add that one-half tha tingle udmiuiont for the flnt day will be given to the local Rad Cram.’* ruqUAT 9UI.UU. HKW) George Prince of Dunn, with hh family vpeat a faw day* hare whh J. W. Prince end faaUty. Little Moses Pool of Raleigh have returned to their home after a visit to Miaa Millie Jonea. Miaa Jane Fish Is critically 111 at bvr hones la Variha end of town. Mm. E J. Ragsdale aad Masai Lena Kagedals aad her gnast, Pearl Taylor of Oxford, spent Friday night at the home of J. B. Johnwton at Oar dsaaa. ' '"Rhi #Mt1 Taglar of Oxford' la here to attend the Bi(gitli PHHilt Miaa Alii one Brooke af Pittaboro ie visiting Mm R. E. Aiken on Fa quay avenue.' D. M. Rpcrtce and J. W. Adcock Spent Saturday la Raleigh on busi ness. ' , , Meeam J. g Seeeome, J. W. Pries G. W. Mr hen aad families spent the SOth at Pullen's Park In Raleigh on an outing jaunt. BOY SCOUTS HOLD MEETING The regular meeting of Troop No. I of Boy Sconta was hold last Friday night in the Scout Hall by the two Patrols. The principal object of the meeting was the standing of the Tenderfoot tests by those candidates that have recently joined the folds but via have not yet become examin ed Tenderfoots. About fifteen Scouts were present together with Scoutmaster Freeman and a new can didate or two. After the roll was called and min utes read by the Secretary, the Trem urcr collecting the dues, business was brought before the troop oonatstihg chiefly of the partaking that the Scouts wore golhg ta do hi the ad vertising af the Chautauqua. This show being n Community affair, and the Scouts a Community - organisa tion, the latter promised that they would help hi a large distribution of advertising literature far Ik, kw advertisement that win grace Dona ground*. All the Scouts showed re markable Internet in this doty and all promised to help that could; a few holding Jobe and being usable U< get off from their work. Tbs following Saturday wse the dag set apart for this accomplishment The question of tbs continuance of pspsr gathering was abo discuss "• whan brought before members It Ufa. that a precious few had Hon# all the work ss for In this de partment sod toms wars kicking be cause all the Reout* had not rueh rd to help. Therefore Scoutmaster Frrasutn wisely tuggestsd a plan that was adopted by the troop, which woaM enable those Scouts who hold jobs In the daytime and it is Incon venient for them to gat off, to also aid la the collecting Bf paper far the troop's benefit. This was made pouibls by tbs night plan; whereby •keen Senate coaid be organised In a night band to gather ths waste by the moonlight. Said Soonte willing ly * greed to this plan suggested by Mr. nrenit and the next wash was rot apart for this work by ths "Job** department. After the regular meeting ef tbs troop. Patrol No. a was called te ■rsthor by Patrol Leader Jake Wads nnd asked to submit names for tkh usw Patrol. The same was dsns and • ftoe dlacnesion ths new Patrol wm named Iks Plying Ragle Patrol.— ■cost laysrtw. # fi SUBMARINE TRIES TO SINK AMERICAN BOAT Two Torpedoes Fired .at KreesUeed •«* Beth Missed—Kress land Goaa Brought Iota Astien N«w York, June S.—Two German submarines made a concerted attach on tha American lina ataamahip Kroonland on her last voyage from this port, firing four torpedoes, two uf which hit the liner glancing blows, bat did not explode, according ta a report brought here today by an Am erican, who aaid he waa told of the attack by an officer on the ship. The lipor waa nearing the British coast, the American waa Informed, whan two torpedoes, fired from op posite sides of tha veaael from sub merged U-boat* ware aaan. Both tor podoee missed the bow of tha ship lam than 30 feat. The Kroonland was already going at Ugh spaed and the navigating officer oa tha bridge gave orders to lit Mg. Quickly two more torpedoes score launched. This time the aim of tha Germans waa better for the ■ frail 11 actually touched tha aides of tha Us er, but tha blows ware not suftcient ly direct to explode the contact de tonators in the torpedoes. Tha aavml gunners on the Kraon laad opened fire at tha unseen tar gets, aandlng explosive shells into the water at tha point where It area judg ed tha submarines wars whan the torpadoaa ware launched, bat so far as knows no hits ware recorded. WHO. PRESENT “THE HOUSE OF happiness Pterae CammoaHy Players ta Appear la New England Csmsdy at Chsataauwa On the second night of ths Ows unqna the Pierce Community Play. •» wtu prswit "The House at Hap piness," a delightful Naw England comedy by a Naw Kagland woman. Dorothay Wilcox af Beaten. Hare are the character*: Judge Abner Merrick, A Typical Small Town Naw Eng land lawyer. Mis* Phoebe Wttham. MarrWk'a Consia aad Houaskaspsr David_____His Pa***!- Son Mergfo Berkham__Hla Ward Mr*. Aacott D* . .. U"1a prsaanted 'by a strong apat Tha company Is headed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. PUree of tha Pierce Dramatic School in Beaton, a school that has turned out some of tha hading entertainer* la tha Cheats o qsa. If. a good, wholesome story that will heap tha Chaataaqaa audi ence in laughter tha greeter part of ths Ham and win sand each on* af them home to a heue* of happi ness. Aad yet H’s only on* of tho big features of Chautauqua wash. A $2 season ticket admits to everything —an satire five day program. PLANT MORE COWPRAS. West Raleigh, N. C.. Jana 4th, l*17.-»-lL should bs the aim of every farmer la North Carolina this r~r to grow aad save at least enough eowpsaa for the aosds of his own family. Only a small acreage wooM bs reqsired to provide for thee* needs. This being a leguminous crop might well be grown maeh more large ly than it ia at present. It produce* an excellent quality af hay; is well sorted for crop rotations adonted to the needs of the soih of tho State; <■ a soil-improving crop whan prap crly handled, and, in addition, ths pons have grant food value tor man, while ik. k._ wJ - k.-„ a.. feeding value fer domestic «■<»«». It may be ef Interest to know that coerpeae contain ea aa average SO per cent higher protein then la con taiaed hi wheat Soar manufactured by the patent roller proeeee, accord Ing to Mrs C. B. Williams. Tfeli higher protein content gtraa the paea ■ very high nutritive value. Th. fuel, or energy-aupplying value, foi one doing hard heaaual work, of the peae la nheut the aaoee as That mi patent Sour which, at the present time com (0 to SO per cent mere per pound than do peon. This Is e time ear people should look ta the utilising of food product) ta aa economical and, Intelligent way, Mont ef ear people are-Trie)it to sattng peae, bat thta appears to he the year when their mere geaeral uaeae a food product should be prac ticed. ». A. WZLLONS TO FRANCE WITH AMBULANCE CORPS P»rt Ogtethrope, June !.-N«wi hae been received here of the eeleo Hon of Robert A. WvBeae, ef Smith Said, to ge with a unit ef the an bo Mace corps U Fra nee, the unit wit be mebOMod at epee sad ia rrturierl to anil for Prance within a month Yeung Wallens Is a member ef com paay twelve, reserve oAccra train Ini ramp at Pert Oglethorpe. Meyer I. W. Tmuge wee a hmt mw vMtar M Charlotte Mm week. B. A. NORRIS If' CONVICTED IN A RECORD • / Prompt Grand Jm Bon Into Liquor Raleigh U SPECIAL TERM CONVENE NEXT No Ilia Cm. aad Are Oaly Witnesses FlItrFm Miaute Trial., The United States Dial ct Court ■ittlng yesterday mad* > ■ e record for speed when in flfty-Ar minutes working time the ntachltu f of the rourt was put Into moving nler and B. A. Norris convicted it white slavery. A short adjournjs pt of the eourt followed the verdict« the jury end upon reconvicting, dm |u Henry C. ConnoSt upon the asoll i of Dis trict Attorney Carr, erderea a special term af Pedeml court U eonveae neat Moaday morning for in lavee tigution late th* Illicit Uq >r tragic in Raleigh Only two witnesses were sasdsed in the Nerris ease and at d > conclu sion of their testimoey th govern ment rusted Its caas again I Norris. A short conference between counsel for Norris resulted fat th* gsosnes msr.l that th* defeadent iuld net resist a verdict *f guilty Imths face *f th* evidence of the two girls that was made even mete dnghgir^ hy ernes era agnation. Judge donor In structed th* jury to retug} a m —- -- ■-' ‘—I ■ in ha tku an* hour tha grm* of the mill that began with Nallid Groan's aantaac* to Jail from police lanrt an a charge of vagrancy, a, trly one month ago. turned out the rat con viction hi tha Norria-Sani r read ard opened tha way for C » inves tigation lata the repabol < bolaaalr r-cnringa in iatoxirattmt b earn ia ftsmlgh. filly Witaaaao* Jv>w and information elicited from hr Uni ted State* DVriet Atut. an a mil-a yaaUrday dieclaacd tha at that nearly fifty wknaaaaa have ; an aah BfifiMpd for the be Word hi hSileNk *UnU! aftar that time, jadgment wiB ad be entered against Noma hi the whiU alavr cam nor agalaat Renter, in tha event he submits, according to the intimation from tha court >- * terday. ; Mikas a dear States* eat. The taatimony given by Nellie Groan, with whom. K wax charged, Noiria made the fatal trips to Wach ington. wai clear cat and conrluaiva. Aaaiatant District Attorney Greaa conducted the examination of the witness as aka told of the different occasions on which aha hard font to Washington with Norris. Her testi mony developed tha fact that tha Party, whan others war* along, free qucntly visited tha liquor store af the Conrad Pag* Company, and on the third trip ska mad* with him •bo told of the fosr tranks of whfe kby Norris brought back So Balaigk. Norris, she testified had Illicit rela tion* with har in Washington at tha Burling Ratal and *■ tha third trip whan they stopped at tha CbeaterQald in PaUrsburg. Upon the direct question touching these relations, the girl broke down completely and it was tome minutes before hat testi mony was rosumad. She testified that she bad aaan Ranger in Wash fwt together. Crou-exauination by Norrta* eoansal draw from bar area mora positive ittUaanti that Norrta had engineered tha tripe, paid the expenaaa and that tha "bad no tost naaa there except to bare a good time.” Lyad. Upaharab TaatWaa. Lyada Upebarth, tha only other witaaoo examined, told of tha third trip made to Washington by Norrta and tba Oraea girl whan die aceom paalad them. She waa eogniunt of Mcrrh* relation* wttb fee girl In Washington and In Potorabarg an that trip. Norrta. on tbh occasion, returned to tabdgh on tha train and checked hack fear traaka and several ■nit cam contain* liquor Lika tha testimony given by tha Orean girl, tha avidaneo aitarad by the Upchurch girt waa amda dotbly aonvinclng by pm tram .gemination. Conneel canid not tan peach bar ^ry, »nd bar retort* carried *tth them MMh time n poaltlveneae that com manded credibility. Ska ateittlnl that aba had not boon tala* a chaato Hfa In kaleigh. and whoa naked by eoanaet far Norrta why dm didn't Hee at borne, aka aneworod; "Botanae I think toe moak at ate ralattv.a. wba ... are living a attoight IMa." Tim gareramaat raatoi wttb tha taatlmony ef tha glrta. aad after a .short conference hita■«■ aoaaaal | roprMoating Norrta, who apaedacad J that the* won Id got reata* g verdict, irnim Caaaar directed a-verldct of •«%•« Norrta waa rimndil to |dl, pending his hearing upon ths liquor smuggling charge. Jsho Ui|M to SehmH. Tho jury summoned boro for the week wore discharged kjr (ho oesrt *t tho conclusion of the Norris com, whoa District Attorney Csrr Its tod that ha had boon reliably informed Senger weald submit to the charge of white slavery. Senger, who ia represented by My. W. B. Joosa, wNI be brought into coart this morning, but from the' intimation of tho' evert it ic unlikely that Judgment will ho catered ia tha caaa against him until after a like cnee charging liquor smuggling is board next week. Bpssiot Grand Jury Builrn Ths special soaaiaa of the FsdatuJ grand Jury ordered yesterday by Judge Connor at the Instance of tho District Attorney will begin next Monday morning when the fifty wit itcmso who have boon subpoenaed will be examlaed. la asking for tbs or der of coart, Mr. Carr stated ordi narily the Dept., of Jostios would oet make nay attempt to enforce tbe prohibition Uws of tho fltstaa pud in this edoe were not going to but that be bod received s telegram from the department advising this somus in view ad the conditions he had boon informed existed. Ths fact ttet liquor wna being brought into Bat elgh hi wholesals quantities and tha reputed sole from which the govern ment received no tax wurraxted the action of the department ia ceoduet ■ng the examination. C.eOorssttse Frustrated. Both Jake Sanger and North, after arrest, were lodged in. Jail without pHslloge of ball and attempts mads by ths pcUeasn to talk srtth tbt two girla.uUo am bold for the Btats eomta upon appeal from police oourt At al at*a>ihum!an port of Ma^acion to °—* Eliho Root, Ambassador »ry waa announced today la a patch to tha Navy The •boot May to Lbs new of Russia and anatintsd aid from tha aot osly IB tha prosecution af semisst tha common enemy the rehabilitation of tha coantry. It was procadod by a at mission af taftread experts, •rrtval already had been 'After a final conference President Wilson and Mr. Root nose mission are traveled overland the Pacific coast aad them a feat naval vessel far the to the Orient. Under the voluntary censorship, at tha request of the gov ernment nearly an Americas news paper* refrained from publishing any thing about tbelr departure er the through which they pamed •Wag tho wuy. Whlls no German •ahmai hies am known to bo operat ing la the PacMc H waa desamd wtea to print no detail* of the trip as til the voyages* were safely tended. Tha arrival of the mission at Petra grad Is awaited anxioaaty. because it is confidently believed hem that the •■■Brant aa R brings from tha Amorl eaa government and peeyte aad the taanael of its members will da mach toward steadying and strengthening MW n uw pnTUWMl (OVOTB BMItt. • TAKE THE UOAN (By Edward EraraU Hala). Come, (ntdoin of tho load, Oo«M moot tho frost deawd, Trao heart aad open head. Take tho loah! For tho hopea tho or* photo aw, For tho award your brothers draw, For Nhorty aad law. Taka the loan) Ta ladlaa of tho load. Ao ya lava tha frallant haad. Who ha»a drawn a aoldlar'i brood. Taka tho loan I Who woaM^hriai them what afao Who woald gloo the saldjet fodd, Who waald eUaaeh bar brother‘a KUmI Taka tho loan AD who aaw hor baste aaaa tty, All who Joined tho partlay try, Whoa wa bade (how do or &, Taka tke loan I Aa ya wlahad thair tiiamph then, zrszLr&tt. a«, Taka the tdbl ¥3i^Ste!w That aarproyara la troth way Haa, WWehWa^L with atoalwl* Oa tha Yard of aarth aad dtlaa. Taka tha laaal ""vx’A-xs'O^ - t. | "IU, imu TtfB rAJUCWIUL Dcin. in. L—Friday aftanmoa 4 JO to I o'clock, ino 1M., Mia. w. A. baric, Jr., *» booor of Mn. Leonard WMto of b« oad tho km vu d»r»rot«d to cany oat tho color ai flak. ••••o boiac mod prnfaooiy (a or «T pan of tho hoooo. A oalad eoano, loo toa oad nodalohoo. and iaotiod moot cocoa Mn Looaord WMto of Btotootf«. Mice Bona Dario oad Mn BMo Jeffreyo of Daaa oad tho,folaataf (tea Dako: Min •■ohol Batik. Mn B. A YorWaafh, Mn B. L. Hanoi. Mn W. Y. Holt, Mn E. M. Healey. Mn B. Y. Dario, Mn W. A. VMM, Mn Montooa. Mn B Bthonaa, Mn 1. ». Booh, or, Mn V. L. Motion Minn Vb » Lm A 4» Si& MAO •