THE DUNN i VOL. IV • Dunn, N. C., Joan 13, 1917 ^_____ COMMUNITY CHAU TAUQUA COMES TO A CLOSE Lmw« Behind a Week of Com munity Upbuilding. GOOD ATTENDANCE TO WARDS THE LAST. Some ml Iks Bnl Lxlam and Malic E»«r Haard in Thl* City. (By J. jTwade) The Community Chautnu>|ti.i that operated in thl* city, cam- In n < |» ■* lm. eluding the versatile Ed Hulling* was enjoyed hy all. but Mr. Huttings did not seem to pul hta heart and soul in the work as Is his usual eus toas. The p|sy eras geod. hut deep and somewhat long. Plenty of epic. wa* scattered here and there but the writer thinks if mom spier and Iraa 1. Birth was used the play would be above its present standard. Hut no Itlrk ia coming 0u the program of Community night. Hood Mesic, Fine Readings, EacalUat Talk. I hr third dny of iho Community < haulutiua was an all-star day. The rfU'inuna un.l evening performance* w,’r‘* ■*“»h excellent. It war feotur • 'I hy good music, line reading*, and on excellent talk. The good music '•'ns delivered by the Tarhaikowsky WUortet; thr line readings of Joarpk 1 •!*' Chilton; the excellent speech, by •>r. Eorle Williams, "the lighting pur on of Chicago." In the afternoon Mias Chilton took up Uie wholo per formance. And her* wasn't a bit tire some, cither. This lady haa boon reared to road and read she can. No • >nr knows thr southern negro and it* dialect bettor than aha, and when he's on the atage lhe aura can put her knowledge into practice and keep -I large audience spell hound by tbo perfect satire of her deliverance. We helievc her to be one the beet Read »m that ever recited in Dunn. The evening performance was in irodumd h> "what-they said" quar tet. Ini by a remarkable Russian leader Ihia four waa the beat poa cible. The pianist played eoroe ftne selection*. The violinist featured hi* part hy the playing of “Buiaoresqwc" and a place he composed himself, both in grand style and Imth beautiful by nature. Playing in pair*, by three*, and by four* thia Quartet delivered some mighty line muaic to form a forerunner for tha great talk by Dr. William*. The latter, looked fresh from the scuffle for right in thr dissolute part* of Chicago. Thar* is no doubt as to what thia Methodist — n.. Munr aw in* WICSCO new* and vie# of the great eity. Hr has perhap# don* more dirret good than any other paalor ia tha fourth and hr made an rnemy of the PoUee ■ nd Detective* lD tb* loginning hy "shewing 'em op" but now be ii Hked hy them all for sheer aid in helping to deliver the goods. He ia physical ly atruaer. and holds a Agon that woald stake a good criminal s**k*r. He has appeared la eoart—not onoa, mahy times—hut against the people that rob and gamble, that love the wickedness that the-alums of a big that Dr. Karle William* can apeak. Kor he aopkn tong, and mad* a friend of all who went away loving "tho fighting parson of Chicago." Sunday Callad Bad Day Band Day fell on the Jb^mth. The urogram waa modified 4Wll ia the keeping of the day. Yet the power ful Royal Blue Hussars Band deliv ■ re# a good eoneert of considerable length and pleased tho audience. Some found fault with the band of musir makers but on a whole It aceau to ua that the musir they made was very high clans and ^ interesting. There's one thing certain—that lead er did lead The evening show sraa -omi-what like the afternoon attrac tion only the selection* were differ ent and many say the night show was even better than Ui* afternoon. Rand Day wan a good day of Com munity Chautauqua alright; there Is no doubt about that. The quartet of Xylophone players were real In teresting and their musir delightful. The l.yric Tenor waa good. Tho last day waa Monday. Thi* day was, too, .an AU-Btar day and 1‘egan and ended welL The afternoon d»ow was nothing more or tens than ft lecture hy the great John Kendrick Bangs, himself. This man Is known and recognised throughout this coun try as one of the nation's foremost Journalist* and writer*, far has alary written many poems. His speech on ‘'Balubritea’* coaid not have been bet ter, so good in fact, that many de pltp* hi* Uia* fka knaf aasf a/ tLa Wlinl* Chautuuqua program. At any r*4* be wna excellent which only help" to prove that Chautauqua* are fine thing* Ui have when yoa want to hear "a grunt m.#" himself. In the evening the port that many bad bera waiting for. came. Thht wax (he concert by the Hawaiian Quintette which ie a thing that la taking onr country by alarm. Thane lain aider* have a remarkable ability Tor making a certain kind of mimic that make* thrill" ran up year back —and dance, Uieee Honolulans can give dance*--. The Quintette de livered too. All kind* of maale came forth and tong* flooded the air.- The pnpntar "White Way" ITonolola pieesa were played. Many malady* »nd trot" wet* rendered that were Ju»t lino. No fault to Ind with the Haw*ilaiM although aome people were * disappointed because they , "* eaaetly like the rceerde , The Uhelclc, the fanny lalano '"•trument was them. too. The ChaMauqo roes away aad leave# mtlefactio* from all iU at tender* in oar eKy. Mim MeU Godwin left Tuesday for Becky Mount, whore ahe will ri*H her "ieter. Mr*. John Near* for* going I* nreenvIHo to eater the tummer rrhuul of the ftoat Caro lina Teacher's Training school. MARRIAGE AT GREENVILLE Greenvillfc, June II_Memorial Baptist rhunh waa tha arena of • beautiful wadding Thursday after noon, whoa Muei Mary Lacy Do pm because ihe bride of John F. Lynck of Duka. The church wua tasteful!) decorated for tba occasion. Tht choir loft and root rum was* covered with white and hanked with farm and palms A profusion of iwaal IHtaa wars used and a soft light war chad from tha many tepera. Mr*. Lina Raker furnished the wrddiaq music. She played Tanhauaer't march at tha bridal party entered the church *„d changed Into Lohan grin’a ‘ Hera Cornea the Bride” aa the bride appeared. Mandcbaohn't wadding marrh wai used as a raciro "lonal. Just before tba ceremony Mim Inez Pittman sweetly aang "At Dawning." The ushers wore first la rntcr the rharrb. They were E. 8. Yarbrough of Duke. R. 8. Kelly of Duke. Roy Henrnr of N«w Bom, and H. M. Phillips. They were fallowed by tha bridaamidt, Miaaas Bettis Pearl Plemlaf and Eaala Wihrhard. who prvceodrd down tha opposite aisle. They wore white net dranees tiijnmpd with pink row bud* tix) large pink maliae hats and carried arm bouquets of pink tweet psaa. They were followed by the maid af honor, Mias Marguerite Higgs, and the dame of honor. Mrs. H. M. Phil ips. Mite Hlgga wore a yellow pussy willow taffeta dress trimmed with orchid rnahno and a yellow «~f orchid mabnr hat and carried lavender sweet peas. Mrs. Phillips won a •hits georgette crepe drew trimmed with gold and n large pink maline het end carried pink tweet peas. Then came the Rower girls, tittle Miaaas Mary Ceekilt PUnnagaa awl Willie IlLi_ Mm . . -—re.. . ov/ wvrv wdim »in armm C* With pink mails* bows nod pink heir ribbons and carried baskets of •waet peas. The bride entered with her mother, Mrs. R Hyman, who mron • *f*y Mlk gown with hat to match and a corsage bosquet of ral ley lilies. The bride eras handsome In a bias silk coat suit with gray slip per* and a black hat. She carried s bouquet of white sweet peas atmow Wlth hk bast mas. F. B. Moran, of Durham. Beet Iks bride at the altar, where Re*. W. H Moor* performed’ the ceremony, wing the ring service. S?!fiS?!52!h IrftVor a brld.1 tow, bfler which they wiU be at home in Dnkr. The hrtde is the oaly daughter Mr*. R. Hyman. Bhe ia an attrac tive young lady and ia popular among a -wide circle of friends. The groom bold* a responsible position in Duka. He baa vtaited her* aerorml times and has won n host of friends. Among the out-of-town gossta present ware Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yarbrough and Mr. K. 8. Kelly, of Duke; Mr. Wm. R- Dupree, of Camp Bickctt, RaMgk; Mrs. A. D. Dupree, of Augusta, Ge.; ***** Rosa Perry, of Macon; Mim Tabitha D* Visconti, of Farm rill*; Mia* Elisabeth Southerland, of ITeiv edrnon; Mr. P. E. Moran, of Durham, and Mr. Roy Hearn*, of New Bern. THE NATION'S CHIEF DANGER Reed Whet the Secretary ml the Treasury Ham to Say—The Na tmea’m Chief Dang., "The chief danger confronting as today, i* the faet that in this great Republic of 100,000,000 population it may be difficult to gat the people aroused quickly enough to enable them to strike the initial blow* effec tively enough to end this war as quickly as It ought to b* ended and as it can be ended if the right sort of organisation can be effected." World Dominion, The Kakar*. AM “There is one remaining military autocracy left, a military aatoerwey the like of which the world hat never IfWITWW kah/fdil k« RM mud n rmal tl laltlras and loetful ambition, whom covetous rye* rent upon tha whole world. HU puryoac today U world riomtnioa. Never since tha daya of AUxander tha Great has sash aa aa darious scheme of world conquest been deliberately convinced and re morselessly organised by any nation. H>et le the thing that threatens the liberties of mankind." The First Necessity—MONEY "That U the problem now. What must America do to meet H? Wan cannot be fought without mosey. Tha eery first atop In UtU war, the nsoet effective atop that wo eouW taka, •ee ta provide tha money far Its conduct." The Liberty Less Must he a S*esses "What aaa yea 4a ta make this loan a aucceaaT Yoa have got to work, gentlemen, to aaake this loan e sure see." The First Defy ml Eeery Man end "ThU bond offering U not going to he saeeesaful of Its own momentom. Kvery nun nd woman la thU country mast realise that the first duty they caa perform for their country U to take some of theeo bonds.* * ' BUY A BONDI THE BANKS WILL KELT YOU Mrs Marsh Marrow was a rWtor in FayattoviOe Friday. REV. S. F. tntGLE Mr. Repigto arrtvpd Tnmday and U twitting 1 *attnr Water* la a ttrlrt of meeting* at the CSrittinn churc h. Service* are being haM nark evening at S o’clock. The pkk l« medially invited to attend. WORTH M. FOF»l> WED TO MISS ACHPTSACH Worth Pope of Up**, North Caro lina. a brother or 0. E. Pope the photographer, and phi know* 'a Tay torvillo, arrived in ‘PyttrWIki yester day morning and atjf *<> «>'-Wek last night in the panon^e tf the Metho di«t rhurch was m to Mit Nora Achonbaek, daugfa r Mr. and Mr*. Fred Achrnbark leal Main Crow •Mwrt. The cc rat perfoiraed hy Rcr. M. G. _ aad area wit aemed by Mr. and C. E. pop*, the only one* who of the en gagement af the Not green Urn of the bride knew of her eei ; or approach tag marriage and ir the cere mony traa porfo > called thorn over the phone them. The bride told n< plana eteept Mr*. C. E. Mitt Alta Loath util last October Ui C t - *. morning, ahdjfy Jyfore noon Edward Pope and Mr i»dMnYMk l*opc left TarJorvOlc by automobile for Dunn, Norm Carolina, and a honeymoon trip through the mat. They Intend to rialt Washington, D. C„ Philadelphia, Maw YeHi and other eastern points. Tbay expect, also, to spend a few days ia each of the state capitals through whirh tbay p— Last fall when the Popr-Umb wadding occurred. Mr. pope was too busy to be away only tor a few days. Hence his trip was postponed until this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wftttli Pope expect to remain in Dunn. North Carolina. Ha has bean connected with a largo lira company but b now planing to •ngmre In farming The bride ia a very charming and estimable young Mdj. She moved with her parents t» Taylorrille from the Aehenbarh farm several years agn. She is prominent in social and church circles and is *„ extremely attractive young fill During the absence 0f C. K. Pope from hie studio, the pMm wlH be In ehargu of C. Breland of Grand Kapids, Michigan. Mr. and Mr*. Bevcland have farted the Pope cob u«e on Warn vtee atr^t „d will eceupy it unlil the Popes return from Iheir trip through the east.—Tap lorvilla (in.) Cesfftor of Juno 4th. PRESIDENT RIDDICK RECEIVES HONORARY DEGREE In presenting the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon Prasident RWHich. Dr. Henry R. Drinker. Pres ident of [.Thigh University, said! '"Wallace Curl Riddick. President Agrlcaltum and tfeehanle Art*,—an Institution in Engineering and ladaa trial Education in that (Teat State wWeh Has the dl*l active American impreaa of a eS’tnnalilp composed pnrticaOy wholly of Amereaa (torn citiaene, a stsU of />ardy. honoat Am man and women, toyml to lU traditions of service,- patriotic^— progiaaalve.—wW*h roao llmealx-Hke from the ileaelatim of the aril war, *04 today la known aa a State strid forward la tho development of Mrirultara, industry, and edacatlon. —Ao yoa, distinguish, d son af we tender the luring greeting of an Ahaa Mater vhm your etrm at KmfffnMr and fine*** h»« h,rMy "•nored, and wo eewvey through yoa to our plater educational inatitatien* of the Sooth greeting and Godspeed In Umir work." Tho Summer School at the North Carolina State College of Agriealtara *nd Engineering epaned Taeaday In Raleigh for affording to tear hem and ««>■• preparing to teach primarily an oPpartnuHy ta St ihemneWe* fog thla work ft h expected that Urn registration srIS exceed any prorioua r*«r'« slUmUae* F ON VILLE.RAGSDALE MUFTI AL Fmmay Spring*. June 7—The ■wat brilliant (octal event of the sea »-)0 wax the marriage this afternoon at 6 7u at the Baptist Church of Mim Lena Ragsdale, accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Rag*. 4alr, of Fuquay Spring*, to Mr. D. It. Konvllle, of Burlington. The Hiurch building vu c la her* Lely dc roraied for the occasion, and pr«**o led scene of anomial beauty. The reremuny was performed by Rev. J. O. Alkinaoa of Elen CoUrga. > **“■ Emily Young, of Doan, M. aang “Because" followed by “At Dawning," Mbs Jennie Atkinson pre • kling ut th- piano. MIn Young wu *" splendid voice and charmed her hearer*. The usber* wen. Mimes Katie hat Morrio. Winston-Salem; Faarl Tay lor. Oxford; Saddle Fonvilto, BorHng to*i •'><* Besato Johnson, Cardenas. Clyde Morris was maid of hon or. while Mr. C la ads FonviWe, broth ni the groom, acted as beat man. l-ittle Miss Juanita Sorrell wan ring bearer. The bride was married la irnihg away gowa of blaa, with sceea arte* to mulch • The bride baa long baa® • lender la the social Ufa of the aommanily. nod is one of the meat popular ytnag ladies ever reared here. Bar going win mean a distinct tom to the town. The groom to an able young lawyer 9f Burlington, with largo rliewtito. and to vory popular la his home city. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs FonvlDe toft far Washtog toa, D. C., and other points on a® as tended wadding trip. They will ha at home, Burlington, N. c., after Jane 70th. MUTING OF CITIZENS A (Mating of tha cttacna wan held at Uamaa A Holiday's More at the call af MeD. Haidar, af the Chamber of C>M|Mte, and tha Flm National Bank, Bask af Capa Fear aad Slats Bank * Trust Ca. ta discus. mean* of «tim elating nln af Liberty Loan Bouda last Mooday afternoon. “»• A a. Tajdar waa elected chairman of the _ M. B. Wilke waa aW— „ Mr. 0. K. Grantham briefly the object of tha I rrUid tha part North Carolina had played in tha preaerntion of them. Rer. J. M. Waters emphasised the B^cuwity of a common sense economy that would enable people to fairest ia 1 liberty bonds without tatsrruptiaa to tha present economic life of tha country. M. R. Wilke* briefly out lined tha plana far handling bond subscriptions. Mr. Eli. Goldstein called tha attention af tha meeting to the attrartirsaam of Liberty Lena Bond, as an investment aad tha ncmMtr or the public absorbing tha i.sue tn order to keep tha wheel, of commerce moving. Mr. MeD. Holliday spoke af tha increased activ ity dor to war condition, and paint ed oat that tha bond none would (wrve to support tbs present high price* of our prudent*. Mr. /. L. Thompson started the subscription lid by announcing that it was time for action and that ha would increase bh present subscription Mr. Qeo. L. Cannady followed him with a stir ring sper-rh calling upon tha farmers ta taka an active part la sabacrib (eg and iacreaaad Ms snharrlpUow. Mrs. On Goddard than mid that the public always depended span perron, ha had aftra hoard of call ad ‘Them” aad that H waa rvery bsdy's duty to taka a part and not leave it to a few. Mr. D. C. Fua eell of the Bank of Caps Fear an aouncsd that his mstitutiss would rarsivs payments on bauds sw a weekly basis. Subscriptions totall ing $1,400 wore received at tha mist log. THE SCOUTS DID THEIR PART The Bay Sroate did their part In the Chaataaqua work Uwt haa jut torn to a ffcao. Not caly did they aaher aad appear In aniferat hut they aided generally aroaad the Mg brown teat. They bilged to carry all the aaata from the School Haea* to the teat aad then after the riaae of the eerie* of perfinaaaroa the Seonta wore lint onat to grab ■ raw of aoate to carry hack (ate tha VeOd Ing. Par. about aa haw tha Boy Senate Helped to carry tha aaato hack in the School Hen* and whan they |j*d flniahed the Ckaataugaa reantt* too were thoroaghly aatiefled tint tha SreaU had doao their part. And tot It ha ramomteerd that a weak w aa thA fVdataoqtn cjum Um Kcoou did a Mg pile of adverting. Soodtag the town* with crouton of the gnat movement. Nest thing on the program: tha ■ala and deliverance of tha Liberty leta Bond. Rrr. B. P. Bpoigto. of Mohlto, Ala. arrived h* the city Taooday u aa atot Paator Water* In a earlea of awet •age at the ChrMton thunk. Bar vlcaa win Ha Hold each evening at ■ o'clock. The paMto to —Til Mr. and Mra. A. 1. BUM af Bil •iRh an ten at tteir cam far a in days. Mte Emily Yng af Daaa tea If tanaad to ter tern aftar uno tte hpiili RterlRa — Trtfln. in which tte tank part. Mr. C C. FoariUo aad ten tea Mamir aad India raartta af Barttetoa ten ratamad to tteir ten* after attendm* tte-‘ro of tteir hrotter ten. Mm. L V. Woathk of Vhwtea. ■aim tea tttamd to ter team aftar a vtoK to Mra. E. J. ~g- aad Mm. J. R. Edward*. Mra. i. D. to la Watfe lartaa. D C„ adtoadag tte naaiaa af tte—y. Mra. W. H. Jam af Ratoigk to ten tte paaot af ter Mater. Mra. A. T. South. Mira Bottio BBto af Virginia to tte attract*. ffwmt af Mtoa Rate Jote Wadaaaday raaraiaf flora 10 JO until It Mra. V. 1. MUr taiaad tte Brahrotery dab at tte team of ter Mat, Law. i*aca, ia teaar *f ter atoter, Mte Laaa Wanda*. tte hrida af tte waak. Tte raaapttea ha* parte ted Iteary wan teaaUfpOy dwwat.d to patted plaata aad naaa. Uttla Mte Mary *•*■*■*• mtk ntsta at tb iMt. .Mia Facit Kflaod iatn4«Md tom to tte naateiag Itom, which ia dadad tte Widal party aad Mra. W. Lit Edwards, J. Howard, C. K. CM, A. J. TfateW V. O. TUly, o. w. Mateo, B. C. VUl W. C. lurk, A A. twill, T. B. Law. nraca. J. H. Lswter. J. B. aad B. J. fctedala, B. B. -1 Mteaa Paarl Taylor. Oxford; Etely Yarn*. Mateo ToarlBo, Bariiaytoa; Clydo Morris, Ditte; Mat; Paarl Bland, Ante Laa Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Atkinson ad noa Coilaca an teMa« Mr. J. B. Inbaeea, at Ik -iknlii i~. lien Mrs. E. W. Mania aad tfki Batts* bet Karri, aad Witt Mania mt Praak liataa bare returned after -*»— -»■— the “i^iilik rnaillle auatiala here Mm W. H. Barter,TteT l^i of her aate HAMETTT BBCtlTHATlOM Call le Service is Awwwd by Mia *o avoid oberlac fee to lam. TW raciatratisa board --nynnl rf Sheriff W. B. Tarilayloo, dark af BMarior Ceari, W. P. Byrd ad CoMtJT rhyelriaa./. W. Halford Mat tt the earn* beast Wodeoadey aad lobahtid tba wgblstha, «tdcb •haaa the f oUoarla. frata tbo errors] votta* yrocinrto af the oeeaty: WHIT* Aadrraea'o Croak Aroraabora No. I Ar treat or o Na. • - KJbJMfr A SHERIFFS ORDERED 10 ARREST THOSE NOT REGETERINO Cwr—‘ Biafcatt Wirao |». HOW DRAFT WILL BE MADE Baaed «a flmmaMl'i Eili Mai aa * ~i~~ *—*1 — * C«WMr Wctott. ia errordanco with War Department toatm«iif.n», Monday marwtnp wtrvd the MurKT •f Mwr North CoroMaa county to ar «•* ovary bm who ehould have rc* Mand aador aeWctfr* draft In hi* eaaaty aad failed to da eo. The tiuv eraar'e telepram fallow*: "tko War Departoaeat order* (hr amto of every man wheat daty it wao to nr*Inter ud fail*,! to do M. Plaaaa make a erarrhinp hmUci Uua la every precinct ia year eoanty. aad tf a Maple man foiled to repi*. tor aeeardiap to law. report the *mc to the are real United Stotoa attorney or marahal aad tha delinquent will ba arreeted at oar*. North CereUaa NChtirail more am then the pnv —eatlatatod K would accord top ta our pepulaMoa. Thia line fact mafcaa it all (ha mom Important to rrpuim all dellmjovnte to be nrtrister •d- Whoa ninety-nine men volnn tartly do their daty. tt hi the evenev of j entire to (he ninety-nina to coat pel the haedrveh man to do Ma. The . 4BOU mm Worts Carolina will ha baaed oa the original estimate at the (Miraaiel. ud not oa oar artaal registration. Therefore every addi tional man mbtent, of that win he far eery I re*** r»od Marshal Crowds i ia a tele* to the adjetaat-generara ef Attention (a to paragraph sixteen of the ragalarlns*- ft fa manud that ee "T effort ho bow made to ilsteet and arreet persons subject to registration who have not registered and to bring ooeh cam promptly to the attention of the eeorest representative of the D^wrtmeat of Justice. Wide pubHe itp Should he given to the effect of sen-registration is increasing the harden af those who have registered. MIa ease of doubt as to age of prw •°a» who have not registered the tab ulated record of peVtieel oTgaaika tions and ether local record* should he nuaktd sad data may be obtain ed from the Burma of the renew The purpose of this telegram Is to (n totwsto from tomorrow s vbenrow ■BBrmsdvo end effeetivo enforcement ®* the penal clause, of the selective all who have hy ftilwt or rifimt t* f^fUter brought themtelvm under those prow ifiona. The Departamnt of Justice ia sending today similar advice to United dittos attorneys aad marshals wKh instruction* to rtlease on their own rrengiiiasm ra II nrrsnna rmted by mn-^hal* or by State, coon tyaod n ru.rfpal police officer* and trnnml aver te them who promptly ■v»t—r trader the tor.. Pffik f«rty. registration regulation* Tb. Secretary of «p conetnKo Um See of tb* selective service law *a requiring rntaynleory registration hT^tb^effieer maklag tb* arrert of upon hie ronvteUoe." ******** PRICKS IN PKR CENT HIGHER THAN YEAR AGO Waahtogton, Jim* II.—The lave) uf price* paid prndacerr «f priari pal cropa on Jane l was OS.S par cent above the part aiae poor** aw ■tags o« that date, tb* Department of Agriculture reported today. Prw Aim ad ml enimnh on May 1* cemteed (Id par. cent more than a poor ago and 71 per cent more than * overage price *a that Sato la •ha lart arvea pears. The nompeMta ecadWen of aR rropo on Jane I oaa AS per cent be low their MR year average on that CARD OP THANKJ •••■ Ni Mi*. D. R. Colne with to oelfhhom ami frieods fwtha many bindnem rhnwn them S«Ni»« tho recent (tineas and death •f their little aaa. May Cod’s rieb “* Momtagn mat upon each one. Jlrrace Raaom. of rayetteeMo