THE DUNN » VOL. IV ' i __ .... Dan. N. C, Jaw 17, 1117 UTCH HALT miUJUn JOIN IN WAR SERVICE wmnN3 MONTHS Thk Nun Ur EalUted U U. 5. Army lad Navy STRENGTHEN EACH PART KagvUr Army NauU| 220,000 Mark. National Guard «*■—«-»-f Half Thai H—Ur Washington. June 24.—Mara than half a million man have volunteered la the American army and navy dur ing the period of loss than throe months that has elapsed since vsr was declared to exist. The army, navy and Battens! guard represented an aggregate strength of Utile more than 200,000 man when the war resolution vaa adapted. To day between TOO.OOO aad 200,000 are enrolled in the various branches of the Agfa ting services aad the great majority of thorn are armed, equip ped aad under training. They wfll he Joined at the end of tho summer by aaarty a million man selected for tho new notional army from tho miUioai registered for war duty Jane 2. Tbs regular army totalled • tittle more than 100,000 man three months ago; It la searing the 220,000 auk today and war department officials hucksd by the pram ef the country, are bending every effort to Wring It up to 200,000 during the prmeil week. The national guard, 160,000 strong ” ■■ ■■ uumimii UW17 m’lVf 000 today according to the beat **U mafea aval labia Of that gmhc “•arty 76,000 aetaaBy arc under arms guarding agalnct German plat ton and doing ih* jab m a tbaroagb aad soldierly way as shown by tb* trivial damage tb* plotter* ban been abt* t* inflict Tb* maria* corps, who* aiogaa of “Ant to flgb»“ baa baaa nrpml.d by tb* go vara men* is -“r btag ar •-■amaed ragtowot ef ata soldier* to Mg, Oeaeeal Pershing* aspodttkn ar} futt* t* 7. :<*m, baa beea rate** «*«* nadar Vice-Admiral «—« ar upon armed freighter*, has beea rak ed from Uee than *0,000 to ISO,000. The bay* of the country have throag •d to tba navy ta aacb number* that recruit stations could sot bo bum fait enough to accommodate them. An entirely new feroa of railway engineer* for duty la Prance to handk railway problem* behind tba flghtlag lines, eke baa beea creet *4- Recruiting figures are not arail nblt, but it b known that some of the ragimeato are at full strength aad ta go. Probably 12,000 men ha** joined these regiment*. Party thoueand picked man are as dor strenuoe* training at tba officer*’ training camp* Waring good junior officer* for tba national army. Other thoueand* are dolag their share at «h* medical eorpa and engineer corps training camp* aad still other* ere wttb tb* naval coast defense reserve . keeping tb* Atlantic coat free from tb* submarine asenace and Waring a clear road for tba su dices stream of cargo canton which are taking thnaaanrl* of tone ef American war and feed to tba Franck. Belgian, Brttkh aad Italiaiw. Tba immediate need, admiaktra tloa officiak believe, k to VrW tb* raguler army ap to Its full strength without delay. These are tba first 1W troops, the men who will be tbs Ant Americana to face tb* German Imsta. They will b* tb* boa* aad ■Anew of General Pershing'* army. th* pwmt *wk u nmWatfMk for the regular*. Secretory Reker hM (ought tho (Id of all nswepsperm to the and that 700,00* man -t.n h* enrolled before Iona SO. fcoeralttag o flic era throughout the eoaatry hove beoa instructed to ad rba with newapapera in their aaetioa t» work out ways of stimulating la The goraraaaeut ha* found Ua F»i eager to aid In making th* nation ready for war. WHh tho papain of each locality *«m»| up the campaign fee recruit. a* a local T» ,lV OP of th. rank* on aehodulo Urn. u rugardod a* u euree. •rigadier Oeaoeal kfeCsla, adjut ant gunaral af tha army, pointed out again today that nador th* aalaa Ue* army bill, wary man who estea teora la th* ragnlata now bum any wlU ho required to famiah la tho national army. A careful reooH of dal* distribution of roeruita is km<it| kept. McCola abs dirnota nttew tbnte^Us fast that after tha mill abaad, th. saty ^T^te BACK INTO CAW Thaee Vk Have Beam Dsfag Gate Doty Raters to Camp Re ye tar Today Golds boro, Jane 28—Camp Kay ■tor, located at tha Wayas const; fair grounds. Is today recatying th< finishing toachaa la order to ha It flnt-claaa condition by Tuesday, what tha Guardsmen, who have been dolnj guard duty throughout the State, wli coase to. Every corporation of any «t— thai has enjoyed tha benefits of pretec tiov by the Guardsmen has bean notl ltd by tha War Department that sue! guard duty has terminated aad th« troope will be at once withdrawn foi duty in tha training eamps. with J passible few exceptions, where it U considered absolutely nacamary tc maintain uniformed guards. Thasi corporations hsva bees advised U famish their own aantlaak aad guards Reports to the regimental head quartern in this city dww conclusive hr that no sortoas attempts have hear made to damage or destroy public 01 private property hi the State, and too people as a whole are loyal aad can be depended upon. It k painted out by local oScen of the Guard her* that with the can contention of the National Guard urn dar federal Jurisdiction, beyond State control, tha question of local pretec. tioa will undoubtedly engmgs tha sail ens attention at State authoHtlm as requests tor protection of utUt ttoe win, according to their opdnton, continue to bo mads aa to tha past that where those who request It can not provide their own protection it ■beuld look U State and mualeipeJ franmiU far aidJa adrilthro than to tha State may be contrasted by tba necessity of SSttt sort of polios constabulary fores ii tha absence af tte National Ouard. bar of Hen are still needed. SOUTHERN EMPLOYEES SUB. SCRIBE TO -UBRRTY LOAN” Washington, D. C., Sana 28 th.— Foot thooaaad, three haadred and forty three employees af tha ffentb ana Railway System subscribed to tha "Liberty Lean” under tha pfca outlined by President Fairfax Kar ri*0® anthorixiag payment af rubacrip tione In twelea equal monthly 1— mante to be dad acted from UmIt tal ari aa. Comptroller A. H. Plant, chairman of tha committee appointed to tha eabacrtptlona, glees out tha fob lowing latter arrittoa him by Agent John Duff, of Dennistoa, Ve., as illaa tratiea of tba loyal feeling af tba Sauth^-a employee, to tba Country la tha present crials: “1 herewith attach yon application Manic far *100.00 worth at Liberty Boada. I am only roeoteiag SM.00 P«t mouth tor av eareicaa, and I am t«« old to join tha army, an I will •Gat my family saaaa and contribute to tha call of my country. I do think that ovary railroad man should con tribute to these beads **>-t cannot gfva hie services. We cannot allou Bb German K alt err to come bare and wroefc our homaa aa they have dona Belgium and Franca. When thaaa are paid for I win contribute more if needed.** NEWSPAPER CHANGES HANDS O. J. r, tha CHatoa, N. C, Jwm 14,_TM« weak’, tana of tha h^a. •rat can-tea aa aaaattactmaat that •fll W af iotaraat arar tha State. Tha former awaarm of thU paper, Moaara. T. H. aaf Theodora Patrick, Jr., announc* that tkey have aald ta Mr. O. J. Paterae a. of P-mrir*. La Mr. Peteraan, who la a gradaato of Wake Poraat OoUaca and a maa of «*••» a attar* aad wide aaperteaaa h aqalppad far the adHotahla of tha Damaarat. Ha haa hadwawaLT ar oxpariaaea, kata* at oaa time edi tor of tha LaaaWrtoa Argoa. Of late yearn Mr. Pataaaaa haa haaa a loader la tha «—■rfriag prof *a •tea la Lewlateaa. Ha la a nattr* of Oeaaty. aad Ha i*tm to tha homo of Ha birth la halted with teMcht by the paayla af CHatoa aad ®*mRaaa. Tha paHttea af tha paper wtn ramala tha maw. Thay will ha of I* aad win ha Srot aaa The war aa to tka raoolta af raerattiito weak oama ha aa wwiui r&uru u 5 POND LfllAlM 1 Iwmtlil Mn«h| CImm •! finbj tarlu Chareb—Other Newt The people of Duke have reepoad ad eery liberally Indeed toward* nb 1 In* tbo $400,000 allotted to Msrtl 1 Carolina aa bar portion of tbo om 1 hundred million doUnm to he —1— ; «hl» week In tha United State, bj 1 tbo Bod Crate. About flve kusdrec poople of Duka have contributed and the total amount la now Mil. Thii oonma ebaoet entirely from the opera, tlvn# of The Erwin Cotton Mills Co Tho emounta were paid In ~.v mn/ ralaod in two days. Mr. E. T. Dash was appointed Treasurer and has tbi funds in hand. Other plaeos in Hsr nett Coanty are making efforts ts raise emounta for tbo earn*_ and Harnett County will certainly do bar Mwra. Fsr * fow years tbs taxmen throughout the root sin taction of Harnett have boon growing nnMI s mounts of wheat. This year theeroy Is larger and will make goad yields The Erwin Cotton Mills have about fifty acres already harvested and an ffottiag something ever twenty bush el* to the acre. ■ov. J. K. Hall pastor « Prmby tariaa church assisted by Dr. J. J. H1U of Bod Springs closed a vary successful meeting Wednesday sight. Dr. Hill who is treasurer of tho Pay •ttevilk Presbytery did all the Praachlag. HI* ssttMO. ware vary forceful and much enjoyed. Sever sl joined tha ehareh. Mr. and Mrs. X. Q. Rawlings of Wllsoa spent tba weak and with theta daughter, Mta. W. A. White. WUID raum AND VZCITABUI Kakigh. Jim *8— Dried mg» Ubka and fruit* tlmi do not taste »k« hay. Inch a preduct b umilili »d win be'tamed ant in North Con*. V>*AhM poor hy the thousand* of The high price* and the I of drying or erapnsutlng theae rege tahka and fruit*. 80 great has baan the intereat in North Carolina in thk **■***■ th. Department of A*lej£. m eantiy oant State Herticuhurkt W. N. Butt and Assistant Horticulturist C. D. Matthew, to Maw York to in Tcctlgsta the moot improved and ap proaad method* of cwaaerriag per. bhnbk food prodnctn by tha rarioua dryiag pm r seats, whether linrrftnd “ •mporattng, dehydrating or itm\ eating. An of thee* variously dm scribed methods have for their object ths drying ef the products at lew enengb tempertur* to avoid driving off the essential oik which con tala tha Savor and yet at n ouAckntly high temperature to drtre off the moisture quickly and thus avoid dm teriotlon. Vegetables and fruits dried and mved by that# modem methods have a delicacy of flavor that wonld net bo suspected by a ay see who baa been accustomed to products dried in the sub. Mean. Butt and Matthew*, after investigating the cosuerrrial ykote and n number of siaalWr out flta for bom* drying, decided that any iatsM'-get housewife ce 04 turn out Jnat as good products aa the commercial plants. Mr. Matthew* has prepared a bulled* describing tha •mpreeed methods ef drying aad giv ing directions for making an evapora tor for homo ms*. Thk bulletin wffl he evaikhk within a few day* aad Carolina without Co*. #It b tatotnaUn* u not* la Mi coanaetioa that white Ihb country haa bana backward la tha —«*— of lw P****d aaathoda of drytar raaotablao aad fralti than worn 411 nmwonlal dahydratia* ptenta la Qorauay bo faia tha bocteata* af tha war. Tha aatobar baa aa daaht iaeraaaad ateea than. It b alao Intanottn* to Data that ana Naw York caacarn oaao aaoatho a*. fllted aa atdar for 40,000 paando af eabha*a far tha rraach Arayi 44,004 poanh af Mod cab ba«n b o^nlnatent to 400,440 paaada wt f roan eabbafa. bparto af tha Do partauwt af Afrinlbn at Wa f ton aad of *. Mata ar it that a lar*. wba* af i, by tbwoo.teaa aad la aoap i_o, »»d of fnHo wttj harooftor ba and af dry "Oarmbroad far I aM of tha war," b a i by tho Now York ~ With South, wta ba aa MASON'S uumoH A success a* H<U •( toa of Scottish Etta Maaona of North Carolina apntf la tha Maaonic Temp la m North Front atraat at 10 JO a'ctaek r^lsidu morning. Tha proved a eaeeaaa beyond tha of these la charge, and is new aaaarid eg aa annual even along with the opting and fall re union*. ' Degree* treat thl fourth to 14th in chief re, wore eaaderrad by the Johnson Blakely Lodge of Perfection, and ftoa* tha lSthto 10th, mcluirt. by Gags faar Chafe* No. S, Boee Croix. EUa Goldstein, rfDunn. was elect ed pmaldeat of thdiaewly organised cla*i M. M, Malgl£*, of WilabtgL tea, op* sleeted ..fc-tary-treasurer. da. of Dugn. •ere made bgW I Jaatca L. H. Pickett, ’ decormt Niea Locy 1 °f the <!• fornlshad by H™- „ Him Kettle Foard, Mi* Jolla j and Meeen W. B, Mum. WUBe j and New! bold. fH* i o'clock Lib erty Coeacfl of No. », will confer degree* ft* j l»th to aOth ineiuaive; at • e>* afternoon. Wilmington No. a. will trader the Slat 1 itgTem Dlanar aad 7*0—WIL mingtoa Star Puqtmy l Yancey aad and Mia. ] Nelaon. of tide moraine *or to thair Mine Holes f» the popular X Joaoo UffcP*day for a visit to New York. ~ Luther SorrsDt aad family of Ralaitk spent Banday here with frienda Xis. James Edwards and family of Kaklch apant the week-end here with hla brother. Dr. J. X Edward* and family. X E. Prince *(K> family ef Ral aiqh are ipendlnf asms time hare with the families of J. E. 8aaaoma and J. W. Prince. Miaa Lottie Los Jonm of Ek)n Collar la hero eWtinq bar annt, Mm. *• D- Chamylan at Campion Hotel Mim Minis Jowm mom dalmbt Mr entertained the Embroidery CW> at her loraly homo on Fuquay aroano last Friday from td« until 5:30 p. m. The IWn( room and ro c*Pt«on hall was moat artistiaaDy dacarated ia cot Sower* and patted plants. Mim JaMp waa ambled in mwertatain, by 3 MLm hJ! «• Jonas of Holly W«s. and Mm. X X Sutton. Aft» a pleasant hour of coneereation and ttaaie tba yoast* VT\ 1”'riUd j**0 ** *“»n* room, wWch • bow4 of beauty, nao tartlwmo baby need profomly. A delicious mlad com** followed by aa ka course waa asrvod. Beside* tba chib member* Ml* Jon** had as b» fu*"**. I". N. c. Newbold of a«lrf«X Mm. W. X Lynn, fc.. Mm. J- D »nu of Baklch. Mr*. V. X Wollo of darkariOA V*., and Kioooa - ~ ---- »« n«««, mum Jonw °* *»Up SpHaga, Lottta Lee Jomm of Blon CoUego. ' * “* Un~ *sc- Now bold n4 ipont the weak, and yrttb Mr*. Nawbald’a aktar, Mr* £ t>. K. Richmond a*d Mr. Rkhmond R. *. Root ha* ’ fotaraad . »** to Wrighueilfc Baaeb, attand Uc the Banker*' Jpaemfcty **' *• A. ButtoO* confined to Ua b^«. gu, t»C ®» nicely. ^nrtotafad Edna CarroD of Many>a bar* f«n*d to tbofr Mr*. J. O. Ball aid daughter, An* •* «-W%b. bar# murnul u tb* »• A. Joaa* aad Mr*, b l. Lawrtnea. MU near linden PaMtUnn., JuhT tl.—A Brown Wilkir, A wvIMbiWi ftniar ^nd Confederate veteran of tbla county M mt hi* bomakaar UmSmTSZ aftarnooa. Mr. Ufcar whe wa. to Mb Slat year, hadVkTn IB far maa f"*; **• Wm «■*«* tba Boat prom* inaat men of hk aMn of tba coon !?■?<« S'*** e !»!•**. H. la mr. ’*r** W bit aaaaad wM* and oa* W- M. WaBfer, clerk af tba MparMr court, of Cumberland eoua *P- Tba faaaralWfn ba b*M at Ida REUNION IN CUMBERLAND Oh Hudnl Present, Put. Pshia Called ta Philadelphia. Dako, June *4.—Thursday, Jus 21st at the home of Mr. Bailor Ivans In Comharland County near Fayette ville a reunion of the descendants of Johnathan Evans and Mary Smith was held. About one handled rela tives ware present and (peat a very pleasant day. A picnic dinner was served la th* grove. The tables war* laden with sa abundance of good things to eat along with tea tea, coffee, and lemonade. Immediately after dinner the crowd gathered in front of tho horns and Capt. J, S. Evans of Livingston Texas gave a short history of the Evans family. Many things of interest as wall as history of Cumberland County were reluted by Captain Evans Aa«M some of those were Capt J. 8. Evans, of Livingston, Texas, with two af his daughters, Mrs. Emily Uobioaon, daughter- aad grandaughter from South Carolina. Captain Evans aad Mrs. Robinson are the only two Br ing children of Johnathan Evans aad am seventy four and nighty Sve yners old respectively. Others present ware Masses.- John Evans, Bailey Brans, Fairly Patterson, Marshall Williams. John Elliot Das Hagfa Shaw, Henry Williams, Tom Pordle, Ospt WU liable, Peter Williams. Hr. Carrie Mr. Dick; Mr. Franklin McNeill, E. S. Yarbrough. Along wtth these were their wives aad children all of wham composed a happy party at ahont one hand red. Prof. B. F. Dalton was Sunday called to Philadelphia oa account of the death of Me brother. Prof. Dal ton just last week returned frem Philadelphia wtth the report that hit brother was much bettor. An opera tion had been pnemesry following pneumonia, but later another opera tion was necessary aad It was at this time the dosth occurred. Tho yoang man was a medical student. **• K. Parker to W. H. Bolder M OCIM h» U. L. R. Township, —nrtfir etion IMS. , John L Roberta > nmlm Ca. he John A. MrUei and wife 4 late la ^saa aassuatte Bailie J. Pardie 1 let ia Dean, eoa eideratioa ISM. C. D. Bhduua to G. 8. Lea I lots in L)ann, consideration 1100. J. W. Pardie trustee for Pardie Hooks Co. end Stephens Howard Go. to J. L. Johnson It seres la Blade Riser Township, consideration |lr 14B.fl. R. 0. McNeill end W. W. Allen mortgaree to Tobe Cameron 714 acres la Stewart’s Creak TspadHp, consideration HOC. Saw McDoagaid to Sophy Brown 94 seres la Avermsboro Township, consideration 9M. John A. Weeka to J. L PiiiUj 9H acres ia Averashoro Township consideration ft mad lore and affec tion R. M. Coats end wife to E. M. Hen by 1 loU la Coats, considcraion 1100. R. C. Bpmce to W. R. Johnson tl 1-5 an«a in Neill's Craelc Township, consideration |S00. J. Willie Moore to Alonxa Parrish 107 acres ia Grova Township, con sideration *1000 and other valuable considerations. O. S. lee to R. L. Cod win 1 acre ia Averaaboro Township, considera tion 160. R os tell Layton to Elisabeth Tntalere % acre in Daks Township consideration $180. H. B. Woodley to K. C. Byrd 149 ecrce In 8tsmart's Creek Township, considerations. Naneey Jans Wicker to James B. -v Km iu u. b a. iownsnip, consideration I SCO. John K Hodges trustee, and the Bank of Harnett to Roes Beat 1 lot la Dunn, consideration S1000.—Har nett Reporter. GREATEST HOARD OE COLD EVER ASSEMBLED How Took, Juno it.—'Th# count what government officials he Here th# great am hoard of gold rear stor ed simultaneously In one place la th# history of the world, consisting °f English, French and American coin* aad bull ton that Have al gone Inta th* moltlag pet, together, total lag »7«5,**©,MO, Has jest bean com pleted at the United Stats* aaaay ef flee her* “without a penny found to bo missing,” k waa announced today by Edward F. Leach, head of th* aottlaawnt committee now taking the annual Inventory and audit of th* office. Verne M. Be vie. superintendent of the office, said bullion now aa hand b more than ton times Urn normal overage of previous year*. Us* bom* pood acta always In pre ference to food and food staffs fm portod from ether section*. Th* nll wapu era kaadleapped already In tneir aarviao to their country and th* V-n* •f throe products they have to haul the hotter coa they serve the Hatton. •ONE DKY LAW W EFFECT SUNDAY omm Staten, a* a whole, aad feorteaa State* a* far as their dry nabdtain. ioae at* ran* erne I, wll ha affected Joly let next by the aaUaSncsNStaff Md bow* by act. which wfll ye iata •«e*t oa that data, Ilfcl t* Way** B. Wheeler, yiaitml — r~T-* of the Aati-Salaoa Leaya* *4 faetad a* a who**: Unhewn. Art saas. Cole rede, Georgia. Idaho, la diaoa; ia dhyoda, Iowa, Naina, Kata eaa. Wnta^yi. North Caiatiaa. North Dakota, OMoboi*. Orayoa. S. Carolae, Both Dakota, Taawaaaaa, Viryinlm, Waahlogton aad Wert Vita tints. •Thaae Btatce wll be affected ta the dry aahdiThtaa* carertay thotal •and* of citiaa, ePtayw. tawadUya aad cauatiaa: California, Caaart ieot, Delaware. Matrhad. Tam. Vrraoat, Laalaiaaa. Now S*aqSkt, Now Toth. Otaa. Ehoda tataad, Meta acHraeeUa aad Nl— ltd. The taw hee—e« *yatln la A lacks. April M. l»l»I — — ‘ December SI. Illli Otah. A«wt 1. 1SIY; laditwa la dhyata, April «. ISIS. “Vietatleae of theca acta ar* yoahh ad hy a y north Icffa* at SIAM ar ■ta month*' lyyfcwd cr tarth. «r*d it wa. originally yhato to to pUytd o« July 4th, aad ta hooping with tha day. However, tha Bay ^^a^tove toaa grantsd that day wffl occupy tto toSttok a grand feature at tto WWta Way theatra, aaaely, "Tto Adventure ad A Bay Scout." Hence Mn. Yeung piatym •4 tor affair aad aa tto —e«i«g af July ath aa rtttairina af tto tthta patriattoa will eoear to tto dag. lag af this Baa patriatto play. It will cover tto nhjset baa to. ginaiag to aad aad wtH to featured by aaaMroaa Soldier Soya, Bad Qraat Nona, aad Boy Beaato. Everything contained to tha play wil toast to blending one Baa aninfral of In terest and patriattoa. By ■tliallia this play roe wffl tore tto apper taahy af casing a Baa dm aad ad tto catot thac a toning ap of that •rest virtue ghtriathto Aha tto play Iteotf wffl bo far tto toasdt ad tto Library to to coca taataOod ta thia city aad It wffl to caBod a con tribution to tto library rand. BCD CHOM KHICMTB ‘ i will M a m* Groaa Kalehtl I will war tha fllaal 1 WZ ■earn may Maw tha aUrrfae Ufa; Soma may wta a m*L ^sruraM."^ Yk5» - *— I may halt aaS aaw aa4 faM; 1 «*T “S* •»* f**a Paantaa, doOan, aataa a* eaU That oar hay* may In. atSSsasLT -JasatJafer-m Tha thawmin af tha NOBTH CABOUHA STATB OOLLBOC OB AOBIOULTOBC AND BNQINBXB mo ayyaan la thia tna a< tha Ma *» to t^aaaahi^ aj I I BftlNQI Ml AT AUCTION

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